![]() ![]()
skills: Acrobatics 4; Climb 8 (6); Disable Device 8(6); Intimidate 4; Dungeon 5; Geography 5; Heal 5; Local 7; Perception 7; Stealth 8 (+6); Survival 7 (8 track); Swim 8 (6); Languages: Common, Orc Harrow: Points:2 Card:Locksmith Vitals:
Urban Ranger 3, INIT:+4, AC:18(FF:16/T:12), HP:15/28, F:+4 R:+6 W:+2 ![]() I will put my skills in a spoiler when I get on my computer later tonight. My phone is not cooperating. ![]()
Init +5, HP:180/180; AC:21(24), F:10,R:10, W:4:Senses:Low Light Vision, Scent, Perception: +20
![]() Rylands 's eyes narrow at FIA's comment then fly wide open as he face turns as red as new wine after her departure. The wolf lord looks stunned for a moment before he gathers himself and leans against the door frame and watches the wise woman make her introductions. Has to be the one power. Why else would men capper about as like gleemen for their attention then feel like they have been thrown in a trolloc's cook pot when they get it? ![]()
Init +4; Senses: low-light vision, darkvision 60 ft, scent; Perception +6, AC:32, HP:110/110; SR:10; Fort +12, Ref +8, Will +5; DR 5/good
![]() Ragnar sniffs the ground where the elf women disappeared and raises his leg. A stream of sulphrr smelling urin splashes on the cave floor and the hound growls before returning to his masters side. ![]()
Vitals: LD14, Cav 1 INIT:+4, AC:34 (39)/FF:33/T:16, HP:283/216, F:+24 R:+14 W:+17, P: 10 Skills:
Bluff+8,Climb+12,Dip+8,Disg+8,Han An+9,Intim+30,Kn(Nobil)+18,Kn(relig)+8,Perc+10,Ride+10,Spellc+4,Surv+6,Stea lth+8 ![]() Edmin sits his glass down and returns the oracle's look of seriousness. "Dren. You have always followed direction and and I have never doubted your dedication to the mission. That being said, you have to understand that you and that knife are down right spooky. You sacrifice people to...whatever it is you sacrifice them to, and sometimes talk to it. Not that talking to your weapon is crazy, but sometimes I think you hear yours talk back." ![]()
Vitals: LD14, Cav 1 INIT:+4, AC:34 (39)/FF:33/T:16, HP:283/216, F:+24 R:+14 W:+17, P: 10 Skills:
Bluff+8,Climb+12,Dip+8,Disg+8,Han An+9,Intim+30,Kn(Nobil)+18,Kn(relig)+8,Perc+10,Ride+10,Spellc+4,Surv+6,Stea lth+8 ![]() Edmin listens intently when not seeming confused. "Very good ...Ulp. I am impressed." The Champion of the Dark Prince has changed since the breaking of the wall. His anger is still there but seems to be held in check more often than before. He has not fallen into dark depression since the fall of the keep and his mind seems more focused. Strange as it seems, Edmin almost appears...happy. Edmin thinks for a moment and takes a drink of wine. "Jax, I need you to contact the Eighth. We need to find out where they are and what they are up to, and you seem to get along the best with them. Ask them to do something, anything I do not care, but something we already have information about. I would see the support they can offer." "Judge, I have thought about it and you have a good point. Your mind is to great of a thing to waste here in a library, even if your body is wasting away in front of us. Excursions from base would be acceptable, take ...Ulp with you as your guard or whatever. We need to divide up the town and attempt to locate the tower first and foremost. Other intel is good to have but with out a location we may as well not know anything." The knight looks at Dren for a moment before speaking. "Can I trust you not to go bat s+~~ crazy in town? I may have a task for you if you give your word of honor not to get carried away. We need to work on getting leverage on the Eighth. Jax and Cimu will draw their attention, with their charm and all, while you prepare ..a thorn...in their side. They spoke of murdering people, we need to have evidence that they would be the culprits to hand to the authorities if needed. I figured that that would be right up your alley. I can assist you if needed, or you can join with the Judge, murder most vile seems to be his hobby of late." "Cimu my lady, your charm and beauty is only matched by your sharp mind. Please attempt to ...charm someone in authority in town. We may need them if the Eighth crosses us. "Even though we are not on a time line here I would choose to put us to task. I want us gone, or ready to be, in two weeks time. The Dark Lord keep you and protect you, as long as you are strong enough to deserve it." ![]()
Init +4; Senses: low-light vision, darkvision 60 ft, scent; Perception +6, AC:32, HP:110/110; SR:10; Fort +12, Ref +8, Will +5; DR 5/good
![]() Scent:
Scent (Ex) This special quality allows a creature to detect approaching enemies, sniff out hidden foes, and track by sense of smell. Creatures with the scent ability can identify familiar odors just as humans do familiar sights.
