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{shivers with antici...}

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Ugh'yick, the Eternal Fruitcake wrote:
{shivers with antici...}


Pirate_master7 wrote:
Yaaarr! see ye got to be look'n at those sorts of papers and what have ye as more like "guide lines." A honest pirate has got to make a liv'n one way or another... yaaarrr.

What you lubbers don't know, and I do, is that GDPR stands for Gargantuan Dollops of Plundered Riches.

7 people marked this as a favorite.

As of yesterday, I ran one more day in August than I had in the rest of the year combined. (19 days for August, 18 days February through July). So that seems like vaguely something of an accomplishment, and because I have my life organized into detailed spreadsheets for *everything*, even though my weight isn't going down yet, I can see my time improving (at the start of July, I was averaging 15:45 per mile, and I've got that down to 12:45-13:00).
So I'm still slow and fat, but *less* slow and fat. And that feels like something.
But, dang, when it's 89 degrees at 5:30 in the morning, and the humidity is as high as the temperature, it is not fun.

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I have a love/hate relationship with running. It is the last thing in the triathlon, so it is always the thing you are most tired to do. Running on spent legs is horrible. Running in the afternoon heat is horrible. Running alone because everyone else has already finished the course and is having their celebratory beer is horrible.

But at the end, you get your beer or cider and can say you finished it.

None of that helps with running training. Although I maintain that being outside at 430 AM in 80 degrees is still better than running on a treadmill.

I hope you have a running partner. I started running because my sister needed a running partner. As much as I hate to say it, women should never run alone.

babble incoherent.

If not clear from this post - good job!

Scarab Sages

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I should probably get new running shoes and start running again.
It always feels like I'm freaking dying. But it gets my methabolism up something fierce. At least for a little while.

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Drejk wrote:

How much invading reader's privacy and stealing their data is ingrained in US business?

They'd rather block EU visitors than, gods forbid, not steal the data:

** spoiler omitted **

Then there's the whole, "Facebook doesn't appreciate platforms trying to protect users' privacy" thing...

3 people marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:

As of yesterday, I ran one more day in August than I had in the rest of the year combined. (19 days for August, 18 days February through July). So that seems like vaguely something of an accomplishment, and because I have my life organized into detailed spreadsheets for *everything*, even though my weight isn't going down yet, I can see my time improving (at the start of July, I was averaging 15:45 per mile, and I've got that down to 12:45-13:00).

So I'm still slow and fat, but *less* slow and fat. And that feels like something.
But, dang, when it's 89 degrees at 5:30 in the morning, and the humidity is as high as the temperature, it is not fun.

you seem the opposite of slow and fat.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Drejk wrote:

How much invading reader's privacy and stealing their data is ingrained in US business?

They'd rather block EU visitors than, gods forbid, not steal the data:

** spoiler omitted **

Then there's the whole, "Facebook doesn't appreciate platforms trying to protect users' privacy" thing...

Okay, Poes Law has defeated me. Is this satire, or was Facebook literally that openly blatant about it?

Scarab Sages

For the uninitiated

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NobodysHome wrote:
Drejk wrote:

How much invading reader's privacy and stealing their data is ingrained in US business?

They'd rather block EU visitors than, gods forbid, not steal the data:

** spoiler omitted **

Then there's the whole, "Facebook doesn't appreciate platforms trying to protect users' privacy" thing...

A few years ago, even before GDPR was being introduced, Marc Zuckerberg supposedly visited Poland trying to convince Polish government about toning down privacy protections laws that existed at that time.

What does that say about distopian direction of our current world when the monopolist titan that enjoys enforcing totalitarian electronic control and would strangle the whole market in even stricter technical IP, trademark laws, and my-way-or-highway contracts is the one who protects the privacy of its customers better.

Great moments in bad timing.

We're having a thunderstorm.

First Tuesday of the month.


Big clap of thunder. Storm siren goes off.

Brain immediately forgot that it was still the first Tuesday of the month at 10am.

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Way to go LM! Seriously. Because you ARE making progress, and slow progress is progress that lasts! Plus, there's the effects you don't see on your circulatory and respiratory systems, and preventing cancer and such. You kick ass!

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Co-worker has forgotten the rules for working at the Feng Shui place.

1. Do the absolute minimum according to what the contract says

2. Make as little human contact as possible

3. Get the f+~~ out.

So far he's f&&#ing up every single one.

