Android Operative Ace Pilot with the Ghost specialization. Myriad is an older model of android, one that appears to have been constructed with the intent of looking as humanoid as possible without the visible circuitry that has become more common with newer models. The face and body shape appears quite androgynous and the voice that echoes from it's vocalizer it's quite possibly the oddest thing about it. The voice that comes from the android is strange as it almost sounds like an amalgam of male and female voices, shifting seamlessly mid-word. Myr'iad contains within their consciousness fragments of all the other personalities that have been contained within their chasi, ghosts within the shell if you will. Myr'iad seems to recognize themselves as an individual, but also refers to themselves often as "we" in a recognition of all the collective fragments that speak with them and guide them in their journey amongst the stars.
Currently as SFS profile that could easily be transitioned over, but everything is built to Core specs as this was my first Starfinder PC ever! I'll make sure that I update the description and background section in the sheet. Let me know if you have any questions.
Adding Background and Description here just in case they might get missed on the profile page!
The android known as Myriad awoke in a damaged vessel drifting in the Diaspora approximately one year ago. Their chasi was damaged and they could not remember anything and the remains of several sentients were scattered across the vessel which had been exposed to the deadly vacuum of space. As they tried to discern what to do and how to proceed from this strange moment, there began several voices 'speaking' to them on what they should do and how they could survive. These voices, or ghosts, appeared to be the remnant personalities of other android souls that had once occupied the chasi in which this one was currently residing. Over a period of several months, with the assistance of their ghosts, the android who began to call themselves Myriad, repaired the damaged vessel enough to limp it out of The Diaspora and towards Absalom Station, which was the closest celestial body to their position around Mataras. The ghosts taught Myriad how to pilot ships, something for which they discovered they have a natural talent. The numerous ghosts imparted into Myriad their numerous talents and skillset; taught them to fight, to hide, shared their collective knowledge of the solar system and all the sentients that lived within. The travel to Absalom Station was long and tiresome, filled with adventures of all sorts for the young Myriad. Eventually after a short year from their awakening, Myriad's damaged vessel docked with Absalom Station, leaving the young android to deal with the hustle and bustle of a spaceport and no real direction of where to go and whom to seek out. They found the lack of direction absolutely terrifying, until one of the ghosts, a voice they had not yet heard before said two words, then went silent once more; 'Starfinder Society'.
Height 6’ 3” Weight 130 lbs
Skin Fair Eyes Bright Blue Hair Brown
Tall and lithe, this androgynous looking android appears to be an older model of chasi due to the extreme lengths gone to make it appear as human. There is an obvious lack of visible circuitry which has become more prevalent on the younger androids; however, there is an occasional silvery glow the appears briefly beneath the skin, following the familiar pathways. Their hair is cut short in a slightly feminine style.
Android Operative Ace Pilot with the Ghost specialization. Myriad is an older model of android, one that appears to have been constructed with the intent of looking as humanoid as possible without the visible circuitry that has become more common with newer models. The face and body shape appears quite androgynous and the voice that echoes from it's vocalizer it's quite possibly the oddest thing about it. The voice that comes from the android is strange as it almost sounds like an amalgam of male and female voices, shifting seamlessly mid-word. Myr'iad contains within their consciousness fragments of all the other personalities that have been contained within their chasi, ghosts within the shell if you will. Myr'iad seems to recognize themselves as an individual, but also refers to themselves often as "we" in a recognition of all the collective fragments that speak with them and guide them in their journey amongst the stars.
Currently as SFS profile that could easily be transitioned over, but everything is built to Core specs as this was my first Starfinder PC ever! I'll make sure that I update the description and background section in the sheet. Let me know if you have any questions.
Android Operative (Ace Pilot) 1 | SP 8/8 HP 10/10 RP 5/5 | EAC 16 KAC 15 | FORT +1, REF +6, WILL +2 | INIT +5 | Perc +5 (LL&DV)
Myr'iad offers their hand in a shake, the human gesture of respect, or so they have observed. "We agree that you all are very efficient specimens of your species." They glance at Sovo and Aaz. "If a little cumbersome." The corners of their lips turn upward slightly, perhaps an attempt at a smile?
