Alviana Shadowsworn

GM_Euan's page

2,025 posts. Alias of Euan.

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Roll20 Map - Tracking Sheet

It has been a few years since a dragon was seen flying - and belching fire! - over the skies of Sandpoint. They’ve been quiet years, except that one day when a blind storm giant wandered in from the wilderness to say hello. He left amicably enough having spoken to some noble or other. Nobles and their strange ways!

Though you know each other from being around town and also hanging out together in the Rusty Dragon from time to time, please describe yourself as others might see you - and of course add a little something that a drinking acquaintance might know! At least whether you stick out your pinky when drinking tea. For you may not be close friends, but you do drink together occasionally, especially when the Dragon is busy and tables are shared.

I’m not saying you have to like one another, but you’re at least good acquaintances at this point.

The Rusty Dragon is in good form tonight, Gozran 1, a Starday. Most folks have tomorrow off work to do their own things. You also are looking forward to the day off - as is half of Sandpoint from the looks of things. Your group manages a table, after too few folk in too large a table are convinced to move on.

Ameiko Kaijitsu, seen here ready for a playful duel (image), is the owner and currently best performer on the small stage inside the Dragon. You are all friends of Ameiko’s in various ways, some light, some more in depth. You are all also regulars or employees. At the very least, there’s a mutual respect, and you feel you know one another well.

She greets you at your table, ”Welcome to the Rusty Dragon. You are my… second favorite table!” She laughs lightly, but oddly, clearly faking good humor tonight for some reason.

”Kisaiya, come on out and see who’s here!” she calls back to the kitchen. She turns back to you as Kisaiya joins the group. ”What can I get you tonight, the usuals?” Ameiko asks, shortening what is usually a lengthy chat before getting to orders. Perhaps it’s just that she’s busy.

You know the reason Ameiko is in a bad mood is that she had a wagon load of goods stolen by goblins over near the Brinestump Marsh. To some degree, it’s the cost of doing business in the hinterlands, but it’s oh so annoying! ”Damnable goblins!” she swore as she got the news.
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Roll20 Map - Tracking Sheet

Welcome to GM Euan’s Discussion Thread!

This is for the Jade Regent AP (PF1). Please download and read the Jade Regent Players Guide (link). Note, we are not using the ‘Romance’ rules. You may certainly have romances with the NPCs as they develop, but we’re not going to map it out on a chart with graphs. We are going to use at least some of the caravan rules. I may do something different with the combats (or at least some of them), but we’ll see how it goes. The systems seems OK.

There is no recruitment. We have all our players.

Do not worry what the others are playing as it doesn’t matter. If we have all halfling bards, we’ll make it work, and likely have a lot of fun along the way. Build what you want to play. I’m more worried about balance between party members than I am balance between the party and your foes.

We will be using Roll20 (link) for the mapping, Paizo (link) for gameplay, and Slack (link) for some out of character discussions. There will also be a spreadsheet in Google Drive (link) for tracking treasure, NPCs, the caravan, time, and whatever else makes sense.

I want a brisk game, so please carefully consider your commitment. I hope to post twice a day, and more often as needed, though I try to post at the pace of play. I hope you will each post once a day, pending interactions and the like of course. If you haven’t posted for 24 hours, I will DMPC you, have you delay, or otherwise fall behind.

You will start at first level, but you won’t be there long! The campaign finishes at around 15th level. You are beginning in Sandpoint (link), a lovely little town in Varisia (link) just a little northeast of the great city of Magnimar (link).

The campaign begins on Gozran 1, 4711 AR, around four years after the Rise of the Runelords.

Please create your character following the standard Pathfinder rules (version 1) point buy system (link) using a 20 point buy. We’ll do Hit Points in the old Pathfinder Society style - maximum at first level, average +1 for all subsequent levels (so Fighters start with 10, and gain 6 at each level for example). We’re not using mythic, variant multi-classing rules, or any third party rules such as gestalt or spheres of power. I do not want to limit your alignment too much, but no evil folks rattling around please.

You’ll start with three traits (link), one of which must be chosen from the campaign (link, scroll down) list for the AP. You may have a drawback if you wish, but it does not give you an additional trait, so I don’t expect any but the most adventurous to do so.

You’ll start with 200 gp in your pocket, thanks in part to a successful event in your recent past. Perhaps you just finished a stint as a mercenary guard for one of the many businesses or districts in Magnimar; or just sold off your best crafting efforts; or perhaps inherited some money and just finished collecting it at the church of Pharasma in the Keystone district of Magnimar. Or maybe you just come from a monied family. Whatever it is, please mention it in your background - history or memory (see below).

I am open to most Paizo sources. As a general rule, if it’s not approved by the Pathfinder Society, I won’t approve it either, but there are exceptions (like crafting) so feel free to ask. I prefer not using ‘isolated’ sources (like material sourced only from other APs), but I will review on a case by case basis. Also, I know there are other sites with Pathfinder rules, but please try to link to the Archives of Nethys (link) whenever possible in your references.

No gunslingers or other ‘tech’ themes. Sorry. I like my fantasy fantastic and firearms throw me off a bit. Please no summoners and no very unbalanced builds. You should build well, but someone who’s only good at one thing, will spend a lot of time waiting as the others play. This isn’t a competition. You will be working as a team, and will only succeed as a group. Limit your race to the core book though alternate race traits are probably fine. Lastly, nothing from the Occult Adventures. I find that all the characters I’ve met or built from that book, are a bit broken or just plain confusing.

Please write a description (what do people see when they look at you?) along with a semi-public background (what would someone with a Knowledge, Local DC 15 (link) know about you?). Please also write a detailed background that’s private to you and me. Speak about what’s essential to your character, goals you may have, people you may know, and a memory of something important to you. The detailed background need not be long. 6-8 short paragraphs are sufficient in most cases (history x2, essentials, goals, people, memory).

PLEASE pay attention to your background and description. I am far more interested in who you are than what you are. Build a character that is interesting and capable of solving problems. Please do not build a min-max barbarian beat-stick (which isn’t to say no barbarians, just make it colorful!). You won't have much fun in this game. It isn't that you won't be fighting obviously, just avoid the one-dimensional character.

Please try not to build around ‘save or suck’ spells and effects. For the most part, until late in the game anyway, I’ll avoid the same (though with Hero points in play I’m a little less restrained). We’re here to have a good time and push our characters to succeed - but putting every big-bad in the AP to sleep, for example, is counter to everyone having fun. So build well, but be mindful of overall balance.

I like the sort of output that Herolab produces, but any reasonable character sheet structure is fine. If you want to send me PDF updates once a level to keep your details private, that’s fine too.

I do request though that you include - either at the top or bottom of your document or somewhere else equally handy - a quick cut-and-paste combat section. Ideally it’ll have your most common combat combinations. If I need to GMPC you for any reason, I’ll use what’s there, modified by the situation of course or delay you. I’ll try not to use up any limited resources. If there are no combinations, I’ll delay you in most cases especially at higher levels where it gets more complicated.

