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8-07 Map DungeonMaster

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8-07 Map DungeonMaster


I will be DMing the Extinction Curse game. No this isn't me directing you play at Start Playing this time, I'm hosting this via Play by Post.

The Rules
Everyone is OP including the monsters, the challenge ratings or noncombats do not increase: Free Archetype, Mythic, Ancestral Paragon. Also all treasure is doubled, well almost, unless it doesn't make sense to do so. So if the creature has a +1 shortbow with 20 arrows, studded leather armor, and 1 minor healing potion and 10 gold. The creature has 2 minor healing potions and 20 gold, but still only one +1 shortbow with 20 arrows and 1 studded leather armor. If the creature had 2 Vine arrows, that would obviously double to 4.
Double treasure means you will also start with twice the amount of gold, ie 30.
The monsters are also OP: Level bump: +1 AC, +1 skill checks, +1 saves, +1 dmg 10 extra HP or 10%. Bosses receive 20 extra HP or 20% and will always have reactive strike even if they don't. Bosses are considered the last thing you fight in each book. But all creatures in that last fight receive the 20% bonus and reactive strike, so if you are fighting a Troll with 10 goblins, yes all 10 goblins get that and the Troll.

So create your character now: With Free Archetype, Mythic, Ancestral Paragon and 30 Gold. All Paizo Material is allowed, all common, uncommon and rare options are allowed. You may pick as many rare spells as you want to start with or rare items assuming you can afford it. Not allowed: Unique items/options, unless they are found in the Adventure Path. Unique items will not be doubled, otherwise the item is no longer Unique.
This is First come First Serve You don't have to have characters made, just say in.
It is $20 a week in which you are automatically charged on Fridays, and we are looking for a 3rd. The Dm will host up to 5.
Character creation rules is whatever the party wants.
We can go with Free Archetype.
Or you can go with what I suggested to the DM and the other player. I suggested everyone is OP including the monsters. Free Archetype, and Gradual Ability Boost and Ancestral Paragon, and Mythic, you get all of those. The catch is that every monster gets level bump, +1 AC, +1 saves, +1 attack rolls and +1 dmg and 10 extra HP or 10% extra HP. I said only the monsters should be bumped not the skill challenges, like don't add +3 to pick the lock DC.
If you want to be OP and fight tougher monsters this is your chance, assuming everyone is in agreement.
The game is played on discord via play by post.

8-07 Map DungeonMaster

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8-07 Map DungeonMaster

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One of the best Evergreens ever. You have 2 different possible maps, technically 3, maps 2 and 3 are the same just with different descriptions. 4 different encounter arcs: Orc, undead, dragon and raiders. Each encounter arc has 3 possible Major threats that all have a linked threat to them. 10 different additional threats but only 2 out of the 10 are used. 10 different environmental threats, these are in addition to the traps that are set in stone on the map, for example, room X might always have a sink hole in it on map number 2. Anywhere from 1 to 2 additional environment threats are picked. Treasures are scattered wherever.
Enemies and traps can be anywhere in the dungeon. So even if two DMs pick/roll the same stuff, you might fight the same exact monsters when you play it again, but this time the boss can be as soon as you walk in the dungeon instead of the Southeast corner of the dungeon. Your healing potions and +1 weapons could be on the East side one time and then directly in the center of the map next time you play.

Who's in?

You may immediately dot in both gameplay and discussion as soon as you sign up.
You may also place yourselves at the bottom of the map in room 1 this is a dungeon crawl, but you are given an introduction before entering this place as well as rolling of knowledge checks.

This is a minor thing, but in any game, do you have to be directly in front of the door to open/close it? I've always let players open/and or close door by being on a diagonal from it and DMs have done the same to me, as in their NPCs have done it. However just recently I played on foundry tabletop and it said, "token not within arms reach." I placed my token 1 square diagonally from the door instead of 1 square in front of the door, it tell me no. Not sure if this is a foundry thing or an official ruling.

The Game
It is on Monday nights. I'm not the DM I'm a player waiting for other players, and it costs but $5 is a cheap game if you are wanting to get into a live game of Rusthenge. Only 3 ways to get into a Pathfinder Adventure game. The first is play by post, but not many DMs run whole adventures, even then it might not be the one you want. The 2nd is be close enough to a place that runs Pathfinder 2e in real life and hopefully that place runs whole adventures. There are way many more places that run 5e and even those that run Pathfinder 2e are more likely to run just society league and not whole adventures. The 3rd way is to go on a pay to play website and I found the median cost is $25 per session. Games under $20 or over $30 are uncommon.
Now he has good and bad reviews, but with his prices, I say it's worth the gamble.

