
The Amazing Opo's page

81 posts. Alias of GM-Gathrix.

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When a rōnin suspected of aiding and abetting a murder flees to the Kaiu
Wall, it falls to a group of junior agents of an Emerald Magistrate to goafter him and prevent the catastrophic chain of events set into motion by the murder. This adventure serves as a perfect place to start a campaign, whether the players are completely new to the setting or just need to get themselves acquainted with the new system.
Prior to playing this adventure, players should create characters and spend 24 XP to advance them. All types of characters and clans may be used.

Anyone interested in stumbling through the Fantasy Flight Open Beta of Legend of the Five Rings RPG with me?

I have begun a Dead Suns campaign and have a spot for 1-2 players. I GM and my wife plays the Ysoki Mechanic. We play at our apartment on every other Saturdays 10am-2pm. Our next session is Oct 7th

The current characters are

  • Kasathas Solarion

  • Ysoki Mechanic

  • Human Soldier

Characters just made level 2

Respond to this thread or PM me if interested.

"All right line up. This will be your last formal meeting before setting out. Let's hear your plans. How do you plan to take down the pact worlds? Which planet will you hit first and why."

" All right team. There is your ship. What do you think? "

Decide on a ship together. Nothing bigger than a medium frame for now. This is just to get you to and around the pact worlds. Other opportunities for transport will present themselves.

"You are not special. I want that to be clear. You are but one of hundreds of teams being sent to the so-called "Pact Worlds" to hasten its subjugation. Though you are not special, you are mine. My team, and you answer to me. You are to infiltrate their governments, their churches, their corporations, even the criminal elements, and destroy them from within. That is your only purpose. When enough damage has been done I will contact you again, but not before. Should you be captured, death is your only option. If you lack the courage, well as I said you are not special. Plenty of other teams will be waiting for the opportunity to do the honors for you. So failure isn't an option. Is that understood" The Praetor glares at all of you with a discerning eye that will accept no weakness or flaws. You are part of the Azlanti Star Empire, destined to rule all...

Hello all, Starfinder GM here with an Evil Starfinder Campaign. You will play infiltrators from the Azlanti Star Empire seeking to disrupt the pact worlds as much as possible to weaken it from within. If that sounds like something you would like to do then submit an application. This game will be theatre of the mind without combat maps.

Character Creation:
Evil Alignment, preferably Lawful Evil. 10 point buy. Any Race from the Core including legacy races. One Campaign Race will be included, and playable races from First Contact will be considered. Third party content will be considered if you have a source you can share. No Icons, but all other themes as well as a few campaign specific themes are welcome. All classes are fine, but No Archetypes. Again third party will be considered. 1,000 credits to start.Level+1 items only to start.

New Race-Azlanti:
Based on the content from Inner Sea World Guide Pathfinder :
Azlanti +2 to all stats. 4 HP

Uncontrolled Contempt -6 to all Diplomacy rolls when dealing with non-Azlanti. You can not hide your contempt for the lesser races.

Beneath You -4 to any skill that is considered beneath your attention. Examining a corpse, Haggling over a price, or physical labor are examples of this.

Playing an Azlanti you likely

  • See yourself and your race as far superior to others.
  • Have a lot of potential, but not much experience
  • Have owned slaves
  • Believe the expansion of the Azlanti Star Empire is destiny
  • Have purple eyes

Other Races Probably
  • Fear You.
  • Are intrigued by your legacy
  • Believe you are very arrogant (which happens to be true)

New Themes:

Azlanti Royalty- Azlanti Only +1 Int
Theme Knowledge (1st)
You are a Pureblood Azlanti and can trace your line to the original settlers of New Thespera.
Reduce the DC of Culture Checks related to Azlanti people and the Azlanti Star Empire by 10. Other races are of little notice to you, increase DC of all other Culture Checks by 5. Ruling by fear and intimidation is second nature to you, and intimidation is a class skill. Your intelligence is superior and receive +1 to intelligence.

Natural Leader (6th)
You know how to lead and it shows. Anytime you aid another on a skill you give a bonus equal to half your level. You do not suffer the penalties from “Beneath You” when aiding another in this way (you are leading them not aiding them).

Political Mastermind (12th)
The Empire doesn't sustain itself on brutality alone. Knowing how to deal with politicians is inevitable. Anytime you use Bluff to lie or Diplomacy to Gather Information, you may roll twice and take the highest roll. You do not suffer the penalty from “Uncontrolled Contempt” when using diplomacy in this way.

Dominance (18th)
Any time you successfully intimidate or deal the finishing blow to an enemy you regain 1 resolve. This doesn't count as resting for any other purpose.

Subordinate Race- Non-Azlanti Only +1Cha

Theme Knowledge (1st)
You are a subordinate race for the Azlanti Star Empire. Your loyalty is appreciated, but so long as you know your place. You gain +1 to all cha based skills when dealing with Azlanti so long as you are lower level than them. Reduce the DC of culture checks related to Azlanti Star Empire by 5. Your agreeableness gives you a +1 to Charisma.

Eager to Please (6th)
Centuries of being dominated by the Azlanti Star Empire has taught you that the path to happiness is through your masters. When an Azlanti is within 10' of you, once per combat you can reroll a single attack and take the highest result. When being aided by an Azlanti in a skill, you can reroll and take the highest result.

Personal Attendant (12th)
Your loyalty has not gone unnoticed and you are considered a great asset to your masters. Recieve a level 12 or lower item of your choice (with GM approval) from your masters. When healing or being healed by an Azlanti, add +1 to the wounds healed.

Second Class Citizen(18th)
You have earned citizenship within the Azlanti StarEmpire. Increase all item availability by 1 when within the Empire. When ever an Azlanti or another Subordinate Race within 10' from you regains a resolve point, you regain a resolve point (can not exceed max).

Tax Collector +1 Wis

Theme Knowledge(1st)
You are an official tribute and tax collector for the Empire. Your experience has given you insight into many cultures and finance. Culture and Profession: Tax Collector are class skills for you, if they are already class skills you gain +1 bonus to them. Reduce the DC of any skill related to a financial exchange (GM discretion) by 5. You gain +1 Wisdom for your financial savvy.

Quick Count (6th)
Anytime a skill requires you to count reduce the time by half. Many cultures still use hard currency and years of counting coins through your fingers has translated into other abilities- Any small arms or longarms weapon you are using is considered to have the Quick Reload special property.

Skimming Profits (12th)
You know how to make the books look good, and keep a little for yourself. Sleight of Hand is a class skill, if it is already a skill add +1 bonus to the skill. Anytime you hack a system using the Computers skill to falsify records, you can do so untrained and reroll and take the highest.

Corporate Liaison (18th)
You realize that the real money is in crony capitalism. Gain 50,000 credits from a lobbyist or government subsidy. Any time you make money equal to 1000xlevel from combat or financial exchange, you regain 1 resolve point.

This game will be largely player driven, so know what you want to play, but also how you plan on subverting the Pact Worlds. Recruitment open for 1 week. I will decide players on the 19th.

I tired to sign up for Starfinder Society and it gave me a pathfinder society #. Is it the same thing?

