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Strange Aeons - Map | Darkmoon Vale - Droskar's Crucible Level 1 | Droskar's Crucible Level 2
![]() Let us begin a tale. Gather your chairs around the fire lads and lasses... and let us speak about the legend of the Heroes of Dessen. Here is the unmarked map I plan to use for our setting. The continent is called Mairena and I figure it is around half the size of Australia. That way it's large enough, but not too large so that travel because exhaustive. It is located on the northern hemisphere of the world with the northern regions being temperate, similar to perhaps the northern United States and southern Canada. The southern regions would be more tropical. I haven't really planned much out at this point and really wanted to give the players the ability to direct the sort of game you all prefer. Would you like urban adventure, traditional adventuring group, wilderness exploration, a combination of some or all of those? What sort of races would you like to see? Would you prefer a new world that requires exploration and taming? An older and established world? Something in the middle? I have a couple different options brewing if you guys want me to throw some of those out and allow you to vote on them. I would really love to hear what you all want We can also discuss any possible Houserules you all would like to see as well as any concerns you might have with 5E. ![]()
Strange Aeons - Map | Darkmoon Vale - Droskar's Crucible Level 1 | Droskar's Crucible Level 2
![]() Hello all! I need the following information from all players to prepare your Chronicle sheets to make reporting easier once the game has wrapped up! Player Name:
Please double check to ensure your PC is a Classic character and NOT a Core character. ![]()
Strange Aeons - Map | Darkmoon Vale - Droskar's Crucible Level 1 | Droskar's Crucible Level 2
![]() Feel free to dot in and roleplay while we wait for the kick off date! ![]()
![]() Hello All, I am working on making a Human Herald Caller cleric (LN) w/ a focus on Variant Negative Energy Channeling (Rulership variant) of Ra. Domain will be Nobility with the Leadership subdomain. Once I cover the basics I need for Channeling I would like to begin focusing on the summoning aspect of the Herald Caller; however, I just want to make sure I fully understand the specifics in the Herald Caller archetype. To begin with, the basic build will be: Str 10 (Thought about dropping this to a 9 so I can bump Int up to 12)
I also plan on taking a 1 level dip into Lore Oracle at 2nd level to shore up my defenses (Cha to AC and Ref saves). I realize that will take away some of my casting power and knock 1 off the overall DC for my Channel Negative Energy, but I feel its worth it. Ideally my feats will look like this... 1st - Selective Channeling
I've never really played a character like this before so I'm not even sure if Initiative is all that important. If not, then I'll just drop Scion of War off completely which would bump all the above feats down to an earlier level. Are there important Channeling focused feats that I'm missing or could benefit from more than some of the above feats? Obvious, Summon Monster spells are not worth the investment in early levels, hence my delayed focus on them. Once I hit 5th level (4 Herald Caller/1 Oracle) I'll be able to get 4 rounds of out my summons. Now, here's where I'd like to get some clarification... The Herald Caller has a very specific list of creatures that can be summoned (A herald caller can use summon monster spells only to summon creatures particularly appropriate to her deity. This includes all creatures listed as summon monster options for priests of her deity (see Expanded Summoning for Priests on page 30), creatures whose alignment matches at least one aspect of her deity’s alignment, and creatures of an elemental subtype that matches a domain granted by the deity (if any).) Ra is not covered under the Expanded Summoning for Priests so that part is a little rough, but manageable. Given that my PC (and his deity) are both Lawful Neutral then it is my understand that my Summon Monster list would be limited to anything tagged with an "*" (due to them gaining my alignment of LN), Fire Elements (due to Ra's Fire Domain), and then anything with a Lawful portion alignment (LG, LN, or LE) and then a straight up Neutral alignment (which is only covered under the Summon Neutral Monster feat). Is this correct? Also, in regards to the Sacred Summons feat my understand is that it would not function at all for Ra, because there is no 'Neutral' subtype. Is that correct? *EDIT* One of my Traits will be Sacred Conduit. ![]()
![]() Hello there fellow Forumites, I've been planning a Negative Energy Rulership variant channeling cleric for a bit and stumbled upon what appears to be a very powerful combination. I have read and reread the rules a few times and just want to double check to make sure there are no loopholes or caveats that I may have missed. Links to all questioned content:
Based upon my readings, of the Variant Channeling rules that state: Feats and abilities that modify or present alternative uses for channeled energy (such as Command Undead and Turn Undead) work normally with these variant channeling abilities. Channel Smite should function well within those parameters as Channel Smite is an alternate use for Channeled energy. Now we add on Lingering Smite, which is essentially a modified Channel Smite, which is an alternate use for channeled energy. The way I am seeing this working is as follows: After the first round, the enemy would automatically take half of the 1d8 damage from Lingering Smite and then must attempt a Will save to negate the Dazed condition (from Rulership variant channeling) each round for as many rounds as Lingering Smite lasts. Would this be an accurate assessment of the interactions of these feats and abilities? Or are there too many variants and alternatives interacting here that might override certain abilities/feats??? I'd love to get some insight from you fine folks! ![]()
![]() I've always liked the idea of the Lion Blade PrC. It may not be the most powerful (not many Pathfinder PrCs are in fact), but it is a very flavor class. I love the idea of playing a Lion Blade in PFS and have the basics planned out, but beyond that I'm looking for some direction! I'm planning on starting off w/ 3 levels of Unchained Rogue to get the requisite +2d6 Sneak Attack and to pick up Finesse Training to get Dex to damage to help keep down some of the MADness of this combo. After that I'll do 3 levels of Bard (probably vanilla, because I'm just not sure which archetype would really shine with the Lion Blade PrC, but please provide suggestions that you think would work well!). I've decided that Half-elf will be the best way to go (Free Skill Focus to cover that pesky feat prerequisite and dual favored class). Stats are looking like this currently... Str 12
OR Str 12
Feat breakdown will be as follows:
After 3rd level I've covered the mandatory feats I'll need. From this point, I'm just not quite sure what feats would work well with this build. Lingering Performance would probably be a good choice for 5th level to help get more out of my performances. Please toss out any suggestions you may have! ![]()
![]() Geniekin have the following Racial Trait available to them from Inner Sea Races and I am curious if that would affect their starting age at all? Or would use the standard starting age for Geniekin? I ask for character background purposes. To be really be able to flesh out my PCs background, I need to know how old they are when starting their adventuring career with the Pathfinder Society. Mostly Human wrote:
![]() Morning/Afternoon/Evening fellow forumites! After looking over the new inclusion of geniekin for Season 8 PFS, I have decided to make an ifrit bard (Flame Dancer) and want to really work on the support aspects as opposed to active combatant. I'm going to focus on trying to maintain Inspire Courage as much as possible (Lingering Performance) and then aid the group with spells and debuffs on my turns in between Bardic Performance cycling. I found this lovely little trait (Fiery Glare) that I think will work wonderfully with this concept... I'd like to see what you all think? Stats: Str 10, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 8, Cha 18 (4th and 8th level stat bonuses into Cha and then 12th will go into Int) Racial Traits: Dropping Energy Resistance for Wildfire Heart (+4 initiative) and Fire Affinity for Hypnotic. Traits: Charming (+1 Bluff/Diplo), Fiery Glare (Can Take 10 on Intimidate, evening in combat!) Feats: 1st - Lingering Performance, 3rd - Weapon Focus (Whip), 5th - Dazzling Display, 7th - Deific Obedience (Calistria, +4 to all Cha check and Cha-based skills to those who could be sexually attracted), 9th - Flagbearer? (Or something else, if someone could give a better suggestion?), and 11th - Discordant Voice. So the basic idea is to keep Bardic Performance cycling w/ Lingering Performance, and then debuff enemies by utilizing Intimidate in combat with relatively consistent results due to Fiery Glare. At 1st level I'll be able to constantly pop off an Intimidate result of 18 (which will work on most enemies), and then by the time I pick up Dazzling Display at 5th level I'll be looking at a result of 22 w/ Take 10. And then when I can finally swing 7th level and pick up Deific Obedience for Calistria, it just keeps getting better. I'd love any suggestions that might help make this better? Or point out any glaring issues/concerns you might see with this build? ![]()
![]() I am very curious about this, because I have found several different answers all over the forums. Which Knowledge skill is supposed to be used for Astronomy? www.d20pfsrd.com indicates that Knowledge: Geography is used for astronomy, but I cannot find any actually indication of that and why Geography? That makes absolutely no sense to me. It has always seemed to me that Knowledge: Nature was the skill that covered astronomy, but I've seen folks indicate Nature, some Geography, some Arcana, and even a few suggested Planes. Which is it? And if there's been official word somewhere that I missed, please link it for me. Thanks! ![]()
Strange Aeons - Map | Darkmoon Vale - Droskar's Crucible Level 1 | Droskar's Crucible Level 2
![]() This is where we lose ourselves to the unknowable madness that lurks in the recesses of every mind. For as you know, madness is like gravity... All it takes is a little push... and you fall down the well. ![]()
Strange Aeons - Map | Darkmoon Vale - Droskar's Crucible Level 1 | Droskar's Crucible Level 2
![]() Feel free to discuss ideas and character concepts for now! I will compile all the creation info here again so that it's all in one area! ![]()
![]() Hey potential GMs, My group and I are looking for a GM to take over our Reign of Winter game located here! Our GM has to drop out due to life restrictions. We have just finished off Radosek in the Pale Tower. The group has been together since 2013 when we started the AP, and it has been a fairly slow moving game due to our GM having very busy life. We are all very dedicated players to the group and would love to have someone take over the AP. Our group is an interesting one; an ulfen inquisitor (Witch-Hunter), an elven witch, a tengu alchemist, a drow fighter, and a half-ogre cleric. Its actually a very interesting group when you examine the dynamics. Again, we are very interested to find anyone that would mind taking over our group! We are very flexible in posting rates and do not mind a slower-rate game is need be! Thanks in advance to anyone who rises to the challenge! ![]()
![]() I decided to make an Aether Kinetic Chirurgeon for PFS and going to try fill quite a few roles if possible; *Healer, Trapmonkey, Battlefield Control, and Damage. *Healer and Trapmonkey are going to be his primary roles (Aether is great at this!), but I'm a little torn on which direction I should take. Option 1: Take a Trait like Criminal or Vagabond Child to gain Disable Device as a Class Skill and go that route, but have no way to disable magical traps. Option 2: Take a 1 level dip into URogue to gain Disable Device as a Class Skill and the ability to deal with magical traps. In addition to a free Weapon Finesse and a little extra damage when applicable. What are your thoughts on both options? Or if you have a better option for dealing with traps. *(Disclaimer - I realize that this is not the most optimal way to be a healer and am not looking for any other class/archetype options. So please do not do the obligatory "Well, here's a better way to..." I am simply looking for the best way to gain the ability to deal with Traps as a secondary role for this character. Thanks!) ![]()
![]() I was looking over the AR with the updated content from Blood of Shadows and something I saw there flummoxed me; according the the AR document Behind the Veil racial trait is illegal for halflings and I cannot come up with any conceivable reason why... Additional Resources wrote: Alternate Racial Traits: All of the alternate racial traits are legal for play except dimdweller, shadowhunter, and blended view. Behind the veil is not available to halflings; Behind the Veil (1 RP) wrote:
I would love to understand the reasoning behind this decision. I'm saddened to see that three of the other very interesting alternate racial traits did not make the cut either; especially Dimdweller and Blended View. Those I can sort of understand, but I just do not understand the decision on Behind the Veil. ![]()
![]() Hey everyone, As the title says I am looking at finding all the scenarios that continue with the Dark Archives story line with my Investigator; however, I am not really sure where to start at this point and which scenarios follow the story line exactly. Any suggestions or direction where I might be able to find that information would be fantastic! I really want to tailor my scenario selections with this character to fully appreciate the Dark Archive feel. So far she has participated in:
I haven't been able to trace the scenario that begins each of the new Faction storylines... so perhaps that might be the best suggestion to start with? ![]()
![]() Hello Folks! I am looking for a group of PFS players to run through all of the available evergreen scenarios currently available; First Steps, Part 1, The Confirmation, The Wounded Wisp, and lastly The Consortium Compact (in that order). I already have two (2) slots dedicated to PCs that I have done some PFS gaming before, and therefore I am looking for 2-4 PCs to fill in the additional slots. I ask that all PCs have 0 XP as I would like this to be a sort introduction to the Pathfinder Society for new agents of the Society. I prefer to keep posting rates lax, but would prefer to try to keep it around 1 post every-other-day, especially in combat (excluding weekends). I use Googledrive for all my maps and allow the PCs the ability to edit the map to move their own icons around as they see fit during combat scenes. If you are not sure that you can devote the time to completing all of these scenarios, then I ask you to please not apply and take a slot from someone who can. This will likely just be a first come first served type recruitment rather than a long and drawn out process. If you are interested please reply with the Profile that you are planning to use, or submit a link in your post to the Profile you are wanting to submit! Also, make sure that there is a character sheet that I can view to ensure everything is in order and appropriate to PFS play! I will conduct a brief audit of all submissions and will inform the players if anything appears out of sorts! Welcome and I hope you have as much fun as I hope to have! ![]()
