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Kapelo v’Adril's page

31 posts. Alias of Nathanael Love.

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Vault of Heaven The Order Thirteen Kingdoms Tharbenia

Welcome to the Vault of Heaven!

Vault of Heaven The Order Thirteen Kingdoms Tharbenia

Greetings, fellow members of the Order! Might you all walk in the light of Jarrett, stay in Attrianna's shadow, and dwell in the dark of Drexiesh!

Vault of Heaven The Order Thirteen Kingdoms Tharbenia

Welcome to Tharbenia friends!

Vault of Heaven The Order Thirteen Kingdoms Tharbenia

The Storm Crow sits at a crossroads, wondering whither the storm will come. But it is always coming, he thinks, stretching his legs and raising his bundle to his back, the Storm always comes to the Fair Lands.

And with that, he turned, heading on to the Order of the Righteous Trinity to warn the Dean. . .

Vault of Heaven The Order Thirteen Kingdoms Tharbenia

The Storm Crow sits at a crossroads, wondering whither the storm will come. But it is always coming, he thinks, stretching his legs and raising his bundle to his back, the Storm always comes to the Fair Lands.

And with that, he turned, heading on to the Vault of Heaven to warn the King. . .

Vault of Heaven The Order Thirteen Kingdoms Tharbenia

The Storm Crow sits at a crossroads, wondering whither the storm will come. But it is always coming, he thinks, stretching his legs and raising his bundle to his back, the Storm always comes to the Fair Lands.

And with that, he turned, heading on to Tharbenia to warn the King. . .

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This is the character recruitment following the King recruit from HERE

The Thirteen Kingdoms- Compilation of links and background information, including the maps.

In this round of recruitment, you will be submitting short character pitches to the Three Kings we selected previously (Captain Generica, Cuan, and Simean) for their Kingdoms!

This game is actually 3 games, run simultaneously by three groups each representing one of the 13 Kingdoms of the Fair Lands. Because these Kingdoms are different and working towards different goals, you may interact with the other two tables- including potentially go to war and even meet another party in combat.

Kingdoms are:


Order of the Righteous Trinity

The Vault of Heaven

The Fair Lands themselves consist of two large islands and several small. They are the rough equivalent in culture and technology level as Iron Age or Dark Age Britain- think Arthurian legends, or the Last Kingdom.

Because there are three very different Kingdoms which may require very different characters for each of them, you are allowed to submit three different pitches (or modifications of your pitch)-- I am also stressing that these are pitches- my goal here is NOT to make you jump through hoops/go to all the effort of making three characters.

Your pitches should be short, but descriptive and include:

Character Name, Race, Class/Archetype (and role/build plan if multiclass along the way), and alignment- about 1 sentence covering this and explaining how your character "works" in the party (i.e. healing, sword and board fighter, archer, ect).

A one sentence description about what your character's role on the King's council is, and how you "earned" that position- i.e. "Fizzleface the Bold was selected for the Role of High Executioner after winning a tournament" or "Weaselnose the Fifth bought his appointment as Lord Chancery of the Treasury, just as his father and grandfather had before him."-- you're pitching this to the King's so making them specific to the Kingdoms will likely help them stand out!

Brief Background Information about the character- give us something interesting or unique about your character as a person in 3 sentences of less- be interesting, but hit the highlights here and stay brief.

IDEALLY you should wait to post until you have your submission for each Kingdom ready- a total of 15 sentences at most.

Character Build Rules:

Again- I am not asking you to build complete characters (especially 3 different ones!) at this time- after the draft we will finish building characters in discussion for the individual games, but these are provided for reference so you have you left and right limits established.

Basics: 3rd level, 25 point point buy (max 18 before racial adjustments), two traits (campaign traits available with approval), MAX HP at all levels, and 3000 gold.

For ALL Kingdoms- Human, Halfling, Dwarves, Elves, Gnomes, Half-elves, Half-Orcs, and Quarterlings.

Tharbenia only- Aasimar (all variants)

Order of the Righteous Trinity only- War Orcs, Kobolds (these races both have "roots"/connection to the Old Empire where the Order originally came from before becoming a nation) (Also, both War Orcs and Kobolds are tweaked races- with appropriate non-terrible Stat modifiers)

The Vault of Heaven only- Tieflings (standard and Hellspawn variants only), Dhamphir, and Fetchlings

Dwarf Races are from this document.

Elf Races

Additional Options- Quarterlings, War Orcs, and Kobolds are included here.

