
Elondel Firehand's page

155 posts. Organized Play character for Ilmakis.


Please fill out RPG Chronicles and enter your information on the Slides (both will be linked above) prior to the start of Gameday on September 8th.

Any GM Glyphs to share, or anything else I should know about your character before we begin?

Feel free to start introducing your characters in the Gameplay thread.


Please Dot.


This game is part of Outpost VII. Don't sign up here--sign up here first!

Any GM Glyphs to share?
Anything unusual about your character I should know?

In the event that a player is expected for more than 24 hours in combat or another situation where we're waiting on that person, I will bot that character. I will not use any consumable resources unless asked. If you'd like to share some bot instructions, please include them in your profile!

On the Slides (linked in the header), you'll find space to add your character information and token and to set a general marching order.
Please also fill out RPGChronicles. Paizo is offering door prizes for the con, but you must include an email address on RPGChronicles to be eligible to win.

Make sure there's a character sheet accessible in your profile.


Please dot in and delete. The game begins March 4th.


Paizo Handle:
Character Name:
PFS / Character Number / Faction:
Character Ancestry / Background / Class / Level:
Downtime Skill / Task Level / Task DC / Die Result / Outcome:


A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 3-4.

In the jungles of the Mwangi Expanse, a large group of Pathfinders stands ready to travel beyond a magical gateway whose mysteries stymied a group of the Pathfinder Society's founders. What lies beyond the doorway is also the crux of the plot of an ancient evil fey, the Thorned Monarch. Will the Pathfinders unlock lost fey magic, restore buried secrets from the Society's history, and purge the world of the Monarch's evil, or will they fall before the fey's minions and tricks?


Paizo Handle:
Character Name:
PFS / Character Number / Faction:
Character Ancestry / Background / Class / Level:
Downtime Skill / Task Level / Task DC / Die Result / Outcome:


A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 1–4 (subtiers 1–2 and 3–4).

Swindler, rogue, and occasional Pathfinder ally Guaril Karela has approached the Society with an opportunity that Valais Durant, the leader of the Society's Radiant Oath faction, can't refuse. Guaril has been charging refugees to sneak them out of Xin Edasseril, a city ruled by the Runelord of Envy, and now it looks like Guaril won't be able to fulfill his contracts. Society agents are charged with sneaking into the dangerous city and sneaking out with a handful of its citizens before their absence is noticed so that the Radiant Oath can help them find new lives beyond their current ruler's tyrannical reach.


Player Name:
PC Name:
SFS No. w/PC No.:
Day Job w/roll:


A Starfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 7-10.

During a routine investigation on the false moon of Salvation's End, the PCs encounter an emissary from the vault's mysterious guiding intelligence. Directed to stop an ongoing invasion of another vault, the PCs find themselves caught in the middle of a conflict that could determine the fate of the false moon. Only through the PCs' actions can the machinations of the mysterious Vault Lord be halted.


Welcome to Siege of Gallowspire!

My goal is for you to have fun while playing a balanced Pathfinder Society game.

Please review the below, which covers some special rules for the special as well as my expectations as a GM.

Siege of Gallowspire Rules

About Champion Mode

This event has two difficulties: Soldier and Champion. Soldier is slightly more challenging than a typical Pathfinder Society special event. Champion is this scenario’s “hard mode,” with increased challenge throughout. As usual for scenarios with increased difficulty, all players at the table must agree to that difficulty. Players who begin in Champion Mode who find the challenges too great can choose to switch to Soldier Mode.

This is a Soldier table.

Aid Characters

There are two kinds of character you can play during the special: a Primary Character (the PC who personally faces the scenario’s encounters and earns a Chronicle sheet at the end of the scenario), and an Aid Character, who helps with tasks and AiD Tokens throughout.

A player can designate up to 3 of their PCs of 5th level or higher as Aid Characters. Aid Characters must be different PCs from the Primary Character (the character playing the special). The player does not need all of their Chronicle sheets for their Aid Characters—they only need the Aid Character’s most recently earned Chronicle sheet. The only information from this sheet that is relevant is the Aid Character’s name, number, and level. The Chronicle sheet is also a place to record whether anything bad happens to the Aid Character in the course of the scenario. Note that all risks Aid Characters take are opt-in. Aid Characters have two functions in this scenario: to generate Aid Tokens, and to provide support in Aid Missions that occur during the adventure.

