Count Haserton Lowis IV

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85 posts. Alias of Balin.


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Is there a class/ archetype that has a shape changer (like thousand faces) and has access to enchantment spells?

Has anyone tried the Cabalist or Wedlock? How well do they hold up?

i love the fluff of Tengu but I cannot get by the following image.

A Tengu walks into a bar and order a mug of ale, and then pulls out his straw to drink it.

This image always make me laugh and I cannot play one seriously.

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Kilgrave from Jessica Jones

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i would do the following:
A) talk to your friends offline and see why everyone is playing so odd.
B) If they don't come around, be patient. Stock up on self preservation spells like invis and mirror image. Wait until they are in a tough fight and are all badly hurt. Cast fire resistance and then drop the 20x20 fireball in the 20x20 room, and end the adventure as you walk out the burning room.
C) Find a new group to play with.

I love the darkness domain with the Night subdomain.
You get the blind fighting feat for free.
Just with that alone, with the deeper darkness spell has destroyed encounters.
Then you get the invisibility when in shadows and ability to see in any type of darkness as throw ins.

If you look at the Elves of Galarion book, there is someone leaping while wielding an Elven Curved Blade.

I am quite happy with the first chapter (the character section), as I have counted about 12 archetypes I would happily play. I am reading chapter 3 and will be able to review the entire book soon.

If a Strix mated with an Oread, the offspring would be gargoyles!!

Interesting possibilities.

If I go with archery, no one has mentioned the Sacred Huntsmen option. Is it a poor option?

One of the players in my group loves the power A Thousand Faces for the druid, but doesn't like any other aspect of that class.
He is currently playing an Inquisitor, and I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions to mimic that power?
I know there is the ha of disguise, but doesn't that have a time frame? Also is there any way to make it permanent?


Ausk, I like the fluff for your character, I may have to steal that in the future.

I agree with Imbicatus though, you don't need to multi-class to change the way the character acts/ responds.

Another option to the Lore Warden is to play the bard, as they are good fighters, and also gives you other options if you want to move outside the normal comfort zone.

To transition from braggart to fighter, you can even use a feat to add a weapon proficiency or weapon focus to get the +1 to hit. That would be enough to show he is now a fighting mentality.

As for other feats, gnomes while awesome suck in damage as they use small weapons, and have minuses to strength. Instead I would consider the Butterfly Sting feat which adds to the overall annoyance of the character.

I feel your pain. I consistently when rolling the d20 get between 2 and 6. In 20 recorded swings, I rolled 14 or higher twice. And this has been my curse for years, and with 6 different d20s.
So what I did was stop playing characters that need to hit full ACs, and consistently play spell casters. My DM has even allowed me to roll the d20 for the enemies savings against my spells, so we have turned my curse into a positive.

As for what spells are worth the trouble of rolling a d20 to hit... other than enervation, bestow cure, blindness and a few other necromancy spells that don't come to mind, I never bother. There are too many great spells that don't require it.

Melkiador wrote:
The general Gnome mindset is that everyone has more in common than not in common. So, from a Gnomish point of view, it's hard to not be "normal". A Gnome that thinks he is an Orc wouldn't be considered much different than a Gnome that thinks he's a Gnome from the viewpoint of the average Gnome.

Bravo. The fact I had to read it twice to ensure I understood it meant it was a perfect description of a gnomish mentality.


I am fascinated with the mesmerist and was curious if its worth taking the VMC Cleric with the madness domain. The idea is to stack the debuffing (madness domain and hypnotic stare) and render the enemy obsolete.

Any ideas? Is it worth the feat commitment?

Combat wise, has he unchained rogue caught up to or surpassed the Investigator?

It all depends on what you want the character to be and how restrictive your imagination wants to make the character.

I have a friend who views barbarians as roid machines, who are illiterate, and smash things. I view them as people who have channeled their inner rage to accomplish incredible feats. I thoroughly enjoyed playing one that quoted Sung Tzu's Art of War, and exerts out of my philosophy books. Could he have been a successful King? Sure why not.

While some are easier to fill the role, I think all classes can fit, and if its not a smooth fit, it makes the role playing even more enjoyable.

In my opinion, only thing that is a must to be decent king is an Intelligence and Charisma over 7. :)

3rd level Oracle, Magus, Inquisitor, Alchemist.
Fought the Kobold Sorceror.
Since the sorceror was supposed to find to the death but had no combat spells, I changed the spells. He was a gnome prior to his reincarnation so I figured color spray and hypnotic pattern would be fluffy spells.

We won initiative and everyone failed their saves (no one rolled higher than a 4).

