Delmoth |

Gilly's player here. Full disclosure I'm running exactly what you're suggesting and am very interested in being in the other side of the table. If you need some help with conversion I've done some of the leg work already. And stolen from this website for a lot of it.

Delmoth |

I am confident I could bring myself and my brother to play. Are there setting details online for us to read?
However, you can easily come into Planescape cold without knowledge of the setting. Just make a PC based out of another setting and have them wander through a random portal to Sigil. This is a time honored way of introducing people.

DarkOne7141981 |

However, you can easily come into Planescape cold without knowledge of the setting. Just make a PC based out of another setting and have them wander through a random portal to Sigil. This is a time honored way of introducing people.
Thanks for the link - I will check it out.
As for PC knowledge, I totally agree. As a player I like to know a bit more than my PC when I can - it can be tough when the PC has 20 Intelligence or something...

Oxnard Kettlebeak |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

It weaves together the Four Door Module, the Great Modron March Module, the Tales From the Outer Planes Module, and the stand alone Planescape Modules-- the first time I ran it I also included all the mini story scenarios from the Boxed Sets-- undecided if I would maintain those or skip past them.
Ok then-- I'll have to decide on the character creation specs I want and what I'm looking for for recruitment and look at the scenarios again to decide exactly how I want to run it. Watch this thread for that.

Oxnard Kettlebeak |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Caution: This Game is Not for the Faint of Heart!!
So, Cutter, you think you have what it takes to tackle the Planes? We'll see, Berk, we'll see. . .
This game will be using the SLOW XP progression, and will be quite strict on handing out XP based on the needs of the modules-- the goal of the game is to play a large number of the Planescape Modules, not to zip through leveling up, so there may be times when you are at the same level (EVEN 1st LEVEL!!) for an extended period of time.
Power Level and the Planes:
The Planes are a scary place! You will see creatures while you are very low level where fighting them is an immediate and absolute death sentence!
The scenarios will never require or ask you to do so though- you'll have other ways out of situations, or help in your battles or both- in general the The Planes are a scary place so to keep with that in mind, this game will use 15 point pint buy.
Magic Items, Wealth by Level, and Automatic Progression
In Planescape, items which have plusses (sword +2, Circlet of Intelligence +4, Armor +3, Ring of Protection +1) lose their potency the further away from the Plane on which they are forged (to a maximum of -5).
This means that we will need to track the origin Plane of every item, and also that you will usually be at a lower "level" of power than you'd expect in a game where you got your "expected" wealth by level handed out in fungible goods.
I WILL NOT be using Automatic Bonus Progression or any other mechanism to counteract this-- refer again to the above warning about the Planes being a scary and dangerous place where a Berk can wind up in the Dead Book despite doing everything "right".
This is meant to be an experience that uses modern rules sets to get to the feel of the original Planescape, so be prepared to have an uneven distribution of your magic items and don't expect anything.
Overcoming Damage Reduction- As in NOT
So with no automatic bonus progression, and limited (and unpredictable) access to +X weapons-- how are you supposed to overcome enemies' damage reduction?
The answer is pretty simple: you are NOT. Damage Reduction is supposed to slow down your ability to kill enemies- it's factored into the CR, and when it's always overcome because you have what you're "supposed" to have the fights against what are supposed to be terrifying, challenging creatures, become mundane.
Want to kill a Ba'atezu? Or a Tanari? Or, are you Barmy enough to try to kill a Yugoloth?
Better study that singular creature and prepare to have the right weapon to beat it, or you might as well write your own name in the Dead Book now, Cutter.
Nothing in this game is going to be as easy as "Oh, I'm 7th level so I've got a +3 weapon like I'm supposed to so Damage Reduction effectively no longer exists."
A Word on Magic
I can see you thinking it now, Berk.
So, swinging swords is a bad idea, I'll just use spells- nothing on the Planes can stop a spell slinger!
Think again, Cutter!
Each and every Plane affects Arcane magic differently- and if you don't know HOW it affects it, you may find yourself in a bad way real quick.
Priests don't get off any easier-- while they get to cast their spells without Planar interference, every Plane further away from their Deities home Plane they lose effectiveness!
Yes, a LG Cleric of Heironious in the Abyss isn't going to be able to do all that much, it turns out!
But, Aren't We Supposed to be. . . you know, heroes?
Yes! You are!
With that in mind, the one major boon you can expect to get along the way is a pretty sweet gig-- this is going to be a Mythic game eventually, and you will gain Mythic power and undergo mythic trials and gain mythic ranks-- at the appropriate places.
So, You Still Wanna Tackle the Planes?
Alright Berks and Barmies!
Still interested in stepping out into the Multiverse and becoming Planar Heroes?
Well, you're in luck!
Submit the following information to apply:
Character Name:
Player Name:
Planar or Prime and Home Plane or Prime World:
Intended Mythic Path:
Character Race:
Class: (both first level and general build progression idea, including archetypes)
Basic Backstory: One paragraph backstory (min), that includes why/how you got to Sigil where the game will begin.
Don't worry about a full crunch build for phase 1 of recruitment/creation here- we will hammer out those details later.
Deadline: This game is my Christmas gift to you! So, I will only be considering characters who have submitted at least a partial idea by 1 January (Central US time) 2021, i.e.- get your "intent" to submit at a minimum in.
Will require completed submission a few days into January (of the above information) and then will make decisions/cuts and move forward into character crunch creation.
I'll be back to answer questions and to flesh out more information later, but that's a good start for official recruitment!

