101 Reasons to be booted from a table.

Gamer Life General Discussion

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CapeCodRPGer wrote:
If Someone took my car keys and moved my car without my permission just to get a reaction out of me, I will make sure to see the reaction they have when I call the police, have them arrested and brought up on charges for theft. I don't care who it is, my best friend, my girlfriend, my mother, the pope. They crossed the line and it would be over between us.

Technically if they bring it back it's no longer classified as theft but as Joyriding.

Both crimes, both bound to cause some penalty but the two are on very different orders of magnitude.

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knightnday wrote:
I just try to play with grown ups and that removes a lot of these problems. While some people find the moving the car thing amusing, I know I don't. I'd likely find another group.

In my case it would depend on how it was handled.

If the group left me to freak out and stew over it? Yeah, I'm out of there.

If they gave me a brief time [Up to a minute-ish, not long enough to call the cops in any case] to freak out and then told me what they'd done and where it was, I'd be pissed for a bit. Then I'd laugh it off and have the perp escort me to my car. Then- assuming all was well with my car and nothing was missing or out of sorts- all would be forgiven.

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kyrt-ryder wrote:
knightnday wrote:
I just try to play with grown ups and that removes a lot of these problems. While some people find the moving the car thing amusing, I know I don't. I'd likely find another group.

In my case it would depend on how it was handled.

If the group left me to freak out and stew over it? Yeah, I'm out of there.

If they gave me a brief time [Up to a minute-ish, not long enough to call the cops in any case] to freak out and then told me what they'd done and where it was, I'd be pissed for a bit. Then I'd laugh it off and have the perp escort me to my car. Then- assuming all was well with my car and nothing was missing or out of sorts- all would be forgiven.

It's almost as if these people are your friends are something.

If they were my friends, they'd know how I'd react to something like this and would definitely not have done it. I take a dim view of most pranks as I've gotten older.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

kyrt-ryder wrote:

Technically if they bring it back it's no longer classified as theft but as Joyriding.

Both crimes, both bound to cause some penalty but the two are on very different orders of magnitude.

Not in my state.

Minnesota Criminal Code wrote:


The classic example of joyriding is the youngster who takes a car out for the evening and then returns it. In most states, joyriding (taking a vehicle without the owner’s permission) is treated as a less serious crime than theft because the joyrider does not intend to permanently deprive the owner of the vehicle. However, Minnesota’s prohibition against motor vehicle theft does not require the defendant intend to deprive the owner of the vehicle permanently, only that the defendant take or drive the car without permission, knowing that he or she does not have permission. So, Minnesota’s broad theft statute could apply to joyriding.

I generally find when a prank crosses a line like that (where it's stressful, but no one or nothing is ultimately harmed) the best way to prevent future occurrences is to say in a stern manner "that wasn't funny, don't ever do it again" works. Every. Time. :-)

Wow I knew Minnesota's government was bad but that's pretty ridiculous. Hitting a dumb kid [or casual prank] with a serious crime like Grand Theft Auto over Joyriding >_<

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
CapeCodRPGer wrote:
If Someone took my car keys and moved my car without my permission just to get a reaction out of me, I will make sure to see the reaction they have when I call the police, have them arrested and brought up on charges for theft. I don't care who it is, my best friend, my girlfriend, my mother, the pope. They crossed the line and it would be over between us.

Are you seriously saying that you'd arrest your own mother for moving the car? If you're not, then score one (probably more) for you in the hyperbole department.

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107: Calling the cops on a player for a harmless prank. Sure you might not find it funny but be a grown up and use those words to express yourself.

Sovereign Court

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John Kretzer wrote:
107: Calling the cops on a player for a harmless prank. Sure you might not find it funny but be a grown up and use those words to express yourself.

No cops. My Toyota's honor may only be restored through blood.

John Kretzer wrote:
107: Calling the cops on a player for a harmless prank. Sure you might not find it funny but be a grown up and use those words to express yourself.

It will be equally harmless when I siphon all the gas out of their tank, tape the float gauge up, and watch them run the lines dry on the highway during rush hour.

Also, I would totally leave them the can of gas. No stealing no foul!

