![]() Well, let's see here, for new content, in no particular order - boabhan sith (CR 8 blood-drinking dancing fey fey)
Reprint wise, the rest of the Council of Thieves devils, the dwoemercat and skirk nettle from Kingmaker, the new leshies from Ironfang, and pretty much all the fey that havent been rounded up yet. ![]()
![]() DM Beckett wrote:
I agree with pretty much all this. Sarenrae being a persecuted faith in Taldor is much much more interesting to me than the generic acceptance we got in Inner Sea Gods. It also makes sense. The Cult of the Dawnflower is currently trying its damndest to conquer Taldor. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense to embrace a religion whose followers are hell-bent on occupying you. And before anyone points out that the mainstream Sarenites don't approve of the Cult, that doesnt change the fact that the Cult still has an enormous amount of pull with Qadira's government. They are a national threat to Taldor and should be treated as such. I also agree that Taldor rising up from the ashes would be nice. It would also give the setting an antagonistic nation that isnt evil. While I love Chelaix, it'd be nice to have a big bad empire who isn't into humam sacrifice and mustache twirling. ![]()
![]() Rysky wrote:
I wholeheartedly agree. Psychopomps kick ass ![]()
![]() Just bought the pdf on DriveThruRPG. Reading through it actually makes me want to halt my Dark Heresy game and come back to Pathfinder (which I haven't touched in over a year). This project is defitenly a breath of fresh, creative life into the game and I will defitenly try and get an Aethera game ready to go at some point in the future. I wish I had been able to back this but I was laid off at the time the kickstarter was going on. Eager to get my hands on a print copy. I'll write an actual review in a few days but my intial impression of this is nothing less than amazing. It's definitely worth every penny, just for ideas alone. ![]()
![]() Well this was an interesting election to be sure. I honestly expected Trump to win the popular vote but lose the Electoral at first but when the polls kept promising an overwhelmingly Clinton victory I had a feeling we'd be welcoming Trump as the 45th President. Assuming Trump even delivers on a fifth of his promises, we have an interesting 8 years to look forward too. Not just in the States but in Europe too. Multiculturalism has been dying in Europe for sometime and with a Trump victory showing how populist, conservative movements can win, I'm expecting a massive increase in nationalist activity across the EU. What a hell of a time to be alive. ![]()
![]() I'm more of a lurker and observer here and I havent actually played Pathfinder for almost six months but hell I'll give it a go. There are more on this list but this is whats at the top of my head. Todd Stewart
![]() Kalindlara wrote:
Indeed! It was such a striking difference that my group thought the pawn had been mislabeled at first. ![]()
![]() Kalindlara wrote:
Bestiary 2 Thrasfyr art is an adorable, fire-breathing bondage bear. The Pawn art for it however, is a very menacing draconic esque beast that matches the original description much better. ![]()
![]() Todd Stewart wrote:
I know there are new proteans in there thanks to Mr. Jacobs. Beyond excited for that. But that comment implys something else. Dare I ask about the possibility of Protean Lords? ![]()
![]() James Jacobs wrote:
Holy shit. I was expecting two archdevils. Maybe three. But all 8? My wanting for this book just increased a thousandfold. As for my question, exactly why all the focus on high level monsters? Is this a hint to come for more Mythic level products or maybe high level modules? ![]()
![]() 1. Humans. Mechanically sound and easy to roleplay. Helps that I'm not a big fan of the other core races either. 2. Kobolds hands down. Though they get the shaft mechanics wise, I just cant help but love the little wanna-be dragon guys. That and they have an absurd amount of customization options for being a low-powered monster race. If I'm not playing a kobold, I'd probably default to humans, androids, tengu, or changelings instead. 3. After seeing four tables worth of Aasimar, Suli, and Tieflings I have a fairly big aversion to them and the planetouched races in general. Doesnt help that my players were mostly min-maxers who played them only for the mechanical benefits. ![]()
![]() UnArcaneElection wrote:
The Eyrines Company are a bunch of former Gray Maidens that pledged loyalty to Abrogail after Ileosa's death. They were mentioned in the Gray Maidens article in the second book of Shattered Star. ![]()
![]() Kvantum wrote:
A billion times this. That might actually be enough to draw me away from Dark Heresy if that happens. ![]()
![]() My players have learned to fear the twigjack from Bestiary 2. Using even two of these little buggers in the right way can absolutely ruin a party's day. Although I havent gotten to use them yet, the clockwork constructs seem like they'd be very interesting to fight as a cohesive unit. A few soldiers keeping the party tanks busy, a mage mounted on a steed flinging spells while staying frustratingly mobile, all with a few servants scuttling about and healing whatever damage is done to the soldiers. ![]()
![]() Todd Stewart wrote:
Sounds magnificent like the rest of your work Todd. You actually saved me a bit of work. I was actually going to design a CR 15 protean for my homebrew world so thanks! As soon as I get back to work, I'll be getting Hell's Rebels. Partially to run for my home group after we finish up Curse of the Crimson Throne, mostly to get the proteans and other lovely beasts in here. ![]()
