Count Haserton Lowis IV

OtrovaGomas's page

Organized Play Member. 112 posts (150 including aliases). 9 reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 25 Organized Play characters.


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Grand Lodge

I think you can as they work in space, the argument i seen is that there are hydrojets, but the hydrojets last for 10 hours and the jump jets last for only 10 uses. Personally I let my players use them but I honestly though this was correct, but I found that other GM do not let this work

Grand Lodge

Step 1. Operative attacks, with a standard non-trick attack. We are used to this.
Step 2, operative moves and makes a stealth check.
Step 3, enemy makes a perception check. If they fail, they don't see the operative.

Everything else is stuff that does not work. That's as simple as this can get

So the cloaking is best for snipping it seems or
a weird melee strength heavy operative, since you could attack then hide in their face for a very likely concealment so 50% miss chance

Grand Lodge

I was re-reading clocking field and what I see is that it still works if you move but you don't get the bonus. And when you use stealth to hide you can use it as PART of the move (at a -10 if you do a full move). So, then an operative could in theory attack move and hide in plain sight, and use its stealth bonus (instead of stealth bonus +10 if he stands still)? In the same breath, if an operative has shot on the run, he can do the trick attack then hide in plain sight with the clocking field? This would render the operative technically invisible if they can’t beat his stealth with a perception, thought?

Grand Lodge

pyrotechNIC wrote:

Yeah, the distance rules for perception are non-existent. I just went with it and let them see the snipers.

Another wonky thing, the scenario says that Mengian uses his inspiring boost on his allies, but as baddies they don't have any SP?

Good point on the SP, but since monster don't follow the same rules as PC I'll just heal their HP by the amount they would get on stamina

As per the perception, it does say it is up to the GM to determine what the PC can and ca't see. I decided that on round 1 they get a -30 to perception to pinpoint the sniper (but know the general direction), then -20 and -10, so if nothing else by round 3 they should be able to pinpoint the snipers. Got to keep in mind that they start 780 feet away from each other more or less

Grand Lodge

How is the perception handle in the sniper alley?
They start off 780 feet away, perception mentions that the GM has a final say on what PC can and can't see.
How did YOU handle this? or think how it should be handle

Grand Lodge

Speaking of snipers, they have tactical Diasporan rifle and in their gear it says that those weapons have "tactical Diasporan rifle(AA) with
1 battery (20 charges)", but the Alien Archives the (AA) this weapon has 10 charges max. Was the rifle errata somewhere? which is right?

Grand Lodge

Bigguyinblack wrote:
I have a question about a boon on the sheet, To avoid spoilers I'll be vague. How long does it last? It isn't specified.

last paragraph says that it is now permanent as it takes up a certain slot permanently

Grand Lodge

See all of you show what the mystic has to add to be good in space ship combat, but this is extra to him, what I think is that he should not be force to take a theme, dip or use feat to be viable in space ship combat. All other classes have default class skills that work on space ship combat all they need do is spend a skill point, but a mystic needs to have a decent dex (may also need to spend skill in piloting to be an ok gunner) or have to spend resources as I mentioned. So if a hybrid computer is added to the ship or the ship itself be a hybrid magic/thecnology construct, at which point the mystic can use his mysticism on computers or possibly even engineering skills

Grand Lodge

Captain Temπ Ænaut Fugit wrote:

There are, respectively, both a spell and an ability, which can enhance weapon damage output. Can these two be used on starship energy weapons?

I always like to see new ways to spice up starship combat.

Keep in mind as well that even though a light laser does 2d4 this is ten times greater since this is on ship scale

Grand Lodge

I been asking about using Mysticism for computers and/or engineering on an eoxian ship (or ship with a eoxian computer), this is because on the scenario "Into The Unknown" you can use it in say scenario to operate the computer of a ship you board, I wonder if they mean to make this a thing so mystics could have an easier time in starship combat

Grand Lodge

Isaac Zephyr wrote:

I'm actually playing an Intimidate Envoy myself. Human with the 18 Cha flat at level 1 at the moment.

Dispiriting Taunt dies not work with Rattling Presence or Dragon Mein. You'll find it under Dispiriting Taunt itself that it isn't a demoralize check so bonuses that apply to an Intimidate demoralize don't work with it.

However, I went with Dispiriting Taunt for the Improved Range, and for level 8 (I'm intending to take the Skyfire Centurion archtype for the bonuses to captain encouraging and the various bonded ally benefits it offers) I'm taking Quick Dispiriting Taunt due to making it a move action, which to me was worth more than an additional round, or mass intimidating once.