2/5 5/5 ***

Pathfinder Society (second edition): Participants who check off at least four boxes gain access to the contemplative ancestry (Starfinder Galaxy Guide) for use in Pathfinder Society (second edition). Participants who check off all 10 boxes gain access to the dragonkin ancestry (Starfinder Galaxy Guide) for use in Pathfinder Society (secondedition).

My question is, how does this work? Starfinder races do not have race feats I can take. So if I'm a contemplative, I don't get a race feat at level 1, level 5, level 9, level 13 and level 17. Starfinder does not have any heritages. So if I'm a contemplative, where are my heritages? Or am I suppose to select a versatile heritage like Aasimar or Changeling?
Same thing with Dragonkin.

2/5 5/5 ***

PFS Standard
Winged Warrior Dedication
Feat 2
Archetype Dedication
Source Howl of the Wild pg. 82 2.0
Archetype Winged Warrior
Prerequisites you have permanent wings (such as from an ancestry or graft)
Through rigorous training, you have strengthened your wings, granting you enough thrust to gain additional altitude. When you make a horizontal Leap, increase the distance by 10 feet up to a maximum of your Speed. Any fly Speed granted by ancestry feats and other permanent wings increases by 5 feet.

PFS Standard
Vestigial Wings
Feat 1
Legacy Content
Source Ancestry Guide pg. 96 3.0
You possess small, weak wings that aid in balance. You gain the Steady Balance and Cat Fall skill feats as bonus feats, even if you aren't trained in Acrobatics

Can I take Winged Warrior Dedication if I have the Ganzi feat and that is how I got my wings? The dedication increases fly speed by 5 feet, so a fly speed of 0 upgraded by 5=5.
I know it seems silly, until you see my plan. what I really want to do is a Ganzi Awakened Flying Animal. It does not say the Awakened Animal gains wings, but it can take feats to gain a fly speed. It does not say those feats that give it a fly speed give it wings. So Ganzi Flying Awakened Animal. And then take the Archetype at level 2. Take Sea legs at level 1. Take the Archetype at level 2. Take Late Awakener at level 5. General feat at level 7 that lets me pick up another 1st level Ancestry feat and pick up Take Flight since I can't pick the take flight at level 1 being a versatile heritage.

8-07 Map DungeonMaster

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8-07 Map DungeonMaster

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Dot in here if you have a level 4. I'll allow up to 2 level 3s.

8-07 Map DungeonMaster

Out of Character stuff here.

8-07 Map DungeonMaster

I'm finishing up a couple of games pre-outpost, and so are you all probably, this game will Start on the 18th of March.

8-07 Map DungeonMaster

Out of character questions here, as well as character info.

8-07 Map DungeonMaster


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8-07 Map DungeonMaster

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8-07 Map DungeonMaster

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8-07 Map DungeonMaster

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8-07 Map DungeonMaster

Dot in Here

Dot in here.

8-07 Map DungeonMaster

Dot in here

8-07 Map DungeonMaster

Dot in here.

8-07 Map DungeonMaster

Dot in here.

8-07 Map DungeonMaster

Dot in here.

8-07 Map DungeonMaster

Dot in for discussion.

8-07 Map DungeonMaster

Once you sign up, dot in here.

8-07 Map DungeonMaster

Dot in.

8-07 Map DungeonMaster

Dot in please.

8-07 Map DungeonMaster

Dot forgot the day job, and Character info

8-07 Map DungeonMaster

Dot in.

Please sign into rpg chronicles

8-07 Map DungeonMaster

Don't forget day jobs as well and roll them here.

8-07 Map DungeonMaster

Dot in

8-07 Map DungeonMaster

Dot in, and roll day job, just kidding, its a bounty, no day job.

8-07 Map DungeonMaster

Dot in.

8-07 Map DungeonMaster

So you can dot in.

8-07 Map DungeonMaster

Dot in please
And roll your day job if any.

RPG chronicles, please sign in

RPG chronicles, Sign up here as well

Rpg chronicles Please sign up in here as well.

The podcast the other day talked about dungeons and dragons getting a computerized Dm in D&D beyond.
What do you think this means? This could mean several things.

Example 1, the DM is almost human: NPC named Sheila the elf.
Player types: Hi, how are you, nice day isn't it?
Computerized Sheila: nah, I don't think so, it is too hot for me, but they day is going good and my bar is doing good for business. Say, can you take care of a rat problem for me? I'll pay you 10 gold. Player: how about 12 gold and rolls persuasion. Shiela responds: Nah, I can't give you more than 10 (even if you rolled a nat 20). Or I don't understand that command. Or, she counters: how about 11 gold?