Other races are the same as standard PF1 for mechanics.

Races/Archetypes/Feats All PF1 Paizo races and archetypes are available, and all feats/options except the specific BANNED LIST below. Unchained or ordinary versions of classes are allowed, but Haste is moved to 3rd level for Summoner.

Since this is a potentially competitive/PVP situation, I will NOT be allowing third party/homebrew except the setting specific stuff included in the links above for my world.

Deities and Religions for Divine Casters- additionally, ALL divine casters must worship a deity or faith. There aren't "general clerics" or oracles without gods in this word.

On Gunslingers and other Gun users: Gunslinger and gun using options are available, but Guns and powder are not available in the region- this means you will either have to craft or import any/all guns, and will essentially NEVER find guns in loot/on NPCs.

Banned list: Clustered Shots, the "Pounce Beast" Eidelon (you know what I'm talking about- I'm allowing normal Summoner for greater flexibility, so don't abuse that with the thing that caused it to be generally banned), and the Toppling Spell + thing to reduce the CL increase. (Again, I'm not currently banning either Toppling Spell itself, or options that reduce the CL increase for metamagic, but I am disallowing combining the two for the level 1 Toppling Magic Missile/level 2 Toppling Spiritual Weapons).

Options/Subsystems: We will be using Background Skills, Variant Multclassing is allowed, we are using the Feat Access Combat Stamina rule, and obviously we are using a modified version of Kingdom Building and Army Combat.

We are NOT using Elephant in the Room/other Feat Tax reduction, Automatic Bonus Progression, Words of Power, or any other alternate systems.

The Draft Format!!
The plan is to leave recruitment open for 7 days (till 8 PM Wednesday 17 February), at which point we will begin the draft.

I'll do a roll to determine draft order for the three kings, who will then select their fellow players for their Kingdom in a snake draft format (1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1, ect) until we have selected FOUR additional characters per Kingdom (bringing each table up to 5 total players/characters per table or 15 total players.)

(Not going to enforce a specific time frame on the King's making their picks, since we will be waiting for three different people to evaluate a bunch of different characters).

Ok! I think I covered everything, but if I missed anything, ask!

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This recruitment is for an incredibly ambitious game I am preparing to run.

It will be a modified Kingdom Builder game, set in the Fairlands of my world (Kesperex)-- I will be simplifying the actual Kingdom Builder rules and the army rules, I know these subsystems don't always play the best on here which is why they will be pared back to some degree-- I'll work up the final rules before the actual game starts and publish them to the folder.

Character Creation: Will be PF1 rules, moderate house rules (especially for races). The races of Kesperex can be found


Dwarves of Kesperex

Elves of Kesperex

Gnomes are unchanged from PF1 rules, but closer to AD&D 2nd Edition in Lore.

Halflings are unchanged in rules, but all Halflings are ebony skinned (in lore they descend from an ancient empire akin to Carthage).

Humans are unchanged; other races exist and there are some changes, but those are the most likely races for Kingdoms.

The twist with this game is that I am recruiting currently for the Kings (or Queens) of three Kingdoms, so I am asking not for a completed character sheet or character background, but for a pitch for YOUR KINGDOM.

Once I've selected Kings, we will run another round of recruitment to staff your councils/adventuring parties-- and each Kingdom will represent a separate table that have simultaneous/overlapping adventures in the same region-- potentially even coming to blows/war with one another!

Submission: What do I actually want to see in this round to select the Kings/Kingdoms?

1. Kingdom Name (does not have to be Kingdom- can be Duchy/Baronetcy/Principality, ect- however you want to style it).
2. King/Ruler Name, Race, Intended Class, and alignment
3. Racial Makeup of Kingdom (in %'s) and which of those races have noble families in the Kingdom
4. Kingdom Alignment (both general population and the ruling elite if there is a mismatch)
6. How You Came To Power: This should be relatively recently and covered in about one paragraph (did you beloved father just die? Did you execute a coup? Were you chosen at a Witten?)
7. Three Power Players in your Kingdom who will NOT be represented by player characters (A rival duke? A troublesome uncle/nephew? A banker? A respected lord?)- these don't need to be rivals, but they should have their own agenda that should not be in lockstep with your own, even if their goals overlap to varying degrees; cover each in about a paragraph (3 sentences perhaps)
8. What Does Your Character Want? Are you trying to regain a lost county? To avenge a slain family member? To find true love? This should be a personal goal for your King.
9. What Does Your KINGDOM Want? A goal that is a desire in the Kingdom at large- or at least a substantial subset of it
10. What is the traditional "elite" unit of your kingdom? Viking Reavers? Mounted Knights? Dwarven Sappers? What's the Order/unit/THING that young noblemen aspire to earn glory and join when they grow up.

