Ogre Mage

Jeremy Clements's page

RPG Superstar 6 Season Star Voter, 7 Season Dedicated Voter, 8 Season Dedicated Voter, 9 Season Star Voter. 82 posts (14,693 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 2 wishlists. 31 aliases.


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1 person marked this as a favorite.

OK, I would love to hear opinions here on my work. Good/Bad, as long as they are constructive!


Timitius wrote:
I am intrigued by a Goblins theme, but concerned to have an ENTIRE issue focused on them. I don't think goblins can carry an entire issue, really. We are still discussing, but feel free to chime in with your ideas!

I think goblins would work fine, but you'd have to include Hob-Goblins and Bugbears too IMHO. I'd love to do a couple of articles on just those two cultures myself. Maybe even include goblin-like or related creatures like Monkey Goblins, Gryndilows, Goblin Dogs, and Worgs!

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
]What about a "Small" issue focused on the small races of Golarion: gnomes, halflings, goblins, & kobolds? I'm not sure it fits the 10 Year Anniversary theme, but Paizo did distinctly reflavor gnomes and goblins, and gobs have been big supporting players in Paizo's products? Also, unlike trying to pick a new region theme, those four races are all over Golarion, and all have plenty of canon supporting material to draw from. Edit: Ha! It'd also fit the "Small" theme if the issue had an ad for the Pocket Editions of the corebook and bestiary.

I like the "small theme too.


You could also do a "revisit your favorites" kinda thing...have the Wayfinder/Paizo people pick several (4-6?) of their very favorite articles from the last 10 years and ask for follow-ups or new articles in the same vein as the originals from those writers. You should still take normal submissions too (Articles that enhance/add to any previous articles maybe?)...but it might be a little too hard to implement all of that.

Thank you guys once again for picking my humble ideas as good enough for the Wayfinder.

You have no idea how much I truly appreciate this chance!

You just made my year.

Congrats to everyone else too!

Ok! Thanks for the update. =)

I'm not on 'Facebook' myself.

My wife and family use it all the time, but I know I have to ignore such things if I can help it. It would just be another distraction for me...

Although, it is times like this I regret not being able to at least view it. I wish there was a 'Facebook Viewer App.' No connections. Just basic reading/viewing access.

Anybody have any news yet? - Just curious.

Coming up soon on the 2 week mark.

*Crosses Fingers*

Good luck everybody!


Call me weird...but I kinda like the idea of trying to bring in some old 3.0 or 3.5 OGL stuff that has not been translated into Pathfinder and making it relevant again. One Caveat: It has to scream PATHFINDER in the re-imagining. No overdo just to get your favorite magic item or prestige class into the game, but a carefully and fully fleshed out re-imagining.
Unfortunately, I know how much that kinda things gets bogged down in legalese and such that would be a pain to edit and similar. Oh well.

I can see focusing on Absalom. That might work.
Updated 10year map showing current political lines based on the results of all the APs so far would be pretty cool too!

You could actually do the "All APs" Theme. Article theme(s) must be able to be included in/based on a specific Paizo AP published in the last 10 years?

Andre Roy wrote:

In 2012 you had #7 which was the 5th anniversary edition...so a 10 year anniversary for 2017 would be fitting.

And I might have something as my first contribution

10year edition is fine by me.

I'm just not sure what to write for an anniversary issue. Classic stuff re-imagined? 3.5 Conversions? Expanding more on "Core Rules" classes/feats/etc...? Or is it ANYTHING goes?

Ancient Thassilon! YESSSSSS!!!

Now THAT is something that brings article ideas to mind!


A "Goblin Edition" would be cool!

But I'm not as familiar with pathfinder versions as much as I would like... especially the hobgoblins and bugbears.

Personally, I would love to see more on Tian Xia, and/or more on the new Occult book! These two are just begging to be combined into some interesting stuff!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Thank you for this chance Timitius!

Anybody have ideas what Wayfinder #17 is going to be yet?

Any hints I've missed?



Strange dreams?

I'll take anything I can get!

Done and done.

We had so much extra time to submit this time, I allowed myself to percolate ideas and notes for weeks. It finally started coming together a few days ago and now...We will see?

I can hope can't I??

OH wait...how long will we have to wait to hear an answer?

Drat...patience! My most dreaded enemy.

I have a flavor/crunch article submission that follows the design of the "Magical Marketplace" book Paizo put out a few years ago.