"We look forward to going on future missions with each of you." They nod and the strange, androgynous android slips away with the strange silence they seem to prefer.
Android Operative (Ace Pilot) 1 | SP 8/8 HP 10/10 RP 5/5 | EAC 16 KAC 15 | FORT +1, REF +6, WILL +2 | INIT +5 | Perc +5 (LL&DV)
I agree with the others, Bigboom. You did a great job keeping us on pace. I apologize that I might have slowed things down a little, I'm a deputy sheriff and the weather has been very uncooperative lately where I live so I have been keeping super busy at work and at home with myself getting sick and my boy.
That said, the Chronicle looks great and I had a fantastic time. Thank you very much for running this! I would love to jump into the other games, but I think I'll pass for now as I just don't know if I'll have enough time with this crazy weather to maintain a good posting rate, but thank you for the invite.
Android Operative (Ace Pilot) 1 | SP 8/8 HP 10/10 RP 5/5 | EAC 16 KAC 15 | FORT +1, REF +6, WILL +2 | INIT +5 | Perc +5 (LL&DV)
Acrobatics:1d20 + 12 ⇒ (20) + 12 = 32
Myr'iad stands stock-still waiting to see what 'Butters' will do... and the moment he/she/it attempts to wriggle away, Myr'iad will immediately twirl around in front to cut off the escape. "We will attempt not to harm it."
Android Operative (Ace Pilot) 1 | SP 8/8 HP 10/10 RP 5/5 | EAC 16 KAC 15 | FORT +1, REF +6, WILL +2 | INIT +5 | Perc +5 (LL&DV)
Sorry on my delay all, forgot my son's preschool had field trip today so I was not able to get on sooner!
Myr'iad waits patiently to see how the younglings will respond to Aazanar's sweet talking. Myr'iad was not very good at such things; they were much better at sneaking.
Android Operative (Ace Pilot) 1 | SP 8/8 HP 10/10 RP 5/5 | EAC 16 KAC 15 | FORT +1, REF +6, WILL +2 | INIT +5 | Perc +5 (LL&DV)
Given that lengthy ordeal, Myr'iad will definitely purchase a copy as well.
'This is ridiculous, we are not listening to this dribble.'
'Says, YOU, we on the other hand rather enjoy this dribble.'
'We care not either way.'
'Pick up a copy, then sell it on the Black Market for quadruple the profit!'
'That is something I can get into. Profit.'
'All of you, be quiet! We will purchase a copy simply because of the amount of time we wasted in this endeavor.'
After dropping off the album
Myr'iad looks at the others. "That was... interesting." They look over the grenade with a shrug. "We prefer less obnoxious weapons. Perhaps Sovokolok would like them?" They give the Vesk a wry smile.
"We should all get some rest before our next mission. We are exhausted."
Android Operative (Ace Pilot) 1 | SP 8/8 HP 10/10 RP 5/5 | EAC 16 KAC 15 | FORT +1, REF +6, WILL +2 | INIT +5 | Perc +5 (LL&DV)
Ref:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21
'Well done, Myr'iad, a little sloppy, but well done nonetheless. Standing around in this queue is a very inefficient use of our time; however, if we want to impress the Starfinder hierarchy, then we will do what we must.'
'Thank you. We agree. We truly hope this is more than a simple run for a music album.'
'We all do as well!'
Myr'iad suppresses a light chuckle as the chorus of inner ghost resound their utter agreement!
With the ghosts' voices silented, Myr'iad is finally able to concentrate of the task at hand! They disappear behind their cover briefly before popping back out at the same place and firing off another charge from the laser pistol!
Frustrated with their inner ghosts' complaints, Myr'iad steps behind cover and quickly fires off another charge of their laser pistol before properly lining up the shot and it comes nowhere near their target!