I think that's enough for now-- we will undoubtedly fill in more about your Kingdoms as we go, but from that I will choose the Kings (who will also serve as team captains for recruitment).

If you're reading this, and interested in playing, but would rather be not the King- worry not, once Kingdoms have been selected we will be looking for about 12 more player's to join the Three Kings/Kingdoms.

For reference: Map of the World the Fair Lands where you are playing are in the upper left of the map-- they are roughly equivalent to the British Isles.

Deities and Religions

Male Goblins!Solo Dungeon Crawl

Solo dungeon crawl game

Male Goblins!Solo Dungeon Crawl

Discussion for dungeon crawl solo game.

Male Goblins!Solo Dungeon Crawl

Discussion for this run.

I'll get the slides put together tonight, trying to get 1-2 more if we can find anyone, otherwise we'll go with 3 + an extra NPC pregen.

I'll post the pregens in the slides so you can choose which goblin you want to be-- its the same cast of characters as the others but different level.

Male Goblins!Solo Dungeon Crawl

Dot in once you have the profile for the goblin you want to run

Open PFS recruitment for We Be Goblins Free run.

I have one spot reserved for the person who requested this module, and will be taking four others for five total.

This will be reported for PFS through the Online Support Program.

I'll close recruitment at 8 PM central tonight and do a random roll to select the four goblins joining us at that point.

We are most likely continuing on to We Be 5uper Goblins after, but will fill any drops in between.

To join, just reply here with the PFS number of the character you want to apply credit to (once the group is selected will have the party decide which goblins they want to play in discussion.)

Goblinblood Jade Regent King's Land Seeker's Folly Dwarves

Discussion thread for Outpost IV 3-22 The Goblinblood Dead Discussion.

Game is dormant until convention starts-- signup/recruitment based on convention rules/processes-- once signed up through Outpost IV process please stealth dot in gameplay and check in here.

Goblinblood Jade Regent King's Land Seeker's Folly Dwarves

Gameplay thread for Outpost IV convention game; signup only through Outpost Convention procedures- when signed up stealth dot here and check in in discussion please.

Planesfinder Slides & Links

Discussion thread for Planesfinder game.

Planesfinder Slides & Links

Welcome Berks, Cutters, and Barmies- to Sigil! The City of Doors! The Center of the Multiverse- from a certain point of view.

I am the Mimir, your guide as you enter the Great Wheel, and Beyond- a creature of everlasting, one might even say omniscient multiversal knowledge.

What Came Before
How you ask, did our intrepid heroes get to Sigil? Well, that's a story it is better to let them tell you. . .

Begin by narrating your character to Sigil from wherever they were before

Just what the title says--- Planescape converting the modules to Pathfinder.

How many are interested?

Goblinblood Jade Regent King's Land Seeker's Folly Dwarves

Gameplay Thread for dotting in

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Goblinblood Jade Regent King's Land Seeker's Folly Dwarves

Opening Discussion thread to move campaign refinement/character generation out of recruitment forums.

Anyone interested in running or playing in a West End Games Star Wars game?

Mandalorian has me jonesing for a game in that universe.


To expand: I think the idea of centering the game on a group of young Mandalorian foundlings whose just gotten their helmets and are doing bounties and other deeds in order to earn more pieces of Beskar armor/weapon systems for it in a secret culvert on some planet on the edge of the galaxy.

For this project, I will GM it if I need to, but my preference would be a shared GM game- we'll each take turns as GM with a group of say 5 characters (so that only 4 are present on each mission), and each telling a story in turn?

Just one idea.

We have one spot open for Reign of Winter; needs to be a divine caster/healer capable character.

Respond with interest and a character concept (don't need a full build, just a plan for what it will be) and I will pick someone.

We are about 2/3rds of the way through book one.

Goblinblood Jade Regent King's Land Seeker's Folly Dwarves

Discussion thread for this game; can move the rest of character creation chat here, or complete it in recruitment.

Goblinblood Jade Regent King's Land Seeker's Folly Dwarves

Please stealth dot in when you have the profile you plan to use.

Recruitment/discussion thread for by invitation only game for player's narrowly passed over in previous recruitments.

If I PMed you, please comment below if you're interested and thoughts on what you'd like to play.


