Giant Gecko

FLite's page

***** Venture-Captain, California—Sacramento 5,695 posts (6,845 including aliases). 5 reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 60 Organized Play characters. 2 aliases.

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Grand Archive

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ElementalofCuteness wrote:
I'm about 95% certain it is suppose to say 1 Thrall you have not 1 creature but what confused me is why it is considered 2 attacks, I don't think we've seen a spell do this but maybe targeting AC is that good?

Most things that attack multiple creatures with attack rolls with no map count as 2 attacks. (Sweep attacks, etc.)

Grand Archive

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DMurnett wrote:
Necromantic lore

Necrotic Lore

It sounds better (IMO)
It covers dead things not raising dead things.


Grand Archive

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Finoan wrote:

You are talking about the initial class feature Mastery of Life and Death, yes?

That one that says that you can cast spells such as Void Warp to deal either Void damage or Vitality damage.

It doesn't actually say that. It says:

"Whenever you cast a spell or use an ability that
would deal void or vitality damage, use the weaker of the
target’s resistance or immunity to void or to vitality."

It is still Void Damage.

It just ignores "Immunity Void Damage" unless the target also has "Immunity Vitality Damage"

But unless this is intended to rewrite the rules as "all living creatures are immune to vitality damage, and all undead are immune to void damage" it doesn't actually work. Because the rules seem to say that void damage just doesn't even target undead.

(Note that Void Healing, which is what this is probably intended to interact with, is in HP, not Immunities on most creatures. And as mentioned they need to be able to target undead with "target living" and target living with "target undead" spells.)

Grand Archive 4/5 ****

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Alex Speidel wrote:
thistledown wrote:
Reskinning enemies to avoid phobias I get. I've had to deal with a giant spider issue at a table I ran. But reskin for personal preference? I don't want to hear a conversation where one table fought tigers and another fought wolves.
As long as the mechanics don't change, does it matter if you fought wolves or tigers? I agree that GMs should not change the Deadly Robot of Death into the Ooze of Cuddles, even if the Ooze of Cuddles still has a laser weapon. Tigers vs wolves in what is likely a random encounter seems like an unimportant difference to me.

I reskinned the entire Lions of Katapesh scenario to turn all the antagonists into characters from the Lion King, including replacing the sphinx on the map with pride rock...

Grand Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—Sacramento

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umopapisdnupsidedown wrote:
I'm glad to see this happening. The only "mechanical" change I would recommend is changing "may" to "can" since that's what "may" means in this context.

This is a good point, the guide team has previously been instructed to avoid "may" as it could mean "is allowed" or "might"

I would suggest "GMs are allowed to" or "GMs are encouraged to"

Grand Archive 4/5 ****

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I deeply resent the idea that errata to scenarios is posted in a forum *completely* divorced from PFS play, one I would never even known existed if not for this thread.

Valid or not, Errata to Scenarios needs to be mirrored in the PFS GM sub forum (Or better yet, posted there and mirrored to the foundry sub forum.)

Minor semantic point on original post:


people using the Foundry Errata are not following the rules run as written.

There is no such thing as "rules as written" in PFS.

Grand Archive 4/5 ****

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Keith Apperson wrote:

I'm just popping in to second the message of 'why be stingy?'

If someone joined in January and really wanted to play a barbarian, played 3 times, now they don't have an option for rebuild for PC2 without AcP, what's going to encourage them to buy the book?

Does it cost the program something to change the previous ruling to include these classes played in the last 9 months?

minor pedantic correction: 4 times, you have to have played it at level 2 to be locked out of rebuild.

But otherwise agreed.

Grand Archive

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Finally got around to reading the license:

blog wrote:
But those Pathfinder Society faction dice bags you have been making because you love them? You can totally start selling those now instead of just giving them away for free.
license wrote:
While digital items may reuse official Paizo art or logos, merch should not. Do not use the “Paizo,” "Pathfinder," or "Starfinder," trademarks and logos on your physical merch or in marketing materials when selling it. Do not use official art or assets from our games in merch.

