
N'wah's page

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber. Organized Play Member. 2,029 posts (2,159 including aliases). 2 reviews. 2 lists. 2 wishlists. 13 Organized Play characters. 22 aliases.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

With the Starfinder 2E announcement and the planned cross-compatibility thereof, seems a good time to revive this thread!

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
GM Apoc wrote:
Others have said my thoughts better already, so I'll simply say if you make a Numeria product I will buy the heck out of it. Also, an AP that tours the Broken Lands would be wild! That one's probably a bigger ask, though. The unusual blend of themes would make it pretty niche. But *I* would play it.
You might wanna check out book 2 of Gatewalkers. It's kind of a "tour" of the Broken Lands, in that it spends time in 3 of the nations there.

Looks like I'll be playing in that soon, so I'm excited to explore the region!

But anyhoo. Numeria. Yes.

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

It was mentioned at some point early in PF2, possibly even during the playtest, that with the 3-action economy something like the four-armed kasatha become a lot easier to balance around, so it's certainly been on somebody's mind, at least. Here's to hoping!

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Howdy y'all! N'wah/Ashton Sperry here, with an important post.

As it is often wont to do, Numeria came up during at least one of the panels today, and while it was confirmed Numeria's not on the immediate radar, there's no reason not to build up some hype and appreciation for a possible time when it is- after all, stranger things have happened!

Numeria's a special place- to me personally, as I've always loved that sweet swirl of fantasy and sci-fi that makes it so delicious- but it's also special in that covering Numeria fully would be the kind of affair that potentially affects all the product lines. Tech rules in the rulebooks; the nation, either as part of a Broken Lands book or one by its lonesome, in the Lost Omens line; and likely one or several adventures in the modules and/or AP lines. That certainly makes it an investment, in time, money, and annual shelf space!

That's why I wanted to start this thread: to show that there's loads of folks interested and eager to get back to that fantastical place. And not just as customers, but as freelancers, as well! I know I'm not alone in being someone whose go names in Paizo books and is downright eager to further flesh out the developments that have occurred in the intervening years, and I encourage my fellow freelancers who are so inclined to voice their interest as well.

So if you're one of the many folks for whom Numeria sings its siren song, let your voice be heard!

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

If it gives you any insight, this song was my go-to when writing for Kevoth-Kul! <3

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
keftiu wrote:
It reminded me to peek back at the Knights of Lastwall book, and I caught something there that I'd missed before - namely, that the Knights are trying to get Kevoth-Kul to share sovereign steel with neighboring Mendev and Sarkoris Scar. Success there furthers my idea upthread of the immortal Kellid king being an appearing leader to some Sarkorians, assuming he ever does decide to lend aid.

Glad you caught that li'l tidbit! <3

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Female (she/her), Human (Kellid), Ranger 1 HP 19/19 | AC 18 (19 Parry) | Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +5 | Perception +7 | Class DC 17 | Hero Points: 0/3 | Active Conditions: None |

Iskra knew the question was coming, had prepared a dozen great answers.

Then she dipped into those damned undiluted spirits Impulse kept in those jugs, and Kala Dja was being friendly-flirty, and her mind goes blank for a while.

"Iskra..." she covers a hiccup with a cough and a clenched fist over her mouth. "Iskra of the Oski, of Musk Ox House!" Much clearer, this time. "And my hope is simple- in these days I've made some good friends with my fellow scouts, and I hope that we remain good friends until the end of our days." She looks at each in turn: Kala Dja, self-proclaimed Kellid princess; Impulse, genius at stone and steel; Eirthgim and Agn, old and wise caller and spirit; Grymgold, hearth-tender and wound-sealer- even Pakano, the brat with promise.

Feeling bolder- flushed- she shouts out, "And that long after our bones are reclaimed by the hills, the Broken Tusks will live on, and know our deeds, and sing our songs!" She raises her arms in a double fist-pump- her new tattoo sings a stinging song, but she loves it all the same- before plopping to the ground, exuberant, almost giggling.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Female (she/her), Human (Kellid), Ranger 1 HP 19/19 | AC 18 (19 Parry) | Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +5 | Perception +7 | Class DC 17 | Hero Points: 0/3 | Active Conditions: None |

Iskra's silent for a long time- the look on her face is a mixture of consternation and confusion as she wrestles with this revelation. Finally, she speaks. "Generations ago when the demons came, the Broken Tusks took in the Oski. If my ancestors encountered the Burning Mammoths, they clearly didn't decide to invite us in with open arms then- give us weapons and skills and teach us to fight back. They may have even fought with us- we faced many hardships along the way before finding our new hearthfire."