Oxnard Kettlebeak |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

A few more things-
I'll be taking six PCs (one for each Mythic Path)- this doesn't mean that Psychic or others that are not natural fits for the paths are off the table, but since i an selecting for path you may be at a disadvantage going too far afield.
3PP: no words of power or anything that so radically alters the game, but with approval 3PP and conversions from previous edition DnD are on the table.
Races: anything that is humanoid or native outsider and Rogue Modrons but if you get above 20 race points I will probably trim some abilities.
Geniekin (is ifrits, oread, ect) are replaced by the Genasi; will be using Guiles world for Bariaur, gith, rogue Modrons.
Home world- you can be from any published prime world- Golarian, Forgotten Realms, Dragonlance, Grey hawk, or from any of the Planescape planes, or from my Kesperex prime, or a 3PP prime world- (Midgaurd or any other you have with approval)- so if you want options specific to world's those are possible.
Knowledge Planes- I'll post the specifics about the Knowledge Planes skill, needless to say it will be more complicated than a single skill point.
I'll also be using an alternate version of Background skills specifically related to this which I'll explain a bit more when I have a chance to break it down.

Oxnard Kettlebeak |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I assume that the traditional planescape races that aren't covered in pathfinder will be covered later. We just have to signal our intent to play one here right? Are there any factions that we should consider off limits?
(I answered races above- all playable and will use the Guiles conversions(
Yes- focus on intent to play and story pieces in this first round more than the crunch specifics which we will hammer out later.
Factions- you can be of any faction (pre-faction war or original factions); I'll be handling the benefits of factions by having them effectively take one of your two trait slots.
Obviously you will be working for, against, and with a wide range of factions across these adventures.

TheWaskally |

Character Name: Gribblix
Player Name: TheWaskally
Planar or Prime and Home Plane or Prime World: Planar, Sigil
Intended Mythic Path: Hierophant
Character Race: Goblin
Class: Druid (urban), occasionally mutliclassing into Rogue (survivalist)
Basic Backstory: Gribblix was born on the rough-and-tumble streets of Sigil. His family was killed/slaughtered/sacrificed when Gribblix was very young, and has lived on the streets for most of his life. One blessed night, Sigil, the greatest city in the multiverse, called out to Gribblix, to be it's druid. In that instance, Gribblix saw the city as new bergs saw it: a maddeningly-beautiful city. A city that need someone to tend to it, like druids tend sacred groves. The goblin druid chooses to always sleep outside, and quickly gains a reputation for Sigil Lore. Sadly this has made Gribblix a rival for the famous city guide, Kylie.