So faction dice bags (faction name and color scheme maybe?) would be fine, but faction dicebags with a faction symbol copied from the blog would not, is that correct?

(It might be a good idea to make that more clear)

I Am Not A Laywer, This Is Not Legal Advice

Grand Archive

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I also would like to know where this leaves VTTs such as foundry and Fantasy Grounds?

Grand Archive

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I do want to be super clear (since I wasn't earlier) that I am massively in favor of the shift to being more open to fan made art and letting fan artists sell their work!

I am just also worried that this seems like it will break some some of the existing tools I know and love.

Grand Archive

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MrVauxs wrote:
Jared Thaler - Personal Opinion wrote:

So. As far as I am reading this, a third party character sheet could not use the Pathfinder logo, the class icons, or possibly even the action symbols without a separately negotiated license?

The Compatibility License would allow more or less 2/3rds of these things. But if it had any options you could select, it wouldn't be able to include stuff that involved Golarion IP. It would have to be edited or removed.

Tldr; Pathbuilder.

Historically, sheets that were not charging money didn't have to change golarion names (For example AoN for most of it's life, Dyslexic Character Sheets, or Wayfinder FanZine)

Grand Archive

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So. As far as I am reading this, a third party character sheet could not use the Pathfinder logo, the class icons, or possibly even the action symbols without a separately negotiated license?

Grand Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—Sacramento

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Pirate Rob wrote:

Instead of reading a clarification/errata from a source I know to be official, such as the Developer of a Scenario or an OP official. I have a forum poster, claiming that foundry claims, that Paizo told them. (I have no reason to disbelieve the poster, or Foundry, but no way to confirm either)

While I don't believe the forum poster(s?) or foundry are trying to decieve anyone, I have seen plenty of situations over the years where someone misinterpreted an unofficial comment or even a contradiction as "This is official confirmation of what I believe."

Too many for me to accept that any of these changes are official.

I agree this is a problem that needs to be fixed.

Official clarifications need to be announced officially as stated in the guide to organized play. Any unofficial change in foundry from a pdf needs to be identified as such.

Grand Archive

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Is it intentional that Automatons (who are in Guns and Gears) didn't get their flight errataed to match the level changes to the other ancestries with flight?

Grand Archive

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So excited for this!

Don't forget to leave reviews people!

Grand Archive

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How many entries can we submit?

Grand Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—Sacramento

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Gary Bush wrote:

Chronicles that give 12 xp, like APs and some modules, are applied in 4 xp, 8 days of downtime.

Feel free to reach out on Discord. I can jump into a voice channel to discuss more. Just let me know when.

No, when applying the treasure bundles and downtime, it is still applied as a single chronicle. And definitely would not result in multiple reports. (That would cause the player to have 3x AcP if nothing else.)

Grand Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—Sacramento

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Hamsterpillar wrote:
Are “alternative ancestry boosts” now legal? The guide currently still refers to the CRB.

They are a core rule, not an optional one, and they are also in the latest CRB printing.

So yes.

Grand Archive

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The pregens seem to be missing their class DCs.

I do like that they moved their HP/AC/Defenses to the mid top of the sheet.

Grand Archive

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It would help in future if the space between the check box and the spell following it were removed, and if there was more space to the left of the check boxes. Kyra, for example, kind of looks like she has 4 castings of bless.

(askii aproximation, doesn't really do the best job.)
[] Bless,[][][][] Heal,[] Sanctuary

would be easier to read as:
[]Bless, [][][][]Heal, []Sanctuary

Grand Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—Sacramento

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Can confirm that the intent of the rule is that the beast master's swappable companion (and any similar option) counts as a single pawn that changes form from time to time.

Grand Archive 4/5 ****

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DrakeRoberts wrote:
Jared Thaler - Personal Opinion wrote:
DrakeRoberts wrote:
Talon Stormwarden wrote:
DrakeRoberts wrote:
It is my understanding that come Wednesday, only the healing potions in the enclosed chart are available for taking as freebie consumables (no more scrolls or other choices). Is that correct? ovisions

Oh that's much better than what I thought I saw before (I was on mobile). Thank you.

