Zolan Ulivestra

Moken Troll's page

128 posts. Alias of rainzax.

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Hey community,
Got a player interested in diving into True Names, and after book one and defeating Zoudou, wants to begin researching the true name of Kugaptee. I already got a loose idea for how to do this, which is, using the Research subsystem to give him "pieces" of the true name, which he can slowly piece together by the time we get to book four.

But my question is this:

Q) How many "items" (such as Zoudou's Notes) could function as a "library" for the subsystem?
Q) What / where are they throughout the AP?
Q) Are there ample additional opportunities for significant chunks of downtime outside of book 1 / book 2?
Q) Any suggestions for "themes" which I could incorporate into Kugaptee's true name? (Yes, I am going to create phonemes, etc).
Q) Any ideas for having successive "successes" for these research subsystems give out in-game benefits? (Ex. Being able to use true name spells against direct / essence minions, etc).

Having a blast GMing this.

My players left downtown a hot mess for Book One, ended up taking care of the Noperra-Bo and the Ritual for a halfweek before coming to liberate downtown much later.

Because sandbox.

Anyway, Mo Douqiu has essentially been promoted to the BBEG for Book One de facto (I foreshadowed him immensely and then they promptly left town for days), and I have managed to generate great animosity against him from my players, in part because I wanted to end Summer with a big fight (promoting him to Level 5!)

And now they ask: What does his name mean, if anything?

Here are some of their guesses:

mo2 dou1 qiu4 = "Imitate All Autumn"
mo4 dou2 qiu2 = "Drowned Pause Seek"

Based loosely on Mandarin with the numbers describing different intonation...

Having a blast running this adventure!



Hello Community,
As the title.

If I am running a PFS Scenario, and then we have an "ambush" situation, can the monsters get a full round to act ahead of the party prior to everyone rolling initiative?
For example, if they succeed at a Stealth check and beat the highest Perception DC in the party?
Or, what if one (or more) of the players rolls well, can they join the surprise round?
If not an entire round's worth of actions (◆◆◆), what about just a single action (◆)? Or a free action (◇) or reaction (↺)?

If the answer is "yes", what are the parameters of this leeway?
If the answer is "no", where is it written that this is expressly forbidden?



Hello Community,
As the title.

If I am running a PFS Scenario, can I improvise upon the Tiers of Success mechanic (CF/F/S/CS) to create fun story moments where the outcome of Strikes or others die rolls result in incursion of minor damage or temporary status conditions?

Like falling prone if you roll a "1" to melee strike?
Or a modest 1d4 richochet damage to your adjacent ally if you roll a "1" to ranged strike?
Or, what about if you roll a "20" and splash blood on an adjacent ally to make them momentarily sickened?
Little effects like that.

If the answer is "yes", what are the parameters of this leeway?
If the answer is "no", where is it written that this is expressly forbidden?


Verdant Wheel

As title.
What are the stats of, say, a Steel Shield with a Minor Reinforcing Rune in the hands of a Champion who has chosen it as his Divine Ally?

Does the +50% increase to HP bust the Reinforcing cap?



Hello Community,
As title.
Can a glyphed GM grant themselves one of their own hard-earned Hero Points?
Or must they share the wealth?


Absalom Initiation (Maps) | Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | Spell Templates | Hero Points @ Black Molly (□□), Captain Kullan (☑□), Darwin (□□), Jasper (□) | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status condition | Contact Sheet

If you acknowledge my expectations (LINK), please "sign in" by providing me with:

Society #:
Character #:
Character Faction:

Absalom Initiation (Maps) | Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | Spell Templates | Hero Points @ Black Molly (□□), Captain Kullan (☑□), Darwin (□□), Jasper (□) | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status condition | Contact Sheet

You receive a Parcel in your Box:

I do hope you’ll join us at the Grand Lodge for the celebration to congratulate the most recent group of initiates. I have to say, I’m proud of how far you’ve come since you were an initiate, and I look forward to seeing you support the next generation of Pathfinders. Besides that,gatherings like this are an excellent opportunity to rub elbows with the Society’s leadership and get to know them. That means you’ll always be quick to know about the best opportunities as soon as they arise. I hope you’ll take advantage of the event to put your best foot forward.
I’m looking forward to seeing you there!

-Janira Gavix, Pathfinder Society Head Initiate

The day arrives and you make your way to Absalom for the event. It seems as though the entire Grand Lodge has the air of a celebration. The great gates are flung wide, and the phoenix trees lining the entryway are in full flame. The halls of the main tower of Skyreach, normally somber and reserved, echo with the sound of voices and music. The great ballroom is decked for a celebration, with colorful banners and bunting along the walls, tables replete with food and drink, and a jovial cacophony of conversation rising from Pathfinders of all ancestries, nations, and backgrounds.

After a quick scan of the room, it’s obvious that many of the attendees have gathered in small groups here and there. A half-orc woman in an iconic ship captain’s hat stands near the punch bowl, handing cups to anyone who passes within reach, and a dark-skinned half-elf leads a small group of new agents around the room, introducing them to other attendees. Several senior agents stand in quiet conferral with a dark-haired Taldan man with a distinctive chin strap beard, while a scholarly dwarf tells a rousing tale to a growing audience.

A familiar blond halfling woman bounces over, bubbling with excitement. Janira Gavix, Head Initiate of the Pathfinder Society, grins, “Oh, I’m so glad you made it! After all, the celebration is for you. Have you gotten drinks? Snacks? Be sure to spend some time getting to know everyone—it’s best to be on good terms with the movers and shakers in the Society, that’s how you learn about the latest opportunities. I’ll be here if you need me to help you with anyone’s names or to make an introduction. Just let me know how I can help!” Janira gestures everyone forward into the room, beaming all the while.

