
T.D.F.K.A. Ethyl Ermengarde's page

6 posts. Alias of Delmoth.

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For several weeks, excitement has been building in Kenabres—Armasse is coming! Traditionally an opportunity for scholars and priests to come together to study the lessons of history from wars past, since Aroden’s death, this holy day has become more about training commoners in weaponry, choosing squires, and ordaining new priests. Over time, Armasse has grown to encompass jousting competitions, mock duels, battle reenactments, and other festival events. In Kenabres, the festival (which takes place on 16 Arodus) is eagerly anticipated, for it provides distractions from the horrors of being on the front line of the war. Smiles on faces normally marred by downcast eyes and furrowed brows do wonders for city morale in the weeks leading up to the event.

Please describe your characters and any shenanigans they get up to during the celebrations.

Wrath Maps Wrath Loot PS Loot PS Maps

Discussion happens here!

Been thinking about running Wrath of the Righteous for a while now. I have three players selected for this campaign and I'm looking for 3 additional players. Recruitment will go on until I have three submissions I like, but will run at least until 4/19.

Submission requirements
A character concept: briefly explain who they are and what they bring to the party.

Backstory: A brief overview of your character's history, showing what motivates them.

Why Kenabres: Why is your character in a city that borders the Worldwound? This will likely incorporate your campaign trait.

A little crunch: This should at minimum be a race/class/archetype combo. I don't need full crunch at this time, but if that's your thing, go wild.

Build rules
25 point buy
2 traits
1 trait must be a campaign trait
Each selected player will have a different campaign trait
150 start gold
Max hp at 1st level, average thereafter
Core races plus the following: Tiefling, Aasimar, Kobold*
Other races will be considered if your submission is strong enough but no races with RP higher than 15 will be considered.
*Kobolds will be house ruled to be viable
Automatic bonus progression
2 background skills
Have a prestige class in mind when building your character (see below).

I have a slew of house rules to smooth over some of the rough edges I've encountered, but perhaps most important to this recruitment is handling mythic rules.

Alternate Mythic
(Shamelessly stolen from GM Toothy, thanks for the inspiration!)
You will not gain the usual benefits of mythic, but instead gain the following:
Mythic Abilities: Hard to Kill (as normal),
Mythic Power: (1 per tier/day, recover only 1/day)
Surge: (as normal).
You gain no other mythic abilities.
Ability Score Increase: Only 1 instead of 2.
Mythic Feats: You get a regular feat instead.
Upgraded Traits: All your campaign traits are upgraded at some point.
Prestige Class: When you get your first mythic tier, you must choose a 10-level prestige class. You receive an additional number of HP equal to half+1 of the prestige class HD. You also gain the abilities correspondent to your mythic tier as if it was your class level in that prestige class, however you only gain these abilities if you meet all the prerequisites of the prestige class (as an example, if you take Arcane Archer but your BAB is only +4 at the moment, you’ll only receive the enhance arrows ability when your BAB reaches +6). You gain no increase in BAB, saves, skill points or class skills. You are also limited to the normal cap for a given ability of your own level (a 6th level wizard taking the veiled illusionist PrC would not receive an increase in spellcasting, since he is already at the maximum for a 6th level PC, however, if he later take a level in rogue, he would receive that increase retroactively; on a similar case, a 7th level rogue would not be able to benefit from a sneak attack increase above 4d6).

Wrath Maps Wrath Loot PS Loot PS Maps

Build Rules

  • Any race with RP 15
  • All Paizo material acceptable
  • 20 point buy
  • 2 traits, one may be a campaign trait, subject to approval
  • 5250gp start gold
  • Background skills in effect
  • Automatic Bonus Progression in effect

    You will level up once before the final encounter of the book.

  • Wrath Maps Wrath Loot PS Loot PS Maps

    Walk, if you will, the claustrophobic alleys of the Tangle, the middenstone vats of the Filth, and the cobbled white roads at the summit of an ancient hill. Know that this is but the latest of cities to crown this summit, a monument to the filth and grime and waste of civilization. The city was built upon the battlefields of history past, for many have sought to control this key feature, this lonely hill in a sea of mud and mire. Only its name has remained constant through the ages—Carrion Hill.

    We are a 6 player group looking for a replacement GM for our Wrath of the Righteous game. Our current GM has realized they couldn’t keep up with the game, we are sad to see them go since they were great. We are currently near the start of book 2, and are traveling north to Drezen.

    Our gameplay is here.

    Our current cast of characters:
    Benedic, a distant relation to Queen Galifrey herself, proud and privileged, slowly learning to humble himself and rise to the challenges of the 5th crusade. He is an aasimar cleric with VMC into paladin, mythic Champion/Hierophant, campaign trait is Touched by Divinity. Current wielder of Radiance.

    Caliban, a “teenage” runaway from Kyonin who learned a harsh lesson when he tried to join the 3rd crusade. After serving as a mercenary for the entirety of the 4th crusade, this scarred elf finds himself at the front. He is a elven magus hexcrafter and bladebound, mythic archmage/champion, trait story wise is Stolen Fury, but mechanically Riftwarden Orphan.

    Junior, a happy go lucky half-ork with absolutely no daddy issues at all, nope, none at all, why even bring it up? After emigrating from Cheliax with his boon companion Fred, a coin that talks to Junior. Junior happened to be in the right spot at the right time to make light of some self serious crusaders and now is one of them. Junior is a half-ork skald, mythic marshall, trait child of the crusade.

    Greta, a slight woman with a truly massive hammer she inherited from her late father and the innate magic inherited from her mother. Despite the grumblings of the more traditional crusaders, Greta leads from the front and fights like she has something to prove, even though she’s demonstrated time and again she really doesn’t. Greta is an aasmiar bloodrager primal celestial, mythic guardian, trait is exposed to awfulness.

    Selann, the child of a pair of halfling crusaders. Tragically he lost both his parents when he and his family were on what was supposed to be a routine patrol. The only reason Selann survived was due to a strange woman who managed to save Selann. He is a halfling arcane trickster, mythic trickster, trait is chance encounter.

    Tristan, a young and brash Iomadaean inquisitor, with a wild streak, at least for a crusader. Despite his rebelliousness he seems to have been blessed by the Inheritor and has been inducted into the Order of Heralds within the Iomadaean inquisition. His first mission was to investigate Prelate Hulrun Shappok for the witch hunts he perpetrated during the 4th crusade. His investigation has come to an uncertain end, as the Prelate is apparently dead during the assault on Kenabres. Tristan is a human inquisitor of Iomadae, mythic Marshal, trait touched by divinity.

    We want a GM who is willing to take on the challenge of running this game. We do not want to alter mythic, and all its brokenness, as most of us do not want to remake our characters and more than one have pinned their character concepts on one or more mythic abilities. We would like a GM who is committed to posting regularly, at least once every other day.

    Thank you for your consideration!

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    Here it is folks, starting a new thread so this information doesn't get lost.

    Build Rules

  • Core races preferred but any race with RP 15 or under will be considered
  • All Paizo material acceptable
  • 20 point buy
  • 2 traits, one of which should be a campaign trait, but you don’t need to take a campaign trait if you really don’t want to.
  • 150 gp start gold
  • Background skills in effect
  • Automatic Bonus Progression in effect

    Your submission should include:

  • A character concept: briefly explain who they are and what they bring to the party.
  • Backstory: A brief overview of your character's history, showing what motivates them.
  • Why Heldren: Why is your character in the small town of Heldren in southern Taldor?
  • A little crunch: This should at minimum be a race/class/archetype combo. I don't need full crunch at this time, but if that's your thing go wild.

    Also please note I have a number of house rules and rulings that I've put in the campaign tab.

    Recruitment will go on until I have 6 submissions I like but will run at minimum until 7/4/2022

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    Wrath Maps Wrath Loot PS Loot PS Maps

    In my campaign tab there is a list of house rules and rulings I’ve made but I’m also house ruling spell durations this go around to simplify tracking spell durations.

    1/hour level: 1 full dungeon
    10 min/level: 3 encounters
    1 min/level: 2 encounters
    1 rd/level: 1 encounter

    Once you reach level 10 durations become:
    1/hour level: All day
    10 min/level: 1 full dungeon
    1 min/level: 3 encounters
    1 rd/level: 1 encounter

    Extend spell metamagic bumps you up one level, e.g. 1 min/lvl (2 encounters) -> 10 min/lvl (3 encounters)

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    Wrath Maps Wrath Loot PS Loot PS Maps

    The sleepy village of Heldren has rarely seen so much excitement or concern. Hunters from the nearby Border Wood speak of unnaturally cold weather at the height of summer that descended on the forest just days ago. Heavy snow followed, and those who returned spoke of an uneasy presence in the woods, as well as new, dangerous predators. No one knows what this event means, but the town’s soothsayer, Old Mother Theodora, claims dark times lie ahead.

    As if in proof of that dire prophecy, a badly wounded mercenary arrived in town yesterday, claiming to be a bodyguard of Lady Argentea Malassene. He told the village council that the noblewoman’s escort came under attack by bandits and strange, wintry creatures near the edge of the Border Wood. He alone escaped, and Lady Argentea was dragged away into the forest. Now the townsfolk cast fearful eyes toward the snowy forest, worried what else might emerge to threaten their peaceful village.

    Know local or Gather info DC 5:
    Everyone says the weather is unseasonably cold for midsummer—it even snowed in the Border Wood! Most suspect magic is involved, and some fear Qadiran agents played a role in it.

    DC 10

    Old Man Dansby claims that someone keeps stealing from his fields. His farm lies closest to the Border Wood, where half his crops have died from an icy frost and the rest have been carried off.

    DC 12

    A farmer’s son took ill a few days ago after falling through the ice over Wishbone Creek. The boy said he spotted a white stag in the forest—and heard it talking—then tried to follow it.

    DC 15

    A group of rangers in the Border Wood called the High Sentinels usually keep bandit activity curbed. They’re doing a poor job if brigands could attack a well-armed caravan and abduct Lady Argentea.

    DC 18

    Locals say a hunter named Dryden Kepp claimed he saw a giant white weasel on the High Ridge in the forest. No one believed him so he went back to trap it and prove them wrong.

    DC 20

    Two weeks ago, Lady Argentea Malassene traveled past Heldren on her way from Oppara to Zimar to meet her betrothed. Rumor has it the two didn’t get along and Lady Argentea caused a scandal by calling off the engagement and returning home.

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    Some of you might know that by the end of this month I will have wrapped the two games I have been running for my time here. To fill that gap I'm considering running another game. I just don't know what.

    If Pathfinder it will be PF1 and an adventure path. I have run Strange Aeons and Wrath of the Righteous and like them well enough that I would run them again if there's interest. I am open to other paths too.

    I also have access to all the new Alternity materials published by Sasquatch Games, and would run that too.

    If the right person asks, you know who you are, I would run other things as well.

    Anyway please give me your thoughts!

    Would you rather the one published in the 90s by TSR or the new version by Sasquatch Games?

    What kind of game? Space Opera/Space Western like StarDrive, Dark Nebula, or Protostar? Conspiracy thriller ala Dark Matter or even post apocalypse?

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    I have one final adventure path on my bucket list to play and its Skull and Shackles. I recently was accepted into it on the boards here with my character Lily Tuvol. The game's GM vanished and the group managed to recruit a second GM, who's real life promptly went up in a raging inferno and he couldn't continue. Most of the crew wanted to move on but I really want to finish the path.

    We've barely got past the 2nd day so I'm absolutely fine with starting over with a new crew drinking questionable rum in Port Peril.