Strange Aeons - Map | Darkmoon Vale - Droskar's Crucible Level 1 | Droskar's Crucible Level 2
![]() Please check in here! ![]()
Strange Aeons - Map | Darkmoon Vale - Droskar's Crucible Level 1 | Droskar's Crucible Level 2
![]() This is where the fun happens! ![]()
![]() Relevant Text: Snapping Turtle Style wrote: Benefit: While using the Snapping Turtle Style feat with at least one hand free, you gain a +1 shield bonus to AC. Snapping Turtle Clutch wrote: Benefit: While you are using the Snapping Turtle Style feat, the shield bonus the style grants to your AC applies to your CMD and touch AC. Whenever an opponent misses you with a melee attack while you are using the Snapping Turtle Style feat, you can use an immediate action to attempt a grapple combat maneuver against that opponent, but with a –2 penalty. Grabbing Style wrote:
How would these two feats interact in a grappling situation if you have a MoMS with both styles active? Scenario/Question 1: A grapples B with only one hand without any penalty due to Grabbing Style. This leaves one hand open and allows A to keep Snapping Turtle Style/Clutch active. C comes up to A and attacks; however, C's attack on A misses. Now, would A then be able to immediately attempt a grapple combat maneuver against C with the -2 penalty from Clutch? It's an immediate action and not an AoO. Scenario/Question 2: Same circumstances as above, except now A has B 'Pinned' instead of simply 'Grappled'. Can A still make the immediate grapple combat maneuver? ![]()
![]() I am currently playing a grappling based brawler in PFS and just hit 2nd level. I am trying to decide on which style feat path to progress down. Initially I had planned to pick up Pummeling Style at 2nd level so I could also dish out some damage when grappling was not an optimal choice. Unfortunately with the errata change to Pummeling Style, right now it isn't as appealing until I can really get Pummeling Charge... So I am trying to decide whether to go down the Grabbing Style or Snapping Turtle Style... Or if I should just use my feats to pick up all three base Style feats and the utilize Martial Flexibility to pick up the next feats in the chain to be more flexible? At 3rd level I am going to pick up Deific Obidiance for Faylana to get that awesome +4 Grapple/CMD bonus. As you can see the PC is mostly grappling based, but I don't want to be a sole one-trick pony. Any suggestions that you can provide would be greatly appreciated! I am new to the brawler class and grappling in general. ![]()
![]() Just as the title implies. The Kinetic Chirurgeons (KG) replaces Infusions with this ability... Kinetic Chirurgery (Su): wrote: A kinetic chirurgeon must select either aether or water as her primary element. She gains kinetic healer as a bonus wild talent at 1st level. At 3rd level and every 2 levels thereafter, the kinetic chirurgeon can select any one paladin mercy that a paladin of that level could select. Each time she uses kinetic healer, she can apply one of these mercies to the target of the healing. A kinetic chirurgeon can never use infusions. This ability replaces infusions. Does that mean Infusions are completely off the table for a KG? Or would they be able to select an Infusion by using the Extra Wild Talent feat? I am inclined to say that that ability would completely remove Infusions from the table, but... perhaps there is something I'm unaware of that has been dealt with prior to during the playtest. Any rulings that you guys are aware of would be greatly appreciated! Or even just incites from folks who were heavily involved in the Occult Playtest. ![]()
![]() I'll start off saying that I love the Bolt Ace; I think it's a really awesome archetype on a class that I'm not all that interested in. The fine folks at Paizo just released the errata for the ACG and Bolt Ace is fixed, yay! I'm looking at saving up some GM credits to work on a Bolt Ace, but I am on the fence as to which crossbow to use! I love the concept of duel-wielding hand crossbow (Yes, D3 Demon Hunter I'm looking at you...), but I have a feeling that by the time I get Inexplicable Reload and Crossbow Mastery, even with Endless Ammunition enchantment I'm going to run into issues with needing a free hand to reload with some GMs. That being said, I figure the best one to start off with would be a Heavy Repeating Crossbow. You get a masterwork one for free at 1st level which covers the cost and helps avoid having to pick up Rapid Reload at 1st level; allows me to cover the basics of Point-Blank Shot and Precise Shot. Given that Bolt Aces are proficient with all crossbows, I think it might be really interesting to pick up the different types of utility crossbows such as the Launching Crossbow and Crank crossbows to keep around for those odd little circumstances that one might run into with PFS. What would be some suggestions from the peanut gallery? *EDIT* I would love to find a way to make a hand crossbow theme work, so if you guys have some suggestions for that... I'm all ears. I don't so much mind the "unoptimal" damage/range of the hand xbow and would actually like to take advantage of the attack/damage bonus granted via Point-Blank Shot. ![]()
![]() Hey all, I'm playing a Witch Hunter inquisitor in a Reign of Winter campaign. I am going the archery route and I'm trying to plan out my feat progression ahead of time. I've pretty much filled up on all the standard archery feats and Teamwork feats for archery, but once I hit 11th level I'm not exactly sure what to go with (except picking up Improved Precise Shot at 15th level). Here's a breakdown of my plan of action... 1st - Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot
This is my first archer character and have looked up archery feats and pretty much filled all those up. I don't know what might be suggested for higher levels, or if there are more RoW appropriate feats I may want to look into. I have all my Teamwork feats chosen in a way that I think will really help. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! (We are currently 2nd level.) ![]()
![]() Given the release of the new FAQ on Unchained Rogue Finesse Training, I feel I can finally make a character that I have been tossing around for a long time. I am looking for some feat suggestions that would help make this character more beneficial in combat as well as a skill-monkey. The basic idea is a half-elf unchained rogue that will use the Ancestral Weapon trait to gain Elven Curve Blade proficiency. I also plan to take the Scout archetype to really help with getting as much out of my Sneak Attack as possible. Beyond that, obviously flanking is a good idea; however, I had also looked into the Improved Feint feat. Given that rogues do not even gain a second attack until 8th level is this a good option to look into? Or would I be better off maxing out Acrobatics and simply using that to place myself into a better flanking position? Another question... given that he will be using a two-hander, should I put a 13 into strength to pick up Power Attack to get that little extra oomph? Or would I be better off looking at a different avenue to gain some extra damage? Or would Arcane Strike be a better option? I plan to pick up the Major Magic talent anyway, because I feel it really fits the character concept. I know the usual two-hander feats, but I just was not sure if those would really benefit with a skirmisher type character. Any help you all can provide would be outstanding! *EDIT* So, I was just looking at the Tengu Swordmaster as a possible option as well. I actually had a fluff concept that might be very interesting... As far as the numbers/data concept goes, I'd go Scout/Swordmaster and take the Tiger Trance option (these pair very well) and then look into taking Orator to take advantage of the Gifted Linguist racial trait to keep from becoming too MAD. This way I can focus on Dex and Wis with a sprinkling of Int to help boost Linguistics... In which case I'd likely keep Str at a 10 and say goodbye to Power Attack. ![]()