I’m sure you will have questions I have not answered. For more information please see the Campaign tab. There is a lot of useful stuff there on what I’m looking for in terms of tone, some discussion of die rolling, etiquette, crafting, and more to let you know what sort of campaign I plan to run. It might help to answer some questions you may have and is an important read.

Finally, out of respect for Paizo, and the age of possible players and readers, I keep my campaigns PG 13 for the most part. Please do the same.

When you have a character ready for my review, ping me in Slack or link to them here in a spoiler.

Feel free to coordinate with the other players, but I prefer you do as much of that in character as you can - there will be opportunities in the Gameplay thread and I won’t expect your final characters right away. Naturally, if you want to have some sort of prior relationship with another character or some other complicated construct you’ll need to have those conversations out of character to save time.

Xin-Shalast - Roll20 Map - Tracking Sheet

The caravan makes its way into Sandpoint, via the Sandpoint Bridge in the southeast corner of town. Hanging from a bent nail at both the gatehouse and the southern bridge is a sign and a mirror (image) - painted on each sign is the message: “Welcome to Sandpoint! Please stop to see yourself as we see you!”

Many of the folk start splitting off to go in their various directions as the last remnants of the caravan reach the Sandpoint Market. (area 35 on the map) On most days, Sandpoint’s marketplace is empty save for the odd group of children who enjoy using the wide-open area to play whistleball or other games.

Twice each week, the market fills with vendors. At the start of the week, the farmer’s market radically increases the daily selection of goods available from the Grocer’s Hall, while all day at the end of the week, merchants from Magnimar, Galduria, Nybor, Wartle, and beyond take part in the Town Market - often supplemented with Varisian wagons and their merchandise.

This evening (Rova 22, 4707, Moonday), the market is already set up, in part, for tomorrow’s festivities. A couple of the wagons take up positions in the square, as their owners begin prepare for the stall space they’ll setup in the morning. The rest of the folks scatter to their respective dwellings, inns, or in some cases, tents, here and there throughout the town - wherever there is room.

There are lights being lit throughout the town as folks make final preparations for the celebration, finish last minute tasks for the day, and otherwise settle into the evening.

Feel free to interact with those you met on the road, or not, as is your wish. The festival is tomorrow starting around noon, though in the way of these things there are often early birds. So you’ll need to find a place to stay. Those of you who may be from Sandpoint may have your own residences.

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Xin-Shalast - Roll20 Map - Tracking Sheet

Well met and thanks for playing! I think this is going to be a lot of fun. A few things to get out of the way as we begin.

We have the following fine folks starting this campaign:
Kast Phaer
Qetsiyah Kizzy
Margareta ‘Meg’ Alekto
Seamus Passeri

Please finalize your Characters and let me know if you’re planning any major changes from what I’ve already seen. I don’t care about equipment for example, but let me know if you’re changing your class. :) Feel free to coordinate with the other players, but I prefer you do as much of that in character as you can - there will be opportunities in the Gameplay thread and I won’t expect your final characters right away. Naturally, if you want to have some sort of prior relationship with another character or some other complicated construct you’ll need to have those conversations out of character to save time.

There aren’t really any major subsystems to this AP to worry about. That said, I will be tracking your sinful and virtuous acts throughout the campaign, which will have some effect near the end as you are, to a degree, judged on your actions.

Contact Me
I find the game to be more enjoyable, and faster paced, if there’s an outlet off the boards for discussion of minor points, or even character details you’d rather not make public. If you are willing, please send me a PM with an email address. I’ll reply with my own and will invite you to the Slack channel for the campaign. If you don’t want to share that information, I respect that. No problem. We’ll manage without it through PMs and the Discussion thread - though you’ll miss out on a lot of side chatter.

Tracking Sheet
Finally, I need someone to assist me with the Tracking Sheet (link). I’m fine if one of you prefers to handle it, or if you rotate the requirement. I’ll teach the person(s) doing the sheet, but it’s really less complicated then it looks. My helper on this will enter the treasure as you find it (if I don’t first), and may add NPC data as well. Initially at least I’ll be doing all the NPCs. I’ll likely add them all initially, but you’ll be able to edit for your own notes. Discuss it among yourselves and let me know who you pick.

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Welcome to GM Euan’s Recruitment Thread!

This recruitment is for the Rise of the Runelords, Anniversary Edition AP (PF1). Please download and read the Rise of the Runelords (AE) Players Guide (link). Or at least the first bits - it does go on a bit setting up the neighborhood. I already have one fine player lined up for the campaign. I am recruiting for four more spots (total of five).

Do not worry what the others are playing as it doesn’t matter. If we have all halfling bards, we’ll make it work, and likely have a lot of fun along the way. Build what you want to play. I’m more worried about balance between party members than I am balance between the party and your foes. More importantly, I will not be selecting players primarily based on what they’re playing, but rather who.

We will be using Roll20 (link) for the mapping, Paizo (link) for gameplay, and Slack (link) for some out of character discussions. There will also be a spreadsheet in Google Drive (link) primarily for tracking NPCs and treasure.

I want a brisk game, so please carefully consider your commitment. I hope to post twice a day, and more often as needed, though I try to post at the pace of play. I want my players to post once a day, pending interactions and the like of course. If you haven’t posted for 24 hours, I will DMPC you, have you delay, or otherwise fall behind. Likewise, folks that post more often will be more included in the storyline that unfolds.

When I ran Curse of the Crimson Throne (link) on these boards, it took 745 days (two years, 15 days) and I had 2,706 posts (3.6 a day average). Later in Second Darkness (link) it took 758 days (two years, 27 days) and I had 2,025 posts (2.6 a day average). Then with Mummy's Mask (link) it took 1,217 days (3 years, 4 months) and I had 2,426 posts (1.2 a day average). Finally, in War for the Crown (link), we’re about 189 days in (6 months, 7 days) and I have 260 posts (1.4 a day average). As you can see, I’ve slowed down a bit to allow for more role play by my players but still maintain a decent pace.

You will start at first level, but you won’t be there long! The campaign finishes with you on the cusp of 18th level. You are beginning in Sandpoint (link), a lovely little town in Varisia (link) just a little northeast of the great city of Magnimar (link). The campaign begins on Rova 23, 4707, a Toilday and the fall equinox, as well as, of course, being the Swallowtail Festival (link).

Please create your character following the standard Pathfinder rules (version 1) point buy system (link) using a 20 point buy. We’ll do Hit Points in the old Pathfinder Society style - maximum at first level, average +1 for all subsequent levels (so Fighters start with 10, and gain 6 at each level for example). We’re not using mythic, variant multi-classing rules, or any third party rules such as gestalt or spheres of power. I do not want to limit your alignment too much, but no evil folks rattling around please.

You’ll start with three traits (link), one of which must be chosen from the campaign (link, scroll down) list for the AP. However, please don’t chose Merchant Family (link), as we’re not using that trait in this campaign. You may have a drawback if you wish, but it does not give you an additional trait, so I don’t expect any but the most adventurous to do so.