I am pissed.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Nylarthotep wrote:

I have a love/hate relationship with running. It is the last thing in the triathlon, so it is always the thing you are most tired to do. Running on spent legs is horrible. Running in the afternoon heat is horrible. Running alone because everyone else has already finished the course and is having their celebratory beer is horrible.

But at the end, you get your beer or cider and can say you finished it.

None of that helps with running training. Although I maintain that being outside at 430 AM in 80 degrees is still better than running on a treadmill.

I hope you have a running partner. I started running because my sister needed a running partner. As much as I hate to say it, women should never run alone.

babble incoherent.

If not clear from this post - good job!

My running partners are two gentlemen named Freddie Mercury and Brian May.

Yes, I agree, you are right. I absolutely should be running with a partner. And I do know that a woman was killed jogging in another suburb near me just last month. And, at the same time, this is the only selfish thing in my life that I get to do by myself, just for me, no spouse or kids. Except for going to work or the grocery store.
And I do not want to give up that alone time.
My only rationale is that police patrol my route continually because mine is a largely Hispanic immigrant neighborhood and, you know, them illegals.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
Drejk wrote:

How much invading reader's privacy and stealing their data is ingrained in US business?

They'd rather block EU visitors than, gods forbid, not steal the data:

** spoiler omitted **

Then there's the whole, "Facebook doesn't appreciate platforms trying to protect users' privacy" thing...

A few years ago, even before GDPR was being introduced, Marc Zuckerberg supposedly visited Poland trying to convince Polish government about toning down privacy protections laws that existed at that time.

What does that say about distopian direction of our current world when the monopolist titan that enjoys enforcing totalitarian electronic control and would strangle the whole market in even stricter technical IP, trademark laws, and my-way-or-highway contracts is the one who protects the privacy of its customers better.

Two thoughts:

In a former Communist Bloc country, a person's right to privacy is an essential hallmark of freedom.
In a country where civil rights are being grossly curtailed by the current administration, trying to convince folks that they can do without yet another one of them is really insulting.
Zuckerberg is a grade a douchebag.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Even if you don't know 100 people
See earlier Nylotharp editorial
tl;drSo, yes, even though I am likely to disagree with any given person's politics, I want them to vote.

Treat The Entire Month Of October As 'Election Day'

Here's why:


For domestic voters wishing to vote absentee or by mail, 16 states require voters to provide an “excuse” for why they will not be able to vote on Election Day. Some of these states do provide early in-person voting.

The other 34 states and Washington, D.C., do not require an excuse from those who wish to vote absentee or by mail. Five states conduct elections entirely by mail (Colorado, Hawaii, Oregon, Utah and Washington), which means voters do not need to request a ballot, and instead automatically receive one. The other 29 states and D.C. offer “no-excuse” absentee voting, which means any voter can request a mail ballot without providing an excuse.

For people in 68% of the states, voting can start as soon as the clerks' offices have the ballots available.

In my state, you can walk up to the clerk's office, fill in the absentee ballot request, receive your absentee ballot, step over to the privacy booth, vote your ballot, and return your ballot to the clerk's office, all in one short trip.

Or pick it up in person, take it home to mark, and return it to a secure ballot box at city hall.

You don't have to use the mails at all to vote absentee. Or even to return a mailed-to-you ballot.

For election activists, this is a whole new way of thinking about "election day". It really is "election month" for a large percentage of people.

So, even if you don't have 100 acquaintances* right now, you can at least encourage 100 people* to vote over the next eight weeks. Remind your grocery check-out clerk to remember to vote. Remind every stranger you chat with to remember to vote. Pin a reminder to your Twitter feed, your Facebook page, and any other place on the web that you control.

*See Nylotharp's editorial linked above

Turn out the vote during Election Month.


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Freehold's a-votin'.

I don't care who you vote for, so long as you do vote.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:

Freehold's a-votin'.

I don't care who you vote for, so long as you do vote.

Normally, in most years, I'd say the same thing. In 2016 though, I cared who you voted for. This year, I care even more. Biden is not the candidate I personally wanted, but I'm a bit further left than a lot of people - at least by Midwestern standards. Bring on the centrist corporate Democrat.

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lisamarlene wrote:
My running partners are two gentlemen named Freddie Mercury and Brian May.

