
Luthor Volandis's page

Goblin Squad Member. *** Pathfinder Society GM. 118 posts (2,635 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 26 Organized Play characters. 9 aliases.


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Sovereign Court

I have a mindblade magus as one of my PFS characters and they're quite fun. You just have to watch out for the spells with the thought component having penalty to concentration checks... it's a large penalty and best to just play around it i found.

Look up the thought component here

I've decided on an Investigator and will will use the Empiricist archetype. I'm working out how they work which will guide me on who they are and help me make their background and make them fit in.

I've also started to add some complications by being a half elf but taking a large selection of shadowy drow related alternate racial features. They're going to be a bit weird yet very clever and able to use their smarts to talk their way out of trouble (they hope).

Sovereign Court

I installed the Hero Lab custom add-on for that mod list lastnight but it was getting quite late so i didn't get to play about with it.

I was also feeling like we were low on skills and could do with some extra healing options. I've been looking for alternate ways of trying to cover both those bases and have been looking at either an investigator or possibly an alchemist with the chirurgeon archetype - i'd very likely go for healing bombs and/or the infusion discovery to make extracts work on my friends for whichever option i went for.

Deciding on being a skilful alchemical expert at least narrows down the general theme for the character so will help me come up with a backstory and guide me in working out the characters ties to Sandpoint.

Sovereign Court

I like that list of feat adjustments. I'll have to get hold of the Hero Lab modification file and try it out.

Sovereign Court

I guess it's always handy to have a spread of skills and abilities through a group:

At least one character with healing spells.
At least one character who can do something about traps.
At least one character who can get in close to enemies.
At least one character who can deal with ranged threats.

It's possible to mix and match some things and cover a couple of bases with class choices or a little multiclassing of course.

I lean towards classes with some ability to heal although not specifically the main healer. I guess i just like to have a character who can save themselves or the 'main' healer when the going gets tough.

I don't have any specific ideas in mind for something i would like to play though. I'm another of those players who starts looking at ideas i have and just ends up with more options rather than narrowing down my choices!

Sovereign Court

A brief call in and say hi before i go to bed. 1.30am has just sneaked up on me and shouted "BOO!" :)

I've played book one and am currently GMing a home game of book two for a bunch of (relative) newbies to RPGs and Pathfinder. I was pretty unhappy when the game i played fell through and wanted to see more of the story. That certainly influenced my choice to run new people through Runelords.

I've been GMing for a number of years now and i like to think i've got pretty good at separating GM/Player knowledge from character knowledge so i don't think that will be a problem.

I've loved introducing my players to Sandpoint and will certainly be keen to make a character who feels like they belong there.

I'm all for using background skills as that system is a great may make skills stretch a little further.

I don't have any specific ideas for a character off the top of my head. I do like the idea of a campaign where crafting is a valid option, even if it isn't my character that gets to do the crafting.

I'll have a think while keeping an eye on the discussion and between us all i'm sure we'll come up with a group of characters we all like.

Sovereign Court

Torith hums along to Kragmyr's tune as he follows along looking for signs of the missing horse.

Sovereign Court

Hi there all. I hear there is a space and i'd like to jump in for level 2 onwards.

Could someone give me a rundown of the group makeup for the existing PCs, please?

I have a character in mind but i also have some unspecified GM credit blobs that could be moulded to fit if a specific role is required. :)

Sovereign Court

Dotting in to keep an eye on things and be ready for the start of playtest.

I think my current mood on 2e is 'cautiously optimistic' - though each clarification and new thing i hear has been positive for me so far.

Right now they can't release blog posts fast enough as i just want to know more!

Sovereign Court

starting gold, minimum 105g: 3d6 ⇒ (3, 5, 5) = 13x10 = 130g

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Ok so i've finally decided on playing an Undine. I've also never played a Shaman before and thanks to the waves spirit this seems like a really good time to try one out.

