Half-Fiend Minotaur

Drakkor Redmane's page

2 posts. Alias of Jeremy Clements.

Full Name

Drakkor Redmane


Minotaur (Krynn)


Unchained Monk 5

HP 44/44 (-NL) || AC20 T19 FF20 | Fort +6 Ref +7 Will +4 | CMB +9 / CMD 26 | Init +3 | Perception +11|| Active:




Medium (Large)



Special Abilities

Monk Stuff








Common, Kothian, Ogre



Strength 17
Dexterity 16
Constitution 15
Intelligence 13
Wisdom 16
Charisma 8

About Drakkor Redmane


[spoiler=Stunning Fist / Fort DC15] Benefit: You must declare that you are using this feat before you make your attack roll (thus, a failed attack roll ruins the attempt). Stunning Fist forces a foe damaged by your unarmed attack to make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Wis modifier), in addition to dealing damage normally. A defender who fails this saving throw is stunned for 1 round (until just before your next turn). A stunned character drops everything held, can’t take actions, loses any Dexterity bonus to AC, and takes a –2 penalty to AC. You may attempt a stunning attack once per day for every four levels you have attained (but see Special), and no more than once per round. Constructs, oozes, plants, undead, incorporeal creatures, and creatures immune to critical hits cannot be stunned. Special: A monk receives Stunning Fist as a bonus feat at 1st level, even if he does not meet the prerequisites. A monk may attempt a stunning attack a number of times per day equal to his monk level, plus one more time per day for every four levels he has in classes other than monk.[/spoiler\]

[dice=Swim]1d20 + 11[/dice]
[dice=Climb]1d20 + 8[/dice]
[dice=Acrobatics]1d20 + 10[/dice]
[dice=Profession (Sailor)]1d20 + 10[/dice]
[dice=Intimidation]1d20 + 10[/dice]
[dice=Perception]1d20 + 11[/dice]

Full Flurry ATTACK(Punch/Kick)
[dice=Unarmed Strike]1d20 + 8[/dice]
[dice=Bludgeoning/Magic]2d6 + 3[/dice]
+ Flurry
[dice=Unarmed Strike]1d20 + 8[/dice]
[dice=Bludgeoning/Magic]2d6 + 3[/dice]
[dice=Horns]1d20 + 3[/dice]
[dice=Piercing]1d6 + 1/dice]

Full Flurry ATTACK(Shuriken!) – Range Inc = 10ft.
[dice=Thrown Shuriken]1d20 + 8[/dice]
[dice=Piercing]1d2 + 3[/dice]
+ Flurry
[dice=Thrown Shuriken]1d20 + 8[/dice]
[dice=Piercing]1d2 + 3[/dice]

Drakkor ‘Bloodfist’ Redmane
Race Minotaur
Gender Male
Age 23
Class Unchained Monk 5
Init +3;

Senses Perception +11, Survival +3 (Unskilled)
Keen senses: Minotaurs receive a +2 bonus on smell- and taste-based Perception skill checks.

AC +20, touch +19, flat-footed +20
(+1 Armor, +3 Dex, +2 Natural Armor, +4 Monk Bonus)

Hp 44 Temp hp

Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +4

*Hulking Brute: Minotaurs are considered as Large creatures when it is to their advantage (e.g. +1 to CMB). They are intimidating due to their size, which grants them a +2 racial bonus on Intimidate skill checks.

*Still Mind (Ex)
At 4th level, a monk gains a +2 bonus on saving throws against enchantment spells and effects.

*Purity of Body (Ex)
At 5th level, a monk gains immunity to all diseases, including supernatural and magical diseases.

*Snakeskin Tunic: When worn, it grants a +1 armor bonus to AC, a +2 enhancement bonus to Dexterity, and a +2 resistance bonus on saving throws against poison. .

*Combat Expertise (Currently -2 to Hit / +2 AC),
Benefit: You can choose to take a –1 penalty on melee attack rolls and combat maneuver checks to gain a +1 dodge bonus to your Armor Class. When your base attack bonus reaches +4, and every +4 thereafter, the penalty increases by –1 and the dodge bonus increases by +1. You can only choose to use this feat when you declare that you are making an attack or a full-attack action with a melee weapon. The effects of this feat last until your next turn.