As your ship approaches Absalom Station an emergency call comes over your radio on a channel dedicated to security forces and the military.

"This is Duravor Kreel of the Starfinder Society requesting assistance. My caller ID is 451119. A gang war has erupted in Docking Bay 94 and many of the patrol Stewards have fallen. In need of immediate assistance from any security in the area. Over."

You are able to locate Docking Bay 94 and the computer is asking if you want to plot a course.

Roll a piloting skill who ever is piloting the stolen transport DC 5 to plot a course and dock.

Hello all

Recruitment for this game is closed currently.

As you look over the court yard you see no familiar faces. The robotic guards hold a tight border around the prisoners. You are reluctant to join in the aimless crowd, but a hard nudge from your escort settles the hesitation for you and you stumble into the sea of strangers.

Introduce yourselves and converse.

Hi, discussion is up.

You awake to find yourself in a cell that is barely accommodating to your body. It is minimal in the extreme only having a cot that comes out of the wall. There is an opaque force field in front of you revealing only distorted shadowy forms patrolling past your cell. If they can hear you, they ignore you and any attempt to handle the force field only ends in pain.

As the hours go by you become hungry and just as you think it, food is dispensed from a small panel that forms from the wall. Once you take the mushy substance, that actually doesn't taste have bad, the panel disappears as soon as it arrives. Similar things occur when other bodily functions are required.

After several days of isolation and horrid dreams of being examined by strangers, the force field opens and robotic guards seize you with tasers and chains of pure energy. They escort you out of the cell and put you in a sort of court yard with others chained as you. Beings of all types are here, known, and unknown.

Hi all! I am Starfinder GM and I intend to run a PbP game when the game comes out. One of the things PbP suffer from is lack of commitment. So I have an idea to maybe remedy that. I am going to let anyone and everyone that wants to play in this game until the release of the actual game. If you can post once a day after Friday until then, you are in the running for consideration when the game is released. So Roleplay! Have fun! I will post discussion and game tab soon.

The Setting:
At the start you are all captives. How, who, or why is unknown to you. The only contact you have outside of other prisoners is Robot Security guards and they are very direct and have little time for idle chatter and any disobedience is met with pain. The prison looks to be of high technology, but there are no windows to know what planet or part of space you are currently. When Deadsuns AP comes out I will probably use that for at least a basis of the rest of the campaign.

Rules during this trial:
Everything will be a flat roll d20 roll. If you require a reason, it is simple. Your captors have insured that you are all on equal footing so any bonuses or minuses to your roll have become null and void. The practical reason is of course that the rules are not out yet.

Character Generation:
At this point backstory is going to be the most important. Included should be why you believe you were captured. Were you a criminal? Someone with a bounty on their head? Or are you like most here and have idea. Create the character you want to play without concern of specific roles at this time. Any races included in the Starfinder First Contact as possible PCs will be allowed. Do not worry about equipment, you currently only have a white prisoner outfit.

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As you enter the Arena there is a floating disk in the blackness with weapons of all types strewn about, some still in the hands of recently dead corpses. Lights suddenly illuminate two paths to the weapons. A high road, and a low road.

A cruel looking Dark Eldar is peering at you from high above in a balcony that overlooks the coliseum. You recognize him as Drecarus, head Homunculi of the Sutured Helix coven. He claps his hands and the doors behind you close. A beast master hovers above you, ready to call down a flock of Razorwings down upon you should you decide not to participate in the games.

The high road is in the shape of a Dragon, its teeth on either side of its gaping maw are the only noticeable means of climbing up. The obvious trap is the maw, you have seen a liquid shot from things like this before that melt a human. The benefit it seems you would be able to reach the weapons faster from the high road. You estimate once you reach the top of this 30 meter climb you only have another 10 meters to run. Difficult(-10) Climb check to start off on the high road

The low road is laden with spikes and spears, some occupied with a corpse that has been run through. It is obvious these spikes come from the ground. Which spikes activate seem random. The road twists and turns for about 60 meters before you reach the weapons. If you want to search and disable traps you are limited to a half move. If you decide to go faster than a half move make an acrobatics check, -10 for every category of speed beyond a half move. So a run would be -30.

You are all called into a large room with 3 doors. One is the one you came through that leads to your small cells, one leads to the coliseum. From the third door comes a tall female Dark Eldar with white hair colored red with blood. She has a retinue of slaves and servants with her and a cadre of Kabalite Warriors. Your instinct is to lunch at them as they enter the room, but you find you are held by some unseen force. She smiles at you and kicks one of her slaves to the ground. It is a Tau from the looks of it. She speaks in her Xeno tongue and the blue humanoid translates.

"The mighty Bloodbride Mehakeri of the Cult of the Withered blade and champion of Lord Xerum of the Splintered Talon Kabal informs you to prepare to die. Try to make it look good."

You all look at each other. This is your first match with fellow space marines by your side, a trial by fire. The door to the coliseum opens and the Kabalite warriors step forward and herd you into the room with Dark Lances lowered in your direction.

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"Through the destruction of our enemies do we earn our salvation!"-Librarian Isador Akios of the Blood Ravens

It doesn't matter how you got here. You are here, and there are only two choices: fight or die. For an Astartes the choice is clear and not even a choice. How long you have been here is hard to tell.

The Bloodsmith calls "Next" for inspection. A worn tech-priest the Dark Eldar have reconstructed and employ as an apothecary and servant for the coliseum. You walk forward proudly. "State your name Astartes for her majesty's royal records." The demented magos turn his dead to a long dead rusted servitor and speaks to it with an annoyed voice "I already asked him that, give him time to speak Pridius!"

Welcome to the recruitment for my new Deathwatch Campaign. This is a Deathwatch game, but I will be using Soul Reaver from the Rogue Trader line as our starting point. If you are THAT GUY and go look up Soul Reaver you will be disappointed. I am merely using the coliseum portion of the book and some of the plot hooks, but 80% of it will be fresh material. As such there are a few changes. You were captured by Dark Eldar during a raid or encounter that should be detailed in a backstory. You are Not yet in the Deathwatch but eventually you will be. You will Not have any armor or weapons yet. Librarians will be diminished significantly to start as well as the Dark Eldar fear invoking She Who Thirsts.

Character Creation:
Point Buy System. 100 points to buy, no more than a score of 50 before chapter bonus. All Core chapters are allowed, anything else will be case by case. I am fine with "reskinning" a chapter. For example you want to play a Disciple of Caliban, you can simply use the Dark Angel mechanics. No power armor, no weapons, no gear, as they have been removed. An unarmed space marine is still a force to be reckoned with many have learned. Remember things like your betcher's gland. As you win rounds you will gain unknown supporters that want to see you succeed for what ever reason. You will be granted items then(basically the requisition system just a different source). Also there will be opportunities to use the Xenos weaponry against them, but using such things will come at a price (typically a small hit to renown).

But I want to be a Chaplain:
Here's how I make that work. You get to be an assault marine without the pilot personal bit, and your special abilities are that of the tactical marine (still chose one as normal). This is only allowed with the understanding that once you make the prereqs to take the Chaplain specialty from Rites of Battle you will do so.

