Dr Davaulus

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259 posts. Alias of feytharn.

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Scarab Sages

Michael Nyqvist dies at 56
;-; R.I.P.

Scarab Sages

Oh most awesome Customer Service,
Would it be possible, to move Order 4246708 (Rifts Boxed Set) and Order 4274154 (Savage Worlds Space 1889 if that book is still available, that is) from my sidecart and send them independent of my subscriptions?
Thank you for looking into it, have a great week.

Scarab Sages

7 people marked this as a favorite.

Planescape: Torment Enhanced Edition

Scarab Sages

Rest in peace, Carrie Fisher I hope the next one will be 2016 itself.

Scarab Sages

Oh most awesome Customer Service, I just recieved the second package of Order 4095063. Unfortunatly, there was only one issue of 'Blood of the Beast', instead of two.
Thank you, for looking into it, oh most awesome Customer Service!
Have a great, merry and happy holiday, ya'all!

Scarab Sages

Oh most awesome Customer service
There was begotten a powerful portent in the shape of a crashing shelf, that I took as a sign to cancel, with a tear to my eye, my Pathfinder tales subscription. I will keep the precious place I still have for my RPG and related subscriptions.
Thank you, oh most awesome Customer service
Have a great holiday season, all of you!

Scarab Sages

Oh most awesome Customer Service: I have just wrestled the package from the claws of the local customs official and found that you have sent two copies of 'Planes of Power' yet only one copy of 'Divine Anthology'. I humbly ask for you to advise me on further proceedings.

Thank you, oh most awesome Customer Service!

Scarab Sages

Oh most awesome Customer Service, could someone please check if this order is still alive?
Thank you, oh most awesome Customer Service.

Scarab Sages

As a frequent customer of the Humble store, more often than not I find myself in the possession of STEAM keys for games I already own. Most of the time I give them to friends or family members, but sometimes there are still leftover keys.

I created this thread to give away those keys to members of the paizo community. Just post if you are interested in one of the games and I will PM the key to the first poster who showed interest.

I also invite other community members who share my interests in Humble bundles and have leftover keys collecting dust, do do the same ;-)

Currently I have leftover keys for the games:

  • Contagion
  • GRAV
  • Retro City Rampage
  • Knights of the Old Republic II
  • Shadowrun Returns

Scarab Sages

Dear Paizo team. As you teamed up with humble and brought us an incredible sweet rpg-deal (thank you so much for this!), I'd like to bring up a question:

As a long time customer of Humble-Bundles I regularly have keys for pc-games I already own. Most of those keys I give away to friends or family, often with a nod towards humble and their charity work. But now and then there are keys that no one I personally know has any interest in (often because friends share a similar taste in games and already own it).

There are no other online communities I am part of (I live most of my social life offline), so I'd like to ask if it were ok to give away keys on this messageboard to interested community members (for free, of course)and if so, what way would be preferable to you (grab first spoiler tags or private messages to first interests).

Thank you for considering.

Scarab Sages

Frankly, 2016, I am fed up with you, already.

Scarab Sages

Is there a chance that you add the Gamemaster Screen for FFGs Force and Destiny game to your shop? Since you seem to have all of the other Star Wars products available?

Thank you for looking into it.

Scarab Sages

Oh most awesome Customer Service,
First of all: have a great new year!
Instead of having the Items moved to my sidecart shipped with the next available subscription, could you ship them as soon as they are available (two of the books are meant to be gifts, so, the sooner, the better).
Thank you!

Scarab Sages

Oh most awesome customer service: The green peanuts from hell clawed their way into my Dragon Age rulebook, slightly damaging a few pages and mauling the included poster map.
Since I do own the individual boxed sets, I am not to vexed about the damaged map (and the damage to the pages is nothing substancial), but since that happened before (Occult Adventures and Inner Sea Races: damaged pages, Freeport: damaged map) I thought I should inform you about the problem, so maybe you can think of something to spare other hardover books (at least those with maps attached to them) from the green menace.
Thank you, oh most awesome customer service.