*Fighting Defensively as a Standard Action
You can choose to fight defensively when attacking. If you do so, you take a –4 penalty on all attacks in a round to gain a +2 dodge bonus to AC until the start of your next turn.
*Total Defense
You can defend yourself as a standard action. You get a +4 dodge bonus to your AC for 1 round. Your AC improves at the start of this action. You can’t combine total defense with fighting defensively or with the benefit of the Combat Expertise feat. You can’t make attacks of opportunity while
~NOTE: If you have 3 or more ranks in Acrobatics, you gain a +3 dodge bonus to AC when fighting defensively instead of the usual +2, and a +6 dodge bonus to AC when taking the total defense action instead of the usual +4.

*Deflect Arrows
Benefit: You must have at least one hand free (holding nothing) to use this feat. Once per round when you would normally be hit with an attack from a ranged weapon, you may deflect it so that you take no damage from it. You must be aware of the attack and not flat-footed. Attempting to deflect a ranged attack doesn’t count as an action. Unusually massive ranged weapons (such as boulders or ballista bolts) and ranged attacks generated by natural attacks or spell effects can’t be deflected.

Speed 40 ft.
Melee +8
Ranged +8

CMB +9
CMD +26

Special Attacks Stunning Fist (5/Day), Improved Disarm, Flurry of Blows

*Stunning Fist (Special): A monk receives Stunning Fist as a bonus feat at 1st level, even if he does not meet the prerequisites. A monk may attempt a stunning attack a number of times per day equal to his monk level, plus one more time per day for every four levels he has in classes other than monk.

*Style Strike (Ex)
[Head-Butt] The monk slams his head into his enemy’s head, leaving his foe reeling. If the attack hits and the foe is of the same size or one size smaller than the monk, the monk can make a free combat maneuver check against the target of this strike (using the base attack bonus of the attack used to hit the foe). If the foe is not of the same creature type as the monk, the monk takes a –8 penalty on this check. If the check is successful, the target is staggered for 1 round. Creatures without a discernible head are not affected by this style strike (subject to GM discretion). The monk must attack with a head-butt to use this style strike.

*Gore: A minotaur may use his horns as natural weapons to make a gore attack, dealing 1d6 points of damage plus the minotaur’s Strength modifier. If the minotaur charges, his gore attack deals 2d6 points of damage, plus 1 ½ times his Strength modifier. A minotaur can attack with a weapon at his normal attack bonus and make a gore attack as a secondary attack (–5 penalty on the attack roll and half Strength bonus on the damage roll).

Flurry of Blows
*At 1st level, a monk can make a flurry of blows as a full-attack action. When making a flurry of blows, the monk can make one additional attack at his highest base attack bonus. This additional attack stacks with the bonus attacks from haste and other similar effects. When using this ability, the monk can make these attacks with any combination of his unarmed strikes and weapons that have the monk special weapon quality. He takes no penalty for using multiple weapons when making a flurry of blows, but he does not gain any additional attacks beyond what’s already granted by the flurry for doing so. (He can still gain additional attacks from a high base attack bonus, from this ability, and from haste and similar effects).

Str 17, Dex 14(16), Con 15 , Int 13 , Wis 16 , Cha 8
Base Atk +5 ; CMB +9 ; CMD +26
*Snakeskin Tunic (+2 Dex, +1 AC armor Bonus)

Feat 1st lvl (Monk Bonus): Unarmed Strike
Feat 1st lvl (Monk Bonus): Stunning Fist
Feat 1st lvl (Monk Bonus): Dodge
Feat 1st lvl: Combat Expertise (Combat)
Feat 2nd lvl (Monk Bonus): Deflect Arrows
Feat 3rd lvl: Improved Disarm (Combat)
Feat 5th lvl: Barroom Brawler (Combat)

Veteran of the Seas (Combat Trait)
*Benefit(s): You gain +1 bonus on Profession (sailor) checks, and Profession (sailor) is a class skill for you. You also gain a +1 trait bonus on weapon damage rolls against creatures with the aquatic subtype.

Bruising Intellect (Social Trait)
*Benefits: Intimidate is always a class skill for you, and you may use your Intelligence modifier when making Intimidate checks instead of your Charisma modifier.
SKILLS Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier. (20 + 5 = 25 total) +5 Points from Favored Class (30 total)
* = Class Skills
*Acrobatics (Dex) 4+3+3
*Climb (Str) 2+3+3
*Escape Artist (Dex) 1+3+3
*Intimidate (Int -Trait!) 3+3+1+1+2
*Knowledge (religion) (Int) 0
*Perception (Wis) 5+3+3
*Ride (Dex) 1+3+3
*Sense Motive (Wis) 5+3+3
*Stealth (Dex) 5+3+3
*Swim (Str) 3+3+3+2