Oceanshieldwolf |

@Oxnard -
1: I'm interested in playing a non-psionic Githyanki, with no spell-resistance - the stats would be:
+2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution -2 Wisdom - Githyanki are nimble and hardy but given to passionate rage and excess
Humanoid (Extraplanar) - Githyanki are native to the Astral Plane
Medium: As Medium creatures, Gith have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Githyanki base land speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision 60 ft.
+2 racial bonus to Concentration and Spot checks.
Automatic Languages: Githzerai or Githyanki (as appropriate).
Bonus Languages: Common, Draconic, Infernal, Githyanki, Githzerai, Slaad, Undercommon.
Favored Class: Samurai and Magus
1b: Alternatively, if the githyanki is not allowed, are Bladelings allowed?
2: Is the Direlock class allowed? Looking to go either straight Direlock or Fear Eater archetype.
At this stage looking at a Sigilite outcast (either githyanki or bladeling) and the Marshal Mythic path...

Oceanshieldwolf |

Oceanshieldwolf wrote:@Oxnard: Is THIS what we use for conversions?That is the website Oxnard was referring to. But I expect there to be more advice once we get to the crunch phase of recruitment.
Thanks Delmoth! Just trying to gauge what is permitted before I work out the concept.

![]() |

Character Name: Stave Rogars
Player Name: Dread
Planar or Prime and Home Plane or Prime World: Prime- Golarion
Intended Mythic Path: Champion
Character Race: Aasimar
Class: (both first level and general build progression idea, including archetypes) Paladin
Basic Backstory: One paragraph backstory (min), that includes why/how you got to Sigil where the game will begin.
Stave was born in Kenabres. Part of the defenders of the encroaching worldwound. Recently the arcane barriers were destroyed and fiends invaded. During the invasion Stave while fleeing the advancing horde, stepped into an alleyway and found himself in Sigil. What activated the gate is a mystery. He is a clueless berk in the City of Doors trying to find his way.

Oxnard Kettlebeak |

@Diamonddust-- yes, Path of War is a little too much, it's a lot to read/absorb so I'm going to have to put it in the no column.
@Oceanshieldwolf-- I'm still thinking on Direlock, I've read it, and the concerns I have are the "creatures normally immune to fear are not" bit, the spell absorbing bit, and the DR reduction-- I'm going to have to sit with it a bit more and game out how the DR reduction compares to other DR by-passes (like Smite Evil), I fear its usable far too many times/day.

Dragoncat |

Character Name: Nymeria Kalaniss
Player Name: Dragoncat
Planar/Prime; Home Plane/Homeworld: Prime, Castrovel
Intended Mythic Path: Archmage
Character Race: Lashunta
Class: Wizard (Conjurer: Teleportation Subschool)
Basic Backstory: While researching a portal-creating artifact called the Door of Aoskar, Nymeria and her teacher, Ivaria Lanshei, got into a heated argument about whether or not the number of protective wards on the artifact were sufficient to keep its teleportation powers contained. In the middle of the argument, the wards failed and the Door activated, catapulting both student and teacher across the planes. Nymeria arrived in a foreign city, completely lost and clueless as to where she is—or where Ivaria was sent. But hey, at least she won the argument!

