Long hair or short hair....

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Body hair bothers me far more than it should. I'd probably be totally happy with alopecia universalis, even if it meant losing my eyebrows and head hair.

I'd prefer to wear my noggin hair past my shoulders, but this damn Florida heat and humidity makes that an often uncomfortable and impractical. I try to keep it at least near-shoulder-length bob, but my hair's natural waves quickly develop Mandelbrotian tangles. I am often tempted to shave it all off, maybe I'll try some Cressida/Storm-hawk.

Hair on others? If they find something that accentuates/compliments their features, then whatever works, especially if it makes them happy.

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:

I'd prefer to wear my noggin hair past my shoulders, but this damn Florida heat and humidity makes that an often uncomfortable and impractical.

Seriously, I have to take a minute to simply agree with this. How in the blue f*** did anyone voluntarily settle in this disgustingly hot peninsula voluntarily before air conditioning? The Seminoles and after them the Spanish must've been bloody masochists.

Although from October to March I LOVE living here. It may get 10-15 degrees too hot in the summer, but 50 degrees warmer in the winter is WORTH IT! Looking at the weather map in winter is awesome, when the whole map of the US from Alaska to Georgia is a bright blue or purple, and Florida is just hanging out nice and yellow, or green, or whatever color stands for "not ridiculously cold".

On myself? Short. When my hair grows out (like I let it do for a whole year while I was in Maryland) it's really curly and just piles on top of my head. When i moved back to Florida it was too damn hot and started giving me headaches from the weight so i took the kitchen scissors to it.

It doesn't help that I'm basically allergic to my own hair it seems, so I keep my hair cropped short, away from my face, and I shave my chest and "downstairs". Doesn't bother my arms or legs, thankfully. I'd look weird with no hair.

I let my facial hair grow out to a length of "fuzzy" before shaving it, since without it I basically have no chin. Gives my face the appearance of having some angles.

On women? It depends. Every person is different with what hair style looks good on them. I guess I trend towards liking at least shoulder length hair, but a short cut is good too on the right person.

Yeah, if my hair gets longish, I have to be careful spending too much time outside* or I get a heat rash on the back of my neck.

* Excluding about four weeks in winter.

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Rynjin wrote:
On myself? Short. When my hair grows out (like I let it do for a whole year while I was in Maryland) it's really curly and just piles on top of my head.

Oh, now I'm picturing you as Todd Flanders. This image will forever be in my head.

"I wish you didn't have the devil's curly hair!" - Ned Flanders, The Simpsons Movie

Sovereign Court


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90 Year Old Beggar with a Cane wrote:

Damn hippies! Why don't you all move to England so you can vote for Paul McCartney to kiss the queen's bum, cause Richard Nixon ain't going nowhere!

Now get off my dang lawn!

I don't like having to take care of my hair that much, so currently I have it shorter simply to avoid the pain of having to care for it as much.

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90 Year Old Beggar with a Cane wrote:

Damn hippies! Why don't you all move to England so you can vote for Paul McCartney to kiss the queen's bum, cause Richard Nixon ain't going nowhere!

Now get off my dang lawn!

But I already am in England...

My wife has hair long enough that she can sit on it. My hair is down to my lower back when I wear it down, and my beard is usually down to my upper chest. Genereally, though, I have no preference - some people look good one way or the other, regardless of gender, and some look good bald.

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JonGarrett wrote:
90 Year Old Beggar with a Cane wrote:

Damn hippies! Why don't you all move to England so you can vote for Paul McCartney to kiss the queen's bum, cause Richard Nixon ain't going nowhere!

Now get off my dang lawn!

But I already am in England...

My wife has hair long enough that she can sit on it. My hair is down to my lower back when I wear it down, and my beard is usually down to my upper chest. Genereally, though, I have no preference - some people look good one way or the other, regardless of gender, and some look good bald.

I don't think I'd look good bald...you ever seen a wolf with no hair.

Yep...not so good.

Plus I think winter would be a real pain.

Of course, that's another reason...long wolf hair is still short on some...and short wolf hair...really short!

Lol! Everyone is laying into the joke alias of a hippy:-D

captain yesterday wrote:
Lol! Everyone is laying into the joke alias of a hippy:-D

You have aliases that aren't jokes?

This guy is my character for Iron Gods, tho originally i was going for Dwarven Fox Mulder and ended up with a Dwarven Sterling Archer, i personally blame you guys for taking up my X-Files researching time, leaving me without enough source material.