You’ll start with 200 gp in your pocket, thanks in part to a successful event in your recent past. Perhaps you just finished a stint as a mercenary guard for one of the many businesses or districts in Magnimar; or just sold off your best crafting efforts; or perhaps you inherited some money and just finished collecting it at the church of Pharasma in the Keystone district of Magnimar. Whatever it is, please mention it in your background - history or memory (see below). If your character is chosen, we may expand on this a bit to give you some understanding of, and roots in, Magnimar (even if you’re from Sandpoint - it is the nearest big city after all).

I am open to nearly any Paizo source. Also, I know there are other sites with Pathfinder rules, but please try to link to the Archives of Nethys (link) whenever possible in your references. If you do not, I’ll just be searching there anyway, so save me some time please.

No gunslingers or other ‘tech’ themes. Sorry. I like my fantasy fantastic and firearms throw me off a bit. Please no summoners or very unbalanced builds. You should build well, but someone who’s only good at one thing, will spend a lot of time waiting as the others play. Also, this isn’t a competition. You will be working as a team, and will only succeed as a group. Limit your race to the core book though alternate race traits are fine.

Please write a description (what do people see?) along with a semi-public background (what would someone with a Knowledge, Local DC 15 (link) know about you?). Please also write a detailed background. Speak about what’s essential to your character, goals you may have, people you may know, and a memory of something important to you. The detailed background need not be long. 6-8 short paragraphs are sufficient in most cases (history x2, essentials, goals, people, memory).

PLEASE pay attention to your background and description. I am far more interested in who you are than what you are. In selecting a party I’m going to look more at the background than the statistics. Build a character that is interesting and capable of solving problems. Please do not build a min-max barbarian beat-stick (which isn’t to say no barbarians, just make it colorful!). You won't have much fun in this game. It isn't that you won't be fighting obviously, just avoid the one-dimensional character.

I’m sure you will have questions I have not answered. For more information please see the Campaign tab. There is a lot of useful stuff there on what I’m looking for in terms of tone, some discussion of die rolling, etiquette, crafting, and more to let you know what sort of campaign I plan to run. It might help to answer some questions you may have and is an important read.

Recruitment will remain open until I have selected the players. I don’t know how long that will take, but I expect it’ll be about a week or so, depending on interest and based on past experience. I will post regular updates and answer questions as we go. I will give a few days warning before closing recruitment and select the players within the following couple days. The campaign will begin fairly quickly after that, though there will be plenty of time to tweak characters and make final preparations of course.

To help with recruitment, I like to set a few scenes for applicants to role-play their characters a little. It’s an opportunity to show me who you are, and give yourself a chance to develop a little personality around the bones. Nothing in the scenes are set in stone, though I often use them as a springboard for the campaign. So things I post there are canon, but you can play with concepts and ideas without having to keep any of it. I’ll post this initial scene shortly.

Finally, out of respect for Paizo, and the age of possible players and readers, I keep my campaigns PG 13 for the most part. Please do the same.

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Roll20 Map - Tracking Sheet

The Grand Day of Exaltation, with its Exaltation Gala, is a few days away, but you arrived early in Oppara (or perhaps never left!). You have been invited to a party hosted by someone calling themselves Lord Petnik Miragella this very evening (Calistril 26th, 4718, a Moonday). His name doesn’t tumble from the lips, but you think you’ve heard of him before somewhere. Certainly his invitation is promising; heavy cream paper, smooth ink, nice calligraphy, light scent… fancy - and expensive.

Knowledge Nobility and/or Gather Information DC 13 (Miragella Family):
Miragella is an ancient and noble family located primarily in Golsifar further South along the coast in the district of Moda. They are known to be exceedingly wealthy, doing some sort of import/export business from that coastal city. Mostly agricultural materials is the local belief and of course substantial inherited family wealth.
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Knowledge Local and/or Gather Information DC 16 (Petnik Miragella)(separate roll from above):
Lord Petnik Miragella is a half elf from the ancient and noble Miragella family. You heard there’s a rift in the family, and Petnik has been banished to Oppara as a form of punishment by his cousin, the current patriarch. They’ve tired of having him underfoot is the running theory among the gossip-mongers. What exactly he’s done to incur the wrath of his cousin is unknown, but it’s believed to be more than just his half-elven heritage.

As a freebie, you also ‘discover’ what will ‘influence’ Lord Petnik during social rounds. It is either diplomacy or knowledge nobility DC 16. Normally you’d immediately share this information with the group, but as you do not yet know each other, it is an individual achievement for now.
- - -

Obviously each Gather Information takes d4 hours, but as you have ~10 hours before the evening party, you can spend it researching easily enough if you wish. You may also roll both the knowledge check and the gather information check (if you have the appropriate skills) - the first for knowledge you may already possess and the second for research you may be doing. So you have two or more bites at each apple if you spend/have the time.

Let me know what you plan to do with your day (or the rest of your day if you gathered info), prior to the party. Remember, you still don’t know each other, and won’t quite yet. That said, no need for spoilers unless you prefer it, though I’ll be doing some for ease of reading. Oh, for those of you without complete characters, just estimate your likely skill points as best you can.

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Roll20 Map - Tracking Sheet

Welcome All!

This is the War for the Crown Adventure Path by Paizo using the Pathfinder rule set (Pathfinder v1). Please download and read the War for the Crown Player’s Guide (link). We will be using Roll20 for mapping and the Paizo message boards for gameplay. There is also a tracking spreadsheet using Google Sheets for Treasure, critical NPCs, and more.

I feel the Game Master sets the pace, and I want a brisk game insomuch as we can with this role play heavy AP. I plan to post a couple times a day, and likely more often as needed. I hope you will all post regularly daily. If you haven’t posted for 24 hours, I will act for you, have you delay, or otherwise fall behind. When I ran Curse of the Crimson Throne on these boards, it took 745 days (two years, 15 days) and I had 2,706 posts (3.6 a day average). Later in Second Darkness it took 758 days (two years, 27 days) and I had 2,025 posts (2.6 a day average). I’ve lengthened the time of my games for more role play and eased up a bit on the time pressure so my Mummy's Mask campaign should run a little over three years (though I’m still around 2.1 posts a day). I expect this campaign to take at least three years, and possibly longer though I hope to increase my posts per day.

Do not worry about what the others are playing, most have not as yet decided, and it doesn’t matter. If we have six halfling bards, we’ll make it work, and will surely have a lot of fun along the way. (Funnily enough, I say this for every AP I run, but it might actually be true for this one!) Build what you want to play, and I’ll worry about game balance. That said this is a role play heavy AP, so plan accordingly so you can engage regularly. Hopefully someone brings a dagger as there will be combat as well of course.