There have been enough player's a recently narrowly skipped over on recruitment that I want to get a chance to run for, but I don't have a specific game decided on yet, so I'm going to work in reverse-- PM players to invite, then as we fill out the group, have the player's decide what they want to play, then make characters together as a group for it.

I won't be able to start the actual gameplay until my two games that are wrapping soon close, but I want to start confirming players and getting discussion on what you'd like to play.

This game is by PM invitation only.

(I've sent 6 total invites, 5 from my Ocean game and one reaching back to Jade Regent recruitment; PMs are sent)

Goblinblood Jade Regent King's Land Seeker's Folly Dwarves

Gameplay for Crown of Oceana- please stealth dot in with character profile only

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Goblinblood Jade Regent King's Land Seeker's Folly Dwarves

Discussion thread for this game--

This will be the thread for OOC discussion; eventually there will be a second campaign for when we split missions and the Discussion thread there will be reserved for only discussion/decisions related to the "Combat Power/Navy" subsystem.

If everyone I have selected can please check in here, I will open game play as well if you can stealth dot in for now.

Founded in the Second Age, the Empire of Oceana sat on an island midway between the the major trading routes. The legends say a cataclysm sank the city beneath the waves near the very end of the Second Age. Since then, the City has thrived beneath the ocean- ruled by a Gilman Emperor, peopled with Gilmen, Merfolk, and stranger creatures of the sea, Oceana has lived up to its name.
But, ten years ago, a mysterious group of spellcasters known as the Absolute Order rose up, killing the Emperor and Empress. Allied with dark powers, the Absolute Orders now rule the land beneath the waves. . .

But there is hope- the 8 year old son, now the rightful Emperor of Oceana was smuggled outside the city, escaping to the surface world. Now, surrounded by a small group of loyalists and mercenaries, the Prince sets out to gather resources, forge alliances, raise a navy, and reclaim his birthright.

Will you answer the call for the Crown of Oceana?

This campaign features fleet building, trade routes, and diplomatic alliances subsystems.

Player's Guide and Documents

The time has come for recruitment for my Crown of Oceana game!

This is a very special campaign to me, based on the myths of Atlantis and other ocean societies, and set in my own campaign world Kesperex, I am brimming with ideas for how this game will run and hope that others will come along with me for this journey.

What: The "Crown of Oceania" Adventure
When/Where/How: Will be Play By Post here in these forums, and the actual campaign start will be after recruitment is finished
How many/Who: I will be taking up to 10 characters for this campaign

Wait, did you say 10 characters? Yes, yes I did because of. . .

The Twist: Because this game takes place on a grand scale climaxing in a massive war beneath the ocean and involving naval combat, but also because the early stages of the adventure are designed to send you on discrete missions the group will be occasionally together, but usually will split the party to go in two different directions at once and take on two separate missions. I'll be running two campaign screens for this, but it won't be a static two separate parties-- the characters and alignments for missions will (hopefully) change and reorganize so that all 10 characters will have been on missions with each other at different points.

Application process: For application, I ask for your completed/near completed 1st level character, along with a 1 paragraph or greater background, and a general outline for advancement. As before, I will be grading on multiple criteria:

*Background: 1-3 points for detail of background, focusing on how it gives your character story hooks/makes your character a part of the world

*Build: 1-3 points for presenting an interesting mechanical build: I love crazy multi-classes and other builds that rely on cobbling together a truly unique character, so I will reward people who put an effort into doing something interesting rather than building one of the core power builds that fill most parties

*Theme: 1-3 points for creating a character that fits the themes of the game (nautical, undersea, naval)-- I'm looking for characters both undersea races and landlubbers wanting to step into the ocean who will feel at home in the source material, so keep that in mind while designing them- the Mountaineer Gunslinger wearing Full Plate whose scared of water is a cool character concept, but he's out of place here

*I reserve the right to green light in the occasional player based on external factors- someone I almost took on a previous recruitment, for instance, may get the edge in selection this time

"deadline": Rather than set a firm deadline, I will be taking characters in phases-- the first "cut" will be Friday 24 July at 0800 AM Central. At that point I will make decisions, announce which characters I have selected, and announce the next "cut" as well as how many characters I have left to select and if any roles/races have essentially been "filled" (i.e. for truly exotic races I am unlikely to chose more than 1, so if an Adaro has been added to the party I will announce that Adaro is no longer available to choose). At this point I will also take the time to message those whose characters were not chosen yet, but are still in the running why I didn't select them to give an opportunity to adjust or submit a new idea.

