QM rainzax |
Bounty GMs!
Go ahead and "dot it" and we'll get started when we are fully mustered and organized.
GM Merisial the risen |
Please feel free to take a little time dotting in as I get my head around running the first bounty (when we get to playing I will probably be using pregens to make sure I know their quirks
Coenocytic Hyphae Rapport |
Sprouting from a dank, dark, colorless cave, our saproling hero unfolds his annulus into thin stalks, pulling himself out from the upside-down "hole" dug into the cavern's ceiling. Experiencing individualized consciousness for the first time, he is surprised to hear his own voice "Let me see now - what do I do with myself now that I can move?"
Touching his mycelium into the dirt below him, he "feels" for his "voice", connecting himself to a greater invisible collectivized consciousness of particulate matter, tapping that system for access to information beyond the ken of most creatures - and certainly mundane invertebrates! - asking in tandem several questions at once (including the one enunciated), and receiving sufficient answers to satisfy the new sensation coursing through his body - curiosity!
"I need to make friends now! But. Where can I find friends?" enjoying the moment with newfound glee, he holds the question inside of himself - indeed, some things are best discovered on their own - and why not this!
QM rainzax |
We begin our story near the quiet waterside town of Petitioner’s Port, a well-situated trade settlement along Profit’s Flow River, where for some reason, each of you find yourselves, whether you live here, came alone, or traveled together…
Character Introductions
When introducing yourselves in your opening post, choose one or more Intro Questions below to answer (first spoiler). Then, at your option, please post your Proficiency and Modifier (plus any relevant Skill Feats) in the following skills that represent your Background Knowledge (second spoiler). Finally, read the Bounty Board (third spoiler) to brief yourself on the mission!
Q) Are you from Petitioner’s Port? Druma? If not, what are you doing here? Describe your (long) journey here!
Q) How are you with animals? Do they tend to trust you or be wary of you? How would you go about taming an animal?
Q) In terms of making estimations about other people, do you tend to go with your gut, or use logic? Why? Where did you learn to do that?
Animal Lore
Druma Lore
Stabling Lore
Tanning Lore
Adventurers Needed!
My farm has been the victim of a terrible threat. Some kind of awfulness is murdering my precious alpaca herd. I need help immediately and am willing to pay a reward of 20 gold to the adventurers who put a stop to these murders. Come visit my farm, due north of Petitioner’s Port, for more information.
-Wilhuff Harjhack
And shortly, pending the close of our first Bounty, let's commence the Blood of the Beautiful!
Shardul Skyseeker |
A gnome woman with orange hair tied in two braids looks fresh off the ship. She carries a shield and is wearing white leather armour with a quiver of darts at her side and backpack full of stuff.
Its a long way from Jalmeray she thinks and looks up at the sky But that is still very,, Golarionesque she says disappointingly before noticing the board
Murdering is that right? Oh that will be a herd of animals! Wil luff Har jack, Wilhuff Harjack. Ok Anyone know the way to Willeff harjucks farm?
she looks round to see if anyone can answer her question
Dr. Suess |
Swiftly emerging from the government building on a nearby hill, and stopping in front of the town’s major rest stop, “The Meticulous Truffle Inn”, a stern-faced woman places an updated sheet on the local bounty board while removing several others, parting a small crowd that forms around the board with the mere projection of authority, who themselves part into neat lines to permit her entrance, and remaining for her anticipated egress!
Toavandil Hanustar |
A well-postured elven man steps off a ship at the port. "Ah, getting warmer! What possible could have been in their minds to send me to that forgotten village at the edge of the world, right after I first stepped to Absalom? First mission and I have already traveled across half the continent." he talks to himself. He carries a pair of long poles or staves tied to his back, and wears simple clothes.
He walks around the town, then notices a poster on a board. "What's this, getting even warmer, maybe hot? Defend alpacas from an unknown peril? Well for animals all you need is a carrot and a stick." He glances over his shoulders at the twin poles on his back. "Assorted carrots from the market and preparations done."
Shimmer, Sprite Investigator |
"Can you 'murder' a herd of animals? More like... 'herdering'? No."
An adorable dog sits in front of the bounty board, though it's the sprite on his back who's speaking. Having spent most of her life exploring one city, she's been exploring everywhere she can get for a while now.
Analytical as always--she learned it from spying on her mentor--Shimmer takes in the other potential adventurers and the deputy.