You will start at first level and will gain levels at approximate intervals throughout the AP. Please create your character following the standard Pathfinder point buy system (link) using a 20 point buy. Hit Points shall be determined in Pathfinder Society style - maximum at first level, average +1 for all subsequent levels (so Fighters start with 10, and gain 6 at each level for example). We are using Background Skills (link). You’ll start with 200gp and three traits (link), one of which must be chosen from the campaign list (scroll down to War for the Crown after clicking). Remember, you may only have one trait per category. You may also have a drawback if you wish, but it does not give you an additional trait, so I don’t expect any but the most adventurous to choose one. Finally, we will also use Hero Points (link). You’ll start with one, plus one more if you complete the background outlined below.

We’re not using mythic, variant multi-classing rules, or any third party rules such as gestalt or spheres of power. I do not want to limit your alignment too much, especially as I view them as general guidelines, but no evil folks rattling around please. No gunslingers or other ‘tech’ themes. I like my fantasy fantastic and firearms throw me off a bit. Please no summoners or very unbalanced builds. You should build well, but someone who’s only good at one thing, will spend a lot of time waiting as the others play. Also, please limit your race to the core book.

Please write a description (what do newcomers see?) along with a public background (what would someone with a Knowledge Local DC 15 know about you?). Finally, please also write a detailed background that tells me something about yourself. Speak about your recent past, future goals you may have, one or two people you may know, and a memory of something in your past that is important to you. The detailed background need not be long. 4-5 short paragraphs are sufficient in most cases (1-2 history, goals, people, memory). This is important, please don’t skip it.

You are beginning in Oppara (link) the Gilded City and capital of Taldor (link). It’s a lovely place with a somewhat Mediterranean climate, though generally on the warmer side. You are assumed to be invested in Taldor’s future and so even if you’re not from here, you’d be familiar with Taldor and its history - at least as much as the Wiki articles cover. For even more, check out Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Taldor, the First Empire (link). There is plenty of information in the Players Guide about your possible motivation, and I’m delighted to talk to you further about it individually. It also mentions your benefactor, Marcela Lotheed though you have not yet met her.

For more information please see the Campaign tab. There is a lot of useful stuff in there on what I’m planning in terms of tone, some discussion of die rolling, etiquette, crafting, and more. It might help to answer some questions you may have and is an important read for the campaign.

Finally, out of respect for Paizo, and the mental age of players and possible readers, I keep my campaigns PG 13 for the most part. Please do the same.

Shadow Lodge

OK, I has a confusion.

On the Bard Dedication (link) page, it says, “ Choose a muse as you would if you were a bard. You have that muse for all purposes, allowing you to take that muse’s feats, but you don’t gain any of the other abilities it grants.” I am choosing the Enigma Muse (link) which says, in part, “You gain the Bardic Lore feat and add true strike to your spell repertoire.”.

I expect, based on the intent of the first quoted sentence, that all I get is the opportunity to take feats limited to that muse from the usual list. I do not in fact get Bardic Lore (link) as a free feat.

What do you folks think? Getting the free feat seems inline with other Archetypes, but I’m just not sure that’s what the wording says.

Shadow Lodge

Project Image (link) is a powerful spell, but just how powerful is it? I have a simple question that the spell doesn't seem to be clear about.

If I make my save against the illusion of the projected image, do the spells that originate from that image effect me?

Roll20 Map - Treasure Sheet

As you enter Abdur’s office, you see a man who wears his muscle well, a clear result of his long hours in the sun. His lacquered 4 plated armor hangs well over his broad shoulders, a matching heavy shield on his arm (when on patrol or duty) or on over his shoulder (when not). He carries himself not necessarily with confidence, but with purpose. He looks like he knows what he's doing and going...if that's true is of no matter.

His weapons are rarely far from him; a falchion, a morningstar, and sturdy dagger. All have seen some usage, but none are quality weapons. It's clear that he prefers to get in close to his opponents rather than attacking from afar.

Standing a good 6'+ tall with brown hair and eyes, he can have a imposing presence, but mostly just doesn't. You wouldn't ignore him, but he doesn't stand out. His tanned and sun-worn face is (mostly) clean shaven and does take some care to keep himself clean.

Abdur Raqeeb al-Shabazz (image) closes the door to his office once everyone has entered. It’s a substantial office to be sure, but you’re a large group and there aren’t enough chairs so a few of you stand. Abdur comes in in last, weaving through you on his way back to his desk. He sits down heavily and takes a deep breath. ”That wasn’t easy. I do hate turning people away, you know? Well now, you are the lucky few. I thank you for your consideration and hope our relationship will be a long and fruitful one - beyond this current short contract.”

He smiles broadly, ”My deal is simple. I pay the fee for the group… and provide the wand of cure light wounds with 42 charges, just like I promised.” he takes out a slender wand from his desk and passes it to the party, closing the drawer with a click.

”In exchange, you show me all the goods you obtain, and allow me to purchase what I want at the going rates. Now there’s an auction planned after the digs are complete, and you’ll assuredly get more from that auction than you will from me.” he stops a moment and looks at you seriously, ”I’m not out to screw anyone over. I won’t be taking all your goods, just the stuff I think fits in well with my shop, or might gather me a particularly high return.”

”You play fair with me, and I’ll play fair with you. I’m investing in your little group, and I hope that you’ll succeed, but regardless, the wand is yours to keep. Or at least for the survivors.” he winks, but there’s a seriousness about him as well.

”Now, you may have questions, and I have conferred with the priests of Pharasma, so I might just know the answers. The lottery is in two days at dusk. You can enter the necropolis at dawn, and the event will last seven days. You’ll have three structures to investigate in that time. After that is the auction, where you can sell whatever goods I don’t buy.”

”What do you need to know? How can I help you succeed? My mind and my shop are open to you.” he spreads his hands broadly, eager to hear what you have to say.

Someone please take the wand and track the charges. It is considered a group item, so it doesn’t count against your individual wealth, but does count toward the party.

Please describe your appearance in your responses.

Roll20 Map - Treasure Sheet

OK folks! Welcome to the discussion thread.

First things first, everything that happened in the recruitment thread, actually happened. You can consider that a Jr. gameplay thread. It’s how you’ve all met, it’s an introduction to poor Abdur, everything. We’ll start the gameplay thread in a bit, in Abdur’s office.

Second, I’m serious when I say I don’t care about your builds. I do care, they should be reasonably done naturally, but role play is far more important here. We’ll make the party work, though I think you’re pretty well balanced.

I’ve reviewed your builds and have some minor comments/questions.

A note about familiars since two of you have them. If you keep them tucked away, I’ll not go after them in most cases. Bring them out though to make attacks, carry spells, etc. and they’re fair game like any other PC. Benedictus, I suggest you get a familiar satchel or the like for their protection.

My only real concern here is your mighty steed. A goodly portion of the AP is indoors, in ancient tombs and the like - often with small spaces. Hard to maneuver a horse around. In those cases, you’d be on foot, and without your companion. I’m not familiar with Cavalier, so I’m a little concerned it’ll be unduly limiting to you to be without your horse for many of the combats.

