Can't Remember the Feat


Liberty's Edge

I seem to recall that there is a feat that works sort of like Power Attack, except that it works with light and "finesse" weapons. Does anyone know what feat it is, or am I becoming...confused...again?

I gess you are thinking on Piranha Strike. But it's only for light weapons, so it doesen't work with al finessable weapons.

Liberty's Edge

Grummik Lastsong wrote:
I gess you are thinking on Piranha Strike. But it's only for light weapons, so it doesen't work with al finessable weapons.

Thanks. That is the one I was trying to remember. I think there might have been a house rule for a -1/+3 progression with an elven curve blade.

You could always just put Effortless Lace on the Elven Curved Blade. fortless-lace

"the weapon is treated as a light melee weapon when determining whether it can be used ... with any feat..."

Then Piranha Strike should work on it.

Liberty's Edge

JoeElf wrote:

You could always just put Effortless Lace on the Elven Curved Blade. fortless-lace

"the weapon is treated as a light melee weapon when determining whether it can be used ... with any feat..."

Then Piranha Strike should work on it.

Effortless Lace wrote:

When wrapped around the grip of a one-handed piercing or slashing melee weapon for 24 hours...

Sadly cannot put an Effortless Lace on an Elven Curved Blade.

Oh no. Missed that part.

OP was looking for a -1/+3 option like 2H Power Attack, and the Piranha Strike is going to be a -1/+2 progression. Upon this further info, it doesn't work on 2H weapons, neither those with the finesse property nor an Effortless Lace.

So with the exotic weapon proficiency and the effortless lace you could use a katana or bastard sword?

Or the much better estoc.

JoeElf wrote:

Oh no. Missed that part.

OP was looking for a -1/+3 option like 2H Power Attack, and the Piranha Strike is going to be a -1/+2 progression. Upon this further info, it doesn't work on 2H weapons, neither those with the finesse property nor an Effortless Lace.

Nothing stopping you from using Power Attack while you finesse the Elven Courtblade. You just need to have 13 strength to get the feat.

Liberty's Edge

In retrospect, I was asking the wrong question. I vaguely recall a feat like Slashing Grace that worked with an ECB, but allowed 1.5 DEX mod to damage with the ECB. It might have been a house rule modifying Slashing Grace.

Theconiel wrote:
In retrospect, I was asking the wrong question. I vaguely recall a feat like Slashing Grace that worked with an ECB, but allowed 1.5 DEX mod to damage with the ECB. It might have been a house rule modifying Slashing Grace.

That's actually a class feature exclusive to the Unchained Rogue.

Sorry for the necro, but this threat contained all the key words I was searching for: "Estoc, Piranha Strike, Effortless Lace"

By the rules, as I understand them, I'd be able to use Piranha Strike wielding an Estoc (if I have the EWP: Estoc) made a light a weapon by wrapping around an Effortless Lace. At least if I wield it as a one-handed weapon.

When I wield the Estoc two-handed, does it technically become a two-handed weapon and the lace would be useless in this case (so no Piranha Strike)? Or would it still work?

Edit: I see the point is rather moot, as Piranha Strike has no clause in it for two-handed use, so there would be no damage boost for two-handing.
I guess my unchained rogue (Eldritch Scoundrel) has to somehow get to Strength 13 during the next levels.

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