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Anything a storyteller writes, comes true. Their words, powerful and ancient, are drawn from the fabric of the universe itself. In combat, they test their focus and quick brush-strokes against spell and steel alike. Using the power of their story, they can empower their allies, weaken their foes, create magical effects or even create tools, weapons or entire creatures from thin air.
Role: Storytellers are rare, and most often arise from scholars or hermits who uncover the true language of the universe through their studies, though some few are lucky enough to learn their first words from another storyteller. When working as part of a group a storyteller’s wide range of abilities allow them to fill many roles - though most often they provide support to their allies by enhancing their abilities or by creating creatures to fight by their side.
Alignment: Any.
Hit Die: d6.
Class Skills
The storyteller’s class skills are Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (all) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis)
Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier.
Table: Storyteller
Level Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Special Eloquence Words Known
1st +0 +0 +0 +2 Brush and Scroll, eloquence 1, embellishment, phrase, story, words 4 3
2nd +1 +0 +0 +3 new word 5 4
3rd +2 +1 +1 +3 Tattoo combat 7 4
4th +3 +1 +1 +4 Eloquence 2, new word 8 5
5th +3 +1 +1 +4 Lightning dictation 10 5
6th +4 +2 +2 +5 new word 11 6
7th +5 +2 +2 +5 Eloquence 3 12 6
8th +6/+1 +2 +2 +6 new word 13 7
9th +6/+1 +3 +3 +6 Improved tattoo combat 15 7
10th +7/+2 +3 +3 +7 Eloquence 4, new word 16 8
11th +8/+3 +3 +3 +7 Dual meaning 18 8
12th +9/+4 +4 +4 +8 new word 19 9
13th +9/+4 +4 +4 +8 Eloquence 5 20 9
14th +10/+5 +4 +4 +9 new word 21 10
15th +11/+6/+1 +5 +5 +9 Master tattoo combat 23 10
16th +12/+7/+2 +5 +5 +10 Eloquence 6, new word 24 11
17th +12/+7/+2 +5 +5 +10 Redefine 26 11
18th +13/+8/+3 +6 +6 +11 new word 27 12
19th +14/+9/+4 +6 +6 +11 Eloquence 7 28 12
20th +15/+10/+5 +6 +6 +12 Master storyteller 30 13
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Storytellers are proficient with all simple weapons. Storytellers are also proficient with light armor. A storyteller wearing medium or heavy armor, or using a shield incurs the arcane spell failure chance on all embellishments, phrases or stories, as though they were arcane spells with somatic components.
Brush and Scroll (Ex) To better write the words of the universe, storytellers form a close bond with a particular writing implement. Typically this is a horsehair brush, but it may be a quill, pen or even chalk. Likewise, they form a bond with an appropriate medium on which to write, such as a vellum scroll, a small board of slate or canvas, or even a bound book. Due to their bond with the storyteller, these writing tools are more durable than others of their kind, increasing in hardness by 5, and gaining 10 hit points, and they do not require ink or paint to write, nor do they become worn down with use.
Though they are not required to write any of a storytelller’s words, if she is missing her scroll (or chooses not to write on it, except during tattoo combat) she must make a concentration check with a DC of 10 plus number of points of eloquence she spends, and if she is missing her brush she must make a concentration check with a DC of 15 plus number of points of eloquence spent in order to accurately write any of her words, and they appear to float in the air or just above whatever surface the storyteller wrote them upon. If she is missing both, the concentration check is DC 20 plus number of points of eloquence spent.
If a storyteller writes a phrase, embellishment or story on her scroll, she can choose to erase it as a move action by touching it with her brush or her hand. If the rune is written anywhere else, erasing it requires a melee touch attack as a standard action.
Eloquence (Su) A storyteller is capable of more than just the mundane writing that anyone is capable of—her focus, precision and creativity allow her to write words that give new order to the underlying multiverse around her. The eloquence with which they write allows them to create incredible effects when they write embellishments, phrases, and stories.
A storyteller begins with a pool of 4 points of eloquence, and gains 1 or more additional points of eloquence each level as they advance. Eloquence is spent whenever a storyteller writes embellishments, phrases or stories, and remains spent until the storyteller chooses to dismiss the effect, or the effect ends. Once the effect ends, the storyteller regains the eloquence spent on that ability at the beginning of their next turn.
At first level, a storyteller can spend a single point of eloquence as a standard action. At 4th level, and every 3rd level thereafter (7th, 10th, 13th, 16th, and 19th), the maximum number of points of eloquence a storyteller can spend as a standard action increases by 1, up to 7 points of eloquence as a standard action at 19th level.
If the storyteller spends a full-round action instead of a standard action, the maximum amount of eloquence she can spend is increased by 1. At 11th level, this additional eloquence increases to 2.
For each additional full-round action a storyteller chooses to spend, the maximum amount of eloquence they can spend at once increases by 1, up to their eloquence maximum.
Embellishment (Su) A storyteller can write about the creatures around them, embellishing on their words and deeds, and those still to come. By spending one point of eloquence, a storyteller can write a description embellishing a creature within 30 feet of them. An embellished creature gains either a +1 morale bonus on attack and damage rolls, or a +1 morale bonus on all skill checks. For each additional point of eloquence spent, this bonus increases by 1.
Additionally, a storyteller can choose to add any of the words they know to their embellishment. Doing so requires a number of eloquence equal to the number of words included, plus additional eloquence as noted in the particular word.
The effects of an embellishment remain until the storyteller chooses to end it.
Phrase (Sp) A storyteller can use their words to bend reality around them, assaulting and berating creatures within 30 feet of themselves with effects that in most ways resemble spells.
In addition to the effects of any words a storyteller chooses to use in her phrase, a storyteller can spend eloquence to assault their target directly. When she writes a phrase in this way, she makes a single ranged attack roll against her target using her Wisdom modifier. If the attack hits, the phrase does 1d6 points of either bludgeoning, piercing or slashing damage to the target, plus the storyteller’s Wisdom modifier, and the subject takes a -1 penalty on their save against the effects of the words in that phrase, if any. For each two additional points of eloquence spent this way, the storyteller does an additional d6 points of damage, and the penalty imposed increases by 1. If the attack misses, the target instead gains a +4 bonus on their save against any words in the phrase.