Do you know the class well? Is this a problem, or am I chasing ghosts? I love your character, and am fine if you want to change class or archetype. Just keep that boisterous character! :)

Daring Champion might be a decent archetype, though some of the swashbuckler deeds can be tricky in the PbP format. I think we can manage if you want to head down this path - possibly changing some of the abilities you get to simply things. Or a whole other class - up to you.
- - -

I have a player in my Second Darkness campaign who always acts in the surprise round so I’m familiar with the process. Often it means you won’t know what’s going on until after your turn, but you’ll always have an action and will know “something’s not right” so you can prep. There will be occasions when it simply doesn’t make sense, there’s no surprise round, and you won’t get to go, but those will be pretty few and far between.

Your drawback is fine, provided you plan to do some Diplomacy, and from our conversation I’m sure you will. :)
- - -

Ears of the City is an interesting spell. Seems overly powered to me, but we’ll see how it operates in game. I couldn’t find Shadow Trap - where is that from? Please provide a link so I can check it out.

Your drawback is fine, I like the addition of Pyrophobia. How do you feel about continual flame spells? They’re ‘cold’ but have the appearance of fire.
- - -

Don’t worry about tracking copper. If it’s less than a gold, it’s yours basically free (quantities are limited however - as you might imagine). You’re missing a few things, like initiative modifiers - or at least I couldn’t find it. So I guessed. I think maybe your saves are wrong too - don’t forget to add statistic bonuses to your base saves. If you need more clarification, let me know.

And don’t hesitate to ask a question if you don’t know something, however minor. I assume my players have a certain knowledge base which you may not have - so I apologize in advance if I say something that doesn’t make sense to you. Feel free to ask questions direct to me in chat, to the group in the discussion thread, PMing another player, whatever makes you comfortable.

Also, I don’t like rebuilding much - decisions matter - but as you learn the game, I’m fine if we tweak your character from time to time as things become clearer to you, with my approval of course. You’re new, and there should not be a penalty for learning. Now however is the time to build and rebuild to suit your plans.

Take some time and think about how you’ll contribute in combat other than assisting others with your inspire courage. Combats generally last a 3-10 rounds, though some will be even longer. What will you do in those rounds to help take down the opposition? If you’re to be an archer (a good choice), what feats might you need to make that work better? Might take a look at the precise shot feat which has a feat prerequisite as well.

Let me know if you have any questions about bard builds too. I’m currently running a bard/archer in another campaign. A great combo!
- - -

Next, please check the following spoilers for accuracy. Ignore the ‘good folks’ line. That’s just my notation for your opponents. Let me know if you have any special abilities that might effect these rolls (like Benedictus’ surprise round action).

Initiative Rolls:

Augustus 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 14
Benedictus 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (11) + 13 = 24 (always acts in the surprise round)
Florence 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12
Nidhi 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
Zilchus 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16
Good Folks 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7
- - -

Perception Rolls:

Augustus 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18
Benedictus 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
Florence 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (19) + 0 = 19
Nidhi 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
Zilchus 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16
Good Folks 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17
- - -

Finally, the Treasure Sheet. Everyone can ‘see’ it, but only I can write to it currently. I’d like one of you to take over, at least temporarily, as the treasure tracker. I’m fine if you trade off over time, but there should always be one person, not me, in charge so I know who to nag if it gets behind. :)

I’ll add the first few things and teach whomever gets the gig how it works. It’s pretty automated, so the biggest problem is usually just cut-and-pasting the loot over and looking up values for things I don’t already provide. I do not worry about appraising non-magical gear. i assume you’ll get professionals to check it over before selling anything to ensure you’re not being taken advantage of. No need to play that out each and every time you sell a trinket. There will be some role play of loot naturally, but I don’t want to get bogged down in it. You’re heroes not merchants. Uh, probably.

7 people marked this as a favorite.

Welcome to GM Euan’s Recruitment Thread! This recruitment is for the Mummy’s Mask Adventure Path.

Every player should download and read the Mummy's Mask Pathfinder Companion. This is a recruitment for five total players. I have already picked two so there are three spots remaining.

- Please write a detailed description. What do people see when they look at you or even watch you for a moment or two?
- Please write a public background - what would someone with a passing knowledge of you know? Add a little history, a common rumor (true or false), and something possibly embarrassing or at least humorous.
- Please write a background that tells me something about yourself. Speak about what’s essential to your character, goals you may have, people you may know, and a memory of something important to you.
- You might consider having two things in your personality - a reason to do some delving in Osirion, and a desire to help the greater good. I like dissenting voices and creative role play, but in a few areas the AP requires a leap of faith. Feel free to build whatever you prefer, but you should have reasons for being heroic (or at least pretending to be).
- You are beginning in Wati in Osirion - you may be a native, or a visitor. You may even have heard of the planned necropolis exploration and are here specifically for that purpose. I’m happy to help you here if you want to set some roots in the town and need some locations or NPCs to tie into.
- You have recently managed a nice stack of gold - either luckily (gambling, distant relative left you some cash, etc.) or through hard work (recently sold a share of a business you helped build up, recently accomplished some great crafting feat, etc.). You spent some of it already on something ephemeral, but have much of it left.

- You will start at first level.
- Your starting gold will be 250gp.
- Please create your character following the standard Pathfinder rules, point buy system, 20pt buy.
- Hit Points shall be determined in PFS style - maximum at first level, average +1 for all subsequent levels.
- Please limit your race to the core book, though racial traits may come from other sources.
- We will be using background skills.
- You’ll start with two traits, one of which will be chosen from the Mummy’s Mask Players Guide. You may chose a drawback, with my approval, to gain another trait. I take drawbacks seriously though, so make them a solid part of your background and something that will occur - not just something you do for more power.
- I am open to nearly any Paizo source. Some things in the Archives of Nethys will also be accepted on a case-by-case basis. No third party materials. Also, I know there are other sites with Pathfinder rules, but please try to link to Paizo or the Archives whenever possible in your references. If not, I’ll just be searching there anyway, so save me some time please.
- We’re not using gestalt, mythic, or variant multi-classing rules. No rules will be used from Occult Adventures or the Technology Guide.
- No evil, and be careful with paladins and other severely ‘oath-bound’ characters.
- No gunslingers or other ‘tech’ themes (bolt ace is acceptable).
- Please no summoners, very unbalanced, or one dimensional builds. You should build well, but someone who’s only good at one thing, will spend a lot of time waiting as the others play.
- Along the same lines, please avoid ‘save or suck’ effects in your build (like the slumber hex for example). Nobody likes it when the DM takes out a player, maybe permanently, with a single roll or save. My pact is that I will avoid doing so, as long as the party does the same. At later levels it can become impossible to avoid, on both sides, but please don’t build toward it, and avoid it when you can. I’ll do the same - even playing the opposition less effectively as a result.
- There is a free feat available to any who fulfill the prerequisites. Please have a reason for it in your background, if only a mention. Osirionology
- There is an excellent listing of the ancient Osirion gods in book two of the AP. Given that, anyone who has Ancient Osirioni among their languages, may worship one of these deities. If you are selected, I will provide the information you need.

