
Dustin Knight's page

Developer. Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook, Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber. **** Pathfinder Society GM. 577 posts (749 including aliases). 22 reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 28 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

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Paizo Employee

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Look at all these awesome creators I get to add to my blusky! Thank you for making an excellent book!

Paizo Employee

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Dustin: Aww where am I going to find space for my feat that lets you drunk drive a forklift full of drugs with sawtooth sabres while praising Mother Vulture in flail snail.

(This one is for you, org play volunteers!)

Paizo Employee

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Thanks! This was one of the key questions we asked when designing the class and we are glad to see it worked well in the playtest.

Paizo Employee

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Tarpeius wrote:
FAQ section missing :')

It can time for the site to cache. I've been tempted to set the FAQ to a few minutes earlier, but we don't want it to drop before the blog and sometimes it updates instantly.

Paizo Employee 4/5 **

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Congrats to our new 5 stars!

Paizo Employee

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Is a Sisterhood of Devils a Sinrority?

Paizo Employee 4/5 **

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Paizo Employee

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Sebastian Hirsch wrote:
I am surprised that you already want feedback this early via the surveys, but no problem

We will be using them throughout the playtest process and you can always go back and edit your answers (and/or add more information) until December 31!

Paizo Employee

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keftiu wrote:
I could go either way on most of them, but the Additional Spoons skill feat rubs me the wrong way - let's not hand a pretty particular bit of disability-focused language to people without its proper context, please.

I respect this opinion and understand the concern. It was a class feature for an archetype in First Edition that actually prompted me to learn about the theory and apply it to my own self-care routine, so teaching people about it by using the nomenclature might not be a bad thing. You should feel free to raise the concern in your survey so we can bring it up and discuss it as a team after we recover from Gen Con and the excitement of the initial release, because this is the kind of issue we take seriously and the kind of opinion we appreciate.

Paizo Employee

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Thank you.

I used to be on the fence about naming abilities after popular nomenclature, then about a decade ago I starting playing Pathfinder with some active duty military in Savannah and we talked about the terminology used on base for equipment, maneuvers, drills, etc... and I realized that memorable names actually help us remember and differentiate between abilities, which is a helpful tool in a tabletop game when you want to skim down a character sheet and quickly remember what all your abilities do.

It's also super fun.

Paizo Employee

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Happy Playtest Day, everyone! We have a couple more minor changes that won't be reflected in the PDF for now.

• Xenodruid Bond (pg 82): The 5th rank spell for Viral Order should be Toxic Cloud.
• Creative Cover (Pg 91): Requirements should be Prerequisites.
• Tactical Swap (Pg 94): Prerequisites should be Requirements.
• Unhindered Advance (Pg 94): Requirements should be Prerequisites
• Armor Expertise (Pg 102): Remove the last sentence of this ability. Solarians do not get the armor specialization effects of light and medium armor.

Paizo Employee

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The Gooclaw is pleased.

Paizo Employee

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TheTownsend wrote:
Baby Vesk! is turning… Thirteen? Bit of a runt for her age but who am I to judge?

Maybe instead of years the candles count the number of victories they had in the prior year?

This is not canon and is just meant as an amusing idea.

Paizo Employee

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Lämp. ❤️

Paizo Employee

7 people marked this as a favorite.
Alexander Augunas wrote:

It's a lovely story!

Now I need to know—how long does it take Shirren to go from larval size to adult-size like Chk Chk? GIVE ME ALIEN SPECIES LIFE CYCLES STARFINDER TE—

*gets carried away by vulkarisu, frothing*

Page 41 of the Core Rulebook has you covered!

Knowing that Shirren reach maturity at 5 years old is why I brought up in a meeting that Chk Chk should probably be out of his larval jar by now, which lead to him becoming the next iconic!

Paizo Employee

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Dae is bae!

Paizo Employee

9 people marked this as a favorite.

We've worked closely with the Pathfinder design team to make sure the envoy and commander have distinct class identities.

Paizo Employee

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Sanityfaerie wrote:
So... any chance we can get a really BIG gun with a professional bonus to diplomacy?

"This is my rotolaser, diplomacy."

"What's with the doshko?"

"That's for when diplomacy fails."

Paizo Employee

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I'm so proud to be a part of this brave new edition in Starfinder!

Any gaps in the design of this book were entirely intentional!

Paizo Employee 4/5 **

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Oooh, I spot a screedreep!

Paizo Employee

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Get 'em!

Paizo Employee

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Little Owl wrote:
Dustin Knight wrote:

That's...a secret.

(A hero point for anyone who gets that reference.)

Xellos from The Slayers?

+1 Hero Point!

Paizo Employee

6 people marked this as a favorite.
CorvusMask wrote:
Norgorber does hoard lot of secrets, so would his death reveal all secrets he was withholding?

That's...a secret.

(A hero point for anyone who gets that reference.)

Paizo Employee

13 people marked this as a favorite.

Ooh I didn't know we'd be releasing the information like this; I love the idea of using this post in a home campaign if you wanted to play out a "Pharasma dies" campaign.