Adding words to a phrase requires one point of eloquence per word, plus any additional eloquence noted in the word’s description. Regardless of the number of words in a phrase, all words affect the same target.
An unwilling target can resist all words in a phrase by making a single Will save. If their save is successful, any damage done by those words is halved, and any effects that are not damage are negated entirely. The DC of this save is equal to 10 + the Storytellers Wisdom modifier + half the number of eloquence spent on the phrase, rounded down.
Unless otherwise noted, the effects of a phrase occurs immediately, and then the phrase is erased.
Story (Su) A storyteller can write so precisely that they can bring objects and creatures into being from nothing. The appearance of an object or creature created by a storyteller’s story is limited only by the storyteller’s preference - their creations can appear to be made of glowing force, to be naturally constructed or anywhere between or beyond - though to a keen eye their supernatural origin is obvious. Regardless of their superficial appearance, their statistics do not change, except as noted in any words used in the story.
By spending one or more points of eloquence, the storyteller can make a Craft check to create a physical object or tool of their choice, with a circumstance bonus on their check equal to twice the number of points of eloquence spent in this way. The DC of this check is equal to the check required to create a mundane version of the item normally. Once the the check has been made, that item springs to existence in their hand, or in an empty square within 30 feet. If the storyteller fails the check by less than 5, they create the intended item, but it has the broken condition. If they fail by 5 or more, they create an item that appears to be what they intended but doesn’t function (weapons are dull and unbalanced, armor falls apart and doesn’t fit, etc).
If she succeeds her check by 5 or more, the item is considered to be a masterwork version of that item. For each 5 additional points the check is exceeded by, the item is considered to have a +1 enhancement bonus, up to a maximum of +5.
Alternately, by spending 2 or more points of eloquence, the storyteller can use her story to bring a creature into being. A creature created by a story has base statistics of:
1HD, Hp 10, AC 11, bab +1; attacks slam +1 (1d6); no good saves; base speed 30, medium size; any one skill at +4.
For each 2 additional points of eloquence spent, a creature gains +1 HD, +10 hp, +1 Dex bonus to AC, +1 natural armor bonus to AC, +1 bab, +1 to all saves, +1 strength to attack and damage, +2 to one of their chosen skills or a new skill at +4
Whether a storyteller brings to life a new creature or crafts an item with their story, a she can choose to add any of the words she knows to her story. Doing so requires a number of eloquence equal to the number of words included, plus additional eloquence as noted in the particular word.
Words (Su) Storytellers understand the true language of the multiverse. A storyteller begins play knowing three words of her choice. She gains an additional word at 2nd level, and every 2 levels after 2nd, as noted in Table 1: the Storyteller.
Any words that require a save have a save of DC 10 plus the storyteller’s Wisdom modifier plus the number of eloquence spent on that embellishment or phrase.
A storyteller can erase any word they have written at any time, and regain the eloquence spent, by touching the word with her hand or her brush as a swift action.
BENCHMARK SPELLS for determining eloquence minimums or prerequisites
Spell word: instead of a typical word, a storyteller can learn a wizard spell like it were a word. When they learn a spell in this way, it must be of a spell level one third their storyteller level or less, and it can only be written as a phrase. Doing so requires a number of eloquence equal to three times the spell level.
Talented word
Embellishment: target reduces nonproficiency penalty by 2 per eloquence
Phrase: target may make a single skill check using one of the Storytellers bonuses instead of their own. This phrase remains active until the bonus is used, at which point it is erased as normal.
Story: creature gains proficiency with simple weapons. For 1 additional point, they gain proficiency with martial weapons. For each additional point, creatures gain proficiency with one exotic weapon.
Object grants a +1 tool bonus to relevant skill checks.
Protection word: This word represents the continued existence of an object through sheer perseverance.
Using the word in an Embellishment - for each point of eloquence spent, the target gains a +1 deflection bonus to AC until you erase the word.
Using the word in a Phrase - a target gains the effect of either mage armor or shield for one minute for each point of eloquence spent. After this time, the word is erased.
Using the word in a story - an object created gains 1 point of hardness and 5 hit points. A creature created gains +1 natural armor.
Life Word: This word represents the positive energy that flows through all living things.
Using the word in an embellishment - for each point of eloquence spent, the target gains 5 temporary hit points until you erase the word. If these temporary hit points are reduced to 0, the word is erased.
Using the word in a phrase - a dying target immediately stabilizes and regains consciousness. The word is immediately erased.
Using the word in a story - A creature created gains 5 maximum hit points. Alternately, for 3 points of eloquence, a created creature gains fast healing 1.
Heat word: XXXX.
Using the word in an embellishment - target gains resist fire 5
Using the word in a phrase - target takes 1d6 points of fire damage. Each additional heat, chill or electric word in a phrase costs 2 points of eloquence.
Using the word in a story - a creature created gains resist fire 5, adds 1 point of fire damage to all attacks it makes, and vulnerability to cold damage
Chill word: XXXX.
Using the word in an embellishment - target gains resist cold 5
Using the word in a phrase - target takes 1d6 points of cold damage. Each additional heat, chill or electric word in a phrase costs 2 points of eloquence.
Using the word in a story - a creature created gains resist cold 5, adds 1 point of cold damage to all attacks it makes, and vulnerability to fire damage
Electric word: XXXX.
Using the word in an embellishment - target gains resist electricity 5
Using the word in a phrase - target takes 1d6 points of electricity damage. Each additional heat, chill or electric word in a phrase costs 2 points of eloquence.
Using the word in a story - a creature created gains resist electricity 5, and adds 1 point of electricity damage to all attacks it makes
Move word: XXXX.
Using the word in an embellishment - target increases base move speed by 5 feet. By spending XX points of eloquence, the creature gains a fly speed equal to their base speed.