When the player designates a character as an Aid Character, the player chooses one of the following roles and assigns the character to that role. Each table may assign up to 5 Aid Characters to each role. This restriction represents the expedition’s need for agent to take on a balanced variety of roles, and also helps to ensure that there are enough Aid Characters of each type to succeed at Aid Missions.

Your Aid Characters cannot participate in other Pathfinder Society adventures while in the Siege, and risks death.

A character’s class and character build does not dictate what roles he can take, though players are likely to want to pick roles that fit with their characters’ themes. If a player does not have 3 Aid Characters available, she can fill any remaining slots with generic 4th-level NPC Pathfinders of any role. These 4th-level NPCs are less likely to succeed than PC Aid Characters at all tasks, but they give all players a way to participate in this scenario’s mechanics. The descriptions below give some examples of the types of routine tasks that Aid Characters in each role perform during the mission, but these characters also perform heroic actions when they grant Aid Tokens or attempt Aid Missions.

Guard: The combat encounters detailed in this scenario are handled by the Primary Characters, but there is still plenty of danger to deal with. A character assigned to this role helps provide security for the expedition. Characters in this role drive off minor threats that crop up, protect the rear of the expedition, and generally ensure the mission can continue unhindered.

Medic: Most of the healing resources in the expedition are wielded by the Primary Characters for the benefit of further advancing the mission, but the Aid Characters are likely to need healing too. An Aid Character assigned to this role treats wounds, cares for the bodies of the fallen, and dispenses medical supplies.

Muscle: Moving what is effectively a small army into hostile terrain is a challenging task. A character assigned to this role helps move heavy objects, clears passageways, and transports equipment.

Scout: Little is known about the Gallowgarden and the areas below Gallowspire, and what information does exist is often inaccurate. A character assigned to this role roams ahead of the main expedition, learning what threats are present and giving advice on how best to navigate them.

Spellcaster: The sheer number of Pathfinders on this mission presents a heavy demand for spellcasting, particularly spells that can protect agents from harm or remove conditions that they incur. Spellcasters meet up with Pathfinder agents between battles, helping prepare them for the dangers ahead. They may have their own innate spellcasting ability, or they might carry an arsenal of magic items for this purpose.

Aid Tokens

In this scenario, Aid Tokens work a bit differently from in past scenarios. Instead of having generic Aid Tokens that PCs can improve with their skills, each Aid Token represents the efforts of a specific Aid Character.

Each Aid Character role is associated with a specific benefit that Aid Character in that role can provide. After the players assign Aid Characters to roles, the Table GM should place the Aid Token Reference Sheet on the table, which details all of these benefits (Handout will be put on Slides after we assign). Table GMs should also distribute 3 Aid Tokens to each player, corresponding to their Aid Characters’ roles (see above). The player can then write in each of their Aid Characters’ names on the Aid Tokens. For the 4th-level NPC Pathfinders, players can invent names, or just write “Pathfinder.”

At this time, each player has the opportunity to commit any number of their PC Aid Characters to a more challenging, heroic task. This task provides greater benefits, but it also introduces a risk that the Aid Character may come to harm and therefore be unable to help out during later opportunities in this scenario.

Tasks are particularly difficult for lower-level Aid Characters, who are likely to be injured in the process. The 4th-level NPC Pathfinders are unwilling to attempt the heroic tasks.

My Table Expectations

Post Frequency

Be ready to post at least once a day.
Since this is a special, I will bot you if you do not post once every 24 hours.

Maturity and communicativeness go a long way! Please post here or in any supplemental channels, the group decides to use.


Include botting instructions in your profile. If you have a preference for who runs your character, write that down too. If you or your preferred botter have not posted in more than 24 hours, I will bot your character to keep the game moving.

Marching Order & Maps

To speed things up I ask the group for a marching order at the beginning of the adventure. Unless otherwise noted I will begin your PCs on the map in this order, where the scenario says to.