    Lily is an infernal bloodrager who has a lot of family baggage. Her current incarnation. I'm not dead set on using her so I can come up with another character if wanted.

    Bonus points if my friend's Abel of Rahadoum can join as well.

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    Greetings bloods and berks alike!

    I’m looking for a couple of cutters to join an already existing group who’ve stumbled into a plot far larger and dangerous than it appears. This is a Planescape re-recruitment where I’m adapting some of the old modules into Pathfinder 1e, we are currently running through the Dead Gods adventure collection. I’m looking for 1-2 players to round out the party.

    If you're not familiar with the setting that's fine! You can still submit a character from basically any setting. A "brief" overview of the Multiverse, for the clueless. Generally all settings can/do exist, as well as any compatible universes from literature, maybe even the worlds you've dreamed up yourself. I will however favor characters from Sigil or the Planes in general.

    Build rules:
    7st level
    20 point buy
    2 traits
    Automatic Bonus Progression
    Purchase limit: 11,750 gp
    Background skills
    Any race with RP 15 or less plus Planescape races (see below)
    Custom races allowable with approval, 15 RP or less
    All Paizo published options are fair game

    What your submission should include
    Name/Race/Class, if you have a fully crunched out character that's fine.
    Faction, if any: See below for details
    Short concept: In 100 words or less. If you have a more in depth background, great, but put it in spoiler. Your short concept should briefly explain why they're in Sigil, the City of Doors. This can be as simple as you stumbled through a portal or more detailed. More recently your character has arrived in the town of Crux, a small burg built in the branches of the World Tree, Yggdrasil.
    A 1-3x3: 1-3 friends, 1-3 contacts, 1-3 rivals. These are NPCs (or PCs) that your PC knows or used to know. One or two sentence descriptions are fine. Connections to published Planescape NPCs are fine for this.
    Fear: at least one thing that your character fears or will avoid if possible
    Optional: 2 secrets, one your character keeps from the party, one kept from your character.

    Planescape specific races:
    Bariaur (see below)
    Githzerai (see below)
    Fire Genasi (Ifrits)
    Earth Genasi (Oreads)
    Modron (see below)
    Air Genasi (Sylphs)
    Water Genasi (Undines)

    Size Quality Modified for custom races:
    Large (4 RP): Prerequisite: Humanoids taking this quality must have the giant subtype; Benefit: Large races take a –1 size penalty to their AC, a –1 size penalty on attack rolls, a +1 bonus on combat maneuver checks and to their CMD, and a –4 size penalty on Stealth checks. A Large creature takes up a space that is 10 feet by 10 feet and has a reach of 5 feet.

    Tiny (2 RP): Prerequisites: Aberration, construct, dragon, fey, outsider (native), or plant type; Benefit: Tiny races gain a +2 size bonus to their AC, a +2 size bonus on attack rolls, a –2 penalty on combat maneuver checks and to their CMD, and a +8 size bonus on Stealth checks. Tiny characters take up a space of 2-1/2 feet by 2-1/2 feet, so up to four of these characters can fit into a single square. Tiny races typically have a natural reach of 0 feet, meaning they can't reach into adjacent squares. They must enter an opponent's square to attack it in melee. This provokes an attack of opportunity from the opponent. Since they have no natural reach, they do not threaten the squares around them. Other creatures can move through those squares without provoking attacks of opportunity. Tiny creatures typically cannot flank an enemy.


    Inspiration: This entry from The Planewalker’s Handbook by Monte Cook, 1996 TSR Inc.:
    The bariaur — herbivorous denizens of the Upper Planes — often remind primes of centaurs, their goat-bodies topped by human torsos and arms. Their faces display somewhat more animal-like features than centaurs, and male bariaur sport a fine pair of curling ram's horns. Bariaur can be exceedingly fussy about their appearances, dyeing and shaving their pelts in intricate patterns. They're well known for their wanderlust, building no towns but roaming over several of the Upper Planes in a seemingly random path. Most claim Ysgard as their birthplace, though some herds are native to Elysium, the Beastlands, or Arborea. In personality, bariaur are usually carefree, social, outgoing, and friendly. Though considered frivolous by some, the sturdy bariaur nevertheless are fierce fighters when their families or friends are threatened. Ysgardian bariaur, in particular, hold a special hatred for giants, no doubt due to the predations of the enormous humanoids upon bariaur herds.

    PC members of this race possess infravision to a 60-foot range and a movement rate of 15. While most are chaotic good, PC bariaur may be of any nonevil alignment. They may rise to 13th level in any allowable class. Further benefits depend on the sex of the bariaur, as their society maintains traditional roles for males and females. On initial character generation, male bariaur gain a +1 bonus to Strength and Constitution and suffer a -1 penalty to Wisdom and Dexterity. With their horns, they can always attempt to butt an opponent for 1d8 points of damage (plus Strength bonus), tripling this result by charging at least 30 feet in a straight line. If the hit is successful, the charging bariaur must save versus breath weapon or suffer the same damage as the target. Charged creatures size M or smaller are knocked to the ground 50% of the time. Male bariaur can become fighters, rangers, paladins, or priests. Female bariaur, generally somewhat more intellectually inclined, gain a +1 bonus to Intelligence and Wisdom but suffer a -1 penalty to Strength and Dexterity. They lack horns with which to attack opponents, but add +2 to all surprise rolls and +3 to saving throws versus spell. Females can be fighters, priests, or wizards.

    The joy of freedom, the love of laughter, and the exultation of victory are your meat and drink. These are things worth dying for — nothing else is more important. These concepts supersede all others, coming even before duty, honor, or gold. Others claim them (and you) frivolous at times, but you cannot imagine life without these treasures; the very thought of losing them chills you to your very bones. But it's best not to dwell upon that. Enjoy life, laughing in the sun, or whatever passes for a sun in the places that you visit. Though things may turn grim, you know that you'll always have the strength of your convictions and what they represent to sustain you.

    Bariaur in Pathfinder:

    Type: Native Outsider (3 RP) ===> Darkvision (60ft) - Bariaur are usually native to Ysgard but are frequently found on good and chaotic aligned planes.
    Size: Large (4 RP) space 10ft reach 5ft ===> -1 AC and Att, +1 CMB and CMD - Bariaur are only marginally smaller than horses.
    Speed: Normal (0 RP)
    Ability Score: Specialized Physical: +2 Str, +2 Con, -2 Wis (1 RP) - Male Bariaur are traditionally the warrior class for their herds.
    Language: Standard (0 RP): Common, Bariaur

    Quadruped (2 RP) +10 base speed, +4 vs trip combat maneuvers - Bariaur have four cloven legs and as such move faster and are harder to trip.
    Gore (1 RP) 1d8 - Male Bariaur grow a pair of curling ram-like horns from their head, which they frequently use to settle disagreements.
    Powerful Charge (2 RP) - When charging with their horns a bariaur deals twice the damage with their gore attack adding 1-½ strength to damage.

    Type: Native Outsider (3 RP) ===> Darkvision (60ft) - Bariaur are usually native to Ysgard but are frequently found on good and chaotic aligned planes.
    Size: Large (4 RP) space 10ft reach 5ft ===> -1 AC and Att, +1 CMB and CMD - Bariaur are only marginally smaller than horses.
    Speed: Normal (0 RP)
    Ability Score: Specialized Mental: +2 Int, +2 Wis, -2 Dex (1 RP) - Female Bariaur are traditionally the shamans and spellcasters for their tribe.
    Language: Standard (0 RP): Common, Bariaur

    Quadruped (2 RP) +10 base speed, +4 vs trip combat maneuvers - Bariaur have four cloven legs and as such move faster and are harder to trip.
    Skill Bonus (2 RP) - +2 to perception checks.
    Hardy, Lesser (2 RP) - +2 racial bonus on saving throws vs spells and spell-like abilities.

    Total RP 13


    Inspiration: This entry from The Planewalker’s Handbook by Monte Cook, 1996 TSR Inc.:
    The history of the githzerai is one of ancient war and ancient slavery. Once of one race with the githyanki under the enslavement of the mind flayers, the githzerai broke away from their illithid masters and then from their gith brethren, sparking a racial war that has continued into the present. The two gith factions separated and found new homes: the githyanki in the emptiness of the Astral Plane, and the githzerai in the swirling chaos of Limbo.

    Githzerai are humanoids, thinner and taller than humans with sharp features, long faces, and eyes of gray or yellow. Severe and serious, the githzerai tend toward somberness in their clothing and personalities. They're usually close-mouthed, keeping their own council and trusting
    few outside their own kind.

    Only a few things stir the githzerai to passion. Their ancient hatreds for the illithids and githyanki erupt violently in any encounter with those races. Similarly, they are sworn to protect their race on their adopted home of Limbo, since that refuge was only won after millennia of hardship and war; any threat against their haven is met with whatever force is necessary to eliminate that threat.

    To the githzerai, there are only three truths: that the githyanki and illithids will never be anything but mortal enemies; that they will allow nothing to hinder the survival of their race; and that no one will ever enslave them again.

    Githzerai PCs add +1 to Intelligence and Dexterity and subtract -1 from Strength and Wisdom. They have infravision to 60 feet and may be of any nonlawful alignment. They can be fighters, fighter/wizards, wizards, or thieves; githzerai have no priests, but revere their ancient wizard-king as a god.

    Githzerai warriors and thieves possess an always-active magic resistance of 5% per level, to a maximum of 95%. This affects any magical items a githzerai tries to use; if the resistance roll is made, the item is useless to that character forever after. Note that this type of magic resistance is specific to githzerai only, as most other creatures can drop it at will. Mages lose their magic resistance in order to learn spellcasting. Fighter/wizards decide whether or not to keep the magic resistance and its attendant penalties; most purge themselves of it, since it interferes with their ability to use magical armor and items.

    Finally, PC githzerai utterly lose their native ability to plane shift, perhaps due to their extended time away from their wizard-king.

    Role-Playing A Githzerai
    All around you there is stagnation. Rigid thought and restricted personal freedom abound. Everyone you know is a slave — but you won't let the shackles of easy conformity and control wrap their seductive chains around you. You'll remain independent, and strike down any who try to enslave you in word or deed. Your people have known oppression in the past, and you'll not bear it again.

    Githzerai in Pathfinder:

    Type: Native Outsider (3 RP) ===> Darkvision (60ft) - Githzerai are native to Limbo but can be found anywhere and Sigil has a sizable population.
    Size: Medium (0 RP)
    Speed: Normal (0 RP)
    Ability Score: Standard (0 RP): +2 Dex, +2 Int, -2 Wis
    Language: Standard (0 RP): Common, Githzerai

    Spell Resistance, Lesser (2 RP): Prerequisites: None; Benefit: Members of this race gain spell resistance equal to 6 + their character level.
    Ancient Foe (Illithid) (3 RP): Prerequisites: None; Benefit: Choose one monster type or one subtype of the humanoid type. Members of this race gain a +2 dodge bonus to AC against monsters of that type and a +2 racial bonus on saving throws vs effects generated by that creature.
    Ancient Foe (Githyanki) (3 RP): Prerequisites: None; Benefit: Choose one monster type or one subtype of the humanoid type. Members of this race gain a +2 dodge bonus to AC against monsters of that type and a +2 racial bonus on attack rolls against creatures of that type.