Please Introduce yourselves!

1 person marked this as a favorite.


There are a couple more weeks of the Battlecry! Playtest for the (new) Commander and Guardian classes. I will be recruiting for a round two run of the season one repeatable (#1-01) "The Absalom Initiation" with 4-5 total players. This is not a FCFS game (I tend to recruit from those that have GMed for me as well as players I have enjoyed playing alongside), and will be run as a bit of a "speed run" to focus on the mechanics of the classes during skill challenges and in encounter mode. As I'd like to run the playtest material alongside other classes, I'm going to shoot for:

☆) One Commander
☆) One Guardian
☆) Two to three other classes (at least one other martial)

Who's Interested?

Verdant Wheel

As title.

Let's say I choose a weapon to be my banner.

If I use an Interact action to Stow it (so that it is now Worn), does it count as being visible to my allies?

Commander wrote:
As long as your banner is visible (such as by being af xed to your weapon or worn attached to a pole alongside your backpack)

What if my banner is a polearm? Does the answer change?


Absalom Initiation (Maps) | Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | Spell Templates | Hero Points @ Black Molly (□□), Captain Kullan (☑□), Darwin (□□), Jasper (□) | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status condition | Contact Sheet

Goblin patriarch, merchant, and Pathfinder Society ally Yigrig Moneymaker needs help! The cunning goblin merchant has big plans to build a bridge that will connect two promising trade partners, but something is stirring up the local wildlife and convincing the lions and other predators of the Katapeshi plains that goblins are more tasty than can possibly be true. The Troupe must find out who's responsible for the trials Yigrig's family faces before the lions of Katapesh devour the entire goblin clan and end the chance for trade between two desert cities.

To Do:
1) Character Intro (What do you look like? What clues does your appearance give us about your abilities? How?)
2) Background Info (Please post your Nature modifier and proficiency for a Secret Recall Knowledge check!)
3) Troup Role (What assets do you bring to the Troupe? How does your relationship to Authority moderate how you respond to Commands?)
4) Character Details (What is your Ancestry? Background? Class? Alignment?)
5) GM Details (Is there anything you would like the GM to know about your character? What?)
x) Battlecry! (What does your Battlecry sound and look like?!)

Absalom Initiation (Maps) | Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | Spell Templates | Hero Points @ Black Molly (□□), Captain Kullan (☑□), Darwin (□□), Jasper (□) | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status condition | Contact Sheet

One commander.
One guardian.
Three other characters, majority martial.
One Troupe.

Let’s get organized here!


There is a Playtest coming April 29th for the (new) Commander and Guardian classes. I will be recruiting for a run of the season one repeatable #1-14 "Lions of Katapesh" with 4-5 total players. This is not a FCFS game (I tend to recruit from those that have GMed for me as well as players I have enjoyed playing alongside), and will be run as a bit of a "speed run" to focus on the mechanics of the classes during skill challenges and in encounter mode. As I'd like to run the playtest material alongside other classes, I'm going to shoot for:

☆) One Commander
☆) One Guardian
☆) Two to three other classes (at least one other martial)

Who's Interested?

More info in the days to come...

Maps / Slides | Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | ☘️ @ Dinardin (□□), Fran (□□□), Ida (□□), Lem (□□) | Contact Info | Spell Templates | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status condition

Character Name:
PFS # / Character #:
Ancestry, Background, Class, Level:

When you get a moment, please supply the above info!

Maps / Slides | Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | ☘️ @ Dinardin (□□), Fran (□□□), Ida (□□), Lem (□□) | Contact Info | Spell Templates | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status condition

On the top deck of the Kingfisher floating a week or so somewhere upon the Steaming Sea, Venture-Captain Muesello wipes the grease off his hands onto a rag. The pockmarked mechanist spent the early morning running a chain through a twelve-foot tall clockwork contraption mounted on the deck. Stuffing the dirty rag into his smock, he turns to address the group "Welcome! Thank you for boarding with us swiftly, and sorry I spent the better portion of the trip in my cabin, but, I have an important discovery!..."

1) Please Introduce your character!
2) Do you have a Wayfinder? What kind? Any special tricks?
3) Anything Special about your character GM should know? Do share.
4) How did you hear about this mission, or where were you before? Describe your Journey.
5) What Provisions will you bring along for this Quest? Feel free to declare this after hearing the full briefing...


We are running a GM Rotation for Bounties to help new and prospective GMs in our area to get their feet wet - four consecutive bounties in a 4.5 hour time slot GMing one and playing three each person.

Looking for a list of easiest / fastest bounties to run in the Level One range to get this concept up and at ‘em!

Verdant Wheel

Hello community.

Interdisciplinary Incantation


Cast [reaction] ; Trigger A creature within 30 feet casts an arcane spell
You gather the embers of another caster's spell, using your understanding of unified magic to pick apart their formulas and incantations well enough to imitate the spell yourself, if only for a short time. Until the end of your next turn, you can Cast the triggering Spell by expending a wizard spell slot of the same rank. That caster's spells can't trigger your interdisciplinary incantation again for 24 hours.

Q) Do you get to know what the spell does?
Q) Does the spell's tradition(s) matter in the above question?
Q) Either way, do you get to know if you have a sufficient spell slot before pulling the trigger?
Q) Can you cast a lower rank (non- or less- heightened) version of the spell with your available spell slots?
Q) If the answer to all the above questions is "no", do you only find out after paying both the reaction, focus point, and casting action costs, just watch your efforts fizzle?

Asking for a friend!


Verdant Wheel

As title.