A creature with the scent ability can follow tracks by smell, making a Wisdom (or Survival) check to find or follow a track. The typical DC for a fresh trail is 10 (no matter what kind of surface holds the scent). This DC increases or decreases depending on how strong the quarry's odor is, the number of creatures, and the age of the trail. For each hour that the trail is cold, the DC increases by 2. The ability otherwise follows the rules for the Survival skill. Creatures tracking by scent ignore the effects of surface conditions and poor visibility. Survival: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23 ![]()
Vitals: LD14, Cav 1 INIT:+4, AC:34 (39)/FF:33/T:16, HP:283/216, F:+24 R:+14 W:+17, P: 10 Skills:
Bluff+8,Climb+12,Dip+8,Disg+8,Han An+9,Intim+30,Kn(Nobil)+18,Kn(relig)+8,Perc+10,Ride+10,Spellc+4,Surv+6,Stea lth+8 ![]() Right now Edmin's standard reaction since being snubbed by the Cardinal is "I'd take pleasure in guttin you, boy." ![]()
Vitals: LD14, Cav 1 INIT:+4, AC:34 (39)/FF:33/T:16, HP:283/216, F:+24 R:+14 W:+17, P: 10 Skills:
Bluff+8,Climb+12,Dip+8,Disg+8,Han An+9,Intim+30,Kn(Nobil)+18,Kn(relig)+8,Perc+10,Ride+10,Spellc+4,Surv+6,Stea lth+8 ![]() Ride:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20 Mount as a free action = DC 20
Fast Mount or Dismount: You can attempt to mount or dismount from a mount of up to one size category larger than yourself as a free action, provided that you still have a move action available that round. If you fail the Ride check, mounting or dismounting is a move action. You can't use fast mount or dismount on a mount more than one size category larger than yourself. ![]()
Vitals: LD14, Cav 1 INIT:+4, AC:34 (39)/FF:33/T:16, HP:283/216, F:+24 R:+14 W:+17, P: 10 Skills:
Bluff+8,Climb+12,Dip+8,Disg+8,Han An+9,Intim+30,Kn(Nobil)+18,Kn(relig)+8,Perc+10,Ride+10,Spellc+4,Surv+6,Stea lth+8 ![]() Edmin moves to stand behind Jax, the anti-paladin's axe held in an easy ready stance. "I understand the lure to power, especially power that can be gained as easily as drawing a card. I will not keep anyone from doing so, as Dren suggest, but I will not let you destroy what we have gained so far. I will pray to to our Dark Lord to guide your hand and have his will be done in your choosing, but if you choose poorly I will attempt to make your death quick and know that it will be without malice." The knight does not close his eyes or relax his stance as he begins his prayer. "Lord Asmodeus, Dark Prince of Darkness, we call upon your name and I ask that you guide the hand of your servants as they quest for power, power to be used in your glory. If you see them as future tools in your service, we ask that you spare them death that I will deliver in your name. Use us as your hands, and have with us as you will." Edmin raise his axe above his head and holds it at a 45 degree angle to Jax's neck. "Let his will be done Jax." ![]()
Vitals: LD14, Cav 1 INIT:+4, AC:34 (39)/FF:33/T:16, HP:283/216, F:+24 R:+14 W:+17, P: 10 Skills:
Bluff+8,Climb+12,Dip+8,Disg+8,Han An+9,Intim+30,Kn(Nobil)+18,Kn(relig)+8,Perc+10,Ride+10,Spellc+4,Surv+6,Stea lth+8 ![]() Edmin spits on the ground and kicks dust into the air, throwing the guard shield into the wall, his normally reserved attitude replaced by one that may be close to coming unhinged. "Are you iceholes sure we have to listen to whatever this has to say? I damned sure am not going to let some lazy tart, no matter how hot she is, cast a fargin spell of compulsion on me! Hells! You may as well give her your boils on a fargin platter, 'cause she has you by them anyway!