    Total RP: 11

    Rogue Modron

    Inspiration: This entry from The Planewalker’s Handbook by Monte Cook, 1996 TSR Inc.:
    Modrons are the clockwork caretakers of the gears of Mechanus, virtually unthinking in their strict hierarchical order. No beings' minds are as focused on law, stability, repetition, and the security of harmonious regulation. But the multiverse isn't perfect — not even in Mechanus — and sometimes things go wrong. Sometimes a modron receives conflicting orders from two or more superiors, or is confronted with incontrovertible proof that all is not orderly. Sometimes a modron's mind just snaps. These circumstances create rogue modrons.

    When modrons go rogue, they lose most of their special abilities and even the normal modron form that designates their position within the clockwork hierarchy. They find themselves cast out of Mechanus, the heart of law and the only world they have ever known, and plunged into the cold, lonely, and (worst of all) chaotic multiverse. Rogue modrons have the forbidden and reprehensible glimmerings of self awareness the only thing that allows them to survive in this new sphere.

    Most rogue modrons are not crazed lunatics craving chaos and destruction. On the contrary, most folks can't tell a rogue modron from a "normal" one just by listening to it talk about the multiverse. It still is an extremely ordered being, with law at the center of all of its thoughts and ingrained in the way it feels, acts, and reacts. To another modron, the differences are obvious, and the rogue is some sort of chaotic wild-child; but to other folks, the rogue modron still seems the epitome of order.

    Rogue modrons stand exactly 6 feet tall, with cubelike bodies similar to those of quadrone modrons. The cubes are 3 feet on each face, adorned with two thin 3-foot-long legs, two 3-foot-long arms, and a pair of small, vestigial (non-operational) wings on their backs. A vaguely anthropomorphic face can be found on the front cube face.

    Modrons are formed from the stuff of order and given clockwork limbs and other parts. Both mechanical and fleshly parts comprise a modron, but the parts meld together to form an orderly whole. In fact, modron bodies aren't much different from any other basher's, other than in their odd appearance. (So curative spells, for example, work just fine on them despite their mechanical components.) Otherwise, modrons are genderless, ageless, and very difficult to distinguish from one another. Thankfully, the latter problem is solved by the fact that very, very few rogue modrons wander the Planes.

    Rogue modron player characters present a number of problems and special situations. These beings had no childhood, family, social rank, or even any real history. In fact, rogue modrons begin to lose what memories they have of Mechanus as time passes; as beginning player characters, they have even forgotten what rank they once held in the modron order.

    Role-playing rogue modrons requires special attention to their personalities and motivations. As beings of near-absolute order, they need organization, rank, authority, regulation, and harmony to be content. Modrons would never join a group that didn't make its organization and hierarchy clear, including an adventuring group. Modrons need to know exactly where they stand in the group - who ranks above them, and who below. While not as interested in being on top as some berks, they don't necessarily follow orders blindly and won't appreciate being taken advantage of by some peeler who thinks he understands how modrons operate.

    Once modrons set a course of action, it's difficult to divert them. They don't become side tracked or distracted. Modrons have a focus that no human can match in intensity. Most modrons also have no concept of self, but this is only partially true of rogues. Though still less motivated by concepts such as greed, personal happiness, and even self preservation than a human would be, they do recognize and (vaguely) comprehend these ideas.

    Rogue modrons don't believe in, or even understand, the concept of chance. They never use words or embrace ideas like "luck." To modrons, everything is structured, nothing is random. All creatures abide by a set of rules and regulations — whether they realize it or not. In fact, while modrons might not be able to describe exactly what all the "rules of the cosmos" are, they may try to figure the rules out — a lifelong task at best.

    Essentially, rogue modrons are refugees from a completely alien society and world, with completely different outlooks — at least at first. As PC modrons explore the multiverse, they continue to learn and adapt to the rest of the planes. Although they may never accept that there isn't an order to everything, they may adjust the way they view order. Rogue modrons try to impose their own brand of order on everything around them, or simply rationalize explanations that place a veneer of order over the chaos of the Multiverse.

    Curiosity may be the one downfall of modrons. Emotions, humor, friendship, and many other concepts familiar to humans and other humanoids are new and very strange to modrons (at least until they find or impose order within or upon them).

    Rogue modrons have natural advantages due to their status as creatures of ultimate law. They can readjust their vision, giving them effectively a double normal range of sight, as well as an uncanny ability to detect secret doors and other minutiae. They have a 2 in 6 chance of finding secret doors and a 3 in 6 chance of detecting concealed doors. Modrons have a 30% resistance to illusions, energy drains, charm, sleep, fear, domination, and other similar mind-affecting spells. They gain a +1 bonus to saving throws versus fire, cold, and acid. Modrons have a natural Armor Class of 8 (due to the fact that they're partially constructed of metal), and a movement rate of 15.

    Modrons also have a few disadvantages. For example, their structured minds don't allow them to react to surprise situations very well. (This doesn't make them easier than normal to surprise, though.) When modrons are surprised, they remain that way for twice the normal length of time. They don't interact well with individuals of chaotic alignment (despite some Xaositects' adoration
    of the term "rogue" modron), usually suffering a -1 reaction penalty toward such people. Modrons also find their size and weight to be a hindrance at times. It is impossible for them to carry out such standard actions as riding a horse, wearing normal armor, or wriggling through a narrow opening.

    Rogue modrons can choose classes and gain levels like any PC. This idea of self-improvement and self-advancement is alien to modron society, but it's obviously the way of the outside order, so rogue modrons adapt. From their structured minds and solid forms they gain a +1 bonus to Intelligence and Constitution, but their boxlike bodies and unfamiliarity with other cultures impose a -1 penalty to Dexterity and Charisma. Modrons can be fighters or wizards, but they cannot be multiclassed; even rogues are too focused for such personal diversity. Wizard modrons on Mechanus are virtually unheard of, but outside the clockwork universe, rogue modrons can see an order to magic use, as well as the benefits its use can provide. They may become specialist wizards but (obviously) cannot become wild mages.

    Naturally, rogue modrons can only be lawful in alignment, although the range of good, evil, or neutral is open to them as new concepts to explore (and ultimately, probably fear).

    Tick. Everything is structured. Tock. Everything is ordered. Tick. Tock. You hear the sounds of the machinery of the multiverse. Despite your exile from Mechanus, the clockwork of creation can never be taken from you. Those around you can provide insight into the structure of the new world you are now forced to live in. Whether or not they realize it, by observing them you see how things work, and what your place is within the structure. You ask questions, observing not only the answers, but the way in which they are answered. Every detail is important, for nothing happens without a reason.

    Modrons in Pathfinder:

    Type: Outsider (native) => unlike most native outsiders rogue modrons don't gain darkvision but instead gain low-light vision instead (2 RP)

    Size: Medium rogue modrons are 3 ft cubes with appendages (0 RP)
    Normal speed (0 RP)

    Ability scores: +2 Con, +2 Int, -2 Cha modron’s bodies are partially metal making them particularly sturdy and their organized mind makes it easy for them to learn, but their minds are also alien to most people making it difficult to relate to them (0 RP)

    Languages: Common, Modron, +any from high int

    Telescopic Eyes: Rogue modrons are able to focus their eyes beyond human norm and gain a +2 to perception checks and saves vs Illusions (3 RP)

    Mechanical Body: Rogue modrons are partially made of metal and other mechanisms, this hardness confers a +1 natural armor bonus. (2 RP)

    Alien Mind: Rogue modrons have alien minds and many concepts either don’t exist for them or are known only intellectually, thus they gain a +2 save vs mind affecting effects. They must also be of any lawful alignment. (1 RP)

    Source: Modrons don’t have traditional souls and if they die their energy returns to the Source. This both makes them resistant to negative energy and harder to bring back to life. They gain a +2 racial bonus on all saving throws made to resist death effects, saving throws against negative energy effects, Fortitude saves made to remove negative levels, and Constitution checks made to stabilize if reduced to negative hit points. Modron corpses cannot be used to animate undead of any type and a True Resurrection, Miracle, or Wish is required to bring a rogue modron back to life. (1 RP)

    Elemental Resistance: Rogue modron’s bodies are hardy and gain Fire Resistance 5, Cold Resistance 5, and Acid Resistance 5 (3 RP)

    Total RP: 12

    What follows is a quick look at each faction from The Planewalker’s Handbook by Monte Cook, 1996 TSR Inc. This should give you an idea of what each is like. If you want more detail on any one of them send me a PM and I can get it to you. If you choose a faction you’ll get a faction trait and potentially a drawback. This is largely a role play choice since the character should believe in each faction's credo. You are generally considered a citizen of Sigil only if you are a faction member, Free League and Anarchist notwithstanding.

    Athar (Defilers, The Lost):

    Philosophy: The gods are frauds; the unknowable truth lies beyond the veil.
    Factol: Terrance.
    Sigil HQ: Shattered Temple (Lower Ward).
    Home Field: Astral.
    Eligibility: No divine spellcasters of specific deities.
    Allies: Believers of the Source.
    Enemies: None.
    Restrictions: Can't accept aid (especially healing) from priests of specific deities.
    Bitterly Betrayed: I've wasted my life worshiping false gods! Someone must pay.
    Street Preacher: Listen to me. The powers are frauds - I can prove it! Listen to me!

    Believers of the Source (Godsmen):

    Philosophy: All life springs from the same divine source, ascending and descending in form as it is tested.
    Factol: Ambar Vergrove.
    Sigil HQ: Great Foundry (Lower Ward).
    Home Field: Ethereal.
    Eligibility: Anyone can join.
    Allies: Athar, Doomguard (temporary ally).
    Foes: Bleak Cabal, Dustmen.
    Restrictions: Can't be raised or resurrected; priests of specific deities suffer -1 to all saving throws.
    Achiever: How can I improve myself today?
    Egoist: I've passed tests other berks can't imagine; I'm well on my way to godhood.

    Bleak Cabal (Bleakers, The Cabal, Madmen):

    Philosophy: The multiverse ain't supposed to make sense; there's no grand scheme,
    no deep meaning, no elusive order. The only truth worth finding lies within.
    Factol: Lhar.
    Sigil HQ: The Gatehouse (Hive Ward).
    Home Field: Pandemonium (in the Madhouse).
    Eligibility: No lawful members.
    Allies: Doomguard, Dustmen, Rev. League, Xaositects.
    Enemies: Guvners, Harmonium, Mercykillers.
    Restrictions: Has a 1 in 20 chance each day of being overcome by melancholia.
    Perpetually Depressed: Nothing means anything, so why bother doing anything?
    Perpetually Cheerful: Nothing means anything, so why not do anything?
    Perpetually Mad: Nothing means anything, so anything means anything!

    Doomguard (Sinkers):

    Philosophy: Entropy is ecstasy; decay is divine. The multiverse is supposed to fall apart. We're just here to keep leatherheads from interfering.
    Factol: Pentar.
    Sigil HQ: Armory (The Lady's Ward).
    Home Field: The negative quasiplanes (Ash, Dust, Salt, and Vacuum).
    Eligibility: No priests with access to the spheres of healing or creation.
    Allies: Bleak Cabal, Dustmen.
    Enemies: Guvners, Harmonium.
    Restrictions: Must fail a saving throw vs. spell before magical healing will work on them.
    Destroyer: Break it to bits; help entropy along!
    Watcher: Think long-term; promote entropy by acting in subtle ways.

    Dustmen (The Dead):

    Philosophy: We're all dead - some more so than others. We explore our state with patience, purge our passion, and ascend toward the purity of True Death.
    Factol: Skall.
    Sigil HQ: Mortuary (Hive Ward).
    Home Field: Negative Energy Plane.
    Eligibility: Anyone can join.
    Allies: Bleak Cabal, Doomguard.
    Enemies: Society of Sensation, Sign of One.
    Restrictions: Half normal chance of surviving resurrection.
    Wide-Eyed: No emotions, no dreams, no hopes to be shattered - it's bliss!
    Serene: Fully satisfied . . . comfortably numb.