My first thought? Show must go on! What can I say, it's my favorite.

Then Killer Queen came to my mind. Followed by We are the champions! (duh, too obvious). Living On My Own (because I don't have time for running monkey business).

Tenement funster? (because of getting the speed of light outta this place)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
My running partners are two gentlemen named Freddie Mercury and Brian May.

My first thought? Show must go on! What can I say, it's my favorite.

Then Killer Queen came to my mind. Followed by We are the champions! (duh, too obvious). Living On My Own (because I don't have time for running monkey business).

Tenement funster? (because of getting the speed of light outta this place)

after looking at the making of, I can only think of Bicycle.

I always vote.

Except in primaries, then I almost always vote.

The Feng Shui people sure do love co-worker.

Thankfully I'm just trapped here for today, I'm starting a small wall tomorrow.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Your co-worker has a good feng shui? What if you moved him a bit to the left or right?

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Hello, everyone.

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Spoiling so it looks like I'm at least TRYING to not be political:
Considering the average political opinions of those who believe Corona is a hoax or no danger, I'm about 85% sure mailed in votes will be "lost" this election.

I'm gonna throw a mask on and early vote to make sure mine isn't "lost".

Come on guys. Let's at least try to keep it less blatant for those folks left who still are against politics.

I know I too am quite guilty of wanting the dialogue to continue, but I also try to see I from the point of view of folks who might just be sick of reading about this but not enough to speak up.

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So, here's a long-but-well-done article on the California wildfires.

The TL;DR version: It's not any one particular person nor political party's fault; it's over 100 years of poor forest management coming back to bite us now that our climate has grown significantly warmer and drier.

We need to be doing massive controlled burns every year. But virtually everyone of every political stripe is opposed for a wide variety of reasons.

NobodysHome wrote:

So, here's a long-but-well-done article on the California wildfires.

The TL;DR version: It's not any one particular person nor political party's fault; it's over 100 years of poor forest management coming back to bite us now that our climate has grown significantly warmer and drier.

We need to be doing massive controlled burns every year. But virtually everyone of every political stripe is opposed for a wide variety of reasons.

didn't you guys have a controlled burn that went wrong a few years ago?

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Mail in voting


It is not just the right that loses ballots. I vote in a tiny county in KY. I am registered independent in a primarily democratic county (dixiecrat really, but registered democrats even if they vote for trump).

My mother ran as a republican for state office. They see my last name and KNOW who I am.

I can't count the number of absentee ballots of mine that have been lost or came in "just too late."

I now vote in person. Early almost always, but in person if I want to vote.

Freehold DM wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

So, here's a long-but-well-done article on the California wildfires.

The TL;DR version: It's not any one particular person nor political party's fault; it's over 100 years of poor forest management coming back to bite us now that our climate has grown significantly warmer and drier.

We need to be doing massive controlled burns every year. But virtually everyone of every political stripe is opposed for a wide variety of reasons.

didn't you guys have a controlled burn that went wrong a few years ago?

Oh, I'm sure there have been many. But if you don't do controlled burns, you end up with what we have now: Annual firestorms costing billions and killing people. Even an out-of-control controlled burn doesn't tend to be nearly as devastating.

Way back in the 1980s when I did most of my backpacking (3-4 weeks every summer, 10-20 miles a day), I remember driving through a controlled burn almost every single day. Small ones, but they existed. By the early 1990s they'd just stopped. I found it interesting that the former director of Yosemite (where I did a lot of my backpacking) mentioned how hard it was to fight the political headwinds and do even a remotely reasonable number of burns. I suspect our tenures intersected.

It's just the usual NIMBYism upped by a factor of 100: "I don't want to pay firefighters to fight fires they lit themselves. I don't want a fire messing up the air in my area. I don't want to have to look at ugly burned ground. Won't anyone think of the animals?!?!?"

Political, but just an internal controversy within my local Democratic party:

There is a quite long, quite heated email chain in my inbox. We've been debating (1) whether to endorse Dem candidates in their respective 'non-partisan' races and (2) whether to endorse a Repub candidate in a race where our woman didn't make it on the ballot. People have strong opinions. I LOVE THIS STUFF! :D

5 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm voting in person, I got a face mask and my 6 foot long "social distancing" stick so I'd like to see them try to not count my vote.