![]() I am looking at making a ranged AnC character for a Giantslayer game. I have the basic concept of the character in mind, but I cannot decide on which would be more mechanically better. Thematically either of these classes will work with perhaps some minor tweaking here and there in the backstory. I figure the Hunter's AnC is more powerful than the SH due to gaining a second focus at 8th level as opposed to 17th level (which I doubt this AP will even go that high). Plus the Hunter gains additional bonus tricks that the SH does not. However, the SH itself would be stronger than the standard Hunter due to Bane and better buff spells on the inquisitor lists.... What are your thoughts? ![]()
![]() I am curious as to how the Deadeye Bowman trait and the Teamwork feat Coordinated Shot would interact with each other. Mark mentioned in his Ask Me thread that Improved Precise Shot would allow a character to always gain the benefits from Coordinated Shot. Given that, would Deadeye Bowman provide the same benefit to a PC as Improved Precise Shot, assuming that all the prerequisites line up? I think that Deadeye Bowman would allow a PC to gain the benefits from Coordinated Shot, as long as only one creature is providing soft cover to your target. I am curious what others think, or if I am simply misreading the interaction. Now, for you viewing pleasure... Archives of Nethys wrote:
Archives of Nethys wrote:
Archives of Nethys wrote:
![]() Quote:
Perched at the edge of civilized lands, the small town of Falcon’s Hollow has always had to rely on itself to solve its problems. Meanwhile, the uncaring lumber barons squeeze the common folk for every last copper, deaf to their pleas. Now the hacking coughs of the sick are heard throughout town. The plague has come to Falcon’s Hollow and the town’s leaders can’t be bothered to stop it. I am a first time GM looking to cut his teeth on some old school Darkmoon Vale modules; Hollow’s Last Hope, Crown of the Kobold King, Revenge of the Kobold King, and Hungry Are the Dead. Depending on how things go, and if the party is still interested, I can wrangle up some more modules and we can keep trucking! I will be keeping the modules pretty much true to form with some changes here and there perhaps and of course updating all the NPCs to Pathfinder.
Starting Level: 1st. Stat Generation: 20 point buy. *See below for important information regarding stats. Allowable Races: Given that this is my first GM attempt I am restricting to Core only. Allowable Classes: All Paizo classes, save for Gunslinger, Summoner, and Anti-paladin (See alignment restriction). This also restricts any archetype with firearms attached. I do not want to deal with the headache that is the firearm rules, nor all the potential for havoc the Summoners can create on my first attempt at GMing. Other Allowable Material: Any official Pathfinder, please be prepared to provide links from either d20pfsrd.com or archivesofnethys.com for anything I have questions about. HP: Max HP at 1st level. You can also make a choice at 2nd level on the progression of HP at subsequent levels. You can either choose to roll for your HP, or you can select the option of taking average HP. Once the choice is made, it cannot be changed. Skills: Knowledge skills, Survival, and Disable Device will all be important skills to have. Starting Gold: Maximum gold at 1st level by class. Traits: Standard 2 traits. Below are additional traits accessible to players that should be highly considered as I will grant special consideration for any characters taking one of the traits. Drawback: Players may take a drawback to gain access to a 3rd trait if desired. Alignment: No evil. By extension, do not worship evil deities. I am allowing Neutral alignments with this caveat, Neutral with Good tendencies. If you use Neutral to commit evil acts you will be warned, then your alignment will begin to shift if you continue along that path. Any PC whose alignment shifts to Evil will become a NPC and you will be asked to create a new character. Additional: I also want to see to the following: A detailed Background, including why your PC ends up in Falcon’s Hollow (remember 1st level character, so please do not go overboard), a physical Description of your character (if you have a picture, feel free to link!), and a basic idea of their Personality (a single paragraph will suffice). Party Balance: In theory I would like to see a somewhat balanced party with the traditional adventuring roles present. There will be a good deal of dungeon crawling and having someone to disarm traps would be highly recommended. Currently we have an Archaeologist Bard, a Sacred Fist Warpriest, and a Ranger (who plans to beginning progressing into Sorcerer at 2nd level and then into Eldritch Knight). *I am not a big fan of dump stats for mechanical purposes only; however, that being said I understand if it is important to a character concept. I will not unduly punish any character for having a low stat; however, given that information, no stats below a 7, nor above an 18 before racial modifiers. The following is how I tend to view stats: 3 Atrocious handicap (Barely functional), 4-5 Exceptional handicap (Expect this to substantially affect your character), 6-7 Above average handicap (Expect to see some impact upon your character, but not excessive), 8-12 Average for any race (minimal, if any impact), 13-15 Above average boon (You stand out against most), 16-17 Exceptional boon (Your talents immediately noticeable and draw great attention), 18-19 Elite (Very few people in the world can compare), 20 Paragon (None can compare). Darkmoon Vale Campaign Traits:
Bad Day in Town: You live somewhere in Darkmoon Vale and had to come in to Falcon’s Hollow recently to purchase supplies, sell goods, hire some help, or some other mundane reason. You’d been in town for a couple of days before you heard about the sickness going around, and found yourself beginning to cough. Catching this disease steeled your resolve. You begin play infected with blackscour taint; assume you have only had to make one saving throw so far and failed, thus beginning with 1 point of Constitution damage. You gain a +1 trait bonus to Will saving throws, which increases to +3 as long as you are infected by blackscour taint. Company Lumberjack: You have been logging in the Darkmoon Wood for a few years now, and whether you were born there or not, Falcon’s Hollow has become as close to home as any place you could name. You frequently come into town for supplies, but this time there is something different. The town has never been what you would describe as friendly, but people are even less outgoing than normal. You have heard some rumors about people getting sick lately, but the coughing is more widespread than you would have expected. Your years as a lumberjack may not help with what is going around, but it has given you a great deal of experience with an axe. You deal an extra 1 point of damage when using any sort of axe. Infected Family