Background Skills +2/Level (10 Total) +1 from normal skill points (11 Spent Total)
*Profession (Wis) [Sailor] +4 +3 +3
Linguistics (Int) +1+1 (+Abyssal)
*Craft (Int) [Papercrafting – Crafting of inks, paper, basic bookbinding/repair, pens/quills, calligraphy supplies/kits, etc…] +3+3+1
*Knowledge (history) (Int) +3 + 3 + 2

Languages Common, Kothian, Ogre, Abyssal

AC Bonus
*When unarmored and unencumbered, the monk adds his Wisdom bonus (if any) to his AC and CMD. In addition, a monk gains a +1 bonus to AC and CMD at 4th level. This bonus increases by 1 for every four monk levels thereafter, up to a maximum of +5 at 20th level.
*These bonuses to AC apply even against touch attacks or when the monk is flat-footed. He loses these bonuses when he is immobilized or helpless, when he wears any armor, when he carries a shield, or when he carries a medium or heavy load.

Bonus Feat
*At 1st level, 2nd level, and every 4 levels thereafter, a monk can select a bonus feat. These feats must be taken from the following list:
Catch Off-Guard, Combat Reflexes, Deflect Arrows, Dodge, Improved Grapple, Scorpion Style, and Throw Anything.
*At 6th level, the following feats are added to the list:
Gorgon’s Fist, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Disarm, Improved Feint, Improved Trip, and Mobility.
*At 10th level, the following feats are added to the list:
Improved Critical, Medusa’s Wrath, Snatch Arrows, and Spring Attack.
*A monk need not have any of the prerequisites normally required for these feats to select them.

Flurry of Blows
*At 1st level, a monk can make a flurry of blows as a full-attack action. When making a flurry of blows, the monk can make one additional attack at his highest base attack bonus. This additional attack stacks with the bonus attacks from haste and other similar effects. When using this ability, the monk can make these attacks with any combination of his unarmed strikes and weapons that have the monk special weapon quality. He takes no penalty for using multiple weapons when making a flurry of blows, but he does not gain any additional attacks beyond what’s already granted by the flurry for doing so. (He can still gain additional attacks from a high base attack bonus, from this ability, and from haste and similar effects).
*At 11th level, a monk can make an additional attack at his highest base attack bonus whenever he makes a flurry of blows. This stacks with the first attack from this ability and additional attacks from haste and similar effects.

Stunning Fist
*At 1st level, the monk gains Stunning Fist as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites.
At 4th level, and every 4 levels thereafter, the monk gains the ability to apply a new condition to the target of his Stunning Fist. This condition replaces stunning the target for 1 round, and a successful saving throw still negates the effect.
*At 4th level, the monk can choose to make the target fatigued. At 8th level, he can make the target sickened for 1 minute.
*At 12th level, he can make the target staggered for 1d6+1 rounds.
*At 16th level, he can permanently blind or deafen the target.
*At 20th level, he can paralyze the target for 1d6+1 rounds. The monk must choose which condition will apply before the attack roll is made. These effects do not stack with themselves (a creature fatigued by Stunning Fist cannot become exhausted if hit by Stunning Fist again), but additional hits do increase the duration.

Unarmed Strike
*At 1st level, a monk gains Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat. A monk’s attacks can be with fists, elbows, knees, and feet. This means that a monk can make unarmed strikes with his hands full. There is no such thing as an off-hand attack for a monk striking unarmed. A monk can apply his full Strength bonus on damage rolls for all his unarmed strikes. A monk’s unarmed strikes deal lethal damage, although he can choose to deal nonlethal damage with no penalty on his attack roll. He can make this choice while grappling as well.
*A monk’s unarmed strike is treated as both a manufactured weapon and a natural weapon for the purpose of spells and effects that enhance or improve either manufactured weapons or natural weapons.

*At 2nd level, a monk can avoid damage from many area-effect attacks. If a monk succeeds at a Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, he instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if a monk is wearing light armor or no armor. A helpless monk does not gain the benefit of evasion.

Fast Movement
*At 3rd level, a monk gains an enhancement bonus to his land speed, as shown on Table: Monk Unchained. A monk in armor or carrying a medium or heavy load loses this extra speed.