Played it that the sorceror took his time as he was glotting, and 2 of the 4 broke out of it. They failed the color spray save.

At this point we all decided the characters deserved to die and bourbon was passed to all in toast of the fallen heroes.

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I would lean towards an inquisitor.
They have the versatility, skills and spell progression of a bard, but are more the angry brooding loner compared to the bard.

Also if you want to have fun, take a musical instrument, some points in diplomacy, the trade sub-domain and you have what looks to be the stereotypical bard. That is until you declare a bane and unleash an inquisition on the poor fellow.

No one suspects the inquisition!

I was curious about this as it seems after Paladin-alignment questions, questions about how to play a magus is the second most frequent topic.

Are they really that difficult / finicky to play?

A small group of us were planning on playing Kingmaker and having Mythic characters.
But I have been reading the forum and it seems Mythic isn't as good as we hoped. From what I read, it starts fine and quickly de-evolves into 1shot = 1dead.
Does everyone who has experience with this agree?

Would Gestalt characters be a better option? I have never tried Gestalt, so I don't knw if I woul dbe replacing one broken OP way with another.

Any opinions?

I must be over tired, and missing the rule somewhere, but if you take sacred huntsmaster, adn animal domain, do you get 2 animal companions?

Usually there is a disclaimer stating you can't have two companions or familiars, but I do not see it on the animal domain. Is it somewhere else?

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In the weather, todays' forecast for Nadal is overcast with a high of suspicion and creepiness.
Due to the weather, the Gnomish Fun Festival has been postponned.

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I vote for Undines, Kitsune, Sulis and my absolute favourite: Svirfneblins.

Craps is easy to play/ learn.
2 6-sided dice
2,3,12 = lose
7 or 11 is a win
any other roll, means they have to roll again.

when you roll again, you inverse what is a winning roll and a losing roll. You keep flipping it back and forth until the player wins or loses.

Stereotypically they couldn't be more different.

A gnome is like a 5 year old child.
A dwarf is like a grumpy old man.

He can still carry and use a hammer for crafting. Not being proficient just means massive penalties to hit, which I certainly hope the sorceror isn't planning on running into melee combat. Note: the warhammer doesn't get any minuses to hit when its a coupe de grace situation.

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Question though.
Person A has a cohort (b) and that cohort is completely loyal.
Chort B has a cohort (C) who is loyal to Cohort B
But that doesn't mean Cohort C is loyal to person A. Correct?

The reason why I ask is this has come up in our gaming group a few times when a player wants to crew/gang/pose/or mob of completly loyal goons. I am of the opinion that other than the orginal cohort, the rest are free for the DM to go all Game of Thrones and have them plot the death of the player.

I just wish they came up with a class that makes the illusions work against true seeing, and mind affecting, like how the winter oracle can freeze cold immune people.

This thread has made me think of another question regarding this. There is a bloodline that fits every school of magic to make that school more effective.
There are even Oracle Mysteries that do that. I just read about the Winter Oracle that can blast people who are immune to cold and still do damage to them with cold spells.

But there is nothing for Illusions. So while illusions are great in the fact they can be applied in any way you can imagine, they are also very limited in regards to who you use them on.
High willpower can make the save.
Spellcraft could recognize it being an illusion when cast.
True Seeing negates it.
Anything that is immune to mind affecting spells negate all the offensive illuson spells.

Have I missed an optimized way to make Illusionists effective at high levels, is there a need for this, or is it a way to balance them (being powerful at lower levels)?

A: Dwarf
B: I like Archon Aasimar. Right bonues, live a long life, damage reduction and other perks.
c: I love the Svirfneblins. I have been playing one, but I never told anyone except the DM, so they all think I am the worlds first serious, and easily offended Gnome. Wisdom fits, plus non detection at will, but great stealth, bonus to hit. I think they are great. My Svirfneblin Inquisitor is by far the most fun I have ever had with any character.

If I remember right, the mistweaver is a area healer.So the best option in my opinion is a cleric of Iori and focus on channeling (specifically healing).

How about a staff magus?Its similar enough to a double sword, and short of fits the cane idea.

There was a 3rd Party disned Druid called a Shaman, and that had an archetype that was Elemental based. You even got an elemental as an animal companion.

This scene was also the perfect example of a player putting all his points into Dexterity, having a huge AC, weapon finese, dervish dance, spring attack, etc ...
And what happens when that player gets caught flat footed!

One of my players has asked me to post this and see what is the general consensus of this idea.
Right now:
On horse the cavalier gets +4 to hit (instead of +2) and no AC penalty.
But on foot he gets no bonuses, and he feels the cavalier is pretty useless on foot.

