Star Wars Rogue One


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Dark Archive

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Teaser Footage and screen shot

Man is it just me or is it an effiing great time to be a geek?


The Exchange

I'm really interested in seeing in which directions they take this Star Wars Anthologies business. There used to be some early talks about ideas I didn't like so much, like a movie about Boba Fett and some other bad ideas.

This, however, I like. It seems to test the waters with the concept of telling stories with a different tone and genre in the Star Wars universe. Also, unlike the Origins of Fett idea, it seems to be a smart choice by focusing on a story element that could easily be expended without hurting any element of the original trilogy.

It seems good. I'm almost more interested in this direction than in the direct continuation of the main story line (if only because the damage it can do is more contained).

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But, but Kyle Katarn is the one who stole the Death Star plans! :P

Liberty's Edge

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Kalshane wrote:
But, but Kyle Katarn is the one who stole the Death Star plans! :P

I probably take too much pleasure in being able to say that's not the case.

Sovereign Court

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Kalshane wrote:
But, but Kyle Katarn is the one who stole the Death Star plans! :P

NOTHING from the expanded universe ever happened as far as Disney is concerned.

Anyway, I am looking forward to this movie far more than to Force Awakens.

Just that little bit looked better than anything we've seen frm TFA so far. Still too early to be convinced.

Hama wrote:
Kalshane wrote:
But, but Kyle Katarn is the one who stole the Death Star plans! :P

NOTHING from the expanded universe ever happened as far as Disney is concerned.

Anyway, I am looking forward to this movie far more than to Force Awakens.

I'm aware the EU is gone, hence the smiley. That game had some good and bad points, and some of the plot was highly non-nonsensical (Wait, the Empire is using smugglers to transport cargo? The whole point of smuggling is you're transporting stuff the government [ie The Empire] doesn't want you transporting.) but it was plenty fun. (It also had a fun "Stormtroopers can't shoot straight" explanation in making the Stormtrooper rifle a lot more inaccurate than you other weapons.)

Liberty's Edge

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I actually really liked the Dark Force games, just as I enjoyed the Thrawn trilogy and KOTOR - but the incredible $#!+ that popped in the EU as it went along, and the licensing agreements that required all of it to be considered "canon" to one another, means that the fiery death of the EU couldn't come fast enough for me.

I still remember with pleasure the point in the Hand of Thrawn duology where Zahn (through the mouthpiece of Mara Jade) points out how incredibly bad the EU is, and has been ever since Dark Empire.

Dumping the EU gets rid of some really great stuff, like anything Stover or Allston wrote, KOTOR 2 (and to a lesser extent KOTOR 1), the Dark Times, etc. but you don't get Crystal Star, Courtship of Princess Leia, the bad stuff from the Clone Wars cartoons, Legacy, LotF, Dark Empire, etc.

It breaks even, roughly.

The Exchange

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No Admiral Thawn is sad though. He was awesome.

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No Mara Jade..sniff

Bjørn Røyrvik wrote:

Dumping the EU gets rid of some really great stuff, like anything Stover or Allston wrote, KOTOR 2 (and to a lesser extent KOTOR 1), the Dark Times, etc. but you don't get Crystal Star, Courtship of Princess Leia, the bad stuff from the Clone Wars cartoons, Legacy, LotF, Dark Empire, etc.

It breaks even, roughly.

Ironically, I believe the Clone Wars cartoon is still considered Canon.

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Courtship of Prince Leia was probably one of my favourite Star Wars novels. Unlike a lot of the other ones, it remembered that the recipe for the original trilogy included a good dollop of goofy fun.

Bjørn Røyrvik wrote:

Dumping the EU gets rid of some really great stuff, like anything Stover or Allston wrote, KOTOR 2 (and to a lesser extent KOTOR 1), the Dark Times, etc. but you don't get Crystal Star, Courtship of Princess Leia, the bad stuff from the Clone Wars cartoons, Legacy, LotF, Dark Empire, etc.

It breaks even, roughly.

Wait, there was bad stuff in the Clone Wars cartoons? Hang on.... oh yeah. There was. I dread when my son gets old enough to watch Season 3 draaaaaaaaaag through interstellar politics.

It's bad enough my brother calls Star Wars "Tax Wars". The plot of the Prequels (and thus the Clone Wars) essentially revolves around trade and tariff disputes, with some hokey monastic lightblade wielders in anachronistic mufti swanning around and stealing people's princesses.

Aside from that I really enjoy a lot of the art, aesthetics/visuals of the Clone Wars.

The Exchange

Most of the Clone Wars stuff is kinda inconsequential anyway, but I liked Ashoka (is that how her name is spelled?) a fair bit and it would be awesome to see her in a movie.

Dark Archive

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First official cast photo for Star Wars Rogue One.

The cast traitors to The Empire include Felicity Jones, Diego Luna, Ben Mendelsohn, Donnie Yen, Jiang Wen, Forest Whitaker, Mads Mikkelsen, Alan Tudyk, and Riz Ahmed.

Alan Tudyk, was the "main robot" in I, Robot.*

*Why do I know these things?

Dark Archive

If Grand Moff Tarkin is not in this film I'm going Count Dooku some Disney executive's a$$.

I never got into the EU stuff, so I don't care that much one way or the other about it being contradicted. Whether I see this movie will probably depend on whether or not I enjoy The Force Awakens. If I dislike FA, this one will need really good reviews for me to want to see it.

Sovereign Court

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Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun wrote:

First official cast photo for Star Wars Rogue One.