![]() 95. During your youth you stumbled upon a small breach into Limbo. Lost and terrified, you were by chance stumbled upon by a scatterbrained but friendly voidworm protean, who took an interest in you and protected and played with you. You spent what felt like months floating in the chaos with your new friend until suddenly you woke up back near the breach, which was now closed. No time had seemingly passed but you onow it was no dream as you gained abilities from your experience. As well as the ability to call on your old friend. You gain a +1 bonus on saves aganist polymorph effects, as well as a sonic resistance of 5. Additionally, you gain the ability to summon your voidworm friend as through lesser planar ally once a week. If so inclined you make take this voidworm as a familiar at level 7 regardless of class, and you may ignore the chaotic neutral alignment restriction. ![]()
![]() James Martin wrote:
I was already a huge fan of Cayden but you sir just sold me on Norgorber. ![]()
![]() How about a CR 25+ fey? And im onboard with the eldritch esque celestials. I think they would work well as servants of Desna, considering her origins. Some more chaotic neutral outsiders would be pretty cool. Once again, more proteans but the Maelstrom doesn't have that many inhabitants. Which is really bizarre for being the plane of primal chaos. Even if they are just one-off beings, the plane needs some more inhabitants. The Lower Planes are crawling with non-fiend race creatures like bebiliths, hell hounds, and soul eaters. Give the Maelstrom and even the upper planes some creatures like those ones. ![]()
![]() At least 5 or 6 proteans.
Actually to be honest the category creatures such as the behemoths, fleshwarps, leshi, colossi, and other similar groups need some more members. Don't really see the point of introducing a a bunch of types of creatures and then only putting out three or four to represent them. Though seriously if we could skip demons for one bestiary that would be cool. Some of the sins that came for the later ones were almost absurdly specific and often overlapped with one another. Seriously though, do we have to open a portal to Limbo to get some singing chaos snakes? ![]()
![]() Lord Gadigan wrote:
Wow. They sound cool as hell. Your descriptions make me think of the necromorphs from Dead Space. Which is awesome ![]()
![]() FallenDabus wrote:
Im still waiting for Paizo to finally get around to getting him to do a Great Beyond Hardcover. Or a Book of the Damned style book for the proteans. Or hell anything. Everything this man puts out is golden. ![]()
![]() Barachiel Shina wrote: Now if only we could get more Inevitables and Aeons... Iron Gods gave us an inevitable and the Occult Bestiary gave us an aeon. But I do agree. The law/chaos axis line outsider groups need some more support. Though I think the new proteans plus the new protean planetouched in Distant Shores are a sign that Paizo's attention has at least diverted towards them. Here's hoping to a new singing chaos snake filled future at any rate! ![]()
![]() Thought i'd pop in since youve been helping out with Trilana. Id recommend adding the grippli at the very least. Make them rivals of the undines for good swamplands with a lot of tension in between them. Play up the fey too. Maybe the phobetoi drove out a lot of other fey like grigs, nixies, and such. I could see fey courts becoming very powerful due to the sheer number of fey who were forced out. Centaurs seem like a good addition as an enemy race. Perhaps they aren't evil, but merely imperalistic conquerors from beyond youre region. Or refugees fleeing an even more powerful force, conquering and settling the small race lands because they feel they have no other choice. Hope this helps! ![]()
![]() Metakarus glanced at the fire runes on his greataxe for what felt like the thousandth time,knowing that they would be there, but feeling the need to make sure. He couldn't help it, being in this damnable, cursed place had set his nerves on edge. I should have never taken this job, the burly minotaur thought, the old cities are cursed, filled with evil things. Hungry things. But the money is to good. Metakarus was drawn out of his thoughts when he heard a crash and some swearing in Draconic. Up ahead were two more members of this little expedition, two Redscale kobold brothers. Twins actually. Ferro and Upat. They were apparently some of the best Reclaimers in the area, having an excellent salvage record and a reputation for being professionals. Or so he was told. Metakarus couldn't help but raise his brow as Upat retrieved his breaker's kit from where he had tripped over a piece of pipe before heading over to his giggling brother. "Look everyone! It's my brother, the smoothest rouge in all the Freeholds laid low by a simple lead pipe and his own two feet!" Ferro laughed, a clawed hand on his stomach as he leaned against the metal door that lead further into this building. "Shut it Ferro," Upat snarled back as he laid his kit down and began to produce some strange looking lockpicking tools, "Just remember that for all your fancy sorcery, Shixsa still picked me to mate with." They began arguing even as Upat started on the door and Metakarus signed. He really missed being among his own kind. "Is everything all right down here?" a voice that could only be described as a breeze ruffling the leaves on a tree asked, "I heard a crash." Metakarus turned to face the owner of the voice and who also happened to be his employer. "One of the kobolds tripped over a pipe. They're working on the door now," he replied while staring at Arlessia. She was a dryad, one of the tree shepherds and Arlessia was quite skilled