He proposes that he gets these bonus while on foot also, so he will be the master of the charge.

The advantage on horse will be the damage the lance does.

As I have not spent that much time looking at the cavalier, and try to keep the players somewhat happy, would this modification be a good idea?

I need opinions from other martial players if this modification is needed for the cavalier.

Your party doesn't have a skill monkey.
It doesn't have a great party face (the sorceror doesn't have a lot of skill points to spare).
All this would lead to a bard.
I also usually recommend a bard anytime anyone is debating what character to play because its one of the most versatile classes to play.
Also the bard can heal, and UMD quite well, so wands are easy to use for healing.
And the buffing will certainly help the monk.

While I am not one to usually stomp of creative fluffy-ness, but would this not lead to a -4/-8 to hit penalties because they aren't light weapons?

Have a higher initiative and squish 'em.
Most witches are quite squishy.
The scared witch isn't though. So always carry termites to eat their wooden mask.

But the best option is play a gnome with master tinkerer trait. Then you build a combine and mow the witch down, literally.

Its an exotic weapon in all the above mentionned books.

Last time I read Am Barbarian, it wasn't a dragon he rode.
He took Leadership, and got a synthesist summoner as a cohort who was designed to fly at "Ludicrous Speed", With unmatched perception. So he had a charge range measured in miles and a perception that could see a flea on a dogs butt from 50 miles out.

It was an awesome excercise in breaking ... no... obliterating the game.


One of my players wants to use a heavens Oracle but with Arcane magic.
He doesn't want to take a lvl in Oracle, and the rest in sorceror as he feels this is abusing the system , and isn't fitting the character's fluff. I reviewed the heaven's spell list, and saw they get arcane spells, so i don't see any large scale problems. But I admit, I have limited experience with Arcane spells, so I don't know if they are noticably more powerful than divine.

I was thinking about the conversion, and do not know if a straight swap of divine for arcane is equal. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

p.s. He wants Arcane so he can focus his spells on Illusion and Enchantment, which are seriously lacking in the divine list.

Lord_Malkov wrote:
lantzkev wrote:

just remember even if they have freedom of movement they still have to spend the action to escape....

If you can grapple and pin them, guess what? they are hosed.

Another option for grappling is to go through whips, you can pin them with just two grapple checks fairly easily.

Nope. FoM states that any grapple attempt automatically fails.

Tetori as of level 9 negate any freedom of movement by spending 1 Ki point.

excellent work

I used a Samsaran Synthesist. The Synthesist gives me the evolving armor, and the ability to turn an ordinary guy into a tank (both str and HP.
The Samsaran gives me the ability to add CHA+1 extra arcane spells which I take as either evocation spells, Or

take 1 level or Heavens Oracle and add awesome display so I can use illsuion spells like color spray.

This gives me the options of making a crowd control or direct damage style character.

Not to de-rail this thread but the best race is by far a goblin. +4 dex and +1 to hit due to size, and bonuses for perception with big ears they are great.

PLUS its Yoda!
Say more need I not.

It would be very difficult to make RAW. A bad touch is a de-buffer and the best debuffing abilities in my opinion are from the domains like madness and chaos.

If it is a house game, I can't see any negatives to swappring the prepared speel casting ability for spontanous casting. Just give te cleric the spell charts of the Oracle and call it a day.

The other options if you want to play RAW are 1)suggesting a witch. Its still a prepared list, but the list is much smaller and easier to use, and they have hexes.
the other option 2) is a hex magus. Its not as much as a pure debuffer as its more a dabbler in that field. But it has a bit more survivability than the witch when in close to the enemy.

A generic Alchemist has heal, has mutagens to buff in hand to hand, and has bombs. Is is above average in basically every aspect.
Oh, and is a skill monkey to boot.

I love the alchemist, inquisitor, and oracle. Frankly the first 2 chapters of the APG are fabulous and only the ARG rivals it for my favorite book.

As for the Summoner, I think its is wonderful class. BUT in my game its never used because of we do not allow anyone to use books in the game, as it slows down the game. So when someone summons a creature, they better have the stats in front of them. Also the only other problem I see is the overall enjoyment of the group. IF a person is looking at books to determine which creature to summon, plus they have to then roll for their 7 eagles and, and and, I feel the other players are getting bored. Sure I could get them to roll for the eagles, but they did not come to play an eagle, they wanted to play their character. If I trusted a player to alleviate these two concerns, then I am happy to have them run around with the other characters.

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