About GM_EuanSecond Darkness Pathfinder Companion
A basic guide to PbP gaming
As a rule I play the rules as intended rather than strictly as written. There will be exceptions of course and we can’t always tell what RAI is supposed to be. More importantly I may change a rule now and again for the story. The story is what is important - the story the players and I are writing together. If that story conflicts with a rule now and then I’m likely to ignore or modify the rule for that instance. However, the rules are there so we all know what to expect out of the environment so it will not happen with any frequency. Game Master and Player Commitment:
As the GM I will post at least twice a day (likely a lot more). I also expect players to post at least daily and preferably twice a day as well. If you have abilities that interrupt others actions (like Step-up) plan on posting more often so we can react. Those players who do post more often (within reason now, let's not get carried away) will likely be more prominent in the campaign. There will of course be exceptions caused by real life, but I will not hesitate to let your character get “left behind” or “lost” and “found” later if necessary - what occurs in the meantime will vary depending on the player’s attitude and consideration for others. If you know you are going to be gone, just let me know and we'll work around it. If you are repeatedly absent, I may ask you to step away from the table. If your character is absent during combat and you're holding us up, I will Delay your action, or chose an appropriate action for you - whatever seems to make the most sense. I will try to leave time for folks to catch up - I know we all have other responsibilities. As a rule of thumb, you have 24 hours to post before I post for you, but my goal is twice a day posting so hopefully that won't happen.
Combat and Dice Rolling:
Initiative When combat begins I will roll initiative for all combatants including PC's. Actions will be resolved in order. Players are encouraged to post ahead of time (including likely options). If a player has posted before their initiative and things change before their actual turn comes up, they are free to change their action with a new post as long as it’s done in a timely manner. Attack modifiers
Here (link) is an example of what I mean. See the basic ‘always on’ bonuses listed in the spoiler, and other ‘situational’ bonuses listed with the attacks. I want to be able to figure out your attack and damage bonuses without having to look at your character sheet and delve through all the abilities. Format for Posts You should post the round, your initiative, and your location as well as any movement during the round. Please also post your current status near the top of your post. Your status should include your current/max HP, any equipped weapons, current conditions, and any other pertinent topical information (like the spells you have memorized or the arrows in your quiver). Please use spoilers for things that would scroll long (like your current status). Example (link) Dice rolling
End of turn
Play your character Have fun! Enjoy your creation. Listen to the advice of others, but do what you want. However, be sure to play your character as built. The 8 Intelligence fighter should probably not be figuring out the puzzles. The 7 Charisma dwarf should not be the lead diplomat. Feel free to assist (even out of character), but remember who your PC is. Play your own character
Don't play NPC's or other characters
Try to advance the action
Experience and Leveling:
I am not tracking experience points. I have a sense of where you should be at various points in the AP and I'm going to do my best to slot you in correctly. Scribing Scrolls & Making Potions:
In both cases there is text that requires that The creator must have prepared the spell and that the spell is used when the creation process is finished. I will not enforce that in this campaign. You still need to use the spell components as normal, but you do not need to memorize the spell and you do not lose the slot when the item is made. This is to encourage the manufacture of these items with as little inconvenience as possible in this campaign. Crafting:
I want to encourage crafting as per the crafting skill. As such I want to speed up the time it takes to accomplish tasks. Where it says 'week' substitute 'day' so all crafting is done 7x faster than the rules.
As for crafting magics the standard rules apply except as noted for potions and scrolls above. Note that I do allow for fast crafting as per the Core rulebook. That means an item can be made twice as fast by making it more difficult to craft (+5 DC). Cash and Accounting:
I have a standard wealth tracking Google Doc that I like to use. However, I will not be tracking your loot - I am busy enough. I have setup the treasure spreadsheet (link) and will educate the person or persons who will handle it. Please pick from among yourselves, do it round robin, whatever makes sense for you. I do want you to use this sheet however. It tracks a number of things which are helpful to me as a DM - and of course helps you keep track of all the loot you’re about to receive.
I am NOT going to worry about a few gold here and there spent on things like bar food and petty bribes, but anything more than a few gold should be carefully tracked on your character sheets. |