Her face becomes set hard, jaw clenching. "If after all this ime they seek some sort of connection, so be it, but I don't think they come peacefully. And I'll stand with all my kin-" she looks meaningfully to everyone present, "-in defending the Primordial Flame and the entire holding."

She sits in the silence to follow for a time, her face softens, her hands and jaw unclench. "What's a 'Primordial Flame?'" she asks quizzically.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female (she/her), Human (Kellid), Ranger 1 HP 19/19 | AC 18 (19 Parry) | Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +5 | Perception +7 | Class DC 17 | Hero Points: 0/3 | Active Conditions: None |

"Princess, if I have my say, you get the biggest helping. I mighta killed it, but ah..." she looks down at her ravaged arms holding the skull. "If I had your smarts, I woulda used something with a bit more distance and not thrown my hands into a walking thicket of knives."

She grips Kala Dja's forearm, then winces at the ill-timed gesture as a few of the new wounds reopen. Her eyes, though, are full of sincerity as she says, "You lead from the front, and you lead smart. What'd my mom say once? 'Passion and compassion,' somethin' like that. I swear you'll be leadin' this holding before you know it."

She turns to Grymgold. "I'll gladly take some bandaging up. Damn but those quills sting! Kala Dja, Impulse, you want first dibs? I can sit for a bit with Tomi if you need tending." Tomi warks in possible agreement, or probable hunger.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female (she/her), Human (Kellid), Ranger 1 HP 19/19 | AC 18 (19 Parry) | Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +5 | Perception +7 | Class DC 17 | Hero Points: 0/3 | Active Conditions: None |

Iskra seems similarly jubilant at a chance to blow off some steam on a problem best solved with the simplicity of violence. "Hey look, something even pricklier than Pakano!" she shouts before spurring Tomi into action. The pair charge forward, Iskra with lance and main gauche out and ready. Tomi lets fly a terrible "WAAARK!" as they advance on the spiny critter.

Command Mount; Stride and Support for Tomi; Hunt Prey and Twin Takedown for Iskra

Iskra Oski's war lance attack (T): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26
Iskra Oski's war lance damage (P): 1d6 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7
Iskra Oski's main gauche attack (T): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20
Iskra Oski's main gauche damage (P, Versatile S): 1d4 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7

Iskra's lance and blade lunge forth, striking beyond the thicket of spines to find tender meat underneath. Tomi's caterwauling has its intended effect on the porcupine, leaving the critter caught off-guard.

Iskra Oski's Reflex save (T): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22
Iskra Oski's Reflex save (T): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19

Iskra's deft reflexes save her from the worst the porcupine's spines have to offer.

I made both saves so for simplicity's sake I'll roll damage just the once.

Pocupine's spines (T): 1d8 ⇒ 5

"Yeowtch!" Iskra sucks wind through her teeth, looking at her bloodied knuckles. A couple harsh, unpleasant-sounding Abyssal words tumble out of her mouth.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female (she/her), Human (Kellid), Ranger 1 HP 19/19 | AC 18 (19 Parry) | Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +5 | Perception +7 | Class DC 17 | Hero Points: 0/3 | Active Conditions: None |

"Seems a bit much to use thorn snares for hunting, yeah? What, couldn't stalk and take down a tapir like a real hunter?" Iskra whistles and mounts Tomi in one fluid motion, weapons out as the pair rush towards their foes. Lance and blade flash in tandem before her. "Worry not, today you eat the Sarkoris Special!"

Mount; Command Companion to Stride twice; war lance Strike on Red

Iskra Oski's war lance attack (T): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10
Iskra Oski's war lance damage (P): 1d6 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11

The strike is off target, thrusting past the hunter's face as they dodge reflexively. Iskra spits and girds herself for the counter-offensive.