Member: You have always been very hardy, but one or more members of your family have recently fallen ill. You have seen—and heard—a number of other people around town with similar symptoms – hacking coughs that eventually produce blood if not treated. No real cure has been found, but most of the people in town have been turning to Laurel, proprietor of Roots and Remedies, for poultices and spiced teas they say seem to help. Fortunately, you have always been very healthy; you get a +1 trait bonus to Fortitude saving throws. Family Hero (dwarf only): Your family tells stories of the great dwarven hero, Druingar Glintaxe. He was an ancestor of yours, and you have traced the route of his final quest along a winding path across Avistan to one an ancient dwarven monastery near the Five Kings Mountains, just north of Darkmoon Wood. You arrived in Falcon’s Hollow, the closest settlement to the mountains, just as some sort of outbreak has taken hold. The journey was long, but you used the time to study about the history and current affairs of the region. You get a +1 trait bonus to all Knowledge (history), Knowledge (local) and Knowledge (religion) checks. Pathfinder Recruit: You were discovered at an early age by an agent of the Pathfinder Society due to your natural talent with a critical adventuring skill. The local Pathfinder Venture Captain sent you to investigate rumors of ancient Azlanti ruins in Darkmoon Wood. Pick one of the following skills: Disable Device, Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Heal, Intimidate, Perception, Spellcraft, or Stealth. You gain a +1 trait bonus in that skill, and that skill is always considered a class skill for you. Scion of the Light: Your family can trace its genealogy back to a notable hero of the Shining Crusade. While not all of your ancestors lived up to the progenitor’s legacy, you show great potential. Your patron, a religious figure with ties to the Crusaders of Lastwall, sent you to Darkmoon Vale after receiving visions of a great evil in service to the Whispering Tyrant taking refuge in the area. You are to do whatever you can to ensure its plans are foiled. To this end, you received a special blessing: any time you rest to heal, you recover an additional number of hit points equal to your Constitution bonus. This additional healing is not increased by resting for an entire day, nor with a successful Heal check. Werewolf Hunter: You spent a great deal of your life hunting lycanthropes. You may have lost a loved one to a werewolf attack, or you survived an attack by one yourself, and you have sworn to prevent this from happening to anyone else. To that end, you procured a silvered weapon. You came to Falcon’s Hollow to pick up this weapon from a local smith just as the town seems to be coming down with some sort of plague. Choose one weapon (not a double weapon) with which you are proficient; you start play with an alchemically silvered version of this weapon. Additional: I am striving for a dark feel to this mini-adventure path and to assist with that, I am thinking about implementing an interesting idea I once read by implementing scars upon the characters from wounds received in battle. Check out this awesome website for information on Andoran, Darkmoon Vale, and Falcon’s Hollow. PbP Expectations: Be able to post at least once every other day, not including weekends. If players can post during the weekends, so much the better, but it is not required. I may make rolls for the entire party for certain encounters or incidents to keep things moving. I highly encourage plenty of roleplay and may give additional XP based on that. I prefer to see a cohesive party, not a mercenary group with a bunch of loners. Combat: To keep things moving quickly, I am going to try a group initiative style. I will make the rolls for the group and take an average of the rolls to determine whether the party or the enemies act first. It will be a first come, first served style in combat. Once all the party members have acted I will then post a synopsis of that round’s actions and effects. Also, during combat I would prefer your posts to be prefaced with the round in which you are posting (i.e. Round 2). I find this makes it easier for everyone to know when the other PCs’ actions are taking place. About Me: I have been playing tabletop RPGs for sixteen years. I cut my teeth with AD&D 2nd Edition and have played all the variations of D&D over the years. I noticed Pathfinder years ago when it first started to come around, but by then I had lost all my old tabletop group. I have been primarily gaming through Play-By-Post since 2006. This is my very first attempt at GM’ing, so please go easy on me as this will be my first foray into a new world and will be learning as we go along. Also, I loathe the phrase RAW vs. RAI… I do not like Rules Lawyering and tend to go with a more realistic interpretation on the rules. I am a Deputy Sheriff and as such sometimes work odd hours. Normally I have time to post during the downtime in my shift, but there are also times when I may not have time to post much, if at all. During those busy shifts, I will at least make a post to inform the group of the delay. ![]()
![]() Would these two abilities stack at thus provide a +6 to Aid Another checks? Or would they simply overlap each other? I would like to hear your thoughts and/or previous rulings that I cannot seem to find! Archives of Nethys wrote:
Improved Aid is an ability of the Pathfinder Chronicler. Archives of Nethys wrote: Improved Aid (Ex): Pathfinder chroniclers frequently serve as the companions of great heroes, standing by their sides and recording their deeds, but often lending a crucial helping hand. Starting at 3rd level, a Pathfinder chronicler using the aid another action grants a +4 bonus, rather than the normal +2. I can definitely see both sides of the argument, but I just do not know which is the correct ruling. This would potentially be for a PFS character, so I would like to know the actual rule and not "ask you GM". ![]()
Strange Aeons - Map | Darkmoon Vale - Droskar's Crucible Level 1 | Droskar's Crucible Level 2
![]() This is where the fun happens! ![]()
Strange Aeons - Map | Darkmoon Vale - Droskar's Crucible Level 1 | Droskar's Crucible Level 2
![]() All out of character discussion here please! ![]()
![]() Hey all, I am preparing to make my first attempt into the wide-world of GMing here on the forums with the Falcon's Hollow series (Hollow's Last Hope, Crown of the Kobold King, Carnival of Tears, Revenge of the Kobold King, and Hungry are the Dead). I have been doing a good bit of prep by getting the updated NPC stats and reading over all the modules to get an idea of what to expect. I have also done a bit of searching here on the forums and found that most folks really enjoy this series; however, one of the biggest complaints is that stated gear falls very short of the standard WBL. For those GMs who have run the Falcon's Hollow series; how did you maintain the WBL? Did you make any changes to the gear? If so... How much additional gear should I expect to add during the series? Given that this is my first attempt at GMing I do not want to stiff my PCs with too little gear, but I also do not want to open the flood gates and overpower them with too much gear. ![]()
