
Dustin Knight's page

Developer. Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook, Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber. **** Pathfinder Society GM. 577 posts (750 including aliases). 22 reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 28 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

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Paizo Employee 4/5 **

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Paizo Employee 4/5 **

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Oooh, I spot a screedreep!

Paizo Employee

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Awesome stuff! While I haven't been able to keep on top of Infinite releases the last couple of months I did manage to snag Votefinder and hope to use it in my home game.

Thank you for continuing to support these awesome creators!

Paizo Employee

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Awesome! Always love seeing more support for Roll20!

Paizo Employee Contributor-Subscriber-Venture Lieutenant

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Don't miss the biggest deal of the summer! Pick up 60 Pathfinder & Starfinder Infinite titles valued at over $200 for only $24.99! Whether you are a long time Infinite fan or this is your first time dipping your toe into the incredible world of Pathfinder & Starfinder Infinite, you don't want to miss this incredible deal!

Paizo Employee

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The first Paizocon Infinite Community Megabundle will be for sale until Saturday June 4th, 2022! This includes a ton of amazing Pathfinder Infinite products for the bargain price of $24.99!

Check it out today!

Anyone interested in participating in a Gencon bundle can contact me at the Infinite Possibilities discord!

Paizo Employee

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Get it today!

Become the myth and ride into the night with Dullahan of Golarion! An expansion to Book of the Dead, the following is just some of the content you'll find within Dullahan of Golarion:

• An in-depth look at dullahan from across Golarion, including the Black Rider of Varisia, the Coach of the Silent in Ustalav, and the Black Sails of the Shackles!
• The new dullahan heritage with 23 feats, including feats that let you use inanimate objects as replacement heads you can throw as bombs and the ability to create weapons out of shadows!
• The Dullahan archetype that lets you swear vengeance upon those who wronged you with the tenacity of an assassin!
• Monster adjustments that let you turn any creature into a headless undead!
• Information on dullahan culture, including the new Spine Flail weapon, the mysterious demi-god known as the Headless King, and information on the mysterious Naming Pool!
• Rules for playing variant dullahan, including the Xingtian of Chu Ye and nukekubi from the Forest of Spirits!

Paizo Employee

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See a cool third-party product but you're not sure if it's for you? Maybe you're just looking to expand your Pathfinder and Starfinder collection and want some recommendations? You should check out Infiknight Reviews: The Pathfinder & Starfinder Third-Party Product twitch show! Streaming on its own channel and hosted on the Official Paizo channel every Friday at 4 PM Pacific*, we take a deep dive into the best new Third Party Products we can find with a focus on Pathfinder/Starfinder Infinite!

There is also an infiknight discord server where you can chat with your favorite third-party product producers, collaborate on new projects together, and keep up with all the latest third-party Pathfinder & Starfinder news!

*We take a week off when there is a Paizo Live broadcast, so you should watch that instead!

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Mark, this is great advice, and I am really glad to see you placing a spotlight on the Infinite works. I hope you plan to continue to do blogs like this.

A BIG thank you to all of the creators out there that have contributed!

Paizo Employee

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I'm really excited about the Anandi figures shown on the WizKids site!

Paizo Employee

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Very cool. Saving this so I can use it later. Who wrote this?

Paizo Employee

19 people marked this as a favorite.

Knowing who you are and feeling safe to express your love is so important and I'm overjoyed that Paizo not only recognizes but celebrates its diverse staff and freelancers all year long.

I'm so proud to have the opportunity to write in this post, as Alexander Augunas' post from the Paizo Pride 2019 and our subsequent talks for the past two years were instrumental in helping me understand myself and build up the courage to come out. My only regret is not having met you a decade sooner.

Paizo has fostered an anti-toxic community that makes me feel safe and accepted being who I am, and I can't thank our community leaders enough for giving us this space.

Paizo Employee 4/5 **

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Congrats to Christopher Clark and Patrick Berndt for all the time you put into the campaign!

Can't wait to see the AcP updates. Glad to see Tyrant's Grasp is getting sanctioned too!

The Exchange

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I can hardly wait till the end of the month! These classes represent three of my favorite characters to play. Alexandria Andrpov my witch, Ernesto Vencini Caparina swashbuckler extraordinar, and Thadeaus Grimm classically trained investigator!

Will they continue into second edition? Will a new breed of heroes step forth? I can't wait to find out!