- Please pay more attention to your background than your build. I am far more interested in who you are than what you are.
- Please don’t worry about who is playing what. Play what you want, based on these requirements, and we’ll make it work.
- I want a brisk game and it will likely take more than two years to finish, so carefully consider your commitment. This is really important. I plan to post at least twice a day, likely more often as needed. I want my players to post twice a day as well, pending interactions and the like of course. If you haven’t posted for 24 hours, I will DMPC you, have you delay, or otherwise fall behind. Likewise, folks that post more often will be more included in the storyline that unfolds. That said, let’s be reasonable. I am not looking for a super-zippy campaign. In my Curse of the Crimson Throne campaign I averaged 3.6 posts a day for just over two years and am averaging 3.3 in my Second Darkness campaign now in its second year. I’m planning for something similar this time too.
- When you introduce your character, please focus on personality, story, quirks, and motivations. I’m not interested in your class or build - I can read that later. Who are you?


I’m sure you will have questions I have not answered. For even more information, please visit the Campaign Tab. There I talk about what I’m looking for in terms of tone, some discussion of die rolling, etiquette, crafting, and more. Please read through it, it’s important stuff.

Recruitment will remain open until I have selected the players. I don’t know how long that will take, but I expect it’ll be several days at least, likely a week depending on interest, but maybe longer. I will post regular updates and answer questions until there’s a good pool of candidates when I will close recruitment and make a decision. The campaign will begin fairly quickly after that, though there will be plenty of time to tweak characters and make final preparations of course.

Let's have some fun together!
To help a little with recruitment, please feel free to role play in thread. I suggest you visit the Mueaddat Almalaki Wadar Aleamm*, also known as ‘Milki’ in the Midwife District of Wati** just a block south of the Sunburst Market (map #19). The ale isn’t so good, but the wine is above standard, and freely flowing - if you’ve got the coin for it. The proprietor is a rough looking, bronze skinned, fifty-ish human by the name of Abdur Raqeeb al-Shabazz (image), who spends more time dealing in the large attached market than helping in the pub - but his staff is numerous at least if not the most competent. The regulars seem accustomed to asking for things several times, often from different servers, and occasionally they get what they desire.

It’s midday and hot on Sunday, 1 Sarenith, 4714, a little early for heavy drink, but the pub is serving a decent slab of fried goat with small potatoes and large onions, all seeped in garlic with warm flatbread and honey. The floors and walls are covered in multi-colored rugs and other hangings, beautiful and well made. The walls are thick mud and stone - keeping the worst of the heat out thankfully.

* Ancient Osiriani:
Roughly translated the name means, “Royal Equipment and Public House” or ’Royal’ for short.
- - -

** The city of Wati:
The city of Wati sits on a sandstone shelf at the confluence of the Asp and Crook rivers, which provide it with building materials, rich farmland, and deep harbors sufficient to support a settlement three times its size. But even with its tenacious citizens, abundant fish and game, and thriving marketplaces fueled by the most important rivers in Osirion, Wati is forever a city better known for its dead than for its living.

Behind sanctified walls, an entire quarter of the city quietly sits as a massive, urban tomb. Shops, schools, markets, and estates serve as eternal resting places for those lost to madness and disease. To manage such an immense project, the city’s entire economy shifted to the industry of interment.

Almost 1,800 years after the necropolis’s inception, many of Wati’s residents continue to serve the city’s funeral industry, either directly as embalmers, undertakers, and clerics of Pharasma, or indirectly by crafting the myriad grave goods all Osirians hope to carry with them into the afterlife. Death has become the city’s lifeblood, and Wati prospers from its morbid specialty.
- - -

Priestess Ankhtah Shepses, personal writings, 3076 AR wrote:
Wati endures, or so the local saying goes. The people of Wati, known for their even tempers and shrewd wit, prefer understatement. They have known war and peace, poverty and prosperity, and survived decimation at the hands of a mad god’s cult. But Wati’s people answer each challenge with innovation, tenacity, and the deep bonds of community. They do not endure their hardships so much as grasp them, white-knuckled and screaming, until the world permits them to return to their quiet lives, surrounded by their honored dead.

Roll 20 Map

Perception DC 23:
You notice a man outside the window. What makes him interesting is his cowl - covering his face and head. Not too uncommon in Riddleport to be sure, but it’s so hot! Seems unusual. He wiggles his fingers a bit, clearly articulating some form of spell…

Perception DC 23 AND Spellcraft DC 16:
The man outside the window casts Charm Person through the window.

A dark man in flowing robes, bearing the sigil of a cyphermage strides into the pub and walks directly to Bartleby. He orders a bottle and mumbles some pleasantries handing Bartleby a pouch. He takes the bottle and strides out into the street heading east deeper into the leeward district (away from the cyphermage hall across the Velashu river to the west).

Perception DC 18 - separate roll from above please:
The cyphermage leans in to Bartlebe and whispers, ”Give this to those folks over there with my compliments. Pay attention, that one, that one, that one, that one, and that one there. No one else, OK? Thanks.” His gestures are subtle, but he’s pointing to elements of your group!

Bartleby weaves his way through the crowd to the group. He carefully opens a simple leather pouch and removes some coins and small vials from within. ”Man at the bar asked me to give these to you. Oh, and there’s a letter too.” he hands a newly minted Korvosan gold sail (1gp) and a vial to each of you. He’s surprised when one of the coins goes to Jallena.

Roll 20 Map

This is where we get to have many of our out of character discussions. Please feel free to email/chat with me and each other directly as well if it's a more private matter for your character. I'm available.

Don't forget to check the campaign info tab. I will be updating it with current information from time to time. If there's something you'd like to see regularly posted there, let me know.

As I mentioned in the recruitment thread, if you would like to discuss your combat and other roles here before we get too far along, feel free - but it is not required. I want your characters to learn about each other over time and through role play whenever possible.

9 people marked this as a favorite.

Welcome to GM Euan’s Recruitment Thread!

This is a recruitment for a few seats at the table. I already have two fine players lined up for the campaign, but I have a policy of new blood and so am recruiting for three more spots (total of five).

This recruitment is for the Second Darkness AP. I expect every player to purchase, download, and read the Second Darkness Pathfinder Companion. Obviously I do not expect that of folks who are just trying to get in, so leave room in your build for one campaign trait, and don’t worry too much about your characters most recent past - we’ll sort that out later.

I want a brisk game, so carefully consider your commitment. I plan to post at least twice a day, likely much more often as needed. I want my players to post twice a day as well, pending interactions and the like of course. If you haven’t posted for 24 hours, I will DMPC you, have you delay, or otherwise fall behind. Likewise, folks that post more often will be more included in the storyline that unfolds. That said, let’s be reasonable. I am not looking for a super-zippy campaign. When I ran Curse of the Crimson Throne on these boards, it took 745 days (two years, 15 days) and I had 2,706 posts (3.6 a day average). I’m planning for something similar this time.

