Count Haserton Lowis IV

OtrovaGomas's page

Organized Play Member. 112 posts (150 including aliases). 9 reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 25 Organized Play characters.

Grand Lodge

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If you are going for blitz dip, then do it at lvl 1. I would suggest stats:
STR: 16
DEX: 14
CON: 13
INT: 8
WIS: 12
CHA: 10

This way your revolve is dependan on strength, so 4 revolve at lvl 1 this is better for melee build as you will be hit and need rest. At lvl 2 get a personal enhancer for a 18 str this gives you more resolve as you will burn some of it with your healing connection

Grand Lodge

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So this sniper rifle from alien archives has a capacity of 10 and use 1 per shot, if it discharges can I just replace the battery with a 20 spare one? Or am I forced to recharge it? This is for society play

Grand Lodge

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Call the shields magic and let them do a mystic check (equivalent to the engineering) to "restore" them. If this is a home game just reflavor stuff, so they feel usefull. Exo ships are a combination of magic and technology. So much so that to get information from a computer in into the unknown you can use a mystic or computer check to get it

Grand Lodge

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65. Barry messed with the time line again

Grand Lodge

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Ravingdork wrote:

What now is stopping you from making a Small android and having it possess the same stats and abilities of a Medium one?

the only thing would be the advantage of getting into small spaces like a goblin tunnel for example

Grand Lodge

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Burst out speaking in tounges for you "cackle"