
Correna Soulburn's page

218 posts. Alias of Jeremy Clements.

Full Name

Correna Soulburn


1/2 Orc


CG Sorcerer(Orc Bloodline)/Fighter(Free Hand Fighter Archtype) Gestalt 1

| HP 10/11| AC13 T12 FF11 (+2w/pfe)| Fort +4 Ref +3 Will +3 | CMB +3 / CMD 14 | Init +2 | Perception +4| Rage Touch 6/Day | Hero Pts 1/3 | Active: None












Rodric's Cove


Orc, Common, Draconic, Giant, Thasillonian


Student of Thassilonian/Archeologist Wannabe

About Correna Soulburn


Holy Water (x1)


[dice=Concentration Check]1d20 + [/dice]

[dice=Perception]1d20 + 5[/dice]
[dice=Use Magic Device]1d20 + 7[/dice]
[dice=Knowledge(Local)]1d20 + 5[/dice]

[dice=Falcata)]1d20 + 3[/dice] (19-20/x3)
[dice=Damage]1d8 + 2[/dice]

[dice=Acid Splash RTA]1d20 + 3[/dice]

[dice=Dagger(Melee or Ranged]1d20 + 3[/dice]
[dice=Damage(Cold Iron)]1d4 + 2[/dice]

[dice=Disrupt Undead RTA]1d20 + 3[/dice]
[dice=Damage]1d6 + 1[/dice]

[spoiler=Snapdragon Fireworks:]School transmutation [fire, light]; sorcerer/ wizard 1; Casting Time 1 standard action; Components S, V, M (a bundle of sulfur wrapped in cloth); Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level); Effect dragon-shaped fireworks; Duration 1 round/level
Saving Throw Reflex negates Dazzle; Spell Resistance yesA favorite display at halfling midsummer festivals, this spell lets you create fireworks in the shape of tiny dragons. Once per round, as a move action, you may designate a target 5-foot-square within range and launch a pyrotechnic in that direction. The pyrotechnic takes a zigzag path from you to that square, always missing creatures and objects in its path, and detonates in that square with a bang and a colorful burst of fire and light. Creatures in the target square take 1d4 points of fire damage and are dazzled for 1 round (Reflex half, a successful save negates the dazzled condition).[//spoiler]
[dice=Magic/Fire(+Dazzle for 1 round unless Reflex Save vs.DC13)]1d4 + 1[/dice]


Correna 'The Soulburn'

Female ½ Orc Sorcerer(Orc Bloodline)/Fighter(Free Hand Fighter Archtype) Gestalt 1
CG, Medium Humanoid (Orc)

Init + 2

Senses: Darkvision 90 ft; Perception +5
Light Sensitive
----- Statistics -----
Str 14, Dex15, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 17
Base Atk +1; CMB+3; CMD 15

----- Defense -----
AC 13, touch 12, flat-footed 11 (+2 Dex, +0 Dodge, + 0 Armor, + 1 Natural Armor, +0 Deflection)

HP 11 (1d10+1 HD)

Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +3
*Sacred Tattoo: +1 luck bonus on all saving throws.

----- Offense -----
Speed 30ft
Melee +3
Ranged +3
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.

* Light Sensitivity: Dazzled in areas of bright sunlight or within the radius of a daylight spell.


Deceptive Strike (Ex) (Freehand Fighter Archtype)
*At 2nd level, a free hand fighter gains a +1 bonus to CMB and CMD on disarm checks and on Bluff checks to feint or create a diversion to hide. This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels after 2nd.

Sorcerer Bloodline Abilities(Orc)
*Bloodline Arcana: You gain the orc subtype, including darkvision 60 feet and light sensitivity. If you already have darkvision, its range increases to 90 feet. Whenever you cast a spell that deals damage, that spell deals +1 point of damage per die rolled.
*Sorcerer Favored Class bonus: 0 pts (1/2 Orc Sorcerer: Add +1/2 point of fire damage to spells that deal fire damage cast by the sorcerer.)

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1th; concentration +##)
*6/day— Touch of Rage (Sp): At 1st level, you can touch a creature as a standard action, giving it a morale bonus on attack rolls, damage rolls, and Will saving throws equal to 1/2 your sorcerer level (minimum 1) for 1 round. You can use this ability several times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier

Spellcasting (CL 1) DC = 10+Cha+SL
*Level 0 (DC13)- Ghost Sound, Acid Splash, Disrupt Undead, Mage Hand
*1st (DC14)—Snapdragon Fireworks, Protection from Evil

Spells Per Day:
0= Infinite,
1st= 4/day

Deceptive Strike (Ex)
*At 2nd level, a free hand fighter gains a +1 bonus to CMB and CMD on disarm checks and on Bluff checks to feint or create a diversion to hide. This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels after 2nd.