Android Operative (Ace Pilot) 1 | SP 8/8 HP 10/10 RP 5/5 | EAC 16 KAC 15 | FORT +1, REF +6, WILL +2 | INIT +5 | Perc +5 (LL&DV)
Trick Attack (Stealth) DC 20+CR:1d20 + 12 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 12 + 4 = 24If successful, Target is Flat-Flooted versus my attack. Attack:1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11Not that it matters... LOL! Fire Damage:1d4 ⇒ 1 TA Damage:1d4 ⇒ 3
Myr'iad quietly rushes back down the steps towards the creature, moving quieter than a mouse on down feathers.. They take aim with the laser pistol and fires! 'The lashunta and vesk will get us killed with that awful racket.'
'Yes, please do shut them up.'
'Now is not the time for such conversations. Quiet.'
Myr'iad draws their laser pistol in their right hand and carries their tactical baton in their left hand as they take to the upper tier. {We shall take the high ground and search from their. We do not need light like you organics.}
Android Operative (Ace Pilot) 1 | SP 8/8 HP 10/10 RP 5/5 | EAC 16 KAC 15 | FORT +1, REF +6, WILL +2 | INIT +5 | Perc +5 (LL&DV)
Hey all, sorry on my lack of posting. I unexpectedly came down with bronchitis Tuesday. Spent the past two days off trying to take care of myself and a toddler that is starting to get stir-crazy from the awful weather! On my way to get caught up!
Android Operative (Ace Pilot) 1 | SP 8/8 HP 10/10 RP 5/5 | EAC 16 KAC 15 | FORT +1, REF +6, WILL +2 | INIT +5 | Perc +5 (LL&DV)
Assisting with Death Certificate!
Computers:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21
While the others try to figure out a way they can help, Myr'iad removes their datapad and with rapid finger movements, they quickly begin to draft up new, fake identification for both of their newly acquired companions. Once done, Myr'iad looks over them...
'Not our best work ever, but not too shabby either.'
'Agreed, while I could've made something more convincing, this will work for now.'
'Thank you for the vote of confidence.'
Combat Round 1
Myr wastes no time with inefficient threats, they simple draw their laser pistol with their right hand and take aim at the nearby threat. Without wasting anytime, they rotate their left wrist and a knife suddenly springs into their left hand.
Android Operative (Ace Pilot) 1 | SP 8/8 HP 10/10 RP 5/5 | EAC 16 KAC 15 | FORT +1, REF +6, WILL +2 | INIT +5 | Perc +5 (LL&DV)
Myr'iad listens to the story with skepticism, not quite believing the story about the disease. 'We have seen such things before when we commanded the chasis. It was many, many years ago. Organic brains function much differently than ours. They are capable of fantastic feats, but also prone to terminal errors. In fact, one might even suggest that our brain is suffering from a disease. We have never heard of a symbiosis like ours before.'
'Such a skilled hacker should be given protection against the bastard corporates. They take and they take with little regard to others.'
'True, but does the Society want to become embroiled in such?'
'Doesn't matter. We say take the offer!'
Myr'iad closes their eyes briefly as an argument wages inside their consciousness between the numerous ghosts within their shell. When they open their eyes, a brief cycle appears in their eyes before they return to the normal vibrant blue. "We are in agreement that we should seek to provide them protection."
Android Operative (Ace Pilot) 1 | SP 8/8 HP 10/10 RP 5/5 | EAC 16 KAC 15 | FORT +1, REF +6, WILL +2 | INIT +5 | Perc +5 (LL&DV)
Piloting:1d20 + 10 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 10 + 3 = 28
'Do not become distracted! Such things are for organics. Focus on the task at hand.'
'Yes, we are Many while they are one. We are better suited to such things, Myr'iad. Listen to the other, focus is key. We will help each other.'
'We understand. We will not make the mistake again.'
Myr'iad listens to their inner ghosts and focuses down upon their skills of flying. They engage the throttle again, pushing the junk racer nearly to its capacity and the touch on the stick is light as they glide effortlessly around!
Android Operative (Ace Pilot) 1 | SP 8/8 HP 10/10 RP 5/5 | EAC 16 KAC 15 | FORT +1, REF +6, WILL +2 | INIT +5 | Perc +5 (LL&DV)
Piloting DC 16:1d20 + 10 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 10 + 3 = 16Ouch...hope that one doesn't cost us the lead..
