VixieMoondew's page
Organized Play Member. 729 posts (10,523 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 12 Organized Play characters. 15 aliases.
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”Ellen” | Kitsune Form | Female LN Medium Kitsune Monk 4 | HP 52/52 | AC 21 | F +9 R +11 W +8 | Perc +6 | Default Exploration (Scout) | Speed 35ft | Active Conditions: Just Vibin' | Hero Points: 2 | +1 to Bluff and Bon Mots
"Cool," grunts Ellen as Jacques whacks her in the back of the neck with Finley's pommel.
Flurry: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (19) + 10 = 29
Flurry: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15
Damage: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (1, 6) + 2 = 9x2?
Damage: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (3, 6) + 2 = 11
Satisfied with her work, for now, Ellen backpedals past Jacques and back to Akimi.
"This is going surprisingly well," she grunts. "Hey, do you know what I have in common with dogs?"
Wholeness of Body, Heightened: Ellen regains 16HP.
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That's a typo, it's actually Bisexual Awereness Week.
Now if you excuse me, I'm gonna go get mauled by my wife <3
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Rannik wrote: So, I wanted to know, how old were you when you realise that you identified differently. Professor Oak asked me, "Are you a boy or a girl?"
I didn't realize the significance of how I hated the idea of picking "boy" so much and loved the idea of picking "girl" until years later, but that was already in place. Pokemon Crystal came out in 2000, so I can't have been more than 8 or 9 years old.
"Rannik wrote: And also, any suggestions on how I should proceed from here. It sounds like you're already on the right path, but hey--might I recommend a bit of Bi Pride merch? Nothing says "I accept you" like "I literally bought you a thing with the flag on it." It's not a "must do" or anything, but it's a nice gesture!
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Female CG Kitsune Nine-Tailed Heir/6 | AC 13, T 12, FF 11 | 38/38 hp | Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +6| Init +2 | Percep 0 | CMD 13
One of the foxes managing the food supply for the party—and Hiiragi’s aunt, as she’s proudly been telling anyone who showed up too early—hollers from the back.
”Hey, Sionnach! You hear? Shelyn’s whole polycule is getting in on this!”
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Female N Kitsune Crusader of Daikitsu 5/Primal Hunter 1 | AC 18 (16 while Enlarged+Raging), T 12, FF 16 | 41/41 hp | Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +7| Init +2 | Percep +8 | CMD 17
Hiiragi squeezes Itami as tight as his brittle old man bones will allow.
”It has been so perky without you. I miss your cynicism so much, you have no idea.”
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Female N Kitsune Crusader of Daikitsu 5/Primal Hunter 1 | AC 18 (16 while Enlarged+Raging), T 12, FF 16 | 41/41 hp | Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +7| Init +2 | Percep +8 | CMD 17
Once the two finally separate, Hiiragi (slightly breathless) giggles until Itami begins to speak.
Her heart swells to have so much of her family here. In a way, she can't help but feel like she and Itami have much in common.
"Thank you, thank you so much," she gushes. "I... all of you, it means a lot that you're here."
She can't stop holding Onna's hand.
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Female N Kitsune Crusader of Daikitsu 5/Primal Hunter 1 | AC 18 (16 while Enlarged+Raging), T 12, FF 16 | 41/41 hp | Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +7| Init +2 | Percep +8 | CMD 17
As her wife(!!!!) closes in, Hiiragi, unable to contain herself, grabs Onna by the arms and pulls her in hard.
The kiss is decidedly un-chaste.
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Female N Kitsune Crusader of Daikitsu 5/Primal Hunter 1 | AC 18 (16 while Enlarged+Raging), T 12, FF 16 | 41/41 hp | Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +7| Init +2 | Percep +8 | CMD 17
Hiiragi's heart is in her chest, and she can't help but take a glance at the crowd while Ikari and Phidoe are fiddling with the rings. Why am I nervous? What is there to be nervous about??? Her own hands are just as shaky as Onna's by this point; when she takes the ring, she can't help but whisper a quick prayer to her goddess that she doesn't drop it.