I will roll all Initiative checks for PCs and NPCs, sort them, and organize them into blocks. I will bold the names of characters whose turn it is to act. I will include status of HP, etc.

When it is your turn to act, post. Do not wait for someone else to post just because they had a higher Initiative inside your initiative block. If you know what you want to do but want to wait for someone else’s action first, just say that. To encourage timely posting and avoid unnecessary delays, I will retroactively include bonuses where it makes sense for allies who are in the same initiative block, even if one player posts before getting that bonus. For example, if a fighter posts right before the bard, and the bard always Inspires Courage, I will include the inspire bonus in the fighter's attack and damage rolls even though the player didn't do so. Where possible, I will update initiatives and note the bonuses each player is receiving.

Rolling Saves

When asked to roll a save, it must always be the first dice roll on your next post. If you do not do this, I will roll the save for your PC.

Character Taglines & Profiles

Put your character's gender (so we know which pronouns to use), race (so we know what we see), class (optional) and their status in the fields labeled "Race" and "Class." Status usually means current/maximum hit points, ACs, Saving Throws witj modifiers, Spells or spell slots, and other resources. The status tagline might look like something this (copy/pasted from my oracle) — note that I have not only included spell slots and spell-likes, also important consumables (albeit abbreviated) such as the once-a-day mnemonic vestments and the character's current disguise (which might have an impact on how NPCs interact with them):


Gen. Neut. Oracle (they) | HP 56/56 | Init+ 5 | F:+9 R: +9 W: +10 (+18 vs chm/compul.; +12 vs illus/fear/desp.) | AC 21 T 16 F 19 | CMD 14 | Speed 20(30) | M. Bridge: 7/7 | Etern. Hope: 1/1 | Vest. 1/1 | V. Pool: 9/10 | Spells: 1: 6/8 2: 6/8 3: 6/7 4: 3/4 | Current disguise: Vonner Flay, Dogcatcher | Rerolls: 0/1 Active: Siv. Veils, Longstrider, Heroism, 6 Mirror Images, Shld. Faith, Death Ward

In your character profile, please include the complete stat block as well, so the GM can audit your character. Be prepared to scan or take pictures of any chronicle sheets or boons upon request.

Chronicle Information

In order to be able to generate a PFS chronicle, I ask that each character please provide me the following information here, in the discussion thread. I would also like you to provide the names and numbers of all Aid Characters, along with a link to their profile. You can fill in the Aid character info piecemeal, just as long as it's there.

Player Name:
Character Name:
PFS & Character Number:
Day Job Roll:
Aid Character 1:
Aid Character 1 Character Number:
Aid Character 1 Profile link:
Aid Character 2:
Aid Character 2 Character Number:
Aid Character 2 Profile link:
Aid Character 3:
Aid Character 3 Character Number:
Aid Character 3 Profile link:

Rules Questions and OOC Information

Please post rules questions in the discussion thread. Try not to interrupt the flow of gameplay. Don’t hesitate to correct me if I make a mistake and/or PM me.

Taken from GM Doug




Chronicle : What chronicle number will this be for your character?
Player name : Your name, as you want it to appear on the chronicle
Character name : The name of your character
Organized play #-#: Your society play and character numbers
Faction : Characters Faction slotted
XP : Your starting XP
Fame : Your starting fame
Credits : Opening credits before purchases
Day job : Your day job skill and roll. (or alternative such as training or true savior)
Reputation : Which factions you have reputations with (and how much) before participating in this scenario.
Boons : Any boons you have slotted. (you may change these after the briefing)

Purchases: Any purchases you wish to make from your initial funds, before the start of the game.
Starship role : This scenario has starship combat. Please nominate the role you would like on the ship and include your relevant skill bonuses.

Please introduce yourself in gameplay.

Please also add an icon for your character to the first page of the map. Ideally this will be the same as the one you post with.

Taken from GM Aerondor


In order to retrieve valuable resources necessary to repair the Wayfinders' flagship, the PCs follow-up on another team's investigative mission to a long-abandoned Starfinder Society lodge on a world in the Vast. Finding the lodge submerged and already partially flooded, the PCs quickly realize they are far from alone in the depths of the distant world's ocean.