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Character Name: Ling Schafelt
Player Name: Ms. Bloodrive.
Planar or Prime and Home Plane or Prime World: Golarion! (I just love the Pathfinder setting)
Intended Mythic Path: Champion? I haven't really played Mythic that much but champion has good melee stuffs as far as I can remember, I can also consider hierophant to boost my divine casting.
Character Race: Ifrit (Sunsoul)
Class: Start as a scaled fist Un-Monk and then go full Ascetic oracle! I dunno how optimal it is but I once played one and it was a lot of fun.
Ling Was born in the tian nation of Minkai and raised by the imperial golden dragon Bao Hei along with her brother Akechi, the dragon not only raised them but also train them in the martial arts of the scaled fist, their life were peaceful but one fateful day Akechi betrayed Bao Hei and stole a powerful artifact he has been guarding, Ling can't bring herself to accept that her own brother has betrayed their paternal figure and master and she chases after Akechi only to discover that he has been seduced by the honeyed of a plane hopper entity who call itself "The Flauros", enraged she attempted to fight the extra planar being but utterly failed as it possess powers that the martial artist can't even fathom.
At the last minute however The Flauros just vanishes since killing a mortal was pointless to it leaving Ling's fate in hands of her brother, Akechi however neither bring further harm to her sister as he can't forget the fraternal bond that they share and so he leaved as well but unlike his newfound master he leaves via a portal.
Gathering her remaing strength and courage Ling jumped into the portal hoping catch up with his brother but instead she found herself inside a public bath in Sigil.
Since then she has worked her way on Sigil's streets while looking for her missing brother, oddly enough after jumping through that fateful portal she has somehow awaken to divine magic similar to that of oracle, she believes this is a boon granted by the gods who acknowledge her mission as a worthy one.

DM_Delmoth |

At first I thought about giving you three concepts but decided against it so as not to inundate you with text.
Player Name: Delmoth
Planar or Prime and Home Plane or Prime World: Planar, Outlands (Sigil)
Intended Mythic Path: Trickster? Maybe crossing into guardian.
Character Race: Tiefling
Class: Alchemist (vivisectionist)
Faction: The Bleak Cabal
Basic Backstory: Glutton-for-punishment grew up as many tieflings in Sigil do, as an orphan in the Hive ward. While she was young she had a sharp tongue, both literally and figuratively. She would often pay the music for her insults, passing Chaosmen cutters would toss wild punches, collectors would leave their deader bounties to punish her, and bariaur berks would beat her brain-box.
One day Glutton was carted off to the Weary Spirit Infirmary where Ridnir Tetch did nothing for Glutton’s bruises and broken bones. He rather decided to try a new procedure, ramming an ice pick through one of her eye sockets into her brain. Glutton’s personality shifted overnight, quelling the fiendish parts of her, and making her more introspective. She liked who she’d become and adopted Ridnir’s faction and profession.

Oceanshieldwolf |

@Oceanshieldwolf-- I'm still thinking on Direlock, I've read it, and the concerns I have are the "creatures normally immune to fear are not" bit, the spell absorbing bit, and the DR reduction-- I'm going to have to sit with it a bit more and game out how the DR reduction compares to other DR by-passes (like Smite Evil), I fear its usable far too many times/day.
Understood. I can just play the vanilla Direlock if the Fear Eater’s fear schtick is problematic.
As for the DR of the inimica you mentioned, that would be 2 DR until 4th level, then 4 DR at 8th etc. Coupled with the Medium BAB I don’t think it’s overpowered.
Yes the Dire Mantle takes some getting used to, but in play I’ve found that drawing in spellcaster’s spells happens rarely, and getting allies to expend their spell energy to give me a boost is even rarer still.
As the author of the class I’m open to feedback/advice/concerns.
* Will await advice on Githyanki...not sure what Gith is - it appears tobe a Githzerai option.

Oxnard Kettlebeak |

All my hesitations on the Direlock stuff is really grounded in the Planescape experience-- DR is baked into many of the encounters and having an "easy button" to ignore it in every single situation becomes. . . problematic, in a way that in an ordinary campaign it doesn't neccessarily.
I guess it uses the same resource pool as the rest of your abilities? With that in mind, I will tentatively approve the class.
Sorry- when I say "Gith" I mean collectively both Githerzai and Githyanki, although as Githyanki you'll need to specifically have a reason WHY you're an outcast. (Also, per Planescape Gith got +Dex and +Int, so the Dex/Con feels off-- I know that's the 3.5 version but it looks a little light by PF standards, so I am going to keep looking for a better sub).

