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![]() Is "Tusked" a race trait (akin to "Brute" for a half-orc, or a racial trait akin to "Toothy" for a half-orc? The Adopted trait allows you to take a race trait but not a racial trait. I do not have a copy of Orcs of Golarion, so I don't know. But since you have a good explanation for the tusks, I guess it's OK either way. That is quite a stat block! Was it good rolls or generous point buy? I cannot find the post, but I seem to recall that the developers have ruled that "Adopted" does not actually use a trait slot, so you can still pick another trait. I took Sacred Touch for my dwarf cleric of Torag, but I have never used it. Since you wear heavy armor, Armor Expert might be good - it reduces your ACP by one. I have found the Handy Haversack useful, not because of weight but because you can retrieve stuff without provoking attacks of opportunity. *EDIT* But swapping the haversack for the ioun stone would free up a feat, which is probably better. ![]()
![]() Sanjiv wrote:
Well, that's not very encouraging! This is the first PFS character I designed, but my second overall. The first PFS character I played (and still play when possible) is a clone of the iconic rogue, currently 6th level. I also have some low level characters, but I haven't yet had a chance to play them. Yes, I was hoping for some advice on feats, useful spells and gear. I have een tempted to take a level in Zen Archer, to get Precise Shot for the acid dart. The bow proficiency wouldn't be bad either. Actually, he might make a decent Zen Archer who happens to have cleric levels. So far, the character usually ends up as a mediocre combatant, also throwing healing around. The acid dart domain ability has been quite useful, especially against constructs. I have also found Summon Monster is the party's friend - instant flanking buddy for the rogue, a quick way to get close to BBEG, and damage sink. I am trying to figure out a useful role for this character. We have a semi-regular PFS group, and no other clerics at this level. ![]()
![]() This was the first PFS character I built. He is 4th level now, and I am starting to realize that I did not build the character very well. He has not the charisma to be a good "healbot", but neither has he the physical attributes to be a good melee cleric. When I built the character, I focused primarily on wisdom, because that is the cleric's casting stat.
![]() "Extra Channel" has been a benefit to me and my party. It gives the cleric more flexibility in spell use. My cleric is a dwarf with 10 CHA, so those extra 2channels are important. For what it's worth, I have found the "Mending" orison handy. The other characters' weapons were damaged, and I happened to have the spell. ![]()
![]() I admit that I am a bit jealous of those who dream up wonderful back stories for their characters. Usually I struggle to come up with something more than, "Um, he's a dwarf. He has black hair. He is a devoted follower of Torag. Um..."
![]() I am also considering the possibility of creating an "Undead Scourge" paladin, perhaps with a level or two of cleric to get domains and more channels. If I understand the rules correctly, the damage dice for channeling positive energy would not stack, but the number of channels per day would stack. Assuming paladin 6/cleric 1, he could channel as a 6th level paladin, expending 2 uses of lay on hands for 3d6, or as a 1st level cleric for 1d6 but preserving lay on hands. The leadership feat imposes a penalty for different alignment (the character is LG) but not for a different race, so a human paladin could be a reasonable choice. Of course, there is always the chance that my character does not reach 9th level until after we complete this task, in which case this entire exercise is moot. ![]()
![]() pipedreamsam wrote:
Please do not apologize! I asked for advice; you offered advice. What's to be sorry about? I like your thoughts. ![]()
![]() Let me clarify. The character who will take the cohort is not a cleric but a Zen Archer. I plan to take the Leadership feat at 9th level. My current character has low charisma, even by dwarvish standards, which is why I want the hypothetical cleric's alignment to match. Our party has undertaken a mission to clear out an area overrun with undead, a quest for which we volunteered to prevent an invasion from the neighboring country.
![]() I plan to take the Leadership feat and I want to play a cleric, specializing in destroying undead. For role-playing reasons the cleric should be a lawful good (important) dwarf (less important). So far, I think I want the feats Improved Channel and Extra Channel. I also think I want the Sun domain.