Scenario Tags: Faction (Wayfinders)


Chronicle : What chronicle number will this be for your character?
Player name : Your name, as you want it to appear on the chronicle
Character name : The name of your character
Organized play #-#: Your society play and character numbers
Faction : Characters Faction slotted
XP : Your starting XP
Fame : Your starting fame
Credits : Opening credits before purchases
Day job : Your day job skill and roll. (or alternative such as training or true savior)
Reputation : Which factions you have reputations with (and how much) before participating in this scenario.
Boons : Any boons you have slotted. (you may change these after the briefing)

Purchases: Any purchases you wish to make from your initial funds, before the start of the game.
Starship role : This scenario has starship combat. Please nominate the role you would like on the ship and include your relevant skill bonuses.

Please introduce yourself in gameplay.

Please also add an icon for your character to the first page of the map. Ideally this will be the same as the one you post with.

Taken from GM Aerondor


Recovering from its recent trials in the Scoured Stars, the Starfinder Society finds itself the target of a vicious media smear campaign. To combat this unexpected threat, the Society sends a group of agents to build up some standing in the Pact Worlds by taking part in a series of televised events orchestrated by the undead media mogul, Zo!. What these heroic agents don't know, is that their competition is willing to do whatever it takes to stop them from restoring the Society's tattered image.

Scenario Tags: Faction (Acquisitives)


Welcome to Siege of Gallowspire!

My goal is for you to have fun while playing a balanced Pathfinder Society game.

Please review the below, which covers some special rules for the special as well as my expectations as a GM.

Siege of Gallowspire Rules

About Champion Mode

This event has two difficulties: Soldier and Champion. Soldier is slightly more challenging than a typical Pathfinder Society special event. Champion is this scenario’s “hard mode,” with increased challenge throughout. As usual for scenarios with increased difficulty, all players at the table must agree to that difficulty. Players who begin in Champion Mode who find the challenges too great can choose to switch to Soldier Mode.

This is a Soldier table.

Aid Characters

There are two kinds of character you can play during the special: a Primary Character (the PC who personally faces the scenario’s encounters and earns a Chronicle sheet at the end of the scenario), and an Aid Character, who helps with tasks and AiD Tokens throughout.

A player can designate up to 3 of their PCs of 5th level or higher as Aid Characters. Aid Characters must be different PCs from the Primary Character (the character playing the special). The player does not need all of their Chronicle sheets for their Aid Characters—they only need the Aid Character’s most recently earned Chronicle sheet. The only information from this sheet that is relevant is the Aid Character’s name, number, and level. The Chronicle sheet is also a place to record whether anything bad happens to the Aid Character in the course of the scenario. Note that all risks Aid Characters take are opt-in. Aid Characters have two functions in this scenario: to generate Aid Tokens, and to provide support in Aid Missions that occur during the adventure.

When the player designates a character as an Aid Character, the player chooses one of the following roles and assigns the character to that role. Each table may assign up to 5 Aid Characters to each role. This restriction represents the expedition’s need for agent to take on a balanced variety of roles, and also helps to ensure that there are enough Aid Characters of each type to succeed at Aid Missions.

Your Aid Characters cannot participate in other Pathfinder Society adventures while in the Siege, and risks death.

A character’s class and character build does not dictate what roles he can take, though players are likely to want to pick roles that fit with their characters’ themes. If a player does not have 3 Aid Characters available, she can fill any remaining slots with generic 4th-level NPC Pathfinders of any role. These 4th-level NPCs are less likely to succeed than PC Aid Characters at all tasks, but they give all players a way to participate in this scenario’s mechanics. The descriptions below give some examples of the types of routine tasks that Aid Characters in each role perform during the mission, but these characters also perform heroic actions when they grant Aid Tokens or attempt Aid Missions.

Guard: The combat encounters detailed in this scenario are handled by the Primary Characters, but there is still plenty of danger to deal with. A character assigned to this role helps provide security for the expedition. Characters in this role drive off minor threats that crop up, protect the rear of the expedition, and generally ensure the mission can continue unhindered.