My feats were Skill Focus: Intimidate for the same reason, whenever I forgo the die, the +3 can still apply, plus there's the roll expertise die twice once per day and take the better result at level 9. My other Human feat was Veiled Threat so whenever I intimidate to bully, at the end they go to neutral instead of hostile to me. My level 1 intimidate is 11-14 depending on the d6 roll.

Get 'Em will be my post-taunt improvisation, however I found more use early with Universal Expression for level 2, so that I can Dispiriting Taunt even if the target doesn't speak my language. So the just have to be able to see/hear me and be not immune to mind-effecting abilities.

Your build is definitely good. No big issues with it, and it'll get more out of regular demoralize. I'd recommend the Skill Focus over Skill Synergy for more utility, higher bonus and the double roll, choose better at later levels. However much like my build wants Skill Focus: Diplomacy later for the boost etc, perhaps you wanted a second skill at +2 early rather than using 2 feats for +3s. Or one of the 4 non-class skills to be class skills. I personally prefer Dispiriting Taunt, due to the range being pretty much crucial in most of our combats so far, and later, when I can draw a weapon as part of a move and Dispiriting Taunt can be a move I'll pretty much...

Thanks I miss the fact that it is spelled out that rattling presence does not apply, but this kind of pushes me more toward option 1. Got more to think about

Grand Lodge

Society character, Half-Orc (yes, I have a boon)
Starting at lvl 3 due to credits
Envoy lvl 3, Dragonblood theme (at lvl 6** this theme extent shaken condition for 1 more round)
You can harness the terrifying reputation of dragons to strike fear into the hearts of those you oppose.
You’ve read or seen so much of dragons’ tactics that you can mimic them with surprising accuracy and
effectiveness. When you successfully use Intimidate to bully a creature, its change in attitude lasts for an
additional 10 minutes. When you successfully use Intimidate to demoralize an opponent, it is shaken for 1 additional round.

Str 11, dex 16, con 10, int 10, wis 10, cha 18(w/ personal enhancer)

He will focus on intimidation, so at lvl 3 he has +16 intimidation {+2 voice amplifier (from AA), +2 racial and +2 skill synergy (I’ll explain this feat and yes, I know insight bonuses don’t stack)}
Skill Expertise: intimidation
Expertise Talent: Rattling Presence (Ex; Intimidate)
When you attempt an Intimidate check to demoralize an opponent, you can forgo rolling your expertise die to automatically increase the duration of the shaken condition by 1 round on a successful check. At 9th level, you instead increase the duration by 2 rounds on a success when using this talent. (this shows why I use skill synergy since I plan to forgo my expertise die with intimidation, I don’t take skill focus because I want a +2 on bluff as well)

So in theory when he succeeds at intimidating someone at lvl 6 the effect will last 2 rounds longer due to theme and rattling presence

Option 1:
Take Clever Faint improvisation (with the idea of taking the improve version at lvl 4)(this is why I need the +2 to bluff)
Take Get Em’ (with the idea of taking the improve version at lvl 6 (even if I still use it as a move action the +2 would apply)

Round 1 for this one would be (depending on enemy and encounter type) use the intimidation skill normally DC 15 + 1-1/2 × the opponent’s CR (this would more than likely last for at least 2 rounds (3 at lvl 6)) follow by Get Em.
So a +3 (+4 at lvl 6) to hit the enemy (plus all the shaken goodness)
Round 2 Get Em’, Clever faint (improve version at lvl 4 lets me shot as well) bluff skill normally DC 15 + 1-1/2 × the opponent’s CR.
So a +5 (+6 at lvl 6) to hit the enemy (plus all the shaken goodness)
Round 3 would be like round 2

Pro: +5 (+6 at lvl 6) to hit the enemy (plus all the shaken goodness)
Con: The problem with this option is the demoralize with intimidation needs to be done at 30ft, this should be ok if I have a tank but if it happends to be too far away then Clever Faint and Get Em can be used at 60ft.