Alternate Racial Traits:
*City-Raised: Half-orcs with this trait know little of their orc ancestry and were raised among humans and other half-orcs in a large city. City-raised half-orcs are proficient with whips and longswords, and receive a +2 racial bonus on Knowledge (local) checks. This racial trait replaces weapon familiarity.
*Sacred Tattoo: Many half-orcs decorate themselves with tattoos, piercings, and ritual scarification, which they consider sacred markings. Half-orcs with this racial trait gain a +1 luck bonus on all saving throws. This racial trait replaces orc ferocity.

*Seeker (Social) You are always on the lookout for reward and danger. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Perception checks, and Perception is always a class skill for you.
*Intrigued by Thassilon(Campaign) The rediscovery of Thassilon’s legacy several years ago was an eye-opener for many, including you. After living so long in the shadow of these enormous ruins, you were intrigued to find out that they were much older than anyone could have guessed and that the runelords who built them may still exist. You’ve made a promise to yourself to uncover all that you can about Thassilon, its runelords, and the mysterious history of that ancient civilization. You gain Thassilonian as a bonus language, and at 1st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a bonus skill rank that can only be applied to Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (history), Linguistics, or Use Magic Device. Once per adventure, you may either take 20 on a Use Magic Device check or activate a charged magic item without expending any charges."

1st Level: Ironhide (1st), Exotic Weapon Prof: Falcata (Fighter Bonus), Eschew Materials (Sorcerer Bonus),
@2nd Level: Dodge? (Fighter Bonus)
@3rd Level: Arcane Strike?
@4th Level: Weapon Focus: Falcata?(Fighter Bonus)
@5th Level: Spell Focus: Evocation?
@6th Level: Weapon Specialization: Falcata? (Fighter Bonus)
@7th Level: Combat Reflexes?, Power Attack or Toughness? (Sorcerer Bonus)
@8th Level: Improved Critical: Falcata? (Fighter Bonus)
@9th Level: Weapon Trick: Stylish Riposte?
@10th Level: Improved Disarm? (Fighter Bonus)
@11th Level: Arcane Blast?
@12th Level: Weapon Trick: Strike and Seize? (Fighter Bonus)
@13th Level: Weapon Trick: Free Hand Maneuver?; Widen Spell? (Sorcerer Bonus)
@14th Level: Critical Focus? (Fighter Bonus)
@15th Level: Spell Penetration?
@16th Level: Cleave or Power Attack?(Fighter Bonus)
@17th Level: Stunning Critical?
@18th Level: Cleave, Great?(Fighter Bonus)
@19th Level: Arcane Shield?; Great Fortitude? (Sorcerer Bonus)

Skills: 3pts/lvl +1 (Favored Class) +1 (Limited Trait bonus each level to Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (history), Linguistics, or Use Magic Device)
*Knowledge: Arcana (Int) + 5
*Spellcraft (Int) + 5
*Perception (Wis) + 4
*Use Magic Device (Cha) + 7
*Knowledge: Local (Int) + 5

Background Skills: 2pts/lvl
Linguistics +2 (Giant)
Knowledge (History) +2

Languages: Common, Orc, Draconic, Giant, Thassilonian(Trait Bonus)

(155gp spent of starting 175gps) 20gps -10gps

Falcata (18gp)
Whip (1gp)
Cold Iron Dagger (4gp)

Pouch, Spell Component (5gp)
Sunrod x3 (6gp)
Outfit, Cold-Weather (8gp)
Blanket (5sp)

Key, Skeleton
*Many door locks have a similar design and thus can be unlocked by a similar key. A skeleton key may be tried on any standard door lock that uses a key, even if you don’t have the Disable Device skill. You use the key’s Disable Device bonus of +10 rather than your own total; you cannot take 10 when using a skeleton key. The key only gets one roll for any particular lock. If the roll fails, the key is unable to open or close that lock. Inferior skeleton keys may only have a +5 bonus.

Kit, Ranger’s (9gp)
*This includes a backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, a flint and steel, iron pot, mess kit, rope, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin.

Kit, Common Dungeoneering (15gp)
*This bundle of essential supplies for exploring ruins and abandoned cities includes two candles, chalk, a hammer and four pitons, 50 feet of hemp rope, a hooded lantern with 5 flasks of oil, two sacks, two torches, and four tindertwigs.

Spider's silk rope (Bought at a discount 10gp)

Height: 5'10"
Weight: 150 lbs
Eye Color: Gray
Hair Color: Black
Skin: Light Green/Heavily Scarred
Region of Origin: Belkzen/Varisia
Deity: Ashava

Correna was born to die as a sacrifice prepared by her mother, an Orc shaman of Belkzen. She was rescued at the last moment from the evil woman’s dagger by a Lastwall Paladin named Graven Kirklist. Knowing he couldn't care for her himself, he delivered her to his distant home in Varisia to be fostered by his simple farming family.
Already scarred and tattooed for the ritual, Correna was too young to remember the near-death incident, but she was told about it years later by her adopted mother.
Now she wanders restlessly around in the dark of night, mostly because of her light sensitivity. Fascinated by Ancient Thassilon, she prays daily to Ashava, hoping adventure might find her and she discovers some lost bit of important lore or artifact fromthat realm!