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BigDTBone wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:
107: Calling the cops on a player for a harmless prank. Sure you might not find it funny but be a grown up and use those words to express yourself.

It will be equally harmless when I siphon all the gas out of their tank, tape the float gauge up, and watch them run the lines dry on the highway during rush hour.

Also, I would totally leave them the can of gas. No stealing no foul!

Um...yeah...running out of gas on the highway(making them late for work thus loosing money) and um taking apart their gas tank ( to tape up the floating gauge) completely equals moving somebody car down the block...

Also don't you mean cans of gas? I don't know many gas cans that hold more than 5 gallons. I mean if you want the prank to work they would have to have a full tank of gas to start with.

Listen I get some people won't find this funny...and I would not do it either...but to call the Cops on something this minor? I am sorry I don't want to hang out with somebody that up tight...who knows I might one day accidentally walk with a pencil or some dice they would probably call the cops for theft.

Also, dialing a police-non emergency number to report your car stolen, when it was moved down the road, will likely not even get you an officer response.

911 Operators have more important things to do than deal with that sort of petty nonsense.

They're the ones who have to talk to people while they're dying, they truly will not give a f__k about your poor response to a prank.

By taking this too seriously, you are wasting the time of people who spend their nights trying to save lives.

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Some people just want more government in their lives, rather than dealing with things themselves.

pH unbalanced wrote:
11. Volunteering to track party treasure, only to sell it all off without notice to make a custom magic item. (Extra points because the item turned out to be cursed, since the crafter he hired worked for the Big Bad of the campaign.)

A party member did the "I'll track and hold on to the treasure, then sell it off for my own benefit", except it was to buy a rare custom magic item for themselves. We laughed. Players were thieving scoundrels so it seemed to be okay (as the dm in a game with pvp on, I didn't weigh in).

kyrt-ryder wrote:
Some people just want more government in their lives, rather than dealing with things themselves.

A sage of our times!

106. Wanting to play a gunslinger in a setting without guns.

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DM Under The Bridge wrote:
106. Demanding to play a gunslinger in a setting without guns.

Fixed that for you :P

[A simple desire really isn't boot-worthy is it?]

Agreed. :)

Soilent wrote:
CapeCodRPGer wrote:
I wouldn't call 911. I would just call the main number. Then I can't get brought up on charges for 911 abuse. If they laugh it off, fine. It would still be over between me and whoever did that to me and thought it would be funny. Certain things you don't do that crosses a line for me. What if after car was moved I get a call that my girlfriend was in a bad accident and I spend time looking for the car. While I am looking for my car to go be with her, she dies. It's still funny right?

Ooh, or what if a meteor crashes onto the Earth, and the Nanomachines inside take over the world, while the only thing that can stop them is locked in your car?

Spoilers: The thing is "milkwater". Melts those nanomachines right down. Kind of a stupid invasion plan, really.

captain yesterday wrote:
I generally find when a prank crosses a line like that (where it's stressful, but no one or nothing is ultimately harmed) the best way to prevent future occurrences is to say in a stern manner "that wasn't funny, don't ever do it again" works. Every. Time. :-)

Gun is quicker.

I think we can all agree Mr I will call the cops over reaction is full of s$$~ he/she isn't call the cops on anyone, its all just internet bluster :-)

Scarab Sages

kyrt-ryder wrote:
DM Under The Bridge wrote:
106. Demanding to play a gunslinger in a setting without guns.

Fixed that for you :P

[A simple desire really isn't boot-worthy is it?]

A Bolt Ace is a thing. Just Sayin.

kyrt-ryder wrote:
DM Under The Bridge wrote:
106. Demanding to play a gunslinger in a setting without guns.

Fixed that for you :P

[A simple desire really isn't boot-worthy is it?]

Demanding anything would do it for many people, and be borderline for others. Request? Sure. Consider and talk about, sure. Demand? No thank you.

Silver Crusade

captain yesterday wrote:
I think we can all agree Mr I will call the cops over reaction is full of s*!! he/she isn't call the cops on anyone, its all just internet bluster :-)


After a minute I'd be pissed and annoyed.

After 5 I'd begin contemplating either the cops or violence.

After 10 threats ensue.

