Ogre Mage

Jeremy Clements's page

RPG Superstar 6 Season Star Voter, 7 Season Dedicated Voter, 8 Season Dedicated Voter, 9 Season Star Voter. 82 posts (14,693 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 2 wishlists. 31 aliases.



Female Half-elf Ranger 2 w/VMC Sorcerer (Oni Bloodline) | HP 18/18| Speed 30ft | AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (CMD 16) | Fort +4: Ref +5 : Will +2 | | Init +2, Perception +7| Active: (815 posts)
Vorrea Talminari
Ashlei 'Burnout' Mamoud

Female Ifrit Swashbuckler Level 11(Flying Blade) | HP 58/99(0NL)| Init. +4 (+6) | Speed 30ft | AC 25, touch 19, FF 16 | CMD 29 | Fort +6 : Ref +12 : Will +4| Burning Hands: 1/Day (DC15)| Perc +14 | Panache: 5 Pts / -0| Active: Grappled (1,306 posts)
Snowcaster Sentry
Ashlynn Schmiedefeuer

Female 1/2 Elf Oracle of Flame (Seeker) 1| HP 9/9
AC 14 (15w/buckler), T 13, FF 12| CMB +0/+3, CMD 13 | F 1, R 3, W 4 | Init +3, Perc +8 / Low-Light Vision|Current:
(133 posts)
Bertrum Half-Wild

Male Human (Half-Orc) Druid 4 (Wild Order) | HP 48/48 (+0T) | Speed 30 | AC 20 | Fort: (+10) Ref: (+7) Will: (+11) |Low-Light/Darkvision; Perc +11| Hero Points 3/3 |Active: (365 posts)
Ghlaunder (Symbol)
Cinder, Wasp Familiar

Giant Wasp Vermin Familiar 4 | HP 9/14 | Speed 10ft / Fly 40 (Average) | AC 20, touch 15, flat-footed 17 | Fort +2(4) : Ref +5(4) : Will +0(4) | Init +3, Perception +5, Stealth +15, Darkvision 60 ft. | Active Conditions: Alertness and Deliver Touch Spells (68 posts)
Cole Burrns

Male Half-Orc (Pyro) Kineticist 1 / VMC Sorcerer (Orc)
HP 13/13 (-0NL) |Current Burn: 0 (Limit+1/rd) | AC 15 T 12 FF 13 | Fort +7 Ref +4 Will +1 | CMB +2 / CMD 14 | Init +2 | Perception +5|Sanity: 33/33 | Hero Pts: 1/-0 | Active:
(258 posts)
Correna Soulburn

Female 1/2 Orc CG Sorcerer(Orc Bloodline)/Fighter(Free Hand Fighter Archtype) Gestalt 1
| HP 10/11| AC13 T12 FF11 (+2w/pfe)| Fort +4 Ref +3 Will +3 | CMB +3 / CMD 14 | Init +2 | Perception +4| Rage Touch 6/Day | Hero Pts 1/3 | Active: None
(218 posts)
Dro'gan 'Manyfaces'

Male Fetchling (Native Outsider/Human) Bard 7 (Busker) /Varient MC Sorcerer (Ectoplasm)| HP 49/49 (-0 NL)
AC 17, T 13, FF 14| CMB +6, CMD 19 | F 3, R 8, W 5 | Init +4, Perc +10 / Low-Light Vision/Darkvision 60ft/ Stunts(7rds/day)|Current:
(703 posts)
Edda Winterclaw

Female Skinwalker (Coldborn) 8th Level Witch (Cartomancer) w/ VMC Sorcerer (Harrowed Bloodline) HP 57/57; AC 18; T 14; FF 15 Init +3; Saves: F+7, R+8(+10), W+9[+10]; Senses: Scent ; Perception +10 [+11]; Status: +2 to Reflex (Changeable)+PfEnergy (96 pts) (406 posts)
Rigg Gargadilly
Ewewit Wat'evr

N/A (Male-looking) Homunculus (Evolved) CR 2 (2 posts)
Red Dragon
Fristcore "Frist" Emberclaw

Male Flame Drake (Augmented) CR: 6 | HP: 57/66 | AC 18, touch 10, flat-footed 17 (+1 Dex, +8 natural, –1 size) CMD 24 | Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +6 | Init: + 5 | Immune fire, paralysis, sleep | Vul: cold; Speed Surge 3/Day | Spd 20, fly 60(ave) | Perception +10 | Temp: Mage Armor (84 posts)
Primal Companion Hunter
Gad’larr Fireblood

Male Half-Orc Unchained Monk Level 7 | HP 68/68| Speed 50ft | AC 19, touch 16, FF 16, CMD 25 | Fort +7 : Ref +8 : Will +5 | Stun Fist 6/Day DC:15 (6 left)| Deflect Arrows 1/Rd | Per+10 | Ki : 5 Pts /0 Used | Cond: (857 posts)
Gauntlet of Sharn

Warforged LN Magus (Mindblade) 5 | HP38/44 (DR4/-) | Speed 20ft | AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 16 (CMD 18) | Fort +6 : Ref +4 : Will +5 |Psychic Pool 6pts/Day | Init +2, Perception +6 | Active: None (642 posts)
Tin Golem
Gauntlet the Eidolon