Option 2:
Take Dispiriting Taunt improvisation (with the idea of taking the improve version at lvl 4)(I think that the theme and rattling presence would still apply here)
Take Get Em’ (with the idea of taking the improve version at lvl 6 (even if I still use it as a move action the +2 would apply)

Round 1 for this one would be (depending on enemy and encounter type) Dispiriting Taunt as a standard (as a move at lvl 4) if theme and rattling presence apply this would last 2 rounds (3 at lvl 6) follow by Get Em.
So a +3 (+4 at lvl 6) to hit the enemy (plus all the shaken goodness) [or +1 (+2 at lvl 6) to hit the enemy if Taunt fail, although enemy will still be off target]
Round 2 Get Em’ follow by attack (Shaken condition should still be around), ( at lvl 6 improve Get Em’ would let me move around as needed)
So to hit same as previous
Round 3 would be like round 1 or 2

Pro: I can do this at 60ft
Con: the to hit is lower than option 1

So thoughts or recommendations?
Also I like to know if Dispiriting Taunt would benefit from Rattling Presence and Dragon Mien

Grand Lodge

ghostunderasheet wrote:

SROs (short for “sentient robotic organisms”), they are a new race off the Pack Worlds book, they are essentially robots with a soul

Grand Lodge

what scares me about those stats as an envoy you are only going to have 2 resolve, so after 1 or 2 fights you are likely to use one at least then you only have the one, if you go down that will be gone when you stabilize, i would suggest getting your resolve to be at least 3, or dip soldier to use dex as your main stat

Grand Lodge

The problem with not taking Blitz is that your land speed is 20 and most armor give you a -5 or -10 to it making it very hard for you to maneuver, as per stats str i would go 16 and at lvl 2 get an augmentation to str so 18 and at lvl 5 you can have a 20 to str, this give some extra points to something else like con or dex

Grand Lodge

How would it work if a mystic uses lifelink to take an SRO wounds? Would this work 1 to 1?

Grand Lodge

Pantshandshake wrote:

"Stellar revelations normally note what kind of action they require. If a stellar revelation does not note the kind of action it takes and it modifies some other action (such as an attack or skill check), it can be used as part of that action."

So, the spider climb aspect is part the movement.

is this is the book? if so what page

Grand Lodge

it is as follows:
Gravity Boost (Su)
D You can increase or reduce the gravitational attraction
between yourself and the terrain around you. You can add
a bonus equal to one-third your solarian level (minimum +1)
to Athletics checks to climb, jump, or swim as part of the
action you take to attempt the skill check. In addition, as
a reaction when you are falling, you can reduce the falling
damage you take by half. At 6th level, you can move along
vertical surfaces and even upside down along ceilings for 1
round. This functions as spider climb, but it leaves your hands
free and you can also run. You must end your movement on
a surface that can support you normally. If you end your
movement while you are standing on a vertical surface or
ceiling, you fall unless you succeed at an Athletics check to
climb to remain in position.
When you are attuned or fully attuned, the bonus you gain
from this revelation to checks to climb, jump, or swim doubles.

So at lvl6 you move on as with spider climb. Is this still part of the action to move or do you have to spend a standard action to "cast" to use it?

Grand Lodge

Gary Bush wrote:

Disagree with heavy armor proficiency as Solar Armor only works with Light Armor.

You don't select a stellar mode of Graviton or Photon at character creation. Both are available. The decision is made when in combat and you can switch between the two if you wish.

You start with two Stellar Revelations: Black hole (Graviton) and Supernova (Photon). Depending what stellar mode you are attuned to determines what revelation you can use.

A Solarian does not get spells.

The ability scores are way too high unless your GM has oked the method you used.

At first level you get to choose a feat. Seeing an Armor Solarian, I would suggest Longarm, Sniper, or Heavy Weapon Proficiency if you want to be combat oriented.

lol I miss the fact he had picked solar armor, yea then no heavy armor my bad

Grand Lodge

DR: is damage reduction, at the moment you would have none

Grand Lodge

How did you get your stats? Normally you get 10 point for your stats spend 1 to 1, E.X. your character Lashunta (Korasha) would start at:
Str: 12
Dex: 10
Con: 10
Inst: 10
Wis: 8
Cha: 12
If you apply 10 points it may look as follows:
Str: 16 (4 points)
Dex: 14 (4 points) or 12 (2 points)
Con: 10
Inst: 10
Wis: 8
Cha: 14 (2 pints) or 16 (4 points)
Then you apply your theme, as found on page 28 of the core book
As per feat I would suggest heavy armor proficiency.
Mind you if you “roll” the stats that you show, then your GM should have ok this first, if that is the case, then disregard what I show you above

Grand Lodge

Owen K. C. Stephens wrote:
In general we don't say what things aren't. So the fact we never say "natural attacks are archaic" is the signal that they are not archaic, especially since we define them (along with natural weapons) on page 155 of Alien Archive without mentioning archaic at all.