Myr'iad lets a small smile slip as they race ahead of the group; however, their joy is short lived as the android attempts a risky maneuver and nearly loses control of the junkracer!
Sorry everyone! I started to get my post in this morning, but got jammed up big time at work!
Android Operative (Ace Pilot) 1 | SP 8/8 HP 10/10 RP 5/5 | EAC 16 KAC 15 | FORT +1, REF +6, WILL +2 | INIT +5 | Perc +5 (LL&DV)
Piloting:1d20 + 10 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 10 + 3 = 22
Myr'iad glances at Telwyn. "Yes, Telwyn, we will handle the controls of the racer. We believe that it the most efficient use of our skills."
While the others acquaint themselves with the weapons systems, Myr'iad takes the stick of the racer, feeling a slight elation that shows as a tiny upwards pull at the corner of their lips. When the green light illuminates they throw the throttle forward and the racer fires off the line! They take a moment to get the feel for the unique way the vessel moves before settling into a comfortable pace.
Android Operative (Ace Pilot) 1 | SP 8/8 HP 10/10 RP 5/5 | EAC 16 KAC 15 | FORT +1, REF +6, WILL +2 | INIT +5 | Perc +5 (LL&DV)
Yeah, I agree Aazanar, I think Myr will focus on boosting the weapons.
Round 4
Engineering:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22
After their failed attempt of sabotage, Myr'iad returns to the group. "We believe it would not be efficient to continue these attempts. We will focus on improving the weapons on our racer." The android stares into the electrical components of the energy weapon for a few moments. 'There! The wiring from the power source is frayed, rerun the wiring and it should boost the energy output.'
'Yes, we see it now.'
Myr'iad pulls the wiring and quickly finds some heavier gauge wiring, which would affect the efficiency and power output of the energy weapon on their racer. "Yes, this will do nicely we think."
Hmm... not sure what the penalty is for a failure on the Stealth roll, because that's really low. I guess I will wait on my Round 4 actions until I know for sure what is going to happen with Round 3.
Android Operative (Ace Pilot) 1 | SP 8/8 HP 10/10 RP 5/5 | EAC 16 KAC 15 | FORT +1, REF +6, WILL +2 | INIT +5 | Perc +5 (LL&DV)
Sorry everyone for my delay! Very bad weather today has made work extremely busy. Also, Myr'iad will definitely accept the implement from earlier. I did not make that very clear, sorry GM.
Round 1
Given that Myr'iad is not well versed in reading the emotions of organics, they opt for the route of subterfuge. They cautiously move around towards Velocity's junkracer in hopes of aiding their own ability to out-pilot the racer...
If Myr'iad was unsuccessful at sabotaging Velocity's racer in the first round, they will attempt again with the rolls below. Otherwise, they will move on to Orsis' racer and attempt the same...
Android Operative (Ace Pilot) 1 | SP 8/8 HP 10/10 RP 5/5 | EAC 16 KAC 15 | FORT +1, REF +6, WILL +2 | INIT +5 | Perc +5 (LL&DV)
At the Lorespire
An androgynous, yet very human looking android with dark hair and aqua colored eyes watches the others quietly.. Lacking the normal highly visible circuitry of their kind, there is an occasional silvery glow that appears beneath the skin, following the familiar pathways. "We are called, Myr'iad. You may call us 'Myr' for short if you prefer. We find it to be more efficient for some species." The voice the comes from the android is strange as it almost sounds like an amalgam of male and female voices, shifting seamlessly mid-word. The android provides the requested sample and offer their arm for the implant. They look at it curiously before following the others. 'Watch the Vesk, he is treacherous.'
'Yes, we must be cautious around that one.'
'We understand.'
As they take their leave from the office, Myr'iad keeps her distance from Sovokolok. "We have some skills with engineering. Perhaps we can be of assistance in that matter."
Android Operative (Ace Pilot) 1 | SP 8/8 HP 10/10 RP 5/5 | EAC 16 KAC 15 | FORT +1, REF +6, WILL +2 | INIT +5 | Perc +5 (LL&DV)
I'm here everyone! Sorry, I had childcare issues today before work and had to watch my little dude. Having a fairly busy night with work, but if I get a few moments here shortly I will get my initial post in! Just need to read through all the previous ones.