Paizo Employee 4/5 ** Developer

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This has been asked on multiple discord servers, but I'd love some clarification myself! I still don't see guidelines on the rebuild boon. Do we have to select our character options upon receiving the boon? Or can get the boon and not play the character until APG is sanctioned?

Paizo Employee 4/5 ** Developer

14 people marked this as a favorite.

My baby!

Paizo Employee 4/5 ** Developer

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I made boon cards! (Links near the bottom of the article). This will always be the accurate page to download updated boon cards! They will be updated a week before Paizocon, a week before Gencon, sometime in late December, and whenever there are major updates to the guide.

They include all the factions, generics, promotional, scenarios, quests and modules. You can download all the cards at jpegs in a zip file or formatted for printing single or double sided.

If you have any requests to improve these, please feel free to drop me a line. I respond fastest on discord (kitsunewarlock #8310).

4/5 5/5 **** Venture-Lieutenant, Massachusetts—Boston Metro

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1-15 might be the first time I've ever laughed out loud reading a scenario. It's really goofy in a fun way

Paizo Employee Developer

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Can't wait to watch the P/SFS announcement(s).

Arcane Mark is also on Tuesday.

Paizo Employee 4/5 ** Developer

So this might seem like a dumb question but I've been to lodges all over the country and have seen weirder house rules simply because it wasn't specifically addressed:

I feel like downtime activities should only be completed between adventures and that this should be clarified in the Guide to Organized Play.

There are already scenarios with "travel time" that could be taken as time to complete certain 1 day activities, such as transferring runes. It should be assumed that players can't be taking downtime activities during these moments, even if their characters could conceivably perform their downtime activity.

If I'm mistaken, please tell me. It should be obvious, but certain people tend to have a loose interpretation of the rules that require specific caveats to prevent exploits like this.

Paizo Employee Developer

Prepare yourselves for seven-thousand "is my favorite deity in the book?" questions!

Paizo Employee Developer

6 people marked this as a favorite.

I love that the maps included in a scenario is part of the product description now!

My players had a lot of fun in the last PFS race scenario, and this one looks even more deadly. Always looking forward to more Ulfen material.

Paizo Employee 4/5 ** Developer

How long has it taken you to complete any (or all) of the PFS games you've played since Pathfinder 2 was released? I see lots of GMs asking for adventures on social media based on how long it takes to complete, and in my personal experience I've seen certain scenarios and quests run much longer than others...and I'm curious if "it's just me", since I only have 2 lodges worth of data and I'm always the GM.

Answers will be published in a separate sheet that will be linked in the description of this survey.

Paizo Employee Developer

Exemplary Finisher (9th) let's you remove a target's temporary immunity to your demoralize action. If the opponent is still Frightened 1 from your Demoralize, can you attempt to Demoralize them further?

Like let's say you are a Hobgoblin with Agonizing Rebuke. You Demoralize your opponent with 1 action and get a Success. You get Panache. They are Frightened 1. You use the Panache on a Finisher as your second action. For your third action, you can then Demoralize your opponent again.

This has the added benefit of:
• Potentially getting a Critical Success to upgrade them to Frightened 2.
• Activating Agonizing Rebuke a second time to double the ongoing damage.
• Regaining Panache.

Stacking multiple Agonizing Rebukes, especially with Agonizing Lash, seems pretty strong.

Paizo Employee Developer

The Electrified Crystal Latch states it targets "1 hinge or latch". The Electricity Latch Rune has the trigger "A creature grasps the door latch directly or with a tool". But why would you trap a hinge if the Hazard cannot trigger?

• Solution 1: The Feat should say "Targets: 1 Latch"

Appendum: I believe it should say "Targets: 1 Latch on a Door", so players aren't trapping loose latches and slipping them into weird places, unless that was the intent.

• Solution 2: The Hazard should say "A creature grasps the door latch or attempts to Disable the door hinge directly or with a tool."

Appendum: If the trap should trigger when the latch or hinge is touched, "touch" would make more sense than "grasp" or "Disable".

Full Disclosure: We have considered weaponizing the Rune by playing an Alseta who fights like a Door Warden, using a Tower Shield that looks like a door and inscribing the Latch/Hinge of the "door" so it activates on a shield bash, which the term "touch" would allow. This might be an undesired side-effect, but it would be hilarious and pretty flavorful considering this AP premiered the Door Warden and both the Archetype and Door Warden have strong Elven & Alseta connections.