I will keep running phased selection like this until I've filled out a party of 10, and then we will begin shortly after.

Character Creation Rules

Attributes: 20 points point buy, nothing over 18 before racial modifiers
Classes: All Paizo published classes and prestige classes and Archetypes are legal. Archetypes/PrCs that are very Golarian specific will have to be modified for flavor to make them fit a different world, but if there's one you want mechanically we will work the flavor details out.

Summoners: I've decided to leave open the possibility of taking a non-Unchained summoner on this campaign with the caveat that "mega-pounce beast" eidelons will not be allowed and that the Spell Haste will be moved to 3rd level.

Feats: All Paizo published feats and Variant Multi-classing will be allowed with the exception of the Clustered Shots feat (this was written at a time when archers had no other way to by-pass DR, then left in after scads of ways to increase archer damage were added and its simply no longer balanced, IMO)

Subsystems: I will be using Background Skills, Skill Unlocks, and Stamina Points (feat required version) subsytems, as well as Variant Multi-Classing being allowed, but am not using/allowing other subsystems (Words of Power/auto-progression bonuses/Elephant In the Room feat reductions)

Traits: Every character will be allowed to take 1 Campaign Trait from the Player's Guide and one other trait. (Religion traits ask for equivalent deity)

Races: What races are available for your character to use are determined by the Campaign Trait you take, as details in the Player's Guide. Elves and Dwarves use setting specific alternate subraces.

Gold: Everyone will start with average starting gold for your class + the bonus that your campaign trait gives.

To Apply: Add your name and information to This Sheet to apply- fill out Player Name, Character Name, your starting race/class, a short description of the "theme" or "role" you want the character to play (Sea God's Sworn Healer, or Pirate Seeking Redemption, ect), and a brief description of the build you intend to take as well as a link to either a profile or the post where you fill out the details. Dotting/showing interest in the thread will not be considered an application of you do not fill out the spreadsheet- this makes it easier for me to find everyone/review them all.

Gods: Every Divine Caster regardless of class must worship a deity or follow a church. Deities and Churches listed here

I think I covered anything, but if there are questions please ask them. I look forward to going on this journey with you all!

Inspired my Marik's "What AP to Run Next" poll, but with a twist--

I have several ideas I'm (slowly) working on writing for various purposes, so the question boils down to-- which of these ideas would you like to see me develop out, recruit for on here, and run?

Options are:

Crown of Oceana:
Founded in the Second Age, the Empire of Oceana sat on an island midway between the the major trading routes. The legends say a cataclysm sank the city beneath the waves near the very end of the Second Age. Since then, the City has thrived beneath the ocean- ruled by a Gilman Emperor, peopled with Gilmen, Merfolk, and stranger creatures of the sea, Oceana has lived up to its name.

But, ten years ago, a mysterious group of spellcasters known as the Absolute Order rose up, killing the Emperor and Empress. Allied with dark powers, the Absolute Orders now rule the land beneath the waves. . .

But there is hope- the 8 year old son, now the rightful Emperor of Oceana was smuggled outside the city, escaping to the surface world. Now, surrounded by a small group of loyalists and mercenaries, the Prince sets out to gather resources, forge alliances, raise a navy, and reclaim his birthright.

Will you answer the call for the Crown of Oceana?

This campaign features fleet building, trade routes, and diplomatic alliances subsystems.

The village of Hargrove seems like a fairly unimportant location- an agricultural village in the middle of an agricultural region with just one temple, one inn, and a library, but mystery abounds in the forests around Hargrove. . .

This campaign is a set of several smaller modular adventures set in and around Hargrove:

The Dark Temple: Rumors of a Dark Temple have circulated for years, but when a small halfling girl goes missing, the heroes on hand in Hargrove must search the forest and finally confront the Dark Temple!

Satyr's Dance: In Sleepy Hargrove the Harvest Festival is the most important time of year. But this year, when a group of aggressive Satyr's have taken up residence near town and are causing problems. Can the heroes on hand in Hargrove broker a peace, or otherwise deal with the Satyr's, or will the fey folk ruin the Harvest Festival?

The Boy in the Well: When Chinon, an apprentice to the resident Wizard falls into a well, the heroes on hand in Hargrove set out to rescue him, and find themselves being led further and further into the Between Lands that lie beneath the surface!