Crescent Cross

The Treasure Vault lists it's ammunition as "rounds", yet it is not only described as a crossbow, it is in the Bow weapon group.

How does it's Critical Fusion work?

Is it really a gunbow?!


If the non-repeatable quest I signed up to run doesn't fire, this is a secondary recruitment for (#Q-09) "Wayfinder Origins"!

Players chosen shortly after Outpost starts.

Treasure Bundles

Earn Income

Verdant Wheel ***

As title.

What is the fate of Disturbing Knowledge which originally appeared in the Advanced Player's Guide but did not make the cut for the Remaster (it's not in Player Core).

Same question for similar skill feats.


Verdant Wheel

Hey folks,
I have a Resentment Witch, and looking to compile spells from the Occult list that work synergy with the Familiar's ability.


That's all I got so far. Are there any rank one spells that synergize? What about rank three and four?

Maps / Slides | Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | ☘️ @ Dinardin (□□), Fran (□□□), Ida (□□), Lem (□□) | Contact Info | Spell Templates | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status condition

The squire of a long-dead knight asks for the help of heroes in investigating the site of their master’s death. A bleak island awaits the heroes, now inhabited by the dead and undead alike. It’s up to the PCs to retrieve mementos of lost knights and lay to rest any lingering spirits on the island.


Maps / Slides | Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | ☘️ @ Dinardin (□□), Fran (□□□), Ida (□□), Lem (□□) | Contact Info | Spell Templates | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status condition

The squire of a long-dead knight asks for the help of heroes in investigating the site of their master’s death. A bleak island awaits the heroes, now inhabited by the dead and undead alike. It’s up to the PCs to retrieve mementos of lost knights and lay to rest any lingering spirits on the island.


Recruitment for Against the Unliving, a Pathfinder 2nd edition Bounty for 3rd level characters.

Apply below!

Check out my QM alias for how I like to roll.

Taking a couple days to recruit 4 players.



I am looking for two suggestions.

The gods Daikitsu and Fumeiyoshi.

What more “mainstream” gods have the most similar profiles?

Asking because I am looking to replicate Boons / Curses for gods that have not yet been given that level of attention for a PF2 game.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tactical Map | Action ◆◇↺ | Checkbox ➤ (□□□) vs (☑☑☑) | Auntie Wu (☘️□□□□□), Kazuki (☘️□□□□□), Lan (☘️□□□□□), Sigurd (☘️☑□□□□), Vekka (☘️☑□□□□) | Status Symbols ➤ ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status condition | Spell Templates

House Rules and PbP Expectations

House Rules

I got Houserules about Wealth, Downtime, Rarity, Recall Knowledge, and Dubious Knowledge. The first two because I find having to "share" a single pile of loot can lead to problems including: tracking and accounting challenges, discrepancy about who gets what, and inflexibility through the course of character evolution. Rarity because, as described in Recruitment, I want to stick to easy-to-run-for-GM options without taking away everyone's ability to showcase a couple "special" features. And finally, even with the announced changes to RK clarifying that the RKing player may ask as specific mechanical question, I find some rough edges around making it an action that PCs consider worthwile of investment while also making it run smooth at the table for the GM.


Wealth by Level
Tracking discovered loot, purchases, and sell-backs is always a challange in tabletop RPGs, so, I am houseruling to “abstract” it in a similar way to how PFS handles character wealth.

Instead of tracking individual coins and treasure, each time there is Character Advancement (Level 12, 13, 14…), characters will be instructed to “soft rebuild” their Wealth according to Table 10-10 with the following Guidelines:

Best Fit
This is not a free rebuild, instead, try to rollover an 80%-90% threshold of continuity between levels. This means to keep the majority of your most expensive items narratively consistent, upgrading or obtaining new items, perhaps “discovered” items along the way, with that last 20%-10% representing things you sell back, consumables you use or trade out, etc. This will be an Honor System enforcement, as I have zero intention of auditing individual characters’ treasure lists with a fine-toothed comb each and every level.

Downtime Wealth
If you created wealth for yourself using the Downtime subsystem (for example by using Earn Income or Craft), this “track” of wealth is seperate from but additive to that which is bestowed by Table 10-10. You are expected to keep a record of this independently, as your character’s base wealth (from the table) will change each time they gain a level, while any created wealth will, in effect, “rollover”.

Discovered Loot
Also seperate from Table 10-10, again similar to how PFS functions, any discovered loot (including consumables) may be used normally by the party through the course of adventuring. Then, when it comes time for Character Advancement, that loot will “disappear”, assumed to either be sold back through the “abstraction” that is this houserule, or, alternatively, Incorporated into your characters new Wealth.

Loot that is Incorporated in this way will recieve a 10% discount from it’s market value, to openly incentivize PCs to use what they find during the Adventure for the Adventure.

Rarity Boons
Using the Rarity system, I do want to restrict some of the Options characters can use to the following:

-Common character options only.
-Each character gains two (2) Rarity Boons they can use to Access options that are Uncommon or Rare.
-Uncommon options use 1 Rarity Boon - Rare options use 2 Rarity Boons.
-Options (Items) discovered in the AP itself do not require Rarity Boons to use.
-As we progress through the AP, I will likely assign additional Rarity Boons, useable during Character Advancement, while upgrading Wealth, or utilizing the Retraining subsystem.

Recall Knowledge
Having played this action by the book to the best of my ability, I am unsatisfied with what I percieve to be it’s risk-reward ratio, feeling that it is slightly too punitive to be an action that PCs are willing to take going in “blind” to a new situation. My houserule here is an attempt to loosen that up a little.

This (LINK) is my change.