After 30 violence ensues (or less if they were being smug little pricks about me squirming).

How long does something as expensive and vital to your daily life as your vehicle have to be missing before taking actions to get it back stop being an "overreaction"?

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Just a few points of interest or views of my opinion.

1. I think the individual that had his car moved was negligent in leaving his keys where anyone could get to them. Mine are always with me.

2. I agree that the moving of the other persons car was childish and wrong at the same time.

3. My reaction would have been to immediately call the police. Mainly because a car is a major investment to me.

4. I would have made a point of letting the entire group know that I did not find any humor in the moving of my car.

5. If that was their idea of humor I probably would have quit the group.

As I said these are my opinions. I am as entitled to my opinion as you are to yours. If nothing else let us agree to disagree.

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Suffice it to say, the absent car wasn't noticed as absent until the game session was over. Everyone left at the same time, and the car owner immediately noticed the missing car, was bewildered for a moment, and then figured out right away what had happened (as I said in the OP, they've been friends for 20+ years). He was escorted to his car, life continued...

These are people in their 40s. Huge overreactions are not in our natures anymore, unless it involves our kids.

Silver Crusade

Randarak wrote:

Suffice it to say, the absent car wasn't noticed as absent until the game session was over. Everyone left at the same time, and the car owner immediately noticed the missing car, was bewildered for a moment, and then figured out right away what had happened (as I said in the OP, they've been friends for 20+ years). He was escorted to his car, life continued...

These are people in their 40s. Huge overreactions are not in our natures anymore, unless it involves our kids.

Immediately figuring out and being taken to the car is one thing, and it's nice you and your friends/family are okay with each other doing this. I guess it just comes down to how long the person who moved the car holds out on revealing where the car is. I'd still be annoyed though.

To be honest, I would be too. The owner of the car is very easy going. Takes everything in stride. However, the bewilderment on his face, followed by "Okay, I know I parked out here..." was funny at the time...

I would never move someones car like that because they would punch me. Anyone who would do this for laughs hasn't been punched enough.

Yes, anyone who tows someone's car from in front of their home, for any reason, needs to be punched. That makes sure it's for a darned good reason.

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I never found this sort of thing funny. Then again, I think that Borat and the Jack@$$ guys should be executed for crimes against humanity.

knightnday wrote:
I never found this sort of thing funny. Then again, I think that Borat and the Jack@$$ guys should be executed for crimes against humanity.

Add in the Impractical Jokers and you have my vote.

The Hyperbole is strong in this thread.

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CapeCodRPGer wrote:
If Someone took my car keys and moved my car without my permission just to get a reaction out of me, I will make sure to see the reaction they have when I call the police, have them arrested and brought up on charges for theft. I don't care who it is, my best friend, my girlfriend, my mother, the pope. They crossed the line and it would be over between us.

Wow man. That's some serious over reaction. While I get that not everyone like pranks, and not everyone likes to be embarrassed, that's just overkill.

If this was someone you'd never met before, then your reaction might make some sense. But someone that you're good friends with?

What do you do when someone makes a joke at your expense? Try to have them charged with slander?

Liberty's Edge

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As usual everyone is a paragon of virtue. With a endless supply of humour when it comes to jokes. When it does not happen to them. Or when they hear it happens to someone else. Their a difference between hiding s toy car worth a few dollars. A real car worth a lot more. Either way I would not be happy with the person depending on my mood. I have certain personal limits when it comes to humour. I let people know about them ahead of time. If one still decides to make a stupid pun at my expense then don't be surprised at a negative reaction.

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Hasn't this poor dead horse been beaten enough?

DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Hasn't this poor dead horse been beaten enough?

Not till I ask this important question. Were they parked illegally?

Were they blocking part of the snow emergency route?

Scarab Sages

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I seriously think the world needs more practical jokes and tolerance therefore, not less.

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memorax wrote:
I have certain personal limits when it comes to humour. I let people know about them ahead of time. If one still decides to make a stupid pun at my expense then don't be surprised at a negative reaction.

Sure, but that's different. I know one of my co-workers is afraid of spiders. As a prank I was going to put a fake Halloween spider in her drawer, so that when she opened it she would be momentarily scared.

