Karrek's page
43 posts. Organized Play character for Andrew Besso.
According to the book (Fate of the Fifth) the NPC Anacia Render has +4 DEX modifier and second skin armor, but the character description includes only the armor in her EAC & KAC. Is this an error, or an attempt to make her easier to hit?
The more I look at the character, the less sense it seems to make. Every stat I compute comes out different than what's on her stat block.
CRB wrote: As a move action, you can draw on the properties of dark matter
to increase your density, allowing you to resist physical damage.
You gain damage reduction 1/—. This increases to DR 2/— at 6th
level and increases by 1 again every 3 solarian levels thereafter.
This benefit lasts for 1 round or until you leave graviton mode.
When you are attuned or fully attuned, your DR from dark
matter is equal to half your solarian level.
I just hit level 2. If If I am unattuned or solar attuned, I can gain DR 1/-- for 1 round as a move action. If I am gravitron attuned, I can gain DR 1/-- until I leave graviton mode.
At level 4, the gain would be 1 (unattuned or photon), or 2 (graviton).
At level 6, the gain would be 2 (unattuned or photon), or 3 (graviton).
At level 8, the gain would be 1 (unattuned or photon), or 4 (graviton).
At level 9, the gain would be 3 (unattuned or photon), or 4 (graviton).
In any event, the duration is one round, or until I leave graviton mode.
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I have been looking at the witch tables, and all I see is a wizard with fewer spells. In 1e, hexes were powerful at-will abilities, but now they are use focus points. What am I missing?
Suppose the science officer wants to scan another ship. S.O. has +14 Computers skill (+6 ranks, +5 INT, +3 class skill). Our ship has advanced sensors (+4) and a Mk 3 duonode computer (+3). Since scanning is a Computers check, both bonuses apply, so the net bonus is +21.
The other ship is a Tier 6 ship, with Mk 5 defenses, so the check is DC 21 (10+6+5).
S.O. rolls 14, so his score is 14+21=35.
S.O. exceeded the DC by 14, so we learn:
1. Basic Information (DC+0)
2. Defenses (DC+5)
3. Weapon (DC+10)
Would this use one of the two bonuses available from the duonode computer?
The fighter normally has three attacks, with penalties of 0/-5/-10. If I cast Haste on him, he gets four attacks. What penalties apply to those attacks?
The description of the feat Magical Crafting says that only items of second level or lower can be Crafted. But the only scrolls that fit that category are scrolls of first level spells. What am I missing?
Could a party split its build points between starships? Are there rules for how big a ship needs to be in order to hold a second ship?
OK, OK. I know this has been hashed out already, and I'm late to the party. But I have been out of Starfinder for a while, and players have more experience.
What experience have players had with the solarian class? It seems to me a mass of contradictions. It's a melee class, but is not proficient with heavy armor. A solarian can choose two class skills, but has only four skill ranks. Its key attribute is charisma, but charisma seems to provide little benefit other than the save DC against some abilities. Making the class dependent on charisma seems to serve no purpose beyond weakening the class by making it MAD.
Am I wrong? Please tel me what you have experienced.
I cannot seem to find rules about making scrolls. What is required to make a scroll?
In 1e, I could cast a spell like Shocking Grasp and hold the charge for up to 10 rounds. If I missed with the first touch attack, I could keep trying without losing the spell. Is that still true?
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Q: What do you call a stolen Tesla?
Q: How did ancient Romans learn about Gaul?
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Does a personal upgrade to INT provide another skill rank? What about another language?
The description of the mystic's Mindlink ability sounds like an instantaneous effect. I touch the target and "talk" to them telepathically. Or does it last longer?
Ancestry: Gnome
- Heritage: Sensate gnome
Background: Barkeep
Class: Bard
- Muse: Enigma
STR 0 (10)
DEX 2 (14)
CON 1 (12)
INT 1 (12)
WIS 1 (12)
CHA 4 (18)
Ancestry Feat: First-World Magic
Perform cantrip: Inspire Courage
1. I am trained in occult spells, but First-World Magic gives me a primal spell, so the spell attack modifier is 5 (not 7 as for occult spells) and the spell save DC is 15, not 17.