Medic: Most of the healing resources in the expedition are wielded by the Primary Characters for the benefit of further advancing the mission, but the Aid Characters are likely to need healing too. An Aid Character assigned to this role treats wounds, cares for the bodies of the fallen, and dispenses medical supplies.

Muscle: Moving what is effectively a small army into hostile terrain is a challenging task. A character assigned to this role helps move heavy objects, clears passageways, and transports equipment.

Scout: Little is known about the Gallowgarden and the areas below Gallowspire, and what information does exist is often inaccurate. A character assigned to this role roams ahead of the main expedition, learning what threats are present and giving advice on how best to navigate them.

Spellcaster: The sheer number of Pathfinders on this mission presents a heavy demand for spellcasting, particularly spells that can protect agents from harm or remove conditions that they incur. Spellcasters meet up with Pathfinder agents between battles, helping prepare them for the dangers ahead. They may have their own innate spellcasting ability, or they might carry an arsenal of magic items for this purpose.

Aid Tokens

In this scenario, Aid Tokens work a bit differently from in past scenarios. Instead of having generic Aid Tokens that PCs can improve with their skills, each Aid Token represents the efforts of a specific Aid Character.

Each Aid Character role is associated with a specific benefit that Aid Character in that role can provide. After the players assign Aid Characters to roles, the Table GM should place the Aid Token Reference Sheet on the table, which details all of these benefits (Handout will be put on Slides after we assign). Table GMs should also distribute 3 Aid Tokens to each player, corresponding to their Aid Characters’ roles (see above). The player can then write in each of their Aid Characters’ names on the Aid Tokens. For the 4th-level NPC Pathfinders, players can invent names, or just write “Pathfinder.”

At this time, each player has the opportunity to commit any number of their PC Aid Characters to a more challenging, heroic task. This task provides greater benefits, but it also introduces a risk that the Aid Character may come to harm and therefore be unable to help out during later opportunities in this scenario.

Tasks are particularly difficult for lower-level Aid Characters, who are likely to be injured in the process. The 4th-level NPC Pathfinders are unwilling to attempt the heroic tasks.

My Table Expectations

Post Frequency

Be ready to post at least once a day.
Since this is a special, I will bot you if you do not post once every 24 hours.

Maturity and communicativeness go a long way! Please post here or in any supplemental channels, the group decides to use.


Include botting instructions in your profile. If you have a preference for who runs your character, write that down too. If you or your preferred botter have not posted in more than 24 hours, I will bot your character to keep the game moving.

Marching Order & Maps

To speed things up I ask the group for a marching order at the beginning of the adventure. Unless otherwise noted I will begin your PCs on the map in this order, where the scenario says to.


I will roll all Initiative checks for PCs and NPCs, sort them, and organize them into blocks. I will bold the names of characters whose turn it is to act. I will include status of HP, etc.

When it is your turn to act, post. Do not wait for someone else to post just because they had a higher Initiative inside your initiative block. If you know what you want to do but want to wait for someone else’s action first, just say that. To encourage timely posting and avoid unnecessary delays, I will retroactively include bonuses where it makes sense for allies who are in the same initiative block, even if one player posts before getting that bonus. For example, if a fighter posts right before the bard, and the bard always Inspires Courage, I will include the inspire bonus in the fighter's attack and damage rolls even though the player didn't do so. Where possible, I will update initiatives and note the bonuses each player is receiving.

Rolling Saves

When asked to roll a save, it must always be the first dice roll on your next post. If you do not do this, I will roll the save for your PC.

Character Taglines & Profiles

Put your character's gender (so we know which pronouns to use), race (so we know what we see), class (optional) and their status in the fields labeled "Race" and "Class." Status usually means current/maximum hit points, ACs, Saving Throws witj modifiers, Spells or spell slots, and other resources. The status tagline might look like something this (copy/pasted from my oracle) — note that I have not only included spell slots and spell-likes, also important consumables (albeit abbreviated) such as the once-a-day mnemonic vestments and the character's current disguise (which might have an impact on how NPCs interact with them):