Android Operative (Ace Pilot) 1 | SP 8/8 HP 10/10 RP 5/5 | EAC 16 KAC 15 | FORT +1, REF +6, WILL +2 | INIT +5 | Perc +5 (LL&DV)
Yes, I agree! I always have a great time in your games, Shifty!
Myriad watches the exchange with a confused look. "What was AdabarCorp planning on doing with Talbot that would make him prefer a horrible, fiery death? Is it not the pursuit of all organic lifeforms to extend their lives all long as possible, even beyond the normal aging limitations and life expectancy?"
*Insert G.I. Joe cartoon music in the background. "Now remember, kids, when faced with the choice of absolute death at the hands of a group of murder-hobos...I mean Starfinder Agents... it is always best to tell a grown up and surrender peacefully. Otherwise, you'll most likely end up as a charred hunk of meat like this meatbag... I mean, human, here." Holds up Talbto's charred head with the spinal column still attached. *Insert more G.I. Joe music....
Android Operative (Ace Pilot) 1 | SP 8/8 HP 10/10 RP 5/5 | EAC 16 KAC 15 | FORT +1, REF +6, WILL +2 | INIT +5 | Perc +5 (LL&DV)
"We imagine neither will our AbadarCorp contact. We believe they preferred the man alive to seek recompense for their losses. We should ensure there is nothing else in this cave and then return to Absalom Station quickly. Nothing good can come from remaining here much longer. We are curious why he would make such a strange decision... Organics are very confusing."
Android Operative (Ace Pilot) 1 | SP 8/8 HP 10/10 RP 5/5 | EAC 16 KAC 15 | FORT +1, REF +6, WILL +2 | INIT +5 | Perc +5 (LL&DV)
Myriad watches as Talbot drops down into the cart, looking quite winded. "Well done, everyone. We must put those flames out before he perishes and then bind him. We still need him to direct us to the artifact." They holster their laser pistol and knife, drawing out a collapsible baton instead, an involuntary wince twitches from the wound on their neck which is still slowly oozing silver blood. "One of you must pull Talbot out as you are not as wounded as us. We will cover you in the event this is a ruse."
Myriad rushes around the corner to face off with Talbot once again, firing their laser pistol too soon and the weapon only strikes the side of the mining cart. "Zeta, cut off his escape at the entryway!"
Dude... this just has not been our fight... Doesn't help our opponent has a stuuuuuupid high attack bonus lol.
Android Operative (Ace Pilot) 1 | SP 8/8 HP 10/10 RP 5/5 | EAC 16 KAC 15 | FORT +1, REF +6, WILL +2 | INIT +5 | Perc +5 (LL&DV)
Myriad's eyes open and go through their brief cycle before changing back to their normal vibrant blue. Their gasp and reflexively touch their neck, but find the wound healed. "We thank you, shirren Triskid. Talbot shall not escape us." They stand and rush towards the entryway, the silver liquid coating the front of their face, neck, and clothing in a slightly disturbing manner. "Talbot, we are coming for you!" They shout, but the furious voice that echoes in the tunnels sounds more like an amalgamation of various voices, rather than normal androgynous voice of Myriad...
Move Action to Stand and Move action down the tunnel! Myriad currently has Cover against Talbot.
Android Operative (Ace Pilot) 1 | SP 8/8 HP 10/10 RP 5/5 | EAC 16 KAC 15 | FORT +1, REF +6, WILL +2 | INIT +5 | Perc +5 (LL&DV)
Oh, no worries Triskid! Myriad is Stable, so you guys do what you need to do to complete the mission! I love the fact that Starfinder included a way for us to auto Stabilize. My first PFS character death was due to a slew of poor stabilization attempts after taking a massive hit in the first round of combat.