"Hello again!" she waves enthusiastically at Toavandil. "And yes," she adds with a nod at the gnome, "Wilhuff Harjhack's farm is due north of Petitioner's Port."
She pats her canid mount on the head. "This isn't quite my specialty, but I'm still good at tracking things. Are you taking this job Toavandil?" She turns back to the gnome. "I'm Shimmer, and this is Sprinkle."
Toavanil may notice that it's not the name she was calling her corgi by before, though it does seem to be the same dog.
Crafting +7, Society +7... no Animal Lore, but Hunting or Scouting Lore +7?
Dr. Suess |
A raised eyebrow and beginnings of a snarl curl onto the nose of the sheriff, who seems discomforted with the spite’s unusual play of words, and moves to sternly correct where she sees error!
”Murder is no laughing matter, nor time for humor. The farm is indeed just north of here” she makes to leave as the still-parted crowd bears wide berth...
Toavandil Hanustar |
"What my dear friend here is pointing is that murder is usually reserved for very specific kind of killing, being an highly intelligent being intentionally killing another intelligent being, during conditions when physical violence is not expected. Another animal might be hunting them because it is hungry, it is not murder, however undesirable", Toavandil Hanustar calmly states as he re-reads the poster.
He nods and smiles to the sprite. "Another way of presenting our advanced tactics has come. Let's see if we can get a few more hands along, I think I saw some familiar ones on the boat."
Delta Variant |
"Shimmer! Toavandil! What a coincidence! Do you still remember me? It is me, Delta!" the young handsome man turns around to show that he is the same one they are with the last time. "Hmmm... I think you don't remember me in this form..." he again turns around and tada, he is now in his usual vulpine face and with a fluffy tail. "There you go. You remember me now?" he asks again, with a wide grin on his vulpine face.
"Are you also interested in this bounty? Would you mind if I join you again?" then he is like thinking. "I don't know if alpacas would be frightened in this form of mine. Maybe it is wise for me to look human for now." and reverts back into his human form by turning around again. "There, much better."
Delta has Crafting (T) +3, Nature (T) +6, and Society (U) +0.
QM rainzax |
Shimmer to Recall (Crafting): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21
Shimmer to Recall (Society): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26
Delta to Recall (Crafting): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14
Delta to Recall (Nature): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18
Any PC who succeeds at a DC 14 Society check confirms what Salayah says, also noting that the farm is renowned for the quality of its alpacas due to cross-breeding its alpaca stock with a baccalia stud
A PC who succeeds at a DC 16 Nature or Crafting check knows that baccalias are a rare alpaca breed with some of the highest quality wool on Golarion.
A PC who succeeds at a DC 16 Nature or Crafting check knows that baccalias are a rare alpaca breed with some of the highest quality wool on Golarion.
Dr. Suess |
Turning to Toavandil and snapping ”Technically correct but let us abrogate our tone to such matters.” Annoyed perhaps the sheriff turns her gaze back up the hill at the government building from which she had emerged to perform this errand ”Bounty stands, citizen. The good people of Petioner’s Port rely on the Harjhack farm for various foodstuffs as well as the alpaca wool for craft and finery. Let me stress the urgency thus. The conduct of business hereby stands to be interrupted” this last word stressed for an implied impact!
Shimmer, Sprite Investigator |
Shimmer stares in disbelief for a moment, then says diplomatically, "Gosh, that does sound important! If we can help, and we can, we'd better get over there right away!"
Simon Templar Alias |
A trade caravan pulls into Petitioner’s Port. A Large Orc with oddly Blueish skin dismounts a wagon, and looks warily at the draft animal pulling the wagon. It seems odd, but the draft animal seems to look warily back at him, as if they have some long standing feud.
Animal Lore +0(U)
Crafting +0(U)
Druma Lore +0(U)
Nature +3 (U)
Stabling Lore +0 (U)
Society +0 (U)
Tanning Lore +0 (U)
This bodes well, doesn't it.
Can I get in on this bounty? I've just arrived an could use the money.
Delta Variant |
"Maybe this farmer Wilhuff has baccalias among his alpacas, because baccalias are a rare alpaca breed with some of the highest quality wool on Golarion. This farmer might be rich!" Delta shares to others with excitement. "Could that be 20 gold each or for all of us? Hmmm. This farmer must have really a booming business that somebody is trying to disrupt. Tsk tsk." shaking his head.