NobodysHome wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

So, here's a long-but-well-done article on the California wildfires.

The TL;DR version: It's not any one particular person nor political party's fault; it's over 100 years of poor forest management coming back to bite us now that our climate has grown significantly warmer and drier.

We need to be doing massive controlled burns every year. But virtually everyone of every political stripe is opposed for a wide variety of reasons.

didn't you guys have a controlled burn that went wrong a few years ago?

Oh, I'm sure there have been many. But if you don't do controlled burns, you end up with what we have now: Annual firestorms costing billions and killing people. Even an out-of-control controlled burn doesn't tend to be nearly as devastating.

Way back in the 1980s when I did most of my backpacking (3-4 weeks every summer, 10-20 miles a day), I remember driving through a controlled burn almost every single day. Small ones, but they existed. By the early 1990s they'd just stopped. I found it interesting that the former director of Yosemite (where I did a lot of my backpacking) mentioned how hard it was to fight the political headwinds and do even a remotely reasonable number of burns. I suspect our tenures intersected.

It's just the usual NIMBYism upped by a factor of 100: "I don't want to pay firefighters to fight fires they lit themselves. I don't want a fire messing up the air in my area. I don't want to have to look at ugly burned ground. Won't anyone think of the animals?!?!?"

I have VERY vague memories of what you are talking about.

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I'm in a pretty useless spot when it comes to voting. I basically have no one left I can convince.

Family has all decided who they're voting for and will not be swayed.
Friends likewise. Those who aren't going to vote are doing it deliberately, because they refuse to vote for Trump or Biden. It's a very deliberate intentional refusal to participate rather than the usual lazy apathy. (And yes, I've tried to explain to them how not voting or voting third party in this election is unhelpful. These tend to be my acquaintances who are moderate repubs, and thus are repulsed by Trump but are too tied to their R to vote for a Democrat, even one as right leaning as Biden, because he's still too left for them, or they're single issue voters, usually pro-guns and/or anti-abortion. At least they're not voting for Trump, I guess.)

Co-workers I don't talk about politics with for reasons of not having fights or doing things that will get me fired. Most have already made their decision anyway.

Those in a position to encourage more participation in the election, I wish you luck. I just can't really aid in any way.

Scarab Sages

9 people marked this as a favorite.

Holliday candies are out and I'm eating myself sick.

No regrets.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I have never understood the mindset of folks who don't vote. Wait, strike that; I've never AGREED with the mindset of folks who don't vote.

Paying my taxes isn't participating in this country. Yelling at my TV or agreeing with my friends on FB isn't participating in this country. I'm not planning to hold office, so my engagement with the place I live is voting. I have a voice, a response to the people I ostensibly employ to spend my money for me in order to do the most good.

Not exercising that right... it's like going back in time, walking into a tavern just after Lexington and Concord and going "meh... who cares?" then giving them all the finger.

We need to be active citizens. That's why this particular country or others with similar governments exist. We're not passive citizens of some inevitable monarch told what to do or how to be. We are SUPPOSED to speak up, to show up, to criticize and critique the status quo. And if enough of us are cheesed off at one of our EMPLOYEES, WE'RE supposed to be the ones to fire them and replace them with a better candidate.

People died so we could do that. There was an entire revolution, just for that privilege. I don't know about anyone else, but I feel responsible to at LEAST fill in some boxes on a Scantron; that's the bare minimum I can do.

7 people marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

Grr...OK. Removed most of the grar, but still...:
Really? "I'm not voting in protest"?

- There are no city elections nor county elections?
- There are no statewide propositions that matter to them?
- There are no state representatives to vote for?

It's such an unbelievable abdication of duty I always feel like screaming at such people.

If you're so apathetic you don't care about voting, that's a failure in our educational system. (And honestly, in our political system as a whole, but that's just such a massive can of worms I'll just leave it.)

If you care, but you hate both major-party candidates, and you allow that to make you fail to vote for all the local issues that fundamentally affect you and that you can make a difference in, then....just...grr...

I live in Alameda county. My state's going to vote for Biden for president and Pelosi for Senate, and my county's going to vote for Lee for representative. Nothing I can do will change any of those races.
EDIT: Perhaps a better way to put it is, "My vote truly doesn't matter in those races."

But I'm still going to vote because we're voting on school bonds, school board members, city council members, local sales taxes, and all kinds of other local stuff that's important to me personally.

