⬤ (#Q-09) "Wayfinder Origins" w / QM rainzax (Outpost) ⬤ (Inactive)

Game Master rainzax

The Pathfinder Society has sent an expedition to a previously uncharted island! The island contains a door sealed with a type of magical technology thought lost with the ancient Azlanti empire. What secrets lie behind the door, and what dangers may lurk beneath the island's surface? To find out, the PCs will first have to solve the magical "puzzle" sealing the door and preventing contact with whatever lies beyond.

Challenge Points @ 3/3/4/4/6 = 2+2+3+3+6 = 16

Wayfinder Origins (Maps / Slides)


If the non-repeatable quest I signed up to run doesn't fire, this is a secondary recruitment for (#Q-09) "Wayfinder Origins"!

Players chosen shortly after Outpost starts.

Looks like my other table is not going to fire.
I'll start taking applicants now.
This quest is repeatable.
Will probably run a later start time (mid-March to early-April), but will finish before the end of Outpost!

Horizon Hunters

I have a few characters to choose from who can join the game:
A Level 3 half-elf elemental sorcerer,
A Level 3 human archaeologist,
A Level 3 goblin maestro bard, and
A Level 4 leshy beastmaster.

I will decide who will join the game once I know what others are bringing to the table.

Horizon Hunters

Well, I'm interested. I can bring any of the following:

Level 3 Elven gunslinger
Level 4 Halfling ranger
Level 5 Human fighter
Level 6 Elven sorcerer

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Count me in. Not sure who to bring yet, but I'll play this one!

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

I'm interested.

Level 3 Goblin Magus Cavalier
Level 5 Poppet Summoner

This is not FCFS, if that wasn't clear.

If you have GMed for me before, I will certainly reserve you a spot though.

Not launching until after March 13th, which according to AoN, is the day they go live with Remaster!

Horizon Hunters

I have a few characters in that level range.


Horizon Hunters

Still interested.

Horizon Hunters

No word?

Hail mary!

Still recruiting, possibly, to fire in a week's time if we can muster.

Not FCFS, but certainly a seat reserved for anyone who has GMed for me.


Horizon Hunters

Thanks for the update!

Liberty's Edge

I'm sure I have something available if you still need another player.

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Still interested. Though I'm gonna have to decide on who to bring... :)

Liberty's Edge

Unless one of my other PCs frees up soon, all of my options are level 3.

I have a level 6 swashbuckler.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber

Got a 5th level champion or 3rd level Druid or cleric if you want someone to make up the numbers.

Horizon Hunters

I have a 4th lvl champipn and a 4th lvl sorcerer and a ranger thay could go.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Ok, Recruiting:

Frozon Frost
Michael Hallet

Go ahead and get started in Gameplay, but no major hurry. Will get fully started once everyone has made introductions. Cheers!

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