*Ki Pool (Su) (Total Ki = 5 pts)
At 3rd level, a monk gains a pool of ki points, supernatural energy he can use to accomplish amazing feats. The number of points in a monk’s ki pool is equal to 1/2 his monk level + his Wisdom modifier. As long as he has at least 1 point in his ki pool, he can make a ki-strike.
~At 3rd level, ki-strike allows his unarmed attacks to be treated as magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. (Active)
At 7th level, his unarmed attacks are also treated as cold iron and silver for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
At 10th level, his unarmed attacks are also treated as lawful weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
At 16th level, his unarmed attacks are treated as adamantine weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction and bypassing hardness.
By spending 1 point from his ki pool as a swift action, a monk can make one additional unarmed strike at his highest attack bonus when making a flurry of blows attack. This bonus attack stacks with all bonus attacks gained from flurry of blows, as well as those from haste and similar effects. A monk gains additional powers that consume points from his ki pool as he gains levels.
The ki pool is replenished each morning after 8 hours of rest or meditation; these hours do not need to be consecutive.

*Ki Power (Su)
At 4th level and every 2 levels thereafter, a monk can select one ki power. These powers allow the monk to perform amazing feats of mystical power and acrobatic prowess by expending points from his ki pool. Once a ki power is selected, it cannot be changed. Some ki powers require the monk to be of a specific level or higher before they can be chosen.
~Ki Metabolism (Su): A monk with this ability uses his ki to control his metabolism. As long as he has at least 1 point remaining in his ki pool, the monk needs to eat and drink only 1/4 as often as normal, needs only 2 hours of sleep each night (including to replenish his ki pool), and can hold his breath for up to 1 hour per point of Constitution. As a move action, he can spend 1 ki point to enter a state of suspended animation, falling unconscious and appearing dead to all senses. At the time he enters this state, he indicates a preset period of time or a triggering condition, after which he awakens.

*Style Strike (Ex)
At 5th level, a monk can learn one type of style strike. Whenever he makes a flurry of blows, he can designate one of his unarmed strikes as a style strike. This attack is resolved as normal, but it has an additional effect depending on the type of strike chosen. At 9th level, and every 4 levels thereafter, a monk learns an additional style strike. He must choose which style strike to apply before the attack roll is made. At 15th level, he can designate up to two of his unarmed strikes each round as a style strike, and each one can be a different type.
~5th Level: [Head-Butt] The monk slams his head into his enemy’s head, leaving his foe reeling. If the attack hits and the foe is of the same size or one size smaller than the monk, the monk can make a free combat maneuver check against the target of this strike (using the base attack bonus of the attack used to hit the foe). If the foe is not of the same creature type as the monk, the monk takes a –8 penalty on this check. If the check is successful, the target is staggered for 1 round. Creatures without a discernible head are not affected by this style strike (subject to GM discretion). The monk must attack with a head-butt to use this style strike.
~9th Level: (pending)
~13th Level: (pending)
~17th Level: (pending)

*Improved Evasion (Ex) (pending)
At 9th level, a monk’s evasion ability improves. He still takes no damage on successful Reflex saving throws against attacks, but henceforth he takes only half damage on failed saves. A helpless monk does not gain the benefit of improved evasion.

*Tongue of the Sun and Moon (Ex) (pending)
At 13th level, a monk can understand and speak with any living creature, as if under a permanent tongues effect.

*Timeless Body (Ex) (pending)
At 17th level, a monk no longer takes penalties to his ability scores for aging and cannot be magically aged. Any such penalties that he has already taken, however, remain in place. Age bonuses still accrue, and the monk still dies of old age when his time is up.

*Flawless Mind (pending)
At 19th level, a monk gains total control over his mental faculties. Whenever he attempts a Will save, he can roll twice and take the better result. If he fails a Will saving throw against a spell or effect that has a duration longer than 1 hour, the monk can attempt a new saving throw at the end of each hour to end the effect.

*Perfect Self (pending)
At 20th level, a monk becomes a magical creature. He is forevermore treated as an outsider rather than a humanoid (or whatever his original creature type was) for the purpose of spells and magical effects. Additionally, the monk gains damage reduction 10/chaotic, which allows him to ignore the first 10 points of damage from any attack made by a non-chaotic weapon. Unlike other outsiders, the monk can still be brought back from the dead as if he were a member of his previous creature type. Finally, the monk gains the ability to enter a state of perfect calm. During this time, the monk can take no actions, but he does regain ki at the rate of 1 point per 10 minutes spent at calm. He cannot use this ability to gain an amount of ki in excess of his maximum.

Starting Steel: 299 stl, +8 sp

Bag, Handy Haversack (M)

Kit, Monk’s
*This kit includes a backpack, a belt pouch, a blanket, rope, soap, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin.

Kit, Scrivener’s x4
*This soft leather case contains a vial for holding ink, an ink pen, spare pen nibs, a small container of pigment for making ink, a tiny knife for cutting quills into pens, a blotter, and a small ruler.

