Dr Davaulus

Daniel Tauber's page

259 posts. Alias of feytharn.


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Male Human Offensive Option 3

That is a bit sad, I hope he is allright, though.

Male Human Offensive Option 3


Male Human Offensive Option 3

Hit points: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7

Feat: Weapon Proficiency Melee Weapons
+1 Bluff
+1 Diplomacy
+1 Performance: Acting
+2 Sense Motive (first time for a long time he has to deal with people other than hollywood scum or fellow hobos)
+2 Perception (really used it a lot)
+1 Acrobatics
+2 Stealth (Do I have to explain?)

Male Human Offensive Option 3

Daniel heads for the guest room, hoping to fetch a few hours of sleep before last weeks horror sets in to hound whatever dreams he might have.

Male Human Offensive Option 3

Thank you, found it :-), I don't think Daniel has any reason to refuse that

Male Human Offensive Option 3

Thank you, Professor. It looks delicious, I feel like I could even forget about our troubles for a while.
Is the professor refering to the dessert or to some kind of drink I don't know? If the latter, Daniel will ask politely for water.

Male Human Offensive Option 3

Daniel cleans himself up and grooms with what he has available without straining the Professors hospitality, then he changes into the clothes his host provided, probably looking a lot better when he returns to the living room.

Male Human Offensive Option 3

Reggie, I cannot say how sorry I am about your aunt. The nice lady was the only one in town who was kind and helpful to us just out of the kindness of her heart. Sadly, I am today just a poor, broken man, but still, if there is anything in my power I can do for you, just say it and I will try,

Male Human Offensive Option 3

Thank you, Professor. To be fair, I had not recognized how hungry I was until you mentioned it, now I seem to be near starving. A meal and some rest would be welcome, and I would like to wash, before I soil your clothes with the sweat and dust of the street.

Male Human Offensive Option 3

Daniel is feeling uncomfortable, afraid he involuntarily snubbed the Professor, so he is too nervous to just sit and wait. He strides up and down in the room he is, absend mindedly looking at art, books, probably without noticing much, unless it is something really standing out.

Male Human Offensive Option 3

You are probably right, I just...I had it make sense so often after...well so often that I lost my sense in the end...I just dont want to go there again...

Male Human Offensive Option 3

Daniel gulps, his resistance weaker than ever since he left Boston (and astonished that a respectable man like the Professor would keep sherry in his home), but he manages to get a hold of himself.

Just water for me, thank you, you are very kind.

Male Human Offensive Option 3

Professor, I really would not ask you if I had another choice, but do you have an old suit you would be willing to part with?
I did hit some hard times even before I ended up in Dunwich and all I posessed was in the suitcase I left there during the whole chase.
I do not own any money and I do not know how I could pay you for help, but the last days took a bigger toll on my clothes than a year on the road and I am not sure my attire would last till Boston.

Male Human Offensive Option 3

I am glad to hear you are all on board. Good thinking about the guns, Reggie. Let us head to town, then.

Male Human Offensive Option 3

I do not know if I can live like that...knowing the nex poor sods there will be killed, families, lonely travellers...there must be something we can do.
Daniels thoughts wander to his own family and he starts sobbing, all the horror of the last days and now the thoughts of those bastards just going on with their murderous ways overwhelming is countenance.

Male Human Offensive Option 3

Daniel grows pale
Applesauce! I did not even think of that.

Male Human Offensive Option 3

We did not ask many questions. Yet they decided to not only get rid of us but also get rid of a nice lady, living in town forever just because we were there!

Male Human Offensive Option 3

But...all those cars, the tunnels...that cannot just disappear with this one fire! And the Firemen...what will happen to them if they see something? That makes no sense!

Male Human Offensive Option 3

If they do destroy the evidence, why would they risk calling the firefighters? I think there is something else...the Whateley farm for example.

Male Human Offensive Option 3

Ten miles is not too bad. I wonder however, if we should move the car to the edge of the road and stay inside until dawn...just in case those goatmens habitat is bigger than just Dunwich...

Male Human Offensive Option 3

We probably will not make either, so I say Arkham. Professor Armitages word will surely carry some more authority there and in case we are questioned we will need that boon.

Male Human Offensive Option 3

Daniel Tauber.
Daniel shakes the strangers hand, then takes the broshure, pretending interest, just to bring some resemblance of normality into this frightening night.

Male Human Offensive Option 3

Daniel tries to sound as unspicuous and casual as possible, despite hearing his own hard as loud as the strangers voice
You know the people who live in that house?

Male Human Offensive Option 3

Gravest voice
Do not go to the village we came from. They will kill you without remorse. Why do you think we are this desparate? best mixture between desperate and soothing Please. Come with us, we will not harm you!

Since this isn't even a lie - diplomacy: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (20) + 10 = 30

Male Human Offensive Option 3

Calm down, we did not murder him. He was one of a band of lunatics holding that town in a grip of terror. They tried to kill us, and they will try to kill you if they get you, so come with us if you want to live - they are not too keen on strangers. Let us hurry. We can talk in the car, whether we drive to Boston or just to that house!

yeah, not the complete truth, but Daniel has played enough heroes to pull it of, trying to look like his famous Sheriff Clay, rallying the townsfolk against the evil Cattle Baron...

bluff: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9

or maybe not...

If he can try again acting, he tries to really get into the role, imitating movement and posture, perhaps the man recognizes it on some level: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20

Male Human Offensive Option 3

I want to get out of here, but I am afraid we might end up being pusecuted for Millers death.

Male Human Offensive Option 3

Believe it or not, we are not madmen out for your life. Now just get on the backseat, be calm and you will probably get out of this very unfortunate situation unharmed, you will even get your car back, once we are safely in a town a bit away from here
Diplomacy:1d20 + 10 ⇒ (7) + 10 = 17

Male Human Offensive Option 3

Using the tree is not so bad with that Daniel starts ripping off brances just make it big enough he sees it before crashing into it

Male Human Offensive Option 3

And if it is a stranger who came to Dunwich, someone like us or like Cummings?
Or someone from Dunwich who isn't part of the cult and wants to warn Whately, your poor aunt wasn't one of the believers, surely there are others who aren't.I agree with the professor. Let's not endager the driver if we can avoid it.

Male Human Offensive Option 3

I am less worried about the cultists than about the beastmen right now...

Male Human Offensive Option 3

Dear Lord. I guess I never really was a good christian, I probably sought solace more often in booze than in prayer, but now I beg you, have your angels wings give us speed to reach the Whateley home, before those creatures get to us. Amen

Male Human Offensive Option 3

Then Daniels prefered MO would be sneaking through the shrubs (north of the 40something buildings on the maplike the non-murderous (but food grabbing) hobo he was until he reaches Whateley Street and then north unti he is "safely" out of town.

If he ever gets the feeling he was spotted, he will run like hell is on his heels (which would probably not be far from truth). Of course he still tries to keep close to his remaining companions and he will try not to let go of the papers he could bring with him.

Stealth:1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17

Male Human Offensive Option 3

How far away are the cultists? Would we have a chance to hide or is it more probable that they already saw us coming out of the building?

Male Human Offensive Option 3

What is the general direction of the Whateley House?

Male Human Offensive Option 3

Good luck, Charlie. Come, Professor, let us run.
Daniel climbs up and holds out his hand to help up the Professor and Reggie.

Male Human Offensive Option 3

Agreed. It was just your post before this and Murphys last violent outbreak that had me a bit worried your RL 'extra challenge' might lead Murphy to do o something Daniel might have to regret ;-)

Male Human Offensive Option 3

As much as I agree about Chthulhu =/= happe ending, I would prefer it if you would at leat not try to force this into a slaughterhouse, other players be damned

Male Human Offensive Option 3

Speaking in a whisper despite Charlie and Reggie not doing so - and the cultists hopefully being far enough away they wouldn't here him anyway, Daniel turns to Reggie.
But...if they already know...we would be trapped down here with a lot of wood and dry paper...

Male Human Offensive Option 3

Daniel, rather unsuccesful with the searching himself, tries to grab any papers Reggie or the professor might point at, at the same time he tries to take at least some of the papers he hasn't been through, hoping (probably in vain) that they might contain useful additional information.

Male Human Offensive Option 3

Applesauce, so we are back to creepy with those names. Nifty!

Male Human Offensive Option 3

Good thinking.You do that. I try to find anything in the police files that has to do with Miller, Whateley or missing people.

Research I guess?:
1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8

Whoa, these files are messed up beyond hope. I could really use some help

Male Human Offensive Option 3

Perhaps they have put one of them under the ground? Have you seen records about funerals?

Male Human Offensive Option 3

This must have been a very religious town once, more than two an a half centuries of entwined spiritual and worldly leadership can hardly be a coincidence.

The repeated names could mean anything. Of course, it seems pretty creepy, considering all the weirdness we have encountered here, so far, on the other hand, some people are just unimaginative with names, calling their children Geoffrey I, Humphrey II and so forth.

Has anybody seen any mentioning of a Whateley in these files?

Male Human Offensive Option 3

Research: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14

Male Human Offensive Option 3

It's under 'Gather Information';-):1d20 + 10 ⇒ (10) + 10 = 20

Male Human Offensive Option 3

That is a great idea, Reggie, thank you!

Male Human Offensive Option 3

First of all, let us look if we find the Whateley family in there, then the names of the other people here we know - Osbourne, Blair, Hobbes - not that I think she had anything do do with all this, Reggie - perhaps we find something out of the ordinary

Male Human Offensive Option 3

We have to be careful, though. I don't think it would be a good Idea to work down here with the hatch fully closed, yet we have to make sure nobody on the outside of the chapel sees any light. Besides that, I will gladly help you searching those files for whatever may shed some light on what is going on around this hell of a town.

Male Human Offensive Option 3

Wasn't it still the plan to get to the Whateley house after we looked for some kind of archive in the chapel, as the professor proposed?

Male Human Offensive Option 3

Daniel takes the sack himself, then turns to Reggie and Murphy, if he is there, yet and whispers:
Grab the Pickaxes, they might come in handy if we need to smash through a door or two. If one of you has a free hand left, there is a bottle with some stuff in it. I don't know what it is, but perhaps it burns if we don't find it useful for anything else.

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