Gen. Neut. Oracle (they) | HP 56/56 | Init+ 5 | F:+9 R: +9 W: +10 (+18 vs chm/compul.; +12 vs illus/fear/desp.) | AC 21 T 16 F 19 | CMD 14 | Speed 20(30) | M. Bridge: 7/7 | Etern. Hope: 1/1 | Vest. 1/1 | V. Pool: 9/10 | Spells: 1: 6/8 2: 6/8 3: 6/7 4: 3/4 | Current disguise: Vonner Flay, Dogcatcher | Rerolls: 0/1 Active: Siv. Veils, Longstrider, Heroism, 6 Mirror Images, Shld. Faith, Death Ward

In your character profile, please include the complete stat block as well, so the GM can audit your character. Be prepared to scan or take pictures of any chronicle sheets or boons upon request.

Chronicle Information

In order to be able to generate a PFS chronicle, I ask that each character please provide me the following information here, in the discussion thread. I would also like you to provide the names and numbers of all Aid Characters, along with a link to their profile. You can fill in the Aid character info piecemeal, just as long as it's there.

Player Name:
Character Name:
PFS & Character Number:
Day Job Roll:
Aid Character 1:
Aid Character 1 Character Number:
Aid Character 1 Profile link:
Aid Character 2:
Aid Character 2 Character Number:
Aid Character 2 Profile link:
Aid Character 3:
Aid Character 3 Character Number:
Aid Character 3 Profile link:

Rules Questions and OOC Information

Please post rules questions in the discussion thread. Try not to interrupt the flow of gameplay. Don’t hesitate to correct me if I make a mistake and/or PM me.

Taken from GM Doug


Please, give me :

Player name:
PC name:
PFS #:
day job roll:
Slow or normal speed:


The eldest daughter of the prominent Blakros family is set to wed an influential Hellknight, and the Pathfinder Society is invited to the festivities. Dressed for a wedding befitting royalty, a team of Pathfinders attend the ceremony on behalf of the Decemvirate, but will their presence ultimately strengthen the Society's relationship with the influential Blakroses, or will events at the wedding bring the already tenuous alliance to a breaking point?


Chronicle: What chronicle number will this be for your character?
Player name: Your name, as you want it to appear on the chronicle
Character name: The name of your character
Organized play #-#: Your society play and character numbers
Faction: Characters Faction slotted
XP: Your starting XP
Fame: Your starting fame
Credits: Opening credits before purchases
Day job: Your day job skill and roll. (or alternative such as training or true savior)
Reputation: Which factions you have reputations with (and how much) before participating in this scenario.
Boons: Any boons you have slotted. (you may change these after the briefing)

Purchases: Any purchases you wish to make from your initial funds, before the start of the game.
Starship role: This scenario has starship combat. Please nominate the role you would like on the ship and include your relevant skill bonuses.

Please introduce yourself in gameplay.

Please also add an icon for your character to the first page of the map. Ideally this will be the same as the one you post with.

Taken from GM Aerondor


Starts August 26th


Chronicle: What chronicle number will this be for your character?
Player name: Your name, as you want it to appear on the chronicle
Character name: The name of your character
Organized play #-#: Your society play and character numbers
Faction: Characters Faction slotted
XP: Your starting XP
Fame: Your starting fame
Credits: Opening credits before purchases
Day job: Your day job skill and roll. (or alternative such as training or true savior)
Reputation: Which factions you have reputations with (and how much) before participating in this scenario.
Boons: Any boons you have slotted. (you may change these after the briefing)

Purchases: Any purchases you wish to make from your initial funds, before the start of the game.
Starship role: This scenario has starship combat. Please nominate the role you would like on the ship and include your relevant skill bonuses.

Please introduce yourself in gameplay.

Please also add an icon for your character to the first page of the map. Ideally this will be the same as the one you post with.

Taken from GM Aerondor


please dot.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

To make it easy for me to fill in the chronicles, could you please provide for the character you want to credit this to...