So no, i don't have any that aren't jokes:-D

Whoa dudes! How about some love for us long-haired types.....

I prefer my hair longer... I had it down to my mid back but lack the patience to keep that much hair clean and looking great. So yes laugh all you want I tried a pixie cut... But didn't really like the look. So these days I wear it shoulder length.

In men? I prefer short hair. Maybe it's a family thing but all the men in the family have served in the military so something about a strong buzz cut man in uniform is all kinds of attractive. Oh and NO facial hair please, you would understand if you had to kiss that mess.

Pets? I prefer my pets to be adorable. Hair length only matters if it aids in that goal.

Had long hair until about 30, when somebody flipped a switch, and my hair became flat and lifeless. It is now short, and thinning. I won't shave it yet. My melon is oddly shaped, and I am not prepared to deal with that reality yet.

Prefer ladies with long hair, a little longer than shoulder length, and my wife caters to that whim, bless her heart.

Aranna wrote:

Oh and NO facial hair please, you would understand if you had to kiss that mess.

Dwarves dont seem to mind :)

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Orville Redenbacher wrote:
Aranna wrote:

Oh and NO facial hair please, you would understand if you had to kiss that mess.

Dwarves dont seem to mind :)

Hmmm...my wife thinks my beard is sexy.

She's also short, wise, kind of gruff, and can see really well in the dark.

I knew we were an interracial couple, but maybe I underestimated the depth of that phrase...

For myself, I tend toward somewhere between shoulders and bottom of shoulder blades. I don't have the features for anything shorter than chin length, and my husband doesn't dig it, but I can't let it get too long either. It tangles too easily due to being super-fine, and when I had rear end-length hair as a teenager, I literally had to spend an hour brushing it after every shower to try and get it untangled.

On others, not bothered in the slightest by whatever anyone wants to do. My husband's spent the last two years going from cue-ball to shoulder blade length, and I don't think there was any stage of it that it didn't look pretty decent on him. He has the most glorious hair imaginable, too - thick but not too thick, just the right amount of curl, super manageable and agreeable. It's not even remotely fair.

(Something I find funny - my husband prefers long hair on women. He also prefers me wearing my hair down. Only now, after six years of marriage and growing his own hair out as long as mine, is he beginning to understand - the two are nearly mutually exclusive, especially with hair as fine as mine.)

As for facial and body hair, I'm really not bothered at all by it, on me or others. I remove the usual suspects because hubby's super not into it, but I've been known to forget/get too lazy/etc. for like two or three weeks straight and it doesn't bug me at all. That's what pants and non-sleeveless shirts are for.

(Although I will admit that mustache-only weirds me out a little bit. I have no idea what it is, but I rarely see someone with just a mustache that really looks good. My husband, up until two years ago, worked jobs where he couldn't have a beard, so he sported just the mustache, which grew in super-thin because his one-eighth Hispanic genes managed to express themselves entirely in his facial hair or lack thereof, despite his father being near-dwarven.

I never liked the just-mustache much, but the only alternative was no facial hair, which made him look about ten, and which he didn't like at all. I liked the job change - no razor's touched his face since then, and he's managed to work up to a two-inch-long, fairly wispy goatee. In two years. It's really kind of adorable.)

My wife used to get super pissed at me when I shave my goatee, I always wondered why, turns out whenever her dad got super depressed he would shave off his beard, so every time I shaved my wife assumed I was hitting the bottom and was giving up:-D

I just get bored with it sometimes was all :-)

As for my dislike of facial hair... maybe I am just a bit of a germaphobe, although I suspect that is just an excuse my mind grabbed hold of to reinforce my existing displeasure. If the things are too short they are prickly and if they are too long they hide his face. Nothing sexy about that in my opinion.

Aranna wrote:


As for my dislike of facial hair... maybe I am just a bit of a germaphobe, although I suspect that is just an excuse my mind grabbed hold of to reinforce my existing displeasure. If the things are too short they are prickly and if they are too long they hide his face. Nothing sexy about that in my opinion.

My ex used to throw a fit any time I went more than two days without shaving, and for those exact same reasons.

I haven't shaved in 4 years. I haven't cut my hair on top in 2 years.

The facial hair I just grew to love over the past 7 years. Every so often I used to shave clean, but I would immediately miss it and start growing it again.

The hair on top is probably going to go soon. Don't know when I'll finally get annoyed with it enough.