Paizo Employee Developer

3 people marked this as a favorite.

So we were at risk of derailing the Lost Omens Character Guide Discussion Thread and it was brought up that we should just start our own thread.

What does everyone think of kitsune in 2e?

I'll start.

I have a feeling it won't happen until we see them in a Bestiary, given that seems to be the trend. It'll probably coincide with a Tian-Xia module and/or adventure path, but I doubt we'll have a whole season of it in Society again.

I'd like to see racial devotion archetypes for sure, but I might be getting greedy.

I really want to see the relationship between kitsune and the kami expanded upon.

I really hope they aren't as Enchantment focused again. I doubt they will be, given how much more diversity the race got following their first two appearances.

I also hope we get more than two named kitsune NPCs in Society. We got more scenarios featuring Wayang and Nagaji, and the race doesn't seem anywhere near as popular.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

In my game we are having arguments about damaging worn items both mundane and magical. My contention is that if a character can be physically damaged so can items he is wearing, using or carrying can be as well. So if a dragons breath or an acid flask strikes a character exposed items should be damaged along with the character. This would be subject to saving throws (attended and if the item is magical or not) and also subject to the order of precedence eg shield first. My players are saying that nothing can be damaged unless they roll a 1 on saving throws or the item is specifically targeted. It doesnt make sense that all items and armor should be immune to the ravages of combat, magic and the elements. I feel if the player would take the damage the gear should be vulnerable as well. So a player that buys a suit of chain or a shield would never have to repair them even if bitten bashed or roasted by monsters.

Paizo Employee 4/5 ** Developer

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I was enjoying reading the "Adventure Path Results" in the Lost Omens World guide and it made me realize how abrupt it might be for many players who didn't play through most of the APs watching Golarion suddenly shift ten years. I also noticed on my facebook feed that Disney had implemented "spoiler bans" on their movies.

Can we get an official period of time after which we can freely spoil the signficant and world changing events of an AP?

We should still use spoiler tags when we can. And we should avoid spoiling specifics of the adventure itself. But having a point in which wikis can use "spoiler" material and players can feel free to discuss major world changes might be a boon to the community, even if the period is "5 years" or "when we say so in a locked post somewhere."

Posted in PFS because major events in Scenarios can use a similiar system.

Paizo Employee Developer

Can you change my Preorder of Lost Omens World Guide to a Subscription starting with the World Guide?

Paizo Employee 4/5 ** Developer

Looks good!

For anyone wondering, the links are backwards. You can find the PFS Chronicle in the Skitter Crash Chronicle Sheet Link and vice-versa.

Paizo Employee 4/5 ** Developer

Ran it twice, played it once. I really hope we get more about Pan Majang; I would love to see a module set in the subterranean Howl's Moving Necropolis. And this was a fitting end to one of the most beloved parts of the Tapestry.

Only issue we had was with the Diplomacy check.

When I played the GM explained that since we made the Diplomacy check on day 3, we lost the ability to make further explorations. He even cut off the "lake" part of the scenario, which makes no sense to me as the cache of treasure you can discover should still be there even if the rats evacuate.

The scenario itself says you cannot earn any points dealing with the Ratfolk, which makes me think that you can still use the archives, take samples from the farm, dive for shellfish and do other activities that don't explicitly require interacting with a Ratfolk NPC.

I'd even argue you can still do all the checks in the barracks, given the soldiers would still be there prepping for the invasion by the clockwork army.

...Both times I ran the scenario my players were disappointed that the final encounter was only one wave of enemies.

Paizo Employee

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The Orchid Lodge is ready and willing to cut at the heart of the Crimson Cowards! This is the best finale I could have ever hoped for!

Paizo Employee 4/5 ** Developer

2 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

Come one, come all and feast your eyes on the phenomina known as the Rougarou!

So there's been some debate on the discord as to how the Rougarou's only notable racial feature works. The end result was "ask your GM how they rule it works", but given the feature completely changes how a character operates that should instead be worded: "Ask your GM if you can play the character". So I'm taking the advice of the Venture-Person who made the ruling and asking here for a clarification, because honestly none of us are quite sure how it works.

