January 2023 Organized Play Monthly Update

Thursday, January 5, 2023

OPC Musings

Well would you look at that number at the top, it’s already 2023! Don’t forget to date your checks correctly, I know I’m forever scribbling out the previous year for the first month or so.

I’m very excited for what’s coming in 2023. Obviously we have some fantastic products coming down the line, but I’m even more excited about the future of Organized Play. We’ve got two great metaplots in the works for you, and we’re going to be working hard to make the program even better this year. It’s a new year and we’ve got a lot to talk about already, so let’s dive right in!

Digital Adventure Releases

These adventures will be available on January 25, 2023.

Pathfinder Society

Pathfinder Society Scenario #4-08: Battle for Star's Fate*

Starfinder Society

Starfinder Society Scenario #5-13: Finding the Forgotten*

*part of a subscription

Pathfinder Core Rulebook Errata

Earlier this week, the Rules & Lore team announced a new errata policy, as well as posting some new changes to the Pathfinder Core Rulebook. Obviously these changes are going to affect Pathfinder Society play, so here’s how to handle them:

  • All new rule changes in the 4th printing of the Core Rulebook are in effect immediately.
  • Dust of disappearance has been made uncommon. Any character who previously purchased the item may keep it. It will be added to the Avid Collector - Core Rulebook boon for future purchases and characters.
  • The horse animal companion rules have been updated, and apply immediately. Any character who no longer wants a horse animal companion may freely change their animal companion to a new animal. Retraining out of an animal companion entirely follows the normal rules for retraining.
  • The alchemist class updates provide a number of changes and upgrades. Any alchemists built under the old rules can freely retrain their research field and any feats except those that specifically prohibit doing so (such as lineage feats). Any items purchased with gold can be sold back for the full purchase price. Retraining out of the alchemist class entirely can only be done with the normal retraining rules.
  • The Core Rulebook now allows all characters to take two free ability boosts instead of the printed options for their ancestry. Newly created characters in Pathfinder Society may use this rule; previously built characters may not unless they rebuild the character from scratch with a boon.
  • However, to retain the legality of numerous existing characters, the Pathfinder Society campaign will continue to offer the Voluntary Flaws optional ruleset and retain the text within the Guide to Organized Play.

Once again, these changes go into effect immediately. Please let us know if you have any questions or if we missed any updates that you’re not sure how to handle!

The Replacement of Ehu Hadif

This is your final reminder that if your character is interested in becoming the new First Seeker, time is running out! The deadline to purchase the First Seeker Candidate boon and send in your information is January 16, 2023. This is a hard deadline; after this date, submissions will be closed and we’ll begin to review the candidates and make decisions.

Toys of Boundless Wonder

Last month, multiple regions and local game stores came together for our Toys of Boundless Wonder event to play games and boost donations for Toys for Tots. The event was a smash success, with over 60 tables during the two-week event and 18 simultaneous tables playing this year’s Pathfinder Society Special! There’s a full writeup on the League of Aroden site, which I encourage you all to check out, but I wanted to include some photos here. Stay tuned for details on next year’s event!

Photo Credit: Ryan Youngbar - a group of volunteers stand around a charity toy bin in the game shop, Bel Air Games in Maryland Photo Credit: Trevor Peryea -  three volunteers stand with two full toy bins for a holiday charity toy drive at Game Castle in College Park Maryland

Left to Right, photos taken by Ryan Youngbar and Trevor Peryea

Photo by Patrick McElfresh - a group of society players sitting around a table with a flat map and miniatures in the center at Noble Knight Games in Madison Wisconsin Photo Credit: Zach Davis - a group of volunteers stand behind a table covered in toys for a charity toy drive in Saga Games LCC, in Maryland

Left to Right, photos taken by Patrick McElfresh and Zach Davis

Sanctioning Update

Last month, we posted boons to unlock various character options from the Blood Lords Adventure Path! Your characters can now take the Ashes mystery, cast new and horrifying spells, and more! We also updated the text of the Undead Companions boon from Pathfinder Book of the Dead to incorporate some undead companions from this Adventure Path. The full text of these boons is, as always, available on the Pathfinder Society FAQ page.

Looking ahead, the next two projects on our radar are the Fists of the Ruby Phoenix Adventure Path compilation, as well as Pathfinder Treasure Vault. Right now we’re on track to have sanctioning for both books available on their release!

GM Recognition

GM Ranks

Whether stars, novas, or glyphs, achieving a 5 ranking in any program involves a substantial amount of time. To achieve the 5th milestone, a GM must run 150 games, of which at least 50 must be unique scenarios and 10 special scenarios as well as run between one and three games for venture-captains (program dependent). A conservative estimate of the time needed to reach the 5th milestone is 650 hours!

This month, we had one GM earn their 5th Glyph for PFS2. Congratulations!

5th Glyph (PFS2): Bill Tobin


With a new year comes new conventions! Our convention calendar is already looking rather full in January, and February and March are starting to fill out as well. Check it out and see if there are any conventions in your area to play Pathfinder and Starfinder Society!

I’m also pleased to announce two more conventions where I’ll be making an appearance!

First, I’ll be attending DunDraCon in Los Angeles, California, from February 17¬–20. It’s my first official trip to California and my first time in Los Angeles, so I’m excited to spend Presidents Day with our LA lodge!

After that, I’ll immediately be heading to Denver for GenghisCon the next weekend, February 23–26! The Mile High City is host to one of the Great Plains’ premiere conventions, and both Tonya Woldridge and I will be attending.

If you’re in the area of either of these shows, I encourage you to come out and say hi! Visiting local shows is one of my favorite parts of my job, and it’s wonderful to see the various communities come together.

Finally, for those of you eager to volunteer at Gen Con or PaizoCon this year, come back to the blog next week for some more news…

I’ll see you next week for more! Until then—Explore! Report! Cooperate! And have fun in the desert!

Alex Speidel
Organized Play Coordinator

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Conventions Organized Play Pathfinder Second Edition Pathfinder Society Starfinder Roleplaying Game Starfinder Society
Liberty's Edge * Venture-Lieutenant, North Carolina—Raleigh

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Glad to hear you'll be at Dundracon!

Note: It's in Santa Clara (near San Jose and the San Francisco Bay Area) not Southern California/Los Angeles...

Paizo Employee 5/55/5 ** Organized Play Coordinator

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Listen, I'm from the Midwest, I don't know *anything* about California geography.

(I'll get it fixed!)

Dark Archive 4/5 5/5 ****

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Congrats, Bill!!

Has been a pleasure being along for the ride to your 5th Glyph! I've learned a lot playing with you!

4/5 *****

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Blog wrote:

• The Core Rulebook now allows all characters to take two free ability boosts instead of the printed options for their ancestry. Newly created characters in Pathfinder Society may use this rule; previously built characters may not unless they rebuild the character from scratch with a boon.

• However, to retain the legality of numerous existing characters, the Pathfinder Society campaign will continue to offer the Voluntary Flaws optional ruleset and retain the text within the Guide to Organized Play.

OK. So we have THREE options for new PCs:

1. Vanilla ability boosts as printed
2. 2 free boosts and no flaws, any ancestry
3. Old optional flaw system

Is this correct?

Grand Lodge 5/5 5/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, New Hampshire—Merrimack

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Huzzah Bill!

Paizo Employee 4/5 5/55/55/5 ***** Designer

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Doug Hahn wrote:
Blog wrote:

• The Core Rulebook now allows all characters to take two free ability boosts instead of the printed options for their ancestry. Newly created characters in Pathfinder Society may use this rule; previously built characters may not unless they rebuild the character from scratch with a boon.

• However, to retain the legality of numerous existing characters, the Pathfinder Society campaign will continue to offer the Voluntary Flaws optional ruleset and retain the text within the Guide to Organized Play.

OK. So we have THREE options for new PCs:

1. Vanilla ability boosts as printed
2. 2 free boosts and no flaws, any ancestry
3. Old optional flaw system

Is this correct?

As I understand it, yup.

Horizon Hunters ***

This is nice that we can get boons from Blood Lords for Achievement Points, but what about boons and chronicles for actually playing this Adventure Path. Are they will never happen, like Edgewatch?

Scarab Sages 3/5 **** Venture-Captain, Wisconsin—Franklin

LisanderDenis wrote:


This is nice that we can get boons from Blood Lords for Achievement Points, but what about boons and chronicles for actually playing this Adventure Path. Are they will never happen, like Edgewatch?

I believe this was on the 'boons only, no chronicles' list.

Horizon Hunters ***

zeonsghost wrote:
LisanderDenis wrote:


This is nice that we can get boons from Blood Lords for Achievement Points, but what about boons and chronicles for actually playing this Adventure Path. Are they will never happen, like Edgewatch?
I believe this was on the 'boons only, no chronicles' list.

It is confirmed? Do you remember where they said this?

5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Washington—Seattle

The announcement re: Blood Lords sanctioning was in the thread here. It's worth reading Mike Kimmels' post (#31) in that thread also.


Hooray, Bill! One of my favourite GMs!

Wayfinders 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Contributor

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Blog wrote:

• The Core Rulebook now allows all characters to take two free ability boosts instead of the printed options for their ancestry. Newly created characters in Pathfinder Society may use this rule; previously built characters may not unless they rebuild the character from scratch with a boon.

• However, to retain the legality of numerous existing characters, the Pathfinder Society campaign will continue to offer the Voluntary Flaws optional ruleset and retain the text within the Guide to Organized Play.

I like this compromise. Thanks for offering Organized Play Characters so many choices!

Also... For all you Toys of Wonder gaming groups, how awesome you all were! Thank you for spreading holiday cheer to children everywhere!

Finally, to Bill Tobin: "Woooooot!" Congratulations!


2/5 5/5 *****

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Congrats Bill!

Grand Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—Sacramento

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Doug Hahn wrote:
Blog wrote:

• The Core Rulebook now allows all characters to take two free ability boosts instead of the printed options for their ancestry. Newly created characters in Pathfinder Society may use this rule; previously built characters may not unless they rebuild the character from scratch with a boon.

• However, to retain the legality of numerous existing characters, the Pathfinder Society campaign will continue to offer the Voluntary Flaws optional ruleset and retain the text within the Guide to Organized Play.

OK. So we have THREE options for new PCs:

1. Vanilla ability boosts as printed
2. 2 free boosts and no flaws, any ancestry
3. Old optional flaw system

Is this correct?

Four Options (at least as I understand it.)

1. Vanilla ability boosts as printed
2. 2 free boosts and no flaws, any ancestry
3. Vanilla ability boosts + Old Optional Flaw System
4. 2 free boosts + Old Optional Flaw System, any ancestry

4/5 ****

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Added the old Voluntary Flaws text to the guide so that people don't lose it if they update their PDF. (not a full guide update as I am preparing for a Con, but didn't want the info to get lost.)

4/5 *****

FLite wrote:
Doug Hahn wrote:
Blog wrote:

• The Core Rulebook now allows all characters to take two free ability boosts instead of the printed options for their ancestry. Newly created characters in Pathfinder Society may use this rule; previously built characters may not unless they rebuild the character from scratch with a boon.

• However, to retain the legality of numerous existing characters, the Pathfinder Society campaign will continue to offer the Voluntary Flaws optional ruleset and retain the text within the Guide to Organized Play.

OK. So we have THREE options for new PCs:

1. Vanilla ability boosts as printed
2. 2 free boosts and no flaws, any ancestry
3. Old optional flaw system

Is this correct?

Four Options (at least as I understand it.)

1. Vanilla ability boosts as printed
2. 2 free boosts and no flaws, any ancestry
3. Vanilla ability boosts + Old Optional Flaw System
4. 2 free boosts + Old Optional Flaw System, any ancestry

Hrrrrmmm. Seems like that's not quite right.

This is conjecture, but I doubt the OPF devs intend for us to combine deprecated Optional Flaws with new Alternate Ancestry Boosts. I say this because the updated Optional Flaws section as published in the CRB does not give boosts, only flaws.

It's an interesting corner case arising from how Org Play is moving away from the core rules; maybe Alex can confirm.

4/5 ****

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Doug Hahn wrote:
FLite wrote:
Doug Hahn wrote:
Blog wrote:

• The Core Rulebook now allows all characters to take two free ability boosts instead of the printed options for their ancestry. Newly created characters in Pathfinder Society may use this rule; previously built characters may not unless they rebuild the character from scratch with a boon.

• However, to retain the legality of numerous existing characters, the Pathfinder Society campaign will continue to offer the Voluntary Flaws optional ruleset and retain the text within the Guide to Organized Play.

OK. So we have THREE options for new PCs:

1. Vanilla ability boosts as printed
2. 2 free boosts and no flaws, any ancestry
3. Old optional flaw system

Is this correct?

Four Options (at least as I understand it.)

1. Vanilla ability boosts as printed
2. 2 free boosts and no flaws, any ancestry
3. Vanilla ability boosts + Old Optional Flaw System
4. 2 free boosts + Old Optional Flaw System, any ancestry

Hrrrrmmm. Seems like that's not quite right.

This is conjecture, but I doubt the OPF devs intend for us to combine deprecated Optional Flaws with new Alternate Ancestry Boosts. I say this because the updated Optional Flaws section as published in the CRB does not give boosts, only flaws.

It's an interesting corner case arising from how Org Play is moving away from the core rules; maybe Alex can confirm.

Following up on this now.

4/5 *****

Online Guide Team Lead - JTT wrote:
Following up on this now.

Thanks for asking. Would appreciate word from Alex, an edit to the blog, or some other official source.

Paizo Employee 5/55/5 ** Organized Play Coordinator

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Doug Hahn wrote:
FLite wrote:
Doug Hahn wrote:
Blog wrote:

• The Core Rulebook now allows all characters to take two free ability boosts instead of the printed options for their ancestry. Newly created characters in Pathfinder Society may use this rule; previously built characters may not unless they rebuild the character from scratch with a boon.

• However, to retain the legality of numerous existing characters, the Pathfinder Society campaign will continue to offer the Voluntary Flaws optional ruleset and retain the text within the Guide to Organized Play.

OK. So we have THREE options for new PCs:

1. Vanilla ability boosts as printed
2. 2 free boosts and no flaws, any ancestry
3. Old optional flaw system

Is this correct?

Four Options (at least as I understand it.)

1. Vanilla ability boosts as printed
2. 2 free boosts and no flaws, any ancestry
3. Vanilla ability boosts + Old Optional Flaw System
4. 2 free boosts + Old Optional Flaw System, any ancestry

Hrrrrmmm. Seems like that's not quite right.

This is conjecture, but I doubt the OPF devs intend for us to combine deprecated Optional Flaws with new Alternate Ancestry Boosts. I say this because the updated Optional Flaws section as published in the CRB does not give boosts, only flaws.

It's an interesting corner case arising from how Org Play is moving away from the core rules; maybe Alex can confirm.

Four options is correct; in PFS play, you can combine the two free boosts and the old Variant Flaws. We'll make sure the text in the Guide reflects this!

4/5 *****


Liberty's Edge 4/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Indiana—Northwestern Indiana

So, if I have a first-level character who was built using the earlier ancestral bonuses and penalties and that character has yet to reach second level, can I rebuild him using the new rules without having to pay for a rebuild?


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William Ronald wrote:
So, if I have a first-level character who was built using the earlier ancestral bonuses and penalties and that character has yet to reach second level, can I rebuild him using the new rules without having to pay for a rebuild?

Yes, before playing at level 2 you can "freely rebuild your character completely" which would include changing your ancestral boosts/flaws


3 people marked this as a favorite.

Congratulations Bill!!!


Would it be possible for there to be a boon added to do retraining but no gear changes? The current retrain boons seem excessive, if not punitive, to a character who does not want to change gear. Alternatively, could the existing rebuild boons have language added that the wealth is not changed if no gear is being changed? I think that having easier access to these things would be beneficial both to players wanting to have old characters take advantage of new boosts, as well as old and new PC's who may just want to make non-gear changes that would take a long time to complete via retraining.

Wayfinders 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Contributor

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I would support such a boon. It's a great idea.


2/5 ****

2 people marked this as a favorite.
redeux wrote:
Would it be possible for there to be a boon added to do retraining but no gear changes? The current retrain boons seem excessive, if not punitive, to a character who does not want to change gear. Alternatively, could the existing rebuild boons have language added that the wealth is not changed if no gear is being changed? I think that having easier access to these things would be beneficial both to players wanting to have old characters take advantage of new boosts, as well as old and new PC's who may just want to make non-gear changes that would take a long time to complete via retraining.

As someone who rarely sees ANY consumable items that were actually paid for with coins being used at all, I second something like this. Even better would be a much less severe reduction of funds.

1/5 * RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

I'm glad the old Optional Flaw rules will continue.

I'm extremely unhappy with that change. It's a huge, unnecessary nerf to MAD characters, especially ancestries that only have two boosts, and it hurts build expression.

But at least I won't have to systematically change all my existing characters, and I won't have to cripple my kitsunes.

Yes! I'm happy that the old rules for Voluntary flaws are back. I was going to keep using them whatever the official ruling was but it's good that they didn't become homebrew.

Vigilant Seal 5/5 5/55/5 ***

1 person marked this as a favorite.
redeux wrote:
Would it be possible for there to be a boon added to do retraining but no gear changes? The current retrain boons seem excessive, if not punitive, to a character who does not want to change gear. Alternatively, could the existing rebuild boons have language added that the wealth is not changed if no gear is being changed? I think that having easier access to these things would be beneficial both to players wanting to have old characters take advantage of new boosts, as well as old and new PC's who may just want to make non-gear changes that would take a long time to complete via retraining.

Yes, please!

My Gnome Champion already suffered in the damage-dealing department, so having his weapon nerfed down a die size really hurts.

Being able to just Retrain his Ability Boosts would help a lot.



Pathfinder PF Special Edition Subscriber

I'm quite frustrated with the nerfing of the Optional Flaws rules.

I have a human cloistered cleric whom I love, that had a Redeemer dedication at Level 2. Need 14 strength for that, in addition to needing STR for his armor.
So I managed to keep 18 WIS, 16 CHR, and still get 14 STR by using the Optional Flaws to reduce his INT & DEX and then increase STR.
Now that's no way to do that, so I'll need to reduce either his WIS or DEX to get to 14 STR.

It's very frustrating that this nerf to MAD characters is presented as a positive thing. Sounds like WotC BS.

I would have been ok if they had provided a new option. It sucks though to have your existing character harmed by an unnecessary rule change.
It also removes interesting options for MAD characters, and reduces character diversity.

Not happy.

I am however glad that PFS is allowing the previous option to continue. Paizo needs to correct the latest errata to also allow that.

Dark Archive 4/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Finland—Turku

Michael Alford wrote:

I'm quite frustrated with the nerfing of the Optional Flaws rules.


I would have been ok if they had provided a new option. It sucks though to have your existing character harmed by an unnecessary rule change.
It also removes interesting options for MAD characters, and reduces character diversity.

This was answered in the Org Play Online discord already, but as stated in the blog, this doesn't harm existing characters - they keep the ability scores they have (and infact need a rebuild boon if they wish to utilise the new option). Likewise, new characters may use the old flaws as they are in the organized play guide, so no nerfs there either.

As for non-society games, you can always ask your GM if you can use the old flaws system.

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