You will start at first level. You are beginning in Riddleport - you may be a native, or visitor with a reason to stay some little while. You have recently come into some money - either luckily (gambling, distant relative left you some cash, etc.) or through hard work (recently sold a share of a business you helped build up, recently accomplished some great crafting feat, etc.) and have spent much of it. As such, your starting gold will be 250gp.

Please create your character following the standard Pathfinder rules, point buy system, 20pt buy. Hit Points shall be determined in PFS style - maximum at first level, average +1 for all subsequent levels (so Fighters start with 10, and gain 6 at each level for example). We’re not using gestalt or mythic rules.

I do not want to limit your alignment too much, but no evil folks rattling around please, and be careful with extremes the other way as well. Paladins and other ‘oath bound’ characters may have great difficulty at times with this AP. There are times when your morals should be a little flexible. If you’re yearning to try it anyway, let’s chat.

You’ll start with two traits, one of which will be chosen from the Pathfinder Companion linked above. You may choose a drawback, with my approval, to gain another trait. I take drawbacks seriously though, so make them a solid part of your background, not just something you do for more power.

You may use Core sources from Paizo's PRD. I want to limit it to Core, Advanced Class Guide, and Unchained - though I will consider others on a case-by-case basis.

Some things in the Archives of Nethys will also be accepted on a case-by-case basis. No third party materials. Also, I know there are other sites with Pathfinder materials, but please try to link to one of these two whenever possible in your references. If not, I’ll just be searching there anyway, so save me some time please.

No gunslingers or other ‘tech’ themes. Sorry, I like my fantasy fantastic and firearms throw me off a bit. Also, please limit your race to the core book. Some exceptions (like tiefling) may be permitted, but I want you to 'fit in' with the locale more or less.

PLEASE pay more attention to your background and description than your 'crunch'. I am far more interested in who you are than what you are. Builds that are obviously one-dimensional will receive no further examination. Build a character that is interesting and capable of solving problems. Please do not build a min-max barbarian beat-stick (which isn’t to say no barbarians, just make it colorful!). You won't have much fun in this AP. That isn't to say you won't be fighting, just avoid the one-dimensional character.

When creating your alias for the campaign, please check out these examples, Ascaria or Femi. Feel free to customize to your liking (or simply export a HeroLab sheet in place of much of the broken down data). I don’t think I care what appears in the header-bar, but whatever you put there, please make sure it’s current.

I’m sure you will have questions I have not answered. For more information, visit my Profile page or the Campaign Tab. There will be more information there on what I’m looking for in terms of tone, some discussion of die rolling, etiquette, crafting, and more.

If you wish to role play a bit in the recruitment thread to stretch your legs, feel free. Any role play done here could carry over to gameplay if your characters know each other.

Recruitment will remain open until I have selected the players. I don’t know how long that will take, but I expect it’ll be a few days at least, maybe a week. I will post regular updates and answer questions as we go. The campaign will begin fairly quickly after that, though there will be plenty of time to tweak characters and make final preparations of course.

Let's have some fun together!!

Shadow Lodge

OK, strange situation.

Acrobatics reads, "In addition, you can move through a threatened square without provoking an attack of opportunity from an enemy by using Acrobatics. When moving in this way, you move at half speed. "

What if you're not trying to avoid the Attack of Opportunity, but simply using Acrobatics to move through the enemy's space?

Do you still move at half speed? Or can you move at full speed and take the AoO?

In the specific case I'm interested in, the opponent is grappled and so cannot make an AoO. So it seems like I can tumble through his square at full movement, but I've never, ever, seen it done. What do you all think?

Shadow Lodge

I am on a Mac (10.9.4) using the latest version of Chrome (36.0.1985.143) and I'm having a problem with the Paizo web site.

I do a lot of play by post, and when I have a campaign tab open (such as that tab gradually uses more and more processing power until it maxes out and my machine's fan is screaming bloody murder.

My browser slows to a crawl and I have a hard time even scrolling on the page (or any page using Chrome).

I can confirm this by opening the activity monitor app. When I create a tab and populate the campaign link above, a new process appears "Chrome Helper". It ratchets up until it's using 99.9% CPU every time. If I open two browser tabs with two campaigns, I get two 'Helpers' both of which take up all the CPU. It ONLY happens with Paizo campaign tabs, not with other areas of the site or other sites.

It feels like some new client-side script was added and it's out of control in the campaign tabs. It does not happen on my Safari browser as far as I can tell - just Chrome. It started yesterday (8/21/14).

I'd really rather not have to drop Chrome as my primary browser for Paizo's web site. Can someone please take a look at it? Thanks in advance for your time and assistance.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

While the party finishes their discussion at Leftovers and watches the clock move ever so slowly, Briar the Lesser rushes forward...

Briar the Lesser wrote:
While it is still hours until the meet time, and while mulling things over, Briar goes directly to 3 Lancet Street, walking by it a few times to see what he sees. After a few casual walk-bys (at random intervals and pretending nonchalance), he will see what he can learn about 3 Lancet.

Wending your way to Lancet street in the Midland district, you find it in a lower-middle class neighborhood (as expected). No shingles extend to this area, but you can see them not far off.

3 Lancet street is quiet and dark. It is an upstairs apartment with a narrow but sturdy set of stairs leading to it on the outside of the building over a small alley. A window in the apartment is open and the slight breeze shifts the drapes lightly. It is otherwise still.

There is a well worn sign over the stairwell, Fortunes Told, the future revealed. The sign has a little art of a typically Varisian nature with the color violet being prominent in the design. The downstairs space looks to be a butcher's shop, or maybe a general grocers - it's hard to tell in the dark without stopping and peering in the windows.

Welcome to the OOC Thread!
This is where we get to have all our Out of Character discussions. Please feel free to email/chat with me directly as well if it's a more private matter for your character. I'm available.

Don't forget to check the campaign info tab. I will be updating it with current information from time to time. If there's something you'd like to see regularly posted there, let me know.

This is NOT a traditional recruitment thread. I already have all the players all lined up. I'm sorry. This thread exists for those players to flesh out their characters and get to know each other in a traditional PbP way. Please do not try to join the AP - we are full. Thanks for your patience.

For the rest of you, welcome!

Curse of the Crimson Throne Players Guide
Pathfinder Chronicles Guide to Korvosa (please do not read chapter 5)
An EXCELLENT guide to PBP gaming

Game Master and Player Commitment:

As the GM I will post at least twice a day (likely a lot more). I also expect players to post at least daily. If you are going to use abilities that interrupt the action (i.e. the feat Step Up), be prepared to post even more often. Those players who do post more often (within reason now, let's not get carried away) will likely be more prominent in the campaign.

There will of course be exceptions caused by real life, but I will not hesitate to let your character get “left behind” or “lost” and “found” later if necessary - what occurs in the meantime will vary depending on the player’s attitude and consideration for others. If you know you are going to be gone, just let me know and we'll work around it.