Kit, Chronicler’s
*This bundle contains a map case, two vials of ink, two inkpens, 10 sheets of paper, two blank journals, a pound of fine powder for drying ink, and a 20-foot measuring cord. The supplies usually suffice for chronicling a single expedition of not more than 2 months’ duration.

Tunic, Snakeskin (M)
Ioun torch (M)
Feather Token (Anchor) (M)
Dagger (Cold Iron)
Shuriken (x10)
Ink, Invisible (x4)
Ink, Glowing

Favored Class Unchained Monk (+5 skill points!)

Height 7’ 10”
Weight 250 lbs
Eye Color Red
Hair Color Reddish-Brown
Region of Origin Unknown (Palanthas)
Deity N/A (Gilean?/Kiri-Jolith?)


Drakkor Redmane Background:

Drakkor doesn’t remember much before Palanthas. His father and he arrived when he was fairly young, and their arrival was accidental as far as Drakkor understood. He remembers fishing with his father on their small boat in the ocean, but their sudden arrival in Palanthas after a horrible storm left him bewildered and confused. His father found them a small place to live and eventually found work fishing/catching exotic aquatic creatures. This quickly led to work for the Great Library of Palanthas, and specifically, Astinus himself: Gallons of ink. Astinus wanted high quality ink crafted with octopus ink, which was difficult to come by and hard to collect normally. With his extensive experience with rare fishing and underwater hunting Drakkor’s father, Falthus Redmane, quickly became known as the ‘octopus guy’ in Palanthas, and their fortunes rose much faster than before. Minotaur sailors would occasionally enter the city, but oddly enough his father avoided them heavily and insisted that Drakkor stay away from them.

A few years later Drakkor was invited to the Great Library with his father for the first time with his father, and after wandering the place for most of an afternoon, found his first love: Reading. When he wasn’t helping his father on their aging fishing boat, he was at the library when it was open, reading whatever he could of the history of Krynn, and learning how the Ascetic’s turn the octopus ink into the high quality ink that Astinus insisted on using. He also quickly learned the library’s methods of making paper, vellum, and basic bookbinding repair. Around this time his father also began teaching him basic unarmed fighting techniques, and taught him to always be prepared to defense himself: “The world does not care if you live or die, or if you can accomplish your goals. Always be prepared to defend your life and your choices!” Drakkor quickly turned to books in the library on the various monk groups of Krynn through history, and their strange abilities, like the Monks of Majere. Once he became fascinated with the focus on improving oneself, he quickly grew stronger and reached his full size much faster than his father expected as he began to access his personal power, or Ki.

A few years ago, Drakkor was summoned in front of Astinus for the first time in his life. He was informed by Astinus himself in an off-hand manner that would normally offend anyone who did not understand the obviously supernatural human, that his father had left the city suddenly and had also left a note and package for him at the library. Astinus went on to ask Drakkor if he wished to continue the job Falthus had performed, providing the octopus ink that he craved for a greater than normal modest fee. Stunned that his father would leave Palanthas that quickly without talking to him first, Drakkor agreed to the job. When he inquired why his father would leave him like this, Astinus looked up from his work for a moment and with a voice strained with annoyance stated, “I could care less. Maybe if you read the note he left you might find your answers? Just please do so elsewhere...like while you are fulfilling your monthly ink quota.” With that, Drakkor left and read the note and opened the package.

In the package was his father’s old dagger. Its style was oddly-triangular, sharp, and easily used while underwater. He had also left his Snakskin Tunic: A magical skin-tight shirt of giant snake scales that made diving and hunting underwater much easier for Falthus. Leaving it for Drakkor meant he did not intend to need it anymore. Worried at such gifts, Drakkor read the note:

“Apologies Drakkor, my son. I have seen you grow so fast these last few years, and I am proud of the adult you have become. However I must leave Palanthas immediately. Something has come to my attention that I must pursue most urgently. I have had to sell the boat, so I apologize for that, but I am afraid I will need the money for the journey I now must make. I hope to return to Palanthas some day soon, but of course I must warn you the journey has its dangers and it could delay or prevent my eventual return. Do not stop for me. Live your life. All I ask is that you think well of me and can forgive me for not informing you of this departure myself. With Loving Heart, your father Falthus.”

With a deep fear for his father’s safety, Drakkor made the decision to wait for his father for 3 years. If he did not return in that time, he would follow in his footsteps as best he could. That day has now come, and the journey out of Palanthas and across Krynn has begun.