I hinted that I might do something like that to gauge her reaction, and she lost her mind. Made it pretty clear that she would not find it funny, so I didn't do it.

But a good friend? Someone you've known for years? Assuming that "friend" means someone who actually likes you and wants to see good things happen to you, you should give them the benefit of the doubt.

If friend means "some person I hang out with because we have similar interests but I really don't give a crap about them," then maybe, but in that case you need better friends.

Scarab Sages

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Regarding the above, I'd point out that "random acts of Chaos" are fundamentally and completely different from "deliberately poking a individual's known vulnerable spot."

Tormsskull wrote:
memorax wrote:
I have certain personal limits when it comes to humour. I let people know about them ahead of time. If one still decides to make a stupid pun at my expense then don't be surprised at a negative reaction.

Sure, but that's different. I know one of my co-workers is afraid of spiders. As a prank I was going to put a fake Halloween spider in her drawer, so that when she opened it she would be momentarily scared.

I hinted that I might do something like that to gauge her reaction, and she lost her mind. Made it pretty clear that she would not find it funny, so I didn't do it.

But a good friend? Someone you've known for years? Assuming that "friend" means someone who actually likes you and wants to see good things happen to you, you should give them the benefit of the doubt.

If friend means "some person I hang out with because we have similar interests but I really don't give a crap about them," then maybe, but in that case you need better friends.

Yeah, speaking as someone with pretty severe arachnaphobia, I'd be seriously upset—and then pissed—if someone pulled that on me. If it was a non-friend, they'd stay that way. If it was a friend, I'd chew them out and expect some sort of apology.

Then I'd dial 911. Not for the cops—for the ambulance after I'm through with them.

Wait, is that disproportionate?

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107. Treating the game as something you try and 'win'

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As an attempt to bring this thread back onto the tracks...

108. Showing up for the game session in just your boxers, because we are all friends here, right?

Edited to renumber!

Scarab Sages

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109. Caring more about competing with other players/character classes than playing the game the way it was intended to be played.

I know for myself, I have issues with anxiety. Making me think my car is stolen would certainly not be something I'd just chuckle about and say "Oh you rascals."

Again, I expect people that were described in their 40s to have gotten past this sort of thing by now. If they are good friends or friends at all, they should have an idea of how you'd take something like this and maybe ask the others, "Hey, if we move Bob's car, what do you think he'd do?"

If they all look at you like you are crazy, you may want to rethink. Of course, if they all think it is OK and do it anyway (knowing how you'd react) you may want to reconsider if they are friends.

Scarab Sages

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knightnday wrote:

I know for myself, I have issues with anxiety. Making me think my car is stolen would certainly not be something I'd just chuckle about and say "Oh you rascals."

I have anxiety issues myself (AKA severe OCD), but I'd cite that as something to treat as an opportunity to heal and learn to say "oh you rascals" or something rather than getting upset. I may ask the person (and others present) not to do it again (after all, how funny is a practical joke if it's predictable?), but I oughtn't get mad at them if I understand it was a practical joke.

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My guys know I'd laugh and laugh. Then kill all their characters.

I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:
knightnday wrote:

I know for myself, I have issues with anxiety. Making me think my car is stolen would certainly not be something I'd just chuckle about and say "Oh you rascals."

I have anxiety issues myself (AKA severe OCD), but I'd cite that as something to treat as an opportunity to heal and learn to say "oh you rascals" or something rather than getting upset. I may ask the person (and others present) not to do it again (after all, how funny is a practical joke if it's predictable?), but I oughtn't get mad at them if I understand it was a practical joke.

Again I hold that if they are your friends, they'd know that sort of thing isn't something that you'd find amusing. It's less a matter of getting upset about it and more that your theoretical friends are more interested in getting their jollies than taking your feelings into consideration.

Scarab Sages

That's kinda fair, if that's what you mean; it goes back to what I said after Tormsskull's post about the fake spider. Otherwise, I've been speaking on a general, rather than specific, level.

Goth Guru wrote:
DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Hasn't this poor dead horse been beaten enough?

Not till I ask this important question. Were they parked illegally?

Were they blocking part of the snow emergency route?

No, and we don't have one of those on my street.

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