This is a gutting decision for this 1e grognard. Please consider that the current amount of PF1 content on (not-so-)Infinite(-anymore) may be limited simply by the current vast *supply* of content, that is quickly being exhausted. It might be 5 years since the last 1e AP, but I haven't finished my backlog yet, much as some folks who've been playing PFS1e only since it's end haven't finished the 11 years of that. Disappointing.
James Jacobs wrote:
11 years later... Seven Dooms!
For the OP: you don't need to apologize for having a wrong opinion ;) This turned out to be my absolute favorite AP to run. Part of it was a great group, but that built on a very strong foundation. There's very few ways of *scripting* phenomenally powerful foes actively hunting the party (that mostly comes from the Dimension of Time foes). There's just too many different ways that could work out and interact with a near infinite variety of PC/Player groups. Breaking AP volume 6 wide-open, when the PCs are high enough to handle such things, is a great approach for your individual group if you want to put the work in. For anyone wanting to explore ways to do that, this Discord for DMs of Return is a great resource.
Norwescon announced this weekend that Paizo is going to be its spotlight publisher next year! For those who don't know, Norwescon is the Pacific Northwest’s premier science fiction and fantasy convention, and is held in the Sea-Tac Hilton Doubletree Hotel, the same hotel as PaizoCon in 2013-2019 & 2022 (the last 8 live ones). There's a PFS presence at the Con most years, but let's make this a live-PaizoCon event next year!
Male Dwarf Psychoanalyst 5 | BAB:3, MAB:5 RAB:4 | F:7 R:3 W:7 | Init:1 P:10/11 | hp: 43/43 | AC: 20 | W-CLW:50 W-DB:50 W-MM:6 | LN | 1761-19
Migsund takes a few notes in his journal as each of the warriors submits to higher authorities, muttering "Ja, truly fascinating. And mere hours into Cheliax, Empire of Devils, where Hell's law reigns." He then patiently waits for Kaervek's input.
magnuskn wrote: Also, the higher level encounters really were underpowered by a mile and a half, which was quite noticeable in comparison to Hell's Rebels, another city AP, which I also finished a month ago and which felt much more competent in its encounter design in most places. Curious - did they feel underpowered 12 years ago? There's been a whole lot of power creep since then.
Cross-posting from another thread: I took the Poll results from Tarondor's AP Guide/Poll and instead of just the "Recommended" rankings, I divided those by the Played/GM'd rankings (not quite fair for votes from those who've both played and GM'd an AP, but oh well). My hypothesis was that folks who actually *played* Second Darkness probably liked it, vs bad rap among those who haven't. I was wrong, but still recommend it! Some of the changes are just from 60% more votes. Here's the stats, filtered for 1e only: AP ------------------- % in Top 3 of GMs/Players recommendations (Tarondor Poll Rank, change)
War for the Crown and Return of the Runelords went way up, Jade Regent went way down. Credit to Tarondor - this actually matches his personal rankings much closer than the raw poll. Edit: And since it was mentioned a lot, Age of Ashes got 30/103, for 29.1%. Probably still a lot of recency bias, since if you only do "Top 3" of 2E APs that you've completed more than half of, that would be a pretty small pool.
I took the Poll results from Tarondor's AP Guide/Poll and instead of just the "Recommended" rankings, I divided those by the Played/GM'd rankings (not quite fair for votes from those who've both played and GM'd an AP, but oh well). My hypothesis was that folks who actually *played* Second Darkness probably liked it, vs bad rap among those who haven't. I was wrong, but still recommend it! Some of the changes are just from 60% more votes. Here's the stats, filtered for 1e only: AP ------------------- % in Top 3 of GMs/Players recommendations (Tarondor Poll Rank, change)
War for the Crown and Return of the Runelords went way up, Jade Regent went way down. Credit to Tarondor - this actually matches his personal rankings much closer than the raw poll.
I feel it is important to point out that when the Magus was written and published, Pathfinder had *NO* dex to damage options, other than one weapon-specific, region-specific feat, from a book that was technically published before the Core Rulebook (it was PFRPG though). Of course, in PFS, just about every Magus just happened to wield a scimitar, be from Qadira, and have an interest in waltzing. Outside of that, str-based magi were much more common, and going dex-based was not such an unavoidable lure. Regardless, it was not designed as exclusively dex-based - in fact, Seltyiel the iconic magus is strength based.
What does this sentence mean for PFS1 GMs? Blog wrote: Replays are not used when GMing a scenario; GMs will continue to earn table credit and AcP for GMing a non-repeatable scenario. The majority of my replay use has been on GM'ing scenarios again for scenario credit. I can't tell from this if that is no longer needed or no longer allowed (or doesn't apply to 1e).
KrispyXIV wrote:
Do you think these guys work for Hasbro?