![]() First off, if this is not the proper place for this thread I apologize... Okay, I'm looking at the Strangler archetype for the Brawler. It looks pretty interesting and unique. It is definitely the grappling build for the Brawler with some really cool added bonuses to keep you amazing while grappling. That is until I noticed something that completely ruins this archetype. They lose unarmed strike! This befuddling loss essentially forces this archetype to take the Improved Unarmed Strike feat to open up Improved Grappling; which is required for a grappling build! Unless you are a human and can get access to multiple feats at 1st level, guess what? You cannot even utilize your primary feature until 2nd level without provoking AoO! This archetype also takes away the primary source of damage dealing for the Brawler. Yes, I see the Strangler gets a very limited Sneak Attack option, but let's face it. Sneak Attack is not a good source for reliable damage. Let us continue to examine the oddity of replacing Unarmed Strike. The archetype retains Close Weapon Mastery, but wait... without Unarmed Strike then Close Weapon Mastery becomes moot. I am thoroughly confused by the decision on this archetype and wonder if the Designers meant to replace Brawler's Strike instead of Unarmed Strike? I would love to get some insight from a Designer on this one, because... the Strangler archetype has the potential to be really fun, unique, and interesting. It's current incarnation is a big pile of contradictions. ![]()
![]() So, I have a concept in mind of a Dex based Brawler who specializes in grappling; however, I could use a little help. I have never delved into the realm of grappling before. The mechanics build the build I had in mind are as follows. This is for PFS. Forgot to mention that... Race: Human
I plan on picking up an Agile Amulet of Mighty Fist ASAP. That appears to be around level 3-4. So at 1st level this should net me a +7 to Grapple, not including my mutagen usage. That will end up putting me at +9 bonus to Grapple. Thoughts? I don't know if that's overkill or not enough kill... I am definitely open to suggestions! ![]()
![]() Hey all, I was looking at the Investigator and I love the theme of the class, especially when geared towards PFS. I had an idea and was curious if it would be a decent concept in PFS play, or if I would be wasting precious feats and traits. The idea, would be a support character utilizing Dazzling Display combined with Bruising Intellect, Inspired Intimidator, and Enlarge Person. Granted, I won't be able to use Enlarge Person often for that extra +4 bonus to Intimidate; however, when using Dazzling Display I would toss on that extra Enlarge Person. Inspired Intimidator:
Inspired Intimidator (Ex) (Advanced Class Guide pg. 32 (Amazon)): When the investigator succeeds at an Intimidate check to demoralize an opponent, he can expend one use of inspiration to automatically increase the result of the check by 5 for the purpose of determining the duration of the demoralize effect. He can choose to spend multiple uses to inspiration in this manner to further increase the duration of the demoralize effect. He must be trained in Intimidate to take this talent. The underworld inspiration investigator talent has no effect on this talent. Other talents I'm looking at are; Effortless Aid (3rd level), Inspired Intimidator (5th), and then Inspired Expertise (7th). Early on (until I can finally afford an agile Sword Cane) I would basically be helping around in combat with Aid Another for bonuses to hit. And then when I hit 5th level and can pick up, therefore effectively use Dazzling Display, we'll throw that around now again for some extra debuffs to assist the combat folks. Does this sound like a decent concept? Or am I going to end up not really assisting as much as I think I might with Dazzling Display? Any suggestions would be much appreciated! ![]()
![]() I don't know if anyone has noticed this as well; however, a brief search-fu has not revealed any results. I was looking at the Favored Class Bonus for half-orcs and the brawler which is as follows: Archives of Nethys wrote: Brawler (Advanced Class Guide pg. 71 (Amazon)): Add 1/4 to the brawler’s effective level to determine her unarmed strike damage. The only time this FCB ever takes your effective level high enough to change your base damage is at level 16. At that point, who cares? The difference between 2d6 and 2d8 is meaningless as all your damage is coming from bonuses and not damage die. So I ask, what's the point? Now, if it were to be change to +1/3 effective level, then you would actually see an improvement in your unarmed damage early. This would make the half-orc FCB worthwhile; however, as is there is literally no point in ever taking it. ![]()
![]() I have a question about PCs having their own residences. Are there any rules I could find about purchasing/renting a residence for a PFS PC? I'm aware of the Property Vanities in the Field Guide, but beyond that is there anything else? On another note regarding the Property Vanities; what are the logistics behind the Property? What rules could you use to flesh out said Property? How big? Do you need servants? Etc... It is possible that I may be looking too deep into this field of thought; however, I love having the little extra things to fully flesh out the background information to my characters. ![]()
![]() Hey all, I'm working on a Kensai/Bladebound Magus which focuses on the Aldori Dueling Sword as his primary weapon. I've got most of my feats planned out, but I'm not sure on higher levels, or whether my feat progression is even a good idea. Here's the build I have thus far: Stats: Human
I don't want to drop Str any lower as it doesn't fit the concept, plus I hate dumping strength. Honestly, I hate dumping any stats, but in this instance I can stomach it. Feats:
What are some recommendations for higher level place feats? Also... Is Aldori Dueling Mastery worth it? I feel like it's worth the Quick Draw feat tax, even though that prerep feat makes absolutely no sense... I figure waiting on 7th level to pick up Intensified Spell as that extra 1d6 at 6th level really isn't going to do anything. So in theory, with Aldori Dueling Mastery and not adjusting stats for items, I should have a standard AC of 19 at 5th level before any stat items or armor bonuses. Arcana
What are your thoughts/questions/comments/concerns? I'd also thought about dropping off the Bladebound archetype to get access to Precise Strike at 4th level instead of 6th, though I do just love the fluff of the Bladebound as it's tied intrinsically to the concept. ![]()
![]() I tried to search for additional threads on this, but my search-fu is weak... I just want to make sure I'm understanding this correlation properly, for a specific ability. I'm curious how exactly a FCB and Coat of Many Stars interact. The elven FCB for oracle is as follows: Quote: Elf: Add +½ to the oracle’s level for the purpose of determining the effects of one revelation. The revelation is as follows: Coat of Many Stars wrote: Coat of Many Stars (Su): You conjure a coat of starry radiance that grants you a +4 armor bonus. At 7th level, and every four levels thereafter, this bonus increases by +2. At 13th level, this armor grants you DR 5/slashing. You can use this coat for 1 hour per day per oracle level. The duration does not need to be consecutive; it can instead be spent in 1-hour increments. Now, my understanding is as follows... a 5th level elven heavens oracle puts all his FCB points into his FCB as listed above. He would be considered 7(.5)th level for all intents and purposes for his ability. Therefore his AC bonus would be +6 and usage for 7 hours per day as opposed to only 5 hours per day due to his effective level. I want to make sure that's a correct understanding... I'd hate to assume that's the case only to learn that perhaps the hours/level section isn't covered under the FCB for some inane reason. Thanks all! ![]()