In a word, I have removed the “disinformation” result from Initial attempts to identify an unknown creature / combatant, only re-introducing that type of result on Retries, as well as explicitly allowing Retries after “failure” results.

This means that Initial checks to Recall Knowledge can be rolled by you, the player, openly, and that I will only activate the Secret trait on Retry attempts to Recall Knowledge against the same subject!

One Caveat: Retries will be allowed whereupon a creature / combatant exhibits a new ability or behavior (action, reaction, spell, strategy, etc), and a character wanting to attempt a Retry must explicitly name the new ability or behavior as a signal to the GM to conduct the Secret check.

Dubious Knowledge
I have narrowed this skill feat to be paired with specific skills, instead of a blanket effect for any RK check. Read the old and new version below (we will use the new version - changes in italics).

Dubious Knowledge (Old)
[General] [Skill]
Prerequisites: trained in a skill with the Recall Knowledge action
You're a treasure trove of information, but not all of it comes from reputable sources. When you fail (but don't critically fail) a Recall Knowledge check using any skill, you learn a bit of true knowledge and a bit of erroneous knowledge, but you don't have any way to differentiate which is which.

Dubious Knowledge (New)
[General] [Skill]
Prerequisites: trained in a skill with the Recall Knowledge action
You're a treasure trove of information, but not all of it comes from reputable sources. Choose a skill. When you fail (but don't critically fail) a Recall Knowledge check using any that skill, you learn a bit of true knowledge and a bit of erroneous knowledge, but you don't have any way to differentiate which is which.
Special: You can select this skill feat multiple times, each instance selecting a different skill.

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PbP Player / GM Expectations

The following are my accumulated expectations for Players and the GM while enjoying the rich asynchronous PbP medium. I know it's a lot. But. PbP campaigns are fragile things, and I have discovered that these are the things I need from you to sustain my joy in doing the GM work, which is, focusing on the story while maintaining the well-balanced mechanics to do so and keeping the "screen time" manageable for "irl" stuff. If any of these will present a problem for you, consider speaking up sooner than later. If you observe me laxing on my own expectations, don't hesitate to call me out!

0) Have Fun
1) Post Daily
2) Do the Math
3) Check the Tracker
4) Share Ability Links / Text
5) Utilize Action Symbols (◆◇↺)
6) Organize your Dice Expressions
7) Manage your Token on the Map
8) Use Discussion for Discussion
9) Participate in the Bot Tree


Have Fun

This is Play by Post!

Seize the medium: Write descriptive posts with fun language, read your fellow players' posts and respond to them, juxtapose "Outer Words" vs "Inner Thoughts", indulge the Writer inside yourself. If it's not Fun, it's not worth doing!


Post Daily

Be committed for the long haul to post on a daily basis, which includes weekends, to keep the pace of the game fun and progressing. Obviously life happens, so off-days here or there are not a big deal. But checking in once or twice a week will not cut it. If you will be absent for an extended period, give the party advance notice and arrange someone to Bot for you.


Do the Math

Complete posts - especially during Encounter Mode - help the game flow smoother and make it easier for the GM to keep things organized for you in the Tracker. Please do not just throw dice at the post. Analyze the results of your dice to determine the Final Outcome, and communicate it back using Game Terms (X Damage, Y Healing, etc).


Check the Tracker

I try to keep a summary of all the moving bits through different Modes of Play (ex. Encounter Mode) in Trackers under spoilers. Take the time to use these Trackers to update yourself on relevant game information before making your posts - they are meant to keep you informed as towards making better strategic decisions as well as more descriptive posts. Notice that something like a monster's AC may be unknown during round one, but suddenly be detailed during round three, to represent your character's ongoing analysis of the situation.

If you see I missed something in the Tracker, raise the correction immediately in Discussion, and I will tend to it during my next pass!


Share Ability Links / Text

Include Links and/or Direct Text in your posts - especially for unusual abilities or one that do not come up that often. Basic Actions like Step, Stride and Strike, or reactions like Attack of Opportunity and Shield Block are excluded from this request - these are so common that they needn't really be actively adjudicated. As character abilities become more familiar to the GM and party, this requirement can be relaxed, as we will have "learned" the necessary interactions. But when in doubt, or if you anticipate a questionable interaction, post it! And allow the GM to make an informed adjudication.


Utilize Action Symbols (◆◇↺)

Clearly Communicate Game Terms during Encounter Mode using these symbols. I will keep them posted in my GM Alias as well as in the Campaign Tabs for you to copy/paste. Doing so helps the GM to adjudicate the Encounter by anchoring visual cues within the post, helping to summarize your Turn supported by the descriptive text of the narrative.

For reactions (↺), be sure to include some conditional language for it's trigger - especially if you have more than one. If your reaction involves a die roll (ex. Attack of Opportunity), please spoiler the roll, so on GM's turn, if he "trips" your trigger, he can open that spoiler and resolve it.


Organize your Dice Expressions

Sometimes we lose track of the little "+1"s that come and go, which at critical junctures can be the difference between success and failure. So, it is important to track them.

Specifically, for Circumstance or Status bonuses and other miscellaneous modifiers, please include clear indication in your dice expressions ex. "{dice=Attack with Inspire Courage (+1/+1) vs Monster}1d20+15+1; 2d8+4+1{/dice}" instead of "{dice=Attack}1d20+16; 2d8+5{/dice}"

If a DC you are rolling against is known, consider putting it directly into the expression ex. “{dice=Recall Knowledge w/ Arcana vs DC 15}1d20+7{/dice}”. This helps me to adjudicate it immediately without having to scroll.

Relatedly, to minimize confusion and shenanigans, Roll Dice in the correct Order of Operations. For example, if on a monster's turn you are prompted to make a Saving Throw, resolve it first thing in your next post, then post your 3 Actions + 1 Reaction, then conduct any End of Turn effects, etc.