2. The class description does not say that I am trained in Class DC, so it is 15.
3. As I understand the new rules, I can use three actions per turn. So I could use 1 action to do Inspire Courage, and 1 action to attack.
4. I see nothing that gives me a performance spell or a focus spell, so I have none.
Have I got these right?
Angelic Aspect provides DR 5/evil. Stoneskin provides DR 10/adamantine. What happens if both are active?
I am a mystic. My primary roles are ranged combat and pilot.
Race: Human
Class: Mystic (Mindbreaker), level 5
Theme: Ace Pilot
-STR 10
-DEX 20 (incl. enhancement)
-CON 13
-INT 12
-WIS 18j
-CHA 10
-Longarm Proficiency
-Skill Synergy (Engineering, Piloting)
-Weapon Specialization (Longarms)
I was thinking about a few options:
*Great Fortitude: my FORT save is a real weak spot.
*Spell Focus
*Sky Jockey: A better pilot is always a benefit to the party
*Weapon Focus (Longarms) +1 to hit is good, but I'm already at +8, and I seldom seem to be in fights where it would much matter.
What say you?
I am playing a mystic (Mindbreaker connection). I just hit fourth level (yay!) so I get second level spells. One of the spells I already know is Mystic Cure I.
If I choose to learn Mystic Cure II, I would then have both the first-level and second-level versions of the spell counting against my total spells known.
I could replace Mystic Cure I with a different first-level spell. I would still be able to cast the first-level version. If I did that, it would be essentially the same as my connection spell upgrade: Lesser Confusion replaces Mind Thrust I on my list of spells known, and I can now cast Mind Thrust II.

“Intrepid heroes urgently needed! Protect our beloved city!
Apply for a commission at the magisterial headquarters.”
Signs have been posted on every street corner. Criers have started making announcements. Rumors abound about what might be happening, but you have heard nothing definite so far.
PCs may try Diplomacy to gather information.
Result Information Gleaned
10:A local kobold tribe has been launching low-level raids in the vicinity
15: A number of farm animals have disappeared recently.A group of people applied for the assignment about two months ago. No word has been heard from them since they left.
20: Some farmers claim to have seen “something big” in the area.
25: Hunting in the forest has not been so good lately. One hunter found whatcappeared to be remains of a campfire.
30: One set of cow bones seems to have been damaged by acid.
At the town hall, the magistrate tells the PCs following tale.
“We have been trying to negotiate a peace settlement with those kobolds for months, with no success. We raid them, they want revenge and raid us. Then we want revenge and raid them. And on and on. About two months ago, I made the mistake of sending a group of ham-fisted, beef-witted would-be adventurers to try to smooth things over. Nothing came back. Nothing. When I sent them out, I sent along a silver bowl with them. It’s not magical or anything like that, but it’s been in my family for two hundred years. My ancestor took it from the kobolds on a raid, so I thought that returning it might help our cause. If you find it, do your best to get it back to its rightful owners. Try to find out what happened to the last group, will you?
“Why am I sending civilians on this mission? I prefer not to send uniforms because it sends the wrong signal. If a group of soldiers show up at your front door, you do not assume their intent is peaceful.
“The city watch supply can provide you with horses, camping gear, food, and basic supplies for your journey. Beyond that, you're on your own. It should take you about two weeks to reach the kobold stronghold. Good luck.
In each of the following two encounters, there is a 30% chance that a group of kobolds (1d4) are engaged in battle with the monster. If the PCs attack the monster, the kobolds will assist the PCs.
Some of the attacks blamed on the kobold tribe (by the town) and on the townsfolk (by the kobolds) were really the ankheg. The ankheg’s lair contains evidence of its recent activity, including some human and kobold items damaged by acid.
The ogre is also responsible for many of the recent attacks. In addition to various items stolen from the kobolds and townsfolk, the PCs find the silver bowl in the ogre's lair.