She reaches for Onna's hand, then crowns her finger and slides the ring back to its resting place behind the knuckle.
"Onna... with this ring, I pledge myself to you, and take you as my own--in drought and in deluge, from frost to harvest and back again. May Shelyn and Daikitsu bless us--though I wouldn't let go of you if they themselves demanded it."
"My wife, Sionnach Brummagem."
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Female N Kitsune Crusader of Daikitsu 5/Primal Hunter 1 | AC 18 (16 while Enlarged+Raging), T 12, FF 16 | 41/41 hp | Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +7| Init +2 | Percep +8 | CMD 17
Hiiragi grins. "If we didn't both prep Prestidigitation for this morning, I'd be surprised. No one wants to have to hand-clean sake stains out of a wedding dress."
She can't help but glance at Toshiko.
Hiiragi's face only reddens deeper, and when the first tear breaks, the rest stop hesitating.
Oh, my Lady's most glorious tail fluff, she said a lot. Should I say a lot? I had something prepared, but that was a lot.
"I... oh, Daikitsu, my nose--please?" She raises a sparkling finger to her upper lip, and it's magically cleaned in an instant. "Thank you."
"Onna... you know what you mean to me, but they don't. Onna, before I met you, I hardly thought about myself." She fidgets with her own fingers. "Once I learned who I was, I thought I was done. I was a woman, I was a farmer, I was a miko, I was a helper. And when I joined the Society, I thought that's what I'd be doing still."
"But you saw me. Not just the goddess I worship, not the flail I hold, but me. And you wanted to be with me, even when the work was done. Even when it was too warm for you to have an excuse, I found you sitting close to me. And when I lost you..."
She freezes, and takes a deep breath. Her hands reach out to take Onna's, and she can't help but smile; Onna's once-soft hands have begun to develop a certain toughness.
Hiiragi recognizes it: every bit of stiff skin is from accompanying her in her duties. The miko still isn't sure whether Onna had seriously never held a hoe before, but she sure had taken her time showing her how to use one.
"I love you, Onna. I promise I'll never make you feel like you aren't welcome just as you are, whether that's in our home or in my heart."
She quivers, and turns an eye toward Ikari.
Let me kiss her let me kiss her let me kiss her let me kiss her
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Female N Kitsune Crusader of Daikitsu 5/Primal Hunter 1 | AC 18 (16 while Enlarged+Raging), T 12, FF 16 | 41/41 hp | Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +7| Init +2 | Percep +8 | CMD 17
The muscular Hiiragi stands at Onna's destination; her usual shrine maiden attire is replaced with a snow-white shiromuku, and her face is more bare than any but Onna have likely seen it.
Every other day she is a priestess of Daikitsu; today, she is Hiiragi, the farmer's daughter, marrying the love of her life.
Her makeup would have ran, anyway, with how glossy her eyes already are.
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Oh, cool! I've learned a thing today!
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It's definitely, like... a Thing. I don't know enough about the main deities of Pathfinder or the iconics or what-have-you (beyond the occasional WLW nugget, which--this is actually the first I've heard of three of the main female deities being in a polycule?? rad).
That said, it's a double-edged thing; WLW gets a lot of the rep for two big (b!!+&+&&) reasons:
1. A lot of straight men think sapphics are hot, but are turned off by MLM.
2. Women are seen as having less sexual desire; a WLW relationship is more likely to be portrayed as love and kisses and romance whereas people have trouble seeing men as led by anything but their... loins.
It's one of those things that we're starting to see turn around, here and there, but progress is slow and I'd love to see it get some momentum. In the meantime, bless Lil Nas X for doing Arshea's work.