Scarab Sages

Oh most awesome Customer Service, may I as, what item is keeping order 3648551 ?

Scarab Sages

Oh most awesome Customer Service: Is it possible, not to wait for the item on backorder (the Numenara book I presume) and just put that in my sidecart to add it to the next subscription (or whenever it arrives)?

Thank you, oh most awesome Customer Service!

Scarab Sages

2 people marked this as a favorite.

The music you wrote has been part of my life since I have been a child. May your last journey lead you to places beautiful and inspiring.

Scarab Sages

We have a thread about what we have for lunch, what music we are listening to, right now, how about another one in the same vein?

Not every night is gamenight, not every evening is filled with fancy socializing, sometimes you just want to spend your time at the cinema, the theatre or watch a TV-Show, a sport event or work on your netflix queue... if tonight is such a night, tell us what it is you will most likely be watching.

I will start: I am rather sick-ish the lst few days, so I spend a little too much time on the couch reading and working through my 'movies I still need to watch' stack.

I have just finished 'Invaders from Mars (1953)' and will watch 'After the Sunset' later. If my sickness will not tire me out sooner than usual, I might watch 'Falcon rising' as well.

P.S. I would be happy if we could manage not to use this thread to bash other posters entertainment ;-)

Scarab Sages

Oh most awesome Customer Service, it seems that while I wasn't looking, this order has grown to epic proportions. While I am happy about that, would it be possible to put the order on hold for about two weeks, so I can make the necessary arrangements (find a dungeon, kill the monsters, take their stuff...)?

Scarab Sages

Hasbro D&D Immortals worth looking into for those who don't own these (mostly) gems, yet.

Scarab Sages

Oh most awesome Customer service, I have to bother you again.
I recieved Order #3358414 today, unfortunatly without Chris A. Jacksons excellent novel 'Pirate's Promise'. Checking my order history, I find that the physical Items of this order are listed as 'cancelled', which is a bit of a mystery to me.
Also, I am starting to get worried about Order #3318976, which hasn't arrived yet. I would be most grateful if you could look into both matters.

Thank you, oh most awesome Customer Service.

Scarab Sages

Oh most awesome customer service:
As the Age of Rebellion beginner set arrived and did its work, could you please ship the items from tis order as they come and not wait for the complete order?

Thank you, oh most awesome customer service.

Scarab Sages

Oh most awesome customer service: This is probably not an order / replacement problem, as it concerns the two latest books of that order. Should it be a problem with your printer though, I think it has to be brought to you attention.

My copy of 'Inner Sea Combat' as well as both copies of the 'Alchemy Manual' share an undesirable trait: The pages protude about 1 or 2 milimetres beyound the cover, which will probably result in some slight damages sooner than it is the norm for softcover books. In the case of the 'Alchemy Manual' copies, the reason for this seems to be that the pages are stapled lightly to the right of the cover fold.

If you need photographs of the issue, it might take until early next week for me to provide them, as my digicam has been gremlined.

Scarab Sages

May you not find what your imagination made us fear.

Scarab Sages

Oh most awesome customer service, it seems that I can no longer access my account. I am in no hurry, but I would appreciate you looking into it. Another issue is, that my subscription page no longer shows the pending subscription.
Thank you, oh most awesome customer service!

Scarab Sages

Oh most awesome customer service, now that the worst of the sales-backlash seems to be over, I would like to kindly inquire what keeps up orders #2936574, #2937266 and #2939612.
Thank you for looking into it, have a great prolonged weekend!

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Happy Birthday, indeed. Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful shard of memory.

P.S. A toast to all the 'Dars' that will ever be in our hearts and memories.