Using the word in a phrase - target must make a save or be moved 5 ft in a direction of the storyteller’s choosing.
Using the word in a story - creature created increases their base move speed by 5 feet. By spending XX points of eloquence the creature gains a fly speed equal to twice their base speed.
Hold word: XXXX.
Using the word in an embellishment - all of the targets move speeds decreases by 5 feet.
Using the word in a phrase - XXX eloquence target is held, as hold person, for one round per point of eloquence spent.
Using the word in a story - creature created increases their base move speed by 5 feet. By spending XX points of eloquence the creature gains a fly speed equal to twice their base speed.
Death word: This word represents the dark, negative energy that draws all souls to evil and destruction.
Using the word in an embellishment - the target takes a -2 penalty to Constitution. Each additional time this word is used in an embellishment, it requires one more point of eloquence than before. If this penalty would reduce the target’s Constitution score to 0 or less, the target must make a Fortitude save each round or die.
Using the word in a phrase - any damage done by other words of this phrase is instead negative energy damage.
Using the word in a story - a creature created gains the negative energy affinity, and appears dead or dying
Weakness word: This word is the entropy that slowly degrades all things.
Using the word in an embellishment - target gets -1 to attack and damage.
Using the word in a phrase - the target nonmagical object weighing 5 lbs or less and with a hardness of 10 or less gains the broken condition and is reduced to half its maximum hit points. If the object is attended, the creature holding it may make a Fortitude save. For each additional point of eloquence, this phrase can affect an object 5 lbs heavier, and with a hardness 5 points higher.
This word cannot be used in a story
Pervasive word: XXXX.
Using the word in an embellishment - the embellished creature can attack incorporeal creatures as though it had the ghost touch weapon. By spending XX additional points, it can hit astral, too.
Using the word in a phrase - the phrase requires only a ranged touch attack, instead of a standard ranged attack. For each additional point of eloquence, the phrase gains a +2 circumstance bonus to hit.
Using the word in a story - the creature exists on multiple planes at once, and can attack as though it were incorporeal.
Portal word: XXXX.
Using the word in an embellishment - the target is treated as an outsider. By spending an additional xx point of eloquence, they also gain the good, evil, chaotic, Lawful or native subtype.
Using the word in a phrase - your target is moved up to 100 feet. By spending xx eloquence, they instead move up to 100 miles.
Using the word in a story - a creature is treated as an outsider. An object attunes itself to a target, who can call it go their hand as a move action from anywhere within 100 feet.
Secret word: XXXX.
Using the word in an embellishment - the target gains a +5 to stealth for each point of eloquence spent.
Using the word in a phrase - the target becomes invisible for one minute per eloquence spent. Or for xxx eloquence becomes greater invisible.
Using the word in a story - for xxx eloquence the creature gains natural invisibility. The object is totally invisible.
Revelation word: XXXX.
Using the word in an embellishment - the target gains +5 to Perception per eloquence
Using the word in a phrase - invisibility purge.
Using the word in a story - the creature can see invisibility.
Big word: XXXX.
Using the word in an embellishment - target increases in size one category.
Using the word in a phrase - the phrase affects all creatures in a 5ft radius per point of eloquence. All creatures in this area gain a +2 circumstance bonus on saves per point of eloquence.
Using the word in a story - creatures increase in size one category. A second size category for two more eloqence, and a third for four more eloquence beyond that.
Objects can be twice as large for each eloquence spent
Little word
Embellishment - target decreases in size by one size category.
Phrase - the target feels as though they have shrunk, taking a -1 morale penalty on attacks against creatures the same size as them or larger for a number of rounds equal to eloquence spent on this word.
Story - creatures are one size category smaller.
Objects gain a +3 circumstance bonus on craft checks, but do not increase in size for eloquence spent on this word.
Mundane Word XXX
Embellishment - spell resistance 9 plus 1 for each two points of eloquence
Phrase - dispel magic
Story - creatures or objects created are indistinguishable from their mundane counterparts unless the observer succeeds a Perception check against a DC of 15 + your wisdom modifier plus number of points of eloquence you have spent on this word.
Restricting Word XXX
Embellishment - target is entangled
Phrase - target is grappled
Story - object is sticky, hard to disarm.
Creatures have the web special attack
Figment word xxxx
Embellishment - target becomes blurry around the edges, and gains a 10% miss chance per point of eloquence spent, up to 40%. At 40%, you may spend 3 points of eloquence to make the target invisible. If they attack, they become visible, regaining 10% of their miss chance each round until they are again invisible.
Phrase - the phrase is mostly illusory, and does nonlethal damage instead of any other type of damage it would have done.
Story - the objects created are silent illusions, instead of tangible objects or creatures, though you can manipulate them as though they were tangible. For each point of eloquence spent, you can fool one additional sense (hearing, smell or basic touch).
Puppet word
Embellishment - creature is friendly towards you. At 3 points, charmed if it is your type, at 7 points charmed if it is any type.
Phrase - you can manipulate an inanimate object weighing less than 100 lbs plus 100 lbs for each point of eloquence. Can act like animate object.
Story - after xxx points, a creature created gains the construct type.
XXXword: XXXX.
Using the word in an embellishment - XXX.
Using the word in a phrase - XXX.
Using the word in a story - XXX.
Word that makes you seem to be something else. Disguise self.
Word that lets you read additional languages.
Word that grants darkvision or creates light (that only you can see)
Word that creates a fog cloud
Word that creates aquatic things, allows you to breathe underwater
Word that lets you charm things
Class ability: learn an additional language each level
Tattoo Combat (Ex) Beginning at 3rd level, a storyteller can write words of the universe directly onto her opponents during combat. She may, for any phrase or embellishment worth two points of eloquence or less that allows a target to make a save, remove the requirement for a save by succeeding a melee touch attack against her target instead.