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Female N Kitsune Crusader of Daikitsu 5/Primal Hunter 1 | AC 18 (16 while Enlarged+Raging), T 12, FF 16 | 41/41 hp | Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +7| Init +2 | Percep +8 | CMD 17
"Phew!" Hiiragi says once they're out of earshot. "It almost felt like we were there for a whole year!"
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Female Foxy Halfling Swash (Arrow Champion/Dashing Thief)/10 | AC 24, T 17, FF 18 | 100/100 hp | Fort +5, Ref +12, Will +5| Init +4 | Percep +9 | CMD 25
Thyste stares back at Azardra.
"I'm a fox, ma'am. My parents mostly just brought me voles."
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”Ellen” | Kitsune Form | Female LN Medium Kitsune Monk 4 | HP 52/52 | AC 21 | F +9 R +11 W +8 | Perc +6 | Default Exploration (Scout) | Speed 35ft | Active Conditions: Just Vibin' | Hero Points: 2 | +1 to Bluff and Bon Mots
GM TOP wrote: In a back allye [...] The pirates are making out nicely! Ellen pants, breathless.
"This has been real fun, but we should probably go see where Jacques has gotten off to," she suggests, flexing her newly-enchanted wrappings.
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Apparently we get a whole week? I guess I get to bask in the spotlight for a while.
Or try to gather up the courage to apply sunscreen to other gals in the spotlight.
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Female N Kitsune Crusader of Daikitsu 5/Primal Hunter 1 | AC 18 (16 while Enlarged+Raging), T 12, FF 16 | 41/41 hp | Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +7| Init +2 | Percep +8 | CMD 17
"Didn't want to give him anything he'd enjoy," shrugs Hiiragi. "I happen to know for a fact that this one likes being bound and gagged."
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LN Nogitsune Tiefling Brawler (Turfer) 4 | AC 17, T 13, FF 14 | 38/38 HP | Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +2| Init +2 | Percep +6 | CMD 19 (+3 vs. Grapple) | Cold, Fire, Electric Resist 5
Asami holds Jack close; when she detects what Narwhal and Jape are about to do, she tilts Jack away and pushes her head against his starboard ear to mute the sound.
"He slipped on the way over," she whispers. "All I could do was make sure he had a rope to climb up, but Harrigan made sure that couldn't happen.
Save your vengeance. Regain your strength. The day will come, and when it does...
I'll give the signal."
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”Ellen” | Kitsune Form | Female LN Medium Kitsune Monk 4 | HP 52/52 | AC 21 | F +9 R +11 W +8 | Perc +6 | Default Exploration (Scout) | Speed 35ft | Active Conditions: Just Vibin' | Hero Points: 2 | +1 to Bluff and Bon Mots
"A Frankfurter surrounded by hot dogs? Seriously?"
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LN Nogitsune Tiefling Brawler (Turfer) 4 | AC 17, T 13, FF 14 | 38/38 HP | Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +2| Init +2 | Percep +6 | CMD 19 (+3 vs. Grapple) | Cold, Fire, Electric Resist 5
Kenta Faux wrote: Putting his bow away, he swims over and slowly climbs up. You sure you don't wanna try to jump it, now that the rope's secured?
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Female N Kitsune Crusader of Daikitsu 5/Primal Hunter 1 | AC 18 (16 while Enlarged+Raging), T 12, FF 16 | 41/41 hp | Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +7| Init +2 | Percep +8 | CMD 17
This whole scenario is Hiiragiphobic! Climbing and reflexes and swimming, aughghgh
Reflex!: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19
Hey, I probably did it!
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LN Nogitsune Tiefling Brawler (Turfer) 4 | AC 17, T 13, FF 14 | 38/38 HP | Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +2| Init +2 | Percep +6 | CMD 19 (+3 vs. Grapple) | Cold, Fire, Electric Resist 5
Asami nods in response and sits in the quiet for a moment; she closes her eyes, takes a deep breath of the not-entirely-fresh air, and lets the scene settle in her mind.
