Aemesh |

mm.. maybe this?
"Ammo Drop:
Your coordination is so perfect that you can simply drop ammunition from your hand at the exact moment required for it to fall into an open sling as your twirl it around.
Prerequisites: Sleight of Hand 1 rank, proficient with sling.
Benefit: You can load a sling or one end of a double sling with one hand as a swift action or move action. This does not provoke an attack of opportunity."
then the next in the chain,
Juggle Load
"Your fingers are so nimble that reloading your sling is almost effortless for you.
Prerequisites: Ammo Drop, Sleight of Hand 1 rank, proficient with sling.
Benefit: You can load a sling or double sling as a free action. This does not provoke attacks of opportunity. This feat allows you to fire your sling as many times in a full-attack action as you could attack if you were using a bow."
Both come out of the Halflings of Golarion companion guide - paizo

Rory |
I would argue that a Halfling Sling Staff is a sling.
There is precedent, a Dwarven Waraxe is still an Axe, an Elven Curved Blade is still a sword.
And a longbow is still a bow... which is vitally important to using Manyshot, which says it works with a "bow" and not specifically a "longbow" or "shortbow".
All "bows" use "arrows". All "crossbows" use "bolts". All _____ use "sling bullets". (Fill In The Blank)
But, alas, a "halfling sling staff" isn't a "sling" (Official Party Line).
There are likely more precedents that can be covered. It's kinda sorta frustrating that it isn't a sling in my opinion. I still hope they will one day change their minds (and the FAQ), but it hasn't happened yet. Here is to hoping that your post brings about that change.

Gwen Smith |
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Sadly, no.
First this FAQ put the sling staff in a coffin.
Then this FAQ nailed the lid shut and set it on fire.
My 4th level Weapon Master sling staff wielder got kicked out of the Grand Lodge and cried all the back to Andoran.
I wish they would just come out and declare that weapon non-existent or not legal. It would be much better for Halflings not to have a racial weapon at all than to have the only ranged weapon in the game (short of siege weapons) that can't be reloaded as less than a move action.

Rory |
My 4th level Weapon Master sling staff wielder got kicked out of the Grand Lodge and cried all the back to Andoran.
I had to inflict that FAQ upon a 9 year old who is still (thankfully) enamored by halflings. I was teaching him (and many other kids) the game via PFS content. His halfling fighter, that was simply using the racial weapon, was completely and utterly broken and there was no means in the PFS universe to fix the weapon for him.
That was not a happy day for me. That day was long ago now tho.
I wish they would just come out and declare that weapon non-existent or not legal. It would be much better for Halflings not to have a racial weapon at all
You said it!
Don't count on them to change their minds for the better.
They reversed the monk ruling, the magus haste ruling, and now the SLA ruling. I still have a glimmer of hope! :-)

born_of_fire |

Halflings can trade the Sure-footed racial trait for the Warslinger racial trait which allows them to reload a sling as a free action rather than a move action. Unfortunately, it still won't apply to the sling-staff. It could help out Rory's player though since that one was using just a regular sling.

born_of_fire |

born_of_fire wrote:It could help out Rory's player though since that one was using just a regular sling.It's better for the halfling fighter to conform to the bow after the FAQ.
I really don't see how either of those FAQ's affected your player; he was using a sling unless I misunderstand your post. In the hands of a Halfling with the Warslinger trait, it's the bow specific feats like Manyshot that keep a sling from being as good an option as a bow. That and a lower damage die for the weapon. Who cares if you can't use Warslinger or Juggle Ammo with a sling-staff when your weapon of choice is the sling?

thejeff |
Rory wrote:I really don't see how either of those FAQ's affected your player; he was using a sling unless I misunderstand your post. In the hands of a Halfling with the Warslinger trait, it's the bow specific feats like Manyshot that keep a sling from being as good an option as a bow. That and a lower damage die for the weapon. Who cares if you can't use Warslinger or Juggle Ammo with a sling-staff when your weapon of choice is the sling?born_of_fire wrote:It could help out Rory's player though since that one was using just a regular sling.It's better for the halfling fighter to conform to the bow after the FAQ.
I assumed that "that was simply using the racial weapon" meant using the sling-staff.

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You can spit in paizo's eyes and use in in home games with sling feats like I do.
They really hosed over halflings and their weapons. Don't count on them to change their minds for the better. They constantly makes bad calls and stick to it.
That is an amazingly bad call, I agree. A halfling fighter with STR 16 and DEX 16 could really hold his own both in melee and at ranger with a halfling sling staff that works properly (i.e. with sling feats), despite the small sized damage...