The anti-paladin stops and runs his fingers through his hair and seems to visibly calm but as he continues his speech his voice contains an icy edge.
Vitals: LD14, Cav 1 INIT:+4, AC:34 (39)/FF:33/T:16, HP:283/216, F:+24 R:+14 W:+17, P: 10 Skills:
Bluff+8,Climb+12,Dip+8,Disg+8,Han An+9,Intim+30,Kn(Nobil)+18,Kn(relig)+8,Perc+10,Ride+10,Spellc+4,Surv+6,Stea lth+8 ![]() "I haven't heard of your Sir Balin, but I have knowledge of Sir Al'Roth. It is a shame what happened to him. He was a proven combat leader, fought all across the north." Edmin shakes his head and moves closer to the young man, looking him over and inspecting his wound. Heal: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (19) + 0 = 19 "I have heard that Sir Edmin was well respected by his men, that he treated them all like family. I believe that is what actually led to what they say happen." The knight shakes his head and gives an attempt at straightening the squires clothing, trying to give the boy a more professional appearance. " Word is Sir Edmin was given orders during the Battle of the High Moors, orders that led to his men's, his family's deaths. I had hear that this good knight and his men had been used as pawns. Are you familiar with Chess, Timeon?" Edmin looks the boy in the eyes, locking his gaze. "If you are then I am sure you know that pawns are just pieces used to be thrown away as long as they serve the greater purpose. This is what turned Sir Edmin from what others may call good or Mitra. Sir Edmin did not see his men as expendable for any reason. From what I understand, he took this to his commander with this question; how can people that proclaim themselves good leave people to death like that? How can they allow this to happen? How can they throw people away like a broken tool?" The anti-paladin smiles a humorless smile at the squire. "I even heard that he asked how could Mitra allow this to happen. How could a god as great and good as Mitra allow this destruction and death when Mitra could step in and stop it? Now that is a big no no isn't it. I heard that is the real reason he ended up sentenced to death. To shut him up." Edmin steps away from the boy and gives him a good once over, making small adjustments to the squires uniform before looking him in the eye again. "Almost as good as new. So son, what did you do to diserve being here surrounded by demons and fearing for your life, out matched and forgotten, like a broken tool?" ![]()
![]() I have been looking over the threads and I do not understand why so many want a bastard sword over a long sword. Once you spend the feat on exotic weapon, you can use the bastard sword exactly the same as a long sword, one or two handed an it seems that the only benefit you gain is a bump from 1d8 to 1d10 damage. Am I missing something? ![]()
Vitals: LD14, Cav 1 INIT:+4, AC:34 (39)/FF:33/T:16, HP:283/216, F:+24 R:+14 W:+17, P: 10 Skills:
Bluff+8,Climb+12,Dip+8,Disg+8,Han An+9,Intim+30,Kn(Nobil)+18,Kn(relig)+8,Perc+10,Ride+10,Spellc+4,Surv+6,Stea lth+8 ![]() DM DM wrote: Actually, Ragnar is not friendly at all. His attitude towards everyone but you is Hostile, with gradations from "brooding hatred" to "murderous antipathy". Like I said, Ragnar is friendly enough. ![]()
Vitals: LD14, Cav 1 INIT:+4, AC:34 (39)/FF:33/T:16, HP:283/216, F:+24 R:+14 W:+17, P: 10 Skills:
Bluff+8,Climb+12,Dip+8,Disg+8,Han An+9,Intim+30,Kn(Nobil)+18,Kn(relig)+8,Perc+10,Ride+10,Spellc+4,Surv+6,Stea lth+8 ![]() A suggestion. It helps to put your round AC and HP on your actions durring combat. Such as: Round 4
Vitals: LD14, Cav 1 INIT:+4, AC:34 (39)/FF:33/T:16, HP:283/216, F:+24 R:+14 W:+17, P: 10 Skills:
Bluff+8,Climb+12,Dip+8,Disg+8,Han An+9,Intim+30,Kn(Nobil)+18,Kn(relig)+8,Perc+10,Ride+10,Spellc+4,Surv+6,Stea lth+8 ![]() You all don't have to keep saying that he was drunk and blind! I maybe evil but I still have feelings! ![]()
Vitals: LD14, Cav 1 INIT:+4, AC:34 (39)/FF:33/T:16, HP:283/216, F:+24 R:+14 W:+17, P: 10 Skills:
Bluff+8,Climb+12,Dip+8,Disg+8,Han An+9,Intim+30,Kn(Nobil)+18,Kn(relig)+8,Perc+10,Ride+10,Spellc+4,Surv+6,Stea lth+8 ![]() "Wow, the wardens AC is better than mine! Pretty bad ass for an old man in his PJs and spends most of his time petting his owl. Must be a big owl. ![]()
Vitals: LD14, Cav 1 INIT:+4, AC:34 (39)/FF:33/T:16, HP:283/216, F:+24 R:+14 W:+17, P: 10 Skills:
Bluff+8,Climb+12,Dip+8,Disg+8,Han An+9,Intim+30,Kn(Nobil)+18,Kn(relig)+8,Perc+10,Ride+10,Spellc+4,Surv+6,Stea lth+8 ![]() Edmin slings his shield to his back and runs his hand over the blade lightly, his eyes a little glazed over and a smile on his face. ![]()
Vitals: LD14, Cav 1 INIT:+4, AC:34 (39)/FF:33/T:16, HP:283/216, F:+24 R:+14 W:+17, P: 10 Skills:
Bluff+8,Climb+12,Dip+8,Disg+8,Han An+9,Intim+30,Kn(Nobil)+18,Kn(relig)+8,Perc+10,Ride+10,Spellc+4,Surv+6,Stea lth+8 ![]() The knight looks at the door, making sure the guards are not coming, before holding up the veil and shrugging his massive shoulders before speaking quietly, "I ask for a sword and she gives me her squirrel covers." ![]()
Level 12 Magus, INIT:6, AC:29, HP:90/90, F:8 R:11 W: 8, Perception 15 (18 Sight)
![]() The Glade
Shalelu: Malnival relays the layout of the village and the shrine to Shalelu when Valwen returns.
Shalelu said wrote: "Do you still wish to hunt?" Shalelu asks. The magus smiles at the ranger and nods his head. "Maybe I can show you a trick or two if you can keep up." With the that, Malnival spins and begins to run into the woods hopeing to find sign of passing game. Survival: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (13) + 11 = 24 ![]()
Male Half Orc Barbarian 5/ Oracle 1/ RP 1, Perception +7, Darkvision, Fort +8/ Ref +1/ Will +3, Init +4, AC 18, HP :76
![]() Kithian luaghs as Reggie approaches and gives the bloody mastif a big hug as the large half orc dances a few steps and scratches the hound behind the ear. "Who's a good dog? Yes you are! You're a good dog!"
![]() This is an example of why some people may have a problem with what you write. Myself included. Instead of denying, you say this.
Shuriken Nekogami wrote:
When I read this I hear: I don't bother seeking out children because they are not otherworldly enough.Question is what happens if the do become otherworldly to you? ![]()
![]() I remember my first magic item I ever received; it was a +1 Sword of Wounding broadsword in 1st Edition. It was awesome! I was playing a Fighter 3 / Magic-User 2 (can’t really remember) and I thought it was the best thing ever created. Now, it seems that magic items are considered a requirement and a right. To me this has taken away from the majesty of the game.
My questions to the boards are: