You have studied the delicate balance of life and death
to such a point that you can dance between them with
ease. Whenever you cast a spell or use an ability that
would deal void or vitality damage, use the weaker of the
target’s resistance or immunity to void or to vitality. For
instance, if the creature were immune to void and had no
resistance or immunity to vitality damage, it would take
vitality damage from the spell or ability. Resistance or
immunity to both (or to all damage) applies as normal.
I am guessing it would let you bypass "Resist Void" (such as the barbarian spiit instinct.)
But how does the immunity bypass work? Void Damage only ever targets living creatures, and Vitality Damage only ever targets the undead. I think the only creature that is immune *only* to void damage that I can thing of is possessed constructs.
Does that mean your void damage spells would harm both living and dead?
Also it doesn't say "from spell slots" so what happens if you somehow get a 3 action heal spell from something. Does it just hit everything?
Prepping this for tomorrow, and I have a few questions. (Spoilers, obviously)
1. How often should Barnaby have to roll deception? Once per text block? Once per Area (so once in the meeting with the mayor, once at the boat, and once at the crypt?) Or only when it explicitly says he lies?
2. How large is the hole in A3? Medium creature sized?
Welcome to the Year 6 re-launch of the Starfinder Society Guide to Organized Play!
The Guide was restructured for Season 6 to better serve the community. We streamlined or removed rules that were needlessly complex or outdated and consolidated rules that were previously separated across multiple pages into a smaller set of more accessible pages.
Along with the typical revisions, the Guide is now divided into five sections:
* Guide: the core Society play rules all players need
* Player Options and Tools: additional options and rewards which add flavor and flexibility
* Game Master Options and Tools: additional advice, tools, and rewards for GMs
* Starships: stat blocks for Society starships
* Supplemental Materials: lists supplemental documents related to but not included in the Guide, along with the link to the single page version of the Guide.
Why divide the Guide?
* Separate out just the Society rules players absolutely must know
* Make those core Society rules (the Core Guide section) shorter and clearer
* Better group related rules in one place
* Make rules for running games more visible to players
What does "The elemental creature is controlled" mean in game terms.
Looking at the similarly worded Command Undead feat it says:
Failure: The undead creature becomes a minion under your control. The spell gains a duration of 1 minute, but it is dismissed if you or an ally attacks the minion undead.
Command Elemental just says:
Failure The elemental creature is controlled or slowed as long as you Sustain the impulse, up to 1 minute. This effect ends if you or an ally attacks the elemental.
Minion is well defined in game terms. "Controlled" does not seem to be.
Most of the changes are minor clarifications (No, you can't start a harmful emanation and then walk over to your fellow PCs unless you get their consent first. No, you can't leave the table "early" after playing a scenario for 12 hours and get 12 XP from a 4 XP scenario.)
The new Season of Shattered Sanctuary backgrounds have been added under Legacy Backgrounds
The Promotional Boons have been updated on the Player Rewards page. While Vestments and Campaign Service Coin are largely unchanged, (Vestments now covers a much wider array of apparel, but the effect is unchanged) Accessories has now been expanded into 3 different categories (Worn Accessory, Rules Reference, Other Item) and has (correspondingly) 3 new effects.
Has anyone had any thoughts about how to improve the charter rules? As far as sub systems go, they seem to have done a better job balancing things then they have in the past. But I do have a few concerns. (Just looking at the non spoiler charter rules, since I am a player.)
A lot of Buildings don't seem to have a *lot* of effect on what the players can do or what equipment they can access.
So some thoughts I have had:
There doesn't seem to be any information under charter on how you can increase the level of items available. I was thinking it would be neat if each relevant building allows purchasing items related to that building at up to "Char level +N" (Where N should be some number between 0 to 2 probably.)
Hospital (Medicinals)
Armory (Weapon and Armor)
Augmentation clinic (Augmentations)
Fusion Enchanter (fusions.)
Graveyard (Necro-tech)
Menagerie (Animal related items.)
Research Institute (Technological)
Technomagic Circle (Magical)
Technomancer Circle + Research Institute (Hybird Items)
N also could be based on factory level of the settlement you are in. (Since otherwise I don't see a lot of point in factories unless you start running out of hexes to putt resource nodes in...) Or trade pacts.
Since upkeep = size (or size - Wis) and assuage Unrest = size /5 (or size / 7) (plus 1 week of downtime) it seems like it could get *very* attractive at higher levels to just never pay upkeep...
Perhaps the unrest created by not paying upkeep should depend on how *many* credits worth of upkeep you don't pay.