Lightning Dictation (Ex) Beginning at 5th level, a storyteller’s brushstrokes become so swift they are hard to follow with the eye. In a single round, she can scribe up to 50 words in any language she knows. In addition she may scribe scrolls for other characters, in effect granting them the Scribe Scroll feat. Scrolls created in this way require only one minute per spell level to craft, but still require the normal number of materials as they would otherwise.
Improved tattoo combat (Ex) beginning at 9th level, a storyteller’s brush can move so quickly that she can write even complex words on her opponents in combat. When using tattoo combat, she no longer has a maximum number of points of eloquence. Instead, she must succeed a melee touch attack against her target for each two points of eloquence she intends to use - and the effect of the embellishment or phrase she intends to use only comes into existence once they have made a sufficient number of touch attacks against the target, even if that requires multiple rounds.
Dual Meaning beginning at 11th level, a storyteller can write a phrase that has two separate, simultaneous meanings. When writing a phrase, a storyteller can also write a secondary phrase using up to half of the words as the original phrase, targeting a second creature within range. This second phrase requires half as much eloquence as it would if used alone, which is added to the eloquence required to use the phrase. So, if a storyteller wrote a phrase that contained two hold words and two movement words (which normally requires four eloquence), they could also target a second creature with a phrase that contains two hold words (which increases the total eloquence required to write the phrase to five).
Master tattoo combat beginning at 15th level, a storyteller’s brushstrokes are so quick as to be invisible to the naked eye. When using tattoo combat, all touch attacks made each round are at the storyteller’s highest attack bonus.
Redefine beginning at 17th level, so long as they have time to muse, a storyteller is no longer restricted by the words they know. They can craft a phrase that replicates the effects of any cleric or wizard spell of 7th level or lower, so long as she spends a number of minutes equal to that spell’s level, or twice that spell’s normal casting time if higher, carefully choosing her words. To do so, a storyteller must have a number of eloquence available equal to twice the level of the spell she choses to replicate.
Master Storyteller (Su) at 20th level, a storyteller’s mastery of her story is absolute. The number of points of eloquence to create a story is reduced by 3. If that would lower the cost of the story to 0 or fewer, the effect is instead instantaneous, and the creature or object they have created remains in the world forevermore - at least until the storyteller chooses to erase them, which they can like any other story by touching the creature as a swift action. In addition, when a storyteller spends eloquence as a full round action, she may spend any number of eloquence at once, up to her maximum eloquence.
Storyteller Archetypes:
Some storytellers use their brush and scroll as more than their tools, but as their literal weapons. Their brush is as hard as iron, and their scroll is as sharp as a razor: almost, but not quite, as sharp as their wit.
Iron Brush and Scrollblade (Ex) A scrollblade uses her brush and scroll as weapons as well as tools. At first level, they are considered martial weapons with which they are proficient, and each do 1d6 points of damage (piercing for the brush, slashing for the scroll). At 3rd level, both the scroll and brush and considered to be magical weapons with a +1 enhancement bonus. At 6th level, and each 3 levels thereafter (9th, 12th, 15th, 18th), both the scroll and brush increase in enhancement bonus by 1, or gain a weapon ability equivalent to a +1 enhancement bonus. This ability modifies Brush and Scroll.
Eloquence (Su) A scrollblade’s eloquence maximum is equal to her level +2. This ability modifies eloquence.
Two-Weapon Fighting (Ex) a scrollblade gains Two-Weapon Fighting as a bonus feat at first level.
Improved Two-Weapon Fighting (Ex) at 8th level, a scrollblade gains Improved Two-Weapon Fighting as a bonus feat.
Some storytellers aren’t interested in changing the stories around them, but instead focus on creating stories all their own - and begin crafting entirely new worlds.
Write World (Su) A worldwriter can create their own worlds within the folds of their scroll. By spending one or more points of eloquence, a worldwriter can create a demiplane that can be accessed through their scroll. At first level, this demiplane is only accessible as a sensory experience: anyone who reads the worldwriter’s scroll as a full-round action can see whatever scene the worldwriter has scribed within. At 3rd level, characters who read the scroll can choose to enter the demiplane instead - being transported to an identical copy of the scroll within the demiplane itself. Starting at 9th level, a worldwriter can choose to force anyone other than them who reads their scroll into their demiplane, if the creature reading the scroll fails a will save with a DC of 10 + the worldwriter’s wisdom modifier + half the worldwriter’s level.
The demiplane inside their scroll is four contiguous five foot cubes per level, and is filled with either air or water (whichever the worldwriter normally breathes), and otherwise similar to the create demiplane spell. Within the demiplane, any stories the worldwriter writes are reduced in eloquence cost by 2. Stories crafted here cannot leave the demiplane for any reason.
A character inside the worldwriter’s demiplane can leave it at any time by reading the copy of the scroll within the demiplane, exiting into the nearest unoccupied square to the original scroll.
While the scroll within the demiplane cannot be destroyed without destroying the demiplane itself, if her normal scroll is destroyed, the demiplane collapses, spilling its contents into the space the scroll had occupied.
This ability replaces phrases.
Eloquence (Su) A worldwriter’s eloquence maximum is equal to her level +2. This ability modifies eloquence.
While most storytellers tell their own stories, censors instead rewrite the stories of others around them.
Understatement (Su) A censor can deride and scorn creatures in their writing, undermining their every effort. By spending one point if eloquence, a censor can write a description understating a creature within 30 feet of them. An understated creature takes either a -1 morale penalty on attack and damage rolls, or a -1 morale penalty to all skill checks. For each two points of eloquence spent, this penalty increases by 1.
A censor can add words to their understatements as though they were phrases. A creature that succeeds the will save against words in an understatement also negate any penalties imposed by it.
Additionally, a censor can spend 4 points of eloquence to change the penalty imposed by the understatement to a luck penalty.
The effects of an understatement remain until the censor chooses to end it.
This ability replaces embellishments.
Rather than focusing on nuances of the languages of the universe, runewriter instead master as many words as they can, and write these powerful words alone, imposing their own story on the universe around them quickly, but without subtelty.