Manage your Token on the Map

You are responsible for moving your Token around on the Map or Maps, and will need to develop a reliable way to interface with Google Slides consistently. Sometimes, but not all the time, the exact path taken by your character may matter (Hazards, Monster Reactions, etc), and if you anticipate so, please indicate your square-by-square trajectory with clarity.


Use Discussion for Discussion

Let's keep Gameplay in Gameplay, and Discussion in Discussion, and I will respond to queries accordingly. A note here about Gameplay to Discussion ratio. I've had to ask players who have disruptively used Discussion to question everything that happens in Gameplay to step down before. It's worth mentioning as this can be a pattern with some folks. While I encourage asking questions in Discussion - especially new players! - please be mindful of utilizing the shared space; it is a place to seek common understanding, not to be needlessly combative.


Participate in the Bot Tree

Pledge to Bot the characters immediately preceding and following (and wrapping around) your character's alphabetical name in the event of a 24-hour space elapsing when they have been "up" - As a GM I will not Bot characters, so it is up to the party as a team to support eachother in this regard.

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That's all folks. When you get a minute, make sure this is the game you'd like to step into by acknowledging the above Houserules and Expectations. I will house them in my DM alias as well (along with other links and goodies) if you forget something (like, when we advance to Level 2 and you're like "How much money do we have?" etc...)

Tactical Map | Action ◆◇↺ | Checkbox ➤ (□□□) vs (☑☑☑) | Auntie Wu (☘️□□□□□), Kazuki (☘️□□□□□), Lan (☘️□□□□□), Sigurd (☘️☑□□□□), Vekka (☘️☑□□□□) | Status Symbols ➤ ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status condition | Spell Templates

The Season of Ghosts Adventure Path is named for a traditional period in Shenmen that takes place during the first few weeks of summer, when the woodlands see an increase in hauntings, spirits, and undead. While the cause of this increased haunting is uncertain, these ghosts often lure people to their deaths.

In Willowshore, a massive feast and festival takes place on the last day of spring. Called the “Reenactment Festival,” this gala is meant not only to celebrate the end of spring, but to trick the evil spirits and ghosts believed to come out of the woods during the first few weeks of summer. As the festival’s feast concludes, the town reenacts victims being snatched away by “ghosts” (played by townsfolk in paper masks). Those not involved in the faux abduction pretend to plunge into collective panic as designated wailers mourn loudly while others play out a search and rescue effort. This farce is believed to trick real ghosts into thinking that someone has already haunted the settlement, and thus trick them into seeking a happier village to inflict misery upon once the season of ghosts begins the next day on the first day of summer.

As fate would have it, the PCs are chosen this year to play the role of the town’s abductees—reasons for their abduction are built in to the various Season of Ghosts backgrounds, so if you don’t use one of these backgrounds for your character, work with the GM to create a reason similar to those presented there to explain why you’re among the festival’s abductees. Once you’re “abducted” from the feast, your captors roll you up in straw mats and then carry you off into a forest clearing on the town’s outskirts, where you’re expected to stay overnight. With the first dawn of summer, the “abductees” are ransomed by whoever is in charge of that year’s Reenactment Festival. This year, that honor falls to one Choe Chun‑hu, beloved leader of Willowshore’s millers. He has promised to bring the “ransom” (a selection of delicious breakfast delicacies) to the PCs in the forest clearing the next morning for them to enjoy before leading them back to town to proclaim the Reenactment Festival a grand success.

While it often rains during the summer, you luck out and spend a relatively comfortable night out under the stars. Of course, staying overnight in any woodland carries some risk, and you all have plenty of time to prepare. You can bring all your starting items and gear, as determined during character creation, to have with you during your abduction—items not brought will be waiting for you back at home.

The Season of Ghosts Adventure Path begins when you and the other PCs awaken in a forest clearing on the first day of summer... but there’s no sign of Choe Chun-hu and the breakfast he promised!

Absalom Initiation (Maps) | Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | Spell Templates | Hero Points @ Black Molly (□□), Captain Kullan (☑□), Darwin (□□), Jasper (□) | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status condition | Contact Sheet

When you get the chance:

Character Name:
Society / Character #:
Level and Faction:

Absalom Initiation (Maps) | Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | Spell Templates | Hero Points @ Black Molly (□□), Captain Kullan (☑□), Darwin (□□), Jasper (□) | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status condition | Contact Sheet

Lost on the Spirit Road: Getting Started

Each of the PCs arrived in Minkai within the past few months. Since then, the PCs have been working with Venture-Captain Amara Li to help lay the groundwork for a lodge in Minkai, performing a variety of tasks that are well-suited to their individual skills. They know that Amara Li has been collecting relics from across the world to house in a new museum with a focus on relics from Minkaian history that have been kept in other nations. To this end, she has been traveling all over the nation to pursue leads. These relics have come from a combination of purchases and donations, and she has occasionally called on local Pathfinders to guard the relics. The PCs are currently working in Sakakabe, a prosperous city famous for its trade in silver and pearls. Venture-Captain Li summons the PCs to meet with her in one of the gardens of the Kiniro Kyomai teahouse, a famous teahouse run by geisha. The quality of the Kiniro Kyomai’s tea, food, and samisen music make it a popular destination for locals and travelers alike. She waits for the PCs to enjoy their tea before turning their attention to more serious matters.

“I fear that misfortune may have struck some of your fellow agents. I hope that you can help them return here to safety, but I fear the task I have to request of you may instead center around recovering what you can from your fallen allies and, if it is safe to do so, completing the mission in their stead.”