When the PCs reach the kobold cavern complex, they will be met by 4 guards (unfriendly, unless the PCs are accompanied by kobolds). The guards will allow the PCs entrance if the PCs succeed in a Diplomacy check to improve the guards’ attitude. If the PCs have the silver bowl, add +5 to the check. The guards will insist that the PCs leave their weapons at the door. One of the guards will escort the PCs to the kobold leader.
The kobold leader can be persuaded (DC 20 diplomacy check) to call a temporary cease-fire. Apply the following modifiers:
Bowl: +5
Kobold companions: +5
Acid-damaged kobold armor: +2
A critical failure means the kobolds attack the PCs. If the PCs run, they can escape.
I was trying think to think of a way to make my witch reasonably good at melee at high levels. I wanted to get Spell Hex (Ear-iPercing Scream), Hex Strike, and Prehensile Hair. But I need Improved Unarmed Strike to get Hex Strike, and both Weapon Focus (Prehensile Hair) and Feral Combat Training in order to use Hex Strike with Prehensile Hair. So now we're talking about five feats to make this work.
Never mind.
Am I reading the rules correctly? A first-level druid with WIS 18 has 2 first-level spell slots, the same as a druid with WIS 12?
I just learned that the Beatles movie Yellow Sunmarine will be back in theaters next month! :D
When a monster has the grab ability listed for more one attack, does the monster make a grapple check on each successful hit?
I was thinking of a lich foe for a short (maybe even one-shot) campaign, and I want its phylactery to be almost, but not quite, impossible to find. I want to hide it on a demiplane created by said lich, but if there is absolutely no way for a party to find it, then I'll have to think of something else.
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Back in the days when TSR published AD&D, our little group thought each class should have its own theme song. Now there are many more classes, but I still think classes should have songs. Further ideas?
Barbarian: "Indestructible" by Disturbed
Cleric: "My Sweet Lord" by George Harrison
Druid: "Turn Turn Turn" by Pete Seeger (performed by The Byrds)
Fighter: "Mars, the Bringer of War"by Gustav Holst (performed by Emerson, Lake & Powell)
Assassin: "Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap" by AC/DC
I cannot swap out connection spells.
I am playing a mystic with the Mindbreaker connection, so at level 1 I get Mind Thrust I as a bonus spell. At level 4, I lose Mind Thrust I, replacing it with Lesser Confusion. I cannot swap out Lesser Confusion, but can I swap out a different spell (say, Detect Radiation) to regain Mind Thrust I?
Alternately, at level 7, I can learn another level 1 spell. Could I relearn Mind Thrust I then?
Since our group (just 2nd level) has no mystic, I decided to play one, but I also need to be a useful member of the starship crew. No "Dammit, Jim, I'm a doctor, not a ______!"
So, here's what I'm thinking. Thoughts?
RACE: Human
CLASS: Mystic (2)
THEME: Ace Pilot
CONNECTION: Mindbreaker
STATS (Incl. +1 DEX from theme, +2 WIS from human)
-STR: 10
-DEX: 15
-CON: 12
-INT: 10
-WIS: 16
-CHA: 10
-Skill synergy (Piloting, Engineering)
-Longarm Proficiency
SKILLS (ranks/net)
-Culture: 1/+4
-Engineering: 2/+5
-Intimidate: 1/+5
-Life Science: 1/+4
-Medicine: 1/+4
-Mysticism: 2/+8
-Perception: 1/+7
-Piloting: 2/+9
-Sense Motive: 2/+8
-Survival: 3/+7
Level 0:
Detect Magic
Psychokinetic Hand
Telekinetic Projectile
Level 1:
Mind Thrust 1 (2d10)
Reflecting Armor
Mystic Cure 1
Wisp Ally
We are just starting a Starfnder AP. I am playing a vesk solarian, with the spacefarer theme. My primary role inn the starship crew is gunner; I will also be the backup pilot. What do you think?