7 people marked this as a favorite.


Do you know what I finally got for my classroom today?!?


We have AC. BUT, because of COVID, we're supposed to have airflow to/from the playground outside. Since there were no window screens, I was told I had to keep my yard door open ALL THE TIME during the school day, completely negating the AC, as well as letting ALL THE MOSQUITOES IN THE WORLD (as well as some freaky-looking cicada killers) into my classroom.

For the past eight weeks.

Today, they finally installed window screens on the three windows along the exterior wall, so I could finally close the big damned door, and NO MORE BUGS AND NOW I FEEL THE AC.

It makes such a difference.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Woran wrote:

Holliday candies are out and I'm eating myself sick.

No regrets.

They have those?! AWESOME! Though it seems a bit ironic because he was a dentist. I hope they were huckleberry flavored.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I have a package from Amazon that I decided I would pay for shipping to get it sooner.

So far in two days it's been in Lebanon, Kearney, and Jersey City, New Jersey.

This is what I'm paying for, a f$#&ing tour of New Jersey.

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:

I'm in a pretty useless spot when it comes to voting. I basically have no one left I can convince.

Family has all decided who they're voting for and will not be swayed.
Friends likewise. Those who aren't going to vote are doing it deliberately, because they refuse to vote for Trump or Biden. It's a very deliberate intentional refusal to participate rather than the usual lazy apathy. (And yes, I've tried to explain to them how not voting or voting third party in this election is unhelpful. These tend to be my acquaintances who are moderate repubs, and thus are repulsed by Trump but are too tied to their R to vote for a Democrat, even one as right leaning as Biden, because he's still too left for them, or they're single issue voters, usually pro-guns and/or anti-abortion. At least they're not voting for Trump, I guess.)

Co-workers I don't talk about politics with for reasons of not having fights or doing things that will get me fired. Most have already made their decision anyway.

Those in a position to encourage more participation in the election, I wish you luck. I just can't really aid in any way.

Non-Biden voters seem to be very shortsighted and supremely privileged. I keep moving further Left politically as I age, and my family and friends are rife with Republicans. The one thing they genuinely seemed to love during Clinton's and Obama's presidencies was Complaining. They had no better ideas themselves, and they could only regurgitate tired, disproven, half-remembered CATO/Federalist policy ideas and Fear, Uncertainly, & Doubt learned from Fox News/Limbaugh/etc. But really, deep down, the complaining was what brought them real joy because 1) they didn't have to put in any real work to change things, and b) it was more kindling for the Eternal Flame of their persecution complexes.

Your non-voting Repubs are forgetting that this country is being murdered by Trump and His Swamp Denizens (Grifters, Looters, Accelerationists, Nazis & White Supremacists, Dominionists, actual-f!cking Traitors, and Putin). He and his followers have already nearly murdered the GOP. If they want there to actually be a Republican Party again, the first thing to do is take the murderer's hands off America's throat. Biden isn't Left, he's a f!cking Eisenhower Republican. Electing Biden just stops the immediate threat by kicking out the F!ck-You-It's-All-Mine Slumlord-in-Chief before he finishes stripping out the copper wiring to sell and burning the building down for the insurance.

Biden isn't going to take anyone's guns away (maybe sane gun reform like severely restricting silencers and extended magazines, closing background check loopholes, keeping guns out of convicted criminals) or enact Medicare for All (improve access, try to lower costs, sure, but he ain't going against the for-profit medical & insurance industries) or eliminate law enforcement (he's already publicly committed to increasing their budgets) or build abortion multiplexes. Never-Trumper Republicans, Tea Partiers, MAGA-flavor aid drinkers, and Blue Dog Dems in the House and Senate will still exist in large enough numbers to remind Biden, Pelosi (also not Left), & Schumer (also also not Left) that DEFICITS & THE DEBT have magically decloaked again, and -- never mind that Trump ran up both to record levels -- all non-military/non-law enforcement spending must once again be severely curtailed and cut. It'll be Mitch "Gravedigger of America" McConnell II: Senate Boogaloo replaying his greatest hits from Obama's two terms, including filibustering the Hell out of any judicial appointees.