Chronicle: What chronicle number will this be for your character?
Player name: Your name, as you want it to appear on the chronicle
Character name: The name of your character
Organized play #-#: Your society play and character numbers
Faction: Characters Faction slotted
XP: Your starting XP
Fame: Your starting fame
Credits: Opening credits before purchases
Day job: Your day job skill and roll. (or alternative such as training or true savior)
Reputation: Which factions you have reputations with (and how much) before participating in this scenario.
Boons: Any boons you have slotted. (you may change these after the briefing)

Purchases: Any purchases you wish to make from your initial funds, before the start of the game.
Starship role: This scenario has starship combat. Please nominate the role you would like on the ship and include your relevant skill bonuses.

Please introduce yourself in gameplay.

Please also add an icon for your character to the first page of the map. Ideally this will be the same as the one you post with.

Taken from GM Aerondor


Dot here


To discuss.


You have been summoned to the Grand Lodge in Absalom.


Please put your character's info here

Player Name:
Character Name:
Day Job:


Each of you received the same missive directing you to the Grand Lodge in Absalom. These messages were hand-delivered by couriers to wherever you were in the world.

As each of you arrives at the grounds of the Grand Lodge, you’re informed that Marcos Farabellus, the Master of Swords, awaits at the Wall of Names.

As you arrives at the Wall of Names, you spot Farabellus pacing the length of the wall, inspecting the names inscribed upon it with grim solemnity. By the time you approaches, Farabellus nears the end of the wall, and the most recent inscriptions.
As he spots you he hails over for your briefing.


Let's discuss here :)


The City of Absalom is abuzz with excitement. The streets are full of revelers and feasting, as residents celebrate the city’s independence from tyranny. All seem most eager to witness the evening’s biggest event, the annual Passion of the First Siege of Absalom, where hundreds dress in elaborate costume, don fake armor and weaponry, and crowd the Irorium floor to participate in a mock combat, reenacting the first siege of Absalom.


To make my life easier when it comes to filling in chronicles, if you could each put in a single post with:

Chronicle: What chronicle number this is for the character
Name:(the player) real name (as you have it appear on your chronicle)
AKA: Character name
Faction: Your faction
PFS: # for the character
XP: starting XP,
Prestige: Starting prestige
Fame: Starting Fame
Gold: Starting wealth you bring into the adventure. This should be the total on your previous chronicle. If you want to buy any new stuff... see further on.
Day job: include the roll or that you don't have one. If you want to use a reroll at the end just note here you may want to use a reroll. If you don't include a roll I'll be assuming you take ten.
Spend: If you want to buy anything before the scenario starts (apart from your initial 150gp if you are a new character) include it here. This will appear in the "items bought" and/or "items sold" part of the chronicle.


The Mendevian Crusade draws heavily on the Pathfinder Society’s resources, and unless the Decemvirate can secure the assistance of generous patrons, the society may not have sufficient capital both to fight off the demonic invasion and to prepare its expedition to a lost historical site within the Worldwound. Upon hearing that the daughter of an eminent and wealthy of citizen of Sauerton has gone missing, the Pathfinders rush to her aid in the hope of earning her father’s goodwill and support in upcoming endeavors.

Dark Archive 5/5 5/5 *

Hi, fellow DM

I just finish running the Midnight Mirror module.

All players except for one survive but they let escape the other BBEG who just kill Anya and Stepan. They manage to save the boy and after discovering the truth about the "true heir" decide to let him become the next Baron Boroi.

So, how can I manage the result in PFS ?

I think they all earn their 3 XP, but I think they don't deserve their 4 PA. Can I gave only 2 PA for this module, or 3 or 1 ?

The guide doesn't gave any answer to my thought ...

Dark Archive 5/5 5/5 *

PFS Blog wrote:
(...) Keep in mind you may still only perform the free action on your turn, so even if your animal wins initiative, it's not going to automatically do what you want before can you order it.

This sentence on the newest PFS blog make me think at a rule question I just asked on the Rules messageboard, here.

Can I, in PFS, make a free action as part of an AoO ?

I know that no FAQ answered this question, but what's your opinion on this topic fellow MJ ?

Dark Archive

5 people marked this as FAQ candidate. 1 person marked this as a favorite.

Yesterday, during a PFS session, I had an argument with a player on the fact that I can use the grab hability (which is a free action) of a monster as part of its AoO.