Next round Iskra will kick on Hunt Prey, and this'll all go a lot smoother, I hope

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Female (she/her), Human (Kellid), Ranger 1 HP 19/19 | AC 18 (19 Parry) | Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +5 | Perception +7 | Class DC 17 | Hero Points: 0/3 | Active Conditions: None |

"Oh, shove it, Pakano, and grow up," Iskra snorts. "You just got punked by someone half your age."

She turns to the rest of the group. "Imek's the only one outside of mom and me who Tomi likes. Kid's a natural talent when it comes to animals. Ain't that right, scamp?" And with that she offers Imek a fist bump. Tomi, for her part, lets out a burbling warble at seeing the young animal handler and nudges the child's shoulder affectionately with her beak.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Female (she/her), Human (Kellid), Ranger 1 HP 19/19 | AC 18 (19 Parry) | Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +5 | Perception +7 | Class DC 17 | Hero Points: 0/3 | Active Conditions: None |

"Guess I thought too soon about all this peace and tranquility," Iskra thinks to herself. Still crouching near the reeds, she is about to chastise Kala Dja and Pakano for acting so childishly- and more important, loudly- but watching Pakano's humiliating defeat replaces her words with a barely stifled giggle.

Then Impulse gets their turn in, and Iskra gives in to the laughter.

"Okay, okay, I think we've made our point, yeah?" She says. "Pakano, keep your Spear of Shame- let it be a reminder that a little humility might spare you greater humiliation." She straightens up. "Still. Who leaves such a fine spear unattended? The owner has to be nearby, and I doubt they'll be happy about their loss." Iskra quietly draws her other main gauche and begins searching for signs of where the now-spearless mystery person might have gone.

Iskra Oski's Perception to search (T): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16

If that 16 uncovers signs of the former spear-haver, Iskra will activate her Hunt Prey.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female (she/her), Human (Kellid), Ranger 1 HP 19/19 | AC 18 (19 Parry) | Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +5 | Perception +7 | Class DC 17 | Hero Points: 0/3 | Active Conditions: None |

Iskra's enjoying the morning; the exercise, the hard-edged natural beauty of the Realm, even her compatriots' back-and-forth sassery feels... right. "As it is, as it should be," she thinks, taking a deep lungful of crisp air, slightly muggy air of the river. The snowpack melts, the river swells, the land brings forth its bounty. "I hope to enjoy this feeling for many springs to come."

Then she halts, eyes drawn to the spear sticking out of the reeds. "Everyone, hush," she hisses, instinctively dropping to a crouch and drawing a main gauche. Walking cautiously, she approaches to investigate.

Iskra Oski's Stealth (T): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22
Iskra Oski's Perception (T): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12

Creeping forward towards the reeds, Iskra begins looking around at where the spear juts out.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Female (she/her), Human (Kellid), Ranger 1 HP 19/19 | AC 18 (19 Parry) | Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +5 | Perception +7 | Class DC 17 | Hero Points: 0/3 | Active Conditions: None |

"Don't speak for me, Pakano- a couple maple meads after a hearty dinner won't slow me down a bit," Iskra says, sliding her pack off her broad back. She straps her usual kit to Tomi's saddle with her rope and shoulders a basket. "This'll be a nice workout, yeah? Good strength training," she says, flexing to ensure free movement with the basket in place. She seems genuinely excited to haul the soon-to-be-heavy container, by now a likely unsurprising response from the young hunter.

Tomi warks amiably and trots along beside her.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female (she/her), Human (Kellid), Ranger 1 HP 19/19 | AC 18 (19 Parry) | Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +5 | Perception +7 | Class DC 17 | Hero Points: 0/3 | Active Conditions: None |

Iskra sits on the ground, attempting patience in being tended to. "Just some scratches, nothing to get excited about," she wants to say- but what does playing tough matter in these circumstances? She's seen the rest of her fellow scouts. They're all tough. We're all tough. And if the worst today brings to bear are some sneaky birds and their dirty tricks, she should really count herself lucky.

If worse comes to bear?

Best be prepared for it, then.