Oxnard Kettlebeak |

OceanShieldWolf- Githyanki Direlock, TBD, TBD (presumably Astral)
Diamonddust- TBD
Mrs. Bloodrive- Ling Shafelt- Unchained Monk (Oracle)- TBD- Prime/Golarion Might want to look at Champgion vs. Guardian and Hierophant- depending how much the spells of Oracle matter to the build
Dragoncat- Nymeria Kaliniss- Wizard Archmage- Prime/Castroval (Golarion star system) (complete)
Drea- Stave Rogars- Aasimar Paladin Champion - Prime/Golarion (complete)
TheWaskally-Gribblix-Goblin Druid Hierophant- Planar/Sigil (complete)
Delmoth- Glutton Loves Punishment- Tiefling Alchemist Trickser- Planar/Sigil (complete_

DarkOne7141981 |

Character Name: Cheyanne Julus
Player Name: DarkOne7141981
Planar or Prime and Home Plane or Prime World: Golarion
Intended Mythic Path: either Champion or Guardian (I'm leaning towards Champion)
Character Race: Human
Class: Paladin (Iroran Paladin and Tempered Champion) with the Noble Scion (of War) feat.
If access to the Shadowdancer's Shadow Jump ability will enable the use of Dimensional Agility and the rest of that feat chain, she would be looking at that eventually as well.
Basic Backstory:
The young lady proved fiery and passionate, not demure and controlled, and after starting several fights her family was forced to consider a very different path. Hoping to channel her spirit into more appropriate venues, she was sent to a boarding school, a nunnery, and finally an Iroran temple. It was in this final place of enlightenment that Cheyanne found something like her calling. She wished to become a monk, but not of the wise, meditation-focused brand. No, she wished to become a martial artist and work towards personal perfection, both of body and spirit. With her charismatic personality she was molded to become one of the rare Iroran paladins, warrior-monks channeling Irori's divine spirit into fighting the good fight.
Well, things continued to be difficult (and interesting) for the young woman when one day she stepped out of the practice ring and fell into an unexpected portal to Sigil. Completely cut off from her support-structure and home, she immediately tried - and failed - to get her feet under her and find a way home. Instead, she has been wandering Sigil for several days now, sleeping where she can, helping out where she can, and trying to make ends meet one way or the other. She's lost and alone, but the way she sees it, this is the exact right way for her to work on personal improvement.

Demlin Tursei |

Ok, HERE is a 3rd party archetype for cavalier that I want to check will be ok.
Character Name: Demlin Tursei
Player Name: Diamondust
Planar or Prime and Home Plane or Prime World: Golarion
Intended Mythic Path: Guardian
Character Race: Human
Class: Order of the Dragon Cavalier (possibly Battle Herald prc later)
Basic Backstory: "All for One, One for All!" Demlin cried as she charged the enemy foe. She was the only child in a military family who saw service as the greatest of achievements. Despite being female she had demanded to serve under her father, a respected officer. This day she and her unit had tracked back to its lair a monster that had been troubling a small village. Everything was turned upside down when its fiery breath weapon unexpectedly washed over her. She screamed as it burned and tried to put out the flames on her clothes. When the smoke cleared she was no longer in the monster's den but a strange city.