"Minkai," she begins. "Generations back, far enough that you'd need it drawn out to traceit, there was a yakuza family--a branch of a greater clan. They controlled a section of the Hitsugi District, under the Hitsugi Gumi."
"I won't tell you yakuza are good or bad-- just like any government, really. But these yakuza were strong, led by a woman named Tetsuko."
"Some say that Tetsuko was the strongest woman alive, and even those who disagree don't argue that she was the most fierce. After long enough, it's hard to say what might be legend and what might be fact."
She leans back, gripping her knees, and sighs. Her features elongate, slowly and smoothly, then sprout fur, beautiful and white, until a snowy kitsune sits before Owlbear.
"Tetsuko was a kitsune-- a fox person. I am, too."
"One day, a seer came to Tetsuko. Respected. Powerful. Proven accurate, time and time again. She told Tetsuko that any children would take after their sire, not herself."
"Now, Tetsuko's husband was a money man; he wasn't the sort to make a name for himself. Good with numbers, had a pretty face. As much as Tetsuko loved him, she knew that any child of hers would have certain expectations. An heir like that would be killed by a rival before he became a man."
"So Tetsuko traveled far, and went into the Forest of Spirits. She went to the city of oni--minor gods and spirits who fell short of their callings, and embraced hedonism and hatred. She demanded an oni husband, one who would give her an heir worthy of her line."
"The oni king laughed at her. 'You may take any of us as your husband,' he mocked, 'if you can best me in combat!'"
"He did not expect this perfect, snow-white kitsune to agree to such terms. Their battle was one to sing of, if I had the voice," she grins, "but it went just as you might think. By the end of the night, Tetsuko sat on the oni king's throne, his crown atop her head and his lips against the bottoms of her sandals."
"When Oni Queen Tetsuko finally abdicated the throne back to its former king, she returned home with a meek, new husband in tow. A kitsune himself, with browns and reds and whites throughout his coat, and blood-red eyes."
Asami is quiet for a moment as her form shifts back to her own.
"Tetsuko kept both husbands-- who could argue with her?-- and by all accounts, the three lived quite happily together. But the second husband was a nogitsune-- an oni in a fox's shape-- and the nine children she bore were onispawn."
"The seer's prediction came true; they took after their father, but a half-oni raised by Tetsuko was strong enough to rival Tetsuko herself in her prime. From then on, she and her descendants bore the name Kyubi, after the nine tails of her children, and it is said that wherever a Kyubi stands, that ground belongs to her."
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The plus side to people putting "attack helicopter" as their gender is that it's a big neon sign for people to avoid them and mods to get the disciplinaries goin'.
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Freehold DM wrote: reads post, nods
heads over to KCs house, brings insert fast food place that only exists on the east coast/in NYC that you always wanted to try here!
feeds KC, waits for her to be hit with the itis
utilizes shrink Ray while she is asleep
realizes he shrank down while too far away from her to do any good
has semi exciting adventure traveling to KC whilst fighting oversized gnats, carpet dwelling creatures, and somehow avoiding the cats
arrives at Mount KC[i.e. her left foot]
climbs carefully
pauses around her kneecap for a quick lunch of McRibs(yes I only eat two mcribs at a time, what of it?) and insert local drink delicacy that can only be found in KCs area here! Seriously, I think local delicacies are what I miss the most about going to conventions
resumes climb to KC summit
gets fatigued around KC shoulder, but pushes self the last critical few inches
gets into KCs ear canal
refers to map
gently makes away to brainpan
knocks on door, candygram
offending individual answers the door excitedly
grabs individual by collar as they answer door, inform them they are being evicted
drags them out the way I came in,...
I've definitely read some stories along similar lines, although I'll admit they usually end differently... hmm. ;P
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I'm so sorry, Cori. My mom just lost a dog three days ago (she was, like, 17 or so, and I'd say it "finally caught up with her" but she was an old dog years ago). We got her when I still lived with Mom, and we're going to visit in a week, so it's going to be rough for all the same reasons.