Male 1/2 Elf/Construct/Outsider (Synthesist) Summoner/Paladin Gestalt 7| HP 77/77 (Temp: 6/42)
AC 28, T 13, FF 24| CMB +11, CMD 23 | F 11, R 9, W 11 | Init +2, Perc +9 / Low-Light Vision/Darkvision|Current: -5Con; Evasion, AuraofGood/Courage;Chainsaw 9/10 charges left!
(612 posts)
Govrina Fireblood

Female Demon-Spawn Tiefling Kineticist 4 (Aether)
| HP 36/36 (+4 Temp) - 0 NL|Current Burn: 0/ 6 | AC 19 * T 13 * FF 16 | Fort +7 Ref +7 Will +1 | CMB +4 / CMD 17 | Init +3 | Perception +7 / Survival +6 |Active: Force Ward+Elemental Overflow
(950 posts)
Hakk'Viddaro Kewadin

Draegloth (Unique Half Drow/Half Demon) 4th Level Monster (Draegloth)| HP 27/39 | Speed 30ft | AC 16, touch 14, flat-footed 12 (CMD 20) | Fort +7 : Ref +4 : Will +4 | Init +4, Perception +6; Darkvision 60ft | Active conditions: (121 posts)
Harro Boulderbran Grimcrater

Male Duergar Unchained Barbarian 3 (Invul. Rager) | HP 35/35 (DR 1/-) +6hp w/Rage | Speed 30ft | AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (CMD 18) | Fort +7 : Ref +4 : Will +3 (+5) | Rage 20rds/Day | Init +1, Perception +6, Survival +6 | Active: End. Elements(Fire) (245 posts)

Not a Doctor. 10th level Creepy Dead Guy in a Red Shirt (388 posts)
Sheriff Belor Hemolock
Hoss'r Stonekind

Male (15 posts)
Karmid Groundbreaker

Male NG Human (Shoanti)
Level 7 Ranger | HP 69/69 :
AC 19 (21) T 15 FF 14(16)| F +8 R +8 W +6 | Init +3(+5) | Perc +13 | CMB +12 | CMD 23 | Speed 30 |Enlarge Self: 6rds/day as a Swift (-0)| Fav. Terrain (Forest )/Enemy(Giants+2/Undead+4) |
Temp: (1,384 posts)
Keldor Whisthawk

Male 1/2 Elf Summoner(Synthesist)/Paladin Gestalt 7
| HP 77/77| AC 17 (20 w/Smite), T 13 FF 15| CMB +8, CMD 20 (23w/Smite)| F 9, R 7, W 9 | Init +2, Perc +9 / Low-Light Vision| Current:Aura of Good/Courage;Chainsaw: 9/10 charges left
(629 posts)
Jadrenka the Maiden
Lirotha Karsani

Female 1/2 Elf (Varisian) Witch 7 (Cartomancer) | HP 39/39 | Speed 30ft | AC 13 (17 w/Mage Armor), touch 12, flat-footed 11 | Fort +4 : Ref +5 : Will +7 | Hexes: DC18 | Init +3, Perception +15 (Low-Light) | Active: Mage Armor (1,361 posts)
Shalelu Andosana
Merelda "The Widow" Widdomeria

Female Elf Inquisitor (Preacher) 2 | HP 18/18 (Fast Healing 1) | Speed 30ft | AC 17, touch 13, FF 14, CMD 15 | Fort +3 : Ref +3 : Will +5 | Judg. 1/Day | Sud. Shift 5/day; Determ. 0/day | Init +7, Per +6, Sense Mot. +7 | Note: (1,358 posts)
Medical Drone
Project M.I.N.O.T.A.R

CONSTRUCT (PL8) Dodge 8, Parry 8, Fortitude 'Immune', Toughness 10, Will 6; Status: (649 posts)
Romilen d’Lyrandar

Male Half-Elf Unchained Rogue 1| HP 9/9
AC 17, T 13, FF 14| CMB +1, CMD 14 | F 1, R 5, W 0 | Init +5, Perc +5 / Low-Light Vision|Current:
(1 post)
Spitter Snagscale

Male Kobold (Blue-Scaled) Tempest Druid 5 | HP 34/34| Speed 30ft | AC 20, touch 13, flat-footed 18, CMD 13 | Fort +5 : Ref +3 : Will +8 | Wild Empathy: +6 | Stealth +11; Perception +12 | Resist Elec 5, Acid 20 | Hero Points: 1/3 left| Active: Light Sensitive (649 posts)
Spitter the Allosaurus

Male Animal (Kobold) Tempest Druid 5 | HP 34/34| Speed 30ft | AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 16, CMD 15 | Fort +5 : Ref +3 : Will +8 | Wild Empathy: +6 |Perception +12 | Resist Elec 5, Acid 20 | Hero Points: 2/3 left| Active: Wildshape (1 post)
Stormspeaker Vitranna

Female Human (Shoanti) Level 6 Bard (Thundercaller) - VMC Sorcerer (Stormborn)| HP 34/40 | Speed 30ft | AC 18(22), touch 14(18), flat-footed 15 (CMD 19) | Fort +4 : Ref +8 : Will +6 |Performance 21rds/Day; Thunderstaff 8/day | Init +4, Perception +7 | Active: (316 posts)
Kaiju, Mogaru
Summoned Monster!!!!
(16 posts)

(0 posts)
The Brinebrood Queen
Varloo Grimtide

Male Skinwalker: Seascarred (were-shark) Cleric of Besmara (VMC Oni-Blooded Sorcerer) (59 posts)