“Last year, I received a donation of relics from Taldor. The route is lengthy and complicated, so I will spare you unnecessary details. A caravan carrying the relics safely arrived in Hongal to the north, where it met up with a pair of Pathfinder agents, Lin Po and Ti Lan. These agents inspected the cargo, sent me a missive indicating that all was in order, and joined a second caravan to take the Spirit Road through the Forest of Spirits. The journey is understandably long, taking over two months to complete. Still, the caravan is late, and I fear that they may have run into trouble along the way. They were supposed to reach Sakakabe two weeks ago."

“While it’s possible that they were waylaid in the northernmost parts of Minkai, I believe it’s far more likely that they ran into trouble in the Forest of Spirits, a mystical place that shelters departed souls and most of the world’s kami. Kami are spiritual guardians with a deep connection to certain living locations or living things. The locals pay great respect to the kami, never intruding further into the forest than their one coastal road, the Spirit Road, and a number of small settlements built around shrines. This should make tracking the caravan simple, since there’s only a single road along which they should have had to rest or resupply at some point. I need you to check each of the roadside settlements until you find the last one to have seen the caravan, then track it from there and figure out what happened.”

“Be sure to respect the kami and the local traditions honoring them; I don’t want you to come to harm in your journey. The kami are mostly benevolent, so long as they receive the proper respect, but there are some dangers that might have harried the caravan. Bandits, hobgoblins, and giants, among other creatures, dwell within the forest. The forest also hosts some aggressive plants and animals, not to mention malign spirits such as the oni, the sworn enemies of the kami. The locals will know more than I of what perils to expect.”

➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤

Background Knowledge

Forest Lore (DC 13), Spirit Lore (DC 13), or Nature (DC 15):

Critical Success


The PC knows several details about villages bordering the Forest of Spirits, as well as the kitsune that populate the region. Such PCs gain a +2 circumstance bonus on checks to investigate the village and to negotiate with the thief.



The PC recalls general information about the Forest of Spirits, including its dense populations of kami and mostly benign spirits that can possess living creatures to share memories but exert little control over their hosts.

Critical Failure


The PC recalls that the Forest of Spirits is named for its numerous incorporeal undead denizens, including fell spirits who possess travelers’ bodies only to horrifically murder their hosts. A PC who receives this result and is not corrected is frightened 1 for the duration of Encounter B: Caravan Defense

➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤

Feel free to introduce your characters and roll applicable Background Knowledge Checks!


I am looking for a lean team of 3-5 daily posters to "speedrun" the PFS scenario #1-06 "Lost on Spirit Road"!

☆) One Animist
☆) One Exemplar
☆) One to three other players

This is not FCFS, but I will choose the team from among applicants in the next couple days. If you plan to play a playtest class, please be prepared to always post exact text for Playtest material your character is using. Slight priority towards those who have GMed for me and/or folks I have had a good time playing PFS alongside.

Apply with the character you would like to play below, with all relevant statistics housed within the applying Alias.


Verdant Wheel

What if each Apparition, in addition to granting spells, also granted a different benefit to each sub-class?

As an example.

Channeler could get a resistance based off one energy type, in addition to everything it already receives.

Sage could get proficiency in a single weapon group, in addition to everything is already receives.

Something to telegraph their intended purpose (before 9th level) mechanically?

A third subclass could one day get training in a skill, etc...

Maps / Slides | Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | ☘️ @ Dinardin (□□), Fran (□□□), Ida (□□), Lem (□□) | Contact Info | Spell Templates | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status condition

On the edge of the land known as Numeria, the Pathfinder Society has operated in secret under threat of death from the region's ruler, the cruel Black Sovereign. Venture-Captain Dagur Hawksight hopes that a meeting with the recently-sober monarch will allow the Pathfinder Society to operate openly and study the alien technology contained within Numeria's borders, but other forces have their own plans for the region. The PCs must ensure that the meeting between Dagur and the Black Sovereign goes off without a hitch, thwarting acts of treachery and sabotage.


Maps / Slides | Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | ☘️ @ Dinardin (□□), Fran (□□□), Ida (□□), Lem (□□) | Contact Info | Spell Templates | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status condition

On the edge of the land known as Numeria, the Pathfinder Society has operated in secret under threat of death from the region's ruler, the cruel Black Sovereign. Venture-Captain Dagur Hawksight hopes that a meeting with the recently-sober monarch will allow the Pathfinder Society to operate openly and study the alien technology contained within Numeria's borders, but other forces have their own plans for the region. The PCs must ensure that the meeting between Dagur and the Black Sovereign goes off without a hitch, thwarting acts of treachery and sabotage.


On the edge of the land known as Numeria, the Pathfinder Society has operated in secret under threat of death from the region's ruler, the cruel Black Sovereign. Venture-Captain Dagur Hawksight hopes that a meeting with the recently-sober monarch will allow the Pathfinder Society to operate openly and study the alien technology contained within Numeria's borders, but other forces have their own plans for the region. The PCs must ensure that the meeting between Dagur and the Black Sovereign goes off without a hitch, thwarting acts of treachery and sabotage.

This is the Recruitment Thread for the Gameday VII Online Convention to play Pathfinder Society Quest #8: Shadows of the Black Sovereign.

We begin September 4th! Check out my QM Alias here to see what sort of game I like to run, what Resources I have to help us learn the game as we go, and what Expectations I have of my players. PM me with any questions you have? New Players Welcome! Looking forward!

Verdant Wheel

As title.