Sometimes it helps to know that someone else's heart is grieving like yours. Best wishes to you, Cori.
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Wei Ji the Learner wrote:
See, *I* would appreciate a Gospel according to Judas.
From the little bit I remember his betrayal was an effort to try and protect a friend that kind of spiraled out of control and it'd be interesting to see what his take on the Messiah was.
I don't know if that makes me a heretic of the vilest order, a completionist wanting to know the 'whole story' or some mix of the two.
Well, hey, if you haven't seen Jesus Christ Superstar yet, I've got good news for you!
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Freehold DM wrote: And yes, Paul was a particularly zealous, selfish jerk. But at the same time I am not sure. Okay so with that in mind:
Whoever it is that wrote basically every book after the Gospels was a jerk ;P
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I'm a Christian, but boy do I hate the Christian church most of the time. Looooots and lots of stuff that they've just sort of... invented, wholesale, that doesn't appear in the Bible or that was slapped in at the end by Paul (who sucks; I don't consider anything he wrote to be from God).
...BUUUUUUUUUUUUUT that might be a little too involved for this forum ;D
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[smoking bubble pipe]
Ten legs... nine v--
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Oh s#&$, happy birthday!!!
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Female Foxy Halfling Swash (Arrow Champion/Dashing Thief)/10 | AC 24, T 17, FF 18 | 100/100 hp | Fort +5, Ref +12, Will +5| Init +4 | Percep +9 | CMD 25
Thyste shrugs. "No promises. But I'll start at, let's say, Hostile, and work my way to Friendly only if we run into giants that clearly don't want to be doing this."
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Oh hey, we're around the same ballpark! I started mine in late September last year!
Happy HRTversary!
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Hoo boy, I've been missing things too--and a quick look at Rysky's "posts" tab and I'm grimacing at what you've been responding to.
I do wonder how much the recent bullshenanigans have attracted b*!~&$@@s who are coming here just to be b#~+@~s...
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Female NG Kitsune Ward Speaker Samurai/3 | AC 19, T 12, FF 17 | 28/28 hp | Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +1| Init +2 (add +2 when mounted) | Percep +4 | CMD 17 | Current Kami Bonus: +10 Move Speed
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It’s fine—more time to kiss my wife and write about queer supervillain disaster bis falling in love ;P
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Naughty good!
I'm actually reeling back a little; I've kind of overcommitted myself between these boards, my RPs, and my writing, and two of my most recent scenarios were underwhelming (other players dropping out or barely playing, mostly).
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Rysky's feed is so tame by comparison to everything I have on my timeline that I forget she posts anything outside of Whispering Infinities rt's, ngl ;P
(That's not a burn unless you're trying to compete with queer furry supervillains, by the way!)
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I don't particularly think it is, and if it becomes an issue, we can raise it as one.
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Relatedly: My money went elsewhere this month, but Thirsty Sword Lesbians was probably going to get my purchase no matter what Paizo was going through or had on the table ;P
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Well, we're happy to have you!
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Female Foxy Halfling Swash (Arrow Champion/Dashing Thief)/10 | AC 24, T 17, FF 18 | 100/100 hp | Fort +5, Ref +12, Will +5| Init +4 | Percep +9 | CMD 25
"Someone with a huge, leaking sack," says Thyste, "who doesn't mind leaving a mess in their wake."
She shrugs. "We could just mop up the trail and be done with it, significantly richer, but that's no fun."
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Female N Kitsune Crusader of Daikitsu 5/Primal Hunter 1 | AC 18 (16 while Enlarged+Raging), T 12, FF 16 | 41/41 hp | Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +7| Init +2 | Percep +8 | CMD 17
Old Dude wrote: "inferior minds" "Well, that's just rude."