The Ogre God's Tomb: At the dawn of the Third Age, a bastard god of Ogre's and Magic named Cuth briefly ruled much of the earth before he was slain and his followers over thrown. Since then, no Ogre has set foot in Kesperex. But when the Tomb of Cuth is discovered, a race is on to explore it and find out the answer to a mystery stretching back a thousand years. . .

Cessport, the City of Guilds is known for being a city full of intrigue, double crossing, thievery, and murder. The sanctioned Corporations officially rule, but the illegal Guilds have carved out their places as well. Will you join a guild and make a name for yourself in the mean streets of Cessport?

This campaign features a set of modular smaller adventures leading set in Cessport, with a more intrigue focus-- the open secret is that whatever the Guild's name, it's ALSO a thieves guild.

Guild Business: When Giannis, Guildmaster of the Crofter's Guild needs agents not connected with any guild for an errand, he gathers together the rabble of the Cessport streets and offers them a substantial payday to embark on a little bit of Guild Business.

Initiation Dues: Having impressed Giannis, you've been offered the chance to join the Crofter's Guild, assuming that you can pay the initiation dues-- don't worry, Giannis has just the way for you to earn your keep!

Journeyman's Journey: Now full members of the Crofter's Guild, life is good in Cessport. But when an old acquaintance of Giannis comes to town, you find yourselves embroiled in an affair for ages!

The Ogre God's Tomb: At the dawn of the Third Age, a bastard god of Ogre's and Magic named Cuth briefly ruled much of the earth before he was slain and his followers over thrown. Since then, no Ogre has set foot in Kesperex. But when the Tomb of Cuth is discovered, a race is on to explore it and find out the answer to a mystery stretching back a thousand years. . .

Path(s) of the Hellknight(s):
The Hellknights of Golarian uphold law and order in the areas they operate in, organized into fearsome orders.

This campaign is written in the style of PFS Scenarios, with the twist that ALL of the characters are members in some capacity of the Hell Knights, called together from various Orders to embark on a series of ever escalating adventures.

The Burned Lands Artifact Hunt:
The Burned Lands featured an Empire ruled by Halflings some thousand years ago. But in the time since, they have degenerated into a land of barren desert, nomadic tribes, roaming Gnolls, and a very few trade cities on the coast.

When the Tower Univeristy of Riverport gets their hands on some maps they think will lead to import archaeological discoveries in the area, they charter an expedition, bringing together guards, archeologists, Tower Mages, and halfling inheritors to set out for the Burned Lands.

This campaign features a system of major artifacts keyed to character's class abilities which they search for, find, and attune with gaining greater power as they go, and a hex crawling discovery/sandbox exploration mechanic


Any questions, ask them, and please vote! Trying to get an idea which of these to spend my effort developing.

Customer Service,

Please cancel pending order 28920223 and my Pathfinder Battles Case subscription.

Unfortunately with two new babies the past two years my financials have changed and I cannot spend that much at one time for minis currently.


Goblinblood Jade Regent King's Land Seeker's Folly Dwarves

Discussion thread- if the 6 characters could check in please.

Rin/Tenchi-- you both took Younger Sibling (obviously hence the Kaijitsu name)- you will have to work out which is older between the two of you.

Welcome everyone, and thanks for joining me on this!

Goblinblood Jade Regent King's Land Seeker's Folly Dwarves

Gameplay thread, please stealth DOT in, will begin with intro tomorrow or Saturday.

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Ok, I've decided to pull the trigger on starting a Jade Regent game.

Some background on the AP:

-this is the "Tien Xia" AP, but it starts in Sandpoint in Varisia

-this AP features a caravan subsystem- I know subsystems can be tricky and slow things down on PBP, but I feel it's worth it so please do not apply for this game if you are bored by, uninterested in, or do not enjoy these kinds of downtime- X-builder mechanics

Some background on what I'm looking for:

-I'm going to take 5 characters, not 6

-I'll be making the decision based on several factors including party balance, character background, and mechanically interesting builds

-I'm looking more for novel character concepts- I don't want an optimized controller wizard, optimized archer, or two handed brute that have been played a million times, so I'll preference builds that are unique or less played

+ pace of play is 1 post per day minimum

What to post to apply;

1. Completed character 1st level build
2. Character advancement outline (class levels-archetypes and key feats- "key" being the ones that are integral to make the build work)
3. Backstory (at least a paragraph) tying your character into Sandpoint and to the main NPCs (see the Player's Guide)

Character creation:
1. 20 points point buy
2. Allowed races: core, plus tengu, samsaran, and other Paizo by approval
3. 2 traits + 1 Jade Regent campaign trait
4. Allowed classes, feats, ECT: all Paizo published (but be warned this book was before gunslinger so there is no support for firearms in the course of play)

I'll make decisions June 27th at 8 AM central.

player's guide for reference


I've been poking around on the Wiki and the net looking to see if there is a list of scenarios/adventures that feature Hellknights anywhere- does anyone know of one?