Thanks I figured as much but since they were really specific with some races I had to ask

Grand Lodge

I sure they are not, but can someone point me as to where this is written? I'm asking because unharmed strike has this property and Vesk and other races have the archaic property removed to their unharmed strikes.

Grand Lodge

Sizes is not a thing in Starfinder, but the issues where a small can grapple at large or huge creature well This falls in the area where the GM will dictate what can be done and what can't

Grand Lodge

As Vampbyday, steal life would take a standard action and cleave is also a standard action, so by RAW no

Grand Lodge

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If you are going for blitz dip, then do it at lvl 1. I would suggest stats:
STR: 16
DEX: 14
CON: 13
INT: 8
WIS: 12
CHA: 10

This way your revolve is dependan on strength, so 4 revolve at lvl 1 this is better for melee build as you will be hit and need rest. At lvl 2 get a personal enhancer for a 18 str this gives you more resolve as you will burn some of it with your healing connection

Grand Lodge

To me they are probably a species derived from deuterostomes, as such they do not have an anus and will eliminate waste via their mouth

Grand Lodge

Like Ecliptic12 mentioned, an SRO may be the best fit for your idea, since Androids are still fleshy, they are more akin of replicants, they don't need to breath but need to eat (unless you buy a clear spindle and just fluff it). Overall I like your concept.
But if it must be an Android then it can be one with replaced arms and legs with mechanical ones, and skin very old dermal plating that is so old and rusted that it gives no DR any more

Grand Lodge

I would suggest using a Lashunta Korasha instead, going 16/14 str 14 dex and 14/16 charisma, (at lvl 2 you can buy a personal enhancer to add a +2 to str/cha so you are running with 16/14/16)

Look at divine champion, this can give you the feel of a paladin or choosen of destiny (the DR by-pass can be really good)
I like the tempered pilgrim as the wondering hero feel

Grand Lodge

Well got to buy some augmentation, eyes that is, but the cheapest would be the darkvision capacitors

Grand Lodge

Ravingdork wrote:
Of course it can be repaired with the engineering skill. You just use the options listed under the Medicine skill.

To be clear, what I mean is using:

"Repair Item
You can use Engineering to repair a mechanical, technological, or hybrid object or piece of equipment, as long you have access to it. The amount of time this takes typically depends on the complexity of the object. You can repair an object or piece of equipment you crafted in half the usual time. The DC of the check is determined by the GM and based on the complexity of the object. If you succeed, you restore a number of Hit Points equal to the result of your Engineering check. If you fail the check by 10 or more, you damage the object further, dealing 1d4 damage to it; this damage can’t reduce an item to fewer than 1 HP."

Grand Lodge

I know that you need to use engineering to do medicine, but I'm just wondering if the can be repair with engineering

Grand Lodge

Sadly they need to fix that feat

Grand Lodge

The way I see it is your exocortex is locked into the enemy and it is keeping track of it until it is dead or gone ftom the fight

Grand Lodge

Consider been a hacker to bost your com and engineering this can come in handy for ship combat and back up for the mechanic

Grand Lodge

Meet Averno
This cybernetic body has as a power source a trapped fire elemental, this barbaric enslavement has been lost through time, but none the less there are still some wondering around or package away. These fire elemental have gone mad due to the unnatural entrapment in this cold mechanical body, and will more often than not attack any humanoid.
They will charge in and start ripping you apart with their flame power weapon, most commonly a chainsaw (that replaces one of its limbs). When surrounded they will "explode" similarly to a solarian. As bettle extends the increase of heat in one spot with generate a mist cloud that provides it with cover, but the can see through it with no problem. They seem to possess nanites that seem to "heal" any damage taken.
If encounter try to avoid head on confrontation
(Still working on stats, but I'm not 100% with character creation since society makes them for me wink )

Grand Lodge

pithica42 wrote:
quothe the SRD wrote:


A fusion can be installed in a chosen weapon when it’s purchased or at any point afterward. It’s also possible, though difficult and fairly expensive, to transfer fusions from one weapon to another. Any character trained in Mysticism can transfer a fusion; this costs half as much as it would to initially purchase the fusion, using the level of the new weapon to determine the price. Characters trained in Engineering or Mysticism can also install fusions, if necessary (for instance, if the PCs find an unused fusion as part of a treasure cache, or in the case of a character who used Mysticism to craft a fusion). In either case, installing or transferring a fusion takes about 10 minutes of uninterrupted tinkering.