You are fitted with a psydisruptor, and your day only gets worse from there. Your Psy Rating is 1. You may only manifest powers as if they were fettered (you may not push). However, you do not manifest any perils or phenomenon. Your power sometimes leaks out in unique ways (mechanically you are given 1 extra fate point per original PR and when you use them I will narrate how your power manifested to produce the desired effect.) Do not worry, eventually you will kill all the Dark Eldar and be blessed/or cursed with the warp once more.

The Coliseum:
The Shadowspire pits of the Nexus of Shadows is ever changing. Some matches will be nothing more than an obstacle course. Some will be on skyboards in an antigravity chamber. It really depends on the Archon's mood. Impressing the Archon is important, and will likely get you noticed. Killing things using special maneuvers, critical hits, and unique deaths will earn you favor that translates into requisition.

Honorable Mentions:
In Rites of Battle there are many medals, purity seals, ect and no real tangible way to get them. In this campaign there is. For every 3 honorable mentions you will get a purity seal or medal of sorts. You earn these at the end of a match, I will pull everyone into the discussion and give an AAR. There are 3 categories. Best Role Player-Chosen by me, but recommendations are considered. Best Use of a Fate Point-Chosen by me, but recommendations are considered. MVP-Chosen by the other players using what ever criteria you chose. You can not vote for yourself, and I am the tie breaker. Certain medals will not be given until you reach a certain rank or other prereq. It is possible to gain 3 in one match and I have done that in the past. This lets the competitive player compete, but on my terms. Compete in role play, compete in team work, build each other up.

*Edit-Every match I will announce it here. The first 5 to reply are in the match. This gives everyone a chance to play, and given the type of play it is ok to have uneven kill-teams. If you die, you burn a fate point simple as that.

In the 41st Millennium there is only war.

A filthy xenos cackles at you as is zooms past you on its Reaver Jet Bike. You recognize the symbol on the side. Sons of Commoragh. A weak band of mercenaries here on the Nexus of Shadows. Since you have been captured not a day of rest. Constant battles in the arena. Clawfiends, Razorwing swarms, and unseen things in the shadows that only made a sound when they died by your righteous hand, just as this foul thing will now die by your hand, the hand of an Astartes.

"For the Emperor!" You cry as knock a Hellion off its Skyboard at just the right moment as it crashes into the Reaver Jet Bike sending both to a dark death in the depths below where even these Dark Eldar scream.

The Archon stands up and gives a single clap of displeasure. You will be tortured tonight, like every night, but knowing you killed some of his pets puts a smile on your face. The hiss of the airlock is barley audible over the combat surrounding you. Sslyth servants armed with enough firepower to take out a small army enter and herd you into a small cell only large enough to sit, and sit you will until you are called into the arena again....

This is going to be a Deathwatch Game using the Soul Reaver book from the Rogue Trader line to start things out. You are NOT yet in the Deathwatch. You have been captured by the Dark Eldar and used in their coliseums as sport. Your back story should explain how you were captured. You will have No Armor, No Weapons to start. These things must be earned through bloody combat. As you win your sponsors (Dark Eldar Nobles) will reward you. This beginning is brutal I have ran this in my local game store and my players loved it. Eventually you will be rescued by the Deathwatch and put the Nexus of Shadows to the torch, but can you survive until then?

The Elf continues to examine you. Looking over every physical aspect.

Those with the High Elf trait:
Speaking in that ancient tongue he says "Hmm, seems they are of proper stock. Must have been one of the Ilith's kin. Very well have them fed and cleaned and given appropriate accommodations. We don't want them consorting with any of the low-kin. " Two guards take you to a platform that raises you up a translucent spire. You are given a small 15'x20' room with a view on the lowest level of the spire. There is food prepared for you after you are thoroughly cleaned with a prestidigitation spell. If you resist you are easily overwhelmed and bludgeoned unconscious.

If you do not have have the high elf trait, roll 1d20. Subtract 1 for every alternate racial trait you took. Add/Subtract your Charisma modifier. Casters add +4. No rerolls.
You are given an ancient elven number branded magically on to the skin of your left hand. This is as the spell Brand

  • 1 or less you are banished outside the city and forced to live in the foreign quarter just outside the city gates. You have no income.
  • 2 you are allowed to live below the spires amongst the lowest workers, some foreigners(non-elves). You are a physical laborer and the work is very hard. You are given a place to bed down and very meager rations for income.
  • 3 You are allowed to live below the spires and are treated just slightly better than a 2, but still forced to work hard. You are given your own residence though, nothing more than a small shack.
  • 4 Same as a 3 except you have authority over a small group of 1-3s and are paid based on quotas met.
  • 5-9 You live below the spires and are given a shack of your own, but your work is not physical labor. You carry messages to other parts of the city or copy written letters or if you have skill in a trade you are allowed to practice that to a minor degree. You have an income of 5-9 silver a month depending on your number.
  • 10-14 You live below the spires with your own shack, but you work as a handmaid or personal assistant to a Sovyrian Native high up the spire. You are well fed and clothed, but are subservient to your masters. Though not often cruel, they can be callous. You are given an income of 1 gold +silver pieces equal to your number a month.
  • 15-20 You are also a personal assistant of some kind, but you live amongst your masters on the higher levels of the spire. The masters you serve are high nobles. You are given 5 gold +additional gold per month equal to your number. You are given the opportunity to buy your freedom for 10,000 gold.
  • 20+ You are conscripted into the Sovyrian Army. You have limited freedom on the barracks, but are of low rank. You have an assigned quarters in the barracks. Your income is gold equal to your number per month.

...A month goes by in these conditions. Even those of you who were granted a place amongst the Sovyrian Natives find yourselves in the precarious position of not being accepted by the natives, and being outcast by your own kin who are jealous of your perceived position. You all decide to attend a secret meeting held by an old Lashunta that works the lower levels. you may add a month's income to your character. If your income was based on a quota, you did not meet it, adding to your frustrations.

Hi everyone. Please submit your final characters here with any last min tweeks. Maybe you forgot to buy something or your backstory is not fully finished. Game will be up soon.

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In -5293 AR, the Elves of Kyonin fled back to their home world through the Sovyrian Stone to escape the destruction of the Starstone. This is their story....

It seemed a day like any other in the land you know as home. If Auramesties and the Winter Council are correct though, that is all about to change. You stand in line waiting for your turn to go through the portal hurried with the others. You have taken everything you can carry in hopes of starting a new life.

”Come quickly now child. Do not fear, Sovyrian is the place of our ancestors.” The gatekeeper calls to you as you step forward and look back at your old home for the last time. You back and face the once silver faced gate of mystery, now pulsing with energy. You walk through and a flash of brilliant colors surround you. Purple streaks in a teal background. You are covered in a bright green glow as you zoom past stars. Your mind seems to leave your body and reality and dreams seem one. A moment that will last with you forever, but lasts only seconds.

Suddenly the light becomes white and intense and you can no longer look. You are kneeling on the ground coughing. Someone you can't see comes to your aid and removes you from the area so that others may come. Eventually your eyes adjust and you take it all in. You are in Sovyrian, the Ancestral home of your people, and it is everything you hoped it would be. The spires are magnificent, and the Lypenaia trees are the largest you have ever seen.

