
Harro Boulderbran Grimcrater's page

245 posts. Alias of Jeremy Clements.

Full Name

Harro Boulderbran Grimcrater




Unchained Barbarian 3 (Invul. Rager) | HP 35/35 (DR 1/-) +6hp w/Rage | Speed 30ft | AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (CMD 18) | Fort +7 : Ref +4 : Will +3 (+5) | Rage 20rds/Day | Init +1, Perception +6, Survival +6 | Active: End. Elements(Fire)








Common, Dwarven, and Undercommon

Strength 16
Dexterity 13
Constitution 17
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 12
Charisma 8

About Harro Boulderbran Grimcrater


Treasure (So Far)
*Chain Shirt (Drow)
*2 Dagger (Drow)
*hammer (Tool)
*Homemade Lesser Greatclub (1d8) - Escape Club!
*A drawstring bag containing two potions,
labeled as Potions of Healing (-1 potion!)
*Ring of the Ram(20ch) -6 charges

*+1 Great Axe
*Cloak of Resistance, +1

*decent backpack
*quiver with half a dozen javelins
*MW Eel Hide Armor!

*gold badges featuring a dragons head above the symbol of Laduguer

*Bigwig and Pygmywort mushrooms!

Short Cuts!:

[dice=Escape Club(Raging)]1d20 + 8[/dice]
[dice=Damage (2-Handed+Raging)]1d8 + 6[/dice]

[dice=+1 Great Axe(Raging)]1d20 + 9[/dice]
[dice=Damage (Magic+2-Handed+Raging)]1d12 + 7[/dice]

[dice=Javelin(Raging)]1d20 + 6[/dice]
[dice=Damage+Raging]1d6 + 5[/dice]

[dice=+1 Great Axe]1d20 + 7[/dice]
[dice=Damage (Magic+2-Handed)]1d12 + 5[/dice]

[dice=Javelin]1d20 + 4[/dice]
[dice=Damage]1d6 + 3[/dice]

Racial Traits:

Duergar Racial Traits

*Base Speed: Slow and Steady- Duergar have a base speed of 20 feet, but their speed is never modified by armor or encumbrance.

*Defense Racial Traits
Duergar Immunities: Duergar are immune to paralysis, phantasms, and poison. They gain a +2 racial bonus on saves against spells and spell-like abilities.
Stability: Duergar receive a +4 racial bonus to their CMD against bull rush or trip attempts while on solid ground.

*Magical Racial Traits
Enlarge Person Spell-Like Ability (Sp): A duergar can use enlarge person once per day, using its character level as its caster level and affecting itself only.
Invisibility Spell-Like Ability (Sp): A duergar can use invisibility once per day, using its character level as its caster level and affecting itself only.

*Senses Racial Traits
Superior Darkvision: Duergar have superior darkvision, allowing them to see perfectly in the dark up to 120 feet.

Weakness Racial Traits
Light Sensitivity: Duergar are dazzled in areas of bright light.

Invulnerable Rager Archtype:

Invulnerability (Ex)
*At 2nd level, the invulnerable rager gains DR/— equal to half her barbarian level.
This damage reduction is doubled against nonlethal damage.
This ability replaces uncanny dodge, improved uncanny dodge, and damage reduction.

Extreme Endurance (Ex)
At 3rd level, the invulnerable rager is inured to either hot or cold climate effects (choose one)
as if using endure elements. In addition, the barbarian gains 1 point of fire or cold resistance
for every three levels beyond 3rd.
This ability replaces Trap Sense/Danger Sense.


Rage (Ex)
A barbarian can call upon inner reserves of strength and ferocity, granting her additional combat prowess.
At 1st level, a barbarian can rage for a number of rounds per day equal to 4 + her Constitution modifier. For each
level after 1st she possesses, the barbarian can rage for 2 additional rounds per day. Temporary increases to
Constitution, such as that gained from bear's endurance, do not increase the total number of rounds that
a barbarian can rage per day. A barbarian can enter a rage as a free action. The total number of rounds of rage
per day is renewed after resting for 8 hours, although these hours need not be consecutive.

While in a rage, a barbarian gains a +2 bonus on melee attack rolls, melee damage rolls, thrown weapon damage rolls,
and Will saving throws. In addition, she takes a –2 penalty to Armor Class. She also gains 2 temporary hit points per
Hit Die. These temporary hit points are lost first when a character takes damage, disappear when the rage ends, and
are not replenished if the barbarian enters a rage again within 1 minute of her previous rage. While in a rage, a
barbarian cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skill (except Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, and
Ride) or any ability that requires patience or concentration (such as spellcasting).