Paizo Employee

8 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm so glad you enjoyed the rainbow wolf and it's pew-pew-awoo of sparkly doom.

I'm really touched seeing people have fun with the things our team has worked on; it's a dream come true and I can't wait to hear about more awesome adventures in the future!

In all seriousness, I wanted to make a creature that felt like an "alien wolf" without causing people to look at it and go "why wouldn't I just use the PF2 wolf?" I didn't want it to completely outshine the PF2 wolf, but, as you pointed out, it had to show off our game's new meta-assumptions about ranged combat.

And I agree that monster design is one of Second Edition's best features. Building and playing monsters is rewarding and fun, and the 3 action economy really shines when you are sitting behind the GM screen and realize: "Oh, wow, I have so many tactical options at my disposal even if my monster's don't have that many built in abilities!"

Paizo Employee

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Finoan wrote:

"Kiss It Better"

LOL. Perfect name.

I'm not 100% sure who wrote that one, but I can confirm both naming and reading some of the names of our feats and spells has been a blast.

Paizo Employee

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Elfteiroh wrote:
Milo v3 wrote:

The vesk feats look very focused on one very particular style of character. I worry this is going to be abit too mono-culture and restrictive.

I might have to just allow all starfinder characters to be able to take human feats or something.

Reminder: This is a playtest, not a preview. Many things in PF2 playtests have had everything heavily rewritten because of feedback.

To be clear, this is a field test of a playtest. Anything we post in a field test may undergo substantial rewrites before the public playtest.

Paizo Employee

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John Godek III wrote:
Such a great story! Can’t wait to run this for friends who don’t play society games !

And now you get to see it unfold with access to years of additional player options to boot!

Paizo Employee

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QuidEst wrote:
New spell: Selective Invisibility, seems to work like Invisibility but you can leave a target in range that you can see who can see you. Attacking them doesn't break Invisibility, but attacking anyone else does. Honestly seems like a really cool no-save "duel" style spell. (Unfortunately, it only lasts for a minute like heightened Invisibility does, so unless it also heightens, it's just a spell rank discount.)

So funny story: my mystic in SF1 learned that spell exclusively so his brother could make sure he was still safe when he was running off to do "potentially dangerous things" alone. Also suffocating while invisible when no one else in the party can see or hear you is really scary!

Paizo Employee

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Quick note that I'm loving these discussions! Everyone's words here are equal parts motivating and touching and I can't wait for everyone to get an opportunity to play a Mystic during the Playtest next Summer!

Standard disclaimer: Nothing I say here is canon, the opinion of anyone else on the team, or even my own finalized thoughts, but this is a transparent process so I'd love to share my thoughts concerning magic and technology. Starfinder exists in a time so far into the future that archaeologists are finding computer chips in the ruins of "lost civilizations". We've only had personal computers around for less than a century and have already incorporated plenty of "tech lingo" into our modern vernacular. Even if a Mystic is using magic similar to the magic used by spellcasters back in ancient Golarion, they exist in a world where communits and laser rifles are the equivalent of wood-pulp paper letters and automatic recurve crossbows.

Now nothing I post here in the forum is canon, and nothing in these field tests are finalized: But in my own head-canon I like to think that both Doomscroll and Motivating Ringtone could have been cast without the use of technology: magic that channels truths that cause a target to reel in terror, or that composes a melody so perfect for someone at just that time that they feel soothed. The problem is without the technology this magic isn't viable for an encounter. Especially if these truths/songs only affect the target at that moment: by the time you figured out how to sing that song or wrote down the news the moment may have already passed. Thus the technological item is a foci, but that doesn't mean the caster itself is a "technomancer" anymore than a Cleric using a weapon as a foci is a "magus".

In short: the mystic using technology inspired terminology and having access to spells that utilize technology does not mean it's taking the place of the technomancer!

(Now I await my GM to tease me as this entire post runs quite contrary to the beliefs of my own SF1 Mystic, Yoko, who used to argue day and night that true mystics have to be living anachronisms who wore silk robes, wielded a bow, and wrote everything down in ink and paper.)

Paizo Employee

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rimestocke wrote:

New field test!

The vitality network and all the feats that interact with it are really interesting, since they're just not used for healing. The Memory Bank feat in particular is my favorite.

Also crossing my fingers for something (a Connection maybe?) that'll make it easier to heal for parties with mixed alive and undead (and constructs?) members.

Transfer Vitality does not have the vitality trait and works great for healing your undead and construct teammates.

Paizo Employee

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Awesome stuff! While I haven't been able to keep on top of Infinite releases the last couple of months I did manage to snag Votefinder and hope to use it in my home game.

Thank you for continuing to support these awesome creators!

Paizo Employee

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Evan Tarlton wrote:
The foxhead medallion grants complete immunity to all magical effects, right?

Unfortunately it is also magical, so you become immune to that effect and the medallion no longer grants you protection. /s

Paizo Employee Developer

13 people marked this as a favorite.