Liberty's Edge

I started buzzing my hair short in back high school when I joined the wrestling team as a freshman. One of my friends/teammates suggested we get marine corps-style "high and tight" cuts. I found that having very short hair was a wonderful convenience, so I have kept it for the nearly 30 years since then. I don't have it cut high and tight anymore, but I keep it pretty short (electric clippers - 2 guard on the top, 1 guard on the back and sides). If I, or someone else can actually grab my hair, it's too long, and time to head to local chain hair cuttery.

For facial hair, I have been sporting a goatee for about a decade now. I think it evolved from the same need for convenience. I was clean-shaven throughout high school and college, and I found shaving the contours of my lip and chin was a chore. After college, I decided to go with the full beard, but I would sweat, and my face would itch. The goatee was a good compromise. I sometimes toy with the idea of either going clean-shaven or full-bearded again, but I never go through with it. Convenience wins.

I do zero body hair maintenance. I'm not going to shave my chest, back, legs or anywhere else. Fortunately, I'm not hirsute, so no one else seems to notice or care.

I don't really care what other men do or don't do with their hair, beards or whatever, as long as they are clean, and don't smell like a sewer.

For women: hair length and style aren't really an issue for me. Over the years, I have found myself attracted to women with long hair, short hair, purple hair, curly hair, straight hair and anything else. If her hair looks like she takes care of it (clean, shiny, etc.), that's all that matters in that regard. My wife happens to have dark brown, almost black hair that falls to the middle of her shoulder blades.

Not a fan of body hair on women, and fortunately, neither is my wife - so it's a non-issue.

I do miss my pony tail and long gunslinger mustache, but I'm more comfortable working outside in the heat with a crew cut -- and I have to be clean-shaven for a respirator.

I like ladies with long hair, and ladies with short hair. Charlize Theron in Mad Max 4 was still hot. One thing I don't like at all, though, is this thing where chicks all tell each other that everyone MUST have bald privates -- I definitely prefer women who aren't ashamed to be grown-ups.

Damn Longhairs!!

PFPL does not like the taste of my moustache wax, so I'm going to have to trim the 'tache before the weekend.

And she says she wants to see more of my face (why?!) so she wants me to trim my beard. :-(

*Pulls deeply, deeply distraught expression behind ornately carved mask*

Grand Lodge

I love my wife's hair at any length. I preferred the Rapunzel hair, but having it cut shorter does make cuddles more comfortable for all involved.

As for mine, as long as I'm not bald I can live with it. I used to have the lion mane, but when it got cut off the lack of weight on my neck was really nice. And it's too hot to have that much hair anymore anyway.

On myself I have to go with long hair. I need the weight to pull down the curls or it ends up looking like a clown wig. At least when it's long I can call it beachy waves, which sounds oh so much better than unmanageable frizz. :P
I spend a lot of time with the straightening iron. If that thing ever breaks I am so screwed.

On other people I really couldn't care less. Whatever floats your boat.

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Shaving my head has been scentifically proven to increase my black manliness by up to 30%.

Look it up.

Shadow Lodge

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^^^ He's right you know.

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Freehold DM wrote:

Shaving my head has been scentifically proven to increase my black manliness by up to 30%.

Look it up.

I'd look like Mordenkainen if I did that.


You totally would LOL!

Especially If you're able to perfect the suggestive one eyebrow raised look

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Kirth Gersen wrote:
One thing I don't like at all, though, is this thing where chicks all tell each other that everyone MUST have bald privates -- I definitely prefer women who aren't ashamed to be grown-ups.

Um...that helps with...grown-up activities.


I don't like to floss while I eat.


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The Green Tea Gamer wrote:
Kirth Gersen wrote:
One thing I don't like at all, though, is this thing where chicks all tell each other that everyone MUST have bald privates -- I definitely prefer women who aren't ashamed to be grown-ups.

Um...that helps with...grown-up activities.


I don't like to floss while I eat.


a careful trimming on occasion helps, as not everyone can rock the smoothening.

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Hell with that. I'm an explorer, like Indiana freaking Jones, and also a child of the '70s. I want to need a machete to find my way out.

Sovereign Court

i have two rules for guys with long hair (I had it in college - gave it away when I started looking for a job.)

1. You have to take care of it. A lot of guys with long hair have ratty gross hair.

2. You can't look like a girl from the back. Nobody wants the awkwardness involved for both parties.

Gotta agree with alternate The Mr. Green Jeans Gamer with the caveat that what goes around comes around, or some other cliche that women also sometimes don't like to floss :-)

I mean you know not me personally, someone I know we'll call him... captain... yesterday... D'oh!!