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Female Foxy Halfling Swash (Arrow Champion/Dashing Thief)/10 | AC 24, T 17, FF 18 | 100/100 hp | Fort +5, Ref +12, Will +5| Init +4 | Percep +9 | CMD 25
Thyste straightens like she's been hit by lightning. She starts about four different sentences at once, sputtering until she eventually just grumbles and pulls her cloak over her cheeks.
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Female N Kitsune Crusader of Daikitsu 5/Primal Hunter 1 | AC 18 (16 while Enlarged+Raging), T 12, FF 16 | 41/41 hp | Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +7| Init +2 | Percep +8 | CMD 17
"Up top, looking over the ones we knocked out, if I remember correctly," Hiiragi reminds her; for what it's worth, she does freeze. Every time people look away, though, she shifts to a new pose.
Thankfully, she's usually within someone's line of vision, given there are a solid few companions down there with her.
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Female N Kitsune Crusader of Daikitsu 5/Primal Hunter 1 | AC 18 (16 while Enlarged+Raging), T 12, FF 16 | 41/41 hp | Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +7| Init +2 | Percep +8 | CMD 17
"Is anyone else getting the impression this is less 'I have a chemical imbalance' neurodivergence and more 'I got too close to one of the gods who's just kind of an edgelord' madness?" Hiiragi sighs. "Not that I have the INT or schooling to put it into those words, but you get the idea. My player's having a hard time figuring out how to put that in a way Hiiragi would. I mean, in a way I would."
"Anyway, do you ever think about the way media portrays mental illness? Like, I want to approach these people from a place of understanding, but there's a fair chance the module just has them all as gibberish-screaming murderers, so... y'know." She shrugs with her flail, grabbing her discarded longbow and shouldering it once more-- in these close quarters, it seems more likely to be Clobberin' Time than anything with range.
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Female N Kitsune Crusader of Daikitsu 5/Primal Hunter 1 | AC 18 (16 while Enlarged+Raging), T 12, FF 16 | 41/41 hp | Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +7| Init +2 | Percep +8 | CMD 17
"Never let it be said that I hesitated to go down!" Hiiragi chimes.
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LN Nogitsune Tiefling Brawler (Turfer) 4 | AC 17, T 13, FF 14 | 38/38 HP | Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +2| Init +2 | Percep +6 | CMD 19 (+3 vs. Grapple) | Cold, Fire, Electric Resist 5
Carlosss wrote: smaller vermin. Like Plugg?
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”Ellen” | Kitsune Form | Female LN Medium Kitsune Monk 4 | HP 52/52 | AC 21 | F +9 R +11 W +8 | Perc +6 | Default Exploration (Scout) | Speed 35ft | Active Conditions: Just Vibin' | Hero Points: 2 | +1 to Bluff and Bon Mots
Ellen watches Akimi light up and pace about the kitchen, pointing and talking and talking and pointing, and finds a place to sit.
"It sounds like you're planning to feed a whole pirate army," says Ellen with a slow-spreading grin. "Which is good, because pirate leggies are usually wooden past the knee."
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Female NG Kitsune Ward Speaker Samurai/3 | AC 19, T 12, FF 17 | 28/28 hp | Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +1| Init +2 (add +2 when mounted) | Percep +4 | CMD 17 | Current Kami Bonus: +10 Move Speed
True! The idea of using a Japanese-style blade to destroy a lock is… fundamentally terrible, but the Pathfinder rules don’t have anything against it!
If Andrelis doesn’t object, Yuzu gives him time to clear the space before bringing her blade down on the lock as hard as she can, over and over again, until it falls from the door:
Power Nodachi: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14
Damage: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17
Power Nodachi: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9
Damage: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13
Power Nodachi: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23
Damage: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9
Power Nodachi: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11
Damage: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10
Power Nodachi: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14
Damage: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24
Power Nodachi: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16
Damage: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20