Just so people know:

"The list is not showing up nicely on mobile" (especially with device / browser information) is helpful feedback in the Guide thread.

Fair, though in this case I think I was seeing the list in the one-page OrgPlay guide book, rather than a separate page too. I’ll need to see if there are two lists, because the one I was looking at first also didn’t have the unlife potions. Also usedul feedback, no doubt, but will require more delving (likely off-mobile) to nail down. Thanks for pointing out the thread though!

Currently there are two* lists. The old starting consumable lists. And the Pathfinder Provisions list that doesn't go into effect until tomorrow but which is up on the site so people can get a preview. It sounds like you got the starting consumables list. When we update the guide on Nov 15, there will only be 1 list.

*3 lists if you count the schools lists.

Grand Archive 4/5 ****

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Perfnord wrote:

Can you confirm that Tengu and Ratfolk are still freely available as options for Society play?

In August the Blog announced this was the case. However the updated Lorespire guide to Society play says:

Select an Ancestry

Ancestry follows the normal rules in the Core Rulebook, with minor modifications to adapt to the languages of Golarion. The Pathfinder Society does not permit Half-elves or Half-orcs of ancestries other than Human. In addition to the common ancestries in the Core Rulebook, characters also have access to the following ancestries provide the player owns the corresponding book:

Leshy (from the Lost Omens Character Guide)
Kobold (from the Advanced Player's Guide )
Orc (from the Advanced Player's Guide )

Uncommon Ancestries

Because your ancestry is one of the first things you pick about your character, and it is not possible to retrain your ancestry as you might retrain other options, the only way to select uncommon or rarer ancestries is with a boon that allows you to create a new character of this ancestry.

... so no Uncommon without a boon... but there is no boon for Tengu or Ratfolk.

That is correct, Tengu and Ratfolk are still always available, that page is being updated, but the update is caught up in the other updates needed for tomorrow.

Grand Archive 4/5 ****

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DrakeRoberts wrote:
Talon Stormwarden wrote:
DrakeRoberts wrote:
It is my understanding that come Wednesday, only the healing potions in the enclosed chart are available for taking as freebie consumables (no more scrolls or other choices). Is that correct? ovisions

Oh that's much better than what I thought I saw before (I was on mobile). Thank you.

Just so people know:

"The list is not showing up nicely on mobile" (especially with device / browser information) is helpful feedback in the Guide thread.

Grand Archive 4/5 ****

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LeftHandShake wrote:
Jared Thaler - Personal Opinion wrote:
LeftHandShake wrote:


The new monster abilities (Grab, Knockdown, Push, etc) are available on Archive of Nethys.

Now I'm extra confused. I did miss that the monster ability rules were actually published in RoE (in the Abilities Glossary, not mentioned in the Updated Rules sidebar), not merely previewed in the web pdf, but the monster abilities page on AoN still links to the original Bestiary version of Grab (etc). I've been using legacy Grab even after RoE was published; have I been running it wrong for three months?

Currently AoN has 2 separate listings for each.

Until Wednesday, monsters published in RoE use the RoE ones. Starting Wendesday, all monsters use the RoE ones.

Presumably when Monster Core comes out, the old ones will be updated to match the RoE ones.

Grand Archive 4/5 ****

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Hilary Moon Murphy wrote:
Dennis Muldoon wrote:
I will miss the free lore skill that came with school training. More Lore skills at the table is fun. Any chance we could replace training with something like “all PFS characters are automatically trained in PFS lore”? It’s honestly never really made sense to me that you’re average Pathfinder wouldn’t know the basic history of the Society.

^ This.

Can we just add PFS Lore as a bonus lore to all characters?


I will continue to argue for Pathfinder as a bonus lore. (With choice of bonus lore if your background gives you pathfinder lore.)

4/5 ****

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Also, at the end of every scenario, the society will repair damaged or broken (but not destroyed) shields for free.

Grand Archive 4/5 ****

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Hilary Moon Murphy wrote:

Actually, it looks like the map in the FRPGday *is* actually just a recolored Sunrise Maiden.

A green dry erase pen or crayon should be sufficient to turn one into the other...

Grand Archive 4/5 ****

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A boon (or collection of boons) to allow Earn Income with a different skill or skills.

Such as Nature to herd animals, or Intimidation to work as a bouncer, or Diplomacy or Society to work in some form of customer service, or Survival to act as a guide.

4/5 ****

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Naal wrote:

Is there currently any method of bringing back a character who got disintegrated? As written, raise dead doesn't work on a pile of ash.

The official response from Alex Speidel is that the Body Recovery boon meets the complete body requirement, gathering all the ash and reconstructing it enough for a for a Raise Dead to work. (I have put in a request for this to be added to the FAQ.)

4/5 ****

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Welcome to the Year 6 re-launch of the Starfinder Society Guide to Organized Play!

The Guide was restructured for Season 6 to better serve the community. We streamlined or removed rules that were needlessly complex or outdated and consolidated rules that were previously separated across multiple pages into a smaller set of more accessible pages.

Along with the typical revisions, the Guide is now divided into five sections:

  • * Guide: the core Society play rules all players need
  • * Player Options and Tools: additional options and rewards which add flavor and flexibility
  • * Game Master Options and Tools: additional advice, tools, and rewards for GMs
  • * Starships: stat blocks for Society starships
  • * Supplemental Materials: lists supplemental documents related to but not included in the Guide, along with the link to the single page version of the Guide.

Why divide the Guide?

  • * Separate out just the Society rules players absolutely must know
  • * Make those core Society rules (the Core Guide section) shorter and clearer
  • * Better group related rules in one place
  • * Make rules for running games more visible to players
  • * Move optional rules to separate sections.

Want more details?

We hope you find the new format useful! If you have any questions or suggestions, please post them in this thread so the team can review them!

Explore! Report! Cooperate!
The Guide Team VO Committee
VC Jared Thaler, Guide Team Chair

Grand Archive 4/5 ****

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There is an entire group of Orcs following Serenrae, even back in PF1

Grand Archive 4/5 ****

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Bearded_DM wrote:
FLite wrote:

Saying "This concept is uncomfortable for me to be around," and setting a healthy boundary is entirely reasonable.

I am not quite to the point Sebastian is, but I have purposely avoided running or playing the Razmir Lodge scenario. I offered it in my region when it came out, and will offer it again if asked, but I personally have no desire to play or GM it...

And I 100% agree you shouldn't be expected to play with characters who make you uncomfortable, but also you can do so without being snarky about a character someone else is interested in.

As I said I can really see where Razmiran COULD be problematic in the hands of some people, but at the end of the day other than a few comments about Razmir or battle cries of that ilk I highly doubt throughout the course of normal Society play there would be time for rampant attempts to convert people or to deep dive into the philosophy thus its really no different than having any other character devoted to one of the many deities of Golarion.

You're free to play with or without whoever you like, but there's no need to make new players feel like outcasts because of a concept you aren't personally interested in.

At the end of the day, I like the aesthetic and concept behind the character, it's legal for play, and I think it will be fun. When on assignment for the Pathfinder Society we are first and foremost Pathfinders, so everything else takes a back seat during the timeframe of the game.

Simple conversations make things so much easier. If someone had a problem with the dogma of Razmir at the table and made that clear, I would be sure that it didn't come up during the session. It's really that simple. We can all get along and put aside differences for the betterment of the Realm.

I think what you are experiencing is a result of the fact that many people who played Razmiran characters in PF1 were vocally and prolifically disruptive. It also does not help that they were linked to one of the most poorly priced and abusable magical items in print at the time. (The item's low price was balanced by a "drawback" that many players who used the item tried to argue should not be allowed to disadvantage them.)

It resulted in a poor play experience. As a result, people who had to deal with that experience (sometimes repeatedly) will not want to play at a table that brings back memories of that experience. It's not a criticism of you, or an assertion that you will play that way. But it does not change the fact that even being around that will be uncomfortable for some people.

There are other issues with Razmiran that go deeper, and those involve personal, real world triggers, and I would rather not go into those.

4/5 ****

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Gary Bush wrote:

As long as you keep the number one rule for society play in mind you should be ok.

Oh the rule, don't be a jerk.

For reference, that is not a rule in PFS.

1. It is too easily weaponized. The moment you invoke that rule, you are in effect calling someone a derogatory name. Which means you are violating PFS rules.

2. It is to low a bar. No one wants a campaign where people stop just short of being jerks.

The rules you want are:

"Create a welcoming environment."

"Remember, your character is a member of the Pathfinder Society first and foremost, and as such, your character should be able to work with any other Pathfinder, and abide by the Society’s Motto – “Explore, Report, Cooperate”."

"Participants are expected to respect their fellow players and work together to create positive and memorable experiences."

Manifold Host

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They / Them / It LN Urog Nanocyte 3 (Discorperation) (They / Them / It) | Xenoarchaeologist | Temp HP: 0/3 SP 22/33 HP 24/24 RP 6/6 | EAC 10; KAC 12| Fort +8, Ref +0 (+2), Will +0 |Init: +0 | Perc: +6 | Speed 20ft | Nanite Surge 3/8 | Nanocyte 3 (Discorperation)

The pup moves up to Karalie, and as she seems dejected it cocks it's head and whines sympathetically, expecting pets, as it knows that sometimes cheers people up...

Manifold Host

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They / Them / It LN Urog Nanocyte 3 (Discorperation) (They / Them / It) | Xenoarchaeologist | Temp HP: 0/3 SP 22/33 HP 24/24 RP 6/6 | EAC 10; KAC 12| Fort +8, Ref +0 (+2), Will +0 |Init: +0 | Perc: +6 | Speed 20ft | Nanite Surge 3/8 | Nanocyte 3 (Discorperation)

Medicine / mysticism would probably be good to explain the poisoning, whoever does that should probably take the syringe.

"We are not the ones who placed this electrical device to try to electrocute Tsuchi-ko and nearly killed the audience and crew in the process. Several of the crew members saw your minion Omo in the process of planting the device." And I-apvii goes on to explain the power shifter and what it's function was supposed to be, and indicates Tsuchi-ko's chair (which has the receiving device.) I am intentionally leaving the sending device and the glitter as evidence for someone else to use on their check.

engineering: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (18) + 10 = 28+???

Manifold Host

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They / Them / It LN Urog Nanocyte 3 (Discorperation) (They / Them / It) | Xenoarchaeologist | Temp HP: 0/3 SP 22/33 HP 24/24 RP 6/6 | EAC 10; KAC 12| Fort +8, Ref +0 (+2), Will +0 |Init: +0 | Perc: +6 | Speed 20ft | Nanite Surge 3/8 | Nanocyte 3 (Discorperation)

I-apvii takes a picture of the device and sends it over their com, asking the rest of the party to look for anything similar, especially around the Judges stands.

(telepathically)We are probably only going to have one shot at disarming this Triage, so we will need to work closely together.

setting up for communalism. Triage will need to stay within 10 ft as they are disarming it.

rolls for when people are ready:

Engineering + Trapsmith Kit + Auto Aid: 1d20 + 10 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 10 + 4 + 2 = 17
Engineering + Trapsmith Kit + Auto Aid: 1d20 + 10 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 10 + 4 + 2 = 25
Shirt Reroll
Engineering + Trapsmith Kit + Auto Aid: 1d20 + 10 + 4 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 10 + 4 + 2 + 1 = 27

Manifold Host

3 people marked this as a favorite.
They / Them / It LN Urog Nanocyte 3 (Discorperation) (They / Them / It) | Xenoarchaeologist | Temp HP: 0/3 SP 22/33 HP 24/24 RP 6/6 | EAC 10; KAC 12| Fort +8, Ref +0 (+2), Will +0 |Init: +0 | Perc: +6 | Speed 20ft | Nanite Surge 3/8 | Nanocyte 3 (Discorperation)

Having kept everyone else away from the basket of delicious smelling treats, I-apvii calls over their silicanid companion and has it (safely) sniff around it picking up the scent.

Tracking (Ex) A silicanid can use Perception to perform the follow tracks task of the Survival skill, using scent. Poisoned Chocolate Muffins should be a pretty unique scent.

perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27

Manifold Host

3 people marked this as a favorite.
They / Them / It LN Urog Nanocyte 3 (Discorperation) (They / Them / It) | Xenoarchaeologist | Temp HP: 0/3 SP 22/33 HP 24/24 RP 6/6 | EAC 10; KAC 12| Fort +8, Ref +0 (+2), Will +0 |Init: +0 | Perc: +6 | Speed 20ft | Nanite Surge 3/8 | Nanocyte 3 (Discorperation)

"Tsuchi-ko stop, something is wrong with those!"

Do these seem to be the cupcakes we ordered earlier?

I-apvii hurries over and interposes themselves, being careful not to touch the gift basket. They also look to see if any seem to be missing, to determine if these are the correct cupcakes and if we should be looking for additional victims.

medicine: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22

Manifold Host

1 person marked this as a favorite.
They / Them / It LN Urog Nanocyte 3 (Discorperation) (They / Them / It) | Xenoarchaeologist | Temp HP: 0/3 SP 22/33 HP 24/24 RP 6/6 | EAC 10; KAC 12| Fort +8, Ref +0 (+2), Will +0 |Init: +0 | Perc: +6 | Speed 20ft | Nanite Surge 3/8 | Nanocyte 3 (Discorperation)

When it is I-apvii's turn, they wait for the stage to go dark and then the image of Absalom station grows above them, outsized copies of the bands that have played standing on the arms of the station, snatches of music from earlier in the show playing it turn as it spins the band in question toward the audience, and then fading as they move away. (Eagle eyed audience members might spot a slime covered Radat behind the Monster Generation.)

"We all know what brought us here today. But how many know what brought us to today, here? Across the universe, beyond the gap and through this crisis to this spot. All these different groups, different species, different songs, all to one place, to one idea, to one night of musical competition...

I-apvii goes into the history of music and especially musical competition across time and space.

Profession (Xeno)Archaeologist+Prof Tools: 1d20 + 11 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 11 + 4 = 24

Grand Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—Sacramento

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roll4initiative wrote:
MVulpius wrote:
I notice it says "the orc ancestry/species is now always available for both Pathfinder and Starfinder Society". Since it just says Pathfinder Society does that mean it's been opened up in PFS1e too? Or is that too much wishful thinking? :)

It's being looked into.

GM Redalia wrote:

I believe that orc characters are available in PF1 from this announcement. You would have to own a valid source (it looks like they are in Bestiary 1, Advanced Race Guide, and the Monster Codex.) Unfortunately, none of the orc specific options look like they are legal right now.

I'll let you know if we find out otherwise, of course. And I'll ask about some additional options.

Link to above quote.

I sure hope it's allowed for 1e!

At the current time this applies only to PFS2 and SFS. Alex says he is looking into what it would take to expand it to PFS1. As mentioned, this is a little more difficult since someone will have to look at *which* of the Orc only options can be opened and which will be disruptive or overpowered or confusingly written.

Manifold Host

2 people marked this as a favorite.
They / Them / It LN Urog Nanocyte 3 (Discorperation) (They / Them / It) | Xenoarchaeologist | Temp HP: 0/3 SP 22/33 HP 24/24 RP 6/6 | EAC 10; KAC 12| Fort +8, Ref +0 (+2), Will +0 |Init: +0 | Perc: +6 | Speed 20ft | Nanite Surge 3/8 | Nanocyte 3 (Discorperation)

(telepathically)"Can we do that? Just "accidentally" shut him in a closet maybe? We can call it a safety measure."

Manifold Host

2 people marked this as a favorite.
They / Them / It LN Urog Nanocyte 3 (Discorperation) (They / Them / It) | Xenoarchaeologist | Temp HP: 0/3 SP 22/33 HP 24/24 RP 6/6 | EAC 10; KAC 12| Fort +8, Ref +0 (+2), Will +0 |Init: +0 | Perc: +6 | Speed 20ft | Nanite Surge 3/8 | Nanocyte 3 (Discorperation)
GM Blazej wrote:

Filling a bucket of popcorn Aldrizane declares, "once more you have shown, doubter's minds be blown!"
"When Starfinders face a barrier, they will nova through it like ... a ..."

He struggles a bit with the line, but continues to work as they try to work on their rhymes.

I-apvii helpfully (and telepathically) "Like a Cyclone?"

A, A, B, A is a perfectly valid rhyme scheme.

4/5 ****

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Doug Hahn wrote:
FLite wrote:
Doug Hahn wrote:
Blog wrote:

• The Core Rulebook now allows all characters to take two free ability boosts instead of the printed options for their ancestry. Newly created characters in Pathfinder Society may use this rule; previously built characters may not unless they rebuild the character from scratch with a boon.

• However, to retain the legality of numerous existing characters, the Pathfinder Society campaign will continue to offer the Voluntary Flaws optional ruleset and retain the text within the Guide to Organized Play.

OK. So we have THREE options for new PCs:

1. Vanilla ability boosts as printed
2. 2 free boosts and no flaws, any ancestry
3. Old optional flaw system

Is this correct?

Four Options (at least as I understand it.)

1. Vanilla ability boosts as printed
2. 2 free boosts and no flaws, any ancestry
3. Vanilla ability boosts + Old Optional Flaw System
4. 2 free boosts + Old Optional Flaw System, any ancestry

Hrrrrmmm. Seems like that's not quite right.

This is conjecture, but I doubt the OPF devs intend for us to combine deprecated Optional Flaws with new Alternate Ancestry Boosts. I say this because the updated Optional Flaws section as published in the CRB does not give boosts, only flaws.

It's an interesting corner case arising from how Org Play is moving away from the core rules; maybe Alex can confirm.

Following up on this now.

4/5 ****

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Added the old Voluntary Flaws text to the guide so that people don't lose it if they update their PDF. (not a full guide update as I am preparing for a Con, but didn't want the info to get lost.)

Grand Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—Sacramento

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Doug Hahn wrote:
Blog wrote:

• The Core Rulebook now allows all characters to take two free ability boosts instead of the printed options for their ancestry. Newly created characters in Pathfinder Society may use this rule; previously built characters may not unless they rebuild the character from scratch with a boon.

• However, to retain the legality of numerous existing characters, the Pathfinder Society campaign will continue to offer the Voluntary Flaws optional ruleset and retain the text within the Guide to Organized Play.

OK. So we have THREE options for new PCs:

1. Vanilla ability boosts as printed
2. 2 free boosts and no flaws, any ancestry
3. Old optional flaw system

Is this correct?

Four Options (at least as I understand it.)

1. Vanilla ability boosts as printed
2. 2 free boosts and no flaws, any ancestry
3. Vanilla ability boosts + Old Optional Flaw System
4. 2 free boosts + Old Optional Flaw System, any ancestry

Grand Archive

17 people marked this as a favorite.
H2Osw wrote:
If I'm understanding the optional ability boosts, the dwarf in the example would be (free, free, free, no flaw?)

No, only 2 free boosts, and no flaws.

Grand Archive 4/5 ****

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Blake's Tiger wrote:
That said, depending on your goals, sticking with one faction is the fastest way to revered. If you spread it around, reaching any threshold in any faction slows down.

That said, I have a character who is aiming for 20 rep in all 6 factions.

Just so she can say "But Everybody likes me. I am just that likeable."

Grand Archive 4/5 ****

10 people marked this as a favorite.

I would like to see a return of marking some encounters as optional.

Grand Archive 4/5 ****

1 person marked this as a favorite.
KOReldor wrote:
It can't be given to a different character, right?

Some boons unlock the option for all characters. Some only for the character that earned them. If it does unlock the option only for that one character, and that option has a rarity (Uncommon, Rare, Unique) you can use the Bequethal AcP boon to transfer it to a different character.