Example 2, the DM has NPCs that give you multiple choice and allows diplomacy/deception rolls:
Player approaches Sheila:
Click a choice
Ask her how her day was
Ask her about the weather
Ask her about her business
Ask her what she needs.
She responds with a set of texts when you ask here what she needs. "I need to clear the rats out of my basement, I'll pay you 10 gold." Player picks a response.
A. Yes
B. No
C. How about 12 gold, (automatically rolls the players persuasion, and it states that in the choice) Failure means you still get 10 gold.
D. Yes I know about the rats, they have supernatural powers, how about 15 gold, automatically rolls the players deception. Failure means she lowers you prize to 7 gold.

Example 3, much like example 2, except it doesn't allow diplomacy/deception rolls to bargain with NPCs. Deception/Diplomacy are only used for major decisions, or encounters. Convince Josh to play Football and join your football time. Rolls players diplomacy or deception
Or everyone is in trouble, the volcano will erupt tomorrow. Pick a choice.
A. Diplomacy to convince people to evacuated
B. Athletics to knock out as many people as possible, drag their bodies on a horse and buggy and move them.
C. Intimidate to scare people in evacuating
D. Deception to trick people into evacuating.
E. Nature to explain the volcano and how it works and how you know this.

Example 4, this plays almost exactly like World of Warcraft.

Anything else you can think of.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

1. 1st edition guns targeted touch AC. 2nd edition guns get no bonus, they don't even target flat footed or even get a +2 bonus or anything.
2. Gunslinger class gets expert proficiency in guns, which is in a sense a +2 bonus to hit. But this does nothing for classes that aren't gunslingers that use guns. I'll discuss fighters and thaumaterges down the road.
3. Guns in 1st edition gained a X4 bonus on a crit. Guns in 2nd edition have the fatal trait as a crit special. The fatal trait is more powerful than the deadly trait when a weapon has a striking rune. But the deadly trait is more powerful than the fatal trait when a weapon has a greater striking rune. In other words, guns become inferior to bows at later levels. In 1st edition bows had crit x3, so the crit for guns was always more powerful.
4. Capacity weapons in 1st edition can be fired 3 times just like that. Capacity weapons in 2nd edition require an interact action to move to the next barrel. So at all levels you can only fire a capacity weapon only twice. At levels 1-5 capacity weapons in 2e are better than capacity weapons in 1e because of the 3 action thing. At levels 6 and up, capacity weapons in 1e are equal to or greater than 2e capacity guns. Again, bows are still superior to capacity guns as you can always shoot 3 times.
5. If you count air repeaters as capacity guns they aren't that great. You can only reload them by magazines, not individually. So if you use 3 bullets in one combat, you have a choice to switch out the magazine before the next combat or keep a half-used magazine in your gun. So after dozens of combats you could have a dozen half-used magazines and since you can't combine them your air-repeater will always have 3 bullets each instead of 6 unless you buy brand new magazines. If you are using a one-handed air reaper, you have one advantage over using the bow which is also reload zero. Agile trait.
6. 1st edition pepperbox holds 6 bulllets, slide pistol in 2e holds 5 bullets. Unless you want to count air-repeaters.
7. Guns in 1e automatically have blunt and piercing for damage resistances and weaknesses. In 2e only certain guns have that option or an option for all 3.
8. Very few classes benefit using guns instead of the bow in 2e. In 1e, almost all classes benefitted using the gun instead of the bow. Gunslingers in 2e benefits using the guns instead of the bow for obvious reasons. Ranged fighters who like to use shields benefit using one handed capacity guns instead of bows. Since you can't hold a bow and a shield at the same time, there you go. Also if you take the agile manuevers feat, that one-handed air reaper will have much more accuracy than a bow on shots 2 and 3. A rangers hunted shot would not work with a capacity gun since you need an interact action to move it to the next barrel. A rangers hunted shot would work with an air repeater, but if you are using a long air reaper what is the point? You are better off using the one-handed one as it is agile and now you can hold something else in one hand. Thaumaterges benefit using one-handed guns vs bows because of their implement's empowerment requirement.
9. Okay so guns in 2e have the benefit of working as both a melee and a ranged weapon if you upgrade it, it can't do that in 1e. Not much, but you can do that.


8-07 Map DungeonMaster

Player Name
Character Name and Number
Day job.

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