Doubling Rings + Armory Bracelet

Doubling Rings:

This item consists of two magically linked rings: an intricate, gleaming golden ring with a square-cut ruby, and a thick, plain iron ring. When you wield a melee weapon in the hand wearing the golden ring, the weapon’s fundamental runes are replicated onto any melee weapon you wield in the hand wearing the iron ring. (The fundamental runes are weapon potency and striking, which add an item bonus to attack rolls and extra weapon damage dice, respectively.) Any fundamental runes on the weapon in the hand wearing the iron ring are suppressed.

The replication functions only if you wear both rings, and it ends as soon as you cease wielding a melee weapon in one of your hands. Consequently, the benefit doesn’t apply to thrown attacks or if you’re holding a weapon but not wielding it (such as holding in one hand a weapon that requires two hands to wield).

Armory Bracelet:

Several small charms shaped like weapons hang from an armory bracelet, which is often brass. The bracelet has one charm each for the groups bow, brawling, club, dart, flail, hammer, knife, pick, polearm, shield, sling, spear, and sword. Rare versions of the armory bracelet include charms for firearms.

Activate [two-actions] envision, Interact Frequency once per day; Effect You pull one charm from the bracelet. The charm transforms into a weapon of your choice from the charm's weapon group. If the weapon requires ammunition, it appears with a quiver or pouch with 20 pieces of ammunition for the weapon. The weapon is a +1 striking weapon of the type you chose. After 1 minute, the weapon transforms into a non-magical version and remains until your next daily preparations. At that point, the weapon and any remaining ammunition crumble to dust and all the charms reappear on the bracelet. The weapon and ammunition created with the charm are noticeably different from others and can't be sold.

Q) Does Armory Bracelet create "runes" when it imbues a created temporary weapon with "+1 striking" (or better)?
Q) If so, do the Doubling Rings effectively transfer the enhancement to the hand with the other weapon?
Q) Can my rogue use a bead to improve his main weapon in this way with the Moderate version!?!



Over the next two months, I would like to begin recruiting for the Season of Ghosts adventure path to be run in "campaign mode" (PFS credit) with four 1st-level characters using the Ancestry Paragon variant rule, a simple "boon" system for governing rarity (to start: up to 2x uncommon or 1x rare character option), as well as a PFS-like "abstracted" system for tracking Wealth (based upon Table 10-10 in CRB; check out this DM Alias) and Downtime (I love Downtime and will grant it liberally when possible). We will fully embrace the Remaster as it unfolds too!

Full disclosure: I have attempted twice to run a full-length AP on these boards, both ending in different kinds of failure. My attempt at "Fists of the Ruby Phoenix" was mostly foiled by my inexperience running at high level play (starting at 11th level), and my attempt at "Agents of Edgewatch" was confounded by my inability to connect with the themes in a way that kept my interest. And so, I humbly submit my application to GM this AP knowing my track record for such a commitment is less-than-stellar. That all said, I am interested primarily in recruiting people who I have either GMed for, played under, or played alongside in the PFS games that have been held here, rather than folks that are more unknown quantities per se. If we have had a good time in a game together (especially if you have GMed for me!), you know who you are, please consider applying here. Also, check out my DM Alias to see what expectations I will hold at the tables I run - these are important to me and I don't want them to come as a surprise!

So, to summarize:

☑ Ancestry Paragon (bonus Ancestry Feat to start)
☑ Rarity "Boon Slots" (2x Uncommon or 1x Rare options to start)
☑ "Abstracted" Wealth sub-system (see DM Alias) plus Downtime (have a plan for it!)
☑ Campaign Mode (PFS credit)
☑ Transition to Remaster

Questions!? Who's in?!

Verdant Wheel

As title.

Weapon Siphon

Weapon Siphon:

Usage: attached to a melee weapon
Activate: Interact

This set of tubing snakes down the striking surface of a weapon to deliver alchemical explosives. A single lesser alchemical bomb can be fitted to the weapon siphon as an Interact action. The bomb must be one that deals energy damage, such as an acid flask, alchemist's fire, bottled lightning, frost vial, or thunderstone. The next three attacks made with the weapon deal 1d4 damage of the bomb's damage type in addition to the weapon's normal damage. If the second and third attacks aren't all made within 1 minute of the first attack, the bomb's energy is wasted. These attacks never deal splash damage or other special effects of the bomb and aren't modified by any abilities that add to or modify a bomb's effect.

Adding a weapon siphon to a weapon throws off its balance, causing the multiple attack penalty with the weapon to be one greater than usual (usually –6 on a second attack and –11 on a third; or –5 and –10 with an agile weapon).

Q) Can you pre-load it (say, during Daily Preparations)?
Q) Is the MAP penalty -1 per iteration of MAP, or just -1 total?
Q) During Encounter Mode, how many hands to Interact to load a 1-handed weapon?
Q) During Encounter Mode, how many hands to Interact to load a 2-handed weapon?
Q) Do you need to Regrip a 2-handed weapon after Interacting to load it?



Verdant Wheel


Wait what is a “Battle Master?”


As title.

Looking to run (#1-15) "The Blooming Catastrophe" in the coming weeks.

Is there a good full length 1st-4th Scenario to do either before or after?

Looking for a "two-logy" of some sort even in an unofficial capacity.

Verdant Wheel

I have fun playing my swashbuckler, but i noticed i leaned a little hard into the absurd "Don Quixote" concept to justify how the mechanics and narrative intersect.

So what about this change for Panache, to give it a little more reliability without taking away the risk/reward concept:


You care as much about the way you accomplish something as whether you actually accomplish it in the first place. When you perform an action with particular bravado, you can leverage this moment of verve to perform spectacular, deadly maneuvers. This state of flair is called panache, and you are either in a state of panache or you are not.