![]() I'm still fairly new to PFS and have been toying with this character concept for a while and thought PFS might be a great place to try it. I'm going halfling for race and the main class progression is going to be a Flame Oracle with levels of Dawnflower Dervish to start the character off; however, I am not sure whether the bard levels are worth it compared to the loss of the 6th level spells. I'm inclined to say it would be worth the loss, considering I wouldn't have access to 6th level spells until I reach 12th anyway and there isn't much PFS play at 12th level. Now the big question is whether to devote 1 or 2 levels to DD... The concept is a halfling bard (Dawnflower Dervish) who is selected by Sarenrae to be one of her vessels of divine power due to his devotion to the cause of abolishing slavery. He'd be associated with Liberty's Edge and flavor-wise he would be interested in assisting the Bellflower Network in anyway he can. So... the build question for class progression is do I go... 2 levels in DD and then 10 in Oracle? Or 1 leve in DD and 11 in Orcale? Statisics
Now, given that he will be a mixture of melee/blaster (mostly blaster)... do you think I could get away with a 12 in Con to bolster Int up to 13? Dump a point into Int at level 4 and then the rest in Cha? I haven't decided on any traits yet. And as for feats, I'd thought about Childlike and Pass For Human as interesting thematic choices for being able to pass as an innocent child while assisting with rescuing halfling slaves. The only question I had is that I just don't know how often I would be able to actually use these feats in Society play... The feat progression I've thought up so far is:
Any suggestions, recommendations, etc would be very welcomed! Especially how such a build would work within Society play. ![]()
![]() The following is a first-hand accounting by Kyra Greenstar of the heroes of Kenabres and their journey from the fall of Kenabres until their righteous victory! 11th of Sarenith, 4713 The festival is over and I said my farewells last night before a night of fitful sleep that yielded little rest. I had the dream yet again of that night... My journey begins today! Father has brokered passage for me on his vessel to Absalom and says he is going to help me find a skiff to take me one step further to Cassomir. From there, he says, it is up to me to find my own route to Kenabres. I tremble with excitement at the thought, yet am anxious on how this pilgrimage shall change me. Mother is making my favorite for my last breakfast... I can smell the spices and peppers. I makes my mouth water. I will miss her dearly. I shall return home again, one day, when I have finally made sense of everything that has happened to me. It still burns, sometimes, my scar. Even to this day. I am ready for answers... In mine own hand, Elsbereth ![]()
![]() I've recently been toying with the idea of getting into GM'ing and have examined the alternative rules from Ultimate Combat. Specifically the Wounds and Vigor and Armor as DR rules. Have any GMs tried these, or any players been in a game with these rules? If so, how well did they work? Were there any serious game changing mechanics to be aware of when replacing these rules? Also, is this something that a new GM should perhaps shy away from? I'd love to hear your thoughts on this! ![]()
![]() I'm fairly new to PFS and have only run one session so far with one of my character's here on the site. I went to check my PFS page and noticed I had GM credits for sessions associated with my PFS ID number. I also noticed I have been credited to two player sessions that I had not attended. Who should I contact to get this issue sorted? Sorry if the answer is right before my eyes, I've just tried to locate it and I am just not sure who would be the best to contact. ![]()
![]() So... I was looking at the following feat; Disciple of the Sword. I began to wonder why oracles were left off the list of applicable classes for this feat. I thought... Hey this would be perfect for a battle oracle (a little redundant on some parts, but not too much). Especially if that oracle's primary deity happened to be Iomedae and that's when I noticed something odd. Iomedae is not listed as a god for any of the oracle Mysteries... not a single one. What is that all about? You'd think she would at least be listed under the Battle oracle as one of her domains is War. Very confused. *EDIT* I must amend my last statement... I discovered she is listed for the recently added Solar mystery from The Harrow Handbook. Even so... One of the major deities and only one Mystery? Why is that? ![]()
![]() Hey all, I'm looking for some advice on my dwarven Spellbreaker archetype inquisitor. The basic idea is a melee anti-caster type character. I'm looking for help with good feats to compliment the concept... I've looked at the Step Up tree, but beyond that I'm not exactly sure which direction to go. Also, I'm looking for advice on bringing up his Touch AC. With a base +4 racial bonus vs. all spells and SLAs he's pretty much set against save spells (also the Spellbreaker powers give big bonuses against spells as well); however, his Touch AC is not great. I know Deflection bonuses will help with that, but to a maximum of +5... that still doesn't help a lot. What recommendations do you all have for that? Any help, suggestions, recommendations, etc... are welcome! Including if you guys see anything fundamental wrong about the current build of level 1... his sheet is below. Fargrim Dawnforge
Arcane Depth
Spellbreaker Archetype:
Strong-Willed (Ex): At 1st level, a Spellbreaker is able to stand strong against magical effects that seek to control, compel, or persuade her. The Spellbreaker rolls twice and takes the best result when making a Will saving throw against a mind-affecting effect. This ability replaces monster lore. Defense against Magic (Ex): At 3rd level, a Spellbreaker picks a single wizard school. She gains a +1 bonus on saving throws against arcane spells of that school. Every four levels beyond 3rd, the Spellbreaker picks a new school and gains this bonus against arcane spells of that school (to a maximum of five schools of magic at 19th level). Furthermore, each time the Spellbreaker picks a new school, the bonuses for the schools she has already chosen increase by 1. This ability replaces all bonus teamwork feats. Foil Casting (Su): At 3rd level, when an opponent tries to cast an arcane spell within a Spellbreaker’s threatened area, the DC for that caster to cast defensively increases by 2. This increase stacks with the effects of the Disruptive feat. Furthermore, the Spellbreaker knows where to hit foes to foil casting from a distance. Each time she hits an arcane spellcaster or a creature that uses spell-like abilities with a ranged weapon attack, the DC of any Concentration checks the caster makes increases by 2 for 1 round. This ability replaces solo tactics. Impervious (Ex): At 20th level, a Spellbreaker becomes immune to the effects of a single school of arcane magic. That school of magic must be the first one she picked for defense against magic (see above). Neither harmful nor helpful arcane spells of that school have an effect on the Spellbreaker. If a spell of that school is an area of effect spell, the spell goes off as normal, but the Spellbreaker is untouched by its effects. Once per day, as a swift action, the Spellbreaker can grant this imperviousness to all allies in a 60-foot burst for 1 minute. This ability replaces true judgment. Spellkiller Inquisition: Some inquisitor domains are not the domains of their faith but are movements within a number of faiths. Many religious individuals and orders find themselves in conflict with the users of arcane magic, and have created inquisitions and training regimens expressly to fight arcane spellcasters.