Oceanshieldwolf |

@Oxnard : thanks for the headsup. I indicated upthread that I would be a Sigilite (though yes, of Astral origin) and Marshal mythic path.
Character Name: Avesska Yessakh
Player Name: Oceanshieldwolf
Planar or Prime and Home Plane or Prime World: Planar/Astral; Sigilite
Intended Mythic Path: Marshal
Character Race: Githyanki
Class: Direlock
"Null. Void. Nadir. These terms will be levelled at you. Remind yourself that you are of the gith, your blood is true. Remind yourself that only your own blood will characterise you thus, and yet they need us, promote us and utilise our power. We are outcast, but respected. Reviled, yet needed. The Dire Fortresses train the highguard of the lichqueen. The Dire Fortresses train you and your ilk. Revel in your notoriety among the gith, for none outside our kind appreciate us as anything other than yet more gith."
From the teachings of Vassekh-Arokh Zoss
She knew her lot within Githyanki society. For at birth, Avesska, a rare breed of genetic throwback, was removed from her birth creche and, after an eldritch diagnosis by the Spiral Radiant - a shadowy yet somehow Imperial-sanctioned Githyanki Direlock sect - taken to be trained as one of their ilk, able to prey on the fears of others, eat magic and to instil fear and weakness within her foes.
For most of her life, Avesska knew nothing other than the Fortress - a martial society housed in imposing stone floating in the Astral Sea. Inculcated in the myths, stories and genealogies of the gith and their incessant war with the githzerai and hatred of the illithids, the dread Mind Flayers. Occasionally caravels from other Fortresses would arrive, and with them snippets of news from the Astral Sea and the worlds outside. Although Avesska hungered for a less cosseted life, her honor and loyalty to her caste and clade kept her still.
In time, Avesska was sent to Sigil to report on the polyglot polis. Tasked with researching the Lady of Pain, Avesska fell to “adventuring” and following her myriad interests. The Fortress is far away in her mind, but she knows, one day, the Githyanki will call for her again...
Avesska is confident in her abilities, but her greatest fear is being returned to Githyanki culture and reintegrated to better achieve the lich-queens desires. Her recent lack of effort and poor reporting has made her somewhat concerned that she will be considered a "rogue agent". Her inherent loyalty and honor notwithstanding, Avesska‘s considerable curiosity has led her to be increasingly off-mission - she has almost no more information on the true nature of the Lady of Pain than when she began. But the intelligence she has gained on a tatterdemalion array of esoteric subjects she feels is still valuable. She just hopes the Spiral Radiant agrees...
For herself, Avesska yearns and thirsts for knowledge on anything and everything. She is wise enough to know the limits of her own intellect, but is also clever enough to know that the measure of insight is buttressed by application of information, and information is what she seeks. She also seeks to understand the history of her own bloodline - in addition to her fascination for her genetic "disability" she harbors a secret fascination for the hated githzerai - the Direlock Fortresses in architecture, motif and atmosphere superficially similar to the githzerai monastic traditions.
Aware of her own inherent dire power, Avesska is also interested in the nature of fear - she herself only fears her own kind, and her dread, honored and perilous lich-queen.
Her time in Sigil, among its denizens, has still not satiated her curiosity - their backgrounds, personalities and their shared adventures offering an endless cavalcade of excitement, information, insights and, dangerously, new understanding of the monolithic nature of the githyanki world view....
Avesska is, despite her lineage, society, culture, training and upbringing, a good natured individual. Imposing and fierce to behold, Avesska is nonetheless studious and calm, even when angered.

Delmoth |

...DR is baked into many of the encounters and having an "easy button" to ignore it in every single situation becomes. . . problematic, in a way that in an ordinary campaign it doesn't neccessarily.
I hate to say it but by including mythic you're already giving us an easy button to ignore DR. Each path has an option at 1st tier that ignores DR and all of the champion's 1st tier abilities do so. Granted I have no idea how long it will take us to gain our 1st tier.

Oxnard Kettlebeak |

Yes- once you get to mythic most will be able to spend a point of Mythic Power to make an extra attack which by-passes damage reduction (except archmage and hierophant who use it to cast an extra spell).
But that's fo a single attack at a high cost of your very constrained mythic resources which have a variety of other uses as well, and which you will often use just for the extra attack ability regardless of DR.