![]() A group of us were fighting against a troll. Two PCs were adjacent to it; I was a bit farther away. The GM pointed at the two players whose characters were adjacent to the troll, rolled a die and said, "Odd, it attacks you; even, it attacks you." The die landed half on a book, on its edge. The troll attacked me. Claw, claw, rend, 40 points of damage on a second-level cleric. "All dead." I mean, we're talking, "Go through his pockets and look for loose change" dead. Little bits of scale mail were strewn about the room. (My companions had enough gold, after looting my corpse and selling most of my stuff, to pay for a Raise Dead spell, so I suppose my story doesn't really belong in this thread. I bought replacement scale mail as soon as I could afford it.) ![]()
![]() Kierato wrote:
I'm too sexy for my chainmail, too sexy for my chainmail... Please lock the thread before I post again! Stop me! Aaaaaaaaaaa!!!! ![]()
![]() Ultimate Magic wrote:
(emphasis mine) Would it be possible to use a Raise Dead spell on someone killed by one of the undead mentioned above while the spell is in effect? ![]()
![]() mdt wrote:
Good heavens! Worse than Piels or Bud? Yecch! ![]()
![]() I am a cleric with CHA 10 (not bad for a dwarf). I would like to increase my CHA so I can channel energy more often. I already have the Extra Channel feat, but I want even more! Would a Headband of Alluring Charisma do the trick? If I understand correctly, as soon as I put it on, I would get increases to charisma-based skill checks (e. g. Diplomacy). After 24 hours the enhancement bonus is treated as permanent, and then I would get more uses of channel energy. I mention the headband rather than the Ioun stone because the former is upgradeable. ![]()
![]() My cleric character (dwarf, 10 CHA) has often been very glad to have Extra Channel. Being to heal comrades or injure undead two more times helps! Selective Channel would have been nice on at least one occasion. It can be discouraging when the fight is almost over and the cleric heals some of the monsters you just killed. ![]()
![]() One of my PFS characters is a dwarvish cleric of Torag. I find this character as much fun to play as the rogue, and more fun than the barbarian. I find that the cleric fills a number of different roles in the party: healing and melee, sure, but no one else in the party handles undead better than the cleric. The paladin can channel positive energy now, but only now that he has reached a high enough level. The cleric could do it from the beginning. This character does not have access to subdomains since he predates them. EDIT: While it is true that druids have access to subdomains, druids can pick only one domain from a choice of seven, and then only if the druid does not have an animal companion. ![]()
![]() Beckett wrote:
After I submitted that last post, I had a feeling that someone would point out the weight of a mithral chain shirt. If (a) I happen to have the spell memorized and (b) I want to use it against someone wearing a mithral chain shirt, then I will let the GM decide if it works. If I were the GM and a player wanted to do that, then I would remind him/her that the spell is called Burning Disarm. I have reached the conclusion that the spell is meant only for weapons and other metal objects that one might hold. The description makes the spell seem almost useless against unattended metal objects. But it might be good for making tea. ![]()
![]() Beckett wrote:
Where does it say that? I play only PFS, and the organized play rules do not mention anything like that. ![]()
![]() The description of the "Burning Disarm" spell says:
Can a cleric cast this spell on an enemy's plate armor? Does the cleric have to belong to the Cheliax faction to use the spell? ![]()
![]() Volgrim Jormgard wrote:
I have exactly the same issue with selective channel. I just hope the GM doesn't decide to rule that the enemies are only "mostly dead", and let them regain consciousness when I channel energy! The folks who contributed toward raising me from the dead would be justified in taking rather a dim view of that. ![]()
![]() I like the sling because it combines nicely with the Magic Stone spell; Earth is one of my domains. Generally, though, I use Acid Dart for ranged attacks, since I can wield my primary weapon and shoot acid simultaneously. Since I get 7 acid darts per day, I seldom use physical weapons for ranged attacks. Besides, I am still constrained by residual memories of the old days when clerics were not allowed to use piercing or slashing weapons such as a crossbow. I know that is no longer RAW but old habits die hard. ![]()
![]() DM_Blake wrote:
The character's wisdom is 18, but he is only a second level cleric. According to the PRD, a Wisdom check is needed if the caster level of the scroll's creator is higher than the caster level of the scroll's reader. PRD wrote: If the user meets all the requirements noted above, and her caster level is at least equal to the spell's caster level, she can automatically activate the spell without a check. If she meets all three requirements but her own caster level is lower than the scroll spell's caster level, then she has to make a caster level check (DC = scroll's caster level + 1) to cast the spell successfully. If she fails, she must make a DC 5 Wisdom check to avoid a mishap (see Scroll Mishaps). A natural roll of 1 always fails, whatever the modifiers. Activating a scroll is a standard action (or the spell's casting time, whichever is longer) and it provokes attacks of opportunity exactly as casting a spell does. Given that only a 6 needed (4 on the die), it should not be too difficult to make the check, but failure is always a possibility. I don;t get it - I typed, "Caster Level Check" not "Wisdom Check" in my original post. This new Keyboard from Miskatonic Data Systems keeps changing my posts. In the GM's defense, we did not use Read Magic during the scenario. The scenario sheet simply lists what items are available for the characters to purchase after they finish. Iä! Cthulhu! ![]()
![]() In two different scenarios, my cleric gained access to a Scroll of Aid (cost 250 gp) and a Scroll of Silence (cost 150 gp). Both spells are second level cleric spells. The cost of a scroll of a second level cleric spell created by a third level cleric is 2 * 3 * 25 gp=150 gp. The Scroll of Aid costs 250 gp, so it must have been created by a fifth-level cleric (2 * 5 * 25 gp=250 gp), right?
![]() I had a wooden symbol up to now, but surely a dwarf in Torag's service should have a silver holy symbol. I have the cash; I'll have to upgrade. I do think there ought to be some consequence to the material, though. Surely a wooden symbol is more appropriate for an "outdoorsy" deity like Erastil, while Torag would insist on metal. ![]()
![]() I cannot find anything in the rules to imply that a silver holy symbol is in any way superior to a wooden holy symbol. Is there any reason to buy the more expensive silver holy symbol? A holy symbol is required to channel energy, and presumably for the divine focus component of spells, but I see no functional difference between the silver and wood symbols. Sign in to create or edit a product review. |