If your character is absent during combat and you're holding us up, I will Delay your action, or chose an appropriate action for you - whatever seems to make the most sense. I will always try to leave plenty of time for folks to catch up - I know we all have other responsibilities.

Character Creation:

Please create your character generally following the Pathfinder Society rules. 20pt buy for stats, 250gp starting cash (higher then the normal 150), 2 traits. Obviously ignore Factions. A useful guide to character creation can be found on the website.

Please read the Players Guide and follow the suggestions within. Select one of the traits from the Players Guide and one other.

I prefer the standard races. As to class, I am more interested in character than class. Build a character that is interesting and capable of solving problems. Please do not build a stupid barbarian beat-stick. You won't have much fun in this AP. That isn't to say you won't be fighting, just avoid the one dimensional character. Also no gunslingers. Sorry, but I like my fantasy fantastic and the gunslinger throws me off a bit. I reserve the right to say no to any build.

I will be paying special attention to your characters history and background. As per the Players Guide you have all been wronged by Gaedren Lamm, and I will look for that in your history.

When creating your alias for the campaign, please check out this example: Othoe. Feel free to customize to your liking (or simply export a HeroLab sheet in place of much of the broken down data). I particularly like the breakdown of stats where the class/level field is. That will be helpful to me as a DM.

For the most part, Korvosans are a friendly and helpful lot. And meticulous. They follow the rules, walk the line, and fill out the forms exactly as instructed. Even their most powerful criminals obey certain regulations laid out for them, going so far as to pay taxes on some of their ill-gotten goods! This citywide desire to regulate and obey probably comes from Korvosa’s deep military history and long militaristic traditions. If you have no love of the military it’s best to keep your mouth shut here.

You will begin in a large inn called Leftover's in the East Shore E2 on the map of Korvosa found in the players guide. You have assembled to watch a short play put on by the one armed proprietor Portenus Gaskelini. It's a wonderful and campy bit of entertainment re-inacting how the landlord lost his arm to a Shoanti tribesman before taking their own head in return. By the end, thanks in no small part to the freely flowing cheap ale, the place is packed, smokey and sweaty. It is Oathday in the month of Desnus and in the year 4707.

Shadow Lodge

Hi all! I think I know the answer to this, but it's a slow Saturday so I thought I'd ask the masses for confirmation.

When applying a metamagic feat to a spell like Magic Missile (which can have multiple targets) I think the metamagic is only applied once.

For example I have PFS character who has the Toppling Spell Metamagic feat. I can, I think, only trip one opponent, even if I have 5 missiles at my disposal.

I make this assumption based on other things working the same way (like Evocation Specialized wizards only adding their damage to one missile not to all missiles).

So, am I right or am I overly limiting myself? And I'm looking for a RAW response as this is for PFS. In a home game of course you can work it out with the GM. Thanks in advance for your thoughts.

Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

Hi all! I had a Ninja ask me if he could take Monk Vows. His argument is this quote:
"This section introduces monk vows, which any user of ki can take to increase his ki pool."

He said, "I have a Ki pool, so I can take vows."

However, a little further along I see this bit:
"The ability to take these vows replaces the still mind class feature, even if the monk abandons all his vows."

That seems to suggest that you have to have the still mind class feature - ie you need to be a Monk. At least that's how I'd rule it if I were a GM as opposed to a Judge.

So I bring the question to you - the wise yet faceless masses of the boards. What is RAW here?

Oh, and I apologize if this has been answered elsewhere, but I couldn't find it. :)

Shadow Lodge 2/5

"If you don't want to follow the rules we have established for Organized Play, then don't play our campaign."
- Michael Brock

OK then. I want the community to discuss a rule change. I know this is being discussed among the VCs and I'm betting Mr. Brock has some ideas on this, but I'd also like to see where we the online community sit on the topic.

PFS Judges change Scenarios
I have done it, and I know of other judges who do it. Or did before the 'stop it or quit' mantra came down. What I want to know is under what circumstances do you think it should be allowed?

This isn't changing flavor I'm talking about - this is changing the scenario to improve the game for your players. The sort of thing that home DMs do every day. In some cases this might be making it slightly easier for a party of three players without a healer to survive that last fight. In more cases it's making a fight a little harder to balance out that 7 player table.

So. What do you think? Should judges EVER be allowed to modify scenarios? If so under what circumstances should it be permitted? Only allow experienced judges to make changes? Only permit adding an advanced template or other like limitation on what can be changed? Only permit it if the entire table approves by hidden ballot?

Please keep it civil and give your opinions. With luck maybe one of you smart folks can come up with something that strikes that perfect balance between making the game experience enjoyable - and keeping each scenario 'the same' for everyone.

...and remember, this is about the POLICY. Policy says we cannot, as judges, change the scenario in any fundamental way. What I want to discuss is not whether judges should or should not change scenarios, but if the policy should exist or not and in what form.

Shadow Lodge 2/5

Hi all. I know this has been discussed and answered, but I cannot find anything definitive in my searches and it's not in the FAQ that I can see. Unless I'm still asleep...

Under the new guidelines you receive 1 prestige point for completing the scenario and one for "completion of the overall mission", i.e. faction mission.

For scenarios that have 2 faction missions which of these is true:
A) You must complete BOTH faction missions to receive 1 prestige award.
B) You must complete ONE of the two faction missions to receive 1 prestige award.

I'm not trying to argue which method is better, I'm just trying to get a definitive answer. I've received conflicting responses from folks I trust. In a perfect world this should be in the FAQ I think. If it is and I missed I apologize in advance! :)

Shadow Lodge

Hi you poor webmaster! Rough day I'm betting, but just in case you aren't aware the cert you just installed (or modified in some way today) is no good.

I can't edit the site in Chrome at all, and Safari gives me all sorts of warnings.

"You attempted to reach, but the server presented an invalid certificate."

It makes it impossible to post (using my preferred browser) let alone make purchases.

So if you're not aware, please fix. If you are sorry to bother you and good luck!

Thanks either way for fixing this quickly. My play by post games won't wait for me forever! :)

Sovereign Court 2/5

I am strong fighter. I want sunder. Sunder good.

OK, so I normally don't talk this way, but I wanted to get your attention. I've heard two different - and in fact opposed - things from a variety of people and before I start throwing it around every combat, I'd like someone official to weigh in.

If I Sunder the big bad leaders +5 Plate Armour of fast moves, silence and stealth - does that take it off the Reward for the module? Does it reduce the cash gained at the end?

To be clear, I'm not talking about the broken condition, I'm talking about a 6th level Fighter destroying the item and taking the balance of their damage and applying it to the victim inside the tin can.

Also, to avoid side-tracking, no discussions about whether this is a good use of the Fighter's attacks, feats, etc. and yes I know most things are in reach with PA before they are on the list. For a moment, forget all that.

I think I want to be a Sundering Fool (TM), I just also want to know if I'm pissing off everyone at the table.

So, if I destroy something, is it really gone? A similar question might be, if I use that arrow of Derro slaying, is it really gone?