Listening to the Know Direction podcast about this (with Ryan Costello, Alex Augunas, and the Owen KC Stephens): [url=] Decided to pop in to pledge I would donate not less than $1000 to any legal defense Paizo needed/wanted to put up, and take a day or two to picket Hasbro at any court hearings if this proceeds as it currently appears.
Fully behind this decision for right now. Bring back the physical Con when a Banquet isn't a dangerous idea. Suggestion: Make PFS1 tables tier/campaign specific {7-11 Standard, 1-5 Core}, instead of scenario specific. If the signups are done early enough, GM & table can decide on the scenario with plenty of time to prep. Suggestion: Since Discord voice channels now get their own text channels, add a few more random hangout channels (ala cafe and bar). The best part of PaizoCon that you can't replicate online easily is bumping into random folks and striking up amazing conversations.
Adding updated link to the much discussed web enhancement:
Adding updated link to the web enhancement:
Greetings Paizoians! PaizoCon has nearly come upon us, and fantastic news! A late but bountiful harvest of Goblin Brains has been received, and these spine-ripened confections of gobliny goodness will be yours to claim! Working closely with the Pathfinder Society recruitment office*, we managed to pull in a quite rich harvest this year. The lightly ripened and stewed, we will be offering them in person, sans reservations for the very first time! As always, Goblin Brains are produced entirely from organic ingredients, and natural processes. If you are attending PaizoCon 2022 (in person) and wish to distinguish your fashionable palette and engage your body and mind with the rich and high-protein candied noodles of Golarion's own meanest minute menaces, be sure to seek out attendants wearing the "Majuba" branded shirts to receive yours! If you wish to include your real name below {preferred due to font size}, efforts will be made to locate you, but no guarantees are possible due to logistics this year. [PaizoCon PSA, click here to customize your badge on the E-Tickets page.) We have a truly gross number of brains this year and... 5 lucky recipients will receive the secret recipe! Don't miss out on the candied pondering organs of Golarion's own minute menaces! Warning: Goblins have a diet notoriously high in peanuts, wheat, and sugar. Do not consume if allergic. Diabetics should consume this nutritionally balanced snack in moderation. Praise from respected ecologists**:
Kigvan wrote: Goblin Brains* (TM) ~~ the socially conscious treat! Ryan Costello wrote: All brains must be eaten. Shadowborn wrote: Most delicious and an excellent seminar snack. Runelord Zutha wrote: The little green things? Oh yes, quite tasty. *: Ancient Osirian Tip, include a jar of pickles in your recruitment office window! **: Ecologists is used here in the widely-accepted sense of a person, real or fictional, who may or may not exist in an ecosystem.
Kobold Catgirl wrote:
They actually last a really long time, considering. Everyone I mailed them to in 2020 found them just fine. PM me your address KC and you'll get one or four. [Disclaimer: This counts as the first/only pre-forum-thread request reservation, no other requests will be honored outside of the thread when it gets posted (soonish).
Mox Boardinghouse is a great experience - highly recommend! If anyone would like to run something at PaizoCon at the hotel, outside of the official schedule, have a Warhorn setup here: Happy to add slots and games as needed. This is generally for physical games, but could add virtual if there's a need for it.
Thomas Keller wrote: Personally, as a painfully shy person, I'm loving the virtual cons. I agree with everything Steel_Wind said. That said, I want you and anyone else to know there is definitely space at live PaizoCon for very shy folks. Lots of quiet nooks and crannies, lots of small groups. Not just the giant convention hall (which is really just tons of small groups, but it's different, I know). The slow and quiet interactions with other games just as dedicated yourself is the best thing about PaizoCon.
I handed out "Mythic Action Point Cards" with each defeated Runelord. Each one allows them to basically use one mythic point, Tier = Total # of cards received. They haven't used a single one through mid-book 5 :) MythicActionPointCards:
Spend this card to do anything an Action Point Card can do, or to enhance your abilities to a Mythic level. When you first use a Mythic Action Point Card (for any purpose), choose and record a Mythic Path and one of the three base powers ("shticks") that path can grant [e.g. Archmage Arcana (Arcane Surge)]. Your effective Mythic Tier is equal to the number of Mythic Action Point Cards you possess when a card is used. Regardless of the use, you count as a mythic creature for 1 minute after using the card. Add to a D20 Roll - This operates the same except use D8's instead of D6's, and can be used after failure is known. They do not stack. Mythic Abilities
Hard to Kill (1st tier) - When dying, you automatically stable at your current hit point total. In addition, you don't die until your total number of negative hit points is equal to or greater than double your Constitution score.