    Fated (Takers, Heartless, Coldbloods):

    Philosophy: The multiverse belongs to those who seize it. No one's to blame for
    a poor sod's fate but the sorry sod himself.
    Factol: Duke Rowan Darkwood.
    Sigil HQ: Hall of Records (Clerk's Ward).
    Home Field: Ysgard (in Rowan's Hall).
    Eligibility: No lawful good members.
    Allies: Free League, Mercykillers (loosely).
    Enemies: Harmonium.
    Restrictions: Can't accept or perform charity.
    Stoneheart: What's mine is mine, and what's yours is mine, too.
    The Doer: I'll get what I want no matter what stands in the way.

    Fraternity of Order (Guvners):

    Philosophy: Everything has laws; most are dark. Learn the laws of the multiverse
    and you can rule it.
    Factol: Hashkar.
    Sigil HQ: City Court (The Lady's Ward).
    Home Field: Mechanus (in the Fortress of Disciplined Enlightenment).
    Eligibility: Members must be lawful.
    Allies: Harmonium, Mercykillers.
    Enemies: Rev. League, Xaositects.
    Restrictions: Can't knowingly break a law.
    The Sage: If knowledge is power, then knowing everything is the key.
    The Manipulator: Master the laws of the multiverse, and you'll get whatever you want.

    Free League (Indeps):

    Philosophy: This ain't no faction, and nobody tells us what to do. Keep your options open; nobody's got the key to the truth.
    Factol: None.
    Sigil HQ: Great Bazaar (Market Ward).
    Home Field: Outlands; informal meetings in Tradegate.
    Eligibility: Anyone can join.
    Allies: Fated (sometimes).
    Enemies: Harmonium.
    Restrictions: No factol, no representatives, no rights.
    Stereotypes: Any.

    Harmonium (Hardheads):

    Philosophy: Peace is our goal. But if it takes a little war to get others to see things the Harmonium way, so be it. That's how we'll reach our golden harmony.
    Factol: Sarin.
    Sigil HQ: City Barracks (The Lady's Ward).
    Home Field: Arcadia (in Melodia).
    Eligibility: Members must be lawful.
    Allies: Guvners, Mercykillers.
    Enemies: Free League, Rev. League, Xaositects.
    Restrictions: Disobedience requires atonement. Refusal is punishable by death.
    The Basheri: There'll be peace if I have to crush everyone's skull to get it.
    The Preacher: Think love, peace, and harmony.

    Mercykillers (Red Death):

    Philosophy: Justice is everything. When properly applied, punishment leads to perfection.
    Factol: Alisohn Nilesia.
    Sigil HQ: Prison (The Lady's Ward).
    Home Field: Acheron (in Vorkehan).
    Eligibility: Members must be lawful; thieves and known criminals may not join.
    Allies: Guvners, Harmonium.
    Enemies: Rev. League, Sensates, Sign of One.
    Fanatic: Guilty. The judgment is death.
    Crusader: Innocents must not be punished; the guilty must not be punished unfairly.

    Revolutionary League (Anarchists):

    Philosophy: The status quo is built on lies and greed. Crush the factions. Break 'em down and rebuild with what's left - that's the only way to find real truth.
    Factol: None.
    Sigil HQ: Many safe houses throughout the city.
    Home Field: Carceri (in the Bastion of Last Hope).
    Eligibility: No lawful members.
    Allies: Doomguard, Xaositects (weak tie).
    Enemies: Guvners, Harmonium.
    Restrictions: Can't hold office or own a business; must give 90% of all wealth to the faction or the oppressed.
    Rebel without a clue: Who needs a reason? Riot, loot, and burn it all down!
    The Mole: Worm your way into the heart of power and slowly destroy it from within.

    Sign of One (Signers):

    Philosophy: The planes exist because the mind imagines them. Any Signer could be the one who creates the multiverse through the power of thought.
    Factol: Darius.
    Sigil HQ: Hall of Speakers (Clerk's Ward).
    Home Field: The Beastlands (in Signpost).
    Eligibility: Lawful good and lawful neutral members are unlikely at best.
    Allies: Sensates.
    Enemies: Bleak Cabal (especially), Harmonium.
    Restrictions: Suffers -2 penalty to reaction and loyalty adjustments.
    Introspective: Weigh it all carefully; improve yourself, and you improve the multiverse.
    Egomaniac: Don't cross me, berk, or I'll think you right out of existence!

    Society of Sensation (Sensates):

    Philosophy: To know the multiverse, experience it fully. The senses form the path to truth, for the multiverse doesn't exist beyond what can be sensed.
    Factol: Erin Montgomery.
    Sigil HQ: Civic Festhall (Clerk's Ward).
    Home Field: Arborea (in the Gilded Hall).
    Eligibility: Anyone can join.
    Allies: Sign of One; occasionally Indeps, Guvners.
    Enemies: Doomguard; often Dustmen, Mercykillers.
    Restrictions: Can't refuse offers that lead to new experiences.
    Hedonist: Party, party, party! Pleasureabove all!
    Connoisseur: The rarest experiences are best; doing the same thing over and over is foolish.

    Transcendent Order (Ciphers):

    Philosophy: Action without thought is the purest response. Train body and mind to act in harmony, and the spirit becomes one with the multiverse.
    Factol: Rhys.
    Sigil HQ: Great Gymnasium (Guildhall Ward).
    Home Field: Elysium.
    Eligibility: Members must be at least partly neutral.
    Allies: Most factions.
    Enemies: Harmonium (suspicion).
    Restrictions: Once an action is stated, Cipher must commit to that action (he can't change his mind).
    Hair-Trigger: Action, reaction. Why think about it?
    Zen Master: Patience, grasshopper. With balance comes harmony.

    Xaositects (Chaosmen):

    Philosophy: Chaos is truth, order delusion. Embracing the randomness of the multiverse, one learns its secrets.
    Factol: Karan.
    Sigil HQ: Hive (Hive Ward).
    Home Field: Limbo.
    Eligibility: Members must be chaotic.
    Allies: Bleak Cabal, Doomguard.
    Enemies: Guvners, Harmonium.
    Restrictions: Can't participate in activities that require long-term organization or discipline.
    Chaosmonger: Do the opposite of what everyone else does; be as loony as possible!
    Teaser: Chaos is the expected response; frustrate folks by acting (mostly) normal.

    The current party consists of the following:

    Conor the Wanderer: Human Vindictive Bastard from Faerûn, faction: the Fated
    Jek Tal’dor: Bariaur Cavalier from Ysgard (?), faction: Sign of One
    Nikrir Leldro: Aasimar Necromancer from Golarion, faction: Dustmen
    Rinika: Schrodinger’s Catgirl (half-shambler) Oracle, current theories for her origin range from Thundera to Elsweyr, faction: Doomguard

    Party weaknesses include, but not limited to:
    Dedicated healer: (the oracle is philosophically committed to entropy so will not heal you).
    Ranged: I think the necromancer is the only one with a decent ranged option.

    The campaign is here, if you wanted to lurk on us before committing.

    I've been wanting to play a WotR game for a while now. I could run it but I'm already running three games here and it would probably break me. I would provide the PDFs for any prospective GM if needed.

    Below is a submission I made for another WotR game already in progress, but failed to get into. It's 12th level but I would bring him down to 1st or whatever build rules the GM wants. I'm also flexible and have a couple of concepts I could submit if Junior is not acceptable.

    Crunchy bitz:
    Fred Junior
    Male Half-Ork Skald 12
    Chaotic Good Medium Humanoid (human, ork)
    Init +3; Senses Darkvision 60ft; Perception +0
    AC 23, touch 15, flat-footed 20 (+7 armor, +3 Dex, +1 Nat, +2 Def)
    hp 108 (12d8+12)
    Fort +12, Ref +10, Will +11, +4 vs Bardic perform, sonic, and language
    Defensive Abilities DR 1/-, Uncanny Dodge, Improved Uncanny Dodge
    Speed 30 ft.
    Ranged Masterwork light crossbow +13 (1d8, 19-20, x2)
    Melee Energetic Inferno (+1 flaming shocking greatsword) +14 (2d6+7+1d6 fire+1d6 electricity, 19-20, x2)
    Special Attacks Rage Powers: (Lesser Spirit Totem, Quick Reflexes, Unexpected Strike, Good for What Ails You), Raging Song: 31 rd/day (Inspire Rage (+4 str, con, +4 will, -1 AC), Song of Marching, Song of Strength +6, Dirge of Doom)
    Skald Spells(CL 12, Concentration +18):
    Level 4 (4/day, DC 20) Cure Critical Wounds, Secure Shelter, Dimension Door, Heroic Finale
    Level 3 (5/day, DC 19) Cure Serious Wounds, Good Hope, Flexible Fury, Haste
    Level 2 (7/day, DC 18) Cure Moderate Wounds, Heroism, Mirror Image, Invisibility
    Level 1 (4/day, DC 17) Cure Light Wounds, Comprehend Languages, Saving Finale, Liberating Command, Ear-Piercing Scream, Timely Inspiration
    Level 0 (DC 16) Read Magic, Mending, Message, Spark, Prestidigitation, Detect Magic
    Str 19 (17), Dex 16 (14), Con 12 (10), Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 22 (18)
    Base Atk +9; CMB +13,+2 vs Demons CMD 26
    Feats Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons, Light Armor, Medium Armor, Shields, Endurance (Shaman’s Apprentice), Scribe Scroll (Skald 1), Skald’s Vigor (1), Weapon Focus (Greatsword, 3), Dazzling Display (5), Antagonize (7), Shatter Defenses (9), Greater Skald’s Vigor (11)
    Traits Artisan, Stolen Fury
    Acrobatics (3) +8; Bluff (Sing) +21; Climb (1) +7; Craft (weapons, 12) +17; Diplomacy (Sing) +21; Handle Animal (Percussion) +21; Intimidate (Percussion) +21; Knowledge (1): Arcana, Dungeoneering, Engineering, Geography, History, Local, Nature +10; Knowledge (0): Nobility, Planes, Religion +6; Sense Motive (Sing) +21; Spellcraft (12) +15; Swim (1) +7; Use Magic Device (12) +21; ACP -1
    Languages Common, Ork
    SQ Skilled (replaces ork ferocity and weapon familiarity), Well-Versed (+4 vs performance, sonic and language dependant), Bardic Knowledge (+6), Versatile Performance: Percussion, Sing (add diplomacy)
    Belt of Physical Perfection +2, Headband of Alluring Charisma +4, Amulet of Natural Armor +1, Ring of Protection +2, Cloak of Resistance +3, Energetic Inferno (+1 Flaming Shocking Greatsword), +1 Mithral Breastplate, Bard Kit, Masterwork Light Crossbow, 50 cold iron bolts, 50 bolts, Flask of Endless Wine (sake), 29059gp (some will be spent on scrolls pending ruling by GM)
    Special Abilities
    Spell Kenning 2/day

    Add Mythic Champion (assuming 4 tiers): +20 HP; +4 Str => +2 to hit +3 to damage on Energetic Inferno, +2 to CMB, and +2 CMD; Hard to Kill; Mythic Power 11/day; Surge (1d8); Recuperation; Sudden Attack; Ever Ready; Crusader; Divine Source (Chaos and Good); Mythic Spellcasting (Heroism, Mirror Image, Haste, Cure Critical Wounds); Mythic Feats: Dazzling Display, Shatter Defenses

    Fluffy bitz:
    Junior is a goofball, he’ll frequently (and hopefully humorously) misinterpret things and situations.
    Junior hears the voice of a gold coin he carries. The mercantile and mercenary Fred. This is one of two items he inherited from his orkish mother.
    Junior thinks of himself as a hero. He tries to play up the tropes.
    Junior is the son of a Hellknight and a weaponsmith for an orkish tribe. Both his parents were fairly hostile to Junior but he learned valuable lessons from them both.
    Junior is a good guy, he tries (and sometimes fails) to be sensitive to other people’s needs and wants. This is his rebellion against his Hellknight father.