Goblinblood Jade Regent King's Land Seeker's Folly Dwarves


While passing through the Molthuni border town of Fort Ramgate, the leader of the Molthune army in the area, General Hakar calls you in for a meeting.

"Greetings, I will get right to the point. About 3 weeks ago, a junior Molthune officer named Lieutenant Vos took control of Fangwood Keep, a small border fort just inside Nemathis territory with his specialist unit. Unfortunately, Vos has since gone rogue. He took the fort without orders and has ignored orders to abandon it. We've reached an agreement with Nemathis-- as long as we deliver them back the fort we can avoid a more damaging incident that leads to escalation."

He pauses for a moment, and rolls out a map leading to the Fort and another with an outline of the exterior.
"There are two secret entrances to Fangwood that Vos likely doesn't know about since he wasn't high enough in rank to be trusted with the knowledge. Here, and here. A2 and A4 on Slide 3 I can pay you each 250 gold now, and another 750 upon completion, as well as these modest supplies to help you on your way. If you accept, I hope that you will act quickly, and if possible discreetly"

Bag of Supplies:
two elixirs of hiding, a scroll of knock, and a scroll of hold portal

Goblinblood Jade Regent King's Land Seeker's Folly Dwarves

Discussion for Fangwood Keep

I wasn't planning to start another game right now, but needing GM credit to get a character qualified in the near future I am going to do a quick paced Fangwood Keep run.

Fangwood Keep is a module for levels 3-5-- it's worth 3 XP and 4 Prestige upon completion. This is a dungeon crawl style module where you siege a keep so it is mostly combat/stealth/physical skills and very light on the social interaction/intrigue stuff and rolls, so keep that in mind when submitting characters.

I'll be taking 5 total characters, to include at least 1 "tank" style character and 1 healer. I'll

I want to start soon, and keep this one rolling pretty quickly, so I will pull characters tonight at 8 PM CDT as long as we have enough applications and will roll randomly to fill slots after ensuring tank/healer rolls.

Goblinblood Jade Regent King's Land Seeker's Folly Dwarves

Looking at this makeup we have:

Kelvor 10
Juniper 8
Petra 9
Ajax 10
OG3's Druid 8 = 45/5= APL 9

That does put us in the spot where Petra will be out of tier no matter what and we need to decide between playing down (Ajax and Kelvor out of tier) or playing up (Juniper and OG3 out of tier)--

If you could please vote on which you'd prefer/share your thoughts on it.

Goblinblood Jade Regent King's Land Seeker's Folly Dwarves

You make your way to the city of Oppoara in Taldor Slide 2 and arrive at Venture Captain Muesello's Lodge. It appears to be a simple bait and tackle shop, and one of the Venture Captain's assistants works the desk.

You meet Muesello Slide 3 in a back room, crowding around a table. Venture-Captain Muesello straddles a turned-around wooden chair,
resting his arms atop the back. He looks around with a wide
smile on his face, nodding with satisfaction at the group assembled before him.

"Good, good. You all made it through the crowds gathered for the
Grand Day of Exaltation. Be sure to keep a hand on your coin purses during these festivities; there’s an abundance of pickpockets out there. All the big nobility is at the senate building, including our own Lady Morilla. That’s where the exaltation ceremony is set to take place: the grand prince is going to elevate a commoner into the ranks of the nobility. It’s all real charming, not to mention a great boon for business. Heck, that’s why I’m keeping the shop open even while we meet!"

Muesello lets out a raucous laugh before continuing. “All right,
while all the nobles are enjoying their fancy party, it’s up to you to do some important work for Lady Morilla. The Society’s recent accomplishments in the Lands of the Linnorm Kings have gained us support from a member of the Ulfen Guard: a man by the name of Bjarte Trolltooth. Now, it seems that Bjarte wanted to talk to the Society abo—”

Muesello’s overview is suddenly interrupted by the forceful slamming of the tackle shop’s front door. A bellowing string of foreign words resonates through the shop, followed by tramping footsteps.