QM rainzax |
The journey from Petitioner’s Port to the Harjhack farm is a two-hour trek north, mostly through rolling green hills broken by the occasional idyllic stream or copse of trees. A sturdy wooden fence marks the borders of the farm; though it might prevent animals from escaping, it doesn’t pose much of an impediment to any other creatures looking to enter the property.
When the PCs arrive in the area, they spot a wandering herd of several dozen alpacas off in the distance, moving behind a growing hill. As the PCs continue towards the farm, they see the leader of the herd ascend to the top of the hill, silhouetted by the sun...
You are dazzled for 1 round by the reflections off the herd leader’s brilliant wool, though the impressive effect quickly fades as the PCs’ eyes adapt!
Moken Troll |
...Moments later, a rugged-looking Kellid man in dirty overalls approaches, using a pitchfork as an impromptu walking stick. The man waves to the PCs and quickly introduces himself.
”Ayup. Ain’ ‘e a beaut? I’d be the Harjack”
Seeming to decide who to address, he focuses gaze upon 1d5 ⇒ 1 Delta ”If’n my eyes deceive me, be I seein’ ya’ll younger generation comin’ up’n help out them elders?” and with soft eyes and a genuine grin somewhat wrinkled by recent stress, he awaits a response.
Delta Variant |
DC 12 Fortitude save: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15
Delta is quick to cover his eyes as he beholds the beauty that shines in front of them. "Greetings, mister farmer! Don't make us laugh. I am the only young among us." he tells the Wilhuff jokingly with mouth open waiting for the farmer to laugh at his joke. "Haha! It is a pleasure to help you out with your alpaca situation. My name is Delta." he laught at his joke instead to break the imminent silence and the introduces himself graciously to Wilhuff. "Who is that beauty that blinds our sight, Mister Farmer?"
Moken Troll |
Beaming with pride, Harjack explains that “That’ll be my pride and joy, my Majesty. He’s the stud ‘round this farm and the daddy to a good chunk of the herd. He’s one of those fancy baccalia breeds they have out east. Bought him years back from a Prophet and the farm’s fortunes have only soared since. I’m worried whatever’s killing the herd stragglers might get some courage and try to attack Majesty. I don’t know what I’d do if I lost him!”
Seeming to decide what to do with the party, he nudges one direction ”Be you fine folk in the market for a pup?”
Shimmer, Sprite Investigator |
Fort: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
Sprinkle Fort: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7
"Wow, he's. Um, shiny," says Shimmer, blinking as her eyes recover.
"We're in the market for something a little more dangerous, though. We're here to accept your bounty. What can you tell us about the attacks?"
Toavandil Hanustar |
On the way to the farm, Toavandil Hanustar momentarily stops on the market to get the carrots he planned.
He looks smugly at the farmer when he comments about 'younger generation', being twice the age of the farmer.
"Yes, as my corgi-specialized partner exclaimed, we came here because of the notice. We are experts in removing troublesome pests that danger the communities. I don't see any need for an alpaca pup for this kind ow work."
Fortitude: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21
Moken Troll |
“It all started about two weeks ago someat, when I found one o' my alpacas, "Lucky Shadow", plum dead near thet there northern fence" he points yonder to indicate the structure "An lookin' like she got spooked something fierce and was caught up in the wiring we use there. But yaknow, didn’t think too much of it until we found more alpaca bodies in the comin' days. An now, wit ol’ Rockford gone, that makes four 'em dead alpacas”
“An well, aside from Shadow getting caught up in the wiring, it’s been all right strange" he points to the alpaca carcass barely visible from where you stand "The other alpacas look like they just dropped dead from fright (but we arty got rid dem bodies, bein' thet this bein' a pattern as a yet weren't clear so much). An, uh, can’t tell much else, bein' as I don’t got no medical background nosir, but uh, maybe you fine folk could take a gander?”
QM rainzax |
The Body
Medicine (DC 15)
Perception (DC 17)
Survival (DC 15)
The Fence
Crafting (DC 12)
Perception (DC 16)
The Terrain
Perception (DC 14)
Survival (DC 15)
Players are encouraged to make a single check per Area (so up to three total attempts per PC), narrating how the skill they are rolling serves to investigate the crime scene, trying to gather each "clue" locked behind each check (so: 7 clues total)! In lieu of making a check, a PC may Aid another using their own crime scene creativity (open skill if you can make a thematic pitch), but any Aid checks must be rolled before the primary check which they would be aiding. Go at it gumshoes!