    A half-ork in a purple wide brimmed fedora, an ivory shirt under a purple vest with gold trim, and glossy black breeches remains. A shortsword is sheathed on his right and a longspear is strapped to his back. A well used set of drums pokes out of his backpack. He bows with a flourish, "Junior, at your service."
    After a dramatic moment Junior says while pulling a gold coin out of a small pouch on his belt, "Ah.. just a minute." He holds the coin to his head, "What?!" He pauses, "No, I was in the middle of a thing and you ruined it!" Another pause, "Alright I'll ask!"
    Junior clears his throat, "Fred wants to know how much the pay for this job is."

    Character Goals
    To reforge Energetic Inferno, the shattered greatsword of his mother. Just to prove he could do it.
    To publish a book of his limericks
    Player Goals
    To have a good time.
    To expose you to some pretty terrible poetry.

    Character's Secrets
    Junior’s a pretty open book. He’s not open about his parents but he doesn’t lie if asked.
    Secrets Kept from Character
    Both his parents had plans for him, his mother wanted to make a meat pie out of him once he was big enough and his father wanted to sacrifice him to Asmodeus.

    Liliana Tuvol, Junior’s twin sister. A psychic who’s as dumb as a rock. Can see the future. They don’t get along, she takes after their mother, but at least they aren’t willing to murder each other. Only an occasional cannibal.
    Vrok Tuvol, Junior’s dad. Still upset about that noble enslaving Junior before he could be sacrificed.
    That one elf. Junior’s crush, an elf that Junior glimpsed while drinking at the Poor Sod’s tavern. Junior bought him a drink as a way to open a dialog but he left the bar before it could be delivered.

    1.The heat of the forge, the smoke of it, sweat on his brow. Junior’s forged a fine blade but it’s not nearly good enough to hold an enchantment. Maybe the next one.

    2.There once was an ork from Cheliax
    Insulting nobles behind their backs
    They put him in chains
    But he left through a drain
    And now hunts nobles with an axe.

    3.Saving a basket full of kittens from a burning orphanage. Liliana thought setting fire to the orphanage was a fun practical joke.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Greetings all!

    I’m currently looking for 3 players to fill a few vacancies in my ‘Strange Aeons: Table A’ game. The party has awoken from one nightmare to another: Briarstone asylum. None of the party has any memories and they are searching for a way to escape the madness. The player’s guide has a lot of good suggestions so please read it. Myself and the players will make a decision as a group who to add. We will end recruitment on 1/13/2020.

    Your submission should include:

    Some crunch: Enough to get a feel for your role in the party. Race and class with archetype if any at the very least. If you want to fully stat out your character please hide it in a spoiler so recruitment doesn’t get bogged down with details.

    5 Memories: Your character is an amnesiac so please do not give me a wall of text with your character’s history. Instead give me one or two sentence description of 5 memories your character has retained. None of these memories should be from the last 5 years. You can absolutely have a history in mind and later on in the AP we will cover that ground but you will need to be flexible as there are some things the AP and I will dictate.

    Personality: I’m looking for a short description of your character’s personality. How do they react to different situations or people? Are they craven, gregarious, stoic, etc.

    Triggers as a player: You don’t have to post this here but at least think about it, if you are accepted please put this in your profile. Keep in mind that this is a horror game and there will be disturbing situations, gore, and of course madness.

    Current Cast:

    The Vermilion Vixen - A human brawler hailing from the mysterious city of Rooftopolis.

    Jassminder Shah - An emotionally numb human paladin who fires her arrows in a most logical way.

    Saiya Atarangi - A pragmatic fetchling investigator who's sometimes too clever for her own good.

    Build Rules:

  • 2nd level character
  • No male characters
  • Any race with RP 15 or less
  • 1 to 1 point buy with 70 points
  • Golarion plus other deities from D&D past and present available on request
  • Background Skills
  • Automatic Bonus Progression, except no enhancement bonuses to ability scores
  • Three Traits: 1 campaign, 1 regional, and 1 of any other type
  • Evil characters are allowed but must be a team player with the group
  • All paizo content available
  • Instead of the normal ability point progression every level, except 1st, you receive 1 ability point to assign to any ability score.
  • DM_delmoth’s House Rules:

    Auto identify magic items if a character has max spellcraft ranks and has detect magic. Cursed items may not be automatically identified.

    Treasures will appraise at full value if at least one character has max appraise ranks for level. Otherwise they will appraise for some lower amount.

    Drawing and Sheathing weapons and weapon-like objects: can be done as a part of any move action so long as character has +1 BAB

    Abilities like Time Flicker: continuing these abilities once active is a free action so long as the current duration increment has not already expired.

    Paralyzed: If it's not clear from context which way the victim is facing roll a 1d8 to determine the facing like a missed splash weapon. The target can then target squares in a cone for line of sight.

    If a spell applies the grappled condition but doesn't specify CMB, it is caster level plus casting stat modifier for situations not specifically covered in the spell.

    Making Drunken master work with Unchained Monk
    Drunken Ki and Drunken Strength are unchanged. Drunken Courage, Drunken Resilience, and Firewater breath all have similar abilities that are selectable in ki powers and so are removed from the drunken master archetype. These abilities are, Diamond Mind, Diamond Resilience, and Elemental Burst respectively. I will convert other archetypes on request.

    Purchase Limit: Golarion is a high magic world. Purchase limit in a town is the largest gold piece value item a PC can buy or sell. The roll to see if an item is available is waived.

    Kobolds have the following changes
    Ability score modifiers: -2 str, +2 dex, +2 to either int or cha
    No light sensitivity
    Alignment: any

    Chant and cackle can only be used to extend a hex for up to 1 minute per level.

    Continual flame is replaced with the following:

    Continual Light
    School evocation [light]; Level cleric 3, sorcerer/wizard 2
    Casting Time 1 standard action
    Components V, S, M (ruby dust worth 50 gp)
    Range touch
    Target object touched
    Effect magical light
    Duration permanent
    Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
    A light, equivalent in brightness to a torch, shines from an object that you touch. A continual light can be covered and hidden. Light spells counter and dispel darkness spells of an equal or lower level.

    DM_Delmoth wrote:
    How does not needing to breathe affect casting spells underwater?

    You gain a +4 circumstance bonus to the concentration check to cast the spell. You're still required to make the concentration check but it should be easier if you don't need to worry about drowning.

    DM_Delmoth wrote:
    Does the silent spell feat affect casting spells underwater?

    Yes. You do not to make a concentration check to cast a spell underwater if you are casting a silent spell and cannot breathe water.

    DM_Delmoth wrote:
    Can a hex using character use healing hex with the item Phylactery of the Shepherd?


    Dervak wrote:
    Can Mara, while blinded, use Status to target us with her other hexes like Fortune and Heaven's Leap?

    Status lets her know your square but she still lacks line of sight, so any ability that requires line of sight will still fail. If there is a touch effect she can still try to touch you with a 50% miss chance, but will automatically know which square to target. However I feel it's in keeping with the item (Phylactery of the Shepherd) to waive line of sight when she chooses to end the status effect. So ending the status effect to use healing hex as a swift action does not require her to see her target.

    Mara bint al-Katheeri wrote:
    Related to situation above. Could Theo spend a move action to touch Mara and eliminate her miss chance if she tries to use her Healing Hex on him?
    Delmoth wrote:
    How much time does it take to attune under ABP?

    1 minute

    Delmoth's rule interpretations:

    DM_Delmoth wrote:
    If you have the grappled condition do you threaten?

    Grappled condition does not prevent you from threatening, just from making AoOs.

    Nikrir Leldro's implied question wrote:
    Does the pyrotechnics spell extinguish a flaming sphere?

    No even though a flaming sphere can be extinguished by means that would extinguish a normal flame it is still a magic flame which pyrotechnics can't extinguish.

    Answer to a question Nikrir Leldro didn't ask wrote:
    Can a magical flame be used as the source for the additional effect from pyrotechnic even though pyrotechnics can't extinguish the magical flame?

    Yes. The fire wouldn't change at all but the additional effects will still happen as described.

    Mara wrote:
    How does not needing to breathe interact with inhaled poisons and spells that create clouds, such as stinking cloud?

    You are immune to inhaled poisons even if you cast a spell or speak. Stinking cloud affects non-breathing creatures the same way it affects breathing creatures.

    Jek Tal'dor wrote:
    Does a large or larger creature count it's current space as non-threatened squares for the purpose of withdrawing?


    I will expect you to commit to checking for and reading new posts every day and then responding as needed. If we're in combat and I call for your action you will have 2 days to post an action. If you don't I will bot you to keep things moving. If for some reason you have a month of inactivity we will seek replacement.

    Wrath Maps Wrath Loot PS Loot PS Maps

    This is an inherited game. Legacy discussion

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    This is an inherited game. Legacy Gameplay

    Closed Recruitment

    Hey all!

    I have a group of four hapless brave adventurers trying to take on the otherworldly horrors of the Strange Aeons adventure path. We recently lost a rogue and I'd like a fifth player to round out the group. I hope to make the decision on the new player as a group.

    Character Creation

  • Core races, but other races acceptable if you have a good enough story for it.
  • All paizo material is acceptable.
  • 20 point buy
  • 2 traits, 3 traits if you take a drawback, one of them doesn’t have to be the campaign trait because that’s assuming an asylum start. But they are ok to take if you want.
  • 7th level
  • Background skills and Automatic Bonus Progression

    House Rules:

    Auto identify magic items if a character has max spellcraft ranks and has detect magic. Cursed items may not be automatically identified.

    Treasures will appraise at full value if a character has max appraise ranks for level. Otherwise they will appraise for some lower amount.

    Drawing and Sheathing weapons and weapon-like objects: can be done as a part of any move action so long as character has +1 BAB

    Abilities like Time Flicker: continuing these abilities once active is a free action so long as the current duration increment has not already expired.

    Paralyzed: If its not clear from context to see which way the target is facing roll a 1d8 to determine the facing like a missed splash weapon. The target can then target squares in a cone for line of sight.

    Grappling and Threatened squares: Grappled does not prevent you from threatening, just from making AoOs.

    If a spell applies the grappled condition but doesn't specify CMB, it is caster level plus casting stat modifier for situations not specifically covered in the spell.

    Purchase Limit: Golarion is a high magic world. Puchase limit in a town is largest gold piece value item a PC can buy or sell. The roll to see if its available is waived.

    Delmoth's FAQ:

    Dervak wrote:
    Can Mara, while blinded, use Status to target us with her other hexes like Fortune and Heaven's Leap?

    Status lets her know your square but she still lacks line of sight, so any ability that requires line of sight will still fail. If there is a touch effect she can still try to touch you with a 50% miss chance, but will automatically know which square to target. However I feel it's in keeping with the item (Phylactery of the Shepherd) to waive line of sight when she chooses to end the status effect. So ending the status effect to use healing hex as a swift action does not require her to see her target.