Level 2:
- Revelation: Dark matter (G)
Level 3:
- Feat: Versatile focus
Level 4:
- Revelation: solar rush (P)
Level 5:
- Feat: Versatile specialization
- Stats: +2 STR, +2 CON, +2 INT, +2 CHA
Level 6:
- Revelation: defy gravity (G)
Level 7:
- Feat: heavy armor profciency
Level 8:
- Revelation: Glow of life (P)
And I haven't thought beyond that.
When a paladin expends uses of Lay on Hands to channel energy, do her mercies apply? In particular, if she has he feat Greater Mercy, does that apply? An additional 1d6 healing for all the recipients of the healing seems pretty nice.

I am about to bring a level 5 nagaji paladin into a campaign. The GM gave me permission to us a giant chameleon as a divine bond steed. First of all, the chameleon's light load limit is 286 pounds, les than the nagaji even before armor (7' 1", 308 lb), so the first item on my shopping list is a set of muleback cords.
The chameleon has a climb speed, and can even walk on ceilings. Is there any sort of saddle compatible with this ability? I would love to be able to ride on vertical surfaces, but I would fall out of any normal saddle. If there is nothing in the books, I'll talk to the GM. It is not PFS, so we can do things like that.
If anyone has other gear suggestions, I am listening.
Since the chameleon's intelligence is higher than the paladin's, my GM suggested naming the paladin Lenny and the chameleon George.
EDIT: It looks as if an exotic military saddle should do the trick. It is specifically called out in the entry for Giant Riding Gecko, which can also walk on cave walls and ceilings.
I wish it were possible to buy Paizo books from Amazon in Kindle format. The PDF format is good, but Kindle format would be more convenient.
The d20pfsrd.com description of the HANDLE ANIMAL skill lists many tricks not found in the Core Rulebook. Doe anyone know the source for these other tricks?
I am considering a mêlée-focused druid for Reign of Winter. The Acid Maw spell is subject to spell resistance. Does the S/R apply to the target of the spell itself (my animal companion) or the foes the animal companion bites?
Our group was playing Kingmaker, but it sort of fizzled when we were at level 10, largely because our group of 5 PFS-legal PCs stomped on most enemies, forcing the GM to invest too much of his time trying to modify encounters so they would challenge us. Can anyone suggest a more challenging adventure path?
One of the goals for Season 8 is to possess ranks equal to character level in (minimum 4) in Diplomacy, Heal or Knowledge (Religion). Would a Scarlet and Blue Sphere Ioun Stone (+2 INT, keyed to one skill) count for this if it provided ranks in one of these skills?
I am playing a 5th level investigator (empiricist), with 1 level of swashbuckler (inspired blade). While I shiner out of combat (crazy high knowledge, plenty of skills), my combat performance is lackluster. Even when I use Studied Combat, my damage is only 1d6+7 with my +1 rapier (+1 weapon enchantment, +4 DEX, +2 S/C). A confirmed critical hit nets only 2d6+12. One option I have now is Cat's Grace for another +2.
Click on the character name above for build details.
Can anyone suggest ways to improve my damage output?
If I understand correctly, drinking an extract is a standard action, just the same as drinking a potion. What about spells with a casting time longer than that, such as Lesser Restoration?
CRB wrote: The first and smallest one can contain up to 60 objects of the same general size and shape as an arrow. The second slightly longer compartment holds up to 18 objects of the same general size and shape As a javelin. The third and longest portion of the case contains as many as 6 objects of the same general size and shape as a bow (spears, staffs, or the like). Once the owner has filled it, the quiver can quickly produce any item she wishes that is within the quiver, as if from a regular quiver or scabbard. The efficient quiver weighs the same no matter what's placed inside it. The highlighted text suggests to me that I can use the efficient quiver to store my spare rapiers, and draw them if needed (draw weapon) rather than retrieve them (retrieve a stored item).
I think probably a halfling for the saving throw bonus and +2 DEX to help compensate for light armor. I want to use a elemental quadruped eidolon, because that seems to be the only way I can combine good alignment with a mount. I want to play a small race to have a medium mount.
