DMDM's Way of the Wicked: The Devil My Only Master (Inactive)

Game Master Douglas Muir 406

You've rebelled against your master, Cardinal Adrastus Thorn. Can you kill him before he kills you? Who will lead the forces of Asmodeus in their final assault on the noble kingdom of Talingarde?

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Haven't posted actions because typing out all those die rolls on my phone is annoying. Will post a full attack plus shocking grasp plus arcane strike when at home

M Tiefling Magus/Rogue;
HP 169/169; AC:37/21/29; Saves: +22/+23/+20; Init +10; Per +28(See Invisibility), CMD 42
Effects: Resist Cold 30, Fly 30', Telepathic Bond

How wide/tall is the entry way where the dragon entered from?
Alternatively, how wide & tall is the entryway where we came in from? Wondering if I could throw up a wall of force to keep it from fleeing if it looks like its about to.


Did we buy a scroll of raise dead after all?

Man, nobody reads my flavor text.

Or my backstory.

M Tiefling Magus/Rogue;
HP 169/169; AC:37/21/29; Saves: +22/+23/+20; Init +10; Per +28(See Invisibility), CMD 42
Effects: Resist Cold 30, Fly 30', Telepathic Bond

I forgot the Cardinal was Samuel Havelyn!

Is there anything among the gear anyone wants? Jax kinda wants the cloak just because of how it looks..

Male Vampire(former Dhampir) Bard(Negotiator) 13/Anti-Paladin/2 - [HP 209/231; AC43,FF36,T22; CMD32; DR/10 magic+silver; F+28,R+29,W+26; Per+31; Init +12]

Hey - I read everything. Then the Judge hates whatever I just read.

LD14, Cav 1 INIT:+4, AC:34 (39)/FF:33/T:16, HP:283/216, F:+24 R:+14 W:+17, P: 10
Bluff+8,Climb+12,Dip+8,Disg+8,Han An+9,Intim+30,Kn(Nobil)+18,Kn(relig)+8,Perc+10,Ride+10,Spellc+4,Surv+6,Stea lth+8

I read I it I just forgot it. Was months ago, but I remembered, just took awhile.

Male Vampire(former Dhampir) Bard(Negotiator) 13/Anti-Paladin/2 - [HP 209/231; AC43,FF36,T22; CMD32; DR/10 magic+silver; F+28,R+29,W+26; Per+31; Init +12]

I knew that he was the brother of some pompous noble paladin, but had forgotten that he was actually a Havelyn. For some reason, I thought he was another family.

This is one of the drawbacks of having multiple game threads, it makes searching for old facts take more time, resulting in me forgetting to do them sometimes.

M Tiefling Magus/Rogue;
HP 169/169; AC:37/21/29; Saves: +22/+23/+20; Init +10; Per +28(See Invisibility), CMD 42
Effects: Resist Cold 30, Fly 30', Telepathic Bond

Or not being at an actual table. Otherwise, at least one player would have noticed and gone: "Hey guys look at that!" sort of how MiniGM just did..

Quiet weekend. I'm in Beirut.

Male Vampire(former Dhampir) Bard(Negotiator) 13/Anti-Paladin/2 - [HP 209/231; AC43,FF36,T22; CMD32; DR/10 magic+silver; F+28,R+29,W+26; Per+31; Init +12]

I won't even ask why you are there. Although as I recall you have ended up in other places that would be great vacation spots if minor technicalities like politics and religion did not get in the way.



The food is great, the traffic is horrible. My schoolboy French is getting a workout.

-- So, no thoughts on any of this loot you've claimed? Have you actually read through it all?


I have read it through. Honestly I haven't picked up any clues from I dense?

Ulp is pretty much just letting the big fellas do their thing. He tends to get ignored so he lets them make their mistakes. He knows he is not in charge

ie the great idea about killing Edmin to break the curse which was ignored!

LD14, Cav 1 INIT:+4, AC:34 (39)/FF:33/T:16, HP:283/216, F:+24 R:+14 W:+17, P: 10
Bluff+8,Climb+12,Dip+8,Disg+8,Han An+9,Intim+30,Kn(Nobil)+18,Kn(relig)+8,Perc+10,Ride+10,Spellc+4,Surv+6,Stea lth+8

The male clothes stunk, they shouldn't have stunk. Not after this long. Probably what Thorn was buried in.