Runic Embellishments (Su) a runewriter may not spent eloquence to embellish their targets with descriptions to grant them morale bonuses - they may only write embellishments using words they know. ((This phrasing is bad))
This ability modified embellishments
Runic phrase (su) a runewriter may not spend eloquence to assault their target directly - they may only write phrases using words that they know.
This ability modified phrases
Runes (Su) at first level, and every two levels thereafter, a runewriter gains the spell word as a bonus word. The minimum spell level for this spell is equal to half their runewriter level, rounded up. This ability modifies words.

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Now with a more complete list of words:
Spell word: instead of a typical word, a storyteller can learn a wizard spell like it were a word. This spell must be of a spell level one third their storyteller level or less (minimum 0th level spells) and it can only be written as a phrase. Doing so requires a number of eloquence equal to three times the spell level (minimum 1).
Talented word: calling to mind great accomplishments of all kinds, this word represents the exemplars of particular talent.
Embellishment - the target treats any one skill as a class skill. For each additional two points of eloquence spent, they are considered to have one rank in that skill.
Phrase - the target may make a single skill check using one of the Storytellers bonuses instead of their own. This phrase remains active until the bonus is used, at which point it is erased as normal.
Storied creature - the creature gains proficiency with simple weapons. For 1 additional point of eloquence, they gain proficiency with martial weapons. For each additional point of eloquence spent, a creature gains proficiency with one exotic weapon.
Protection word: This word represents continued existence through sheer perseverance.
Embellishment - for each point of eloquence spent, the target gains a +1 armor bonus to AC. By spending two points of eloquence, the target gains a +1 deflection bonus to AC.
Phrase - the target gains a +2 shield bonus to AC, and becomes immune to magic missiles for one round per point of eloquence spent.
Storied object - an object created gains 1 point of hardness and 5 hit points per point of eloquence spent.
Storied creature - A creature created gains +1 natural armor per point of eloquence spent. Alternately, a creature gains DR 1/-- for each two points of eloquence spent.
Life Word: This word represents the positive energy that flows through all living things.
Embellishment - for each point of eloquence spent, the target gains 5 temporary hit points. If these temporary hit points are reduced to 0, the word is erased.
Phrase - a dying target immediately stabilizes and regains consciousness.
Storied creature - A creature created gains 10 maximum hit points per point of eloquence spent. Alternately, for each 3 points of eloquence spent, a created creature gains fast healing 1.
Heat word: this word calls to mind every sort of heat, from the warmth of an embrace to the scorching sun of the desert.
Embellishment - target gains resist fire 5 per point of eloquence spent.
Phrase - all damage done by this phrase is considered to be fire damage, in addition to whatever other damage types it is.
Storied creature - a creature created gains resist fire 5 and adds 1 point of fire damage to all attacks it makes for each point of eloquence spent, and vulnerability to cold damage.
Storied object - an object created appears to be made of living fire. If it is a weapon with at least a +1 enhancement bonus, it gains the flaming weapon property. If it is a weapon with at least a +3 enhancement bonus it gains the flaming burst weapon property instead.
Chill word: this word calls to mind chills of all sorts, from the freezing vaccuum of space to the eerie shiver of a cold shoulder.
Embellishment - target gains resist cold 5 for each point of eloquence spent.
Phrase - all damage done by the phrase is considered to be cold damage, in addition to whatever other damage types it is.
Storied creature - a creature created gains resist cold 5 and adds 1 point of cold damage to all attacks it makes for each point of eloquence spent, and vulnerability to fire damage.
Storied object - an object created appears to be made of steaming ice. If it is a weapon with at least a +1 enhancement bonus, it gains the frost weapon property. If it is a weapon with at least a +3 enhancement bonus it gains the freezing burst weapon property instead.
Spark word: this word begets the very electric thrum that underlies all nature, from bolts of lightning, to the tiniest static spark..
Embellishment - target gains resist electric 5 for each point of eloquence spent.
Phrase - all damage done by the phrase is considered to be electric damage, in addition to whatever other damage types it is.
Storied creature - a creature created gains resist cold 5 and adds 1 point of cold damage to all attacks it makes for each point of eloquence spent, and vulnerability to fire damage.
Storied object - an object created appears to be made of crackling electricity. If it is a weapon with at least a +1 enhancement bonus, it gains the shock weapon property. If it is a weapon with at least a +3 enhancement bonus it gains the shocking burst weapon property instead.
Movement word: This word is movement itself, bringing to mind swift, sure movement and graceful sweeping motions.
Embellishment - target increases base move speed by 5 feet. By spending 7 points of eloquence, the creature gains a fly speed equal to their base speed.
Phrase - target must make a save or be moved horizontally 5 ft in a direction of the storyteller’s choosing. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity, and cannot be through solid objects, but may put the creature into a hazardous situation. If the creature would enter a square it cannot safely stand as part of this movement, they receive an additional save to stop moving in the last safe square they were in with a +4 circumstance bonus.
Storied Creature - a creature increases its base move speed by 10 feet. By spending 5 points of eloquence the creature gains a fly speed equal to twice their base speed.
Hold word: This word is still and unmoving, calling to mind stoic mountains and hardened metal.
Embellishment - the target gains a +1 circumstance bonus against any sort of forced movement, per point of eloquence spent.
Phrase - The target is entangled and their base move speed is reduced by 5 feet per point of eloquence spent unless they succeed their save against the phrase. If this reduces their movement to 0, they are frozen in place, as hold person. This effect lasts for 1 round per eloquence spent, at which point the phrase is erased, as normal.
Storied object - the object increases in hardness by 5 per point of eloquence spent. If the hardness reaches 30 or higher, the object is considered adamantine for purposes of overcoming damage reduction.
Death word: This word represents the dark, negative energy that draws all souls to evil and destruction.
Embellishment - the target takes a -2 penalty to Constitution. Each additional time this word is used in an embellishment, it requires one more point of eloquence than before. If this penalty would reduce the target’s Constitution score to 0 or less, the target must make a Fortitude save each round or die.
Phrase - any damage done by other words of this phrase is considered to be negative energy damage, in addition to whatever other damage types it is.
Storied creature - a creature appears to be undead or dying, and gains the negative energy affinity. By spending three points of eloquence, the creature also gains the undead type.
Weakness word: This word is the entropy that slowly degrades all things, and the destruction of all things.
Embellishment - the target takes no penalties from the fatigued condition. By spending an additional 5 points of eloquence, the target takes no penalties from the exhausted condition.
Phrase - the target nonmagical object weighing 5 lbs or less and with a hardness of 10 or less gains the broken condition and is reduced to half its maximum hit points. If the object is attended, the creature holding it may make a Fortitude save. For each additional point of eloquence, this phrase can affect an object 5 lbs heavier, and with a hardness 5 points higher.
Storied creature - the creature does 1 point of negative energy damage with each of its attacks. By spending 6 points of eloquence, the creature gains an energy drain special attack, that causes creatures struck by its attacks to gain a negative level unless they succeed a save versus a DC of 10 + the storied creature’s hit dice.
Pervasive word: This word is all things, places and times at once.
Embellishment - the target is surrounded by partial figments of themselves, and seems to occupy one additional contiguous square per point of eloquence spent. This does not allow the target to take actions from those squares, but he is considered to occupy those squares for purposes of flanking or teamwork feats.
Phrase - the phrase requires only a ranged touch attack, instead of a standard ranged attack. For each additional point of eloquence, the phrase gains a +2 enhancement bonus to hit.
Storied creature- the creature exists on multiple planes at once, and its attacks can strike incorporeal creates as though it were incorporeal. By spending 9 points of essence, the creature can choose to become incorporeal at will. While incorporeal, it can attack material creatures as though it were material.
Storied object - the object seems to vibrate slightly, as though it isn’t quite fixed in position. If the object has at least a +1 enhancement bonus, it gains the ghost-touch weapon or armor property.
Portal word: This word is a paradox, always in many places at once, and seeming to seep into the very fabric of the layers of reality.
Embellishment - by spending 5 points of eloquence, whenever the target moves more than 5 feet, they become incorporeal during the duration of their movement.
Phrase - by spending 9 points of eloquence, a willing target is instantly teleported up to 100 feet. By spending an additional 4 points of eloquence, they instead move up to 100 miles. By spending an additional point of eloquence, the storyteller can either double the distance the target can travel, or increase the number of targets by one, so long as additional targets are touching the original target.
Storied creature - by spending 3 points of eloquence, a creature is treated as an outsider. By spending an additional point of eloquence, they also gain the good, evil, chaotic, lawful or native subtypes.
Storied object - An object attunes itself to a target, who can call it go their hand as a move action from anywhere within 100 feet.
Secret word: This word is invisible to the naked eye, and refers to everything hidden from sight or thought.
Embellishment - the target gains a +3 circumstance bonus to Stealth for each point of eloquence spent.
Phrase - by spending 3 points of eloquence, the target becomes invisible to one creature of the storyteller’s choosing also within 30 feet of the storyteller for 1 round. For each point of eloquence spent, the storyteller can choose one additional creature for the target to become invisible to, or increase the duration by one round. At the end of the duration, the phrase is erased.
Storied creature - The creature is quickly forgotten. Anyone observing the creature must make a Will save (DC equal to the storyteller’s phrase DC) or be unable to remember any specific details of the encounter. By spending 7 eloquence or more, if the target fails their will save they forget everything that happened during the time they encountered the creature, instead.
Storied object - the object is translucent, like a shadow, and invisible in dim light. By spending 3 additional points of eloquence, the object is entirely invisible. Invisible weapons grant a +2 circumstance bonus against opponents unable to see them.
Revelation word: This word reveals all secrets, piercing through the darkness of shadow, illusion and deception alike.
Embellishment - the target gains a +3 circumstance bonus to Perception checks per point of eloquence spent. By spending 5 points of eloquence, the target can instead gain the ability to see invisibility, as the spell.
Phrase - the storyteller strips all illusions from the target, making a dispel check (1d20 + number of points of eloquence points spent) against a DC of 11 + caster level of each illusion affecting the target. Spells that are not illusions remain unaffected.
Storied creature - the creature gains low-light vision. For each additional point of eloquence spent the creature gains either the scent special quality, or darkvision with a range of 30 feet. For three points of eloquence, the creature can gain blindsense 10 feet or tremorsense 30 feet.
Big word: This massive word refers to giants, towers, mountains - and even entire worlds.
Embellishment - for each four points of eloquence spent, the target increases in size by one size category. In doing so, they gain a +4 size bonus to Strength, and a -2 size penalty to Dexterity.
Phrase - for each two points of eloquence spent, this phrase affects one additional target within 10 feet of at least one of the previous targets. For each additional target added, all targets gain a +1 circumstance bonus on all saves against the phrase.
Storied creature - for each four points of eloquence spent, the target increases in size by one size category. In doing so, they gain a +4 size bonus to Strength, and a -2 size penalty to Dexterity. Alternately, for four points of eloquence, the creature’s reach increases by 5 feet.
Storied object - for each point of eloquence spent, increase the maximum size of the object by 5 feet in each dimension, and multiply the maximum weight by eight.
Little word
Embellishment - for each four points of eloquence spent, the target decreases in size by one size category. In doing so, they gain a -4 size penalty to Strength, and a +2 size bonus to Dexterity.
Phrase - the target feels as though they have shrunk, taking a -1 morale penalty per point of eloquence spent on all attacks against creatures the same size as them or larger for one minute.
Storied creature - for each four points of eloquence spent, the target decreases in size by one size category. In doing so, they gain a -4 size penalty to Strength, and a +2 size bonus to Dexterity.
Storied object - the storyteller gains a +3 circumstance bonus on their Craft check to create this object per point of eloquence spent, but can never increase the weight above 5 lbs, or the size above 3 feet in its longest dimension.