Stats (after racial adjustment)
STR: 14
DEX: 14
CON: 13
INT: 7
WIS: 12
CHA: 17
HP: 13 (inc. F/C bonus & feat)
Feat: Toughness
Traits: Resilient, History of Heresy
Level 0: Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Light, Read Magic
Level 1: Rejuvenate Eidolon (lesser), Shield
Stat Increases: Level 4: +1 CON, Level 8: +1 CHA
Eidolon: Elemental (Air), Quadruped, Evolution: Mount
Does the Magical Knack trait affect the abilities a wizard gets from his school?
My character is a first-level wizard, first-level investigator with the Magical Knack trait, specializing in Conjuration (Teleportation). At the moment, Magical Knack has no effect on my Shift ability because the maximum distance is 5' until fourth level. My question is whether Magical Knack allows me to get the increase at wizard level 4 or character level four.
I know that I have the spells of a first-level wizard, but they manifest as if I were a second-level wizard.
I just acquired a Handy Haversack. I have about 700 gold to spend on mundane items. Any suggestions? This character is a Investigator (Empiricist) with one level of Swashbuckler (Inspired Blade). I do melee and provide the knowledge and skills for the party.
I already bought:
100' silk rope
Grappling hook
Grappling arrow
Folding ladder
Masterwork thieves' tools
I figure I should probably pick up an adamantine crowbar and a few alchemist's fires.
I have a PC that has reached Level 2 on GM credit, and I will begin playing this PC soon.
I have been thinking about combining unchained monk with empyreal sorcerer; I think the two combine well. Both use wisdom, and the sorcerer's good will save bolsters the monk's weak will save. Does anyone out there have experience with a similar character?
I plan to play a half-elf to get the benefits of two favored classes. Naturally I want the Magical Knack trait. I am debating whether to end up as Monk 11/Sorc 1, or Monk 8/Sorc 4.
I had planned to play either a Tetori or a Hungry Ghost monk, but if I multiclass, I would rather have full BAB and d10 hit dice. Besides, in my last adventure, we faced a ghoul. That experience soured me on playing a Tetori; I don't relish the thought of wrestling with a ghoul.
One of the goals is to accomplish both success criteria on three consecutive missions. Another goal is to accomplish both success criteria on six consecutive missions. Do the first three successes count toward both goals?

I am playing a half-orc investigator, with the intent of doing primarily mêleé and being the knowledge person in the group. This is a PFS character, currently level 1, so things can change. The party bard is playing an archetype that sacrifices Bardic Knowledge, so I have to0 cover that gap.
Race is not subject to change. We dicided as a group that we would all play PCs with darkvision.
Current Build:
STR: 12
DEX: 17
CON: 14
INT: 16
WIS: 10
CHA: 7
Outcast (Half-orc racial, +1 to Survival, Survival is a class skill)
Reactionary (Combat, +2 initiative)
Weapon Finesse
Intended Progression:
Level 2: Empiricist Archetype
Level 3: Feat: Weapon Focus (Rapier) & Inv. Talent Quick Study
Level 4: +1 DEX
Level 5: Feat Fencing Grace & Inv. Talent Inspired Alertnes
Level 7" Feat Extra Inspiration & Inv. Talent Infusion (Alch. Discovery)
Level 8: +1 INT
Level 9: Feat Medium Armor Prof. & Inv. Talent Combat Inspiration
Level 11: Feat Agile Mneuvers & Inv. Talent Sickening Strike
Level 12: +1 INT
I probably won't bother with medium armor proficiency; mithral breastplate has ACP-1, and if I swap Reactionary trait for Armor Expert, I can ignore even that.
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The Season 7 Guild Guide had a description of the Wayfinder, making it explicitly legal for the Core campaign. That description is missing from the Season 8 Guild Guide. Is the Wayfinder no accessible via a chronicle sheet?
I seem to recall that there is a feat that works sort of like Power Attack, except that it works with light and "finesse" weapons. Does anyone know what feat it is, or am I becoming...confused...again?
One of the things I can do for Season 8 is forgo downtime to finalize a report. Does that preclude my day job roll? It seems as if it should, and I would prefer a check box to a few gold pieces.