    Mara bint al-Katheeri wrote:
    Related to situation above. Could Theo spend a move action to touch Mara and eliminate her miss chance if she tries to use her Healing Hex on him?

    Yes. Mara can even roll her miss chance to see if she hits him before Theo commits the move action.

    We just started book 3 soo...
    Spoiler Warning for the Path

    They've escaped the horrors of Briarstone Asylum, faced the crazy creepy cult in Thrushmoor, and are now hot on the trail of Count Lowls as he seeks some nefarious end. They may have faced a personal demon or two.

    An easy way to fit in would be having a reason to hunt Count Haserton Lowls IV. He prides himself on being an academic but has largely been rejected by the academic community and is currently on his way to Katheer via Cassomir searching for the way to a lost city with some strange monuments. He also embezzled taxes meant for Ustalav's crown and is a downright bad person who is willing to do anything to achieve his ends.

    Another option would be to have ties to one of the current PCs. Probably other things I'm not thinking of.

    Some requests from the current PCs, good alignment or neutral with good tendencies and don’t ignore your will save. Though if you do I won’t complain, gotta drive someone insane.

    A good post rate is a must we move faster than any of my other games. We will typically have 4-6 posts a day between everyone and you'll be expected to keep up.

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    It’s a cold and gray morning but still the hustle and bustle of the Great Bazaar stretches in all directions with merchants hawking their wares: Freshly baked Elysium green wheat bread, Baatorian green steel chivs with the maker’s mark Fred waz here, even myconid hallucinatory spores imported directly from Mycelia on Mechanus. The Cage looms over Evie upward built on the inner curve of a torus that’s had it’s insides scooped out by some unknown Power. Few bashers look up into the hazy smoke the City of Doors calls it’s sky, for fear of peering over the edge.

    Zeke is a strange creature even in his human form, he’s greasy but his skin still shines, he hunches a little but still walks with confidence, and his smile is crooked but still inspires friendliness. He finds Evie and gives her a dashing wink before saying, ”Li’l lady! Got a job for ya ifin you’re intrested. Now I know ya Indeps don't have ranks like the Hardheads or the Guvners but this Brendan feller is a high-up just the same. Whaddya say? Wanna know the dark of it?”

    For those who don't know Alternity was a generic sci-fi role play system published by TSR in the 90s. Sasquatch Games recently picked up the name and did a Kickstarter for a new edition.

    I have the rules and some of the modules they've published. I was holding out on a friend to run them for me but she had a baby recently and is understandably too busy.

    I could run them, but I would rather play. Seeing if there are other people here interested in this.

    Wrath Maps Wrath Loot PS Loot PS Maps

    Before we get to the good bitz please get your crunch sorted. Let me know when you're ready to go here.

    Some things I would like to know:

    How do you, as PCs, know each other? Could be that you've all worked together before, or you all frequent the same tavern. We can do an organic introduction to each other as well.

    What kind of game focus do you want? Are there specific Planescape modules you want me to run? Do you want to focus on action? Intrigue? There will be some faction politics.

    Do any of you, as players, have triggers you want to avoid? If you don't want to talk about it in the discussion thread feel free to PM me.

    Wrath Maps Wrath Loot PS Loot PS Maps

    Before we get to the good bitz please get your crunch sorted. Let me know when you're ready to go here.

    Some things I would like to know:

    How do you, as PCs, know each other? Could be that you've all worked together before, or you all frequent the same tavern. We can do an organic introduction to each other as well.

    What kind of game focus do you want? Are there specific Planescape modules you want me to run? Do you want to focus on action? Intrigue? There will be some faction politics.

    Do any of you, as players, have triggers you want to avoid? If you don't want to talk about it in the discussion thread feel free to PM me. To answer my own question, nothing sexually explicit, some suggestiveness is fine though.

    Greetings bloods and berks alike!

    Not too long ago someone started a thread to recruit for a pseudo-Planescape. That game was just starting to get out-of-town and then as frequently happens our GM got mazed. The Dark of it is that it inspired me to revisit some of the old school modules. And well I want to run some of them.

    If you're not familiar with the setting that's fine! You can still submit a character from basically any setting. A "brief" overview of the Multiverse, for the clueless. Generally all settings can/do exist, as well as any compatible universes from literature, maybe even the worlds you've dreamed up yourself.

    Build rules:
    1st level
    20 point buy
    2 traits
    150 start gold
    Automatic Bonus Progression
    Background skills
    Any race with RP 15 or less plus Planescape races (see below)
    Custom races allowable with approval, 15 RP or less
    All Paizo published options are fair game

    What your submission should include
    Name/Race/Class, if you have a fully crunched out character that's fine, but it should be in the alias profile not your post.
    Faction, if any: See below for details, I'm shooting for 50% faction membership among PCs
    Short concept: In 100 words or less. If you have a more in depth background great, but put it in spoiler. Your short concept should briefly explain why they're in Sigil, the City of Doors.
    A 3x3: 3 friends, 3 contacts, 3 rivals. These are NPCs (or PCs) that your PC knows or used to know. One or two sentence description is fine.
    Fear: at least one thing that your character fears or will avoid if possible
    Optional: 2 secrets, one your character keeps from the party, one kept from your character.

    Planescape specific races:
    Bariaur (see below)
    Githzerai (see below)
    Fire Genasi (Ifrits)
    Earth Genasi (Oreads)
    Modron (see below)
    Air Genasi (Sylphs)
    Water Genasi (Undines)

    Size Quality Modified for custom races:
    Large (4 RP): Prerequisite: Humanoids taking this quality must have the giant subtype; Benefit: Large races take a –1 size penalty to their AC, a –1 size penalty on attack rolls, a +1 bonus on combat maneuver checks and to their CMD, and a –4 size penalty on Stealth checks. A Large creature takes up a space that is 10 feet by 10 feet and has a reach of 5 feet.

    Tiny (2 RP): Prerequisites: Aberration, construct, dragon, fey, outsider (native), or plant type; Benefit: Tiny races gain a +2 size bonus to their AC, a +2 size bonus on attack rolls, a –2 penalty on combat maneuver checks and to their CMD, and a +8 size bonus on Stealth checks. Tiny characters take up a space of 2-1/2 feet by 2-1/2 feet, so up to four of these characters can fit into a single square. Tiny races typically have a natural reach of 0 feet, meaning they can't reach into adjacent squares. They must enter an opponent's square to attack it in melee. This provokes an attack of opportunity from the opponent. Since they have no natural reach, they do not threaten the squares around them. Other creatures can move through those squares without provoking attacks of opportunity. Tiny creatures typically cannot flank an enemy.


    Inspiration: This entry from The Planewalker’s Handbook by Monte Cook, 1996 TSR Inc.:
    The bariaur — herbivorous denizens of the Upper Planes — often remind primes of centaurs, their goat-bodies topped by human torsos and arms. Their faces display somewhat more animal-like features than centaurs, and male bariaur sport a fine pair of curling ram's horns. Bariaur can be exceedingly fussy about their appearances, dyeing and shaving their pelts in intricate patterns. They're well known for their wanderlust, building no towns but roaming over several of the Upper Planes in a seemingly random path. Most claim Ysgard as their birthplace, though some herds are native to Elysium, the Beastlands, or Arborea. In personality, bariaur are usually carefree, social, outgoing, and friendly. Though considered frivolous by some, the sturdy bariaur nevertheless are fierce fighters when their families or friends are threatened. Ysgardian bariaur, in particular, hold a special hatred for giants, no doubt due to the predations of the enormous humanoids upon bariaur herds.

    PC members of this race possess infravision to a 60-foot range and a movement rate of 15. While most are chaotic good, PC bariaur may be of any nonevil alignment. They may rise to 13th level in any allowable class. Further benefits depend on the sex of the bariaur, as their society maintains traditional roles for males and females. On initial character generation, male bariaur gain a +1 bonus to Strength and Constitution and suffer a -1 penalty to Wisdom and Dexterity. With their horns, they can always attempt to butt an opponent for 1d8 points of damage (plus Strength bonus), tripling this result by charging at least 30 feet in a straight line. If the hit is successful, the charging bariaur must save versus breath weapon or suffer the same damage as the target. Charged creatures size M or smaller are knocked to the ground 50% of the time. Male bariaur can become fighters, rangers, paladins, or priests. Female bariaur, generally somewhat more intellectually inclined, gain a +1 bonus to Intelligence and Wisdom but suffer a -1 penalty to Strength and Dexterity. They lack horns with which to attack opponents, but add +2 to all surprise rolls and +3 to saving throws versus spell. Females can be fighters, priests, or wizards.

    The joy of freedom, the love of laughter, and the exultation of victory are your meat and drink. These are things worth dying for — nothing else is more important. These concepts supersede all others, coming even before duty, honor, or gold. Others claim them (and you) frivolous at times, but you cannot imagine life without these treasures; the very thought of losing them chills you to your very bones. But it's best not to dwell upon that. Enjoy life, laughing in the sun, or whatever passes for a sun in the places that you visit. Though things may turn grim, you know that you'll always have the strength of your convictions and what they represent to sustain you.

    Bariaur Traits:

    Type: Native Outsider (3 RP) ===> Darkvision (60ft) - Bariaur are usually native to Ysgard but are frequently found on good and chaotic aligned planes.
    Size: Large (4 RP) space 10ft reach 5ft ===> -1 AC and Att, +1 CMB and CMD - Bariaur are only marginally smaller than horses.
    Speed: Normal (0 RP)
    Ability Score: Specialized Physical: +2 Str, +2 Con, -2 Wis (1 RP) - Male Bariaur are traditionally the warrior class for their herds.
    Language: Standard (0 RP): Common, Bariaur

    Quadruped (2 RP) +10 base speed, +4 vs trip combat maneuvers - Bariaur have four cloven legs and as such move faster and are harder to trip.
    Gore (1 RP) 1d8 - Male Bariaur grow a pair of curling ram-like horns from their head, which they frequently use to settle disagreements.
    Powerful Charge (2 RP) - When charging with their horns a bariaur deals twice the damage with their gore attack adding 1-½ strength to damage.

    Total RP 13

    Type: Native Outsider (3 RP) ===> Darkvision (60ft) - Bariaur are usually native to Ysgard but are frequently found on good and chaotic aligned planes.
    Size: Large (4 RP) space 10ft reach 5ft ===> -1 AC and Att, +1 CMB and CMD - Bariaur are only marginally smaller than horses.
    Speed: Normal (0 RP)
    Ability Score: Specialized Mental: +2 Int, +2 Wis, -2 Dex (1 RP) - Female Bariaur are traditionally the shamans and spellcasters for their tribe.
    Language: Standard (0 RP): Common, Bariaur

    Quadruped (2 RP) +10 base speed, +4 vs trip combat maneuvers - Bariaur have four cloven legs and as such move faster and are harder to trip.
    Skill Bonus (2 RP) - +2 to perception checks.
    Hardy, Lesser (2 RP) - +2 racial bonus on saving throws vs spells and spell-like abilities.

    Total RP 13


    Inspiration: This entry from The Planewalker’s Handbook by Monte Cook, 1996 TSR Inc.:
    The history of the githzerai is one of ancient war and ancient slavery. Once of one race with the githyanki under the enslavement of the mind flayers, the githzerai broke away from their illithid masters and then from their gith brethren, sparking a racial war that has continued into the present. The two gith factions separated and found new homes: the githyanki in the emptiness of the Astral Plane, and the githzerai in the swirling chaos of Limbo.

    Githzerai are humanoids, thinner and taller than humans with sharp features, long faces, and eyes of gray or yellow. Severe and serious, the githzerai tend toward somberness in their clothing and personalities. They're usually close-mouthed, keeping their own council and trusting
    few outside their own kind.

    Only a few things stir the githzerai to passion. Their ancient hatreds for the illithids and githyanki erupt violently in any encounter with those races. Similarly, they are sworn to protect their race on their adopted home of Limbo, since that refuge was only won after millennia of hardship and war; any threat against their haven is met with whatever force is necessary to eliminate that threat.

    To the githzerai, there are only three truths: that the githyanki and illithids will never be anything but mortal enemies; that they will allow nothing to hinder the survival of their race; and that no one will ever enslave them again.

    Githzerai PCs add +1 to Intelligence and Dexterity and subtract -1 from Strength and Wisdom. They have infravision to 60 feet and may be of any nonlawful alignment. They can be fighters, fighter/wizards, wizards, or thieves; githzerai have no priests, but revere their ancient wizard-king as a god.

    Githzerai warriors and thieves possess an always-active magic resistance of 5% per level, to a maximum of 95%. This affects any magical items a githzerai tries to use; if the resistance roll is made, the item is useless to that character forever after. Note that this type of magic resistance is specific to githzerai only, as most other creatures can drop it at will. Mages lose their magic resistance in order to learn spellcasting. Fighter/wizards decide whether or not to keep the magic resistance and its attendant penalties; most purge themselves of it, since it interferes with their ability to use magical armor and items.

    Finally, PC githzerai utterly lose their native ability to plane shift, perhaps due to their extended time away from their wizard-king.

    Role-Playing A Githzerai
    All around you there is stagnation. Rigid thought and restricted personal freedom abound. Everyone you know is a slave — but you won't let the shackles of easy conformity and control wrap their seductive chains around you. You'll remain independent, and strike down any who try to enslave you in word or deed. Your people have known oppression in the past, and you'll not bear it again.

    Githzerai Traits:

    Type: Native Outsider (3 RP) ===> Darkvision (60ft) - Githzerai are native to Limbo but can be found anywhere and Sigil has a sizable population.
    Size: Medium (0 RP)
    Speed: Normal (0 RP)
    Ability Score: Standard (0 RP): +2 Dex, +2 Int, -2 Wis
    Language: Standard (0 RP): Common, Githzerai

    Spell Resistance, Lesser (2 RP): Prerequisites: None; Benefit: Members of this race gain spell resistance equal to 6 + their character level.
    Ancient Foe (Illithid) (3 RP): Prerequisites: None; Benefit: Choose one monster type or one subtype of the humanoid type. Members of this race gain a +2 dodge bonus to AC against monsters of that type and a +2 racial bonus on combat maneuver checks made to grapple creatures of that type.
    Ancient Foe (Githyanki) (3 RP): Prerequisites: None; Benefit: Choose one monster type or one subtype of the humanoid type. Members of this race gain a +2 dodge bonus to AC against monsters of that type and a +2 racial bonus on combat maneuver checks made to grapple creatures of that type.

    Total RP: 11

    Rogue Modron

    Inspiration: This entry from The Planewalker’s Handbook by Monte Cook, 1996 TSR Inc.:
    Modrons are the clockwork caretakers of the gears of Mechanus, virtually unthinking in their strict hierarchical order. No beings' minds are as focused on law, stability, repetition, and the security of harmonious regulation. But the multiverse isn't perfect — not even in Mechanus — and sometimes things go wrong. Sometimes a modron receives conflicting orders from two or more superiors, or is confronted with incontrovertible proof that all is not orderly. Sometimes a modron's mind just snaps. These circumstances create rogue modrons.

    When modrons go rogue, they lose most of their special abilities and even the normal modron form that designates their position within the clockwork hierarchy. They find themselves cast out of Mechanus, the heart of law and the only world they have ever known, and plunged into the cold, lonely, and (worst of all) chaotic multiverse. Rogue modrons have the forbidden and reprehensible glimmerings of self awareness the only thing that allows them to survive in this new sphere.

    Most rogue modrons are not crazed lunatics craving chaos and destruction. On the contrary, most folks can't tell a rogue modron from a "normal" one just by listening to it talk about the multiverse. It still is an extremely ordered being, with law at the center of all of its thoughts and ingrained in the way it feels, acts, and reacts. To another modron, the differences are obvious, and the rogue is some sort of chaotic wild-child; but to other folks, the rogue modron still seems the epitome of order.

    Rogue modrons stand exactly 6 feet tall, with cubelike bodies similar to those of quadrone modrons. The cubes are 3 feet on each face, adorned with two thin 3-foot-long legs, two 3-foot-long arms, and a pair of small, vestigial (non-operational) wings on their backs. A vaguely anthropomorphic face can be found on the front cube face.

    Modrons are formed from the stuff of order and given clockwork limbs and other parts. Both mechanical and fleshly parts comprise a modron, but the parts meld together to form an orderly whole. In fact, modron bodies aren't much different from any other basher's, other than in their odd appearance. (So curative spells, for example, work just fine on them despite their mechanical components.) Otherwise, modrons are genderless, ageless, and very difficult to distinguish from one another. Thankfully, the latter problem is solved by the fact that very, very few rogue modrons wander the Planes.

    Rogue modron player characters present a number of problems and special situations. These beings had no childhood, family, social rank, or even any real history. In fact, rogue modrons begin to lose what memories they have of Mechanus as time passes; as beginning player characters, they have even forgotten what rank they once held in the modron order.

    Role-playing rogue modrons requires special attention to their personalities and motivations. As beings of near-absolute order, they need organization, rank, authority, regulation, and harmony to be content. Modrons would never join a group that didn't make its organization and hierarchy clear, including an adventuring group. Modrons need to know exactly where they stand in the group - who ranks above them, and who below. While not as interested in being on top as some berks, they don't necessarily follow orders blindly and won't appreciate being taken advantage of by some peeler who thinks he understands how modrons operate.

    Once modrons set a course of action, it's difficult to divert them. They don't become side tracked or distracted. Modrons have a focus that no human can match in intensity. Most modrons also have no concept of self, but this is only partially true of rogues. Though still less motivated by concepts such as greed, personal happiness, and even self preservation than a human would be, they do recognize and (vaguely) comprehend these ideas.

    Rogue modrons don't believe in, or even understand, the concept of chance. They never use words or embrace ideas like "luck." To modrons, everything is structured, nothing is random. All creatures abide by a set of rules and regulations — whether they realize it or not. In fact, while modrons might not be able to describe exactly what all the "rules of the cosmos" are, they may try to figure the rules out — a lifelong task at best.

    Essentially, rogue modrons are refugees from a completely alien society and world, with completely different outlooks — at least at first. As PC modrons explore the multiverse, they continue to learn and adapt to the rest of the planes. Although they may never accept that there isn't an order to everything, they may adjust the way they view order. Rogue modrons try to impose their own brand of order on everything around them, or simply rationalize explanations that place a veneer of order over the chaos of the Multiverse.

    Curiosity may be the one downfall of modrons. Emotions, humor, friendship, and many other concepts familiar to humans and other humanoids are new and very strange to modrons (at least until they find or impose order within or upon them).

    Rogue modrons have natural advantages due to their status as creatures of ultimate law. They can readjust their vision, giving them effectively a double normal range of sight, as well as an uncanny ability to detect secret doors and other minutiae. They have a 2 in 6 chance of finding secret doors and a 3 in 6 chance of detecting concealed doors. Modrons have a 30% resistance to illusions, energy drains, charm, sleep, fear, domination, and other similar mind-affecting spells. They gain a +1 bonus to saving throws versus fire, cold, and acid. Modrons have a natural Armor Class of 8 (due to the fact that they're partially constructed of metal), and a movement rate of 15.

    Modrons also have a few disadvantages. For example, their structured minds don't allow them to react to surprise situations very well. (This doesn't make them easier than normal to surprise, though.) When modrons are surprised, they remain that way for twice the normal length of time. They don't interact well with individuals of chaotic alignment (despite some Xaositects' adoration
    of the term "rogue" modron), usually suffering a -1 reaction penalty toward such people. Modrons also find their size and weight to be a hindrance at times. It is impossible for them to carry out such standard actions as riding a horse, wearing normal armor, or wriggling through a narrow opening.

    Rogue modrons can choose classes and gain levels like any PC. This idea of self-improvement and self-advancement is alien to modron society, but it's obviously the way of the outside order, so rogue modrons adapt. From their structured minds and solid forms they gain a +1 bonus to Intelligence and Constitution, but their boxlike bodies and unfamiliarity with other cultures impose a -1 penalty to Dexterity and Charisma. Modrons can be fighters or wizards, but they cannot be multiclassed; even rogues are too focused for such personal diversity. Wizard modrons on Mechanus are virtually unheard of, but outside the clockwork universe, rogue modrons can see an order to magic use, as well as the benefits its use can provide. They may become specialist wizards but (obviously) cannot become wild mages.

    Naturally, rogue modrons can only be lawful in alignment, although the range of good, evil, or neutral is open to them as new concepts to explore (and ultimately, probably fear).

    Tick. Everything is structured. Tock. Everything is ordered. Tick. Tock. You hear the sounds of the machinery of the multiverse. Despite your exile from Mechanus, the clockwork of creation can never be taken from you. Those around you can provide insight into the structure of the new world you are now forced to live in. Whether or not they realize it, by observing them you see how things work, and what your place is within the structure. You ask questions, observing not only the answers, but the way in which they are answered. Every detail is important, for nothing happens without a reason.

    Rogue Modron Traits:

    Type: Outsider (native) => unlike most native outsiders rogue modrons don't gain darkvision but instead gain low-light vision instead (2 RP)

    Size: Medium rogue modrons are 3 ft cubes with appendages (0 RP)
    Normal speed (0 RP)

    Ability scores: +2 Con, +2 Int, -2 Cha modron’s bodies are partially metal making them particularly sturdy and their organized mind makes it easy for them to learn, but their minds are also alien to most people making it difficult to relate to them (0 RP)

    Languages: Common, Modron, +any from high int

    Telescopic Eyes: Rogue modrons are able to focus their eyes beyond human norm and gain a +2 to perception checks and saves vs Illusions (3 RP)

    Mechanical Body: Rogue modrons are partially made of metal and other mechanisms, this hardness confers a +1 natural armor bonus. (2 RP)

    Alien Mind: Rogue modrons have alien minds and many concepts either don’t exist for them or are known only intellectually, thus they gain a +2 save vs mind affecting effects. They must also be of any lawful alignment. (1 RP)

    Source: Modrons don’t have traditional souls and if they die their energy returns to the Source. This both makes them resistant to negative energy and harder to bring back to life. They gain a +2 racial bonus on all saving throws made to resist death effects, saving throws against negative energy effects, Fortitude saves made to remove negative levels, and Constitution checks made to stabilize if reduced to negative hit points. Modron corpses cannot be used to animate undead of any type and a True Resurrection, Miracle, or Wish is required to bring a rogue modron back to life. (1 RP)

    Elemental Resistance: Rogue modron’s bodies are hardy and gain Fire Resistance 5, Cold Resistance 5, and Acid Resistance 5 (3 RP)

    What follows is a quick look at each faction from The Planewalker’s Handbook by Monte Cook, 1996 TSR Inc. This should give you an idea of what each is like. If you want more detail on anyone of them send me a PM and I can get it to you. If you choose a faction you’ll get a faction trait and potentially a drawback. Rather than defining what each is beforehand I’ll write them as needed and characters are submitted but will generally reflect namer abilities and restrictions below. This is largely a role play choice since the character should believe in each factions credo. You are generally considered a citizen of Sigil only if you are a faction member, Free League and Anarchist notwithstanding.

    Athar (Defilers, The Lost):

    Philosophy: The gods are frauds; the unknowable truth lies beyond the veil.
    Factol: Terrance.
    Sigil HQ: Shattered Temple (Lower Ward).
    Home Field: Astral.
    Eligibility: No divine spellcasters of specific deities.
    Allies: Believers of the Source.
    Enemies: None.
    Namer Abilities: Immune to certain faith-based spells: abjure, augury, bestow curse, curse, divination, enthrall, exaction, holy word, and quest.
    Restrictions: Can't accept aid (especially healing) from priests of specific deities.
    Bitterly Betrayed: I've wasted my life worshiping false gods! Someone must pay.
    Street Preacher: Listen to me. The powers are frauds - I can prove it! Listen to me!

    Believers of the Source (Godsmen):

    Philosophy: All life springs from the same divine source, ascending and descending in form as it is tested.
    Factol: Ambar Vergrove.
    Sigil HQ: Great Foundry (Lower Ward).
    Home Field: Ethereal.
    Eligibility: Anyone can join.
    Allies: Athar, Doomguard (temporary ally).
    Foes: Bleak Cabal, Dustmen.
    Namer Abilities: +2 to reaction adjustments with planars.
    Restrictions: Can't be raised or resurrected; priests of specific deities suffer -1 to all saving throws.
    Achiever: How can I improve myself today?
    Egoist: I've passed tests other berks can't imagine; I'm well on my way to godhood.

    Bleak Cabal (Bleakers, The Cabal, Madmen):

    Philosophy: The multiverse ain't supposed to make sense; there's no grand scheme,
    no deep meaning, no elusive order. The only truth worth finding lies within.
    Factol: Lhar.
    Sigil HQ: The Gatehouse (Hive Ward).
    Home Field: Pandemonium (in the Madhouse).
    Eligibility: No lawful members.
    Allies: Doomguard, Dustmen, Rev. League, Xaositects.
    Enemies: Guvners, Harmonium, Mercykillers.
    Namer Abilities: Immune to chaos, confusion, delude, feeblemind, Otto's irresistible dance, Tasha's uncontrollable hideous laughter, and other madness-inducing spells; gain a saving throw against ESP spells directed at them.
    Restrictions: Has a 1 in 20 chance each day of being overcome by melancholia.
    Perpetually Depressed: Nothing means anything, so why bother doing anything?
    Perpetually Cheerful: Nothing means anything, so why not do anything?
    Perpetually Mad: Nothing means anything, so anything means anything!

    Doomguard (Sinkers):

    Philosophy: Entropy is ecstasy; decay is divine. The multiverse is supposed to fall apart. We're just here to keep leatherheads from interfering.
    Factol: Pentar.
    Sigil HQ: Armory (The Lady's Ward).
    Home Field: The negative quasiplanes (Ash, Dust, Salt, and Vacuum).
    Eligibility: No priests with access to the spheres of healing or creation.
    Allies: Bleak Cabal, Dustmen.
    Enemies: Guvners, Harmonium.
    Namer Abilities: All members, regardless of class, can use a sword with a +1 bonus to their attack rolls.
    Restrictions: Must fail a saving throw vs. spell before magical healing will work on them.
    Destroyer: Break it to bits; help entropy along!
    Watcher: Think long-term; promote entropy by acting in subtle ways.

    Dustmen (The Dead):

    Philosophy: We're all dead - some more so than others. We explore our state with patience, purge our passion, and ascend toward the purity of True Death.
    Factol: Skall.
    Sigil HQ: Mortuary (Hive Ward).
    Home Field: Negative Energy Plane.
    Eligibility: Anyone can join.
    Allies: Bleak Cabal, Doomguard.
    Enemies: Society of Sensation, Sign of One.
    Namer Abilities: Undead will not attack them.
    Restrictions: Half normal chance of surviving resurrection.
    Wide-Eyed: No emotions, no dreams, no hopes to be shattered - it's bliss!
    Serene: Fully satisfied . . . comfortably numb.

    Fated (Takers, Heartless, Coldbloods):

    Philosophy: The multiverse belongs to those who seize it. No one's to blame for
    a poor sod's fate but the sorry sod himself.
    Factol: Duke Rowan Darkwood.
    Sigil HQ: Hall of Records (Clerk's Ward).
    Home Field: Ysgard (in Rowan's Hall).
    Eligibility: No lawful good members.
    Allies: Free League, Mercykillers (loosely).
    Enemies: Harmonium.
    Namer Abilities: Twice normal starting nonweapon proficiency slots; all categories open to all classes.
    Restrictions: Can't accept or perform charity.
    Stoneheart: What's mine is mine, and what's yours is mine, too.
    The Doer: I'll get what I want no matter what stands in the way.

    Fraternity of Order (Guvners):

    Philosophy: Everything has laws; most are dark. Learn the laws of the multiverse
    and you can rule it.
    Factol: Hashkar.
    Sigil HQ: City Court (The Lady's Ward).
    Home Field: Mechanus (in the Fortress of Disciplined Enlightenment).
    Eligibility: Members must be lawful.
    Allies: Harmonium, Mercykillers.
    Enemies: Rev. League, Xaositects.
    Namer Abilities: Comprehend languages once per day; after 7th level, item (24-
    hour duration) once per day.
    Restrictions: Can't knowingly break a law.
    The Sage: If knowledge is power, then knowing everything is the key.
    The Manipulator: Master the laws of the multiverse, and you'll get whatever you want.

    Free League (Indeps):

    Philosophy: This ain't no faction, and nobody tells us what to do. Keep your options open; nobody's got the key to the truth.
    Factol: None.
    Sigil HQ: Great Bazaar (Market Ward).
    Home Field: Outlands; informal meetings in Tradegate.
    Eligibility: Anyone can join.
    Allies: Fated (sometimes).
    Enemies: Harmonium.
    Namer Abilities: Gain + 2 to save vs. charm; gain a saving throw vs. charms that normally allow none.
    Restrictions: No factol, no representatives, no rights.
    Archetypes: Any.

    Harmonium (Hardheads):

    Philosophy: Peace is our goal. But if it takes a little war to get others to see things the Harmonium way, so be it. That's how we'll reach our golden harmony.
    Factol: Sarin.
    Sigil HQ: City Barracks (The Lady's Ward).
    Home Field: Arcadia (in Melodia).
    Eligibility: Members must be lawful.
    Allies: Guvners, Mercykillers.
    Enemies: Free League, Rev. League, Xaositects.
    Namer Abilities: Charm person once per day.
    Restrictions: Disobedience requires atonement. Refusal is punishable by death.
    The Basheri: There'll be peace if I have to crush everyone's skull to get it.
    The Preacher: Think love, peace, and harmony.

    Mercykillers (Red Death):

    Philosophy: Justice is everything. When properly applied, punishment leads to perfection.
    Factol: Alisohn Nilesia.
    Sigil HQ: Prison (The Lady's Ward).
    Home Field: Acheron (in Vorkehan).
    Eligibility: Members must be lawful; thieves and known criminals may not join.
    Allies: Guvners, Harmonium.
    Enemies: Rev. League, Sensates, Sign of One.
    Namer Abilities: Detect lie once per day; shocking grasp (wizards only); command (priests only).
    Restrictions: No immunity to the law; can't release a prisoner until he's been properly punished.
    Fanatic: Guilty. The judgment is death.
    Crusader: Innocents must not be punished; the guilty must not be punished unfairly.

    Revolutionary League (Anarchists):

    Philosophy: The status quo is built on lies and greed. Crush the factions. Break 'em down and rebuild with what's left - that's the only way to find real truth.
    Factol: None.
    Sigil HQ: Many safe houses throughout the city.
    Home Field: Carceri (in the Bastion of Last Hope).
    Eligibility: No lawful members.
    Allies: Doomguard, Xaositects (weak tie).
    Enemies: Guvners, Harmonium.
    Namer Abilities: Can pose as a member of any other faction without being detected.
    Restrictions: Can't hold office or own a business; must give 90% of all wealth to the faction or the oppressed.
    Rebel without a clue: Who needs a reason? Riot, loot, and burn it all down!
    The Mole: Worm your way into the heart of power and slowly destroy it from within.

    Sign of One (Signers):

    Philosophy: The planes exist because the mind imagines them. Any Signer could be the one who creates the multiverse through the power of thought.
    Factol: Darius.
    Sigil HQ: Hall of Speakers (Clerk's Ward).
    Home Field: The Beastlands (in Signpost).
    Eligibility: Lawful good and lawful neutral members are unlikely at best.
    Allies: Sensates.
    Enemies: Bleak Cabal (especially), Harmonium.
    Namer Abilities: Gain automatic saving throw vs. illusions.
    Restrictions: Suffers -2 penalty to reaction and loyalty adjustments.
    Introspective: Weigh it all carefully; improve yourself, and you improve the multiverse.
    Egomaniac: Don't cross me, berk, or I'll think you right out of existence!

    Society of Sensation (Sensates):

    Philosophy: To know the multiverse, experience it fully. The senses form the path to truth, for the multiverse doesn't exist beyond what can be sensed.
    Factol: Erin Montgomery.
    Sigil HQ: Civic Festhall (Clerk's Ward).
    Home Field: Arborea (in the Gilded Hall).
    Eligibility: Anyone can join.
    Allies: Sign of One; occasionally Indeps, Guvners.
    Enemies: Doomguard; often Dustmen, Mercykillers.
    Namer Abilities: Infravision to 60 feet; gain +1 to saves vs. poison and surprise rolls.
    Restrictions: Can't refuse offers that lead to new experiences.
    Hedonist: Party, party, party! Pleasureabove all!
    Connoisseur: The rarest experiences are best; doing the same thing over and over is foolish.

    Transcendent Order (Ciphers):

    Philosophy: Action without thought is the purest response. Train body and mind to act in harmony, and the spirit becomes one with the multiverse.
    Factol: Rhys.
    Sigil HQ: Great Gymnasium (Guildhall Ward).
    Home Field: Elysium.
    Eligibility: Members must be at least partly neutral.
    Allies: Most factions.
    Enemies: Harmonium (suspicion).
    Namer Abilities: Gain -1 modifier to initiative rolls.
    Restrictions: Once an action is stated, Cipher must commit to that action (he can't change his mind).
    Hair-Trigger: Action, reaction. Why think about it?
    Zen Master: Patience, grasshopper. With balance comes harmony.

    Xaositects (Chaosmen):

    Philosophy: Chaos is truth, order delusion. Embracing the randomness of the multiverse, one learns its secrets.
    Factol: Karan.
    Sigil HQ: Hive (Hive Ward).
    Home Field: Limbo.
    Eligibility: Members must be chaotic.
    Allies: Bleak Cabal, Doomguard.
    Enemies: Guvners, Harmonium.
    Namer Abilities: Babble once per week.
    Restrictions: Can't participate in activities that require long-term organization or discipline.
    Chaosmonger: Do the opposite of what everyone else does; be as loony as possible!
    Teaser: Chaos is the expected response; frustrate folks by acting (mostly) normal.

    Finally the deadline for submission will be May 11th

    Wrath Maps Wrath Loot PS Loot PS Maps

    Dr. Doppelganger
    Attacks: 2 claws +8, 1d8+4
    Touch AC 12
    Diplomacy DC 26
    SQ change shape (alter self)
    Perfect Copy (Su) When a doppelganger uses change shape, it can assume the appearance of specific individuals.

    Wrath Maps Wrath Loot PS Loot PS Maps