Shardul Skyseeker |
going to try and avoid three +3 perception rolls by talking to Wilhuff to explain his fence hoping to give the crafting peopl some in sight on the fence
So you use wire in your fences. How does that work
diplomacy aid: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10
Simon Templar Alias |
Fortitude Save DC 12: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9
Simon will make a Survival check on the Body
Survival Check on Body: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17
Shimmer, Sprite Investigator |
Shimmer looks at the body of the dead alpaca. "I'm not sure that is a pattern, since three different things happened. But they're probably still related."
Shimmer will make the creature that killed Rockford her first lead. I'm assuming these checks are all related enough to investigating that lead that she gets her On the Case bonus, so she loses that +1 to the other checks if I'm being too generous to myself there. That also means Aiding her is less useful--same bonus type.
Sprinkle is reluctant to approach the dead alpaca at first, but Shimmer urges him on. Once there he gets a good whiff while his master inspects the wounds to try to identify, at least, what type of thing could have done this. Claws? Blades? Teeth?
"Did you notice... ?" she says absently to Toavandil. One thing she learned from solving her mentor's cases for him, sometimes a nudge in the right direction helps someone else figure it out before you have yourself.
Medicine: 1d20 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 3 + 1 = 10
Sprinkle does have scent, if it's relevant.
Shimmer will Clue in Toavadil, giving him her +1 circumstance bonus to a Perception or mental skill check to investigate her lead.
She moves on to the fence. Understanding how it was made will help understand how it was bypassed. Broken? And are there any recent repairs?
Crafting: 1d20 + 7 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 7 + 1 = 26
Finally, a survey of the surrounding area. Where might something have come from?
Perception: 1d20 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 5 + 1 = 17
Simon Templar Alias |
I guess I will go ahead and make the other two checks.
Simon will make a Survival check on the Terrain
Survival Check on Terrain: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16
And Simon will make a Perception check on the fence
Perception Check on the Fence: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13
Looks like two successes: The Fence and The Body
Toavandil Hanustar |
Toavandil Hanustar goes to look at the body. "So that's what an alpaca looks like. It would be slightly easier if I had a less dead one to compare to, but I'll trust the farmer's word that they just seemed frightened. The carrots are probably not useful, its appetite is a bit lesser now." He takes out his long pole and first pokes the body around with it from safe distance, then goes closer and uses his medical tools to examine. He especially examines the head, using the tools to expand ears, nostrils, eyes and mouth, and takes samples from possible intrusive materials.
He then continues examining the fence, still starting by poking it afar and then checking it from closer. He carefully examines the wood used in the structure, checks its straightness by comparing it to his own pole, and checks the finishing quality of its surface for smoothness and probability of getting splinters.
Finally, he checks the general terrain. This time, he uses the pole to poke at trees, and also uses it as an aiming device. Pointing one end at the alpaca, then along it's tracks, he looks along the pole and so tries to deduce where the threat came for.
"An advanced investigation device," he comments to Shimmer when looking along the pole, "the functions are endless."
Medicine on Body: 1d20 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 3 + 1 = 23
Perception on Fence: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20
Perception on Terrain: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19
QM rainzax |
Looking over the body, Simon and Toavandil discover that the body has been completely drained of blood, as well as some nearby footprints that seem to disappear after a couple of feet from the corpse...
...inspecting the fence, Shimmer and Toavandil are able to determine that it has rotted to the point of jeopardizing it’s status as an effective barrier, nary could a strong push take the whole thing over, and furthermore, that it shows zero signs of tampering or use (such as climbing over)...
...a general search of the area by the three of them yields three small golden studs (one each!) that match an earring on the corpse, as well as similar tracks to those near the corpse but much further out into the woods and headed deeper...
Anyone who hasn’t gone yet is free to continue the investigation, but don’t forget to specify the what and where as described above!
Moken Troll |
...hovering uncomfortably by with genuine curiosity, our farmer NPC sticks especially close to Toavandil, who perhaps to him, seems the most intelligent of his interlopers, and when he sees the opportunity to minimize interference, asks him ”Whelp. How’s the ‘vestigation goin’, eh? You able to determine the killer?”