But what most of the Repub politicians who are concerned-but-not-actually-opposing-Trump have already realized is that Biden/Harris in office perfectly positions them to run in 2022 and 2024. Because most of the voters in this country have the attention span of a sundowning goldfish or they just don't care because F!ck-It-As-Long-As-I-Got-Mine. And they'll have 2/4 years of PotUS Biden to point to his real missteps and mistakes (and the far more numerous distortions, fevered imaginings, and outright lies churned out by the Right's millions-making propaganda machine and wingnut welfare talking head circuit) to run against... and sadly, it'll likely work, as Repubs know how to win when they convince voting idiots they are the Underdog Party of the Righteous Oppressed and not policy-making millionaires taking orders from multi-millionaires & billionaires with a following herd of working poor "temporarily financially-embarrassed millionaires".

Nuke me from orbit, Fritzy. It's the only way to be sure.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

I have a package from Amazon that I decided I would pay for shipping to get it sooner.

So far in two days it's been in Lebanon, Kearney, and Jersey City, New Jersey.

This is what I'm paying for, a f%~%ing tour of New Jersey.

{adjust foil-lined colander helm of conspiracy piercing} Your Amazon delivery drivers are a touring Bon Jovi cover band.

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Orthos wrote:
** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **...

But... but... how do you really feel?

7 people marked this as a favorite.

More seriously:
The one that's utterly enraging me right now is the criminal background checks on the Black men who are getting shot and the excuse, "Oh, he had a criminal record, so it was OK to kill him."

It wouldn't work, but I'd love to ask Joe Six-Pack, "So, you get drunk one day, pick up your rifle, and decide to go hunting without a license. The game warden spots you so you run. At that point, is it OK for the warden to shoot you dead?"

At least get them thinking about the stupidity of, "If you resist the police you deserve to die."

3 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
** spoiler omitted **...
But... but... how do you really feel?

That's actually the toned-down, much-more-polite version.

Edit: Maybe it's a COVID-10 symptom or a new new virus? Jim Gaffigan seems to have caught it too (except he's much much funnier).

{growly voice:} Freehold, you use Waze, don't you?

NobodysHome wrote:
Orthos wrote:
** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **

I can guarantee you most of these people who are not voting because "they can't choose between/can't in good consciousness vote for either Trump or Biden" don't care about any of the votes except the presidential one.

At least the ones voting third party are going to vote for other things while they're there.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I was half tempted to translate and share an article from 1970 that a friend shared earlier today of Polish vice-prime minister of that time condemning protesters as rioting bandits, murderes, and looters.

I wonder, if I would file off serial numbers, how many conservatives would applaud communist apparatchik denouncing oppressed people fighting for a bit of freedom.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Orthos wrote:
** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **...
Your non-voting Repubs are forgetting that this country is being murdered by Trump and His Swamp Denizens (Grifters, Looters, Accelerationists, Nazis & White Supremacists, Dominionists, actual-f!cking Traitors, and Putin). He and his followers have already nearly murdered the GOP. If they want there to actually be a Republican Party again, the first thing to do is take the murderer's hands off America's throat. Biden isn't Left, he's a f!cking Eisenhower Republican. Electing Biden just stops the immediate threat by kicking out the F!ck-You-It's-All-Mine Slumlord-in-Chief before he finishes stripping out the copper wiring to sell and burning the building down for the insurance.

Yeah just for context, the main guy I had this conversation with said that if he could have his way, his vote would go to Cruz or Kosich.

I shared the "voting isn't getting married and swearing forever fealty, it's getting on the bus that gets you at least closer to your destination". His response was "Yes, and Biden isn't where I want to go. Cruz is."

That should explain where they are.

BTW: I am up to date with the sate of anti-air defenses, so I fear no Fritzy and his flaming bikes! I just finished (well, a week ago) translating not one, but two articles regarding various defenses!

*gets splated by flaming bikes*

Oh, right. One was from Israel, and the other was basically devoted to future pruchases... The current AA defenses might not be up to date around here.

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NobodysHome wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

Oh man, I have seen SO much of that lately. There's a lot of "those liberal protesters are all thugs, criminals, and drugheads. It's good that someone finally put a bullet in them" from most of the Trump supporters I've seen comment on the subject.

There's an extremely strong vibe of "alright, you had your protest, now go home and shut up so WE can go back to normal" from them, up to and including "they're still protesting? Someone send in the military and start killing the ones that don't go home, that'll break it up".

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