You gain panache by successfully performing attempting but not critically failing the skill check associated with specific actions that have a bit of flair, including Tumble Through and additional actions determined by your swashbuckler's style. At the GM's discretion, after succeeding at a check to perform a particularly daring action, such as swinging on a chandelier or sliding down a drapery, you also gain panache if your result is high enough (typically the very hard DC for your level, but the GM can choose a different threshold).

While you have panache, you gain a +5-foot status bonus to your Speeds and gain a +1 circumstance bonus to checks to Tumble Through or to take any actions that give you panache due to your style. The precise strike class feature also causes you to deal extra precision damage while you have panache. Powerful finisher actions, including Confident Finisher can be used only while you have panache and if you succeeded or critically succeeded your most recent check to gain panache, but cause you to lose your panache.

Normally, you gain and use panache only in combat encounters; when an encounter ends, you lose panache.

In a word, this change makes it easy to gain panache (similar to activating a stance; a single action cost) for the purpose of gaining a small boost to damage, speed, and skill checks, but in order to use some of your more powerful abilities - those which require it's expenditure - you still have to "earn" it by succeeding at the (likely high DC) check.

Absalom Initiation (Maps) | Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | Spell Templates | Hero Points @ Black Molly (□□), Captain Kullan (☑□), Darwin (□□), Jasper (□) | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status condition | Contact Sheet


Go ahead and get started with the Opening Tasks for this scenario.

Opening Tasks:

□) Place your token (link in GM alias / campaign tabs)
□) Fill out Macros (link in campaign tabs)
□) Introduce your PC (gameplay)

Absalom Initiation (Maps) | Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | Spell Templates | Hero Points @ Black Molly (□□), Captain Kullan (☑□), Darwin (□□), Jasper (□) | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status condition | Contact Sheet

You arrive at one of Skyreach Tower’s convocation halls for the festivities.

It seems as though the entire Grand Lodge has the air of a celebration. The great gates are flung wide, and the phoenix trees lining the entryway are in full flame. The halls of the main tower of Skyreach, normally somber and reserved, echo with the sound of voices and music. The great ballroom is decked for a celebration, with colorful banners and bunting along the walls, tables replete with food and drink, and a jovial cacophony of conversation rising from Pathfinders of all ancestries, nations, and backgrounds.

After a quick scan of the room, it’s obvious that many of the attendees have gathered in small groups here and there. A half-orc woman in an iconic ship captain’s hat stands near the punch bowl, handing cups to anyone who passes within reach, and a dark-skinned half-elf leads a small group of new agents around the room, introducing them to other attendees. Several senior agents stand in quiet conferral with a dark-haired Taldan man with a distinctive chin strap beard, while a scholarly dwarf tells a rousing tale to a growing audience.

Verdant Wheel

As the title.

Currently GMing a game and wondering if the Sprite player riding their Corgi can Command it to Stride twice for 50 feet of movement and still have two actions left to use for other things. This seems really good (especially considering the ancestry's low base speed), so it raised a flag for me.

Command an Animal:

Most animals know the Drop Prone, Leap, Seek, Stand, Stride, and Strike basic actions. If an animal knows an activity, such as a horse's Gallop, you can Command the Animal to perform the activity, but you must spend as many actions on Command an Animal as the activity's number of actions. You can also spend multiple actions to Command the Animal to perform that number of basic actions on its next turn; for instance, you could spend 3 actions to Command an Animal to Stride three times or to Stride twice and then Strike.

Am I wrong to suspect that 50 feet of movement for a single action seems... less balanced compared to nearly every other character option? Help!


Verdant Wheel ***

Hey community,

As the title.

I got some new planters getting involved that want to know what the legal ancestries are (0 AcP) for building their own characters.

Is there a centralized link that shows a list (with AcP costs) that I can point them too to spend / save their free 80?

Verdant Wheel

As title.

Spellstrike @ “Make a melee Strike with a weapon or unarmed attack”

Say, a leshies seed pod or a sprite’s spit.

Do I get my once per combat ranged booom?


Maps / Slides | Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | ☘️ @ Dinardin (□□), Fran (□□□), Ida (□□), Lem (□□) | Contact Info | Spell Templates | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status condition

Bounty GMs!

Go ahead and "dot it" and we'll get started when we are fully mustered and organized.


Maps / Slides | Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | ☘️ @ Dinardin (□□), Fran (□□□), Ida (□□), Lem (□□) | Contact Info | Spell Templates | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status condition

Bounty GMs!

As the "owner" of the Campaign, let me know what you need to get started, and I will format it on my end. Going to go ahead and get Whitefang Wyrm set up, and that GM can get us going when they are ready.

Perhaps we can discuss what character we want to bring?

And/or, as we have some new GMs, fielding any questions for them?


Bounty GMs!

Welcome to the Recruitment thread. I will set up a Gameplay and Discussion thread shortly. Here is our tentative schedule based on our Cottonseed Mustering:

1) Whitefang Wyrm @ GM Merisial the risen @ May-June
2) Blood of the Beautiful @ ??? @ June-July
3) Shadows and Scarecrows @ ??? @ July-Aug
4) Cat’s Cradle @ GM Melda @ Aug-Sept
5) Witch’s Winter Holiday @ GM Super Zero @ Sept-Oct
6) The Road from Otari @ GM Frost @ Oct-Nov

Once we got one more GM, I will nab the remaining spot, and we can get going.


Verdant Wheel

Hello Community.

I am curious what people think about the suggestion in the Core Rulebook that Aid default to DC 20.

↺) Aid

I am considering instead making the default Aid DC to be either 2 or 5 points lower than the DC of the primary check.

What do you think might be the consequences of such a change, comparing the two?


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