The cast traitors to The Empire include Felicity Jones, Diego Luna, Ben Mendelsohn, Donnie Yen, Jiang Wen, Forest Whitaker, Mads Mikkelsen, Alan Tudyk, and Riz Ahmed.

Alan Tudyk, was the "main robot" in I, Robot.*

*Why do I know these things?

Alan Tudyk was Wash from Firefly. Everything else is completely unimportant.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Hama wrote:
Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun wrote:

First official cast photo for Star Wars Rogue One.

The cast traitors to The Empire include Felicity Jones, Diego Luna, Ben Mendelsohn, Donnie Yen, Jiang Wen, Forest Whitaker, Mads Mikkelsen, Alan Tudyk, and Riz Ahmed.

Alan Tudyk, was the "main robot" in I, Robot.*

*Why do I know these things?

Alan Tudyk was Wash from Firefly. Everything else is completely unimportant.

Boy I hope he's not a pilot in this movie, that did not end so well for him last time.

Dark Archive

The official title for the movie is now Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, the first of the anthology stories.

Hi res image

In the foreground you see The Imperial New Order Insignia and rank access cylinders on the mechanic's arm.

DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
Hama wrote:
Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun wrote:

First official cast photo for Star Wars Rogue One.

The cast traitors to The Empire include Felicity Jones, Diego Luna, Ben Mendelsohn, Donnie Yen, Jiang Wen, Forest Whitaker, Mads Mikkelsen, Alan Tudyk, and Riz Ahmed.

Alan Tudyk, was the "main robot" in I, Robot.*

*Why do I know these things?

Alan Tudyk was Wash from Firefly. Everything else is completely unimportant.
Boy I hope he's not a pilot in this movie, that did not end so well for him last time.

I hope he is.

I really, really hope he is.

Liberty's Edge

Now, now Freehold.

You're letting your hatred of Whedon spill over onto other people again.

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Someone on FB posted a picture of a leaf impaled on a thorn...

"I'm a leaf on the...oh..."

Please link if possible.

Krensky wrote:

Now, now Freehold.

You're letting your hatred of Whedon spill over onto other people again.

how so? I just want him to get a good part in a movie. Can't a man support another man's film career?

I need another bottle of champagne to enjoy in the theater when he is impaled/blown up/dies with the bothans/whatever

Liberty's Edge

Have we determined that the people behind this share Wheadon's inability to write a third act?

Grand Lodge

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

I expect the Bothan body count to be high for this movie. Maybe even best described as "many."

Dark Archive

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Skeld wrote:
I expect the Bothan body count to be high for this movie. Maybe even best described as "many."

That was the Death Star II.

Freehold DM wrote:
Krensky wrote:

Now, now Freehold.

You're letting your hatred of Whedon spill over onto other people again.

how so? I just want him to get a good part in a movie. Can't a man support another man's film career?

** spoiler omitted **

Come on now...Alan Tudyk has been in a large number of movies, and has done voice work in many more. Hell he was even a character in the third transformer movie, a series of movie I know you love (for some reason?)

Even excluding Whedon stuff, he was awesome in Tucker and Dale vs Evil as well as Wreck it Ralph.

Here you go Freehold


Kryzbyn wrote:

Here you go Freehold


I don't have permission to view this on the server.

I'm sorry I found it on Google.
Search for "I'm a leaf on the wind thorn" and click on images.

Dark Archive

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Ben Mendelsohn has the movie listed on IMDB, possible cast for Grand Moff Tarkin?

I've waited years for a Rogue Squadron movie, too bad its another prequel. Will still see it though.

Silver Crusade

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Kryzbyn wrote:

Someone on FB posted a picture of a leaf impaled on a thorn...

"I'm a leaf on the...oh..."

There is a cool joke on the internet. How does a reaver clean its harpoon.

They put it through the Wash.....

noretoc wrote:
Kryzbyn wrote:

Someone on FB posted a picture of a leaf impaled on a thorn...

"I'm a leaf on the...oh..."

** spoiler omitted **


Liberty's Edge

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There is a rumor of the name of the person with the mustache in the cast pic.

Biggs Darklighter.

Sovereign Court

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Hah that'd be awesome.

Dark Archive

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Familiar set being built.

Dark Archive

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Grand Moff Tarkin returns!

Even more powerful than a Force Spirit, digitally created CGI.

Darth Vader to make an appearance as well.

We are getting the band back together!

Dark Archive

Mads Mikkelsen being a little cheeky on what his role will be.

Dark Archive

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Donnie Yen Briefly Talks Rogue One and shares an mage with new trooper helmets.

Dark Archive

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Picutres from location shoot.

REAL Stormtrooper helmets, not those duckface things in TFA. Good!
The one on the right looked decent, the one on the left not so much.

You do realize this takes place concurrent with Episode 4 right?

Me, I liked the helmets from Star Wars Legacy, but that would be going a bit too far into the future.

Liberty's Edge

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Freehold DM wrote:

You do realize this takes place concurrent with Episode 4 right?

Cocurrent? I thought it was a little before episode 4, as its how they got the Death Star plans. I would think one of the last scenes in the movie will be Leia getting ahold of the plans and racing towards Tatooine with the star destroyer in pursuit.

Ah good point.

Liberty's Edge

I can never remember, was Leia heading towards Tatooine to recruit Obi-Wan, or was she just jumped by the Devastator as she passed by en route to Aldebaran? I seem to remember it's the later.

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