Also, can I use inspiration on a day job roll?
Organized Play Characters
Female Half-Elf Urban Bard-barian Dervish Dancing Alchemist
Elsi Ambustiana
Female Human Gunslinger (Musket Master) 7 / Inquisitor 6
Female Human (Kellid) Pistolero 11 / White-haired Witch 1
Notkira Razin
Male Aasimar Oracle 1 / Cleric 5+
Rhialla Hrafnsdottir
Female Peri-Blooded Aasimar Sorceress (Elemental - Water) 10 / Oracle of Winter 1 / Winter Witch 1
Urshia al-Lirgen
Female Sylph Bloodrager 1 / Monk 1 / Druid 4 / Storm Kindler 2+
Luca Boromi
Male Elf Gunslinger Magus (Myrmidarch)
Makoa Modius Brochus
male Half-Orc Cavalier 2 / Rogue 1 / Inquisitor 4+
Female Aasimar Oracle 2+ / Cleric 1
Weka Kakapo
probably gnome Sorceror
male Half-orc 1 of each
angela summoner
Female Aasimar Summoner
The Overrunner
Male Dwarf Fighter / Vigilante
Female Tiefling Ranger 1 / Investigator 3+
Male Wayang Snakebite Striker 1 / Greensting Slayer 1 / Knife Master Scout 1+
Male Ratfolk Gunslinger / Rogue
Male Rainkin Half-Orc Rogue / Dragoon / Hunter
Tessara A, the Clinohumite Sage
Female Elf Sorceror 1 / Arcanist 10
The Rocketeer
male Human
female Half-Orc Paladin
female Bolt Ace
Female Lillend Azata Eidolon
Palakar Macridi
HP 62 | AC 23, T 16, FF 19 | CMD 21 | Fort +8, Ref +14, Will +10 | Init +5 | Per +4 CG Female Naiad Bard 8 Speed 30, swim 30
Male-ish Wyrwood Alchemist
Aisling Starswimmer
HP 72/72 | AC 23, T 16, FF 17 | CMD 23 (can't be tripped) | Fort +10, Ref +12, Will +5 | Init +8 | Per +5 NG Female Mermaid, 8th Level Thrower Speed 25, Swim 30
Halfling Ooze Oozemorph Shifter 1 / Vigilante 2 / Mesmerist 1
Victory Point 30
Lyther Welwin
Female Human Envoy 9 Operative 2
Holden Hendly
male Android Operative
Male Morlamaw Soldier (armor storm), Starknight
Sunny Simar
NG Female Human Solarion 2 / Soldier 1 |SP 24/24 HP 25/25 |RP 6 |EAC 18 KAC 19|Fort +6 Ref +6 Will +5 |Init +5 |Per +5 Speed 30
Why do I have Two -704s?
Female Kiirinta Biohacker
Male Vesk Soldier
male half-orc Mechanic
male-ish SRO mechanic
no Bolida Soldier / Envoy
no Raxilite Witchwarper
Female Vlaka Mystic
Hungry Nano
Male Halfling
Male Stone Giant
Optani Luralia
Female Gnome Spirit Barbarian MC Sorcerer
Grynn Reaper
Female Skinny Dwarf Redeamer (Shining Oath)
Anjaz bint Heveril al-Yamasa
Female half-orc Storm Druid
Female Sprite Magus / Bounty Hunter
Tilla Pickfight
Female goblin Barbarian (maybe eventualy Liberator)
female Gnome Inventor
Female Ganzi human Oracle (Cosmos)
Anika Gloriousa
Female Halfling
Snare Rhodiani
male Kobold Scout
Female Strix Witch
Female Shisk Inventor
Falius Vaylen
Male Human Investigator / Scrollmaster
Male Anadi Monk (Wrestler)
no Poppet fighter
Female Medusa Skeleton Summoner
Male Fetchling Duskwalker Gunslinger (Magus)
Natalya 1 - deceased
Female Half-Elf, Kellid ethnicity on human side Pistolero / White-Haired Bonded Witch