Just here to say that everyone's enthusiasm is touching, inspiring, and motivating! Jenny has done great addressing the community here and I'm just posting this to say that I read these boards, discords, and other online communities and appreciate our fan's passion and opinions!

Paizo Employee

9 people marked this as a favorite.
Jenny Jarzabski wrote:

Amusingly, the community hasn't yet seen a single release from our current team in its StarFriends configuration other than the Field Test.

Yes, the Star Chamber is no more. StarFriends are at their battle stations.

This post made me tear up a little. I'm so happy right now.

Also StarFriends sounds like a US/EU 90s release of a super sentai live-action show spliced with scenes from a completely unrelated late-80s mecha anime and I'm totally on board with it.

Paizo Employee

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Driftbourne wrote:
CorvusMask wrote:
Driftbourne wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:
Come on hatching baby kaiju planet. Who doesn't want to see baby space godzila wearing absolom station as a hat?

Absolom station as a hat would hurt to wear due to the spike, but it might work well as a kaiju size birthday cake decoration.

Maybe its a kuthite and likes spikes in the head?
Maybe the kaiju is a mechanic, and the station is its exocortex, and the spike is how it plugs it in.

The fashion trends of planetary bodies and kaiju are surprisingly fickle and competitive. You'd be surprised how many fights start because a living world claimed to have started the "red frozen icecaps" trend eons after a lumbering death tortoise froze the lake of blood on his head by slowly rotating away from the nearest star.

I mean, we can only hope it's blood.

Paizo Employee

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Driftbourne wrote:
Karmagator wrote:

I think people are heavily overestimating how far along SF2 is in development.
My guess is at least 47 cups of coffee so far.

I can confirm at least 240 cups of coffee. There's some wiggle room there with some other work, but that's balanced out by how many hours I spend on the weekend randomly thinking about space.

Paizo Employee

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm so excited! This book is going to be awesome!

Also shout out to Kent Hamilton; Every piece I see of his absolutely blows me away and he's such an incredibly skilled and imaginative illustrator!

Paizo Employee

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I'm so excited for this!

Paizo Employee

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I can't wait to hear about entire tables of Novian Starfinders causing mayhem across the Pact Worlds and beyond!

Paizo Employee

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Those of us who are both GMs and publishers will also commission artwork for our PCs and use that in our products; Just make sure your players are okay with it before you invest!

Paizo Employee

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Thank you for the bump, Mark! I help run the Infiknight discord where we have a slew of art and publishing resources available in our #links-and-resources tab, including a dropbox full of categorized Paizo artwork we scraped from the blog!

Paizo Employee

6 people marked this as a favorite.

In all their enthusiasm, Peppermint the Skittermander's updates to our errata didn't properly display! Our awesome technomancer Andrew White has come to the rescue and everything should now be displaying properly, including:

• Page numbers have been added to all entries

• Character Operations Manual: Extend Runtime has been updated to properly reflect that the hack works with spells with a duration of 10/minutes level, not 10/minutes day.

• Tech Revolution: Mystic Smith has been updated to work with the new fusion seal rules. It takes far less time to install fusion seals and they begin functioning after 1 round (or immediately if you spend a Resolve Point).

• Galactic Magic: Fusion Specialist has been updated to work with the new fusion seal rules and functions after 1 round rather than the normal 10 minutes (or immediately if you spend a Resolve Point).

• Solar Strike: The Stellar Fire ability of the Deep Cultures Specialist archetype can now apply the flaming weapon fusion in 1 minute instead of 10 minutes.

Paizo Employee

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I'm so excited for all of this!

Paizo Employee

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Awesome! Always love seeing more support for Roll20!

Paizo Employee

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Sasha Laranoa Harving wrote:
Spectra blades are entirely my aesthetic. Thank you Paizo!

I came here to say something along these lines and I'm glad so many people agree!

Paizo Employee Developer

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Jason Bulmahn: Our level system does not go high enough for Gritty

Paizo Employee Contributor-Subscriber-Venture Lieutenant

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Knowing where you are is not the only reason to hug the coast on a ship. Even modern ships in the Mediterranean tend to hug the coast, and they have satellite GPS. This is especially true for trade ships, who will want to fill their itinerary with as many ports as possible to get/unload trade goods, minimize hold room for fresh supplies, maintain crew morale, and establish contacts with businesses in as many ports as possible to keep the hold as full as possible between ports. There's also some coin to be made transporting people from port to port.

DemonicDem wrote:

Dear Golarion's Finest,

I've recently purchased your newest guide, and I was quite impressed with the wide array of writers! How did you manage to get a Rakhasha and a former Assassin to write for your newest book?

-An inquistive reader.

*Innocent whistle noises*

Paizo Employee Contributor-Subscriber-Venture Lieutenant

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Very cool! I didn't realize what an all-star writing cast this AP had!

Paizo Employee Contributor-Subscriber-Venture Lieutenant

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Woot! Cards!

Organized Play Character

Grand Lodge Gavin Averill
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