The character will appear to mostly be human but be 'blessed by his ancestors' to also be able to swim naturally and breath underwater without magic. He's not sure where this ability comes from so this journey is as much to hopefully find some things out about himself as it is to explore and colonize.

He's very much in reverence of the past and his ancestors and the past.

He'll very likely pick up a couple of item crating feats at later levels too (one of which comes from a shaman hex).

Once ive sorted out his stats i'll have a better idea of who he is and can fill in some more background details.

Sovereign Court

So i think the list so far is:


I'm looking at options for a healer or a trap finder.

I've seen an interesting way of making a Kitsune Life Oracle that i could try out. Still looking for for trap finding options right now.

Any plans so far Redac? I think it's just me and you that need to decide what to play.

Sovereign Court

Hi there!

Ruins of Azlant looks really good so i'm looking forward to this!

No idea about class, race or anything right now. The more people with character ideas posted will help narrow down my options from the current choice of all-the-things! lol

It's almost 7am here in England and i'm at work all day, but i'll read through the player guide on my break and lunch and post something when i get home this evening.

Sovereign Court

Please add me to the wait list too.

I have a character with 1 scenario completed but i'm undecided on their final class/race, so i could be anything as needed.

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I happened to be here as you did it so i dotted. It looks to have worked ok.

Keskodai says to say Hi to Quig :)

Sovereign Court

Player Name: Luthor Volandis
Character Name: TBD
PFS 9249-704
Class/level: Solarion 1
Faction: Second Seekers

A new character i'd like to play but have not set up on the boards yet. I'm also interested to see how The Commencement plays on PbP.

Sovereign Court

Dotting in to show interest and to keep an eye on the thread.

I'm interested in most APs and love making new characters, especially if the group has a theme.

Sovereign Court

I'll add my name to the list.

Character Class: Human Envoy
Character level: 1.2
Space Combat Role: Captain/Pilot


Character Class: Vesk Soldier
Character level: 1.2
Space Combat Role: Gunner/Pilot

Both characters have Quests and Commencement chronicles.

Sovereign Court

WOW that went fast! That'll teach me for waiting until 10am UK time to check the boards rather than checking at home before i leave for work.

Sovereign Court

Hi all. I am your replacement type person :)

As everyone has picked something out already this made my life a little easier, so thank you for that.

I have a level 1 character with 2xp of pre-gen/GM credit who i'm going to turn into a Half-orc alchemist.

I'll post his/her details once i've fully decided on them. I get home from work in a couple of hours so i can start throwing things at Hero Lab and see what sticks.

Sovereign Court

I'm interested. I'll see if i have anything available. Failing that i'll make something new :)

Sovereign Court

If The Commencement pops up i'll gladly sign up too!

Sovereign Court 3/5

A sensible solution and cuts down on excessive paperwork too.

Sovereign Court 3/5

6 people marked this as a favorite.

I love that you guys have allowed both written sources of Lore Warden to count as a legal source for ownership purposes. Even going so far as to reprint the updated rules in the blog post.

Combine that with the well thought out rebuild rules from above and i feel like this is a very fair and considered approach.

Well done Org Play team, keep up the good work! :)

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I love the characters so far RD.

I'm really glad you're doing Starfinder characters too!

Sovereign Court 3/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Yay for PbP - everyone i've played with has been friendly and fun to game with.

New players are always welcome!

Good job on your blog post Hmm :)

Sovereign Court 3/5

I've seen other special boons that require some kind of Venture Officer to sign them. Does this boon work this way too or could i sign the boon off as a GM for my home group playing SFS?

Sovereign Court

I'll reply here so all can see my choice.

I've built a Vesk Soldier with the Priest theme - so he's kind-of a holy warrrior of Iomadae.

I'm getting his stats sorted out on his profile when i get home from work in a few hours.

Sovereign Court

Ravingdork wrote:

For anyone who is interested in Starfinder, I just finished my first Starfinder character: an android daredevil and reformed biker gang member turned space explorer.