I know that the only free action you can do - when it's not your turn - is speaking a short sentence.
But the FAQ here and the fact that the Rules said

PRD wrote:
Free Action: Free actions consume a very small amount of time and effort. You can perform one or more free actions while taking another action normally

Make me think that I was right to do that (using a free action as a part of another action which is an AoO).

But when I searched this messagebord for an obvious answer (and may be an official), I found only speculation and hot debate.

So I was wondering if I was wrong or not.

Did somebody have an official answer / ruling which can close this argument between my player and I ? Or it's a DM call ?

Dark Archive

Hi everybody,

Hello, I have a question for the imp as a "companion animal".

The PrC Diabolist give an Imp as companion animal with the level from PrC and the class. But this Companion Imp is still a creature of the Devil, outsider, Evil and Law types ?

If it is, he gain all the benefits and drawbacks of theses types of creature right ? (immunity to fire and poison, see in darkness and others)

If not what type of creature is it ? Only outsider or a mix between outsider and an animal ?

Thanks for yours answers

Dark Archive

Hi everybody,

I live in Paris, France and my local retailer can't sell me your fantastic miniatures from wizkids for the simple reason that noone distribute them in France.

So my question is, for me and my local retailer :

Where can I command or find these miniatures in France or in Europe ?

Thanks for your answer

Dark Archive

Hi everybody

During one of our session my Asmodeus Cleric wanted to use its channel negative energy against Vermin (in this case some Spider).
He use the Rulership Variant Channeling witch daze those who failed their will save.

My question is : Is the daze effect of this variant channeling a mind affecting effect or some Negative Energy effect of the channeling ?

Thanks for your answer.


| SP 24/24 HP 26/26 | RP 6/6 | EAC 17; KAC 19 | Fort +1; Ref +5; Will +4 | Init: +5| Perc: +7, SM: +7


| Speed 30ft |Darkvision |Robotic, Healing Circuit | Active conditions: none.


Gender neutral N SRO, Icon, Envoy 4

About SRO-s 975 Walter Echo

SRO-s 975 Walter Echo
Sro icon envoy 4 Pact Worlds 213
N Small construct (technological)
Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +7
Defense SP 24 HP 26 RP 6
EAC 17; KAC 19
Fort +1; Ref +5; Will +4; +4 vs. effects that target only humanoids
Speed 30 ft.
Melee survival knife +4 (1d4+2 S; thrown [20 ft.], analog, operative)
Ranged survival knife +3 (1d4+2 S; thrown [20 ft.], analog, operative) or
. . azimuth laser pistol +4 (1d4+2 F; burn 1d4) or
. . trailblazer static arc pistol +4 (1d6+2 E; arc 2; stun)
Str 10 (+0); Dex 12 (+1); Con 10 (+0); Int 15 (+2); Wis 10 (+0); Cha 18 (+4)
Skills Acrobatics +5, Athletics +4, Bluff +10, Computers +6 (1 ranks), Culture +10, Diplomacy +11, Disguise +8, Engineering +6 (1 ranks), Intimidate +8, Life Science +6, Medicine +6, Mysticism +1, Perception +7, Physical Science +6, Piloting +8 (4 ranks), Profession (activist) +17, Sense Motive +7, Sleight Of Hand +5, Stealth +5, Survival +1
Feats Improved Initiative, Skill Synergy (life science, physical science)
Languages Castrovelian, Common, Copaxi, Dwarven, Gnome, Vesk, Ysoki
Other Abilities don't quit, expertise, healing circuit[PW], inspiring boost [12 SP], robotic[PW], theme knowledge, watch your step
Combat Gear mk I serum of healing; Other Gear freebooter armor II, second skin, azimuth laser pistol with 1 battery (20 charges), survival knife, trailblazer static arc pistol with 1 battery (20 charges), battery, engineering tool kit, fire extinguisher, personal comm unit, professional clothing, professional's tools, titanium alloy cable (20 ft.), toolkit (hacking), trapsmith's tools, zipstick[AR], credstick (5,831 credits); Augmentations datajack, mk 1 synaptic accelerator (charisma), voice amplifier
Faction - Manifold Host
Rescued from Lumina Colony at great sacrifice by a group of Starfinders.

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