Acid res 30 , Heroism, Sacred Bond, Telepathy, Shield Shield, Invisible, Undetectable
HP 99(-)/99; AC 30(38)/tch 20(22)/FF 24(32); CMD 26 (28); F+15 (-)(+4 dis imm Pois, +2 ongoing eff) R +22 (26)W +12(13)(+4 slp/par) Res Elec 5; Init+6(8); Bmbs 3/38 Breath 2/2 Fly 11/15 60ft FF 0/9, Surge 4/5 Leg Surge 2/2
Craft: Trap+29 Stealth+26(28) Wind+1 Perc +19 (18) Alchemy+38 DD +23 Spellcraft+24 Arcana+24Nature+24 Rel +24 Fly+22 UMD+16 Surv+23

so once we figure out how to get all this stuff we have around 170,000 of loot.

LD14, Cav 1 INIT:+4, AC:34 (39)/FF:33/T:16, HP:283/216, F:+24 R:+14 W:+17, P: 10
Bluff+8,Climb+12,Dip+8,Disg+8,Han An+9,Intim+30,Kn(Nobil)+18,Kn(relig)+8,Perc+10,Ride+10,Spellc+4,Surv+6,Stea lth+8

Well i was thinking about keeping all of the MW armor for my knights unless anyone has any objections. Might be easier to just hire some armorer's and have them make some at half price. That way they could have the symbol of the Knights of Nesseus on the chest plate.

Hey, a thousand posts on the main thread.


any one feel like we are missing something else of importance? I am going to reread everything that we have come across in this room see what i can piece together. We must be missing something, maybe in the flavor text.

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LD14, Cav 1 INIT:+4, AC:34 (39)/FF:33/T:16, HP:283/216, F:+24 R:+14 W:+17, P: 10
Bluff+8,Climb+12,Dip+8,Disg+8,Han An+9,Intim+30,Kn(Nobil)+18,Kn(relig)+8,Perc+10,Ride+10,Spellc+4,Surv+6,Stea lth+8

Possibly, no one ever reads flavor text...

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M Tiefling Magus/Rogue;
HP 169/169; AC:37/21/29; Saves: +22/+23/+20; Init +10; Per +28(See Invisibility), CMD 42
Effects: Resist Cold 30, Fly 30', Telepathic Bond

We read it, go "cool!" and then completely forget to piece it all together in any comprehensive way...time after time.


thats the problem with flavor text, sometimes it is just flavor...

two things so far...well two and a half.

one is some of these items have an obvious history, like the cloak, maybe there is a connection to the person that owned it we can exploit (that is the half)

two is the crack in the ceiling that ulp was exploring that has the anti magic area...could be more than just a convenient way to wake up the dragon if you try to sneak down it. maybe there is something up there? Ulp is fan of more treasure

three the obelisk that the dragon used as a chew toy. maybe the dragon was systematically destroying it, or shaping it into something new? maybe that something new is something we can use. My thought is it was a way for the dragon to leave its post here in the tomb.

thats all I got from my first rereading. go ahead and laugh at me for being paranoid dmdm

LD14, Cav 1 INIT:+4, AC:34 (39)/FF:33/T:16, HP:283/216, F:+24 R:+14 W:+17, P: 10
Bluff+8,Climb+12,Dip+8,Disg+8,Han An+9,Intim+30,Kn(Nobil)+18,Kn(relig)+8,Perc+10,Ride+10,Spellc+4,Surv+6,Stea lth+8

Did the obelisk detect as magic?

Male Vampire(former Dhampir) Bard(Negotiator) 13/Anti-Paladin/2 - [HP 209/231; AC43,FF36,T22; CMD32; DR/10 magic+silver; F+28,R+29,W+26; Per+31; Init +12]

Don't think so. I do not recall DMDM saying it did, and the Judge did a fairly thorough scan. Of course one could easily hide magic stuff in the dead magic zone and they would never be picked up.


That's why I thought maybe the beast was making it into something useful worth looking at again. Only Edmin specifically examined it via perception

LD14, Cav 1 INIT:+4, AC:34 (39)/FF:33/T:16, HP:283/216, F:+24 R:+14 W:+17, P: 10
Bluff+8,Climb+12,Dip+8,Disg+8,Han An+9,Intim+30,Kn(Nobil)+18,Kn(relig)+8,Perc+10,Ride+10,Spellc+4,Surv+6,Stea lth+8

Someone else should look at it then. When it comes to Perception, like the judge, I suck.


any ideas how we can get up the no fly zone and check it?

also any thoughts on the cloak owner? Any ideas on how to exploit that?

Male Vampire(former Dhampir) Bard(Negotiator) 13/Anti-Paladin/2 - [HP 209/231; AC43,FF36,T22; CMD32; DR/10 magic+silver; F+28,R+29,W+26; Per+31; Init +12]

The Judge can just climb up. It is an (Ex) power and not effected by anti-magic as it is not magical.