Mundane Word Surprisingly plain, this word seems almost like a mundane word in a common language, its true power hidden from all but the most discerning eye.
Embellishment - target gains spell resistance 4 plus 1 for each point of eloquence spent.
Phrase - by spending 5 points of eloquence, a storyteller can target a creature with dispel magic, with a caster level equal to the number of points of eloquence spent.
Storied creature or storied object - the creature or object cannot be identified as supernatural in appearance unless the observer succeeds a Perception check against a DC of 15 + your Wisdom modifier plus the number of points of eloquence spent on this word.
Restricting Word This word is small, tight and constrained and tightly woven like tangled vines, or binding chains.
Embellishment - the target gains a +1 circumstance bonus to grapple for each point of eloquence spent.
Phrase - the target is wrapped in spectral chains, ropes or vines that grapple them with a CMB equal to your Wisdom modifier plus the number of points of eloquence you spend on this check. Even if the target avoids being grappled, they are entangled for the duration of the effect. This phrase lasts for one minute, and is then erased..
Storied creature - for 3 points of eloquence, the creature gains a web special attack, with a DC equal to 10 plus half the creature’s HD plus your Wisdom modifier. For 5 points of eloquence, the creature gains the grab special attack, as well as a +1 circumstance bonus to grapple for each additional point of eloquence spent.
Storied object - an object created is tacky to the touch, and grants creatures holding it a +2 circumstance bonus to CMD against being disarmed per point of eloquence spent. For two points of eloquence the object becomes sticky enough that it is difficult to put down willingly, requiring a CMB check with a DC of 10 plus your Wisdom modifier plus the number of additional eloquence spent on this ability to drop.
Figment word This word calls to mind all that isn’t real; every lie and illusion.
Embellishment - for two points of eloquence, the target becomes blurry and indistinct around the edges, imposing a 10% miss chance against the creature. For each two points of eloquence spent, the mis chance increases by 10% further, up to 50%. Once the target’s miss chance reaches 50%, they become invisible. If they attack, they become visible and the embellishment ends.
Phrase - the phrase is mostly illusory, and does nonlethal damage instead of any other type of damage it would have done.
Storied creature or storied object - objects or creatures are silent illusions, instead of tangible objects or creatures. For each two points of eloquence spent, you can fool one additional sense (hearing, smell or basic touch) with your illusion. Additionally, for one point of eloquence you can interact with the illusory object as though it were tangible, but it remains tangible only to you.
Puppet word
Embellishment - on your turn, you may move a willing target up to their base movement as a standard action. This movement provokes attacks of opportunity, but the target gains a dodge bonus to AC against attacks of opportunity during this movement equal to the number of points of eloquence spent.
Phrase - if the target is the same type as you, they are charmed as charm person for a number of minutes equal to the points of eloquence spent. For 5 points of eloquence, the target does not need to be the same type as you. For 9 points of eloquence, the target is instead dominated, as dominate person for one minute plus one per additional point of eloquence spent.
Storied creature - the creature appears to be made of stone, wood or other inanimate material, and gains immunity to all mind-affecting effects. For 5 of eloquence, a creature becomes the construct type.
Storied object - as a move action, you can telekinetically move the object up to 5 feet per round per point of eloquence spent. Creatures can oppose the movement of the object by making a Strength check against 5 plus your Wisdom modifier plus the number of eloquence spent.
Sight word: This word plays on both light and darkness, shadows and how they reveal and hide.
Embellishment - The target gains darkvision 30 feet. For each additional point of eloquence spent, the target’s existing darkvision increases by 10 feet.
Phrase - the phrase blasts with bright light, the target must succeed a save or become dazzled for one round equal to the number of eloquence spent. For 3 points of eloquence, the target instead becomes blinded for a number of minutes equal to the number of points of eloquence spent if they fail their save.
Storied Object - the object sheds light as a torch. For each additional point of eloquence spent, the radius of light cast increases by 10 feet.
Aqua word: This word calls to mind raging oceans, calm seas, and even the moist air after a rainfall.
Embellishment - the target gains a +3 circumstance bonus to Swim checks per point of eloquence spent. For 5 points of eloquence, the target gains the amphibious subtype (allowing them to breathe both air and water).
Phrase - the target must make a save or temporarily lose the ability to breathe air or water (whichever they are currently breathing), instead gaining the ability to breathe only the other, for a number of rounds equal to half the number of points of eloquence spent. The target may make an additional save as a swift action on their turns in order to end the effect. The target must hold their breath until they can change mediums. This does not prevent a creature from speaking, but each round they speak for any reason they reduce the number of rounds they can hold their breath by 2.
Storied Creature - The creature gains (or loses) the aquatic subtype. By spending 3 points of eloquence, the creature gains the amphibious subtype.
Storied Object - The object is made of solid water, and takes no penalties underwater, even if it otherwise would.
Multiplicity word: This word is repetitive, almost to infinity, and refers to everything which there is multiple of.
Embellishment - for each point of eloquence spent, a duplicate of the target appears, sharing its space, as mirror image. If all images are destroyed, the embellishment is erased.
Phrase - For each five points of eloquence spent, your phrase strikes the target one additional time. Each additional attack uses all the same modifiers as the first.
Storied Creature - For each three points of eloquence spent, the creature gains an additional attack of the same type it was previously able to make. A creature with two or more attacks takes a -2 penalty to all attacks.
Storied Object - For each three points of eloquence spent, you create an additional object, identical in all ways to the original.

RonarsCorruption |
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Good catch sten, here's the updated story ability, which includes the normal maximum size of a storied object and a few other tweaks:
Story (Su) A storyteller can write so precisely that they can bring objects and creatures into being from nothing. The appearance of an object or creature created by a storyteller’s story is limited only by the storyteller’s preference - their creations can appear to be made of glowing force, to be naturally constructed or anywhere between or beyond - though to a keen eye their supernatural origin is obvious. Regardless of their superficial appearance, their statistics do not change, except as noted in any words used in the story.