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captain yesterday wrote:

Gotta agree with alternate The Mr. Green Jeans Gamer with the caveat that what goes around comes around, or some other cliche that women also sometimes don't like to floss :-)

I mean you know not me personally, someone I know we'll call him... captain... yesterday... D'oh!!

Yeah, from literally every female I've heard from, ladies don't dig the downstairs man-fro.

Plus...Like anywhere else...sweat can accumulate, and...stink...so...

I'm pro-grooming.

Freehold DM wrote:

Shaving my head has been scentifically proven to increase my black manliness by up to 30%.

Look it up.

In addition to olfactory related proof, it's been scientifically proven as well.

Just don't be the guy that misses the loose curly hairs on the back of his neck. A couple of guys in their upper 40s through 50s that I know shave their head, but miss those loose curly hairs from the neck. You know, the long ones the barber gets? Maybe they were wearing a collared shirt when they did it, but whatever the reason, the stark transition from smooth head to fuzzy neck freaks me out.

Also, guys with back and shoulder hair - stop wearing tank tops. This shouldn't need explanation.

Sovereign Court

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Kirth Gersen wrote:
Hell with that. I'm an explorer, like Indiana freaking Jones, and also a child of the '70s. I want to need a machete to find my way out.

Thats disgusting...

Aranna wrote:


As for my dislike of facial hair... maybe I am just a bit of a germaphobe, although I suspect that is just an excuse my mind grabbed hold of to reinforce my existing displeasure. If the things are too short they are prickly and if they are too long they hide his face. Nothing sexy about that in my opinion.

two words.

Isaiah mustafa.

drops mike

thegreenteagamer wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:

Shaving my head has been scentifically proven to increase my black manliness by up to 30%.

Look it up.

In addition to olfactory related proof, it's been scientifically proven as well.

Just don't be the guy that misses the loose curly hairs on the back of his neck. A couple of guys in their upper 40s through 50s that I know shave their head, but miss those loose curly hairs from the neck. You know, the long ones the barber gets? Maybe they were wearing a collared shirt when they did it, but whatever the reason, the stark transition from smooth head to fuzzy neck freaks me out.

I always make sure to get that.

Didn't always get it when I first started.

Freehold DM wrote:
Aranna wrote:


As for my dislike of facial hair... maybe I am just a bit of a germaphobe, although I suspect that is just an excuse my mind grabbed hold of to reinforce my existing displeasure. If the things are too short they are prickly and if they are too long they hide his face. Nothing sexy about that in my opinion.

two words.

Isaiah mustafa.

drops mike

I am pretty sure if I was dating him I could convince him to shave. It would only elevate him to new levels of sexiness, so win win.

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When I was in college, I wore my hair rather long, and was clean-shaven.

These days, I shave my head and wear a short beard.

I tell people that my hair migrated.

I used to wear my hair short until a few years ago, then I started growing it out and have been growing it out ever since. I wonder how long I can get it before I feel like it's 'too long'

I like the look of long hair on everybody regardless of gender, though some short haircuts look good. Long hair feels 'default' to me, for anyone regardless of gender. Long hair does not feel like an 'alternative' hairstyle for men, but actually the default, and cutting your hair feels like the alternative. This may have something to do with the fact that my dad is long-haired, for starters. Also maybe growing up on Tolkien and being a barbarian from the early middle ages.

As for facial hair, I never shave, ever. Unfortunately my natural hormones haven't produced favorable results so I just have a bit of chin fluff that's fun to stroke.

I also like the look of beards (of various cuts, but not all) on everybody regardless of gender. Though cleanshaven also can look good.

Predictably, my taste in hair length tends toward the dwarven, or the varangian.

Lantern Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

As a former military man, I feel I spent enough time with my clean-shaven face and a high-and-tight.

Besides, my rather round facial features aren't helped by a clean shave. Even at 185 lbs & 6'1", I still got taped all the time because I had a "fat face" and a skinny neck.

True warriors tye their hair in a bun on the side of the head ;)

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I'm gonna be honest, part of the reason I have long hair is it's still not a societal norm among men. My extremely Lawful good (that capital L is necessary) wife says I have a rebellious spirit.

TBH it's annoying to maintain, and even if I look good I also looked good with short hair, but that's damnnear maintenance free. If it suddenly became the majority among men I'd probably cut it instantly.

Similarly, I've reconsidered the wisdom of my tats since the mid 00s, when it seemed damnnear everyone started getting them. Now if I see someone without ink I'm shocked.

The beard is a necessity, though. I look way better with it. It just fits.

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