Given the race has no archetypes, favored class bonuses, feats or alternate racial features, I feel its only fair that we at least have a consensus as to how its only ability works (and put to rest whether or not the Wolfpack is a viable party.)

Change Shape

1.) What is the duration of the ability?

The Universal Monster Rules for Change Shape states that it last indefinately unless it says otherwise. The Race Entry says it functions "as Beast Shape I", which has a duration. But all Change Shape (Su) abilities function as a polymorph spell. And the monster entry lists it in the same identical format as Lycanthropes and Proteans, which last indefinately. This is brought up in the FAQ.

2.) Does it change the monster's ability scores?

Currently the idea most GMs have is that it shouldn't last indefinately, as a +4 Str race is too broken. But since its a Change Shape ability, it shouldn't modify the ability scores of the creature (as per the universal monster rules).

UMR wrote:
This ability functions as a polymorph spell, the type of which is listed in the creature's description, but the creature does not adjust its ability scores (although it gains any other abilities of the creature it mimics). Unless otherwise stated, it can remain in an alternate form indefinitely.

So this leaves us with 4 possible answers:

A.) Indefinate duration. +2 Strength.
B.) Indefinate duration. No ability score adjustment.
C.) Minute/Level Duration. +2 Strength.
D.) Minute/Level Duration. No ability score adjustment.

Paizo Employee Developer

Please cancel my subscriptions for now. Can't wait to find time to try this adventure path!

Paizo Employee 4/5 ** Developer

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There is a really amazing Chronicle Sheet for 9-13: The Lion's Justice (7-11). I would love to see how many people have completed it, and what choices they made. Plus I feel it should be chronicled since it makes a signficant impact on our canon.

I would also love to use them as potential name-drops in my War for the Crown Campaign, but I will respect your wishes if you rather I didn't.


Please post here using the following format (feel free to borrow the text styling by hitting "Reply") for the basic information.

Name: Flim-Flam the Fictional
Choice: Senator or Power Broker?
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Race: Tengu
Class: Rogue 5 / Skald 6
Lion Blade: Yes/No
Description: Flim-Flam is a brightly ornamented tengu who loves flourishing a lightning-sheathed monk's spade. He is an accomplished scholar of extraplanar lore, renowned for his decorated history of demon-slaying and leshy-wrangling. Whenever he thinks of retiring, his companions keep dragging him off to new adventures.

Paizo Employee 4/5 ** Developer

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If there is a more appropriate forum, please feel free to move me.

Has there been any news posted hinting at a Concordance of the Elements faction pin? I really enjoy showing off my pins during the game, and my Concordance members are rather proud of their faction.

...a concordance lantern dice tower would be pretty keen too...

Paizo Employee Developer

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

So the new FAQ for the shifter gives some changes to the Shifter's Claw. But Morphic Weaponry "replaces" Shifter's Claw, so does the FAQ apply?

Question 1: Does the Morphic Weapon count as Magic at level 3? Does it bypass any other DR at any point in the Oozemorph's Progression?

Question 2: Does the Shifter get the multi-attack feature at level 6? So it can attack with 1 Morphic Weapon as a Primary twice (at full BAB and -5) and then the other two Morphic Weapons (at a -5 with 1x strength)?

Question 3: Can an oozemorph communicate with other oozemorphs while in ooze form using ooze empathy?

Paizo Employee Developer

16 people marked this as a favorite.

Great podcast. I highly recommend everyone listen to it. It was super enjoyable and the spirit of game has remained the same. It should be noted that Jason Bulmahn GM'd a game made for the Pathfinder we know and love without spending any time prepping the scenario to use in Pathfinder 2!

Seriously check it out. It's really cool!

But what if you wanted to play Crypt of the Everflame and haven't already? Or just want to see a list of the information we can extract from this first playtest? Well, in my fervor, I compiled something of a list.

Compiled Playtest Information

Paizo Employee Developer

The rules to Chakra say the monk performs the saving throws "adding his charisma modifier to each save". Is this a special modifier to the saving throw, or just another untyped bonus to the saving throw equal to your charisma modifier? To be more specific, does this stack with Divine Grace?