Your admiration for the beauty of El, the capital of Sovyrian, is short lived as you hear a harsh voice speaking in ancient Sylvan you can barely understand ”That one is ready. Send them forward to be checked.” Two Sovyrain guards grab you and pull you forward. A tall elf examines your face. You notice behind him elves are being categorized, based on criteria you are not sure of. Then it hits you, there was probably a reason why your people left Sovyrian...

Hello all, I am GM Gathrix as you might have guessed. I would like to run a game involving Elves going through this very unique experience depicted in the Pathfinder books. Below you will find the mechanics of what I am seeking, but outside of that I really would like a group of elf enthusiasts that would really enjoy this. If you like role playing, and let me clarify, if you like talking in character to other characters and making decisions based on who your character is rather than the abilities he/she possesses, than this is the game for you. There will be plenty of things to fight, and roll play will be involved, but this game will rely heavier on the choices you make then how well you roll. I will present this PbP purely in Theater of the mind, so no maps sorry. This is a new world and as such some things will be difficult. For example a basic Knowledge Nature Check will be DC 25. Ancient Sylvan will by spoken by the natives of Sovyrian. It is simular enough to Sylvan to understand it, but you will need to take that language to speak, read and write it. There will be some traits that help with that, but keep that in mind.

Character Generation:
25 point buy. Elf Race. (No Half-Elves, you would not have been allowed to travel to Sovyrian sorry) Full Hit Points the entire campaign.Using Pathfinder Core Rulebook, Advanced Race Guide, Advanced Player's Guide, Inner Sea World Guide. I may later add material from other sources, but this is what you may create your characters fromRace Archetypes from the ARG are welcomed as are the alternative racial traits and favored class options. 3 traits, one will be a campaign trait chosen from below. No Drawbacks. 2 Background Skills[/b]Starting wealth is 200g, but anything remaining after you buy your starting gear is reduced to 0, as your currency has no value here in Sovyrian. Alignments can vary from LG, LN, N, NG, CN, CG. No evil races as you would not have been allowed to travel through the stone with such a mentality. I use Hero Points. You get one Hero Point to start. They are rare though so use them wisely.

After Action Reviews:
Every level I like to go into the discussion tab and do an AAR. I pick the best role player for that level and reward them a Hero Point. I also reward the best use of a Hero Point. Thirdly, you as players get to choose among you the MVP for that level based on any criteria you see fit. This is meant to be a positive thing. If you are to compete do it through role playing, not PVP.

Campaign Traits:

Winter Council Acolyte You trained with members of the Winter Council to be an envoy for the Azlanti. You are well versed in dealing with foreigners. +2 to diplomacy and linguistics and they are both always class skills. You are protected by the Winter Council, which means little to the Sovyrians, but among other Kyonins you receive +5 intimidation.
Sole Heir Your family were chosen to be stewards of Kyonin should your people return. They have placed all of their hope in retaining their family name in you. They give you the best equipment they can, though no magic may pass through the gate.You start the game with 500g in gear(same caveat applies, anything left over is reduced to 0). +2 Knowledge Nobility, this is always a class skill for you.
Ancestral LoreAncient Lorekeeper Class Only*See ARG You are an Ancient Lorekeeper in training and have some knowledge of Sovyrian. You reduce the DCs of Knowlege skills in Sovyrian by 5. You speak Lashunta and Ancient Sylvan.
Veteran of Barbarian Wars You have fought the savage human hoards that once ravaged the north of Kyonin and learned to wield Elven Weapons with efficiency.When wielding an elven weapon, you are +1 Initiative and +1 to hit. You can draw these weapons as a free action, even when surprised.
High Elf You are not sure why, but the Sovyrian natives consider you among their kin. You skip the initial screening with flying colors and are given a place to live among the spires. Your alternative racial traits will not be held against you during the screening and you start the game with 200 additional gold in Sovyrian currency. Sovyrian natives are indifferent to you (normally are unfriendly).
Native by NatureRangers/Druids only You feel very much at home on Sovyrian. The plants and animals speak to you in ways they never did on Kyonin. Reduce DCs of Knowledge Nature , Geography and Survival by 10.

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In the year 5293 AR the elves of Kyonin made a choice. To leave their homeland through the Sovyrian Stone and be spared the destruction of the Starstone. In this campaign, you will be one of those elves leaving your home world to explore a totally new world.

I plan on limiting a lot of material for this. I want Kyonin elves specifically and due to the timeline there is no guns yet. There will be a lot of Role Playing interactions and knowledge checks will be sever as this is a world known only to the eldest of your people. I will probably have a campaign trait to counter that, but just in general realize that you are going to be exploring a completely new world with all the issues that come with that.

I am probably going to be strict on who I let into this. If I paint a scene and you don't post anything because I did not ask you to roll initiative then this probably will not be the game for you. If you enjoy role playing with others and having conversations in character, this will probably be more your speed.

I do completely TOTM(Theater of the Mind) so no maps ect. I try to make my combats well structured though. I am currently running a Hell's Vengeance AP that is going well on these boards if want a window into what you can expect.

This is just an interest check to see if people would even be interested in this sort of thing. If I get enough I will post proper recruitment soon with specifics like Character Gen ect.

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With the Unchained book we say Background skills which addressed a very obvious issue with some skill unbalance. Well what about Feats? Are there some Feats that are nice bits of flavor, but in reality are not going to get you to the end of your feat chain? I think there are, but I am curious what others think and what can be done to bring some of those that are never used out into the light.

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It has been over a year since the events of Languishing in Longacre. Their has been strife in Cheliax lately and your minor heroics have been lost to the chaos that threatens to engulf the nation. Some of you moved on after being paid, seeking training in temples and academies, others remained in Longacre. As those early days of your first steps into becoming an adventurer begin to fade, you are reminded of them one day by a letter from a friend.

Dear Friends, I enjoyed our time in the woods and I have been thinking of you. After our adventure I found a job with a nice employer, Razelago, and I told him about you. He isn't so bad and only kicks me sometimes, but his pet cat creature angers me sometimes so I set it on fire when the master isn't looking. Anyways, I am not sure what you are doing now, but if you are interested in more mercenary work there is work to be done back in Longacre. I would like to meet with you. I will introduce you to Cimri. She is another one of Master Razelago's employees. She is ok, but smells like a human...gross, and she eats with tools in her hands, and curses at me, and sometimes doesn't let me eat the soft legs of things we kill, actually I don't like her either, but she is good at her job. So come meet us at The Last Stand Inn and we can catch up.

By Barbatos' Will,

Either compelled to meet old friends, test skills, or simply to earn some money, you decided it was time to meet this Cimri and get to work.

Welcome everyone

Sorry all this is a closed game for those that participated in my Languising in Longacre game.