Scarab Sages

This is a game by Daedalic (known for their point and click adventures) that I feel could need some more attention. Blackguard is a turn based fantasy tactical roleplaying game that is based on the same German RPG (and RPG-world) as Drakensang or the Realms of Arkania Games (the original, I prefer to think that there was no remake).

It is basically a set of tactical encounters (hex-map-based) with interactive cut scenes. The early access game didn't work well with my PC, but the final game is out now, it works great and I am having a blast.

Scarab Sages

Oh most awesome customer service:
Unfortunatly I have an issue wit said order. I did receive only one of the two subscription copies of 'People of the Sands' and that one was missing one of the staples keeping it together. The latter is not an issue as I can have the book stapled, the missing copy unfortunatly is.
Thank you for looking into it, have a wonderful weekend.

Scarab Sages

To all the folk at Paizo and to the posters and lurkers on these boards: I wish you all a Merry Christmas, Yule, Hanukka or whatever holiday you might enjoy at this time of the year and also a good start of the coming year!

Scarab Sages

Oh most awesome Customer Service: Would you please remove the Buffy and All Flesh must be eaten Gamemaster Screens from my sidecart? Gremlins have decided to return those I had bought in the past and considered lost.

Scarab Sages

Oh most awesome customer service:

Whoever drew the protective pentagram on the bill, it worked ;-) Not only was it the fastest non-priority delivery I ever recieved from you, but all the items arrived in excellent condition (I guess that the packaging did its part as well there...)

Have a nice weekend everybody!

Scarab Sages

Oh most awesome customer service: I hope you have recovered well from GenCon month. With a heavy heart I must again tell you abou a slight problem with my order that arrived today after a few days at German customs. While most books are in pristine condition and none of the items seems to have been damaged during packaging and transport, the Mythic Adventures Hardcovers semms to have suffered in printing/binding.

The book is usable (although I don't know if the binding will last) so this might seem as a luxury-problem, nevertheless I found it necessary to report it. The damage would be hard (for me at least) to show in pictures. I will try if necessary, but describing it the best I can might prove more helpful.

  • The first set of pages is not attached to the spine of the book but only to the inner side of the first, blue page.
  • Something tore a hole through page 17 and 19 (left of the first print column, abou 1cm * 1/2cm on page 17, much samller on page 19, leaving a visible dent on the following pages, ending on page 27
  • Also starting on page 17, slightly below the hole, starts a folding line on the page, visible on the following pages until page 31

The rest of the book seems fine. As I wrote, a minor problem, nevertheless I wanted to report it.

Have a fun weekend, oh most awesome customer service!

Scarab Sages

Oh most awesome customer service: I am afraid there was a problem with the packaging of one of the boxes for this order. The ordered map packs were stuck within AP 72, causing the last 25 pages to be bendt (bad but not bad enough to bother you) and the back-cover to be torn (realy bad). I've sent this message via e-mail, too, with a picture of the damage.

Thank you for looking into this, oh most awesome customer service.

Scarab Sages

Oh most awesome customer service: Due to the Visions of WAR books and the already pretty well packed subscriptions for August, that months is thrashing wildly through my bank account. Would it be possible, for this reason, to keep the Star Wars RPG—Edge of the Empire: Core Rulebook Hardcover,and the Star Wars RPG—Edge of the Empire: Game Master's Kit in my sidecart until October (September being pretty packed due to Razor Coast)?

Thank you, oh most awesome customer service!

Scarab Sages

Oh most awesome customer service: Could you please review the status of this order? Your e-mail says, the payment was denied, yet the items are shown as shipping and The Worldwound and the Reign of winter Map Folio are shown in my PDFs.

Thank you, oh most awesome customer service.

Scarab Sages

Fans of classic computer RPGs with good stories and turn based combat should probably keep an eye on this title (remake of an 1992 RPG based on the German Pen and Paper Game The dark Eye) The original was very good (as much as I despise the Pen and Paper Game...)and I hope they will do remakes of the second and third games as well.