Skald Language:
You recognize the words as a curse invoking Gorrum

The door to the back room swings open, knocked partially off its hinges by the force of the slam. A bear of an Ulfen man stands in the open doorway, silhouetted by the sunshine from the storefront. A greataxe is strapped along his back, and animal furs cover a set of tanned hide armor. He looks around the back room, a sense of barely restrained fury in his eyes.

“Where is the fancy woman who calls herself Morilla? I, Bjarte Trolltooth of the Ulfen Guard, made an oath to her, and now I uphold that vow. By the gods, this is a dark time. The Grand Prince will soon mete out a bloody culling of the senate. I am honor-bound not to interfere, but I can warn those who might be able to stop it.”

Recruitment for PFS 9-13: The Lion's Justice

I'm going to take 5 total, with preference given to the three player's who requested a 7-11 in the Flaxseed thread.

Will close recruitment at 3 PM Central time tomorrow and make choices based on party balance/tier.

Goblinblood Jade Regent King's Land Seeker's Folly Dwarves

Please create a post/then delete to stealth dot in.

Goblinblood Jade Regent King's Land Seeker's Folly Dwarves

Thread for discussion and character creation for Reign of Winter game.

Player's Guide

Looks like I have 2 possibly 3 here- will be looking for 5 total.

Going to use "standard" rules for character creation- 20 Point, PHB point buy, PF1 Rules as written, almost any options allowed, 2 Traits (preferring 1 campaign trait from the Player's Guide), no drawbacks.

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Now that Pathfinder 1st Edition is over and everything has been published- what in your opinions is the best Adventure Path (and why)?

Or, if you were starting to run or play one right now, which would you want to run/play in?

Spoiler free please and thank you.

Male Goblins!Solo Dungeon Crawl

Any bigger ooc conversations can be done over here to avoid clogging up gameplay- if it's one sentence question, feel free to leave it in gameplay in ooc tags

Male Goblins!Solo Dungeon Crawl

Mission brief begins incoming tonight.

Going to start doing some of these single, one off, PFS scenarios.

Looking for quick starts (not rushed games), so I am taking the first 5 that respond (one each) from the below categories.

Respond with-

PFS Number
Role category (see below)
Class, and archetype (all level 1)

Role categories- again, taking the first to respond for each category:

1. front line- melee character with survivability

2. Strike- archers, blasting casters, kineticists, or a second melee with damage output focus

3. Healer- primary healer (clerics, oracles, druids, ect)

4. Utility caster- inquisitors, mediums, non-blasting wizards, bards, ect- any caster whose not highly focused on blasting or healing

5. Skills user- rogues, Rangers, ect with a character focus on skill points and challenges

Will look to start once we have 5 locked in, thanks.

Due to apparently previously editing/deleting characters my Organized play screen is missing my -10, -11, and -12 characters.

My number is 105323

105323-10 has play credit on it so not seeing the sessions/prestige is an issue, but when I create a new character it skips straight to the next (-13, -14 ect) instead of letting me recreate the -10, -11, -12 characters which exist.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Goblinblood Jade Regent King's Land Seeker's Folly Dwarves

Welcome players!

Looking at the 6 we have the following:

Character PFS # XP Class Level
Galvius Pitio 215076-19 3 Spellslinger/Witch 2
Hemmings 75247-12 7 Investigator 3
Kenji Haru 314670-14 3 Swashbuckler 2
Nardic Yarrow 270121-2 5 Archeologist Bard 2
Penthesilea 182453-14 3 Arrowsong Misntrel Bard 2
Pirro Issa 230524-20 1 Spiritualist 1

Since 4/6 have already done From Under Ice I'm going to look to replace that scenario later on.

Unfortunately we're at a tough spot because Hemmings isn't eligible for Mummy's Mask part 1 (it's level 1-2) and Nardic will lose eligibility with a single XP added I'm going to alter the order to accomodate as best as possible.

That means we are moving Mummy's Mask part 1 to be the first adventure in the shoot.

Hemmings- this character is too high level for the scenario, but we can have you play it on another character so you as a player don't miss out even if your character does.

Once everyone has checked in I will look to start out in a day or two.

Also, when you check in please "vote" whether you want to run the Adventure Path sections in campaign mode, or only complete the sanctioned sections-- I'm more than happy to do campaign mode especially since we are locking these characters pretty well anyways.

Once MM1 is complete we will have a low XP value of 4 and a high of 8, but I think this should work itself out and require minimal use of slow track to normalize everyone to the same level.

Goblinblood Jade Regent King's Land Seeker's Folly Dwarves

We will begin shortly, please stealth dot in and check in the discussion tab!

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