It has a couple of magical items on it that are flavored for Numeria. I hope to finish it up tonight or tomorrow morning.

Good luck to all!

mplindustries wrote:

Yeah, I'm pretty sure the author probably forgot the basics of Spell Turning (it doesn't work on AoE, rays, or touch spells). As it stands, it's pretty well useless. I could come up with only a tiny number of spells it could actually do anything about, and none are common enough or dangerous enough to bother Reflecting. When combined with the ridiculous amount of Arcana it costs to reflect anyway, yeah, just don't take it.

Honestly though, Elemental Knight is awful in general. The three arcana are all "meh" at best, and dumping Spell Recall is a huge negative for very little gain.
Not all options are created equally.

Good points.

However, I'm having fun playing a Suli Magus (Elemental Knight) in my friend's Reign of Winter campaign. I have found the Elemental Assault flexability to be quite handy.

Especially that now at 6th level I can use my Elemental Assault to augment my Elemental spells by adding a single 1d6 extra of damage to them. This makes it a great cheap way to empower a low level spell! (5d4+1d6 damge with Burning Hands! 6d6 to Shocking Grasp!) Fire spells go a looooonnnng way in Reign of Winter (for obvious reasons).

I also have the ability to use RTA spells as regular Touch Spells (another Arcana) ability so I can now use Acid Orb or even Dirupt Undead every round with my weapon if I want to.

Took me until 5th level to really have fun with the character, but I'm loving it now!

I was looking forward to getting the Energy Reflection ability at 12th level until I read it more. Good flavor idea for the archtype, but it needs to be clarified to make it useful!

mplindustries wrote:
I can't find any reference to the "Elemental Reflection" Arcana. Can you post the rules test for it?

Sorry...my bad.

It is called Energy Reflection:
(Its listed under the Elemental Knight Archtype for Sulis) http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/advancedRaceGuide/uncommonRaces/sulis.ht ml#_sulis

Energy Reflection (Su): This functions like the reflection magus arcana, except it only works on spells that deal acid, cold, electricity, or fire damage. As long as the elemental knight spends at least 1 point from her arcane pool to activate this arcana, he may expend rounds of elemental assault as if they were arcane pool points. For example, the knight could spend 1 arcane pool point and 3 rounds of elemental assault to reflect a spell of 4th-level or lower. The elemental knight must be at least 12th level before selecting this arcana.

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

How does this work exactly?

It supposedly works like the Spell Refection Magus Arcans, which IT says it is like the Spell Turning spell.

However Spell Turning does not work on Area of Effect or Range Touch Attack (RTA) spells. So which Elemental spells are I being protected from exactly?

So...Is it only unique spells of the Elemental subtype that target a single person without a RTA and Melee touch elemental attacks? (Watch out for that Spark Spell!)

If it does work that way only, that is a severely limited power to take. Regardless of the potential help it "might" do, why spend a limited Magus Arcana choice at 12th level on this, especialy when there are more useful and powerful Arcana you can take instead (IMHO).

Personally I would like to see if this was originally meant to work against Elemental RTAs? That would make more sense, but would take an official Errata.

What do you all think?

Timitius wrote:

First World...hmmmmm. Promising.
Tian-Xia. Also promising.
Any interest in the desert nations? Katapesh, Qadira, Osirion?

Katapesh...I have to vote for that. I have some great stuff on Gnolls I'd like to do.

Have to throw in my hat for ancient Thassilon too. I am in the middle of running the Rise of Runelords and I am enjoyig it completely.

Erik Ingersen wrote:
I've got to make a polearm wielding magus now.

I've got one with a Trident brewing up on paper...

James Jacobs wrote:
I don't regard a runelord spending a feat to be proficient in a pole arm to be a waste. Wizards have feats to spare. They're about spells, after all, not feats.

I am running the anniversary edition of the ROTRL currently and my players and I are really enjoying it! (Just finished the battle with the Quasit Witch...best fight of my GM career!)

I always thought the Ranseur was a really unique choice, and felt it went perfectly with the Sihedron Rune, as each point represented a sin, and the Polearm was a badge of office representing that Runelord's "sin-point" of the Rune and his power over his "Sin." Symbolism is often important in leadership roles, almost as much as diplomacy can be.

Probably overthinking it however...

Timitius wrote:
If it's a cool class or archetype idea that a drow warrior could be seen taking (even if it's not all decked out in Darklands themes), then I'd probably consider adding it.

