
Contrivancecougar's page

61 posts. Alias of Vidmaster7.


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I heard their were sheep?

Count Reiner Heydrich wrote:

So, in recap, you (Timemaster7) deal with when and Spacemaster7 deals with where.

But who deals with the others (who, what and why)?

WHY do you ask?

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Woran wrote:

It has been raining. It is now wet outside.

The cats want me to fix this.

Fix it Woran!

So I keep hearing and seeing things about how high ranking government officials are saying aliens and UFO's are for sure a thing. anyone actually following this stuff?

Well Isn't that just the cat's meow?

Well now how is she suppose to take that name?

You've never used one? You're missing out.

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Yes quite.

To obscure a reference?

gran rey de los mono wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:

Happy birthday to freehold who apparently is our leader(?)

*glares at gran who must of thrown the snowball*

I must prepare!

*begins to dig tiger trap full of snow.*

*begins prepping snow fort*

You digging that tiger trap for me, buddy? You do know that I'm not a tiger, right?

You don't have to be a tiger to fall for one. I think?

Ah Colombia what don't you have... aside from a reliable and just government.

Really the chicken was correct about being concerned about something...

A Gelatinous Cube wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:

Thanks Sharoth you too! The little banter back and forth makes the night go by faster.

This may or may not be my last work day before the wedding. (The boss messed up the scheduled and forgot the 11th existed apparently.) The anticipation is starting to get to me.

*shklapunkadoodles in antici...*

ty? Anticity? which city?

That does sound quite tragic.
Maybe somehow they can work some magic?
I hope your work doesn't ending up making you cephalalgic,
Its not cheap to feed a cat since their so sarcophagous.

(some of those words are a contrivance for sure.)

Questioning felines aside continue and your spleen I will hide.

Freehold DM wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

There is a math problem where if a cat costs 4 dollars how many cats can you get for a hundred dollars.

The General: Too many!! How are you going to feed that many cats!! My god, they'll s*#% everywhere!!!


Me and T-lion appreciate that sentiment.

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A Gelatinous Cube wrote:
*wobbles in antici---*


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Ugh'yick, the Eternal Fruitcake wrote:
{shivers with antici...}


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Cat got his tongue.

But really is their a right way to do alcoholism?

Wait how exactly are you The "fun" constable?

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... so rude...

gran rey de los mono wrote:
This is the first year that I'm not going to Bora Bora because of the COVID. Usually I don't go because I'm broke.

I feel like your implying that you have the money this time...

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Well I know hippie is one of them....

...and that's a problem?

Why not Garfunkel and oats?

(Jokes on you as a cat I'm already naked!)

Is Jimmy haveing a seizure?

... Has your job gotten so lax that they let you drink while your there?

I wonder if quibble is doing paizocon stuff.

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WAIT wait wait! What that an option?!??!?!?!

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AngryNerdRageDemon wrote:

Turns out t-lion does have a temper. who knew?

Limeylongears wrote:
Thomas Seitz wrote:
Well only because I think the British Public aren't all morons.

Why do I hear disagreement when reading that Hmm?

Warning! random thoughts ahead:

Hmm I'm not sure about power attack. So if your weapon does a d12 it will add a d12 but a second attack would add a d12 +str and other bonuses but be at -5. If I'm not mistaken a d12 is as big as it gets to right? nothing like enlarge or monkey grip or anything like that would ever increase the die size it would most likely just give you a flat damage bonus. However I guess it does count as one action instead of 2 so maybe if you are doing other things then attacking and making just one attack its gonna be a solid option. Would have to go over the math that we don't have yet to really figure it out also maybe their are more feats to improve it?

But why?

gran rey de los mono wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
Gran why do they read the sold out sign then walk in and ask if we have rooms?
Because I made them an offer they couldn't refuse.

Was it that you would stop?

gran rey de los mono wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
Gran why do they read the sold out sign then walk in and ask if we have rooms?
Because 7 times 13 is 28.

Yeah that makes.... wait a minute.


SchemeKitty wrote:
I favorite nothing.

GASP! not even a little?

In the image of other posters.

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K so if I have 8630 posts how many tactics lions am I?
Do I get a bonus if I have a alias that is similar <this one>

8 people marked this as a favorite.

Cats! proof that you can both be a mass murderer and cute as a button!

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He's a strange one.^

Great now witch alias do I use...

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Its T-lion!

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What he said is accurate in my experience^^

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well owls take about 5 days and bears about 10 years sooo do you average them?

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Tacticslion wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
I feel like being a figment of an imagined imagination is a bit paradoxical.
Eh, not really - if we're simulations, it's probably turtles simulations all the way down, so, notsoveryunlikely. XD

Wow! You where like super way prepared for that one.

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Why not I want to kiss 6 significant others my! times.

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Real question: Why do Swashbucklers hate people?!?

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