Hoss’r Stonekind
Male human (Garundi-Osirian) Ranger (Infiltrator) of Anubis 6/Living Monolith 3
LN Medium humanoid (human)
Init +2 ;Senses: Darkvision 60Ft. (10 min duration); Perception +14 (+2 vs. Undead and +4 vs. Gnolls)
AC 23 , touch 14, flat-footed 20
[Details: +1 Deathless Mithral Elven Chain w/+1; Heavy Darkwood Shield of Bashing, +1 Ring of Prot., +1 Dodge (Feat),
Hp 75 (6d10+12; 3d8+6; +9 Favored Class Bonus)
*DR 1/— *10% fortification against a critical
~A living monolith automatically stabilizes when at negative hit points and is immune to continuous damage from bleed attacks (including weapons with the wounding special ability) and ability damage from blood drain.
Fort +11, Ref +9, Will +8; +2 vs Poison, +2 bonus on saving throws against death effects, mind-affecting effects, effects that grant negative levels, and on saves to overcome negative levels; +1 vs. Divine Magic
Speed 30 ft. (30 ft. in armor)
Base Melee +11/+6
Base Ranged +9/+4
Special Attacks
Ranger Spells Prepared (CL 6th; concentration ?)
. . 4th— 0
. . 3rd— 0
. . 2nd— Animal Aspect, Cat’s Grace
. . 1st— Lead Blades, Liberating Command, Cloak of Shade
Str 17 , Dex 14 , Con 14, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 10
Base Atk (BAB) +8; CMB +14; CMD 25
Feats: Exotic WP (Kopesh), Dodge, Two-Weapon Fighting, Iron Will, Endurance, Improved Shield Bash, Shield Mastery, Shield Slam, Improved Critical (Shortspear)
Traits: Devotee of the Old Gods: (Campaign); Osirionologist (Region)
Skills:(*Ranger Prof/**Living Monolith Prof.)
**Acrobatics 7 (-2 w/armor)
*Climb (Str) 8 (-2 w/armor)
*Intimidate (Cha) 5
*Heal (Wis) 7
*Perception (Wis) 14
*Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int) 8
*Knowledge (nature) 9
**Knowledge (religion) 12
*Ride (Dex) 7
*Stealth (Dex) 8 (-2 w/armor)
*Survival (Wis) 14
~(A ranger adds half his level (minimum 1) to Survival skill checks made to follow tracks.)
*Swim (Str) 8 (-2 w/armor)
**Sense Motive(Wis) 7
Background Skills:
*Profession (Soldier) [Wis] 7
*Knowledge (geography) 7
**Knowledge (History) [Int] 9
**Knowledge (Engineering) [Int] 9
**Linguistics(Int) 7
*Handle Animal (Cha) 5
Languages: Osiriani, Ancient Osiriani, Common, Sphinx, Gnoll
Special Abilities (Ranger): 1st favored enemy (Gnoll +4), track, wild empathy, Combat style feat(1st), Endurance, Infiltrator Adaptation (Gnoll – Darkvision 60ft.), Hunter's bond (Party Companions), 2nd favored enemy (Undead +2), Combat style feat(2nd)
Special Abilities (Living Monolith): Soul stone (Ib Stone), Stone blood, Fortified flesh (DR 1/-, 10% Fortification), 3/day Enlarge Person (self only)
*(Su) A living monolith can invoke the power of his soul stone 3 times per day as a swift action, enabling him to grow in size as if using enlarge person (even if he is not a humanoid).
Equipment and Magic Items
Ranger Kit*
*backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, a flint and steel, iron pot, mess kit, rope, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin.
Undead Slayer's Kit**
**wooden holy symbol, a necklace of garlic bulbs, a hammer, a wooden stake, 2 flasks of holy water, one sunrod, a potion of lesser restoration, and a potion of protection from evil.
*Handy Haversack
*Ring of Feather Falling
*Ring of Prot. +1
*Cloak of the Hedge Wizard (Transmutation)
*Feather Token (Bird) x2
*Feather Token (Tree)
*Wand of Cure Light Wounds (30ch) 3rd lvl caster (1d8+3)
*Potion of Prot. From Evil (x6)
*+1 Mithral 'Called' Flaming Shortspear (Death’s Touch) [Effective +3]
*MW Kopesh
*+1 Darkwood Heavy Wooden Shield of Bashing (Death's Door) [Effective +2]
*+1 Deathless ‘Mithral Elven Chainmail’ [Effective +2]
Final Spent gps Total: 45439gp
Remaining gps: 161gp