Basicly: one is a new magus archtype, and the other is a new sorcerer bloodline...could work anywhere, just not flavored for the Darklands. Drow could definately use them.

The last thing I want to do is waste your time. Any idea when the next call is going up, and any hints to it's theme?

I have some new ideas I put down...but they don't relate much to the "underground" cultures of Golarion. Can we submit articles for general ideas or that may work on a future issue? Or would you rather us wait until the next call comes out for the next issue?

Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9

I like it, and it could be a great aid for spellcasters of all sorts.

You might worry about abuse, but I can't think of a single duration based spell that could benefit from this and still be broken, as you just have the limitation of the original spell caster's duration limit re-applied...unless you want to take a chance to break your cool magic device!

Expensive, but worth the cost in my opinion, and again it is good for all levels of play.

Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9

Good, but not great I think.
Lots of imagination...but I would think there should be more to it somehow?

Still...it creeps up on you and bites you in just the right imaginative place!

Gotta like creepy "rat-guy" effect. Especially on a low-level bad-guy or Urban Druid for a GM encounter.

Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9

1 person marked this as a favorite.

It's a great idea in concept...but I can see it being a huge headache for GMs.

1. Can I throw it at an opponent?

2. Since the quicksand can only hold 1 person, what happens if another person attempts to grapple you after that? Can the person inside attempt to grab that new grappler to get out?

3. Does the wearer get an attack of opportunity to anyone trying to help someone drowning?

4. If someone falls into it while it's on the ground, can someone just pick it up and "shake' the person trapped inside out?

5. If you destroy the cloak itself somehow, does the person inside come out or get trapped in an extradimensional space?

6. What if someoby inside is carrying a bag of holding? Can it explode/implode like a portable hole?

7. What happens if the target doesn't breathe, and gets stuck? (A zombie might continually fail its swim checks to escape) Or is of Large size?

8. If it is on the Ground with someone in it, can someone turn it over to trap someone permantly (no escape).

Some of these stupid questions could have direct or inferred answers in the write-up, or I could just be coughing up detrius, but that's a list just off the top of my head. I personally would say no to this item being in my game as a GM, good idea or not.

Sorry, I'm not try to be mean. Just being honest here.

Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9

Kalervo Oikarinen wrote:
This effect does not stack with other similar effects.

Sorry, I like this item...but what are "similar" effects? Items that do positive energy damage? Or items that do extra damage period? that's just a little too vague in my opinion.

Other than that, I love this. Well-balanced, and gives a reason for a cleric or bard not to be afraid of "wasting" one of his spells for healing.

Also, since it also absorbs recieved healing overage this makes it even better too...then it's a good item for a PC tank to heal himself as neccessary without bothering the cleric every time, or it allows him to heal the cleric when he needs the healing back!

Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9


Can you imagine one of these in a large crowd with the suggestion "incite a riot."

Bards beware!


Just plain cool.

Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9

I get and like the concept...but it's a little too clunky in the design and use element.

I would prefer the Cloak of Arachnidia myself (it's cheaper I think), but that doesn't mean it is a bad design, just one in need of tweaking to make better.

Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9

A little expensive maybe...but again it is good for any level of play.

I can definately see uses for this in a game.

Good overall design!

Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9

A good item/idea.

However, I have only one comment: "raucous"?

Really? You had to use a word some people would have to look up in a dictionary just to figure out how to say it? Sorry, that's just the editor in me...

*beats little editor poppng out of chest back inside*

Dial it back on the 'wordy-ness' just a little, and this is a near perfect idea in my opinon.

Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9

As I've said before, I am currenly playing in the Skull and Shackles adventure path...Well done in my opinon!

This item fits beautifully into any nautical-theme game. Great idea and has the perfect pirate flavor: The map runs away!

Who doesn't need a convienent island when lost at sea?

Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9

Good work. Tight design. Cost is good for what it does...

It is even a good addition to a High level party or bad-guy.

I would definately say to keep an eye out for wahtever this designer produces.

Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9

A little pricy, but I like it!


I have always liked Drow items, and this isn't Overly powerful IMHO.

Kudos for avoiding the "poison" thing. Drow poison themed items are almost a cliche' now.

Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9

As a current Free Captin playing in the Skull and Shackles adventure path, I can say this would come in handy for ANY ship captain or crew.
Especially the undead disguise for the ship.

