Medical Drone

Project M.I.N.O.T.A.R's page

652 posts. Alias of Jeremy Clements.


CONSTRUCT (PL8) Dodge 8, Parry 8, Fortitude 'Immune', Toughness 10, Will 6; Status:

About Project M.I.N.O.T.A.R

Hero Points!:

You start each adventure with 1 Hero Point and can gain others by doing heroic things (or by having your complications come into play). Hero Points do not carry over from adventure to adventure, so use them or lose them!

Short Cuts!:

[dice=Close Combat (Fighting)]1d20 + 8[/dice]
If it hits: Toughness vs. DC25?

[dice=Toughness]1d20 + 10(Improved Crit w/Unarmed 19-20)[/dice]
[dice=Dodge]1d20 + 8[/dice]

[dice=Ranged Combat(Dex)]1d20 + 3 + 3[/dice]

[dice=Perception(Awareness)]1d20 + 5[/dice]
[dice=Technology(INT)]1d20 + 8[/dice]

[dice=Vehicles(Dex)]1d20 + 7[/dice]

[dice=TRI-DENT Micro Grenade Launcher(PL6 AOE Blast)]1d20 + 3 + 3[//dice]

(Mechanized Intelligent Non-Organic Tactical Assault Robot)





Tactical Railgun Interceptor-and-Directed Enemy Neutralization Turret: TRI-DENT [4 Character Points]
* Blast 6 AOE (Limited:Distracting, requires Activation, Noticeable, Quirk:Reduced AOE)

Cost Base:
w/AOE Improvement = 18 pts
With Distracting and Activation -2/rank
Remainder cost 6 pts.
-1 (total)with noticeable (Visible Shoulder Weapon Pod/Turret and loud explosions)
-1 (total)w/Reduced AoE (Only 5 foot radius AOE from target square = 15ft diameter)
Remainder cost is 4 pts total

Pseudo-Metallo Alloy Armor [12 character points]
*Protection 10, Impervious 2

Unliving [30 character points]
*Immunity to Fortitude Effects

Nano-Tech Repairs: [2 character points]
*Regeneration 1 (Persistent)

Jump Jets: [3 character points]
*Leaping 4 (Quirk: Effect is Loud and Flashy)

Combat Sensors: [5 points]
*Danger Sense(Seismic/Motion), Darkvision, Radio Communication, Time Sense

Interface Touch: [4 points]
*Comprehend Machines 2
An input/output plug-in to a computer or computer network which provides an interface with it, providing and receiving input with nothing more than your brain. This is normally a touch ranged ability using nano machines.

~Eidetic Memory 1, Ranged Attack 3, Fearless 1, Improved Critical(Unarmed 18-20) 2, *Improvised Weapon (Use Unarmed Combat skill with improvised weapons: Gain +1 damage bonus!), Evasion (Circumstance bonus to avoid area effects), Improved Grab (Make grab attacks with one arm. Not vulnerable while grabbing), Jack-of-all-trades (Use any skill untrained)

Perception 2, Technology 2, Vehicles 2

~Ranged +3
~Unarmed +8 (Close, Damage 10)

WILL 6 (5)

Possible Complications:
*Motivation: Acceptance (As a thinking Creature)
*Prejudice (vs. Robot/Android = Is he just a machine? Can/should he be owned?)
*Enemy (Macroview Microtechnologies)

Advancement: 12 points earned/9 point spent

Character Point Totals
POWERS 52 (+4 with TRI-DENT)
Total: 126

A product of US government military ineptitude, and a small warmongering corporation called Macroview Microtechnologies, the MINOTAR Project was never meant to be an AI grade robot. It was meant to be a self-sustainable tactical combat robot for the government to substitute for normal warriors on modern battlefields or even against low-powered superhumans. Combining two unstable technologies: An advanced Tactical combat-computer brain provided by military scientists, and a low-grade nano-tech repair system poorly copied from a Braniac design, led to something unexpected. At 0100 hundred hours, early on a Tuesday morning, Project MINOTAR officially gained sentience. The nano-bots had 'repaired' his brain to improve its basic functioning. This included self awareness and a will to live beyond its initial programming. With a cheap knock-off of Lex Corp's Metallo alloy armoring his prototype body, nobody at the lab he was in could stop him from simply leaving so he could re-think his future...for the first time ever! Decisions were his. No longer constrained to...mere programming. However, once an alert was posted about his escape, he was quickly caught by members of the Justice League and easily incarcerated. He did not fear the League. They only hurt criminals and villains who fought back. He did not do so. He only wanted time to think. After determining his basic innocence and origin, and the fact he hadn't hurt a fly in his escape, the League determined to keep him around for a while...under observation of course to see what he would decide to do with himself. So far...he's just done a lot of thinking. He's had a few conversations with Red Tornado during his time with the League, but since he was never DESIGNED to be an android, he still was having trouble deciding what to do...or even what to THINK of himself. Was he a government experiment gone wrong? Or was he a new species...destined to be hunted down just to see what made him tick?

Future powers and abilities to consider getting:
*Improve all active Skills (Technology, Vehicles and Perception)
*Add Wi-Fi + Blue-Tooth connections?
*Remote/Direct Control 'Machine Hacking' w/nano-touch or signal connections?
*AOE electronic signal jamming?
*Improve/Update Jumping to full Flight Capable?
*Improve TRI-DENT to full PL8 or 10?
*Energy Absorption (Electricity)?
*Stealth enhancements (Nano-Camouflage)?
*Energy Absorption to 'Power Up' Regeneration speed/effect.
*Alternate Form (Holographic Camo)?
*Magnetic Anchor/Foot-Claws: Immunity (Being Knocked Prone, Being Moved), Activation (Move action), Quirk (Cannot Move While Using)[2pts]
*Improved Initiative?
*Close Attack?
*Defensive Roll?
*Power Attack?