Judgment (Su): Starting at 1st level, an inquisitor can pronounce judgment upon her foes as a swift action. Starting when the judgment is made, the inquisitor receives a bonus or special ability based on the type of judgment made.
Destruction: The inquisitor is filled with divine wrath, gaining a +1 sacred bonus on all weapon damage rolls. This bonus increases by +1 for every three inquisitor levels she possesses.
Healing: The inquisitor is surrounded by a healing light, gaining fast healing 1. This causes the inquisitor to heal 1 point of damage each round as long as the inquisitor is alive and the judgment lasts. The amount of healing increases by 1 point for every three inquisitor levels she possesses. Justice: This judgment spurs the inquisitor to seek justice, granting a +1 sacred bonus on all attack rolls. This bonus increases by +1 for every five inquisitor levels she possesses. At 10th level, this bonus is doubled on all attack rolls made to confirm critical hits. Piercing: This judgment gives the inquisitor great focus and makes her spells more potent. This benefit grants a +1 sacred bonus on concentration checks and caster level checks made to overcome a target’s spell resistance. This bonus increases by +1 for every three inquisitor levels she possesses. Protection: The inquisitor is surrounded by a protective aura, granting a +1 sacred bonus to Armor Class. This bonus increases by +1 for every five inquisitor levels she possesses. At 10th level, this bonus is doubled against attack rolls made to confirm critical hits against the inquisitor. Purity: The inquisitor is protected from the vile taint of her foes, gaining a +1 sacred bonus on all saving throws. This bonus increases by +1 for every five inquisitor levels she possesses. At 10th level, the bonus is doubled against curses, diseases, and poisons. Resiliency: This judgment makes the inquisitor resistant to harm, granting DR 1/magic. This DR increases by 1 for every five levels she possesses. At 10th level, this DR changes from magic to an alignment (chaotic, evil, good, or lawful) that is opposite the inquisitor’s. If she is neutral, the inquisitor does not receive this increase. Resistance: The inquisitor is shielded by a flickering aura, gaining 2 points of energy resistance against one energy type (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic) chosen when the judgment is declared. The protection increases by 2 for every three inquisitor levels she possesses. Smiting: This judgment bathes the inquisitor’s weapons in a divine light. The inquisitor’s weapons count as magic for the purposes of bypassing damage reduction. At 6th level, the inquisitor’s weapons also count as one alignment type (chaotic, evil, good, or lawful) for the purpose of bypassing damage reduction. The type selected must match one of the inquisitor’s alignments. If the inquisitor is neutral, she does not receive this bonus. At 10th level, the inquisitor’s weapons also count as adamantine for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction (but not for reducing hardness). Stern Gaze (Ex): Inquisitors are skilled at sensing deception and intimidating their foes. An inquisitor receives a morale bonus on all Intimidate and Sense Motive checks equal to 1/2 her inquisitor level (minimum +1).
Standard Racial Traits (Dwarf):
Ability Score Racial Traits: Dwarves are both tough and wise, but also a bit gruff. They gain +2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom, and –2 Charisma. • Size: Dwarves are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size. • Type: Dwarves are Humanoid creatures with both the dwarf subtype. • Base Speed : (Slow and Steady) Dwarves have a base speed of 20 feet, but their speed is never modified by armor or encumbrance. • Languages: Dwarves begin play speaking Common and Dwarven. Dwarves with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Giant, Gnome, Goblin, Orc, Terran, and Undercommon. See the Linguistics skill page for more information about these languages. Defense Racial Traits
Feat and Skill Racial Traits
Senses Racial Traits
Other Racial Traits:
-------------------- Background:
Description: Tall for a dwarf, standing at 4'4", Fargrim is broad of shoulder, but less stout around the torso than many dwarves. His thick, dirty blonde hair is long with several braids in strategic areas to keep his hair out of his face during battle. He keeps his beard cut close, considered quite short by dwarven standards, with long braids from the corners of his mouth, capped with metal clasps. He eyes are a rare hue of pale green, like that of jade stone. ![]()
![]() Okay... so I've got a question regarding the Deadly Dealer feat from The Harrow Handbook and how it interacts with magical Harrow Decks. Deadly Dealer wrote:
Okay, so the highlighted section of this feat states that any card used in conjunction with this feat is destroyed after its use. So, does that include magical Harrow decks such as the one listed below? If so, why would someone ever use a magical harrow deck with that feat? Which sucks, because the double damage from Arcane Strike is pretty awesome. Deck of Slivering Fate Price wrote:
Furthermore... the Cartomancer (Witch Archetype) has an ability that specifically references the usage of harrow cards and them not being destroyed. Quote: Deliver Touch Spells (Su): At 3rd level, when the cartomancer uses the Deadly Dealer feat with a card from her spell deck, the card is not destroyed and gains the returning weapon special ability. In addition, the cartomancer can deliver a touch spell with a thrown card. This uses the Deadly Dealer feat (see below), except the attack is resolved as a ranged touch attack and the card deals no damage of its own. This ability can be used with any card (not just one from the cartomancer’s spell deck). So... What are your thoughts, because I'm lost! lol ![]()
![]() Hey all, here's a link to my character. He's a dwarven Spellbreaker of Nethys... I'm looking for advice on feats that compliment the character and concept. Looking for both optimal and thematic options. I'd thought about going down the Step Up feat tree and possibly Stone-Faced (Dwarf feat for thematics), but beyond that I'm rather lost on what other feats are out there for this type of character. Any suggestions would be greatly welcomed!