Other than that...it's a little cheap for what it does. I like the Wayfinder part (good flavor), but the Ioun stone part is a little much. Giving a ship that has thousands of hit points the ability to regenerate is extremely powerful: As anybody that has had to repair their ship properly with a Craft (Wood) skill check knows.

Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9

Good idea...but a little overly complicated in my opinon.

A good item to find in an adventure that has fire-based undead, but who would bother to make it very often themselves?

Basically a Holy Hand-grenade.

Light, count to 2...no 4...wait! Count to 3! Then throw...

*blows up vorpal rabit*

Thats how it works!

Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9

I generally like the idea, but I am a powergamer at heart.

I would have required something else on that creation line...like 5 ranks of Knowledge (Religion) or similar.

Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9

I remember voting for this one at least once. Good idea and the cost isn't too high for what it does. Would have used the Metamagic feats instead of the spells for creation however.

It is a handy way to visually conceal a wand, but I would have loved to see it contain a non-detection ability too.

Although a little too Harry Potterish, I still like the idea, as well as the flavor of it as a unique wonderous item.

Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9

Another good idea!

Again, I like items that are affordable and still useful at higher levels!

Unless you have PCs that fly alot, this is still a neat item to have around in case you need it.

I can possibly see a slightly more powerful version too that summons rock stepping-stones in faster and non-freshwater current areas.

Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9

I don't know...

It seems pricey for a swarm deterent. Once per day use?
Would you use it more than once per adventure very often?

It seems like an interesting idea, and I give Kudos for that, but I feel (IMHO only) it could have been implemented/designed better.

Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9

Good theme.

Simple idea and cheap to buy or make.

I like items that can come in handy at all levels,and this one can fit the bill. Give's a good reason for a high level party to keep and use those alchemical items.

Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9

Eric Morton wrote:

handy handkerchief *


*palm slaps face*

I guess that's my fault for putting my item submission together at the last moment. I had been thinging about it since early December...but forgot about the contest until that day around noon central time.

Oh well...

Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9

Jeff Lee wrote:
The ability to vote for one's own item has a negligible effect. As a marathon voter I logged more than a thousand votes and saw my item a total of four times. Some people voted hundreds of times and never saw their item once. There were also nearly half a million total votes. Even the person with the most votes (8000+, if I recall) only accounts for about 1.5% of the total voting.

I agree.

I logged around a dozen hours voting over various times, and only saw my item once.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

My Basic Gnoll

Medium Creature
Speed: 30

+2 Con
-2 Int

+1 Natural Armor

+2 to Survival and Intimidate

Darkvision 60ft.
Immune to Ingested Poisons, Toxins, and Diseases

Lang: Abyssal and Gnoll
(Additonal Options: Common, Undercommon, Goblin, Orc, Giant, and Draconic)

Additonal (Gnoll Feats)

1. Flind Born: +1 HP /lvl, +2 cha based checks to influence Gnolls and other humanoid creatures, Gains +1 damage with Flail weapons. (Must be taken at 1st level)

2. Scent: The character has developed its sense of smell to its best potential (Per the Monster ability, See Rules)

3. Gnoll Weapon Group: Gains Proficiency with all Axes, Flails and Chain weapons.

This leaves a balanced 1st level race (I think) and offers welcome options. I feel that Gnolls admire strength, but that does not mean they are naturally strong. They are tough however, and survivalists.
They are also lazy but cunning. Gnolls make great character options in my opinion, but it helps to have a GM who can offer the correct reactions of NPCs to a Gnoll character.

To the man who helped me find the magic in myself...thank you from the bottom of my heart and soul.

Check out this great OOTS tribute!


Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9

I liked it. The egyptian theme has always been one of my favorites. Good work.

Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9

I think I said it 2 or 3 contests ago. Your going to win this hands down...

Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9

You have not let me down yet. Awsome! You are my pick as of now to win the whole shebang. Good luck!

Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9

I have to say, all 4 of my picks (including another one I agonized over) are in the top 8!


One of the things that always gets me going as a GM, are interesting monsters. The original AD&D Monster Manual is still my favorite book. Sometimes I would read that book cover to cover just to get that "tingly" feeling all over again, and get my GM juices flowing! (No Succubus comments please!)

Do THAT to me, and you have my vote.

Good job and good luck. I look forward to seeing all of your monster work.

Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9

Dungeon Grrrl wrote:

I'd have to rewrite this from scratch. But it's a cool enough idea, I might do that.

Took the words out of my mouth...