Paizo Employee Developer

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I'm kind of proud of this character. I'm also tired of looking up her build in google docs every time I level. When I started the Devoted Muse all I knew is I wanted to use Fighting Fans (Monk) and have at least two levels of Paladin. I this "missing level" in my build that I decided to fill with Gunslinger as a joke ("I need a ranged weapon, after all"). Then when I looked over it, I started seeing the synergy between Gunslinger and Devoted Muse. You want a high critical multiplier, your gunslinger deeds will still advance as a Devoted Muse and you can take Mysterious Stranger to key it all off Charisma. A little adjusting, and I came out with this.


  • As a Kitsune, I can feint at a range of 30 feet even if the target only has a 1 or 2 in Intelligence or is a different creature type, using Shapechanging Savage.
  • Charisma is added to AC (Monk), AC (Dodge Bonus; Devoted Muse), AC (Deflection Bonus; Smite), To-Hit (Smite), To Damage (Mysterious Stranger) and to Saves (Paladin).
  • Shock-Striker Takedoown makes my Pistol's Critical Multiplier x5, improving many Devoted Muse abilities if the GM lets you extrapolate them

Race: Kitsune
Classes: Picaroon Swashbuckler 1/Scaled Fist Unchained Monk 1/Mysterious Stranger Gunslinger 1/Divine Hunter Paladin 2/Devoted Muse 6
STR: 6 DEX: 18 CON: 12 INT: 10 WIS: 10 CHA: 18


Level 1: Picaroon Swashbuckler 1
+1 BAB, +2 Ref, 4+Skill, Feat: Combat Expertise
Deeds, Panache, Swashbuckler Finesse, Melee Shooter, Two-Weapon Fighting

Level 2: Scaled Fist Unchained Monk 1
+1 BAB, +2 Fort, +2 Ref, 4+Skill
AC Bonus, Dodge, Improved Unarmed Strike, Flurry of Blows, Stunning Fist

Level 3: Mysterious Stranger Gunslinger 1
+1 BAB, +2 Fort, +2 Ref, 4+Skill, Feat: Improved Feint
Deeds, Grit, Gunsmith

Level 4: Divine Hunter Paladin 1
+1 BAB, +2 Fort, +2 Will, 2+Skill
Aura of Good, Detect Evil, Smite Evil 1/day, Precise Shot

Level 5: Divine Hunter Paladin 2
+1 BAB, +1 Fort, +1 Will, 2+Skill, Feat: Shapechanging Savage
Divine Grace, Lay on Hands

Level 6: Devoted Muse 1 (d10)
+1 BAB, +1 Ref, 4+Skill
Artful Defense, Deeds, Panache

Level 7: Devoted Muse 2
+1 BAB, +1 Fort, +1 Will, 4+Skill, Feat: Stock-Striker Style
Artistic Flourish, Circling Strike, Deadly Strike, Distracted, Harmonious Strike

Level 8: Devoted Muse 3
+1 BAB, +1 Ref, 4+Skill
Feinting Feat: Twinned Feint

Level 9: Devoted Muse 4
+1 BAB, 4+Skill, Feat: Stock-Striker Sweep
Deeds (Opportune Parry and Riposte), Limitless Art +1 Panache

Level 10: Devoted Muse 5
+1 BAB, +1 Fort, +1 Ref, +1 Will, 4+Skill
Artistic Flourish Confused/Staggered

Level 11: Devoted Muse 6
+1 BAB, 4+Skill, Feat: Stock-Striker Takedown
Feinting Feat: Skill Focus (Bluff), Inspirational Strike

Paizo Employee Developer

I checked my order a couple days ago and noticed there was a problem with the address. I think I corrected it, but now I'm not sure if the order is still properly pending or if it was skipped over until next month...

Did I correct the error properly?

My playgroup would also really love if we could get my sidecart delivered with it, if that's not too much of a hassle.

Paizo Employee 4/5 ** Developer

These are mostly campaign clarifications and, as such, should probably be posted here.

0.) We need the relevant Bestiary books to play these races, correct?

1.) Does a Naiad's token apply to Dayjob checks? Can a Naiad give a token at the end of the adventure to an ally who is using Craft for their Dayjob to give them an extra +1?

2.) I have heard the Catfolk options in Advanced Race Guide will be updated for the Additional Resources. Can we start using Rougarou and Naiad now since we have the boons?

3.) The Rougarou get Change Shape. The PRD states that Change Shape "functions as a polymorph spell...but the creature does not adjust its ability scores...unless otherwise stated, it can remain in an alternate form indefinitely." How long can a Rougarou stay in their Wolf Form? It functions as Beast Shape I, but the Change Shape entry says that these abilities while functioning as a spell, last indefinitely (unless otherwise stated, which, for this monster, it is not).