I won't be posting Starfinder characters in this thread, but if I get enough of them made up, then I just may make a sister thread similar to this one over on the Starfinder forum. :D

Looks like a cool concept and a great way to pull apart the character building for Starfinder. I look forward to seeing any other characters you build in the future RD.

Sovereign Court

I'm thinking of building something that will wear heavy armour and attack in melee, though that's as far as i've got at the moment. I'd like to play mystic though i think just playing a Soldier would be easier. I'll sort it out over the next couple of days.

Sovereign Court

@Hmm if i get my hands on a legacy race boon from running at my FLGS you will be the first person i come to.

I think my first character will be a Kasatha who is some kind of spellcaster. Maybe a Technomancer... i won't decide until i see the classes and see what fits the idea in my head.

Sovereign Court

It's getting super close now and i'm getting excited to see Starfinder for myself.

Our local lodge are running a weekend SFS event on the release weekend from the gaming shop we always play at (Fanboy3, Manchester, England). It should be be a really fun weekend.

I'll be sorting out an SFS pregen alias very soon. I wish i could see a Starfinder statblock so i know what i'll need to put on it - that's another thing to look forward to seeing! :)

Sovereign Court

I wish i had the spare money to subscribe for that early access PDF. I'll just have to wait until 17th for my first look.

Sovereign Court

A little earlier than GenCon would be really handy for setting up online play.

Sovereign Court

@JamZilla i'm from Manchester, England - howdy neighbour! :)

Sovereign Court

Put me down for Keskodai then please Hmm.

Sovereign Court

I'm still happy to give little Quig a try, but if someone else has a specific preference to play him i'll pick someone else.

Sovereign Court

I swear my brain read the Star Trek:Voyager music there. :)

Sovereign Court

It was good to read a character who has an optimistic outlook who travels because they want to see new things. It's nice to read about a character that doesn't currently have something horrible they are running from/to.

Sovereign Court

I'm still here :)

Sovereign Court

I've not been in a game with HMM before. The closest i've got is HMM Overseer in the current multi-table special - that's making me feel like this adventure is gonna be a fun one! :)

Sovereign Court

Hi there RD.

So I was just looking over some of the announced details for Starfinder on my lunch break and that got me wondering about your thoughts on the new system.

Is Starfinder something you are interested in?

If so, do you think you will build characters/NPCs (and maybe ships too...) for Starfinder too?

I'm personally quite excited to see what the whole thing plays like :)

Sovereign Court

Quig and Scout are now announced - YAY. I may have to play him :)

Sovereign Court

Whatever you decide will be great i'm sure. What you suggested sounds fair and will give new pbp players a chance, so that is always good.

Sovereign Court

I was mostly referring to the Paizo Blog posts about Starfinder. They have been doing a 'Meet the Iconics' series, though they haven't revealed the backgrounds for all of them yet.

Paizo have announced which Race/Class combinations the Iconics will be though, not that it helps me chooses one to play...

Sovereign Court

Hi to our group of Starfinder newbies. I hope we can learn by doing and not by dying...

I'm looking forward to this game. I'm liking the look of the announced Iconics so far but i haven't picked out a favorite just yet.

If i'm really lucky i may get hold of my physical copy of the rules from my FLGS before this starts up, but as I live in England it's not exactly guaranteed. I'll certainly have the PDF version as soon as it's released though! :D

Sovereign Court 3/5

GM Hmm I was one of your signups for Starfinder and I noticed you delayed start to line up with the gameday - that should give me a bit more time to read the rules! ;)

Sovereign Court

All looks good to me.

Sovereign Court

I'm looking forward to playing Starfinder with you all - August cannot come soon enough!

Sovereign Court

Posting now so i can keep an eye on future recruitment posts.

Sovereign Court

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Is it August yet?


How about now? :)

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