Gwen Smith |

Gwen Smith wrote:My 4th level Weapon Master sling staff wielder got kicked out of the Grand Lodge and cried all the back to Andoran.
I had to inflict that FAQ upon a 9 year old who is still (thankfully) enamored by halflings. I was teaching him (and many other kids) the game via PFS content. His halfling fighter, that was simply using the racial weapon, was completely and utterly broken and there was no means in the PFS universe to fix the weapon for him.
That was not a happy day for me. That day was long ago now tho.
There are two possibilities:
1) If the FAQs made your build effectively not legal anymore or otherwise completely broke it, you might be able to do some retraining. Check with your local GMs and VOs to see how badly they think the FAQ hurt your build and see if they think you can rebuild. (Since the second FAQ was well-hidden, I wouldn't fault anyone for not finding it. It should have been in the same category as the first one.)
2) The Ammo Drop feat tree works with the halfling double sling.
There is an item called a stitched sling, which is a sling bullet sewn into a sling pouch that works like a flail. In theory, then, you should be able to sew up one end of your double-sling into a stitched sling.
It's only 1d4 instead of 1d6 (and you'd eventually have to enchant both ends of the weapon), but it does give you a halfling-specific sling-on-a-stick that you can also use in melee without switching weapons.
Alternatively, there is a feat called Sling Flail, which lets you use a loaded sling as a flail, and then fire it whenever you want. With that feat, you could load your double-sling and then either fire both ends or fire one end and use the other in melee.
But the fact that the Advanced Race Guide and the Halflings of Golarion book invented a new weapon and three feats that all together effectively give you the function of a sling staff really make me wonder if the developers of those books just hate the sling staff or if they just didn't know it existed at all.

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Yeah it is. I favor the switch hitter slayer as my sling staff user. At least to start. Since a slingstaff is not a double weapon one enchantment works on both. Making it a near perfect switch hitter weapon. Its like a pissed off lacrosse player lol.
But it in no way is a broken option. But they do not plan to reverse this call. But you can abide by what ever rules you want at your home game. My group uses old crane wing. We are still deciding on the SLA qualification ruling change. We personally like the options it brings to character creation and makes some PrCs worth playing.
But not every ruling outside pfs needs to be followed. Some are not game breaking at all. Others might be. Its really up to the players if they want to try and break things anyways. Hardly do you get role players who stumble upon something game shattering and most the time they don't like abusing the easy button.

draugr_hrafn |
I know I'm late to the party but I have some plausible input as to why Paizo made the decision to rule that the Halfling sling staff does not benefit from the Warslinger alternative racial trait, Ammo Drop and Juggle Load feats in PFS games. The answer to this quandary resides in the way that the sling staff operates.
The sling is a pouch that has 2 trailing ends. When attached to a staff, one end is permanently affixed to the staff while the other end of the sling has a loop that goes over the end of the staff. When a bullet is launched from the weapon the looped end slides off of the end of the staff.
A standard sling, on the other hand, has one end looped around the wrist and the other end is held in the hand. After releasing the bullet, via letting go, the trailing end can be retrieved, theoretically, with a flick of the wrist.
You can verify this by watching a video of some guy using one.
PS. I have a GMPC that is a Halfling Ranger with a sling staff for flavor, and I'll admit that it seems that Halflings did get the short end of the stick where racial weapons are concerned.

santherus |
Problem Solved: Slipslinger Style
Stops AOOs for loading AND also _explicitly_ applies this to the warslinger trait (which is a prereq for this feat, along with weapon focus sling).
Meaning that Warslinger+Weapon Focus(sling)+Slipslinger Style = L1 Hafling fighter that can reload a Staff-Sling as a Free action without AOO.

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I know I'm late to the party but I have some plausible input as to why Paizo made the decision to rule that the Halfling sling staff does not benefit from the Warslinger alternative racial trait, Ammo Drop and Juggle Load feats in PFS games. The answer to this quandary resides in the way that the sling staff operates.
The sling is a pouch that has 2 trailing ends. When attached to a staff, one end is permanently affixed to the staff while the other end of the sling has a loop that goes over the end of the staff. When a bullet is launched from the weapon the looped end slides off of the end of the staff.
A standard sling, on the other hand, has one end looped around the wrist and the other end is held in the hand. After releasing the bullet, via letting go, the trailing end can be retrieved, theoretically, with a flick of the wrist.
You can verify this by watching a video of some guy using one.
PS. I have a GMPC that is a Halfling Ranger with a sling staff for flavor, and I'll admit that it seems that Halflings did get the short end of the stick where racial weapons are concerned.
I know it is moot now but due to language in the double sling (AKA a sling staff with another sling on the other end) you actually could use the sling free reload methods on it. Which made the whole thing more ridiculous. This was mentioned during the FAQ discussion to no avail.
My PFS staffslinger spent multiple sessions retraining talking about if only there were another long piece of leather on the other end and both my hands were full at opposite ends I'm sure I would remember how to do it again. Then I would probably forget how to hit them with the stick though.
That charecter just finished the rebuild fest to switch to sling sling then I took a break with it for a couple of years and now I will add one more to be able to get back to where I was before. YAY!