A barbarian can end her rage as a free action, and is fatigued for 1 minute after a rage ends. A barbarian can't enter a
new rage while fatigued or exhausted, but can otherwise enter a rage multiple times per day. If a barbarian falls
unconscious, her rage immediately ends.

Current Rage Bonuses:

Rage: 20rds/Day (Includes +3 from favored class bonus)
-2 AC
+6 Temp HP
+2 to hit, damage, and Will saves
Non-physical skill use is limited.

Current Available Rage Powers
*Knockback (Ex): Once per round, the barbarian can attempt a bull rush against one target in place of a melee attack,
using her full CMB regardless of the attack it replaces. If the bull rush is successful, the target takes an amount
of damage equal to the barbarian's Strength modifier and is knocked back as normal. The barbarian doesn't move with
the target. This bull rush doesn't provoke an attack of opportunity.


Race Duergar
Gender Male
Age 44
Class Uchained Barbarian 2 (Invulnerable Rager)
Init +1

Darkvision 120 feet
Perception +6, Survival +6
*Enlarge Person Spell-Like Ability (Sp): A duergar can use enlarge person once per day, using its character level as its caster level and affecting itself only.
*Invisibility Spell-Like Ability (Sp): A duergar can use invisibility once per day, using its character level as its caster level and affecting itself only.
AC 16, touch +12, flat-footed +14
(+4 Armor, +1 Dex, +1 Dodge Feat)

*Damage Reduction: DR 1/- (DR=1/2 Total Barbarian Levels)
*Electricity Resistance 2 (Eel Hide Armor)
*Endure Elements(Fire)

Hp 35 (Max 1st, and 1/2+1 for rest)
Temp hp [+6 while Raging]

Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +3(+5 while Raging)
*Duergar are immune to paralysis, phantasms, and poison. They gain a +2 racial bonus on saves against spells and spell-like abilities.

Speed 30 ft.

+6 any weapon
+8 with Rage

+4 any ranged weapon
+6 with Rage

Special Attacks
Str 16, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8

Base Atk+3; CMB+6; CMD 18
*+4 to CMD vs bull rush or trip attempts while on solid ground.

Dodge (+1 AC and CMD)
Extra Rage (+6 rounds of Rage each day!)

*Armor Expert (Combat): When you wear armor of any sort, reduce that suit's armor check penalty by 1, to a minimum check penalty of 0.
*Grounded (Racial):You are well balanced, both physically and mentally.
Benefit: You gain a +2 trait bonus on balance-related Acrobatics checks, and a +1 trait bonus on Reflex saves.

SKILLS 4pts/lvl (x)=Class Skill
-0 Armor penalty to all active skills! (MW Eel Hide Armor)
(x)Acrobatics +6 (+2 w/Balance Related)
(x)Climb +7
(x)Intimidate +3
(x)Perception +6
(x)Ride +5
(x)Survival +6
(x)Swim +7
Stealth +3

Background Skills 2pts/lvl
(x)Craft (Weapon Smithing) +5
(x)Handle Animal +4

Common, Dwarven, and Undercommon
Spell-Like Abilities
Random Item: (Random Item 24)
A rusty iron bar that can be used as a club

Weight300 lbs
Eye Color Green
Hair Color Gray (Shaved off!)
Region of Origin Unknown


Harro does not remember much. He knows he was not born a slave to the drow. He remembers he once had hair and a beard until the drow did something to remove it. Now it never grows back. He remembers his mother and siblings...somewhere distant. Most importantly however, he remembers his name.

His most distinct memory of his mother is her telling him how important his name was: "The Grimcraters have always been a noble family, even in poverty and strife. Your ancestors fought and died just so you could continue that name. Don't you ever forget it."

Most of his waking moments have come from the pit of hell otherwise. Forced to fight since he was a young lad, he had to teach himself how to survive with only his rage, wits, and whatever bits of armor and weapons the drow would give him. Often he would eat what he killed, if it wasn't something sentient or unpalatable. No he had not gone down that far yet...

Now was his time however! He was being sold and was to be moved soon, so he was placed with a bunch of other strange prisoners temporarily. The guards here were lax compared to those in the fighting pit. He was unarmed and without a scrap of armor, but he would die trying to be free! Anything would be better than this non-life as a slave to the heartless drow!