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Is there a list of Occult rituals and which book they come from, I know Occult adventures has some (since it's where they were introduced) and I think there's at least one in Strange Aeons, I was wondering if there were anymore. Hoping there's a ritual for keeping a building warm (permanently) for a remote location. ![]()
If I have Upgradable on a legendary magic item and reaches the end of it's upgrade chain (Cloak of Protection +1 ending at +5 for example), is the upgradeable ability just useless after than ? It seams like it would only be worth putting on weapons/armor and possibly a Ring of Protection +1-5 (to potentially upgrade to a Ring of Splendid Security)to max out the value of taking the trait as after a certain point it doesn't do anything unless you can add new magic item abilities to upgrade. ![]()
Thoughts and opinions Farm for remote locations on the Prime material plane anywhere without a gate or other noticeable manifestation --- [Location] x1 Permanent Demiplane with Bountiful trait --- [Simulacrum] (assumed to be based off more advanced versions so as to at least retain basic creature abilities) x1 Xill CR6
--- [Other residents] x1+ Slaves/constructs/workers etc ---[Additional spells] x1 Permanent Teleportation Circle
--- [Concept] 1. Workers/slaves collect food on demiplane (preferably into totes shaped to be inserted into Mercane secret chests for easy loading and unloading)
--- [Notes] *** Xill can be left on ethereal with Permanent Telepathic Bond to a simulacrum succubus or other creature that can Ethereal Jaunt at will on the prime to send and receive instructions to the demiplane. *** Mercane could carry food themselves to increase amount transported, or not, if maintaining the illusion of power over the slaves is a concern. *** If more is needed to be transported then multiple Mercane could share Plane Shifts for extra jumps back home *** Location Mercane teleport to via Teleportation Circle could bring them to a secret room and they just use Dimension Door to final destination. *** Final storage location could contain Crates of Preservation (Villain Codex) so a surplus could be maintained to less transports are needed. *** Mercane can use Invisibility (self) if needed at different transport locations. ![]()
Would like to create an intelligent magic ring with 2 0 level spells,Sift and Telekinetic Projectile. For the base attack would I use caster level for HD and using construct progression? And highest ability score for the mod? As for Sift would it just be an untrained Perception check using highest skill or Wisdom mod? ![]()
Does the familiar gained from the Elemental Whispers talent have scaling intelligence and other benefits as per normal familiars? Are they eligible for Familiar Archetypes? The talent says if damaged or you stop concentrating it returns to your mind, how do you view the manner in which the kineticist interacts with the familiar when not manifested? Some ideas could be maybe a voice/urge in your mind or possibly the fragment shows itself in the kineticist's immediate area as a ghostly version of the animal that only the kineticist can see. What sort of personality do you see a fragment having? As a part of an element I don't see it having the same needs or instincts as a flesh and blood animal. One idea was that the fragment is actually some of your element that you've imbued with a portion of your own mind that presents itself as something like greed or a want to help people and will focus on whatever it is. ![]()
Couple of questions When a character has an intelligent item cohort (Cohorts and Companions) they can enhance/improve the item as if possessing the appropriate item creation feat, would this ability be enough to fulfill the requirements Mythic Crafter? Can a intelligent Legendary Item (Mythic Adventures) have it's ability scores/senses /communication abilities be improved as per the normal Designing an Intelligent Item rules if the item gained intelligence from being Legendary? ![]()
Looking for something that would be useful for heating a castle
Only other thing I could see as a sure fire way is turning a wall of iron into wood and using it for firewood :) |