Mythic Shtick - you can use a Mythic Action Point Card to activate the shtick you chose from your Mythic Path, as if spending one use of mythic power. Mythic Path Abilities - you can use a Mythic Action Point Card to select a mythic path ability from the Mythic Path you chose or the Universal list, and use it as if you had also expended one use of mythic power. The ability will last the normal duration in most cases. Constant or permanent effects last 1 minute per tier (e.g. Enduring Armor) Mythic Feats - you may use a Mythic Action Point Card you gain the benefits of the mythic version of a feat you possess for 1 minute. During this time you can expend one use of mythic power to activate or improve the feat.
Mythic Class Ability - Gain the benefits of the mythic version of a class ability (see LG Mythic Heroes Handbook or inquire) you possess for 1 minute. During this time you can expend one use of mythic power to activate or improve the ability.
Creativity is encouraged, however any card use completely beyond the power level indicated here may be limited. For reference, credit to 3.5 Unearthed Arcana: ActionPointCards: ACTION POINT CARD
Spend this card to add to a d20 roll, take a special action, or improve a feat. Max one card per round. Add to a D20 Roll
Special Action
Activate Class Ability - Gain another daily use of a class ability, e.g. smite evil, stunning fist.
Improving Feats Examples:
A bit out of date, but I'm hitting this chapter now myself. Funny enough, my party essentially couldn't fail *any* skill check during the ritual in this book (high int wizard with max ranks in all the required skills, L.15 for +4, 4 other party members as secondary casters for +1, Heroism for +2). There *are* at least two locations in Frozen Tears that have items that can grant bonuses to the ritual. You could also let anyone who got Sorshen's Kiss in Book 3 gain half that bonus as a residual for these checks. That said, this one did feel a bit lop-sided with all Int checks, swapping something out would help a low-Int group, as well as the role-play of the ritual (though we still had a great time with describing what each check *did* to the planes).
As noted, This FAQ makes Spell Combat count as a full-attack action for 'effects'. It might be arguable (as above) that the enhanced attacks from flurry don't count as 'effects', but I think that's a stretch. Monk Flurry is a full-attack, "as if using the Two-Weapon Fighting feat." That makes it ineligible for use with Spell Combat.
Tonya Woldridge wrote: anti-cipangocharax? That would probably help the typing speed.
Male Halfling Ex-Bard0/Paladin (Divine Hunter) 11 HP 87/87 | AC 23 T 16 FF 18 | CMB +10 CMD 25 | F +19 R +19 W+18 | Init +6 | Per +2 SM +0 | Smite 1/4 Lay on Hands 13/13 Med Crys 2/10 | +3 AC/Saves not included
Sense-Motive: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3 Leinad's eyes pop as Elby's muscles seem to grow before his eyes. "Nice!" He declines the life bubble in favor of longer duration for others in more need.
Sen H.H.S. wrote:
I'm not a tax lawyer, but I am a tax preparer, and your statements are roughly accurate. I would highly recommend not letting it deter anyone though. If you're successful enough to have it apply to you, it will probably still be worthwhile. Meanwhile, the usual advice of "Don't quit your day job" applies. However!
*uses the Whispering Tyrant's necromantic power to revive the thread* Game up with this list, seemed a good spot to post it: Full List of Seeker level content available
Specials: Require 3-5+ tables in order to run, scenario length
Modules: Each of these is full module length, 12-15+ hours of play
Sanctioned AP volumes: The sanctioned portion is supposed to be 12-15 hours of play, the full volume played in campaign mode would be 30-60+ minimum. They run about 80 hours for me. I would highly recommend not spoiling yourself for most APs, as well as playing it through to get the whole story. That said, there are some good sections that can be extracted without losing much (Council of Thieves #3, Rise of the Runelords #4), but an Adventure Path is a terrible thing to waste on rushed PFS play, imho.
Based on the trap on the shrine in area E, it seems clear that the shrines are identical, and there is no way to tell from appearance which shrine it is. However, the detect magic + know(arcana) DC 30 does tell what it does - so they could know which feather to pluck based on that. I totally hadn't noticed the color on the map - thanks for pointing that out. Using Roll20, so I put a token of the actual shrine image on top of that. Side note on Area E: I gotta say - Hobgoblin Forerunners was a .. very odd choice for this encounter. Mounted experts in a building, and no mounts even if they weren't?
Vic Wertz wrote:
This question and answer is so much funnier in hindsight. I really wish that Clash would be sanctioned for PFS - there's other 3.5 content still (Season 0) - the whole set of Superstar modules should be available. Lost in transition is a sad fate. The Blog link in the text should be: LINK
There's no loop. The movement is *not* the only part of charging that could provoke - as others noted above, it could easily provoke just like combat maneuvers do as you're opening yourself up. Table says charging doesn't. Movement does. The rules for charge don't negate anything about the movement provoking. Done. |