
darth_borehd's page

RPG Superstar 6 Season Star Voter. Organized Play Member. 2,191 posts (3,058 including aliases). 1 review. No lists. 1 wishlist. 27 Organized Play characters. 7 aliases.

Organized Play Characters

Grand Lodge John Ottenhoff

Male Half-Elf Summoner 1 (2 posts)

Grand Lodge John Ottenhoff 846
(0 posts)

Grand Lodge John Ottenhoff 10
(0 posts)

Grand Lodge John Ottenhoff 832
(0 posts)

Grand Lodge John Ottenhoff 476
(0 posts)

Grand Lodge John Ottenhoff 471
(0 posts)

Grand Lodge John Ottenhoff 185
(0 posts)

Grand Lodge John Ottenhoff 285
(0 posts)

Grand Lodge John Ottenhoff 390
(0 posts)

Grand Lodge John Ottenhoff 309
(0 posts)

Grand Lodge John Ottenhoff 776
(0 posts)

Grand Lodge John Ottenhoff 516
(0 posts)

Grand Lodge John Ottenhoff 886
(0 posts)

Grand Lodge John Ottenhoff 463
(0 posts)

Grand Lodge John Ottenhoff 392
(0 posts)

Grand Lodge John Ottenhoff 367
(0 posts)

Grand Lodge John Ottenhoff 79
(0 posts)

Grand Lodge John Ottenhoff 370
(0 posts)

Grand Lodge John Ottenhoff 641
(0 posts)

Grand Lodge John Ottenhoff 754
(0 posts)

Grand Lodge John Ottenhoff 121
(0 posts)

Grand Lodge John Ottenhoff 801
(0 posts)

Grand Lodge John Ottenhoff 441
(0 posts)

Grand Lodge John Ottenhoff 843
(0 posts)

Grand Lodge John Ottenhoff 311
(0 posts)

Grand Lodge John Ottenhoff 604
(0 posts)

Horizon Hunters John Ottenhoff 925

Male Human Swashbuckler 1 (0 posts)


Dworkin, Dwarf Alchemist

Male Dwarf Alchemist 2 (59 posts)
Sewer Goblin
Glim Sniksnak, Goblin Ninja

Male Goblin Ninja 1 (107 posts)
(53 posts)
Dark Archive Nixxxia
(1 post)
Stage Magician
Nästród, Oracle of the Dasun

Male Dasun (half-orc) Oracle 6 (521 posts)
Beltias Kreun
Sovereign Court Roc Trellian

Male Human Jedi 1 (34 posts)

Male Halfling Shaman 1 (90 posts)