I was thinking 1d4 plus an additional 1 per 2 RUs you fail to spend.
We are about to start the next Update cycle for the Starfinder Society Guide, and while we have identified a number of issues that need to be fixed, we also want to make sure there is nothing we have missed.
So if there are any rules updates you want to make sure get included, or issues you would like cleared up. Please post them here.
PLEASE *Do Not* debate them. If you feel the need to argue about them or advocate, create a *separate* thread and post a link to it here. We are going to have a relatively short turn around on this, and We need this thread focused on cataloging them.
First turn in is going to be in 2 weeks. (Mon, Feb 22) If we have time after that we will include additional content.
We are currently in the process of updating the PACSG for next year.
If there is a change that you know has been overlooked or omitted from the current guide, please post it here. (This is not the place to request new rules changes. Only rules changes that have already been discussed on the boards previously.)
I am seeing a lot of posts on the Digitization / guide update thread complaining about Hirelings becoming limited. And a lot of the complaints are "some treasure bundles and secondary success conditions are locked behind skill checks."
I think people are missing the point that it is not (and never has been, not since the first days of PFS1) intended that every PC acquire *every* secondary success condition and full cash rewards every single adventure.
Treasure bundles are locked behind an array of difficulties, and not all parties are well suited to all secondary success conditions.
I find it helps to think about PFS2 scenarios the same way as everything else in PFS 2. There are Crit successes (full rewards), Successes (Partial rewards), Failures (No rewards) and Crit failures (Character deaths, or even TPKs)
As long as the the Crit successes and failures are uncommon, and crit failures are rare, the system is working as intended.
If every adventure is a crit success, then something is *probably* wrong.
I would like to give a special thanks to the friendly Skittermanders (and honorary skittermanders) from Brazil. Thanks to their work, there is now a Portuguese translation of the guide hosted on the org play web site.
I am hopeful that in future I will get to add many more languages to the site.
I want to say in advance, that any link mistakes, broken images, or other technical foul ups are entirely my fault, as that was all me. So please let me know either here or via PM and I will get them fixed as soon as possible.
Weapon and Armor runes can be upgraded simply by paying the difference in the cost. Can Shields, Staves, and other items be similarly upgraded? What about alchemical items and consumables?
It seems pretty harsh to make someone who is basing their character around a shield pay the full price for each level of shield.
Apparently, it was stated at Gencon that when earning income, both the Task Level, *and* the Task DC were equal to your level -2 (min 0)
I am pretty certain that is incorrect.
It basically means that most characters will succeed on anything but a one, and crit on anything higher than a 4. An even marginally optimized character (which in this case includes pretty much *any* rogue) will crit on anything but a 2.)
Having run the numbers, an even marginally optimized character comes out about 330 gp ahead at the end of 10th level. (Or about 10% more gold than the system recommends.)
This Google sheet will not only help you calculate the parties Challenge Points and Scenario and PC adjustments, It will *also* tell you how much gold each PC earned at the end of the adventure.
This Google sheet will not only help you calculate the parties Challenge Points and Scenario and PC adjustments, It will *also* tell you how much gold each PC earned at the end of the adventure.
"If you take damage whole you already have the dying condition, increase your dying condition by one... I'd you have the wounded condition, remember to add the value of your wounded condition to your dying value. "
Does that mean if you have wounded 1, and are reduced to 0, you go to dying 2, and then if you take any further damage, you add 2 more and go to dead?
First off, can someone explain to me why sling is 1+? that implies you need one hand to hold it, and a second hand has to do something to fire it. (You need a free hand to load it, yes, but not to fire it, assuming we are talking about Shepard slings.)
Second, Reload says you can regrip the weapon as part of loading it, but it doesn't say anything about releasing the weapon as part of loading it. So unless you have a third hand, it looks like Light and heavy crossbows have an action economy of "Fire, Change grip, Reload"
Which means it takes 2 actions to fire and reload a hand crossbow, 3 for a light crossbow, and 4 for a heavy. Is that correct?
A lot of an alchemists powers seem to be about producing a lot of bombs at once. It is not clear how many he can hold in his hands, because if it is one hand per bomb, a lot of his abilities are going to conflict.
For example if you have Double elixer and quick bomber, and you make 2 bombs and draw a 3rd, do you need 3 hands?
And how is Alchemical Alacrity supposed to work?
You spend 1 action to make 3 items, each of which (presumably) requires a hand. You then have 2 actions left to activate 3 items. Enduring alchemy can help as long as at least one item you are making is an elixer, but that still doesn't help with the hands part of this.