You Are Hereby Invited/To Plunder
(Or Die Horribly Within)
The Grande Temple of Jing/As My Honored Guest
Follow the Map-Come to the Front Door
And Take What You Can Carry
(For As Long As You Survive)
Doors Close 3 Jing Days After Entry
Happy Looting!
(Unless I Loot You First)
PS: Please Bring a Donation and Remember:
Donate Generously and Often.
(On Entry Please Make Your Way Straight To the Welcoming Chamber or Else Risk Being Marked As A Trespasser)

Recruitment for Grande Temple of Jing This will be presented Theatre of the mind style with no maps. I have decided to place the temple in Jalmeray in the Segang jungle in the south part of the island.

Jing is the God of: beggars, robbers, cutpurses, mischief, pranks, fools, gamblers, fortune and misfortune.
Appears as a hooded figure. Holy Symbol is a hooded face same as printed on the Jing Coins.
Alignment: CN
Domains: Chaos, Charm, Knowledge, Madness, Magic, and Trickery
Favored Weapon: Urumi

The Cult of Jing:
- The cult of Jing is a fractured group of missionaries that claim to visit the temple regularly and keep the legend of Jing alive. The cult has no real doctrine or hierarchy and followers seem to try and live life as Jing would, carefree and mischievous, a life of trickery. The only thing they seem to have in common is reciting the Canticle of Jing.

The Canticle of Jing:

Jing is the God of the prank
And Jing is the go of the trick
Jing is the one that can walk through walls
That are forty inches thick

Jing is the god of the coin
And Jing is god of the gold
Jing is what serfs work for each day
But landowners always hold

Jing is the god of good fortune
And Jing is the god of good luck
Jing can make lords of common men
And raise them from the muck

Jing will take coins from beggars and
Jing will take jewels from lords
Jing is he reason that kings have vaults
And that dragons guard their hoards

Jing is the reason for locks
And Jing is the reason for doors
Jing is the reason for deathtraps
On the ceilings, walls, and floors

Jing is the god of dungeon
And Jing is the god of the maze
Jing is the god of the labyrinth
Where everybody stays

Jing is the god of the beggar
And Jing is the god of the bum
Jing is the god of the urchin, scamp
And under-gutter scum

Jing is a rag-picker black
And Jing is a rag-picker bold
Jing will take rings from a dead man’s hand
Before he is even cold

Jing is the mountebank skilled
And Jing is a charlatan brave
Jing is a scoundrel, cheat and crook
And unrepentant knave

Jing’s Favor:
– The campaign has a mechanism included called Jing’s Favor, this works very similar to Pathfinder Hero Points so it is my plan to incorporate the two. In addition to the normal way you gain Hero Points, this campaign grants them for the following reasons.
• Tithe to Jing
• Embrace the true spirit of the temple (Take Risks)
• Avoid defacing, sacking, or dishonoring shrines and statues to Jing
• Show Piety to Jing (Indulge in his games and Riddles)

You can lose Jing’s favor for doing the opposite of these things.

Blessings/Boons granted with Favor (Hero Points):
: In addition to the normal things you can do with Hero Points the campaign allows these additional things you can do with them.
• Blessing to use the Great Central Elevator –Allows movement to next level of temple
• Blessing to use the Grande Jing Highway- Allows access to move back and forth through temple
• Blessing to Come and Go- Allows the players to leave on NON-JING days when the temple is otherwise close.
• Boon of the Keyed Jing Enchanted Item- One time use after Rite of Initiation for a magical item that grows in power as the player does.
• Boon of Keyed Jing Block- Become Keyed to a Jing Block so that it is not out of phase to you.

Additional Rules used:
- The Grande Temple of Jing also has many Arenas within it, and I intend to use them as this is also fitting with the flavor of Jalmeray. To that purpose I will use Performance Combat from the Advanced Player’s Guide.
No Guns- Jing doesn’t like them
Jing Days- Jing days are roughly 1 day to every 6 normal calendar months. So there are only 7 days in a “Jing” month. Every Jing day a bell will sound in the temple and all traps reset, some monsters reconstitute, and most importantly any door you have earned access too reopens including the front entrance allowing you to leave the temple.
Jing Blocks- Unique to his dungeon are Jing Blocks, a kind of strange block that can block anything and everything and can allow only certain keyed people from perceiving and passing through them and other unique properties to be discovered.
DFM- Die of Fortune/Misfortune is a d5 used for specific triggers in the dungeon. Will be rolled as 1d6-1 to give a value of 0-5, 0s are bad or really good, but then so are 5s, the trickster god is tricky.


Point Buy 25 points (No Score Less than 8 or Greater than 18 after racial)
• Races Allowed: Any Core Race, Any Paizo Race that is 12 RP or less.
• Classes Allowed: Any Core Class, Inquisitors, Witches, Oracles, Alchemists, Magus, and Cavaliers. Archetypes found in APG/UM/UC only.
• Traits- 3 traits, one is a campaign trait, no Drawbacks for traits.
• Alignment- I view alignment as a tool for players to RP their character. Unless you are taking something with an Alignment Restriction (Clerics, Paladins, Monks ect) than I probably will not come down on you too bad for alignment infractions. Let’s not have any evil alignments, unless you present a very good reason as to why and vow to be a team player.
• Starting Wealth 150gold


There are no official campaign traits for this, so I have created some using the concepts of the campaign. Many offer a rumor which may or may not be true about Jing.
Templer- You live or have lived on the temple grounds. Gain +1 to all Jing related Knowledge Tests and begin the game knowing one rumor.
Native of Sillumi (Elves Only) - You are from the Elven Community of Sillumi in the Segang Jungle. Gain any Knowledge Skill as a class skill. You can trade with the Sillumi elves at 1% reduce cost from standard prices on all non-magical gear. Specific quests will open to you regarding the Sillumi.
Cult of Jing (Worshipers of Jing Only) - You are a member of the Cult of Jing. You start the game with the blessing to come and go, but you can lose this privilege just like anyone else. Start the game with one rumor, and you know it to be true or false.
Seeker of Perfection (Monk Only) - You have come to the temple to challenge a Djinn to a race, or to wrestle a Shaitan, or outwit an Effretti as a means to your initiation into the Houses of Perfection. You have been training for the event. Choose one- Djinn Race (+2 Initiative) Wrestle Shaitan- (+1 CMD vs Grapple) Outwit an Effretti (+1 To any Int based skill of your choice). Start the game with one rumor.
Agent of Nex- Archlords of Nex have long wanted to gain access to the temple and its secrets and of all the agents sent, you were the only one accepted in to temple. Use Magic Device is a Class skill for you with a +1 trait bonus. Start the game with one rumor.
Citizen of Vudra (Humans, Half-Elves only) - You are a citizen of Vudra and native to their customs. +1 to all Charisma based skills in any city of Jalmeray and start the game with one rumor.

I will close recruitment Feb 25th. Jing will allow 6 characters into the temple at that time.

So over the holiday I got Shadowrun 5th edition, which was fun having not played it since 2nd Ed, and in that game there is a very neat system for making a character called the Priority System.

The basic idea is that you can choose which aspects of character generation are most important to you and assign them a priority A-E(In my version for Pathfinder there is only A-D). You can only have one of each priority. For example if having a powerful race is important to you, you would assign that as your priority A.