Shimmer, Sprite Investigator |
"Not as such, but we have some clues. At the moment I'm thinking some kind of beast or monsters, so I don't think you're being targeted, but I'm not ready to conclude that yet."
Shimmer holds up one of the studs. "Do you recognize this? Rockford had something similar, so I'd guess you use them to mark your herd?"
Toavandil Hanustar |
Toavandil Hanustar points with his pole in the general direction the tracks go. "Yes, I agree, it seems that it was hunger of some kind that is the motivation. We do have an estimate of the direction and will follow it". Then he points at the dead alpaca. "The analysis could have used more samples, did you notice anything uncommon on the removed bodies? Whose decision it was to remove them before investigation?"
He walks nearer the fence and taps it with his pole. "And although the current problem didn't come through this, it could use a bit of new wood here and there."
Moken Troll |
”Ayup” the farmer responds to Shimmers question, then turns his own head where a matching earring is prominently displayed ”Harjack Tacks!” looking very pleased with himself.
Then to Toavandil ”Like I said doc, didn’t think much of it until it was a more’n one”
Moken Troll |
Harjack does not appear to be helpful beyond answering the questions you all originally posed
Tapping his foot on the ground, he scratches his bearded chin and asks ”So. I got good money posted fer the bounty. What is your professional opinion what could be done thar? Kin ya git ‘em? Them varmints whose tracks ya done found?”
The investigation rolls are still “open” if anyone wanted to Hero Point one of their results
QM rainzax |
A PC who succeeds at a DC 17 Perception check while inspecting the body notices several puncture marks underneath the wool of the alpaca’s neck.
Shardul, would you mind sharing the story of how after initially failing, your re-roll helps you to make this additional discovery?
Delta Variant |
Delta checks the dead alpaca's body, hoping he might find something the others did not.
Medicine: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24
He also looks around the surrounding fence to see evidence left by alpaca's murderer.
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9
He also inspects the surrounding, for any blood traces, or footprints.
Survival: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20
He is the last to return to the farmer after he does the investigation. "Mister Farmer, I am sorry for what happened to the alpacas." he shakes his head. He then shares what he learns, though it seems that he already has the information the farmer needs to hear.
Shimmer, Sprite Investigator |
"Nothing conclusive yet, but enough to go on. This isn't like catching a criminal, though. I kind of suspect if we follow the trail we'll find a hostile creature and resolve the situation before we 'solve' it."
Shimmer smiles reassuringly and readies her bow. "We're prepared for that, too. No fear, Mr. Harjack, you may think I'm small but I've the blood of the First World. I'm not a spellcaster, but the magic I do have means my arrows are as dangerous as an archer many times my size."
QM rainzax |
Having turned over every stone and discovered several clues, the party decides next what to do...
Secret Checks
Delta to Recall (Nature): 1d20 ⇒ 10
Simon to Recall (Nature): 1d20 ⇒ 4
Success to Recall Knowledge
The creature has the following ability!
Pounce [one-action] The [monster] Strides and makes a Strike at the end of that movement. If the [monster] began this action hidden, it remains hidden until after this ability’s Strike.
Delta, having succeeded on at least one Survival check, would you like me to roll you a secret Nature check to Recall Knowledge to possibly learn more?
If yes, please post your modifier in your next post!
Simon, having succeeded on at least one Survival check, would you like me to roll you a secret Nature check to Recall Knowledge to possibly learn more?
If yes, please post your modifier in your next post!
Moken Troll |
Harjack elaborates "Those studs you found - one for each pup my Shadow sired - takin' after his stud of a keeper 'course - funny thet they wasn't tooken too - lemme git those back ya don't mind?" aware of their value, he holds out his hand, then answers Shimmer "I don't doubt your capability little'un - least not until ya kin bring me back the killers!"
Simon Templar Alias |
Simon would like to see what else he can find. Nature is Untrained with a +3 modifier. Scouting Lore is also +3 if that applies.
Delta Variant |
QM rainzax |
Putting your heads together, you are able to determine the killer to be a single leaping monster, capable of simply clearing the fence by jumping.
Open the nested spoiler in my previous GM post to get details on one of it’s combat abilities!
Toavandil Hanustar |
"I don't think it's necessary to bother the sheriff. It's something that likes blood and can get over fences, and leaves tracks. We can easily find it and make sure your her is safe", Toavandil Hanustar states looking in the direction the tracks seem to go.