Android Operative (Ace Pilot) 1 | SP 8/8 HP 10/10 RP 5/5 | EAC 16 KAC 15 | FORT +1, REF +6, WILL +2 | INIT +5 | Perc +5 (LL&DV)
Myr gets taken in the neck by the shot and drops to their knees in a spray of silver blood! The android takes a last ditch effort to survive and clamps their hand around the awful wound as they fall forward. More silver blood flows onto the ground, but somehow the angle puts enough pressure on the wound and the bleeding stops.
Cripes man... Myriad is at 0 SP and 0 HP. Burning 1 Resolve Point to Stabilize.
Myr moves quickly from the crowed space onto the now open tracks and sends another shot of their laser pistol at Talbot! "Surrender Talbot! We are not here to kill you. We simply want the artifact."
Android Operative (Ace Pilot) 1 | SP 8/8 HP 10/10 RP 5/5 | EAC 16 KAC 15 | FORT +1, REF +6, WILL +2 | INIT +5 | Perc +5 (LL&DV)
Ref DC 12:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9
Myr doesn't see the cart rolling down the tracks until its too late! They grunt with the impact and stumble backward as silver liquid begins to trickle down onto the mine floor. Myr attempts to slash at Tablot with their knife as he rolls passed, but the greivous wound causes them to flinch! They rush back towards the others in hopes of catching Talbot again before he can escape!
Android Operative (Ace Pilot) 1 | SP 8/8 HP 10/10 RP 5/5 | EAC 16 KAC 15 | FORT +1, REF +6, WILL +2 | INIT +5 | Perc +5 (LL&DV)
Myriad looks at Zeta for a moment, blinks in confusion, but then smiles as they understand the joke. "That is a good one."
They turn to Harec and Ruuk. "We agree, no need to stealth, but more care must be taken. Our wound was bad, but friend Zeta offered us healing serum. We are not at full efficiency, but can push forward without issue."
'Good. Never let the organics see your weakness; they will take advantage of it. We must be more self sufficient next time. Be wary of the lashunta and the kasatha. Prejudice colors their choices.'
Android Operative (Ace Pilot) 1 | SP 8/8 HP 10/10 RP 5/5 | EAC 16 KAC 15 | FORT +1, REF +6, WILL +2 | INIT +5 | Perc +5 (LL&DV)
Thank you much, Zeta! I should've negated the baton during creation and picked up a few healing serums. I won't be making that mistake again.
Healing Serum:1d8 ⇒ 5
Myr looks at the offered serum for a moment, then takes it with a grateful nod before drinking down the thick liquid. Almost immediately the wound stops smoldering and Myr stands up straighter with a sigh. "We thank you, Zeta. We are in your debt, my friend." They stare at the sensor. "We must be more careful."
Android Operative (Ace Pilot) 1 | SP 8/8 HP 10/10 RP 5/5 | EAC 16 KAC 15 | FORT +1, REF +6, WILL +2 | INIT +5 | Perc +5 (LL&DV)
Shifty wrote:
Interesting idea, a little bit of a ghost in her own machine - perhaps the previous occupants of the chassis left bits or aspects of themselves behind - the palimpsest of past lives.
I meant to respond to this sooner, but things got a little crazy... I absolutely love this idea, Shifty. I was trying to come up a good explanation for why Myr might feel the way they do and this fits the concept perfectly.
Also, I'm trying to recall if there's been anything published on how long an android body remains viable?
Android Operative (Ace Pilot) 1 | SP 8/8 HP 10/10 RP 5/5 | EAC 16 KAC 15 | FORT +1, REF +6, WILL +2 | INIT +5 | Perc +5 (LL&DV)
As Myr moves forward, they spots the sensor too late and before they can react to the sudden appearance of the rifle it fires! They gasp as the laser burns through their armor and deep into their abdomen! They takes a few wincing steps back from the sentry. "We are wounded." Myr nods their head towards the still smoldering burn. "It only fired once, likely automated; however, we do not know if it will fire again. We do not wish to suffer another grievous wound." Myr's cheeks are flushed with silver and when they close their eyes for a moment... Harec and Pangea see their eyes cycle for a moment before returning to their normal vibrant blue.
Based on the description by Shifty, I think Myr saw that sensor and if that's the case they will point it out to Harec. If not, then they will simply shake their head no in regards to Harec's question.