LD14, Cav 1 INIT:+4, AC:34 (39)/FF:33/T:16, HP:283/216, F:+24 R:+14 W:+17, P: 10
Bluff+8,Climb+12,Dip+8,Disg+8,Han An+9,Intim+30,Kn(Nobil)+18,Kn(relig)+8,Perc+10,Ride+10,Spellc+4,Surv+6,Stea lth+8

I think we should take the skull. If any thing it would be a great item to drop into the middle of a battle as I ride Ragnar across the sky.



Lurkers represent

Just wondering who (if anyone) is lurking these days. If you're there, please pipe up!

Dark Archive

<casts Stilled Silent Persistent Extended Lurking>

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Vampire(former Dhampir) Bard(Negotiator) 13/Anti-Paladin/2 - [HP 209/231; AC43,FF36,T22; CMD32; DR/10 magic+silver; F+28,R+29,W+26; Per+31; Init +12]

I already dominated most of the lurkers and sent them off to innocently attend to other games until such time as they are needed to overthrow the petty fools I currently call companions.

M Human Bard 1

Bards can't do silent spells, but they can sing the Song of Lurking!

I'm following this with interest. It's even helped me run my own game.

M Goblin Rogue4HP 28/28,Init+4,F3R8W3Per9AC17T15FF13

Yooo! Nobody lurks better than a goblin!

[sfx: crickets]

You guys waiting for something from me?

Male Vampire(former Dhampir) Bard(Negotiator) 13/Anti-Paladin/2 - [HP 209/231; AC43,FF36,T22; CMD32; DR/10 magic+silver; F+28,R+29,W+26; Per+31; Init +12]

I am off to TotalCon this weekend. Might be able to post, but it is likely to be light until Sunday night.

Just FYI, I'm toying with the idea of running a second PBP campaign -- the first module of Wrath of the Righteous. It shouldn't affect this campaign one way or another (and it doesn't mean I don't love you any more, you wicked little things, you).

Male Vampire(former Dhampir) Bard(Negotiator) 13/Anti-Paladin/2 - [HP 209/231; AC43,FF36,T22; CMD32; DR/10 magic+silver; F+28,R+29,W+26; Per+31; Init +12]

Oh, sure, run the goody goody types. You just want to be the one doing all the despicable things instead of us.

I might consider tossing my hat into the ring when you get the recruitment thread up. I am already in one WotR, but knowing you, your campaign will at best be vaguely reminiscent of the actual AP.


Can I apply with Bref's cousin, Broff the Lawful Good Paladin of Pomade?

I am letting that autocorrect of Iomadae stand up there. I think that is a great character idea. Make him a fighter, that can't figure out why he is not being given powers. He heard that the great Pomade does that sort of thing but it just doesn't work for him

Dark Archive

Is Broff a FOP or Dapper Dan goblin? Answer wisely.


I don't want fop! I'm a dapper dan man!

M Tiefling Magus/Rogue;
HP 169/169; AC:37/21/29; Saves: +22/+23/+20; Init +10; Per +28(See Invisibility), CMD 42
Effects: Resist Cold 30, Fly 30', Telepathic Bond

Wrath seems like a lot of fun. I've only played through the first fight or two, but the story seems entertaining. The complete opposite of Way of the Wicked, always good to mix things up.

M Goblin Rogue4HP 28/28,Init+4,F3R8W3Per9AC17T15FF13
The voice is still tiny and distant, but it becomes noticeably firmer and more engaged. Servant of Hell? Servant of the upstart boy Havelyn?

The Devil is my only master!

*Title drop*

Male Vampire(former Dhampir) Bard(Negotiator) 13/Anti-Paladin/2 - [HP 209/231; AC43,FF36,T22; CMD32; DR/10 magic+silver; F+28,R+29,W+26; Per+31; Init +12]

Actually, I view the devil as more of a liege than a master. Of course, the Judge was never known for following the crowd.

LD14, Cav 1 INIT:+4, AC:34 (39)/FF:33/T:16, HP:283/216, F:+24 R:+14 W:+17, P: 10
Bluff+8,Climb+12,Dip+8,Disg+8,Han An+9,Intim+30,Kn(Nobil)+18,Kn(relig)+8,Perc+10,Ride+10,Spellc+4,Surv+6,Stea lth+8

Would love to play WotR. Think I would go against type and play a full caster.


I'm surprised judge hasn't piped up yet to the skull.

Ulp is keeping quiet cause the thing mentioned the phylactery so he is just listening

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