So, in the past, I could ask for a knowledge roll, and everyone would individually roll, do the math, and give me a number.
Now, I ask for a knowledge check, and suddenly, I have to take 6 mods, roll 6 times, make sure I am adding up the correct mod with the correct roll, then figure out how to distribute different information to different people.
In a home game, this could be really cool and involve notes.
In a game at a store, with limited time, this is going to really slow things down...
Assist is an action usually used when you can't hit or can't damage the enemy yourself. Also, it is usually fouling their aim, which seems like something that would not require penetrating their armor.
As such it seems like it should probably target Touch AC.
The Stealth skill is designed to use Hide for avoiding visual
detection and Sneak to avoid being heard.
Except Sneak doesn't say anything about being heard. In fact, if you are invisible, you automatically roll a 20 against your opponent, regardless of whether they can hear you.
Burst and Aura state that they do not need line of effect from the origin to a target within their radius.
They say they do need it not to be completely cut off.
Does this mean they work like emanations in PF1, were as long as you can count a path to the other side by going around the barrier, and still be within the radius, you hit?
Because it currently reads like you can cast a fireball at the middle of a 30 foot wall, and still have the same area of damage as if the wall wasn't there.
Also, cone and line don't say how they are affected by barriers.
1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.
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Installing Fusions:
Installing and Transferring Fusions A fusion can be installed in a chosen weapon when it’s purchased or at any point afterward. It’s also possible, though difficult and fairly expensive, to transfer fusions from one weapon to another. Any character trained in Mysticism can transfer a fusion; this costs half as much as it would to initially purchase the fusion, using the level of the new weapon to determine the price.
Why would you ever install a level 1 or 2 fusion on a level 7 weapon, when for a fraction of the price you could install it on a level 1 or 2 weapon, and then transfer it?
At higher levels, it even makes sense to hold onto your old 5th level gun instead of selling it, and just use it to create fusions on it to transfer to level 10+ guns.
Can Grasping Storm use Storm call in gaseous form?
Storm Call looks like it is a reflavored Kinetic Blast which requires gestures, which seems like it would not be usable in Gaseous form.
When a Sylph casts elemental body (or wild shapes into an air elemental) its type doesn't change. Does that mean it gets to keep all it's gear? Does it get to still cast spells?
Suppose you summon an outsider, and then store them in a magical tattoo using tattoo attunement. Then you cast Transfer Tattoo to transfer the tattoo to another PC.
1. Can the other PC call forth the summoned monster? Is that a property of the tattoo? or the feat?
2. If the other PC does call the summoned monster out, does it obey him or you?
3. Does transferring a tattoo this way allow you to then convert another summoned monster into a tattoo?
With a few exceptions, mesmerist tricks are not described as mind affecting. But the description says you implant the trick in the subjects mind. Which implies implanting the trick is mind affecting.
When Tup uses his first power (banish a card to use your Arcane + 1d8 for combat, counts as casting a spell) and banishes a spell, does that trigger his second power (When you banish a spell from your hand not for it's power, draw a spell from the box)
I have someone locally arguing that since it says it "counts as casting a spell" you are using that spells power when you banish it.
One thing I have not been able to find a reference for, is how large a donation would you need to make to a church for a cleric to be willing to channel for you?
I am not really looking for a number from the rule books (though if there is one, that would be great.)
I am more looking for what various GMs and players would think is reasonable. I am hoping to figure out a range of reasonable options. (Since as far as I know this is an area not covered by the rules.)
RAW and Table Variation disclaimer.:
I know this thread is likely to get a lot of people saying "The rules don't say you can do it, so you can't do this in PFS." I would like to point out that that rule is not anywhere in the rules. And therefore it cannot be invoked, by it's own logic, it is illegal to make that arguement in PFS. :) So please take it somewhere else.
Likewise I recognize that there is substantial table variation here. Since it is basically a GM judgement call whether to allow this or not. As I said, I am trying to figure out a baseline of what range people would feel is reasonable and unreasonable.
For anyone still saying "GMs aren't allowed to do this" I would like to point you to John Compton's post stating that GMs have broad latitude to rule on things not covered by the rules, and may choose to permit them if they feel that they are appropriate.
My Sacred Huntmaster Inquisitor of Erastil carries a consecrated weapon darkwood composite longbow dedicated to Erastil.
Typically before missions, or when he encounters a Cleric of Erastil, he asks them to "bless his hunt" (aka, channel energy into my bow.)
Honestly, I got the consecrated weapon to have a holy symbol that I can hold in the same hand as my bow. So I don't care if the GM says yes or no.