
Kozaric's page

Organized Play Member. 244 posts (6,689 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. 2 wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters. 22 aliases.

Hello all, I am in a home game where I have a 4th level elf Magus that is attempting to dable with becoming an unholy champion of an evil deity of magic and treachery.

I am not concerned with his stats at this point but was wondering if a magus anti paladin build is feasible at this point, or if there was a prc that would have a similar rp feel.

Maybe even a feat selection to give the Magus the unholy champion feel.

Thank you.

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I have been looking over the threads and I do not understand why so many want a bastard sword over a long sword.

Once you spend the feat on exotic weapon, you can use the bastard sword exactly the same as a long sword, one or two handed an it seems that the only benefit you gain is a bump from 1d8 to 1d10 damage.

Am I missing something?


I am wanting to run an assimar archer (not a Divine Hunter).

I am concerned that a ranger will be too feat starved to allow me to take the Angelic Blood feat tree from the advanced race guide (4 feats by 13th level) and still be a good archer.

Does anyone see it as a problem as a ranger or should I go fighter for all the ranged feats?

Opinions and information is greatly appreciated.

I am starting a new campaign next month, trying to take the players to 20.

The basics is that they have been hired to assist a huge dwarven expedition to take back a lost dwarven city/kingdom. They will assist the expedition as scouts/ trouble shooters. The players will gain standing with different members of the expedition until they have hopefully become the hands of the king. They should enter the mountain kingdom at around 10th level.

I guess you could say it is lightly based of LOTR Online's Moria.

I am seriously lacking on what to do for maps and planning of an epic sized underground dwarven kingdom. I am using things such as the Zolurket Mines from Dungeons of Golarion as a major out post, but for something as massive as I would like the kingdom to be, I am at a loss.

Can someone tell me a good resource or DM tactic to use?

For some reason I have (4) $10.00 charges pending on my card. It looks like I have already been charged for the orders below.

Order # 2333471 Placed: Nov 23, 2012 Class Acts: Cavalier Archetypes PDF For $0.99

Order # 2325289 Placed: Nov 19, 2012 Way of the Wicked—Book One: Knot of Thorns (PFRPG) PDF For:$10.00

Can I please get those pending charges removed or explained.

1. If I take the Multi-Armed monstrous trait for two extra arms from the APG, can I use two bows?
I would think I could but at the normal multi attack penalties.
2. Would Rapid shot only give one extra attack?

Established Second Darkness PBP, ran by Megan Robertson, needs a new bard type character.

Character concept only please, no need to stat up until chosen.

Request that player be willing to post frequently.

We will be choosing a player on Monday. Thank you for your interest.

Right now our party consists of:
- Kozaric of the Bow: Lv2 Zen Archer Monk
- Eroril Bazbek: Lv 2 Cleric
- Mikhail "Ironleg" Tunnelsmith: Lv 2 Hungry Ghost Monk
- Cephadrel Drocaloron: Lv 2 Wizard

Link to PBP

I am looking for advice on how to add the Half-Celestial/Half-Dragon/Half-Fiend Templates to my PCs but over levels so as to not break the game. I was thinking making it scale such as with the Dragon Bloodline, but am a little out of my element. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Over the past few years you have each worked of an on for an old half elf named Yanmir Uthordin. Yanmir seems to be a retired adventurer, always on the edge of being drunk and never with out a mithral flask covered with dwarven runes that you have never seen him refill.

Yanmir has always had his fingers in every type of goings on you can imagine, hiring you for numerous odd jobs, from messengers to caravan guards. He is one of the rare few merchants to be a permanent fixture in Downmarket, a constantly shifting bazaar of tents and stalls. Why he continues to stay here remains a mystery.

You have all received a message that Yanmir has need of your services again, and that at dusk he expects you to be in the back room of his shop, Yanmir’s Curios, to discuss yet another employment opportunity.

Up to you guys what we do, I don't care.
We can play the characters we had been playing, or new ones.
If you have questions on how to set up your alias, I can help out once you have an account.

When you click Add a New Post
Below you will see the BBCode Tags, check them out, it contains info on how to work the die roller.

Look forward to playing.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I remember my first magic item I ever received; it was a +1 Sword of Wounding broadsword in 1st Edition. It was awesome! I was playing a Fighter 3 / Magic-User 2 (can’t really remember) and I thought it was the best thing ever created. Now, it seems that magic items are considered a requirement and a right. To me this has taken away from the majesty of the game.
For me to fix this in my games, I have made it so that the knowledge of making major magical items has been lost. Most of my mid level items are based off of Weapons of Legacy, they scale in power but more focused on intended use. Players can only gain higher level magic items through adventuring or through recovering lost knowledge or materials through a quest type format. The magic is out there, but it has to be found.

My questions to the boards are:
1. Does anyone else see this in a similar light?
2. If so, what are you doing to bring back the Majesty of a +1 Wounding Broad Sword?

We are looking for a good healer for SD PbP that is starting up soon. All other slots are filled at this time.

Lets get it started. Post up you characters and start talking.