I think this could be converted to Pathfinder, but I want to test it out. There are a lot of times when I have players that want to play a race that by itself isn't too bad, but once you add classes and point buy its too much. The idea is to allow players to play those races, and dial back some of their other options so that it is a bit more fair.

In the original from Shadowrun there are 3 versions of the Priorty system, I am going with what I would consider the "Prime" version from that being the most powerful starting characters I would allow.

So I have created 4 aspects of character creation. Race, Point Buy, Class, and Starting Wealth/Traits.

My Priorty System for Pathfinder:

Race Points
A-20 RP
B-16 RP
C-12 RP
D-10 RP

Point Buy
A-25 Point Buy-Spread out how ever player wants
B-20 Point Buy-No score <10 before racials
C-15 Point Buy-No Score <10 before racials, No score >18 after racials
D-10 Point Buy-10 before racials, No score >18 after racials

Magic Classes
A- Access to all Magical Classes and Archetypes
B- Access to Clerics, Witches, and Oracles as well as Hybrids
C- Access to Hybrids only-Bards, Rangers, Inquisitors, Paladins
D- Only Martial Classes

Starting Wealth/Traits
A-1200 Gold can have magic items and consumables to start, 3 traits and can take up to 3 drawbacks for additional traits
B-800 Gold can have magic consumables to start, 2 traits, can take 1 drawback for trait
C-400 Gold no magic to start, 2 traits, one has to be campaign trait, 1 drawback allowed for additional trait
D-150 Gold no magic to start, 2 traits, one has to be campaign trait,no drawbacks allowed

What I am asking is for a group of people to help me polish this up a bit and play test it. I will run a Pathfinder module with the characters created.

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I recently picked up Shadowrun 5th edition (having only ever played 2nd edition before this) and there is a system for character creation that I thought was really cool. Basically you are given A-E priority slots to assign to different aspects of your character. You only get one letter of each, A being the best. For example if you wanted to play a powerful race you would assign A to your race section, but you would be weaker in a different aspect.

I thought this was really interesting and allows people to play what they want without breaking a game too much. I constantly get people wanting to play a race in pathfinder that is just too much once you combine it with classes ect, but if you limit the rest it becomes not such a burden.

Here is a very quick concept I came up for mimicking the system for Pathfinder.

A-Any race 20 RP worth
B-Uncommon Races from ARG
C-Featured Races from ARG
D-Core Races

Point Buy
A-25 Point Buy
B-20 Point Buy
C-15 Point Buy
D-10 Point Buy

B-Any Class from Paizo
C-Any Class from Core, APG
D-Core Classes

Starting Wealth
A-1200 Gold can have magic items and consumables to start
B-800 Gold can have magic consumables to start
C-400 Gold no magic to start
D-150 Gold

"Ok everyone line up." The militiaman instructs as he is about to address everyone. "You all know why you are here. As the flier says, 20gold a head for Vegepygmies and 100gold for a reliable map to their home in the heart of the woods. We have found a denizen of the wood that has agreed to help as the Vegepygmies have destroyed his people also. He can help you track them, and he has some healing abilities, though he is no fighter. Ok Piv come up here."

A shy dread gnome walks up and gives a slight wave "Hi, i...it.its Pivenzobili actually. Thank you all for coming. I will show you were the Vegepygmies are." Pivenzobili wears a holy symbol made of wood around his neck.

Knowledge Religion DC 12:
He is wearing the symbol for Barbatos Archedevil of Animals, Corruption, and Gateways.

In combat pivenzobili is not much more than a bystander, but he can be asked to heal someone as a standard action and out of combat. He is quite skilled in healing and he knows these woods.

You have all shown up at the town square as the flier said to fight off the Vegepygmies in the Whispering Wood. A member of the Town militia is taking down names.

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Longacre, a fitting name. The days are long and you have grown tired. Tired of your ordinary life. Today is different though. Today you have opportunity. The Vegepygmies of the Whispering Wood have finally become so much a nuisance that House Thrune has taken notice. In Cheliax, when House Thrune takes notice, everyone else does too. Fliers are posted around town asking for those willing to venture into the Woods to eliminate this threat. 20 gold pieces a head and 100 gold pieces for an accurate map to their lair in the Scar Thicket, heart of the woods. This is your chance, a chance at a new life.

Hi all. GM Gathrix again. I just cant get enough of these Play by Post, how about you? I want to run Hell's Vengence when it comes out. Here is a chance to build your background for that AP and be guaranteed a slot in my game for that. This game is going to be a level 1-level 2 one shot designed to weed out recruits and establish a good player base for that AP. You will be playing NPC classes, just starting out on your life of adventure.

Character Creation:
To even out the fact that when the AP drops you will have an extra level in an NPC class and some items from this one-shot, I am going to make it only a 15 point buy. Starting gold is 100gold. . Traits allowed-2You can take drawbacks, but expect me to use them against you especially if you have multiple. Races allowed- You are citizens of Cheliax, so Humans, Tieflings, Gnomes, Halfings will have preference, but I will consider others. (If you are a Strix or something like that expect to be vilified openly, Cheliax is not known as a bastion of tolerance.) Classes allowed- NPC classes from the Core Rule book with the following changes- Aristocrats will start the game with an additional 100gold and remember in Cheliax status is power. Commoners will become 8 hit dice and receive 4 skill points +int and may choose any 2 skills to be class skills and may choose which save they receive +2 in. I do this assuming no one plans on progressing past level 1 as an NPC character, if you have an idea to do so share it with me and I might allow you so do so when the AP drops. Alignment-LE will have preference, I will accept any Non-Good and no CE (Hellknights become a problem for you at higher levels with that Alignment).
When the AP starts and if you are chosen to continue you will be granted a Campaign Trait of your choice. Religions- Diabolism, Asmodeus, Zon-Kuthon, and Devils will have preference, but any non-good religion will be considered.

3rd Party Material:
I will allow 3rd party material on a case by case basis. For this one-shot I will be sticking the the NPC classes, but for the AP I might allow some others.

By the way, did I mention this is an Evil campaign? Chance to do some naughty stuff. Let's keep the graphic descriptions to a minimum though and apparently rape is a taboo worse than genocide on these boards so lets not go there. Even though you are evil let's work towards a common goal ok?

# of Applicants Accepted:
Ok here is the crazy part. I am going to accept 12, yes twelve, applicants. If all twelve of you make it through this PbP posting everyday and are just awesome and cool, I will run 2 Hell's Vengeance campaigns to accommodate. I somehow doubt that will be the case though having spent a good amount of time on these boards.

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I want to run Hell's Vengeance when it comes out so I thought maybe it would be fun to run a prequel to it where the players start out as lvl 1 NPC classes on their start to becoming adventures. Basically creating a backstory for the characters when the AP comes out. This will also basically be a weeding out of recruits so that when the AP does drop I can have a good game with people who are interested and want to play.

I will probably do a 15 point buy to offset the extra level you will start with when the AP does drop. I got some other ideas, but I want to test the waters first before I put too much time into this.

The voice is male, but can be faked ? ?

You have had a few moments to collect yourself, but you are still feeling the effects of dumpshock. You are trying to piece together the night before, but you are not sure how you were forced into the matrix. Was it some new wireless tech, or spell? You stumble around the alley in the back of a Cap N Beef and a residential area. It looks to be the Aztechnology side of Denver by the architectural landscape.

You notice some others by you, you recognize them from images shown to you in the matix last night, and the memories, and pain, flood back...

In the Matrix last night

Welcome. Long time no see friends. I have a job for you, and you owe me, or well I own you and so well yeah, you owe. Now I know you probably want me to just slot and run, but the truth is...I enjoy this. You have all be bad. Very very bad. Did I mention how much I appreciate that about you? Anyways my SINless friends I guess this does get a little tedious, even on my end. So here it is. You have all be selected for your various skills to complete a task...

The memory fades and you see a Cap N Beef worker come out of the back of the restaurant with Cappy meals for everyone

"Hey, you guys forgot your food. Whoa, you look trashed. Are you on BTLs? You should kick those man. I had a friend... The college kid's attempt to rehabilitate you of BTLs in the back of a Cap N Beef is interrupted by the growling of your stomachs.

Welcome everyone! Enjoy those Cappy Meals! Make sure to look at your toy :)

You have been called to many a gathering in the training field just behind the citadel that overlooks the city of Ilizmagorti below, but this is the first time where the Blood Mistress herself would be addressing the crowd. Today was the anniversary of the Crimson Citadel being built after the Red Mantis had been infamously exiled in 2560 after their involvement in what is now called the Oath Wars. One this day it is custom for the sitting Blood Mistress to address Achaekek's servants.

This is also the first time you have seen Vela, Captain of the Blood Watch of Ilizmagorti, outside the city. She is a battle hardened Captain formally of the Cheliax Empire. She and her honor guard await amongst the faithful to hear the Blood Mistress speak.

The sea breeze is salty and chilling as the Blood Mistress steps on to her balcony and removes her Sacred Mantis Helm. Her image is blurred, as if under a spell, and it is hard to discern her features. Sisters and Brothers of the Blood, I Blood Mistress Jakalyn appear before you in all the glory and splendor granted to me by our Lord, He who walks in Blood! Praise Achaekek! Recite your vows with me!

The Blood Mistress and the faithful raise their voices reciting the tenants of the Red Mantis.

Kill by righteous decree
None who rule by divine right are marked by the
Receiving gifts for our abilities is our right
Strike in silence and in night
Walk in the blood of others, not our kin

The Blood Mistress bows her head in a brief moment of silence, then continues to speak

I decree there shall be three days of pleasure starting today. The Sivlamlik shall be opened for this time and servants will cater to every whim of our righteous sisters and brothers. On the fourth day I will send a group of new recruits to the Pagoda of the Mantis to make our offering of thanks.

The Pagoda of the Mantis is in the City of Ilizmagorti, the City founded by the first expedition of the Red Mantis to these shores in 2560. It is tradition to give thanks for its success during this time. In the city itself there will be a festival of blood and the town will be painted in crimson and black in honor of Achaekek. The road between the Citadel and the city however, is treacherous, and some do not make it back...Now is a chance for a bit of roleplay and final prep before your characters are sent out to make the pilgrimage.

Please post your final submissions here with profile and everything and discuss anything out of character.

Present your final submissions here and discuss anything out of character here that you would like.

*Edit I do have a real-life friend making an account also that I forgot to mention. They will have theirs up shortly too. Should be another Street Samurai Troll upfront type to round out party.

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To say the shores of Mediogalti are treacherous is an understatement, but the Crimson Citadel in the distance is truly ominous. Like a bloody needle stabbing into the heavens it guides only the foolish or murderously devout in an otherwise uncharted and untamed land.

Welcome to my Campaign This is to be an evil campaign. You work for some of the most notorious assassins in Golarion. That being said this is a Lawful Evil organization and it does not appreciate disobedience or discord. Work with your fellow assassins towards a singular goal.

This campaign will start out that you are recruits learning the deadly trade of being an assassin. Little is known how the Red Mantis recruit or train and I plan on exploring that. You do not have to become a Red Mantis Assassin prestige class, though it would be appreciated if some went that route. The organization has need for devotees of all types though. If the campaign lasts beyond level 6 than expect to move beyond Mediogalti and have some real assignments.

Character Creation:
Point Buy 25- Red Mantis only recruit the most competent
Starting Wealth 500
Starting Level 2(One level must be in a class with stealth as a class skill-Rogues/Inquisitor/Ninja/Bard ect. There is one caveat to this if you choose the campaign drawback Turncoat*see below)
Starting Traits 2 + one campaign trait or the campaign drawback will grant you a third *see below. You may take drawbacks with the following exceptions- No Attached, Lovesick, Family ties, Doubt, Dependant or Sentimental. The Red Mantis have no need for such weak candidates.
Starting Equipment Unless you take the turncoat drawback, start the game with two Mastercrafted Sawtooth Sabres.
Starting Feat You gain Exotic Weapon Proficiency Sawtooth Sabre.

Campaign Traits/Drawback:
These serve not only as traits, but also a decent start to personal backgrounds.

-Favored Disciple(Female Only): For some unknown reason females have always held higher prestige among the Red Mantis and are groomed for leadership. +1 Initiative and Gain Knowledge: Nobility as a class skill. Start the game with 300 more gold in equipment that must be purchased at first level.

-Born of the Citadel: You were born of another assassin, this is a great blessing in the eyes of the Vernai and your birth was celebrated in a sacred rite. +1 Will Save and Gain Stealth as a class skill. Can cast Bleed and Stabilize 3xday as spell like ability.

-Recruited by the Blood Mistress: The Blood Mistress herself ordered your recruitment. Typically this is by the will of Achaekek due to one's exceptional abilities. +1 to any two class skills, may put ranks in those skills beyond hit points at character creation(To a max of 5 ranks). Start the game with 100 extra gold in Red Mantis coinage you received as recruitment bonus.

-Rescued by the Kaneano tribe. This tribe of Adaro is just as likely to eat someone as to rescue them, they chose the later for a reason. After you washed ashore and realized where you were you had an epiphany of destiny and so far it has proven accurate. +1 Ref Save, Gain Swim and Diplomacy as class skills. Can trade with the Kaneano tribe.

-Pilgrimage to Ilizmagorti (Lawful Evil only): You sought out the Red Mantis because you are true believer in Achaekek. The trip was not pleasant and arriving on this forbidden island was worse. Gain Survival and Knowledge: Religion as class skills. The Vernai appreciate your piety to their lord, gain a wand of cure light wounds in the shape of a mantis claw. It has 10 charges, but only works on evil characters.

-Blood Watch Veteran: On rare occasions members of the Blood Watch of Ilizmagorti have been invited to the Crimson Citadel, even rarer as those asked to stay. You are one of those exceptional individuals and have proved yourself through hard work. +1 Fort Save and Gain Profession: Soldier as class skills. Start game with set of mastercrafted red armor of any type.

-Draw Back Turncoat: You were sent by another organization to infiltrate the Red Mantis, but you were caught and forced to kill those who sent you or be killed. You accomplished the first and have been allowed to remain among the Red Mantis. Should you leave those you turned against will surely seek your life. You are not an initiate of the Red Mantis, and never will be allowed as a true member nor allowed to use Sawtooth Sabres. Instead you start at level 2 in any class and increase starting wealth to 1000 and one Mastercraft item of your choice.

Gameplay will be theater of the mind. I tend to do combat very structured, you can post out of initiative and I will plug you in. If you were absent for a combat I tend to narrate what your character did based on some simple rolls.

I hope to get people that post often, but that is not always the case. I plan on doing this for some time myself, but life happens. Let's all try our best to do at least 3-4 posts a week. If the players post more, I tend to post more. Keep an eye out for the Campaign Tab to have updates and information about Mediogalti and the surrounding area.

You wake up beaten, but alive. Memories of the previous night begin to slowly seep back into your mind like painful syrup that finally coalesces into a solid mass of agony. Being forcibly jacked in, then ejected from the matrix had its price, but this was the worst dumpshock you ever encountered.

What's worse is not knowing who was doing it, only referring to himself as Mr.Johnson. Why he was doing it he made abundantly clear with his sinister voice that still sends shivers down your spine,"You are good at what you do i'll give you that chummer, but you'll need to be better if you are going to survive this task. Do it well and I may even let you live after, do it to my standards and I may even release you from service. Now go, you have much to do."

That was the first time and last time you heard of this particular "Mr.Johnson", but you feared it would not be the last.

Hello Everyone, welcome to my Shadowrun 5th PbP. I am new to this system, but its my hope that I can provide a good game for everyone and we can have a good time. PbP seems a good way to learn a new system as it allows one plenty of time to look things up and prepare.

Character Generation:
We are going to try the Priority System, it looks interesting and I think it could be fun. We will go with the Prime Version as this particular Mr.Johnson would not bother harassing mere low-level dataslaves.
• Modify the resources column on the Priority Table as follows:
• Priority A: 500,000 nuyen
• Priority B: 325,000 nuyen
• Priority C: 210,000 nuyen
• Priority D: 150,000 nuyen
• Priority E: 100,000 nuyen
• Karma: Each player receives 35 Karma to customize
characters (maximum of 70 Karma).
• Gear Restrictions: Device Ratings must be rated at 6 or less.
Maximum Availability is 15 or less.
• Nuyen Restrictions: Characters may convert up to 25 Karma
into nuyen (50,000 nuyen).
• Karma Restrictions: Instead of the normal Charisma x 3
Karma for contacts, increase this amount to Charisma x 6
Karma for contacts.
• Follow all other rules for Character Creation/Advancement
as laid out in this chapter.

Give me at least one paragraph of background, and in it add something that Mr.Johnson is holding over you that is forcing you to be his personal shadowrunner. It must be something fairly sever to cause you to commit criminal acts for him. In a way you will be helping me shape the game because as the game progresses reliving Mr.Johnson of said leverage will be part of the game.

Any questions feel free to ask, but please do not ask me to run a different game or use a different system this is what I have to offer you.

Hi all I recently picked up a used copy of this game setting and I thought it might be fun to try. I am thinking we will just use pathfinder rules for it, but try to stay within the Dawnforge setting as much as possible. The idea of Dawnforge is that it is the time of legend. When all the kingdoms are at their pinnacle and just starting to vie for control. There are no ruins of ancient civilizations, this is the dawn of civilization.

The biggest change in Dawnforge is the magic, as it is more raw and undefined/unexplored at this time. If there is enough interest I will go into more detail into that.

Is there any interest to play Shadow Run 5th? I am new to 5th edition, but the recent video game on Steam really peaked my interest again.

I have been doing PbP on this site for a while now, like 3 years I guess. New to the system and we can learn it together.

New Discussion Thread. I will place the After Action Reviews every chapter here rewarding Exp ect. There are 4 chapters in the Original Dark Pursuits and I will probably expand it to 5 or more depending on your choices in the game.

As you enter the tunnel, it becomes clear that it is rarely used. Dense webs cover ancient illuminators that barley function to light the ancient pathway. Stale air and foul scents fill your nostrils. The tunnel is not long, you can see the exit in the distance, approximately 40meters down.

Go ahead and give descriptions/intros and roll for the Emperor's Blessing. The threshold of each is different depending on Home Worlds. There is information in the Gameplay tab that is useful to know about Hive Desoleum

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You begin to come to in the back of the repressor armoured transport. As you attempt to get comfortable within the confines of your bindings and the effects of the Arbites shock maul begin to wear off you begin to look around. Most of your companions are coming too also, except for one. Gorn, the feral worlder. He had always been too hot headed, and like the Arbites, not exactly built for holding back in combat. His wounds look near mortal, probably going to end up a servitor by end of the day. Hopefully this little ruse was worth it and word will travel to the local hive gangers.

The transport stops and the Arbites forcefully escort you and your comrades inside the Arbitrator Headquarters on Desoleum to dark and empty room with metallic reinforced walls. By the smell of fresh blood and screams down the hall you discern that this must be an interrogation chamber. You are thrown to the floor and the door behind you slams shut. You grunt as you roll on to your back, then to your knees. Suddenly a light at the end of the room illuminates the face of your employer. Inquisitor Ophelia Van Kappel.

Inquisitor Ophelia wrote:
About time. You were supposed to keep Gorn inline, now you will be down a man. This may work towards reinforcing your legitimacy though, Arbites rarely conduct a raid without casualties. Very well, here is your official brief.

Inquisitor Ophelia clears her throat and checks a chronometer on her wrist before she continues

Inquisitor Ophelia wrote:

Hive Desoleum holds many heresies and horrors, and you are gathered here for but one of them. There are increasing reports of horrible deaths within the hive's upper levels, with odd items of a possible xenos or archaeotech nature found with each corpse. Fellow nobles have related these were preceded with bouts of erratic and troublesome behavior, and worry that a hive noble named Lans Guljian has exhibited many of the same behaviours.

You are tasked with the Emperor's Work: to investigate the deaths and possible connections to any illicit artefacts, determine if they are potential dangers of a wider nature, and terminate their distribution. Recover and contain any items uncovered, lest they corrupt others.

Carry the Emperor's Light with you throughout the hive, for there is little proper illumination to be found in this festering, ancient edifice. Desoleum teeters on the blade's edge of damnation, and one further heresy could topple the entire hive into the abyss.

Now scream a little for me and make it sound convincing, I will remove your binders and open the secret tunnel that leads to dumping pit. I have secured your items there. Collect them and make haste.

Game Specifics:
Welcome to my recruitment of Dark Pursuits, the introductory module for Dark Heresy 2nd. I will be modifying it as those of you familiar with it are probably already aware, but it will remain true to its concept. I will be using the Core Book, the Game Master Kit, and Enemies Within for this, and you are welcome to use material from these sources for character building. Characteristics will be point buy-65 points with no more than 40 in one stat. 1200 exp to start. No Inquisitors, other Elite Advances will be on a case by case basis and should have some strong justification and backgrounds. I will choose characters Sunday Morning Oct 25th, The Game will start then. I will post 4 days a week Sun-Wed due to my work schedule. Please be prepared to post at least twice a week. Any questions post below.