For a level 1 to level 3 move, that's 10 minutes + 120 (what you payed for the initial level 1 fusion) + .5*440 (another 220 for the level 3 weapon) =360 credits. That's 80 less than you'd pay to normally install a level 3 weapon with a level 1 fusion.

EDIT: To be clear, the above is for a normal weapon fusion, not a fusion seal. The fusion seals are different, but it looks like Dragonchess Player already covered that.

okay, so transfer equation total cost=(original cost + 1/2 * new weapon lvl cost). So this means that I would be paying the lvl 1 fusion cost two times? E.X. early on I already paid for the level 1 fusion (120cr), then to transfer it to a lvl weapon I would then pay 360cr? so in the end I would have ended up paying 480cr for this fusion, correct?

Grand Lodge

Let's say I have a fusion seal glammered (on a laser pistol lvl 1) this seal cost 132cr. How can I later transfer this seal to a lvl 3 weapon?

Grand Lodge

Use Strix
Strix Racial Traits (from advance race guide)
+2 Dexterity, -2 Charisma: Strix are swift and elusive, but
tend to be stubborn and swift to anger.
Strix: Strix are humanoids with the strix subtype.
Medium: Strix are Medium creatures and have no bonuses
or penalties due to their size.
Normal Speed: Strix have a base speed of 30 feet on land.
They also have a fly speed of 60 feet (average).
Low-Light Vision: Strix can see twice as far as humans in
conditions of dim light.
Darkvision: Strix can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
Hatred: Strix receive a +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against
humanoid creatures with the human subtype because of
their special training against these hated foes.
Nocturnal: Strix gain a +2 racial bonus on Perception
and Stealth checks in dim light or darkness.
Suspicious: Strix receive a +2 racial bonus on saving
throws against illusion spells and effects.
Languages: Strix begin play speaking Strix. Those
with high Intelligence scores can choose from
the following: Auran, Common, Draconic, Giant,
Gnome, Goblin, Infernal.

Grand Lodge

I'm starting to think this is an error since the higher lvl ones have a capacity of 30 and no such battery exist, nor does a 10 for that matter

Grand Lodge

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So this sniper rifle from alien archives has a capacity of 10 and use 1 per shot, if it discharges can I just replace the battery with a 20 spare one? Or am I forced to recharge it? This is for society play

Grand Lodge

Yea get Perseption or anything you see your char interested in as a soldier you get lots of feats, but I would also boost pilotin or engineering so you can be more useful in ship combat

Grand Lodge

I would say yes as well

Grand Lodge

Check this guy out!AiUoMhvjpUW-g7ZP2uSUQ20C1QAgVQ

Grand Lodge

I'm sure they will implement some technology damper at some point

Grand Lodge

Once again, this is not Pathfinder, and if we look at the source of temporary "HIT POINTS" they are all define as a force field, there is the commando serum, but this is a different story I think and there is no magic that gives temporary hit points. But i do think that this buffer should have a different name

Grand Lodge

the name is misleading, but think of it this way, temporary "hit point" all seem to come from a force field generator of some kind (or magic, no sure if there is a spell for this) so in essence that is what they are, a force field and nothing more. So no this do not help you stay conscious or stable

Grand Lodge

Deadmanwalking wrote:
OtrovaGomas wrote:
I play society and by lvl 2 I have enough to buy the MK1, as an Operative this takes my dex to 20 so increased: AC, attack, initiative, skills (dex base ones) and reflex not to mention one more resolve. What else would you recommend instead?

Society play is its own animal (you get all your rewards in cash and get more of it than in non-society play, as a rule) and Dex is the best stat in the game.

In short, that seems like it might be a very good choice for you. But you asked why people don't do that, and the reason is that they lack the cash and have things they can save up money for that they feel are better.

Okay thanks, guess since I don't play home games I didn't have that perspective.

Grand Lodge

I play society and by lvl 2 I have enough to buy the MK1, as an Operative this takes my dex to 20 so increased: AC, attack, initiative, skills (dex base ones) and reflex not to mention one more resolve. What else would you recommend instead?

Grand Lodge

Why don't I see people recommending the personal upgrade at lvl 2 or 3 and so on?

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