By spending one or more points of eloquence, the storyteller can make a Craft check to create a physical object or tool of their choice, with a circumstance bonus on their check equal to twice the number of points of eloquence spent in this way. The DC of this check is equal to the check required to create a mundane version of the item normally. Once the the check has been made, that item springs to existence in their hand, or in an empty square within 30 feet. If the storyteller fails the check by less than 5, they create the intended item, but it has the broken condition. If they fail by 5 or more, they create an item that appears to be what they intended but doesn’t function (weapons are dull and unbalanced, armor falls apart and doesn’t fit, etc).
If she succeeds her check by 5 or more, the item is considered to be a masterwork version of that item. For each 5 additional points the check is exceeded by, the item is considered to have a +1 enhancement bonus, up to a maximum of +5.
A storied object can weigh 5 lbs, plus two lbs per point of eloquence spent. In addition, it can be no larger than three feet on a side, plus one foot per point of eloquence spent.
Alternately, by spending 2 or more points of eloquence, the storyteller can use her story to bring a creature into being. A creature created by a story has base statistics of:
1HD, Hp 10, AC 11, bab +1; attacks slam +1 (1d6); no good saves; base speed 30, medium size; any one skill at +4. It has the same type and subtypes as the storyteller.
For each point of eloquence spent, a creature gains +1 HD, +10 hp, +1 Dex bonus to AC, +1 natural armor bonus to AC, +1 bab, +1 to all saves, +1 strength to attack and damage, +2 to one of their chosen skills or a new skill at +4.
Whether a storyteller brings to life a new creature or crafts an item with their story, a she can choose to add any of the words she knows to her story. Doing so requires a number of eloquence equal to the number of words included, plus additional eloquence as noted in the particular word.

LMPjr007 |
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Good news BETTER News!!! We have don't an update to the original Storyteller base class and rules we released. But best of all it is available in PDF form so you can easily download and use. So check out and download this new playtest rule set for the Storyteller, for a LIMITED TIME (link expires 5/31/2016). Hope you enjoy!

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I think Scribe would be a fitting name. It also fits with the flavor of some of your archetypes.
"Storyteller" to me evokes images like Belgarath in the early chapters of the Belgariad; a traveler telling stories by the fire, evoking emotions and spinning visions in the minds of the listeners. When I hear "Storyteller", I don't think of R.A. Salvatore or Ed Greenwood, I think of my uncle or a tribe elder telling stories to us around the campfire, using their voice, the atmosphere, and years of practice, not a notebook, to bring the story to life. The writing implement focus of the current class seems to fit "Scribe" or even "Artist" much better than Storyteller.

LMPjr007 |

sten terrent wrote:I think Scribe would be a fitting name. It also fits with the flavor of some of your archetypes.Ditto.
"Storyteller" to me evokes images like Belgarath in the early chapters of the Belgariad; a traveler telling stories by the fire, evoking emotions and spinning visions in the minds of the listeners. When I hear "Storyteller", I don't think of R.A. Salvatore or Ed Greenwood, I think of my uncle or a tribe elder telling stories to us around the campfire, using their voice, the atmosphere, and years of practice, not a notebook, to bring the story to life. The writing implement focus of the current class seems to fit "Scribe" or even "Artist" much better than Storyteller.
The name is ALSO not my favorite but I haven't come up with anything that sounds interesting and unique enough for this class, It took me a little while to decide on Machinesmith when we did that class but I am sure we will think of something new and interesting.

RonarsCorruption |

Okay, it has been revised:
Enchanting Story (Ex) Beginning at 4th level, a storyteller can begin to create magical objects through use of her story. When she creates a storied object, she can attempt to create a magical item, instead of a mundane one.
To do so, she must spend no less than ten minutes writing her story, and spend a number of additional eloquence equal to each 2,000gp in the item’s base price. At the end of this time, the storyteller makes a Spellcraft check with a DC equal to 10 + the item’s caster level + twice the number of spells listed in the item’s prerequisites. If the check is successful, the item created is the magical item intended by the storyteller - otherwise, the check produces a mundane version of the item instead.
A storyteller cannot create a consumable item for which she does not know the spell word that the item would replicate.

LMPjr007 |

So I received this in my email yesterday from our writer, Michael McCarthy:
I just wanted to let you know the storyteller, er, [REDACTED] playtest has gone really well - I've done a full revision of the class including a rename, and once my playtesters have had some time to look at the revisions made as a result of the playtest (which I hope to be wrapped up before I leave for Paizocon on Thursday) I'll pass along the gold draft to you. :)
Expect to see the update VERY SOON and if you are going to be at PaizoCon you might want to talk to Michael about this class.

LMPjr007 |
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[LPJ Design] Classes of NeoExodus: Protean Scribe for The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Now available
Louis Porter Jr. Design, has released Classes of NeoExodus: Protean Scribe for The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game at RPGNow.com and DriveThruRPG.com. Here is information on this product:
To a protean scribe, all the universe is formed of words. Not just words such as the kind in a language spoken by mortals or even by the gods themselves, but words more powerful even than that. Words that drew forth the universe itself from the protean mass of chaos that came before. Protean scribes dedicate their lives to unearthing these primordial words, and to weaving them into common languages to create powerful magical effects; empowering their allies, weakening their foes, or even creating life with nothing more than a simple stylus and a few words.
Inside this sourcebook you will find you’ll need to enhance on adventures when using the Protean Scribe base class:
- All the information to play the Protean Scribe as base class for the Pathfinder RPG and NeoExodus: A House Divided Campaign Setting.
- Rules for the Protean Scribe’ Stylus and Writing including to create three distinct types of fantastic effects -- Embellishments, Phrases and Stories; and Primordal words.
- Five All New Archetypes: Scrollblade, Wordwriter, Censor, Runewriter and Orator.
- Six New Feats including Distant Phrase, Evolved Story, Intense Phrase

LMPjr007 |
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Our friends at Lost Spheres Publishing seem to like Michael McCarthy creation of the basic class, the Protean Scribe. Let's see what they say about it.