Scarab Sages

A HD Package of 'Tower of Doom' and 'Shadows over Mystara' sneak attacked me on Steam, yesterday...

Scarab Sages

Oh most awesome customer service: I recieved a package with two face card decks today, alas all was not well, for instead of the Rise of the Runeklords deck I dot another of the Shattered Star decks.

Scarab Sages

Oh most awesome customer service:

The deluxe comics subscription has worked so well for me and my friends, since everyone got a comic, even if I had one excess comic per issue. Now with the reduced number of covers, I am actually one comic short.

Since your system prevents me from adding another subscription, would you please add a single comic subscription (I have nor preference for any of the cover artists) starting at issue 7 to my ongoing subscriptions?

Thank you, oh most awesome customer service!

Scarab Sages

Oh most awesome customer service:

Today my order arrived, fast and undamaged, alas with an extra trinket - a copy of the Shattered Star Face Cards.

While cards are one of the few of your excellent products I have not subscribed to, having these in my greedy hands enspelled me so I do not want to give them back. Please, if possible, just bill the item with my next subscription, or if that is easier for you I could order them and send you a message not to include the cards in the shipment.

Thank you, oh most awesome customer service.

Scarab Sages

Oh most awesome customer service:

I would hate to bother you again for a replacement, especially since this time it is not an issue with the whole product but only with one of the maps - perhaps you have some advice how to treat that map.

I recieved my thornkeep maps, yesterday, and both maps were slightly damaged - one of the maps is usable as it is, as it was only folded slightly left of the folding line. It won' fold as neatly as the other maps, but it will lie pretty flat and overall I don't have an issue with that.

The other map has two additional folding lines left and right of one of the designated folding lines making the map almost as thick as the cover when foldet - and making it almost impossible to lie flat on the table.

The old maps, while slightly thicker, could be straightened out when weightened with books overnight, so I tried this for this map, too, but with more or less no visible effect.

Do you have any recommendation what I could try to get the map straightened out?

Thank you very much.

Scarab Sages

Lisa, Vic: Do you know about / have these Star Wars collectibles? If not, should anyone in Germany start collecting them ;-)

Scarab Sages

The 'Adventure Path Question' title under Adventure Path General Discussion gets me to a Reign of Winter PbP...

Scarab Sages

Oh most awesome customer service:
I am sorry to bother you again, but please cancel the remainder of this order, I cannot afford it at the moment and will order again should anything change.

Thank you!

Scarab Sages

Oh most awesome customer service:
Today I recieved a partial order that contained 'Into the Nightmare Rift' and 'Mystery Monsters Revisited'. Sadly, both books suffered from heavy water damage - they seemed to have gotten oaked and then dried. The upper (ItNR) respectively the lower half (MMR) of the pages are wavy and a bit brittle, several pages stick together. Into the Nightmare Rift remains usable, although it will never look remotely pretty, Mystery Monsters Revisited is borderline unusable.

Please tell me how to proceed from here on.

Scarab Sages Dedicated Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7

5 people marked this as a favorite.

First of all: Kudos to those who entered an item. I haven't done so and I don't know if I wouldn't do far worse.

That said (and perhaps I just had the misfortune of a bad bunch), I have seen far to many entries that try hard to appear evil wit a capital 'L'.

There is nothing wrong with items with a dark history or heritage, with repulsive looks or ways of use - that is a trope of fantasy and fairy tales forever. Yet, in a game with more or less common magic items, there has to be a payoff - why should a character use an item that requires him to do things he will probably find repulsive, if it doesn't do much more then a low level potion?

I don't want to single out any entry, but if your items powers read like something from the home shopping channel while the description of its use (or making) reads like the lyrics of a CannibalCorps song, you might be heading in the wrong direction.

Sorry, rant over ;-)

Scarab Sages

Oh most awesome customer service: Sadly I have to ask you to cancel all of the Amazing Engines stuff from this order, keeping only the Gamma World products.

Thank you!