in the craft of drudism. Which made this job all the more strange, as normally the dryads avoided the old dead cities with the same fervor his own people did. But Arlessia wanted something in this place. Wanted it badly enough she had hired a exiled, honorless Kyzan like himself. She smiled from beneath the hood she wore, her emerald eyes lighting up with anticipation, "Excellent, soon I shall have what I came for and all of you will be richer than you could have ever dreamed of." Metakarus was going to reply when the fifth member of their group came down the stairs, Iokvas' sahaughin features standing out as much as the breathing tank strapped to his back and the bombs around his waist. "Birdboy just signaled me. We got a big pack of ghouls coming our way. And these ones have guns." "Tell him to start firing as soon as they are in his range!" Arlessia turned towards the kobolds "How much longer?" "Five minutes. Possibly six." The sound of growling and moaning soon filtered down the stairs and Metakarus heard the distinctive crack of the strix ranger's rifle from outside. He gripped his axe and sighed. "Better make it two." It is said that long ago, Trilana was a vibrant and advanced world where technology and magic blended seemlessly and dozens of intelligent races shared the world in relative peace. Trilana is no longer that world. Details are scarce, but it is said that the strongest nations of humans and elves warred with each other, unleashing unimaginable destructive weapons of technology and magic on one another until both sides destroyed each other and their war brought an apocalypse that killed off ecosystems, species and entire races. Scarred the planet with spots of radioactive wastelands and vicious, reality warping mana storms and leaving only dead cities filled with robotic guardians, walking bioweapons, and the ever hungry undead. But life finds a way, and in the centuries since the Collapse, five races have not only managed to weather the dangers of Trilana, they have thrived. The kobolds are the most numerous of the races and the most successful. Organized and innovative, the kobolds have built several half-buried city-states across the planet, strange mixtures of Pre-Collapse tech and modern kobold steamcraft. Kobolds are gifted with a knack for technology and they have an unparalleled mastery of arcane magic and while sorcerers are the most common and prized members of the community the kobolds produce more wizards, witches, magi, and bards than any other race. This comes at the cost of most kobolds scoffing at divine magic, as their society views relying on uncaring gods for power as weak when those who tap into the arcane can change the world according to their wishes, beholden to no one. As a result, most kobolds tend towards atheism. Kobolds are racially divided by scale color, which also grants them minor resistances to different forms of energy. Redscales are the most common, with those with metallic scales being the least. Many kobold city-states are connected by carved out underground tunnels and tram ways called the Hollow Roads, however the kobolds are fiercely protective of these passages and other races can only access them with restricted permission. Trilanan kobolds posses the following modifiers
The minotaur are a mighty, proud, and deeply spirtual race of nomads who roam the storm wracked plains from atop their Darkla steeds ( treat it as a furry triceratops with an electrical breath weapon) fighting the elements, bulettes and feral trolls to survive. Minotaurs fervently beleieve the spirits of the world punished the old races for their transgressions and most minotaurs view Pre-Collapse tech as cursed and many refuse to even touch it. They view the old dead cities with superstition, with clans refusing to even let their herds graze within sight of them and viewing enetering them as a dangerous and shameful act. Yet while most minotaurs have a strict sense of honor and tradition, they have their fair share of outcasts. Known as Kyzan or shamed ones, these minotaurs have committed some sort of transgression aganist their clans and have been exiled as a result. While most of these waywards find themselves living in ghettos in the kobold cities, the more depraved or brave individuals settle in the old cities, usually forming loose gangs to survive or turning completely feral, little more than wild beasts who prey on the many scavengers who come to loot the cities. Most minotaurs are barbarians, brawlers, fighters, or cavaliers, with he only real casters among them being shamans and druids. Trilanan Minotaur Stats
The beautiful and mysterious dryads are true remnants of the old world, one of the few surviving fey races on Trilana. Dryads are sometimes known as tree shepherds to others, as due to the poor soil of Trilana and to stay ahead of the mana storms, the dryads literraly use druidcraft and fey power to move the few remaining forests like herds of cattle across the landscape. While some dryads still bond themselves to the trees, most of the race has diluted the bond so that they may walk freely across the world should the need arise. Dryads tend to be surprisingly outgoing despite the often reserved and forlorn look the possess and though they can reproduce asexually, most dryads take mates from the other races in order to keep their population levels up, as the couplings always result in a dryad child. Dryads view the old cities with unadulterated loathing and often launch into tirades of anger at the ancient humans and elves for the ruin they brought to the world. Dryads tend to be bards, druids, hunters, ranger, and sorcerers. Trilanan dryads have the following stats.