She looks up towards Eirthgim- even bent nearly double, the old one still seems eerily tall- and smiles. "It looks worse than it feels, I promise. Thank you, grandparent-not-by-blood." It's an old term- kthallgr, in the Sarkoris Hallit that still peppers her speech, generations apart from that land- but a highly respectful one, one she's called Eirthgim since she was young and they... well, less old. "When you're done tending to me, if you'd leave some of your kit, I can tend to Tomi. She can be a bit feisty, you know. Best I handle her."

She glances over to the others. "I'll admit, Pakano, I acted rashly. And you can see the results of it plain as day on my face. We're all of us not immune to getting a bad idea stuck in our heads, yeah? But listen to Eirthgim; their words are wise. We help each other. That's how we get by."

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female (she/her), Human (Kellid), Ranger 1 HP 19/19 | AC 18 (19 Parry) | Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +5 | Perception +7 | Class DC 17 | Hero Points: 0/3 | Active Conditions: None |

Iskra is pissed. "Who would- why w- GRAAAH!" she sputters and kicks an errant rock, sending it flying. Seeing Impulse set off, she mounts up on Tomi to follow along, lance at a low ready. "Whoever did this is in for a world of hurt."

Upon reaching Impulse, Iskra gives the large boulder the size of a small boulder a thorough inspection...

Iskra Oski's Perception (E): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Praise Logbee!

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
keftiu wrote:

I'm incredibly late to the party on this one, but whoever wrote Tesyovensku, bless you. I've *also* got a character who was a Chapel of Rent Flesh experiment, and Cythrul and Lady Altouna's little alliance is one of my single favorite bits of obscure lore. Feeling the most wonderful kind of pandered to.

Man, I wanna go back to Numeria.

Thank you so much! I try not to typecast myself, but Numeria is absolutely one of my favorite parts of the setting, and when the outline mentioned a Numerian skymetal merchant I pounced on it fast as I could. Writing Tesyovensku was also an opportunity for me to make a fellow nonbinary character, which was really enjoyable for me.

I'm so glad you like them!

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Working on this book along with Isabelle and everybody was a real treat. I only kicked in about 4k, but I got to cover a lot of various topics in just that. Hope y'all enjoy the book a lot!

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Hooray! Working on this book was such a treat!

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Woran wrote:
Praise be Logbee!

All hail the Logbee!

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Jacob W. Michaels wrote:
Is it August yet? This was so much fun to work on and I can't wait to buy everything.

Agreed! This was a blast to work on and everyone really did some awesome work!

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Howdy, all! About a decade ago I whipped up a printable Kingmaker charter that proved pretty popular, and with the upcoming updated release I thought I'd make a new version for folks to enjoy.

You can find the printable 3-page PDF on my DeviantART here. Each page is a separate version of the charter, a "standard edition" with clean edges, a version with torn edges, and a version without a background for folks looking to save ink and/or print on vellum-colored paper or the like. Hope you enjoy it!

In addition, I might give making some other handouts another go, and also wanted to encourage other folks who want to make or have already made Kingmaker freebie extras to share them here!

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber


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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Sounds good. Thanks!

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

This kerfuffle reminds me of a lawyer friend talking about reading old case law in school, in particular a case called "Trover to wit two horses," and how, apparently, in older legal documents (at least in my state), they didn't bother with such formalities as punctuation. The text just goes and goes.

So I suppose we can thank Ron for at least using modern legalese, which is at least as legible as the End User License Agreements few of us bother to read.

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Would you say... the devil's in the details?

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
silversarcasm wrote:

This has been indicated to be the case for months now lmao it's so that they don't assign them a power level which conflicts with a later ap that wants to use them

Not to mention GMs who want to run a long campaign using one or some of these folks without an AP. If the NPCs are locked in a specific "canon" stat block, it can seem like a limitation on the options a GM might have to use them as they see fit.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
CorvusMask wrote:

I also like how there are other post campaign articles without confirming they happened ;D Such as Choral the dragon theory and certain three headed raven from War for the Crown

Also one of my favorite lines in book:

"I am gravely disappointed in the quality of assassination in this country.
No one stays dead."

You can thank Mikhail Rekun for that line, CorvusMask. :D

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Popliteal wrote:
I'm debating whether to pick this up from my FLGS or just the pdf. I'm reading that the art is amazing, so it's pushing me more towards physical. I'm a sucker for fantasy art and PF2e has been on point so far.