My Two Cents: The Kitsune and Skinwalker do specify the race books. In the Bestiary, it is not stated. So I figure it functions as the universal monster entry as indefinite.

Paizo Employee 4/5 ** Developer

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The newly approved spell "Ally Across Time" needs at least one campaign clarification.

The duplicate "appears with all of the equipment you currently carry", but "cannot use any of its equipment and all its equipment disappears when the duplicate does". But the equipment is still there, and while the duplicate cannot hand the equipment over to the caster (or any other member of the party), the caster is not only free to take the equipment from his copy, but the copy cannot actually defend or otherwise prevent its equipment from being stolen in any way.

The additional actions required to retrieve the gear from your copy does limit combat abuse, but just using a copy to get the material components for spells like Raise Dead is clearly not the intention of this spell and too powerful for a 2nd level spell.

This might be covered by the Pathfinder Society FAQ that limits players from getting access to unlimited resources. A savvy GM might also rule that using the parallel world's limited resources depletes your own resources. But these are not spelled out clearly in the spell and the spell itself is rife for this sort of abuse, even with its relatively low duration.

Most other abuses, like the Parting Blast feat, can be covered by savvy GM using the line "it cannot take any other type of action". Since most action-less aid in a battle requires advance set up, such as a polymorph effect, contingency or the aforementioned Parting Blast feat, the GM need only rule that the duplicate in the parallel existence did not adequately prepare. And in some cases, a GM might even award the creative use of the spell by allowing it to function like that once, warning the player that future copies have a chance that they will not work. Thus, I think only the equipment problem needs to be addressed.

Paizo Employee 4/5 ** Developer

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.
Any time a feysworn is targeted by an effect that would restore her to life (e.g. raise dead or breath of life), she must immediately expend 4 Prestige Points or the effect fails. This expediture covers the drawback of feymarked.

So I'm operating here under the assumption that the expenditure covers the "drawback" of being "held in her living state by only the Eldest's will". You are essentially trading the political currency of four prestige to cover the "favor" you owe the deity.

But doesn't that mean you should pay the 4 Prestige Points when you die, as the deity uses "Ressurection" on you once you die (unless you are in a place where teleportation and planar travel doesn't function). After all, as the Prestige Class is written, you should be able to use the 5th level Planeshift effect to travel from the First World to the Material Plane after you are slain (and bargain with your Deity), right? Or is this not the intended use of this 5th level power?

Of course, this gets extra awkward if you worship Ranalc. Since he's missing.

(And minor quibble: The FAQ mispelled "expenditure".)

Paizo Employee Developer

Please cancel my Pathfinder Roleplaying Game subscription. Keep the player companion one, for sure!

Paizo Employee Developer

... Will there be some more information about Daikitsu?

Paizo Employee 4/5 ** Developer

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I've heard more than one person mention their desire to see the uncommon races rotate out. I'm not necessarily against this, despite my love of the races. In fact, making these sort of races more "special" is something I'm all on board for.

But on more than one occasion, I've been in the unfortunate position of having to tell a new player an idea they had is not PFS legal because the race they want to play requires a convention boon. And I feel like it'd be a real kick in the pants if an enthusiast for one of the four or five races potentially on the chopping block has their first opportunity to Find Paths with us after they are retired.

Furthermore, I notice players jump on these characters during the summer because they are afraid of the race migration, and I wouldn't be surprised if the players aren't making the best use of the races in their rush to lock them in. (Not that PFS enforces locking in backstory or personality, but many of us enjoy it.)

That being said, it might help if there was a sort of universal boon that allowed (new) players a single uncommon race after they are retired.

I hope this thread doesn't just devolve into the endless debate of exclusivity as a form of marketing versus positive play experience...because it'll inevitably come down to personal preference.

Paizo Employee Developer

Can a Devoted Muse use the Distracting Cloak ability of the Equipment Trick (Cloak) to use Artistic Flourish?

Flourish says "when a devoted muse...successfully feints against an opponent in combat, instead of denying the opponent its Dexterity bonus..." The distracting cloak ability lets you feint "Each opponent that can see you", but it "create(s) a diversion instead of denying your opponent his Dexterity bonus to AC."