The strix are a race of avians who were once enslaved and hunted by humanity before the Collaspe. Now the strix are free to fly across the landscape unimpeded, free of the chains that once bound them. Unlike the minotaur and dryads, who avoid and detest the old cities, or the kobolds and sahaughin who often loot what they can from them, the strix actually prefer to live in them. They make aeries in the ruined skyscrapers, safe from the hungry ghouls and infectious vegepygmies below. The strix raise small gardens on the rooftops and hunt game in the wilds surrounding the cities. Strix are prone to wanderlust and since their tribes are rather loosely governed affairs, many strike off for years at a time, seeking adventure in other lands before eventually returning to their home aerie. The strix often hire themselves out as guides to scavenger groups and will trade with other races, but the steadfastly refuse to let outsiders know the locations of their aeries. Strix tend toward martial classes but do have a psychic affinity due to human breeding programs in the past and produce more occult classes than any other race. Lastly, the sahaughin have been forced to adapt to a world that has polluted the oceans and drained the seas. Using alchemy, they artificially evolved themselves to be able to tolerate freshwater. The sahaughin are a fractured people, with small settlements scattered around marshes and lakes. The main stay of sahaughin civilization is in the now landlocked Sea of Tears, where they have major settlements on the sea floor. Otherwise, they tend to wander, never seen without their alchemical breathing tanks of replenishing water strapped to their backs and gills. Because of limited resources, most sahaughin communities select tribal members at random and force them into a sort of temporary exile, where they are not allowed to return to the community with the exception of spawning season or if they have valuables to trade. Thus any sahaughin, especially young males ply the lands as merchants and mercenaries. Sahaughin are a deeply religious people, though each community tends to have a different patron god or local pantheon. Sahaughin tend to be alchemists, clerics, fighters, monks or rouges. Trilanan Sahaughin Stats
Sorry for the length but this was the bare bones I could give. If anyone is interested in me developing this setting further let me know, as I am personally very interested in learning more about Trilana. I might also continue the story of Metakarus and his companions in a future post if I feel like it. ![]()
![]() Playing through Book 1 of Iron Gods, we got to the bio-dome. While fighting the gelarn, our drunken brute/brutal puglist half-orc barbarian climbed on top of the creature in an attempt to sunder its shell. The Gelarn retreated into its shell and proceeded to burrow into the sand and our happy-go-lucky alcoholic barbarian was sucked down into the earth with it. Our remaining party members, a dex-based human fighter and an apathetic android wizard tried to think of way to detect where he was and help dig him out. Our wizard's smartass answer to this problem? "I cast Detect Magic, because life is magical man." I about beat my head off the table. Especially since it worked (barb was giving off evocation and conjuration vibes like a reactor thanks to drinking a magical whiskey). ![]()
![]() 1. Hardcover Great Beyond. Get Todd Stewart on that stat. 2. Hardcover for the Dragon Empires. That way we can flesh out the continent a little better. 3. Outsider Book for Psychopomps. 4. Outsider books for Proteans. 5. Book of the Damned for Kytons. 6. Guide to Taldor. 7. Guide to Qadira 8. Guide to Brevoy. ![]()
![]() If Cheliax had conquered the Shackles at the end of Skull and Shackles, how drastically would that change the world? Is Lissala going to return her attention to Golarion anytime soon? Perhaps whenever the next Runelord AP happens? Lastly how does it feel to know you've helped to create a world where hundreds of thousands of people play in everyday?