Much as I'd like to be like, "oh, buy both!" I certainly understand limited funds to put into stuff like this.

I'd probably recommend the hardcover. This is a book you'll want to return to time and time again- or at least I hope!- and having that book on your shelf makes accessing that sense of physicality, of flipping through the pages and enjoying the art and words, very doable.

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Hmm wrote:
Two days to go! I so want people to see this beautiful book!

Beautiful is indeed the word for it! Not only is the writing excellent, but there's tons of art- many of which make for great handouts/images to show players. The whole team really pulled out all the stops with this one.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:
Do we know, if or when these options will be PFS legal?

I don't think there's been any word either way, but if I had to guess, due to the nature of the rules stuff being Uncommon/Rare/Unique and focused on being learned/acquired from the specific individuals in question, they'd make for great Chronicle Sheet rewards. But that's just me taking a stab in the dark.

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I wouldn't presume to speak for all my co-contributors, but I'd like to think they're taking as much joy on the speculation from just this smidge of Lost Omens: Legends as I am. :D

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber


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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
The Gold Sovereign wrote:
I would also love to see the likes of Azaersi, Baba Yaga, the Black Triune, Kevoth-Kul, Blood Mistress Jakalyn, or the Elven Queen.

Kevoth-Kul has been confirmed as in the book, that much I can say.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Hooray! Congrats, Amber!

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Folks should totally review this- it helps the PFS folks know which adventure writers to give assignments to!

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Congrats to you all! It's a fine, fine book.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Worparun wrote:
If it's not too much effort, can you make a list of the demigods that have illustrations?

The List of Pictured Demigods:

Mother Vulture

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Ludovicus wrote:
Can anyone who has the book yet tell me if you be LN while worshipping Achaekek?

You can be LE, LN, or NE and worship Achaekek.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Got excited and made some printable Edgewatch badges this morning. Enjoy!

Agents of Edgewatch Badges

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Congrats, James!

Now I gotta update your part of the Staffer Rap. :P

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I really appreciate that y'all are doing these!

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
TRDG wrote:

My players and I were hooked when it was first announced and its getting closer!!!


I do hope there is a quest or two that could take the party out of the city as an optional choice please :)


Well, you can always go to Bosco.

Dark Archive

8 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Hmm wrote:

Late to the party, but very excited to see this one announced. I really hope you all like it!


Yeah! It was an honor and a pleasure to work on this. <3

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

In the Precipice Quarter criminal justice system, the people are represented by two separate but equally important groups: the Edgewatch, who investigate crime; and the Pharasmins, who bury the offenders.

These are their stories.

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Excited this got announced!

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Dunno if I can pull out five, but I'll give it a shot.

#1: Elder Mythos Scholar (Wizard)
I played one of these through Strange Aeons, including a full illustrated campaign journal that was a blast to complete, and I really got a lot of fun out of the very thematically-appropriate archetype. Some class abilities were interesting in flavor, but didn't see use- particularly the little elixir thing they can make that makes you better at spotting and killing Mythos critters but sorta weaker with everything else. I never used it since the risk of picking the wrong day to quaff it and ending up fighting non-Mythos stuff far outweighed the potential benefits, but I liked the idea in concept.

#2: Chosen One (Paladin)
I love the concept of this one, if not how it ended up in practice (you're a slightly less-good fighter with a familiar buddy at 1st level, and some marquee paladin stuff gets pushed back just enough to be annoying). Still, young paladin getting help from a magical spirit guide is a fun idea I'd like to try sometime.

#3: Tinker (Alchemist)
I'm sorry, did you say I get a clockwork buddy? WHERE DO I SIGN UP? :D I understand this might be something built straight into alchemists in core, or at least an option to get later, but I'd love to have one right out the gate if it wasn't.

#4: Archivist (Bard)
I played one of these in Mummy's Mask. I like playing the person who knows All The Things, and if I can use that knowledge to directly assist my friends in a fight, well all the better. Haven't heard much about what PF2 bards might be like, but this could be a good alternate to the standard.

#5: Evangelist (Cleric)
Currently playing one in RotR. Got Lingering Performance, so I start every fight with my Pharasmin shouting "all who live must face her judgement!" to kick on my Inspire Courage and it's been a real blast.


(787 posts)